Mail 5.3 recent html distortions

I am runnign OS 7.5 with Mail 5.3
Just in the last few days, older e-mails (mostly political), previously readable, now have MANY characters obliterated with a special symbol (looks like a keyboard key "A").
Not all mails have this defect; sending to an older system and older mail eliminates this display defect.

Back up all data.
Launch the Font Book application and validate all fonts. You must select the fonts in order to validate them. See the built-in help and this support article for instructions. If Font Book finds any issues, resolve them.
From the application's menu bar, select
File ▹ Restore Standard Fonts...
You'll be prompted to confirm, and then to enter your administrator login password.
Boot in safe mode to rebuild the font caches. Boot again as usual and test.
Note: If FileVault is enabled, or if a firmware password is set, or if the boot volume is a software RAID, you can’t boot in safe mode. In that case, ask for instructions.
Also note that if you deactivate or remove any built-in fonts, for instance by using a third-party font manager, the system may become unstable.

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    I have never had to enter a password to access mail.
    However, recently, I keep being asked for password on my ***** address.
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    <Edited by Host>

    I'm confess I'm still trying to get a handle on your problem. You do a fantastic job of describing it ... but I'm just trying to picture it accurately in my head.
    I think, were I in your shoes, I'd begin by looking at what the debug page has to say for the specific destination in which you're interested in fixing. In other words, I'm not clear on where, exactly, this destination points ...
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    is for my entire site ... it's my site handle. Whereas this:
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    HI,Specify whether you want to encode the content of the e-mail message. You have the following options:
    ·        None
    ·        base64 (default value)
    ·        quoted-printable
    use quoted-printable
    Coding of characters in e-mails that are not contained in the ASCII character set.
    The code contains German umlauts and special characters
    Message was edited by:
            Chandra Sekhar Chilla

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    Maybe some info here for you about spoofing. (and much additional info)
    Hope this helps

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    Try backing up your data and upgrading to 10.9.2.

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    • gray-out something old, and put something new on top, it sounds strange though.
    hope this helps, thanks,

    You could always just scroll to the bottom of the Inbox screen and click on the load more messages link.

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    I find this kind of funny because I just turned off all HTML in Mail on purpose with a Terminal command.
    Has anyone else been messing with your computer?
    I don't have the Terminal commands to redo HTML here at the office , will have to wait until I get home, but if you trash the preferences for Mail that should fix it.
    Quit Mail then go to user/Library/Preferences and delete
    Then restart Mail and see what happens.
    There is another one with the same name in /Library/Preferences that you can trash as well if that doesn't work but it's most likely your user preference. If no one was messing with your computer probably just a corrupt preference because there is no way to turn HTML off in Mail other than through a Terminal command line that changes your user preference file. You can't have done it by accident.

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    Craigvarr wrote: do I go about finding my email account via the web...
    If your email address ends with,, or then your email is located on Apple's iCloud service. To access that email via the web, click on this link:
    ...and then sign in.
    ...and what should I do when I get into it?
    See these Apple articles:
    iCloud: Manage junk mail
    iCloud: Read email
    iCloud: About your,, and email addresses

  • Mac mail program with complex HTML and ability to send hyperlinks?

    Alright, here is the issue I've been struggling with forever.
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    What is my solution here? Does anyone use other email programs that would allow me to fix the problem. Perhaps I need to compose complex HTML messages in order to ensure hyperlinks and pics appear in the body of emails? If you agree with this, where would I begin to learn how to do this?
    Please help!

    I have been searching for how to create custom HTML emails in Mail, in a way that would work with OS 10.3 and 10.4, so as not to rely on the user having Tiger. After reading through many posts, I came up with a script that creates a new HTML message that you can still edit in Mail itself before sending, and you don't need Safari 2. I'm new to scripting so please let me know if this is useful.
    Part I: defines the HTML code; you can make something in the script itself as long as the string this_html ends up in proper formatting. I actually came up with this primarily for pasting most the html code in the script itself, with a few changing variables. If you do paste or type html code in the script, make sure you use \\ for every \, and \" for every ". If you're using TextEdit to alter the html, use find and replace in that order (\:\\ then ":\").
    Part II: builds a message in Mail with the html content... an undocumented property of a Mail message. However, it only works when visibility is false, so unless you send it right away, the user is not able to still type the recipients and edit the body in Mail as he/she might be used to. Which brings me to...
    Part III: takes the saved draft and opens it up for editing. The open command only lets you view the message, even if it is outgoing, so I had to come up with a work-around so you can still edit as if you're composing it for the first time.
    --Part I
    tell application "Safari" to set this_html to source of document 1
    tell application "Safari" to set this_page to name of document 1
    --Part II
    tell application "Mail"
    set theMsg to make new outgoing message with properties ¬
    {subject:this_page, html content:this_html & ¬
    return & return, content:""}
    tell theMsg to make new to recipient
    save theMsg
    --Part III
    if not (exists the front message viewer) then make new ¬
    message viewer
    tell front message viewer
    set selected mailboxes to {the drafts mailbox}
    set sort column to date received column
    set sorted ascending to false
    delay 3
    set selected messages to {first message}
    tell application "System Events" to tell process ¬
    "Mail" to keystroke return
    end tell
    end tell

  • Mail is displaying as html code

    Is anyone else having this problem? As of a month or so ago, mail I receive often displays line after line of html and other code. It's as if sender sent an html email, but I'm getting the code, not the designed display.
    (I tried including a chunk for you to see, but when I previewed it, it appeared as design, not code.)
    Can anyone fill me in on why this happens and how to stop it?
    (Extra info: I created an html sig a couple of months ago. Cd that be affecting anything?)
    Thanks for your ideas.

    Mine was doing the same thing and I was able to fix it by going to preferences > Viewing > and unchecking the, " Display remote images in HTML messages" box. Seems to be working now.

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    I trying to send emails from my java program, I ve managd to send text mails, I want to send email in html format is there a way of doing that and how
    thanks for your help

    Thanks a lot it is working now but I think that sending mails in text format is the best way since there isn't a way of knowing whether the recepient can handel html mails

  • Mailing in HTMLB using HTML a href syntax

    my question is as follows.
    I am using a HTML syntax inside BSP page and trying to call onInputprocessing event. It gives me a Javascript error. The point is i need the mail ids at runtime and hence the ABAP scripting involved.. Is the code wrong-?
    <a href="mailto:
      loop at i_mail into wa_mail.
    onClick="onInputProcessing()">Send Email to selected </a>

    You cannot trigger server event with pure HTML such as a href.
    Here is an example that should not be far from the truth:
    <%@page language="abap"%>
    <%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb" %>
    <htmlb:content design="design2002">
          <htmlb:form id="form">
    <% DATA: recipients  TYPE TABLE OF string.
       DATA: w_recipient LIKE LINE OF recipients.
       w_recipient = '[email protected]'.
       APPEND w_recipient TO recipients.
       w_recipient = '[email protected]'.
       APPEND w_recipient TO recipients.
       LOOP AT recipients INTO w_recipient. %>
         <htmlb:link id            = "mail_<%= sy-tabix %>"
                     reference     = "mailto:<%= w_recipient %>"
                     onClick       = "mail"
                     text          = "<%= w_recipient %>" />
    <% ENDLOOP. %>
    Best regards,

  • Mail Crashes on viewing HTML email

    I've been having trouble with Mail crashing when I click on an email that is formated as HTML or RTF. Not all of them will crash Mail just certain emails. I have notices that emails that come Microsoft Outlook on windows tend to crash Mail readily.
    This pretty much started with the last software update. Here is what I done to trouble shoot this to no avail:
    1) repair disk and permissions.
    2) re-install combo updater while booted from external firewire drive.
    3) create new user in OS. login as new user and test Mail with email that crashes Mail. This time Mail does not crash it renders the email correctly.
    4) Login as user account with issue. go to Library and remove all folders and files from Mail, Mail Downlaods, Caches/Mail, and the from Preferences. restart Mail, added email account, clicked on email, It still crashed.
    5) Not sure if related but Safari is also crashing on certain web pages. maybe these are related.
    Any suggestion would be great
    Mike Brandonisio
    Tech One Illustration
    tel (630) 759-9283
    [email protected]
    Mac Mini   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Hi Mike.
    It looks like this could be a font issue. Since the problem isn't system-wide, if it's really a font issue, it can only be that either an essential font has been disabled, or a font cache has become corrupt. If the former, the following article would be relevant:
    Font Management in Mac OS X Tiger and Panther
    If the latter, take a look at the following article for general troubleshooting and cache cleaning procedures:
    Resolving Disk, Permission, and Cache Corruption
    Be sure to read this in particular:
    Side effects of System cache cleaning
    In addition to the utilities mentioned there, you may also consider OnyX or Cache Out X, which are free, although for this particular problem, Font Finagler is probably the most appropriate.

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    Hi, This is odd: Mail 6.2 seems unable to load html images on e-mail received even if the preference is set properly. Any clue?

    not at all. It happens since I´ve upgraded to Mountain Lion a few days back

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