Mail-form from dB Masters + reCaptcha - Things wont work the way i want.

I used a mail-form from dB Masters because someone here gave me the tip.
And its great! But it uses a simplefied Captcha script.
I tryd to change the code myself and got to this:
If you try to send mail it wont work.....
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Email Form</title>
<form id="form" method="post" action="../formmailer.php" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify">
<table cellpadding="4">
<tr><td  style="text-align: left;" valign=top><font size="2" FACE="Verdana" color="#000000">Uw naam:</font><small><span style="color:#E00000;" title="Required field">*</span></small></td><td align="left">
<input type="text" name="Naam" value=""/>
<tr><td  style="text-align: left;" valign=top><font size="2" FACE="Verdana" color="#000000">Email:</font><small><span style="color:#E00000;" title="Required field">*</span></small></td><td align="left">
<input type="text" name="Email" value="" />
<tr><td  style="text-align: left;" valign=top><font size="2" FACE="Verdana" color="#000000">Telefoonnummer:</font><small><span style="color:#E00000;" title="Required field">*</span></small></td><td align="left">
<input type="text" name="Telefoonnummer" value="" />
<tr><td  style="text-align: left;" valign=top><font size="2" FACE="Verdana" color="#000000">Onderwerp:</font><small><span style="color:#E00000;" title="Required field">*</span></small></td><td align="left">
<select name="Onderwerp">
    <option value="0">Algemene Informatie</option>
    <option value="1">Offerte</option>
    <option value="2">Overige</option>
<tr><td  style="text-align: left;" valign=top><font size="2" FACE="Verdana" color="#000000">Bericht:</font><small><span style="color:#E00000;" title="Required field">*</span></small></td><td align="left">
<textarea name="Bericht" rows="7" cols="40"></textarea>
<tr><td align=right>CAPTCHA TXT</td>
<td align="left">
<form method="post" action="verify.php">
     $publickey = "I hide the key on this forum dont know if its ok to show";
     echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey);
<tr><td></td><td align="left">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />
<input type="reset" name="Reset" value="Clear Form" />
<input type="hidden" name="config" value="0" />
<input type="hidden" name="nospam" value="" />
<div style="height:1px; display: none; visibility: hidden;">
<input type="text" name="email">
// dB Masters' PHP FormM@iler, Copyright (c) 2007 dB Masters Multimedia
// FormMailer comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
// Licensed under the AGPL
// See license.txt and readme.txt for details
// General Variables
// options to use if hidden field "config" has a value of 0
// recipient info
     $tomail[0]="[email protected]";
// Mail contents config
     $subject[0]="Onderwerp van de Email";
     $mail_intro[0]="Er is een bericht gestuurd vanuit";
// Send back to sender config
     $copy_subject[0]="Kopie van uw bericht naar";
     $copy_intro[0]="Dank u voor uw bericht!<br />Om veiligheidsredenen is uw email adres en telefoonnummer niet in deze mail te zien.<br /> Het volgende is verstuurd;";
     $copy_from[0]="[email protected]";
// Result options
// Default Error and Success Page Variables
     $error_page_text[0]="Ga a.u.b. terug naar de vorige pagina om alle benodigde velden in te vullen.";
     $thanks_page_title[0]="Bericht verzonden.";
     $thanks_page_text[0]="Dank u voor uw bericht!";
// Antispam Options
// options to use if hidden field "config" has a value of 1
// recipient info
// Mail contents config
// Send back to sender config
// Result options
// Default Error and Success Page Variables
// Antispam Options
// Don't muck around past this line unless you know what you are doing //
// fix for Windows email server security
// email validation regular expression
$regex = "^[-a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+/=?^_`{|}~]+(\.[-a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+/=?^_`{|}~]+)*@(([a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9]+)?){1,63}\.)+([a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9]+)?){2,63}$";
$header_injection_regex = "(\r|\n)";
if($_POST["submit"] || $_POST["Submit"] || $_POST["submit_x"] || $_POST["Submit_x"])
// begin global functions //
// get visitor IP
     function getIP()
          return $user_ip;
// get value of given key
     function parseArray($key)
          foreach($array_value as $part_value)
               if($count > 1){$value.=", ";}
          return $value;
// stripslashes and autolink url's
     function parseValue($value)
          $value=preg_replace("/(http:\/\/+.[^\s]+)/i",'<a href="\\1">\\1</a>', $value);
          return $value;
// html header if used
     function htmlHeader()
          $htmlHeader="<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\">\n<html>\n<head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=".$charset[$config]."\"></head>\n<body>\n<table cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"600\">\n";
          return $htmlHeader;
// html footer if used
     function htmlFooter()
          return $htmlFooter;
// build verticle table format
     function buildVertTable($fields, $intro, $to, $send_ip)
          if($intro != "")
               $message.="<tr>\n<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\">".$intro."</td>\n</tr>\n";
               $message.="<tr>\n<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;\"><b>".$cur_key."</b></td>\n<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"100%\">".$cur_value."</td>\n</tr>\n";
          if($send_ip=="yes" && $to=="recipient")
               $message.="<tr>\n<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;\"><b>Sender IP</b></td>\n<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"100%\">".$user_ip."</td>\n</tr>\n";
          return $message;
// build horizontal table format
     function buildHorzTable($fields, $intro, $to, $send_ip)
          if($intro != "")
               $message.="<tr>\n<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" colspan=\"".$run."\">".$intro."</td>\n</tr>\n";
               $message.="<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;\"><b>".$cur_key."</b></td>\n";
          if($send_ip=="yes" && $to=="recipient")
               $message.="<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;\"><b>Sender IP</b></td>\n";
               $message.="<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">".$cur_value."</td>\n";
          if($send_ip=="yes" && $to=="recipient")
               $message.="<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">".$user_ip."</td>\n";
          return $message;
// build plain text format
     function buildTextTable($fields, $intro, $to, $send_ip)
          if($intro != "")
               $message.="".$cur_key.": ".$cur_value."\n";
          if($send_ip=="yes" && $to=="recipient")
               $message.="Sender IP: ".$user_ip."\n";
          return $message;
// get the proper build fonction
     function buildTable($format, $fields, $intro, $to, $send_ip)
               $message=buildVertTable($fields, $intro, $to, $send_ip);
          else if($format=="horz_table")
               $message=buildHorzTable($fields, $intro, $to, $send_ip);
               $message=buildTextTable($fields, $intro, $to, $send_ip);
          return $message;
// referrer checking security option
     function checkReferer()
          return $domain_chk;
// checking required fields and email fields
     function checkFields($text_fields, $email_fields, $regex)
               $error_message.="<li>text_fields: ".$text_fields."<br />email_fields: ".$email_fields."<br />reply_to_field: ".$reply_to_field."<br />reply_to_name: ".reply_to_name."</li>";
          if($text_fields != "")
                         $error_message.="<li>You are missing the <b>".$req_check[$i]."</b> field</li>\n";
          if($email_fields != "")
                    if($cur_email=="" || !eregi($regex, $cur_email))
                         $error_message.="<li>You are missing the <b>".$email_check[$i]."</b> field or it is not a valid email address.</li>\n";
          return $error_message;
// attachment function
     function getAttachments($attachment_fields, $message, $content_type, $border)
          $att_message="This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\r\n";
          $att_message.="Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n\r\n";
               if (is_uploaded_file($fileatt))
                    $att_message.="Content-Type: {$fileatt_type}; name=\"{$fileatt_name}\"\r\n";
                    $att_message.="Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$fileatt_name}\"\r\n";
                    $att_message.="Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n\r\n".$data."\r\n\r\n";
          return $att_message;
// function to set content type
     function contentType($charset, $format)
               $content_type="Content-type: text/html; charset=".$charset."\r\n";
          else if($format=="horz_table")
               $content_type="Content-type: text/html; charset=".$charset."\r\n";
               $content_type="Content-type: text/plain; charset=".$charset."\r\n";
          return $content_type;
// end global functions //
// begin procedural scripting //
     // anti-spam empty field check
     if($_POST[$empty_field[$config]] != "")
          $empty_message = "<li>This submission failed and was flagged as spam.</li>\n";
     // anti-spam character scan check
     if(strlen($character_scan[$config]) > 0)
               if(preg_match("/<(.|\n)+?>/", $cur_field) || preg_match("/\[(.|\n)+?\]/", $cur_field))
                    $spam_message.="<li>This message contains disallowed characters.</li>\n";
     // anti-spam time delay check
     if((strlen($time_delay[$config]) > 0 && strlen($_POST["time"]) > 0) || (strlen($time_delay[$config]) > 0 && (strlen($_POST["time"]) == 0 || !$_POST["time"])))
          if((time() - $_POST["time"]) < $time_delay[$config])
               $time_message = "<li>This has been stopped by the timer, and is likely spam.</li>\n";
     // anti-spam CAPTCHA check
     if(strlen($captcha_codes[$config]) > 0)
          if(strtolower($_POST["captcha_entry"]) != strtolower($captcha_check[$_POST["captcha_code"]]))
               $captcha_message = "<li>CAPTCHA test did not match.</li>\n";
     // anti-spam max URL check
     if(strlen($max_url_fields[$config]) > 0)
               preg_match_all("/http:/", $cur_field, $matches);
               if(count($matches[0]) > $max_urls[$config])
                    $max_url_message.="<li>This message contains too many URL's.</li>\n";
     // set anti-spam flagging option
     if(strlen($empty_message.$spam_message.$time_message.$captcha_message.$max_url_message) > 0 && strlen($flag_spam[$config]) == 0)
          $set_flag = 2;
     else if(strlen($empty_message.$spam_message.$time_message.$captcha_message.$max_url_message) > 0 && strlen($flag_spam[$config]) > 0)
          $set_flag = 1;
          $set_flag = 0;
     // header injection check
     if(strlen($_POST[$reply_to_field[$config]]) > 0)
               $security_filter.="<li>Header injection attempt detected, mail aborted.</li>\n";
     if(strlen($_POST[$reply_to_name[$config]]) > 0)
               $security_filter.="<li>Header injection attempt detected, mail aborted.</li>\n";
     // check domain referrer and continue
          $error_message=checkFields($required_fields[$config], $required_email_fields[$config], $regex);
          if(strlen($error_message) < 1 && strlen($security_filter) < 1 && $set_flag < 2)
               // build appropriate message format for recipient
               $content_type=contentType($charset[$config], $mail_type[$config]);
               $message=buildTable($mail_type[$config], $mail_fields[$config], $mail_intro[$config], "recipient", $return_ip[$config]);
               // build header data for recipient message
               //$extra="From: ".$_POST[$reply_to_field[$config]]."\r\n";
               $extra="From: ".$reply_to_name_checked." <".$reply_to_field_checked.">\r\n";
                    $extra.="Cc: ".$cc_tomail[$config]."\r\n";
                    $extra.="Bcc: ".$bcc_tomail[$config]."\r\n";
                    $extra.="X-Priority: ".$mail_priority[$config]."\r\n";
               // get attachments if necessary
                    $extra.="MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
                    $extra.="Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"{$border}\"";
                    $message=getAttachments($attachment_fields[$config], $message, $content_type, $border);
                    $extra.="MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n".$content_type;
               // send recipient email
                    if($set_flag == 1)
                         $debug_text.="<p><b>Mail would have sent flagged for spam if not in debug mode.</b></p>";
                         $debug_text.="<p><b>Mail would have sent if not in debug mode.</b></p>";
               else if($debug==0)
                    if($set_flag == 1)
                         $subject = $flag_spam[$config]." ".$subject[$config];
                         $subject = $subject[$config];
                    mail("".$tomail[$config]."", "".stripslashes($subject)."", "".stripslashes($message)."", "".$extra."");
               // autoresponse email if necessary
                    // build appropriate message format for autoresponse
                    $content_type=contentType($charset[$config], $copy_format[$config]);
                    $message=buildTable($copy_format[$config], $copy_fields[$config], $copy_intro[$config], "autoresponder", $return_ip[$config]);
                    // build header data for autoresponse
                    $copy_extra="From: ".$copy_from[$config]."\r\n";
                    // get autoresponse  attachments if necessary
                         $copy_extra.="MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
                         $copy_extra.="Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"{$border}\"";
                         $message=getAttachments($copy_attachment_fields[$config], $message, $content_type, $border);
                         $copy_extra.="MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n".$content_type;
                    // send autoresponse email
                         if($set_flag == 1)
                              $debug_text.="<p><b>Autoresponder would have sent flagged for spam if not in debug mode.</b></p>";
                              $debug_text.="<p><b>Autoresponder would have sent if not in debug mode.</b></p>";
                    else if($debug==0)
                         $send_copy = 1;
                         if($copy_tomail=="" || !eregi($regex,$copy_tomail))
                              $send_copy = 0;
                         if($send_copy == 1)
                              if($set_flag == 1)
                                   $copy_subject = $flag_spam[$config]." ".$copy_subject[$config];
                                   $copy_subject = $copy_subject[$config];
                              mail("$copy_tomail", "".$copy_subject."", "$message", "$copy_extra");
               // showing thanks pages from a successful submission
                    echo "<h3>".$thanks_page_title[$config]."</h3>\n";
                    echo "<p>".$thanks_page_text[$config]."</p>\n";
                    if(strlen($debug_text) > 0)
                         echo "<p><b><i>".$debug_text."</i></b></p>\n";
                    header("Location: ".$thanks_page[$config]);
               // entering error page options from missing required fields
                    echo "<h3>".$error_page_title[$config]."</h3>\n";
                    echo "<ul>\n";
                    echo $security_filter.$empty_message.$error_message.$spam_message.$time_message.$captcha_message.$max_url_message;
                    echo "</ul>\n";
                    echo "<p>".$error_page_text[$config]."</p>\n";
                    header("Location: ".$error_page[$config]);
          echo "<h3>".$error_page_title[$config]."</h3>\n";
          // message if unauthorized domain trigger from referer checking option
          echo "<p>Sorry, mailing request came from an unauthorized domain.</p>\n";
// end procedural scripting //
     echo "<h3>Error</h3>";
     echo "<p>No form data has been sent to the script</p>\n";
$privatekey = "i hide this on the forum";
$resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,
if (!$resp->is_valid) {
   // What happens when the CAPTCHA was entered incorrectly
   die ("The reCAPTCHA wasn't entered correctly. Go back and try it again." .
        "(reCAPTCHA said: " . $resp->error . ")");
} else {
   // Your code here to handle a successful verification
We have a saying in the Netherlands; "Not being abled to see the tree's trough the forest"
Well i dont see it anymore...
I managed to get it in the code but it doesnt work.
I hope someone can help me out!

@Nancy O.
Thanks for your support i appreciate it that you helped me out a many times.
However i have read all of the topics you posted.
I know in the mail form i can disable the "sort of Captcha". I wanted to disable it and insert reCaptcha instead.
I will re-make the form because like you said (and i already figured it out myself) ;
"b) Don't modify forms until you get a very basic form working on your server."
And youre right, im taking too much work at once.
Im a hobbyist that learns really really fast.
Before March 23 i never used CSS, Javascript and XHTML. And never combined them all together with PHP. (never ever created a php based file from scratch)
The reason why i use other persons code is because i learn faster with examples, and because i dont need to reinvent the wheel if someone already invented it. The only thing i do with it is learn the workings, customise it and at last, rewrite the code when i understand it.
If you look at my current site:
You will notice that the site is validated by W3C with no errors and warnings.
I think it was Nancy O. that gave me the link to the validator. Thats how i discovered the service.
You need to know that in 1 day (from 63 errors and 12 warnings) i removed all errors. And i didnt knew much about it, and why errors happend while the site looks fine.
So im just curious how things work and thats why i "steal" codes and adjust them to learn myself.
I also want a education like you spoke of, but im interested in a different media.
I want to be abled to create my dream project wich involves new ways for game studios to earn money.
This is just a simple start, im also taking tutorials in C#, C++.

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    @Nancy O.
    Thanks for your support i appreciate it that you helped me out a many times.
    However i have read all of the topics you posted.
    I know in the mail form i can disable the "sort of Captcha". I wanted to disable it and insert reCaptcha instead.
    I will re-make the form because like you said (and i already figured it out myself) ;
    "b) Don't modify forms until you get a very basic form working on your server."
    And youre right, im taking too much work at once.
    Im a hobbyist that learns really really fast.
    Before March 23 i never used CSS, Javascript and XHTML. And never combined them all together with PHP. (never ever created a php based file from scratch)
    The reason why i use other persons code is because i learn faster with examples, and because i dont need to reinvent the wheel if someone already invented it. The only thing i do with it is learn the workings, customise it and at last, rewrite the code when i understand it.
    If you look at my current site:
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    I think it was Nancy O. that gave me the link to the validator. Thats how i discovered the service.
    You need to know that in 1 day (from 63 errors and 12 warnings) i removed all errors. And i didnt knew much about it, and why errors happend while the site looks fine.
    So im just curious how things work and thats why i "steal" codes and adjust them to learn myself.
    I also want a education like you spoke of, but im interested in a different media.
    I want to be abled to create my dream project wich involves new ways for game studios to earn money.
    This is just a simple start, im also taking tutorials in C#, C++.

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    Use HTML codes in notepad. Use the notepad to upload the file and create mail form. You should follow W3C standard. Refer note 1131645.
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    I had found this link before and used the same solution , but unfortunately is taking a long time.
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    Omkar Mirvankar

  • I am changing ISPs and will be dropping two email addresses I use as AppleID's.  Can I keep them as AppleID's and use a rescue e-mail address from a new ISP?  What are the downsides if I have an iCloud address as an alias under one of those addresses?

    I am about to change internet service providers and will be dropping two e-mail addresses that I use as Apple ID’s.  One is used solely for iTunes and the other is used for iCloud, mail, calendars, etc.  The second has two iCloud email address as aliases.  I will be going to a new ISP and will establish an e-mail address from that ISP as a backup in case the iCloud addresses are not available. 
      It has been suggested to me that I should continue to use the e-mail addresses from the old ISP as my Apple ID’s.  And that I use the e-mail address from the new ISP as a rescue e-mail address for those Apple ID’s to get any communications relating to the ID’s. That seems like a simple and straight-forward way of handling the change and would minimize the chance of complications from changing the Apple ID’s.  But, are there any downsides to handling the change in this way?  If so, what are they?

    You can continue to use them as Apple ID's, change the rescue address (as you know)
    You can use your iCloud address, but it won't be an alias, it's a full email address.

  • IMac restored from external hard drive-password wont work

    I just had my iMac wiped clean and migrated my information from an external hard drive however after migrating everything to the clean machine, the password wont work and when I attempt to reset it via the apple id, it wont go through even though I have checked and rechecked that I am using the correct information.

    First, make sure caps lock is not on.
    Another reason why your password might not be recognized is that the keyboard layout (input source) has been switched without your realizing it. At the login screen, you can cycle through the available layouts by pressing the key combination  command-space or command-option-space. See this support article.
    Otherwise*, boot into Recovery mode. When the OS X Utilities screen appears, select
    Utilities ▹ Terminal
    from the menu bar. In the window that opens, type this:
    Press the tab key. The partial command you typed will automatically be completed to this:
    Press return. A Reset Password window opens. Close the Terminal window to get it out of the way.
    Select your boot volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name) if not already selected.
    Select your username from the menu labeled Select the user account if not already selected.
    Follow the prompts to reset the password. It's safest to choose a password that includes only the characters a-z, A-Z, and 0-9.
     ▹ Restart
    from the menu bar.
    You should now be able to log in with the new password, but your Keychain will be reset (empty.) If you've forgotten the Keychain password (which is ordinarily the same as your login password), there's no way to recover it.
    *Note: If you've activated FileVault, this procedure doesn't apply. Follow instead these instructions.

  • A funny thing happened on the way to the forum

    So being stuck in Pittsburgh airport (which is rather nice, although they need some more trash cans) i decided to wander around and shop. While wandering and waiting i did what any MP3 player owner would do, listen to music. People asked me about this thing that played music, this "not-iPod." I told them, good and bad... i think they'll be buying one.
    And while walking among the myriad of ipod shaped accessories, what did i rarely see. AN iPOD! I saw a shuffle and a mini, belonging to middle schoolers. But what i did see, and talk about was the Touch. Of the few dozen people i saw walking around that airport, i saw more touches than iPods.
    Creative, get your stuff together. Advertise and update the Touch. If i saw in an airport that it outnumbered the iPod almost 0:, think of what you could do. Advertise to business people: "Business or Pleasure? Both - Pocketsized." A portable harddri've and MP3 player.
    Do not go quietly into the night... rage against the dying of the light! Gi've people a reason to want the product and want to return.

    Turns out that what I saw was momentary in other Adobe forums, but lingered in the PE forum. JerryK got right on it and had it fixed.
    In other Adobe forums, just closing those, and coming right back did not yield the problem, except for PE, but now all is right. Except for the recent slowdown... but that's another story.
    Thanks for the replies,

  • How can I buy a product on ITunes from another country. I live in the Netherlands and want to buy a movie produced for Chile, South America

    I live in the Netherlands and want to buy a movie on ITunes meant for Chile, South America.
    Is this possible?

    No, you can only buy from your country's store - to be able to buy from the Chilean store you need to be in Chile with a Chilean billing address on your account. You can try requesting that the film be added to the Netherlands store, but without the film studio's agreement Apple won't be able to sell it there :

Maybe you are looking for

  • Can't open Photos library, and how to fix it?

    I successfully migrated from iPhoto library to this new Photos Library in April.17th, and everything seems okay except for some minor bugs. but from yesterday on, I started Photos and got this message "Can't open Photos Library, try another." If I tr

  • WAAS Raid or Hard disk failure

    I encounter the issue to bring up the WAE-612-K9, and stay on the Raid controller screen with booting in loop. On the Raid Controller screen, it displays the below message and seems detecting the Hard drive. Afte waiting around a few minutes, it will

  • Hi, Finding fixed vendor for material

    Hi, my  requirement is to  copy the fixed vendor address to text object( available in the text tab of the VA01 transaction). I am entering the article numbers in the va01 transaction with some 5 item numbers. i am getting the Purchase requisition num

  • A Table that was created at Run time. A Row Properly Deleted from Table Is Still Present on Form with BindingNavigator

    Hello I have a dataset that was created at design time but - after I run the app, it randomly creates a table based on The Users name since I do not know the users name before had, the table is not part of my existing dataset (I actually used an inse

  • Learning Acrobat X Pro

    I downloaded Arobat X Pro trial, but I having trouble learning to use it.  The videos won't download and I didn't find one with the basics, anyway.  "Help" isn't muc help.  Is there a short tutorial somewhere with the basics?  Can I edit words in a f