Mail 6.0 has duplicate "On My Mac" folder structures

Having upgraded to ML 10.8 this morning I notice that Mail has two "On My Mac" folder structures below Archive, one is immediately below Archive (i.e. the top of the sub-tree) let's call it 1st instance, followed by iCloud, then the 2nd instance of an "On My Mac" folder structure.
From the erratic behaviour of the disclosure triangles in the 1st, this would appear to be the unwanted child. Click its triangle and the 2nd structure opens.
Now click the Archive disclosure triangle twice, once to close it all up, the 2nd click gives both "On My Mac" structures open to the first level, iCloud is unaffected. Repeat this operation and both "On My Mac" structures are closed up.
If you do open a sub-folder in the 1st instance, any subsequent click of the triangle is ignored, even in the other instance.
The 2nd instance is completely consistent in operation as would be expected under normal circumstances.
Closing and reopening Mail just remembers the current expanded state, the only consistent reset is achieved with the Archive close/open double manoeuvre.
Message was edited by: additall
Hmm, this was happening back in 2007, but the drag it out and back solution doesn't seem to work this time

Update, I think I've solved it for myself.
Previously, I had created a local folder called Archive. iCloud also comes with a default folder called Archive and Mail 6.0 was showing my local archive and combining it with its iCloud version, rather like the way that calendars and contacts get doubled up when your local stuff is mirrored on iCloud.
Having taken a backup of my local archive I trashed the lot, everything from the 2nd "On My Mac" tree downwards and then the other two sibling trees, the 1st "On My Mac" and "iCloud" just disappeared as well.
So my recommendation is don't use "Archive" as a local folder name.
I later created a test folder called "Local" and selected its location as "On My Mac". "On My Mac" is now listed in capitals, in a lighter grey colour, with the Hide/Show popup choice to its right. This is your local storage area, away from iCloud and Apple's little helpers :-)

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    So - this is irritating today - but in a month will be completely debilitating.
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    Just fyi - there is no email syncing happening - there is no gmail anything - there is no @me account duplicating - there is no other reason for the nonsense.  In case it wasn't obvious from the title - it is an exchange set up - not pop - not imap.
    AND - it is happening on multiple phones.  THOUGHTS???????????????

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    I asked - so you expect hundreds, thousands of server admins (internal employee supported and hosted) to change their settings for you  - rather than you changing the way the search app works?  Response was YES!!!!
    They recognize that it is happening as a result of the 'expanded' search functionality, that WE asked for.  Uh-hum it was working before and not now - don't think we asked for that.
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    I am contacting my exchange server admin to see if there is in fact a setting that will 'fix' the ghosting of the emails.  If there is in fact a server side work around - I will post back.  If apple gets smart and decides that fixing broken corporate features matters to them - I will also post back.
    Any suggestions from the IT world reading this?

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    Quit Mail. Force quit if necessary.
    Back up all data before proceeding.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. In the Finder, select
              Go ▹ Go to Folder
    from the menu bar. Paste into the box that opens by pressing command-V, then press return.
    A folder window will open. Inside it there should be files with names as follows:
              Envelope Index
    Move those files to the Desktop, leaving the window open. Other files in the folder may have longer names that begin as above. Move those files, if any, to the Trash.
    Relaunch Mail. It should prompt you to re-import your messages. You may get a warning that the index is damaged and that Mail has to quit. Click OK. Typically, the process takes a few minutes, but it may take hours if you have gigantic mailboxes. In that case, you may be able to speed things up by temporarily adding your home folder to the Privacy list in the Spotlight preference pane. Remove it when Mail has finished importing.
    Test. If Mail now works as expected, you can delete the files you moved to the Desktop. Otherwise, post your results.

  • Mail is creating blank messages in the Notes:On My Mac folder.

    Mail is creating blank messages in my Notes:On My Mac folder
    It is currently doing it every 3 seconds. So after 5 minutes I have 100 new notes.
    Does anyone know how to make this stop?
    Some observations:
    The notes only get created if Mail is open.
    The messages appear blank and are interpreted by mail as messages, not as notes, and have the following headers:
    Message-Id: <[email protected]>
    Mime-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v928.1)
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=US-ASCII
    X-Universally-Unique-Identifier: ac371d40-78ea-44de-b2b4-1cf93a1e5c60
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
    I see correlated CPU usage bursts in Activity Monitor for: distnoted (~0.8%), Mail (~50%), SyncServer (~60%), fseventsd (~0.4%), Finder (~1%).
    The notes get created regardless of the presence or absence of a network connection.
    On my other iMac the same problem exists but the frequency is lower: a pair of notes is created every 15 minutes or so. The problem also exists on my MacBook Pro.
    The frequency on this iMac was lower when I first noticed the problem.
    I am a .Mac/MobileMe user and all three computers are registered for synchronization.
    Has anyone seen this problem?

    Hello David,
    I had a much more acute version of this problem on both my Macs. I first mentioned this problem here:
    The only thing that worked for me was disabling Notes syncing and deleting all my Notes. This is not an ideal solution but to have a functional computer I had to take that drastic step (after trying many remedies offered on this forum).

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