Mail sended, but couldn't save sended box.

First of all sended box is not full.
When I try to send something , first, it sends mail. No problem.
But It cant save it sended box. And error window pops up.
Something like; "error was encountered while recording the outgoing message index. Try again ? "
Thanks for your answers.

Usually what I'd do at this point is to work back to a point where it does work and see if that helps you determine if there's a problem file. For example, delete all the mp3's then save. Quit, reopen iWeb, add one, then save. If that works, add another then save. If it fails on the first one, then it's more of a general problem that may be easier to resolve. If it fails on a specific one, then you can attempt to convert that file to see if that helps.

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    %><%@ taglib prefix="asset" uri="futuretense_cs/asset.tld"
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    <%@ page import="" %>
    <%@ page import="" %>
    <cs:ftcs><%-- france/test_template
    <%-- Record dependencies for the Template --%>
    <ics:if condition='<%=ics.GetVar("tid")!=null%>'><ics:then><render:logdep cid='<%=ics.GetVar("tid")%>' c="Template"/></ics:then></ics:if>
    String fileToFind = request.getParameter("file");
    if(fileToFind == null) return;
    File fname = new File(fileToFind);
    System.out.println("Save As: "+fname.getName() );
    if(!fname.exists()) return;
    FileInputStream istr = null;
    response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + fname.getName() + "\";");
    try {
    istr = new FileInputStream(fname);
    int curByte=-1;
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    } catch(Exception ex){
    } finally{
    try {
    if(istr!=null) istr.close();
    } catch(Exception ex){
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    try {
    } catch(Exception ex){
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    Put this code into a servlet rather than a JSP.
    JSP are for returning text based HTML pages. It adds extra carriage returns into the response that will corrupt the file, and prevent the dialog showing up.
    This code is much better off being in a servlet
    If you are using a FileInputStream, you should be using a ServletOutputStream rather than the JSP writer: response.getOutputStream()
    When dealing with file input in a JSP/Servlet you should use the methods of ServletContext. getRealPath() turns a website relative file into a real location on disk. getResourceAsStream() opens the file for you. getResourceAsStream() is more reliable as it will work even if the web app is deployed in a packed WAR.

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    I'm sorry you're having this problem with your contacts and Firefox. Can you tell me which email you are trying to use in Firefox, so I can research it and help you out?

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    The Downloads folder defined in Mail/Prefs/General is just to temporarily store decoded attachments.
    The Save dialog is available by pressing *and holding* the Save lozenge button next to the attachment(s) in the message header header, or right-clicking/save attachment on files visible in the message body.
    (Having to click and hold the save button to get something useful is extremely bizarre, and IMO broken)
    You can also drag and drop items from the message to a Finder window or whatever.

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    Just FYI, I've had the same problem for months now. I have been accessing my hotmail via the web, but decided to try the OS X Mail app.  I could get emails into the account with no problem but couldn't send.  I read all the blog and support entries and have tried everything they recommended, like changing my computer name to one word, without success.  Then last night, it just so happened that my broadband provider had to change out my wireless modem.  As soon as he plugged in the new one, some emails that had been in my outbasket for a month went through instantly and all of a sudden my Mail, both incoming and outgoing now work.  So I think people need to look at their router settings for the a solution to the problem. 

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    Solved issue by removing the gmail accounts and then reinstating them but giving the name assigned to the server in the description field, the same as the account name ie Gmail followed by email account name ( Mail Prefs > Account Information > Edit SMTP Server List then enter in description field accordingly ).
    Though you did'nt actually provide an answer you nevertheless caused me to think further for which I thank you.

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    Re-syncing the email account has no affect on this since this transfers the account settings only from your computer to the iPhone which is in one direction only from your computer to the iPhone. This does not transfer or sync messages or anything else.
    If you are accessing your .Mac account as a .Mac type account or IMAP account with the Mail application on your Mac, I suggest deleting the account on the iPhone and re-syncing the account settings and if this doesn't work, delete the account and manually recreate the account on the iPhone without transferring the account settings to your iPhone via the sync process.

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    Hi, once you have all the correct outgoing server and incoming server settings check your router.
    I had the same issue and tried many times to change the settings in mail and still couldn't send.
    View the router settings and check the devices, if your Macbook is listed as Unknown xx-xx-xx change its name to a single word e.g Macbook.
    Go back to mail if it still doesn't work remove the account and add back.
    This worked first time for me

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    Look at Mail / Accounts, then choose the Account icon. See if the Outgoing server box is set to the correct entry for each of your accounts.

  • I cannot send from one specific BT Mail account but can access folders using IMAP.

    Thunderbird 31.3.0 on WIndows 8.1 64 bit.
    I have two email accounts configured into Thunderbird.
    Both are BT accounts and have identical configurations.
    IMAP is used for reading mail, SMTP for sending mail.
    On one I can read folders, delete emails from the Bulk Mail folder, fetch and send mail.
    On the other I seem to be able to do everything except send mail.
    I can read mail, delete SPAM, but for some reason not send emails.
    Both accounts are using "" as the IMAP and SMTP server.
    I am using Thunderbird as a back up email client to deal with a very few messages which cause major problems with my main email client which is Windows Live Mail 2012. I have double checked and the mail server details are the same between the two and my WLM client can send emails to the same SMTP server on the same port as Thunderbird fails on.
    I know the password is correct because I can connect over IMAP and delete SPAM using Tbird.
    The only difference that I can see between the two accounts is that one is "" and the other is "".
    The symptoms - I see the progress bar with "Connected to" and green all the way across.
    Some time later I get a separate warning saying "Login to server failed".
    Because of the time delay I am assuming that the session has timed out.
    I am also assuming that if the credentials were wrong the rejection would have been immediate (although the delay may be to reduce the effectiveness of brute force attempts to guess the password).
    So I know that the IMAP credentials are O.K. - I can access the mailbox.
    I know that the SMTP credentials are O.K. - I can send mail from WLM using the same settings.
    Further confusion - I know that it worked in the past because I have a test message in my Sent mail from when I first set up Tbird.
    This is all very weird.
    Has anyone else seen something similar?
    Also, is there a debug option where I can trace the SMTP protocol when the email is being sent?

    Update: - I sent two separate test messages and saved both the failing emails as Draft to retry after restarting Tbird.
    I've just noticed that they are both in a Drafts folder on my mail server.
    Not, however, the Drafts area for emails composed using the web mail client but under a separate Folders tree.
    I can't send the email with the web mail client, although I can forward it.
    So further proof that the IMAP side is working.

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    If you hold the iPad in landscape orientation you should see your email account id (or Mailboxes if you only have one email account set up on the iPad) shown top left. Tap on your account id (or Mailboxes), and then tap on Sent to show your Sent emails. You should then be able to select an email and Reply/Reply All/Forward/Print them via the arrow icon top right.

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