MacBookPro8,2 (MD318LL) problem when work on ATI VGA

Hello, in last days i have problem, when i'am using discrete VGA, MacBook begins to blinking, and after that artefacts appears on display and it freezes. i read about this, and think that it is problem with ATI VGA. What can i do, to resolve problem? now i'm using integrated vga, by using utility. I'am afraid that if VGA changes to discrete, and notebook frezes, and if i want to power on macbook, it will not start.

Are you using MacOS 10.10?
That looks like the well know video driver bugs on MacOS 10.10 -- Apple is aware of these video driver issues and working on a solution.
You can disable GPU usage in Photoshop, then restart. But if you need any of the GPU features, then you may want to downgrade to a stable version of MacOS.

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    Hmmmm. Lots of stuff here. I'll stop here and answer any questions (
    criticisms ) you may have.
    "David Ezzio" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Curious minds want to know: what are you up to here? I found this to
    be a very interesting post, and I would like to know more about the
    architecture you are using and its motivation if you can share it.
    David Ezzio
    Eric Lindauer wrote:
    I'm running into a problem when passing a JDO object id as an argument
    to a
    bean. My client is finding a JDO object locally, then attempting to
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    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: test.TheTest$JDOId (no securitymanager:
    RMI class loader disabled)
    at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.invoke(
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    xmodmap -e "add Control = Caps_Lock"
    ### switch alt and command
    xmodmap -e "keycode 64 = Alt_L"
    xmodmap -e "keycode 133 = Meta_L"
    ### remap of mod 4
    xmodmap -e "clear Mod4"
    xmodmap -e "add Mod4 = Super_L"
    ** Update:  The Alt key is not being swapped with the command key, but is not just a duplicate.  So no M-x can be done by both Alt-x and Command-x
    Last edited by iso (2011-02-19 19:21:01)

    java -cp "E:\Java Programmes\class" mygame.server.Server

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    Can you provide the details what kind of file you tried to open?
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    Check this link (and don't forget to search the forums next time...!)
    Re: Adobe document service error: SOAP Runtime Exception

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    if (Test-Path -Path C:\Users\User.dom)
    reg load 'HKLM\TempUser' C:\Users\User.dom\ntuser.dat
    if (Test-Path -literalPath "HKLM:\TempUser\Software\Smith Micro\VZAM - Verizon Wireless\DeviceMDN")
    {$Key = (get-item -literalpath "HKLM:\TempUser\Software\Smith Micro\VZAM - Verizon Wireless\DeviceMDN")
    $MEID = (Get-Item -path $Key).property
    $Number = (Get-ItemProperty -path $key -name $MEID).$meid
    write-host "MEID is $MEID"
    Write-Host "Number is $number"
    reg unload 'hklm\TEMPuser'
    new-item -path "HKLM:\Software\" -name "Inventory"
    New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Inventory" -Name "MEID" -value $meid -PropertyType "String" -force
    New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Inventory" -Name "Phone Number" -value $number -PropertyType "String" -force
    The problem is that it works fine if I don't use the $key variable and manually enter the path on each line. Once I try to use the $key variable I get an error message that the path doesn't exist. Can't seem to figure out why that is happening.

    Hi Matt,
    I’m writing to just check in to see if the suggestions were helpful. If you need further help, please feel free to reply this post directly so we will be notified
    to follow it up.
    Thanks for your understanding and efforts.
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click here.
    Best Regards,
    TechNet Community Support
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Problem when working with Answers

    Hello all,
    When I am trying to display the resultset of the Query in the form of a Chart it gives me the following error,"An error occurred during execution of "connect". No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. [Socket:920]".Please help me fix it up.
    Thanks and Regards,

    is your Oracle BI Java Host service is up and running if can you run and check the results in chart view.!!!

  • Problem when work with Image on Conten Mangement

    Hi all,
    My Repository have Library Service enable true and I created one content have type is article. On the window edit the value of "file" property I insert one image from my Repository.
    But I only can search out images were published and only these images can appear on my edit screen when I insert them.
    So now, I want every image I which were uploaded to repository base on a Content type is Image can appear on my edit screen, but needn't check in "Published" status.
    Can you tell me How to do that?
    Thanks a lot!

    I known how to search out the Images content which were not published like you talk. But if I use the image content was not published, It will not show on you content.
    So I want to known that have any way to insert a image content to my Content without published it but it must can show out on my content.

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    I have tried with a new site it's working perfectly.
    See the screenshot of the error.
    Thanks for your support Rohit

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