Mac Version von Premiere CS3 = Abspeckversion?

Hallo ihr Lieben,
wer mal die Möglichkeit hat, die Windows-Version von Premiere CS3 mit der Mac-Version zu vergleichen, wird schnell dahinter kommen, dass sich in der Mac Version nur ein Drittel der Videoüberblendungen der Windows-Version befinden. Zum Beispiel fehlen sogar so simple Wischblenden wie "Uhr". Die Hotline wiegte sich nach alt gewohnter Manier in Inkompetentem Geschwätz a la: Mit der Mac Version kenne ich mich nicht so aus, wahrscheinlich dauert es mit der Entwicklung länger (für's gleiche Anschaffungsgeld) und das ist eine "how to-Frage", darauf kann ich gar nicht antworten. Was daran eine "how to-Frage" ist, bleibt mir verschlossen, aber immerhin hat Adobe wieder ein paar Euros 01805er Warteschleifengeld verdient und ich hab mir wieder das halbe Berry White-Album anhören dürfen. ;o)
Meine Frage: Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, zusätzliche Überblendungen in Premiere Pro CS3 zu integrieren und wenn ja, wo bekommt man diese her?
Vielen Dank und liebe Grüße :o)

Man kann bei Adobe in der Regel alle Vorversionen von deren Server unbegrenzt runterladen. Leider sind ältere Versionen versteckt.
Ein interessanter Artikel dazu, wie man alte Versionen erhält, ist hier beschrieben:
Zudem hat Adobe einen FTP-Server, bei dem man Discontued Programmes und Updates früherer Versionen runterladen kann, man kann sich als Gast einloggen:

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    The boxed packaging is not sold by Adobe direct. If you want to explore that type of purchase which offers the perk of a Windows and a Mac installation disc, you need to purchase from an authorized reseller who is not going to offer you "upgraded pricing". The seller would be its own entity with its own pricing and own return/refund policy. Sometimes the authorized reseller price may be less than the Adobe"upgraded pricing".
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    You need a plugin called Flip4Mac to create a wmv on a Mac
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    WMV is generally unavailable on MAcs cos its a Windows thing ( Windows Media Video)
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    Nothing personal. But please be aware that this forum is not Craig's List, the neighborhood swap meet or other trading venue. And there is just too much software piracy for us to take the time to properly vet your offer.
    >It was installed and activated one time for less than a month.
    Be aware that if you were to sell or trade your software privately, it's not a simple swap. You would have to properly deactivate and uninstall the software from your system, delete/destroy any copies, and provide proper paperwork to the new owner, including an Adobe letter of transfer of license, plus all original disks, etc., so that the new owner could properly register the software in his name and be entitled to all upgrades.
    And be aware that its value may be an issue at this point, as Adobe will be announcing CS4 shortly. Some folks may wish to wait for CS4 rather than purchase CS3 now.
    So I recommend that you simply contact Adobe customer service, explain your job situation, and request a crossgrade (essentially a platform swap). The cost is minimal and should not be a hassle for you.

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    Great news that you and Shikha have resolved your Photoshop Elements 12 Premiere Elements 12 Update issue
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    Good job and follow through.
    Could you explain what you mean by "..does not persist.." when you wrote
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    And, when you disabled the Elements Organizer 12 previously, did you put the space into the name as well as turn Off the AutoAnalzyer Options in Elements Organizer workspace/Edit Menu/Preferences/MediaAnalysis?
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    Because the video capture is from a computer monitor, the Frame Size is going to be a limitation in PrE (even up through PrE 11), since it offers only standard video Frame Sizes. PrPro offers a Custom Project Preset, where the Frame Size, and non-standard Frame Rates can be chosen to match the Source Files (no Scaling, etc.).
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    The limitations of PrE will mainly be the differences between the Frame Sizes, and possibly the Frame Rate, from a video capture program, and then possibly the CODEC's used. For some more reading on CODEC's, see this FAQ Entry:
    Good luck,

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    Herzlichen Dank für euer rasches Feedback.
    Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz.

    Genau, du hast es erkannt. Du kannst alles ausprobieren aber nix brennen.

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    here's how to swap: Order product | Platform, language swap
    but i think your license is dual platform.  download the mac version and see if your serial number will activate.  if not, at least, you'll have the 30 day trial to use while waiting for your platform swap.
    Downloads available:
    Suites and Programs:  CC 2014 | CC | CS6 | CS5.5 | CS5 | CS4 | CS3
    Acrobat:  XI, X | 9,8 | 9 standard
    Premiere Elements:  13 | 12 | 11, 10 | 9, 8, 7
    Photoshop Elements:  13 |12 | 11, 10 | 9,8,7
    Lightroom:  5.6| 5 | 4 | 3
    Captivate:  8 | 7 | 6 | 5
    Contribute:  CS5 | CS4, CS3
    Download and installation help for Adobe links
    Download and installation help for Prodesigntools links are listed on most linked pages.  They are critical; especially steps 1, 2 and 3.  If you click a link that does not have those steps listed, open a second window using the Lightroom 3 link to see those 'Important Instructions'.

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    > I'd add that it looks as if some of the Mac documentation is just...missing?
    That may very well be the case. I was only in charge of the Premiere Pro documentation for a few weeks (part of June and part of July), and that wasn't enough time to get it into the "I will stake my reputation on it being complete and correct" state that I took years to get the After Effects documentation into.
    If you see a gap or error, please leave a comment on the relevant page(s) of the document so that the people who are now in charge will see them. These comments are the most direct line of communication that you have with the documentation team.
    Now that I'm in Technical Support, I'll do what I can to advocate for more comprehensive documentation in Help and such.

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    Normally an Elements license is valid for both Windows and Mac systems.  So you might only need to download the Mac versions of the applications and use your serial number to activate them.

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    Hi SandraMeorme,
    Please try downloading from here: Download New Adobe CC Trials: Direct Links (no Assistant/Manager) | ProDesignTools.
    Note: Kindly follow the very important instructions before download.
    Romit Sinha

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    Where can I find a link to download an English version of Premiere CS6 for Mac?  I have a license - can only find other languages, or the cloud.
    Make sure you follow the Very Important Instructions before downloading.

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    how can i install my old version of premiere pro 1.5 (windows) to my new Mac computer?  is there a download?

    Unfortunately, older versions of Adobe programs are not supported for platform swaps.  You can read about it on the following page:
    Order product | Platform, language swap

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    Good day friends!
    I'm working with MacPro 1.1 (2,66 GHz, 2 Processors, 8 Cores, 10 GB RAM). There is a small internal SSD "HD1" (7 GB free space) for system and a big internal "HD2" (900 GB free) for programs. My registrated Premiere CS3 is a part of my original Master Collection of Adobe CS3 and is installed on HD2.
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    Does anybody knows what could be the reason for the mistake and what should I do to install CS3.2?
    Thanks for answering!

    John T.,
    Again, for the PC, many users have encountered issues, when installation has been to any drive, but C:\. Often, the Adobe programs will run, but similar to this case, Updating has been an issue. I do not recall any sort of fix, or workaround to that.
    However, given the differences between the PC and the Mac, I have no idea if this location difference is the cause of the issue.

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