Mac sees Windows, Windows can't see Mac

I've been sharing files between my iMac (OS 10.4.10) and my Windows XP Pro, SP2 laptop for months with minimal problems, but suddenly I can't access my Mac from the Windows machine.
I've tried by typing '\\[ip address]\[user]' in the address bar. After a long delay, I get 'Windows cannot find \\[ip address]\[user]. Check the spelling and try again or try searching for the item...'
I've also tried by using the Add Network Place Wizard, also typing '\\[ip address]\[user]. After a long pause, I get 'The folder you entered does not appear to be valid. Please choose another.
I can, however, access the shared files on the Windows machine by using Connect to Server. I can ping the notebook from the Mac, but can't ping the Mac from the notebook.
I've tried with both firewalls turned off--no difference.
The Mac is plugged into a Netgear WGR614 wireless router and the laptop is connected wirelessly.
Can't think of what has changed. I've added software, but don't think I've reset any of the network settings.
Any help would be much appreciated.

And... the 1st 3 numbers of the IP on both the Mac & PC are the same?
Sometimes the User prefs and the System orefs for sharing can disagree... sometimes System Profiler>Networks>Firewall don't agree with Sharing>Srevices... might check.
Sometimes these files get corrupted, permission deficient...

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    Hello bsalisbury1. Welcome to the Apple Discussions!
    When running your Gateway under WinXP, can it see any other wireless networks in the area? If not, then there may be something wrong with the WinXP driver for the Linksys card or the card is not configured properly. Is your Time Capsule (TC) wireless network encrypted: WEP, WPA, or WPA2? If it is, and you temporarily disable it, can the desktop see the TC network now?

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions.
    You're using iPhoto 7 (part of iLife 08) right?
    There are three ways (at least) to get files from the iPhoto Window.
    1. *Drag and Drop*: Drag a photo from the iPhoto Window to the desktop, there iPhoto will make a full-sized copy of the pic.
    2. *File -> Export*: Select the files in the iPhoto Window and go File -> Export. The dialogue will give you various options, including altering the format, naming the files and changing the size. Again, producing a copy.
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    Also, for 10.5 users: If you use the extended Open or Attach dialogue (with Column View) you can scroll to the bottom of the Shortcuts and find the Media browser there. Select any pic you want from there.

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    Welcome to Discussions.
    To get Iphoto to quit opening when you attach the camera:
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    If you using a firewall make sure the bonjour service is given privileges to allow both way coms without being blocked.
    I have noted several times that my firewall, which is the MS security essentials, has disable bonjour. Giving privileges back and restarting iTunes sorts this type of problem.

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    Can't see your iPod in iTunes or Windows Explorer? Remember these five basic suggestions when you run into a problem with your iPod. If one of the following doesn’t help, read on for solutions to specific problems. If Windows sees the iPod but iTunes 7 does not, then see this article first (
    Tip: Check Device Manager first (right-click on My Computer, choose Manage, and then select Device Manager). If no devices appear in the Windows Device Manager, go here (
    Before starting, make sure your iPod is fully charged and then toggle the Hold switch on and off.
    Reset, Retry, Restart, Reinstall , Restore
    Go here ( to go through the 5 R's of iPod troubleshooting. If you're still experiencing the issue after going through each of the steps, then continue on for more suggestions.
    Still can't see your iPod?
    Several things could keep iPod from appearing in iTunes or Windows Explorer. The most likely causes are listed below—you'll find information for both USB and FireWire (IEEE 1394) iPod connections. Check each one starting from the top of the list to see if that is what's keeping iPod from appearing.
    our computer doesn't meet iPod system requirements
    Make sure that your computer meets the system requirements to use iPod for Windows.
    Your iPod displays an exclamation point folder or sad iPod icon, or doesn't appear in iTunes or My Computer
    If your iPod displays a folder with an exclamation point icon or a sad (unhappy) iPod icon on its screen, or if your iPod doesn't appear in iTunes or My Computer, follow these instructions to resolve the issue. (
    Your iPod isn't formatted for Windows
    iPod for Windows Software only recognizes iPod for Windows. You cannot use iPod for Macintosh with a Windows PC. To see which platform your iPod is formatted for, follow these instructions. (
    Your iPod isn't connected to a high-power USB port
    If you're connecting an iPod, iPod mini, or iPod shuffle to your Windows computer, make sure that you're connecting it to a high-power USB 2.0 port on your computer (not a low-power one such as the USB port on your keyboard or bus-powered USB hub).
    Typically, USB 2.0 high-power ports are located directly on your computer. Try connecting your iPod to another USB port on the computer (or to a self-powered USB 2.0 hub that's connected to a high-power USB 2.0 port on your computer) if the computer still doesn't recognize your iPod. Alternatively, if your computer has a FireWire connection, try using that instead.
    If you're connecting an iPod, iPod mini, or iPod shuffle to a Windows laptop computer through USB, connect the laptop to a power outlet before connecting your iPod.
    and the answer to yoru question about a hard and soft reset....
    a hard reset is for when your ipod is totally locked up and a soft reset wont work for it. just like if your computer is completely frozen you cant do ctrlaltdel to close all programs and stop messing up your have to restart the computer by pushing the power button down for like 10 sec. that is the only difference all does the same thing just when a soft reset wont work and your ipod is completely locked up you do a hard reset. good luck hope that helps ya out

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. Try this:
    1 - go to your your User/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder and move the Domain.sites2 file to the Desktop.
    2 - launch iWeb and, when asked, create a new site and save.
    3 - go back to that iWeb folder, delete the new domain file there and move your original file from the Desktop back into the folder.
    4 - go to your User/Library/Caches/ folder and delete the contents.
    5 - reboot and try iWeb again.

  • Can't see Windows 7 PC's from Mac on home network

    Same exact problem as this person...
    Any help appreciated. Thanks -Frank

    frankencat wrote:
    Same exact problem as this person...
    Any help appreciated. Thanks -Frank
    I think the other person can't see his Mac, you appear to not be able to see your Windows PCs. Did you set up sharing on the Windows PCs? How is your LAN set up? Describe your connections and equipment.

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    Until last week, I could connect from my PCs to my iBook (wirelessly), and from the iBook I could connect to my PCs, the server, and via the server print on my printer (again, all wirelessly).
    Over the weekend, I took out the Airport Extreme Base Station (to help with an issue at home - see my thread over at Printing), and yesterday I brought it back to the office and installed it again.
    And since I re-installed the Base Station, this is the problem:
    1. from PCs, I can't see the iBook (can't attach a PC drive letter - eg. I:\), and therefore can't access it
    2. from the iBook, I can't print to my printer - furthermore, when I select the Printing preference and click "Add Printer", no printers whatsoever show up (the list stays blank), whereas before the engineers' printer (some Minolta Bizhub with Bonjour) would show up as well
    3. I can, however, access the Windows server from my iBook
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    Again, thanks for any advice!

    You only need one computer to configure the Base Station - and since you can easily do this from your PC, you really don't need to be able to do it from your Mac as well. I suggest you stop worrying about this, leave your Base Station running with the current firmware version, and use your PC if you ever need to make a configuration change.
    Note that NO Base Station software needs to be installed on the Mac, for the Mac to be able to connect wirelessly to the Base Station. If your Mac is currently unable to establish a wireless connection to the Base Station, you have a different problem - and one that won't be solved by installing the Airport Admin Utility or downgrading firmware on the Base Station. Incidentally - what type of wireless security are you using on the Base Station - WEP or WPA? A base station configured to use WPA security will only be accessible by a Mac running at least MacOS 10.3.

  • Can't see my win7 library on my mac, yet I can see mac's in windows (itunes 11)

    Let me start by saying that I did not use Home Sharing before, It's my first time I tried to use that.
    I have 2 computers, one of them is PC, connected to router via ethernet cabel, and the second one is MBP, connected to the network by wifi.
    I set up a Home Sharing, and the problem is, that I can browse my Mac library in WIndows without any problems, but my Mac can't see windows library at all.
    Any solutions possible? It's not that it does not work; in fact it does, but only in one way.

    Purchasing the music only gives you one download for it, but you can move and backup the song files as if they were any other type of file; to locate them, control-click a purchased item in iTunes, choose Get Info, and navigate to the listed location. Drag them into the open iTunes window on the second Mac.

  • After i install window 8.1, i can't see window icon in my start up disk, i see only mac icon 10.10, but i can see both mac and win icon in my window boot camp control. i want to see window icon in my mac Yosemite 10.10.2,system preference, start up disk

    After i install window 8.1, i can't see window icon in my start up disk, i see only mac icon 10.10, but i can see both mac and win icon in my window boot camp control. i want to see window icon in my mac Yosemite 10.10.2,system preference, start up disk.

    Third-party NTFS software interferes with the Apple NTFS drivers, which control whether you can see the Bootcamp partition in the Startup Disk option. As a test, can you uninstall all third-party NTFS software and check System Preferences -> Startup Disk?

  • New Mac OS Server on network, Windows box can't see other Macs anymore

    I just put a Mac mini server on my network and the only services I have enabled are SMB, AFP and Open Directory. Before I put the server on the network (and if I turn the server off) the Windows 7 Pro machine I have on the network used to be able to see the rest of the Macs on the network in the Network section... I could see them, log on to one, grab files, etc. This also went for the Macs seeing the PC on the network in the Finder. Now that I have the server on the network though, I can't see the PC on my Macs and can't see my Macs on the PC. I can, however, do a "Map network drive" on the PC and enter an address to one of the Macs and connect that way. Anyone know why this could be happening?
    Like I said, if I turn the server off or disconnect it from the network, the Macs will see the PC and the PC will see the Macs, but once its back on the network, they stop seeing each other, so its definitely something the server is doing that's causing it.

    Confirm you have unique addresses and unique host names for the IP host names on your network. In absolute specifics, make absolutely certain your Mac OS X Server box is not configured at a conflicting address, or with a host name that conflicts with the Windows 7 box or with some other central and critical network resource such as your firewall or an IP router.
    It's also possible you've got (for instance) a bad cable or a bad NIC and that's jamming up your network, though that's less likely.
    Your Mac OS X Server box requires DNS be configured locally, or within your network.
    Confirm unique host names. Confirm unique IP addresses. You can launch and use the dig command at the bash shell (+dig -x with whatever the local address, and +ping again with the local address and not with the value shown, and +dig or such for your domain name) or (if you're not comfortable in bash -- do go learn bash, regardless) then you can use the Network Utility in the Applications > Utilities folder.
    It's also possible there's a problem with the managed switch configuration or such, but that probably isn't in use here.

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