MacBookPro doesn't go to sleep when close screen

I just upgraded MBP 2.16GHz Intel Core Duo to leopard. Everything went fine, except, when I close the screen Leopard does not go to sleep. When I open the screen, however, it just stays on a black screen, but the keyboard lights up in the dark so I'm pretty sure it's processing - just without showing the screen. If I close it again for a few seconds THEN it goes to sleep and I can wait a few more seconds to open it up where I was before. Obviously this is a bug. Is anyone else experiencing the same problem? Solutions?

If you have issues like that (my MAcBook did not want to go to sleep while it was connected to power...)
what you can always do is power up the 'Terminal' and then punch in  'pmset -g assertions'. That's shoing you which application is holdng your mac back from sleep.
More details about how to use 'pmset' HERE.

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    Sounds like the system is going into Clamshell mode.  Here's some info on that mode. 
    One workaround would be to disconnect line voltage as that's required for clamshell mode, there may be others.

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    I agree, this needs to be a topic for all laptops from Apple.
    I also need a quick, non-hardware way to accomplish this.
    It seems it should be (at it's most complicated) an option accessible through Terminal or System Prefs, but it appears that it's not.
    It really should be built into the OS, to auto-recognize that the OS is running on a laptop, give the option to the user (through system prefs, to have a one-click switch icon in the menu bar, to cause "No-Sleep on Lid Close", when activated.
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    If you have issues like that (my MAcBook did not want to go to sleep while it was connected to power...)
    what you can always do is power up the 'Terminal' and then punch in  'pmset -g assertions'. That's shoing you which application is holdng your mac back from sleep.
    More details about how to use 'pmset' HERE.

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    Run /Utilities/Console and click 'All Messages' top left then close the lid and try and put it to sleep.
    If no dice open the lid and look at the Console messages - in particular look for lines including "sleepimage" and see what it says ?
    I suspect there's not enough space left on your hard drive, or it badly fragmented, and the RAM sleep image can't be created or stored properly ...

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    I had a similar problem - my macbook was shutting down at 30% or less battery charge, when under battery power...without any low battery warning or going to sleep like it should. It was also not waking up from sleep properly.
    applestore diagnosed it as a battery problem. Apple has admitted they are having issues with the macbook batteries. They replaced the battery with a brand new one, and updated me with the battery firmware update released friday on software update. Free of charge, as it is under warranty still. Plus, they have extended warranties on batteries for 2 years instead of one (even if your original warranty has run out!)
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    I recommend anyone with battery shutdown problem (or other battery problems) to visit applestore and get their battery replaced ASAP. Seems to have worked here.
    Hope this helps!

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    Ya my blue tooth mouse works well for waking it up into clamshell mode, even though that's not what I was shooting for. I just want to turn of the silly mouse...LOL
    The problem is with the clamshell, unless you have an external monitor attached you can not visually see anything to restart what ever application stopped when you closed the lid.

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    Yes it's important to have both. Basically, I'm using third party
    software, a surveillance program to trigger Insteon and X10 portions of my
    home automation. The only way to do this on a motion detection event is to
    run an executable from that program, so I'm doing so by launching LV with
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    application. Wouldn't be an issue at all if the pc were dedicated to the
    security system, but it's used for other stuff too.
    I do have a fallback
    and that is to listen to UDP on assigned sockets from the surveillance program.
    I would prefer not because it's intended to be used only with the remote
    video playback client program and more importantly, if LV isn't running,
    then I'm SOL. Currently, the VIs that are launched do to camera activity
    also make sure through path and call references that the other parts of the
    system running is LV is running or launched if not.

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    Thanks John.
    I'm really sad hearing that because as long as I understood, the guy there will have to open my iBook again to fix just that.
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    Check that your sleep magnet hasn't fallen. Take something made of steel like a paperclip, and see if it sticks to the outside of the case above the Apple logo. If not, the magnet inside may have moved. When the cover is closed, the magnet is directly over and affects the trackpad area. If you have a magnet (like on your refrigerator), wave it over the trackpad and it should go to sleep.

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    Hi alangium,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    Resetting your computer's PRAM should restore your Macbook Pro's screen appearance.
    OS X Mavericks: Reset your computer’s PRAM
    This article may provide some information about your Mini DisplayPort to AVI adapter.  Have you tried to connect a different VGA monitor to your Macbook to see if you get the same results?
    Apple Mini DisplayPort adapters: Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
    18. What is the maximum resolution available for use with the Apple Mini DisplayPort to VGA adapter?
    The resolution available with the Apple Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter is 1920 x 1200. VGA displays that use higher refresh rates (such as 85 Hz) at resolutions of 1600 x 1200 or greater may not generate video properly until you lower the refresh rate.
    Apple computers: Troubleshooting issues with video on internal or external displays
    How can I detect displays?
    If the detect displays option is not available, hold down the Option key while you are in the Display pane.
    How do I select additional resolutions on my display?
    You can use the Display pane of System Preferences to specify how your display works. Not all options appear for all display models. By default the best resolution for your display will already be selected in System Preferences.
    To select a different resolution, use the Scaled option. Some additional resolutions may be available when you hold the Option button.
    I hope this information helps ....
    - Judy

  • How can I make my macbook pro go to sleep when I close the lid? Currently it doesn't sleep when on battery.

    How do I make my macbook pro go to sleep when I close the lid?

    For this and other power related issues the best first step to try is resetting the System Management Controller.
    Best of luck.

  • Won't go to sleep when I close lid

    I recently bought a Powerbook G4 Ti at a flea market with a broken screen that came with the replacement screen. I spent about 4 hours taking the powerbook lid apart and swapping out the screen (PAINFUL!) and after getting it all glued back together, there seems to be some problems with the lid-closed sensor. It doesn't seem to know when the lid is closed or opened because closing it doesn't put it to sleep and if I open it after sleeping and closing, it doesn't wake up. Does anyone know where the lid-closed sensor is on this model?

    Hi, Beni_Rose. Sleep is activated by a tiny magnet attached to the back of the LCD panel. When the lid is closed, the magnet normally activates a magnetic switch in or under the trackpad or wrist rest, depending on the PB model. The following instructions pertain to most of the Tibooks: those with processors faster than 500MHz. If your Powerbook is the 400 or 500MHz model, post back for a different magnet location.
    Using a small toy magnet or refrigerator magnet, hold it about 1.5 inches above the trackpad surface, over a point that is halfway between the center and the left edge of the trackpad and about an inch from the top edge of the trackpad. Slowly lower the magnet toward the trackpad until the Powerbook goes to sleep. If it does so, you'll know that the switch is functional, and in that case, the likelihood is that you didn't replace the magnet correctly (or at all) when you replaced your screen. Or possibly you used a screen from the 400 or 500MHz models, which have the magnet and switch in a different place. After what you've been through, I doubt that you'll consider it worthwhile to tear things apart again for the sake of getting the PB to sleep when you close it — it will be much simpler just to put it to sleep manually before closing it. The fact that it doesn't wake automatically when you open it is a blessing in disguise: it means the Powerbook can't wake up and cook itself to death inside your carrying case if the latch accidentally releases in there.

  • My Macbook Air wouldn't go to sleep when I close the lid. I have tried to reset the SMC, but it didn't solve the problem.

    Normaly it goes to sleep, when I close the Lid, but suddently this function stopped. That means that Mac'en still is running and become warm, during transport.
    (Macbook Air 13 ", medio 2011, 1,7 core i5, 4 MB ram, 256 GB, iMac 22", Timecapsule 1 TB, Airport Express, 2 Iphone 4, 1 iPhone 3s, iPad2)

    Test after each of the following steps that you haven’t already tried:
    Step 1
     ▹ System Preferences ▹ Print & Scan ▹ Open Print Queue...
    Check all printers for unfinished jobs. Deal with any you find.
    Step 2
     ▹ System Preferences ▹ Energy Saver ▹ Power Adapter ▹ Wake for network access: uncheck. You may need to unlock the preference pane by clicking the lock icon in the lower left corner and entering your administrator password.
    Step 3
     ▹ System Preferences ▹ Energy Saver ▹ Schedule… ▹ Start up or wake: uncheck
    Step 4
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except keyboard, mouse or trackball, and monitor, if applicable.
    Step 5
    Launch the Activity Monitor application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ If you’re running Mac OS X 10.7 or later, open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Activity Monitor in the page that opens.
    Select All Processes from the menu in the toolbar of the Activity Monitor window, if not already selected. Enter “powerd” (without the quotes) in the "Filter" text field. Select the powerd process and click the Quit Process button in the toobar (stop-sign icon.) In the sheet that opens, click Force Quit. You’ll be prompted for your administrator password. The process will be relaunched immediately.
    Step 6
    Boot in safe mode and log in. The instructions provided by Apple are as follows:
    Be sure your Mac is shut down.
    Press the power button.
    Immediately after you hear the startup tone, hold the Shift key. The Shift key should be held as soon as possible after the startup tone, but not before the tone.
    Release the Shift key when you see the gray Apple icon and the progress indicator (looks like a spinning gear).
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    Note: If FileVault is enabled under Mac OS X 10.7 or later, or if a firmware password is set, you can’t boot in safe mode.
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal. Don’t launch any applications at first. If sleep still doesn’t work properly, back up all data and reinstall the Mac OS. After that, if you still have the issue, make a “Genius” appointment at an Apple Store to have the machine tested.
    If sleep now works as expected, go on to the next step.
    Step 7
    Still in safe mode, launch the usual set of applications that are running when you have the problem, including your login items, one at a time, testing after each one. Some applications may not work; skip them. You might be able to identify the cause of the problem this way.
    Step 8
    If sleep is still working after you’ve launched all the usual applications, reboot as usual (not in safe mode) and test again. If sleep still works, you’re done, at least for the moment.
    If you still have the sleep issue after booting out of safe mode, post again.

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