Mail sent from stored procedure: empty body

I've got a problem with a stored procedure. Its task is sending an email to some recipients passed from an another procedure. The problem is that the body of the email is empty and I don't know why!
Here's the script of this procedure:
Thank you very much in advance for your time!
p_IN_FROM in VARCHAR2 default null,
p_IN_TO in VARCHAR2 default null,
p_IN_TO2 in VARCHAR2 default null,
p_IN_TO3 in VARCHAR2 default null,
p_IN_TO4 in VARCHAR2 default null,
p_IN_TO5 in VARCHAR2 default null,
p_IN_TO6 in VARCHAR2 default null,
p_IN_TO7 in VARCHAR2 default null,
p_IN_TO8 in VARCHAR2 default null,
p_IN_TO9 in VARCHAR2 default null,
p_IN_TO10 in VARCHAR2 default null,
p_IN_TO11 in VARCHAR2 default null,
p_IN_TO12 in VARCHAR2 default null,
p_IN_TO13 in VARCHAR2 default null,
p_IN_TO14 in VARCHAR2 default null,
p_IN_TO15 in VARCHAR2 default null,
p_IN_TO16 in VARCHAR2 default null,
p_IN_TO17 in VARCHAR2 default null,
p_IN_TO18 in VARCHAR2 default null,
p_IN_TO19 in VARCHAR2 default null,
p_IN_TO20 in VARCHAR2 default null,
p_IN_TO21 in VARCHAR2 default null,
p_IN_TO22 in VARCHAR2 default null,
p_IN_OGG in VARCHAR2 default null,
p_IN_MSGEMAIL in VARCHAR2 default null
--mailhost VARCHAR2(30) := '';
mailhost VARCHAR2(30) := ''; /* ripristinato il 29/11/2010 da LdP per controllo ODM*/
-- dichiarazione di una variabile di tipo utl_smtp.connection
-- a cui verr? assegnato l'SMTP ed il numero di porta (25)
conn utl_smtp.connection;
crlf VARCHAR2( 2 ):= CHR( 13 ) || CHR( 10 );
mesg VARCHAR2( 32767 );
IN_TO VARCHAR2(300) := p_IN_TO ;
IN_TO2 VARCHAR2(300) := p_IN_TO2 ;
IN_TO3 VARCHAR2(300) := p_IN_TO3 ;
IN_TO4 VARCHAR2(300) := p_IN_TO4 ;
IN_TO5 VARCHAR2(300) := p_IN_TO5 ;
IN_TO6 VARCHAR2(300) := p_IN_TO6 ;
IN_TO7 VARCHAR2(300) := p_IN_TO7 ;
IN_TO8 VARCHAR2(300) := p_IN_TO8 ;
IN_TO9 VARCHAR2(300) := p_IN_TO9 ;
IN_TO10 VARCHAR2(300) := p_IN_TO10;
IN_TO11 VARCHAR2(300) := p_IN_TO11;
IN_TO12 VARCHAR2(300) := p_IN_TO12;
IN_TO13 VARCHAR2(300) := p_IN_TO13;
IN_TO14 VARCHAR2(300) := p_IN_TO14;
IN_TO15 VARCHAR2(300) := p_IN_TO15;
IN_TO16 VARCHAR2(300) := p_IN_TO16;
IN_TO17 VARCHAR2(300) := p_IN_TO17;
IN_TO18 VARCHAR2(300) := p_IN_TO18;
IN_TO19 VARCHAR2(300) := p_IN_TO19;
IN_TO20 VARCHAR2(300) := p_IN_TO20;
IN_TO21 VARCHAR2(300) := p_IN_TO21;
IN_TO22 VARCHAR2(300) := p_IN_TO22;
IN_OGG VARCHAR2(300) := p_IN_OGG ;
-- Apertura di una connessione al server
conn := utl_smtp.open_connection (mailhost,25);
-- Assegnazione alla variabile mesg dell'intestazione della mail
mesg:='Date:'||TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'dd mon yy hh24:mi:ss')||crlf||
-- if IN_TO2 is not null then
-- mesg:=mesg||'To:'||IN_TO||','||IN_TO2||crlf||'';
-- else
-- mesg:=mesg||'To:'||IN_TO;
-- end if;
If IN_TO22 is not null then
mesg:=mesg||'To:'||IN_TO||','||IN_TO2 ||','||IN_TO3 ||','||IN_TO4 ||','||IN_TO5 ||','||IN_TO6 ||','||IN_TO7 ||','||IN_TO8 ||','||IN_TO9 ||','||IN_TO10||','||IN_TO11||','||IN_TO12||','||IN_TO13||','||IN_TO14||','||IN_TO15||','||IN_TO16||','||IN_TO17||','||IN_TO18||','||IN_TO19||','||IN_TO20||','||IN_TO21||','||IN_TO22||crlf||'';
elsif IN_TO21 is not null then
mesg:=mesg||'To:'||IN_TO||','||IN_TO2 ||','||IN_TO3 ||','||IN_TO4 ||','||IN_TO5 ||','||IN_TO6 ||','||IN_TO7 ||','||IN_TO8 ||','||IN_TO9 ||','||IN_TO10||','||IN_TO11||','||IN_TO12||','||IN_TO13||','||IN_TO14||','||IN_TO15||','||IN_TO16||','||IN_TO17||','||IN_TO18||','||IN_TO19||','||IN_TO20||','||IN_TO21||crlf||'';
elsif IN_TO20 is not null then
mesg:=mesg||'To:'||IN_TO||','||IN_TO2 ||','||IN_TO3 ||','||IN_TO4 ||','||IN_TO5 ||','||IN_TO6 ||','||IN_TO7 ||','||IN_TO8 ||','||IN_TO9 ||','||IN_TO10||','||IN_TO11||','||IN_TO12||','||IN_TO13||','||IN_TO14||','||IN_TO15||','||IN_TO16||','||IN_TO17||','||IN_TO18||','||IN_TO19||','||IN_TO20||crlf||'';
elsif IN_TO19 is not null then
mesg:=mesg||'To:'||IN_TO||','||IN_TO2 ||','||IN_TO3 ||','||IN_TO4 ||','||IN_TO5 ||','||IN_TO6 ||','||IN_TO7 ||','||IN_TO8 ||','||IN_TO9 ||','||IN_TO10||','||IN_TO11||','||IN_TO12||','||IN_TO13||','||IN_TO14||','||IN_TO15||','||IN_TO16||','||IN_TO17||','||IN_TO18||','||IN_TO19||crlf||'';
elsif IN_TO18 is not null then
mesg:=mesg||'To:'||IN_TO||','||IN_TO2 ||','||IN_TO3 ||','||IN_TO4 ||','||IN_TO5 ||','||IN_TO6 ||','||IN_TO7 ||','||IN_TO8 ||','||IN_TO9 ||','||IN_TO10||','||IN_TO11||','||IN_TO12||','||IN_TO13||','||IN_TO14||','||IN_TO15||','||IN_TO16||','||IN_TO17||','||IN_TO18||crlf||'';
elsif IN_TO17 is not null then
mesg:=mesg||'To:'||IN_TO||','||IN_TO2 ||','||IN_TO3 ||','||IN_TO4 ||','||IN_TO5 ||','||IN_TO6 ||','||IN_TO7 ||','||IN_TO8 ||','||IN_TO9 ||','||IN_TO10||','||IN_TO11||','||IN_TO12||','||IN_TO13||','||IN_TO14||','||IN_TO15||','||IN_TO16||','||IN_TO17||crlf||'';
elsif IN_TO16 is not null then
mesg:=mesg||'To:'||IN_TO||','||IN_TO2 ||','||IN_TO3 ||','||IN_TO4 ||','||IN_TO5 ||','||IN_TO6 ||','||IN_TO7 ||','||IN_TO8 ||','||IN_TO9 ||','||IN_TO10||','||IN_TO11||','||IN_TO12||','||IN_TO13||','||IN_TO14||','||IN_TO15||','||IN_TO16||crlf||'';
elsif IN_TO15 is not null then
mesg:=mesg||'To:'||IN_TO||','||IN_TO2 ||','||IN_TO3 ||','||IN_TO4 ||','||IN_TO5 ||','||IN_TO6 ||','||IN_TO7 ||','||IN_TO8 ||','||IN_TO9 ||','||IN_TO10||','||IN_TO11||','||IN_TO12||','||IN_TO13||','||IN_TO14||','||IN_TO15||crlf||'';
elsif IN_TO14 is not null then
mesg:=mesg||'To:'||IN_TO||','||IN_TO2 ||','||IN_TO3 ||','||IN_TO4 ||','||IN_TO5 ||','||IN_TO6 ||','||IN_TO7 ||','||IN_TO8 ||','||IN_TO9 ||','||IN_TO10||','||IN_TO11||','||IN_TO12||','||IN_TO13||','||IN_TO14||crlf||'';
elsif IN_TO13 is not null then
mesg:=mesg||'To:'||IN_TO||','||IN_TO2 ||','||IN_TO3 ||','||IN_TO4 ||','||IN_TO5 ||','||IN_TO6 ||','||IN_TO7 ||','||IN_TO8 ||','||IN_TO9 ||','||IN_TO10||','||IN_TO11||','||IN_TO12||','||IN_TO13||crlf||'';
elsif IN_TO12 is not null then
mesg:=mesg||'To:'||IN_TO||','||IN_TO2 ||','||IN_TO3 ||','||IN_TO4 ||','||IN_TO5 ||','||IN_TO6 ||','||IN_TO7 ||','||IN_TO8 ||','||IN_TO9 ||','||IN_TO10||','||IN_TO11||','||IN_TO12||crlf||'';
elsif IN_TO11 is not null then
mesg:=mesg||'To:'||IN_TO||','||IN_TO2 ||','||IN_TO3 ||','||IN_TO4 ||','||IN_TO5 ||','||IN_TO6 ||','||IN_TO7 ||','||IN_TO8 ||','||IN_TO9 ||','||IN_TO10||','||IN_TO11||crlf||'';
elsif IN_TO10 is not null then
mesg:=mesg||'To:'||IN_TO||','||IN_TO2 ||','||IN_TO3 ||','||IN_TO4 ||','||IN_TO5 ||','||IN_TO6 ||','||IN_TO7 ||','||IN_TO8 ||','||IN_TO9 ||','||IN_TO10||crlf||'';
elsif IN_TO9 is not null then
mesg:=mesg||'To:'||IN_TO||','||IN_TO2 ||','||IN_TO3 ||','||IN_TO4 ||','||IN_TO5 ||','||IN_TO6 ||','||IN_TO7 ||','||IN_TO8 ||','||IN_TO9 ||crlf||'';
elsif IN_TO8 is not null then
mesg:=mesg||'To:'||IN_TO||','||IN_TO2 ||','||IN_TO3 ||','||IN_TO4 ||','||IN_TO5 ||','||IN_TO6 ||','||IN_TO7 ||','||IN_TO8 ||crlf||'';
elsif IN_TO7 is not null then
elsif IN_TO6 is not null then
elsif IN_TO5 is not null then
elsif IN_TO4 is not null then
elsif IN_TO3 is not null then
elsif IN_TO2 is not null then
end if;
-- Apertura di un collegamento al server
utl_smtp.helo(conn, mailhost);
-- Inizio di una transazione di posta con il server passandogli il mittente
-- il destinatario
if IN_TO2 is not null then utl_smtp.rcpt(conn,IN_TO2 ); end if;
if IN_TO3 is not null then utl_smtp.rcpt(conn,IN_TO3 ); end if;
if IN_TO4 is not null then utl_smtp.rcpt(conn,IN_TO4 ); end if;
if IN_TO5 is not null then utl_smtp.rcpt(conn,IN_TO5 ); end if;
if IN_TO6 is not null then utl_smtp.rcpt(conn,IN_TO6 ); end if;
if IN_TO7 is not null then utl_smtp.rcpt(conn,IN_TO7 ); end if;
if IN_TO8 is not null then utl_smtp.rcpt(conn,IN_TO8 ); end if;
if IN_TO9 is not null then utl_smtp.rcpt(conn,IN_TO9 ); end if;
if IN_TO10 is not null then utl_smtp.rcpt(conn,IN_TO10); end if;
if IN_TO11 is not null then utl_smtp.rcpt(conn,IN_TO11); end if;
if IN_TO12 is not null then utl_smtp.rcpt(conn,IN_TO12); end if;
if IN_TO13 is not null then utl_smtp.rcpt(conn,IN_TO13); end if;
if IN_TO14 is not null then utl_smtp.rcpt(conn,IN_TO14); end if;
if IN_TO15 is not null then utl_smtp.rcpt(conn,IN_TO15); end if;
if IN_TO16 is not null then utl_smtp.rcpt(conn,IN_TO16); end if;
if IN_TO17 is not null then utl_smtp.rcpt(conn,IN_TO17); end if;
if IN_TO18 is not null then utl_smtp.rcpt(conn,IN_TO18); end if;
if IN_TO19 is not null then utl_smtp.rcpt(conn,IN_TO19); end if;
if IN_TO20 is not null then utl_smtp.rcpt(conn,IN_TO20); end if;
if IN_TO21 is not null then utl_smtp.rcpt(conn,IN_TO21); end if;
if IN_TO22 is not null then utl_smtp.rcpt(conn,IN_TO22); end if;
-- ed il testo del messaggio, mesg);
-- Chiusura della connessione

Horrible code.
Fact: when you REPEAT a variable or source code statement again and again - IT IS WRONG. It is not modularised. It is not robust, flexible, readable or maintainable.
The code should look as follows:
// a string array type is needed for dealing with multiple recipients - this
// can be defined as a SQL or PL/SQL type
// SQL type is used in the example as it is usable in both SQL and PL/SQL
// engines
create or replace type TStrings is table of varchar2(4000);
// the parameter signature and code for the procedure:
create or replace procedure EmailMessage(
  senderAddress varchar2 default '[email protected]',   --// the sender
  recipientList TStrings, --// array of recipients
  subject varchar2, --// subject of the mail
  message varchar2 --// e-mail body to send
) is
  --// to build the TO string for the e-mail header
  for i in 1..recipientList.Count loop
    mesgTo := msgTo || recipientList(i);
    if i < recipientList.Count then
      mesgTo := msgTo || ',';
    end if;
  end loop;
  --// create the complete e-mail body
  --// (I would prefer a template string variable and
  --// and replacing tokens in it with the subject,
  --// recipients, sender, and so on
  mailBody := 'Mime-Version: 1.0 '||utl_tcp.CrLf||
              'Content-Type: text/plain'||utl_tcp.CrLf||
              'Subject: nvs-web server'||utl_tcp.CrLf||
              'To: '||mesgTo||utl_tcp.CrLf||
              'From: '||senderAddress||utl_tcp.CrLf||
  --// to specify the recipients to the SMTP server
  for i in 1..recipientList.Count loop
    utl_smtp.rcpt( conn, recipientList(i) );
  end loop;
end;You should also consider using UTL_MAIL as it serves fine for sending basic e-mails, and basic e-mails with a single attachment.

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