Mainframe character mode

Is it possible to develop a portlet that could display character
mode screen information from a mainframe? The application is
CICS based running an SNA 3270.

I don't know much about mainframe character mode data, but you can approach this problem a few ways:
1) Is there any way to write a java program that can access this data? If so, then you can use PDK-Java to easily turn your java component into a portlet.
2) Is there any way to write a program in ANY language that can access this data and render it as HTML content? If so, then you can use PDK-URL services to render this data as a portlet.

Similar Messages

  • Print landscape report in character mode

    It seems that I should change xxx.prt file in DESFORMAT parameter to match different kinds of printers in order to print landscape report in character mode.
    Our customers are international wide. How can I do to make this setting meet every customer for printing reports in landscape style?
    We will run the reports on Unix on the middle tier and customers read them in browser.
    Thanks for help.

    This sounds like a similar problem that I had (and still having). It was (is) a Bug. Go to and reference this bug#1413754. See if this is your problem as well. My only work around was change the format of the file instead of using character mode I am now using PDF. Which is working fine for me.

  • Report in Character MODE

    I have an Oracle Reports Server 6i and Forms Server 6i on the same machine.
    Operation system Windows 2000 Server.
    I can not run reports with BITMAP mode after runing report in CHARACTER MODE.
    1 report: I run report on Forms server using command line:
    rwcli60.exe report=report1.rep MODE=CHARCTER DESTYPE=MAIL DESNAME=MyMail BACKGROUND=YES server=REP_SERVER
    It works correct.
    When I run report by URL:
    2 report: http://myhost/rwcgi60.exe?report=report2.rep DESTYPE=CACHE DESFORMAT=HTML server=REP_SERVER MODE=BITMAP
    Report fails with message
    REP-1920 character mode runtime incompatible with DESFORMAT of PDF,HTML,HTMLCSS or RTF
    Then I restart reports server service and report2 works correct but after runing report1 report2 does not work.
    Whats are problem?

    You are running into known bug 2460641. It is fixed in the latest patchset, patchset 13. Please give it a try as it should resolve your issue. If it does not, I'd suggest contacting Oracle Support.
    Hope that helps,

  • Running the report in Bitmap and Character mode

    We have the reports which can run in both the character mode and Bitmap mode. The only problem I'm facing is font size in the character mode report. If the report is run in Character mode then the font size of the report will be greater. As the sizer is bigger, I'm getting the X symbol in the place of report. Can i reduce the size of the font. I'm using the font Tahoma (8 points). Reports 6i Version and Windows Xp is the OS.
    Alok Dubey

    Hi this may solve u'r problem
    In Oracle Reports Designer, bitmap mode, you can make "C"
    bold and in a different font and point size than "c". This
    is because you are generating postscript output.
    Postscript is a universal printer language and any
    postscript printer is able to interpret your different
    design instructions.
    In Oracle Reports Designer, character mode, the
    APPLICATIONS STANDARDS REQUIRE the report to be designed in
    ONE FONT/ ONE CHARACTER SIZE. Character mode reports
    generate ASCII output. In ASCII you cannot dynamically
    change the font and character size. The standard is in
    effect so a report prints as identically as possible from
    both conventional and postscript printers.

  • Cannot print character mode in windows 2000

    When I try to execute a character mode report using a network printer the report does not run correctly (prt sheet size, escape sequences etc.).
    There are three machines involved in this problem:
    1) A Windows XP Professional running reports developer. This machine was used to develop the report. It will be reffered as WXP in the future. These are version details of this machine:
    Report Builder
    ORACLE Server Release
    Oracle Procedure Builder
    Oracle ORACLE PL/SQL V8. - Production
    Oracle CORE Version - Production
    Oracle Tools Integration Services
    Oracle Tools Common Area
    Oracle Toolkit 2 for Windows 32-bit platforms
    Resource Object Store
    Oracle Help
    Oracle Sqlmgr
    Oracle Query Builder - Production
    PL/SQL Editor (c) WinMain Software (, v1.0 (Production)
    Oracle ZRC
    Oracle Express
    Oracle XML Parser     Production
    Oracle Virtual Graphics System
    Oracle Image
    Oracle Multimedia Widget
    Oracle Tools GUI Utilities
    2) A Windows 2000 Server machine running reports runtime and accessed via windows terminal server. It will be reffered as W2000 in the future. These are version details of this machine:
    Report Builder
    ORACLE Server Release
    Oracle Procedure Builder
    Oracle ORACLE PL/SQL V8. - Production
    Oracle CORE Version - Production
    Oracle Tools Integration Services
    Oracle Tools Common Area
    Oracle Toolkit 2 for Windows 32-bit platforms
    Resource Object Store
    Oracle Help
    Oracle Sqlmgr
    Oracle Query Builder - Production
    PL/SQL Editor (c) WinMain Software (, v1.0 (Production)
    Oracle ZRC
    Oracle Express
    Oracle XML Parser     Production
    Oracle Virtual Graphics System
    Oracle Image
    Oracle Multimedia Widget
    Oracle Tools GUI Utilities
    As you can see, all versions are exactly the same in both machines.
    3) A windows 98 machine with a epson fx-880+ printer atached on it. It will be referenced as W98.
    When running the report from the WXP machine, directing the output to the W98 Epson FX-880+ it works fine: all escape sequences takes effect, the speed is good and the aligment is ok. But when running the same .rep report from the W2000 machine, directing the output to the same W98 printer, the escape sequences doesn't work and, worst, are printed. As a consequence of this, the aligment is wrong.
    All of this was done to try to fix this problem:
    1) The latest patch available for reports 6i is patch 15 which you can download from metalink -> patches -> Simple search -> patch number = 3171855. You can apply the latest patch and test (Raghavendra from metalink)
    2) Apply the spool raw datatype workaround in Windows 2000, following these steps:
    * Click Start , point to Settings , and then click Printers.
    * Right-click the printer that you want to use and click Properties.
    * On the Advanced tab, click Print Processor.
    * Click Raw in the Default data type box.
    * Click OK to confirm changes.
    * On the Advanced tab, clear the Enable advanced printing features option.
    * Click OK to confirm changes.
    (From metalink Note:178433.1)
    3) Edit the wide.prt file using dos edit instead of notepad, and using CTRL+P + ALT18 to obtain the ESC(18) character (just the same thing that was done in WXP machine) (From OTN Forum)
    Does anyone wave any other idea?
    Vinicius Pacheco

    I'm replying my own question to inform what happens if anyone is facing same situation.
    Initially thanks to Bob for your sugestion. It works! But not at first time.
    I don't have administrator permission at the remote machine (W2000) to change the printer settings. So I made a request to the people who has. They made the changes, but the report still not working. After some tries we saw the reason: all the changes was for their user only. In my user this changes weren't active. So there are some things to check in this situation:
    1) If you are not administrator, check if the changes made by another people are in effect in your account;
    2) In some way your local printer definitons affects the remote printer (don't ask me why!!!), so check you local printer definition too.
    I hope it helps!

  • How to do a report in CHARACTER MODE?!

    I have to do a report in CHARACTER MODE
    and to print it to a EPSON LX-850 printer.
    My report must have 21*9.5 cm (Width*height)
    I did :
    - in the Property palette of report Unit of measurement=centimeter
    - in the Property palette of Main Section : Width=21,Height=9.5 and
    in character mode Width=80 and height=22
    - in System parameter the parameter MODE=CHARACTER and
    the parameter DESFORMAT=R80x22
    I did a file R80X22.PRT which contains :
    printer "epson10cpix6lpi"
    height 22
    width 80
    before report esc"@"
    hilight overstrike
    return control(M)
    linefeed control(J)
    When I print , the printer tear off the whole page A4
    and didn't stop after 9.5 cm which is the height of my page in report.
    What to do to stop the printer after the height of page in my report (9.5cm)?
    Please help me!
    Thank you!

    What happens when you generate the report to file and look at the file? Does it look like it's generating to the correct size before the end of page marker?

  • Printing barcode in oracle report 6i in character mode

    Hi there,
    I am new in oracle reports, especially in printing it in character mode.
    I am trying to create a report for ticketing purposes, so I have to put barcode on it.
    So far, I did follow this link Printing in character mode (urgent)
    and yes, I didn't get it. I been doing this 3 days already and no successful result.
    I just don't get the commands in .prt file and how could i integrate it in oracle report 6i.
    The printer I use : epson LX-300+
    windows OS.
    Your help is highly needed, any opinion will do. I just need help that bad.
    Edited by: shynn on Jul 18, 2012 6:56 PM

    Hi guys,
    I already get the character mode using ESC character.
    Just this, I need your help.. Do you know the ESC code for the barcode that we could add in .prt file?
    Just the ESC code, but if there is needed for configuration for that, kindly add it up.

  • How to print report in Character mode using Oracle Developer 10g

    I migrate my forms and reports from Oracle Developer 6 to Oracle Developer reports 10g,
    We are using some character mode report for bill printing. But when i run these report through menu on Web i got error message like
    "REP-1920: Character mode runtime incompatible with DESFORMAT of PDF, HTML, HTMLCSS, SPREADSHEET or RTF"
    i don't want to change the character mode to any other mode because it effects the printing.
    so how can it possible to set the mode to character and view report on Web.
    pls. suggest me solution.

    You have to pass the PRT file name as value for the DESFORMAT and use mode= MODE=CHARACTER.
    http://<host name>:<port>/reports/rwservlet?desformat=dflt&mode=character&.....

  • Oracle 6i report in character mode

    we have been using oracle 6i report in Windows XP, our printer is attached to the said PC when we print character mode the print out is not in character mode but if we send the print-out in a printer attached to a PC using win98 the printout is perfect.

    Hi guys,
    I already get the character mode using ESC character.
    Just this, I need your help.. Do you know the ESC code for the barcode that we could add in .prt file?
    Just the ESC code, but if there is needed for configuration for that, kindly add it up.

  • Report printing in character mode in rb6.

    hi all,
    i am facing a problem to print reports, devepoped in character mode.
    i am using report builder
    and operating system windows 98 on client.
    The situation is
    A) 1st case: when i run a report (.rep file) with destination type
    screen or preview. then i want to print it on printer, but as soon
    as i select the printer and click ok button it gives the
    operating system's message of "this function has performed an illegal
    operation" and the application exits.
    B) 2nd case: when i run a report (.rep file) with destination type
    screen or preview. then i want to generate an text file .txt,
    but when i generate to txt it doesn't generate the file as in screen
    i.e. format is changed.
    C) 3rd case: the interesting situation is that when i run
    a report (.rep file) with destination type printer and
    select the printer and click ok it prints quite fine.
    D) 4rth case:similarly if i select the destination type as file the it
    generates to file quite fine.
    please help me in this regrard.
    suggest either i need any patch etc.
    i haven't install any patch
    prompt response would be highly appreciated.
    dilshad ch.

    i would strongly suggest you
    1) install the latest patches
    2) check back with oracle support services if your problems persist. check oracle metalink for known problems.
    the oracle reports team --pw                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Print in character mode with Reports 6i

    No matter what I do, when I try to print a report made in character mode the .prt file is not applied, I changed de initial value of desformat to de desired printer configuration, but nothing, I even change de dflt.prt, and made de width larger but it still prints with de default configuration.
    If anyone can help me.

    hi dear,
    actually i faced this problem b4. ok let me give u full procedure that I apply to make my reports be printed in .txt file as i want it.
    humm...first of all if u are creating reports using report wizard plz make sure u select Template = "Character Mode"
    and if not using report wizard as I don't use he he he..then
    ok ...let go...
    1. open property palette for report module
    - set unit of measurement = Centimeter (it's not that imp but i do)
    - now go at last section in that prop. pale. and set "Design In Character Units" = "Yes"
    2. in Data Model goto system parameters
    - Desformat = "dflt" (it's default)
    - desname = "d:\h1.txt" (or whtever u like it;'s use full while development)
    - destype = "File" (so u will get your report directly into the file specified at desname)
    - mode = "Character" (obviously..he he he)
    ok now step 3
    3. layout model
    -> main Section
    - humm now let say u want your report to be 150 char in width
    so just see there u will find width = 21.59 and in char mode (down in that prop.
    pale.) report width = 80
    so it's very simple maths 150 char => 40.48125 got it....
    now that's all he he he
    Enjoy your report with 150 char width...wht else... ok ok ok let me give u a copy of my dflt.prt (as it's also having it's impact on this...issue :)
    printer "dflt"
    height 68
    width 208
    linefeed control(J)
    ok and yeah try to see the output file into word pad or some like...dont' try it using notepad as i am not sure how will it look (:-o)
    bcoz I am actually creating this reports to be transferd to solaris so i removed line return (i.e. control(M)) .u can keep it ok...
    so....if any prob just contact...
    Enjoy Oracle...

  • How to send a character mode report from Oracle Form 10g to a printer.

    how sending a character mode report from Oracle 10g report to a printer.
    I'm sending to a printer located in the network
    i have theses parameter report
    desformat = prtname
    destype= ?????
    i would like to preview the report before to send to a printer

    2006-2007 From Date : 01-JUL-06
    Printed On : Friday August 31 2007 11:13 AM To Date : 30-SEP-07
    G A/C. Code 99-99-9999 Description: xxxxxxxxxxxxx H
    -- DOC. # -- -- DATE -Chq/Slip# ---------- N A R R A T I O N -- -- DEBIT -- -- CREDIT -- -- BALANCE --
    Opening Balance: -999,999,999.00 Cr.
    G *** Total *** 0.00 0.00 -999,999,999.00H
    ================= ================= =================
    when i run character mode report in browser then display this output properly
    but sir problem is that when i print the report
    G(use for bold)
    is not working
    means not print in bold format in printer
    same character print G
    do you have any idea when i print through browser to printer G for bold purpose its work to printer ?

  • Rep-3002 while calling report from form in character mode on web environment

    When I call a report by using run_product from a form , i get rep-3002. my report is in character mode. if i change it to bitmap that works fine. but my requirement is of character mode on web environment.
    please help.

    If you are running in WinNT/2000 environment, the NT/2000 user which runs the Report Server service must have a printer defined. In the control panel, look at the properties for the Report Server to see what user it runs as. Log in as that user and make sure a default printer is defined.
    The Oracle Reports Team --skw                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT . Publish reports character mode directly within browser!

    I'm having the problem.
    When I want to publish reports character mode directly within browser!
    The code is as follows!
      v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(reportFile,mparamlist_id);
      rep_status := REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS(v_rep);
         if rep_status = 'FINISHED' then
            vjob_id :=substr(v_rep,length(server)+2,length(v_rep));
      message('Fail to create Report!');
         end if;
    The report is generated,
    But it does not open directly in browser!
    The browser will download a file without extension / format, with the name 'getjobid38'!
    When I change the code to 'TXT'
    The following error is returned:
    rep-50003 the command line is invalid: getjobid38.txt
    Already grateful!

    working with forms 11gR2 (

  • PDF output in character mode

    We are trying to print a XML out put in PDF format using dot matrix printer. The problem is, the dot matrix printer is printing in graphic mode, i.e. each line is printed as two halves. We need each character to be printed as a whole character. Due to graphic mode printing the report is not legible. Suggest some font that can be used in the template which will appear legible in dot matrix.
    Or any other way to print the PDF output in character mode.

    this sounds like a printer driver / firmware issue. I'd suggest to discuss that issue with the printer vendor and maybe get support from them to get the printer working for PDF files.
    Another option is to put some filters in the print queue to convert the PDF into other formats, bitmap or postscript or whatever the printer understands.
    I don't think this is a problem related to BI Publisher, as long as the PDF displays fine on your screen.
    best regards,

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