Mainstage for Vocals + Keyboard/Guitar

I'm quite new to Mainstage, and I would love to get some thoughts.
I want to run my vocals mic through Apogee Duet to Mainstage, and play my Midi Controller keyboard (through USB) at the same time. Does Mainstage have any templates etc for for vocals or is it just for instruments?
So basically what I'm asking is how can I setup Vocals and Midi Keyboard in Mainstage?
I also want to be able to do vocals and guitar at the same time (different inputs through Apogee Duet), but I suppose it's the same as my question above.
Thanks in advance!

I'm quite new to Mainstage, and I would love to get some thoughts.
I want to run my vocals mic through Apogee Duet to Mainstage, and play my Midi Controller keyboard (through USB) at the same time. Does Mainstage have any templates etc for for vocals or is it just for instruments?
So basically what I'm asking is how can I setup Vocals and Midi Keyboard in Mainstage?
I also want to be able to do vocals and guitar at the same time (different inputs through Apogee Duet), but I suppose it's the same as my question above.
Thanks in advance!

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    hi mm
    there are so many different sound cards out there these days it seems - ill just say that one that i got alot of use out of was the tascam 122 (
    it has 2 decent phantom powered XLR inputs, some midi stuff, a place to plug a guitar into and some nice big knobs.
    the next level would be something with more ins (8 or 10) and probably firewire, and also around $400 i think.
    oh, and your computer should be more than sufficient to handle what you want to do.
    G4PB1.5GHZ12INCH125RAM Mac OS X (10.4.6)

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    Hi Capp 543:
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    IMO the iRig manual is way way too simplistic.
    I am attaching some jpeg's of what helped me solve it, though it was tough. If it doesn't open, search Audio Midi Setup help for "sharing midi data over a network". You have to create a wireless session using Audio/Midi setup, OR create an "ad hoc" network using bluetooth if there's no wi-fi (another set of problems...). This may be your issue. There are a few things beyond getting the wireless network appearing that you have to do, that's why I'm suggesting this even though you did it, or a part of it.
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    Sorry buddy but its not possible to exchange some single keys on a keyboard so in this case you must replace the complete keyboard. But normally this should not be so difficult.
    Either you exchange the keyboard yourself or you sent the notebook to the authorized service provider.
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    Message Edited by zilla on 2009-05-06 10:23 PM
    T500: Vista 32, 2.8GHz, 4GB RAM, 15.4" 1680x1050, 500GB 7200rpm, ATI Radeon HD3650 + Intel 4500MHD. T42: XP, 1.7GHz, 2GB RAM, 14.1" 1024x768, 250GB PATA, ATI Radeon 7500.

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    Barbara B. wrote:
    Uh oh. You should have had an uninstaller in the PSE 8 folder in applications. I'm afraid you may have set yourself up for bigger problems by doing it this way. You may well find that you will eventually need to download and run the CS4 cleanscript to get straightened back out again.
    You may be correct, but I've had no other problems after all the different un-install methods. The only pieces that are hard to find are those that Adobe chooses to hide deep in System areas. I suppose since they were one of the first Mac developers, they think they have special capabilities to put stuff any and every where they want. As well as special dispensation to do things anti-Mac ways. I can't claim to be a power-user, but I have never, ever felt the need to purchase/use any special "uninstaller" app. And I can't think of another app I've ever owned that even needed an "uninstaller" for it. That includes Canvas, php, Apache setups, etc. Frankly, and this is simply my opinion and obviously of little importance to absolutely no one else, the way Adobe does things seems to be extremely un-organized, not-well-thought-out and downright non-Mac. The only thing even marginally close to their confusing instal/uninstall process is Stanford's Folding@home set up. It sometimes requires a few Terminal commands...
    I will perform a search for that CS4 "clearscript" thing, however. Thanks!
    Even the response I got from my Support post assured me that...
    reset/restore the Preferences, click Yes or OK . Now try to use the "Save for Web" keyboard command by pressing "Alt+Shift+Crtl+S". I am positive that after following the above steps your issue will be resolved .
    OK, I get the rest/restore step. but what does the "alt+shift+Crtl+S" have to do with anything? It certainly is not the keyboard short cut for the Mac version of Elements. Perhaps the chap didn't notice the details in my message or the hardware/software information that came with my request for help. I find it strange that somehow the language differences cause the tech's positive belief that his steps would fix the issue that he also presents:
    If the issue is still not resolved then please send us the below mentioned information so that we can provide you with the best possible resolution:-
    1. Have you recently made any changes to your computer?
    2. Are you logged in as administrator ?
    3. Does the issue persist on another system or another user account ?
    4.     Do you get any error message while pressing the combination of "Alt+Shift+Crtl+S" keys on the keyboard? if yes then send us the screen shot of the error message that you are getting
    5.     Please provide the exact system Configuration with details along with the Versions.
    Every single one of those questions was included with the initial message I sent.
    I suspect that the problem is, indeed, in my System, somewhere. I installed Elements on my wife's MBP and it operated normally, even the command+option(alt)+shift+S command. So, when I get some time this week, I'll start up in Safe mode and see if that helps. If not, I'll start removing third-party Pref Panels and apps, a few at a time. If none of that helps, I may try retrieving files from Time Machine. As a last effort, I can always do an Archive and (re)Install of Snow Leopard. I'm just not sure it's worth all the effort to get one measly short cut... The only thing I know for sure is that I will not be seeking any more help from Adobe's "tech support." Why bother, they don't/can't even read the messages their own system sends!

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    It's a royal pain extracting the keyboard and I've already ordered one through ebay which was the wrong one.  I've searched by model number and I can't find any hits. Often different models use the same parts, so if anyone knows another model that uses the same parts, that would be great. The keyboard part number would be the ideal solution though. 
    BTW, I spilled water on the keyboard so it's not covered under warranty. I also can't wait for the repair if I were to send it out for repair. I'm using a usb keyboard and mouse in the meantime. 
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Keyboard in black finish:
    For use in the United States 686836-001
    Backlit keyboard in black finish:
    Backlit keyboard for use in the United States 687099–001
    Keyboard in black/silver finish:
    For use in the United States 692758-001
    Backlit keyboard in black/silver finish:
    Backlit keyboard for use in the United States 692759–001
    Your Service Manual:

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    I bought some ordinary rechargable batteries from Maplin Electronics (AA NiMH) and they were perfect (even came with an AC charger) for £9.99 (they supplied 6 and 2 AAA), so perfect for the keyboard.
    Hope that helps.

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    iMac key     PC key
    cmd left       alt
    cmd right     alt gr
    alt left          windows
    alt right        menu
    f13               insert
    f14               print screen
    f15               pause/break
    I have found several websites that sell replacement keycaps for iMac keyboards, but I have not found any that sell PC keycaps for iMac keyboards. Any tips?

    Thanks, The hatter, but I would prefer to keep the iMac keyboard since I really like its look and feel. No idea where I can buy PC keycaps for it?
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    Hi - does anyone know if the Satellite P300 has a back light for the keyboard? I am assuming it does as the keys are shiny black but cannot for the life of me figure out how to turn it on. Any assistance is appreciated.

    As far as I know illuminated keyboard will be offered with new notebook series A500 and P500.
    I am 100% sure Satellite P300 has not such keyboard.
    You can check specifications for different Satellite /Satellite pro P300 models and you will see that nowhere is mentioned such keyboard.

  • Iskin for UK keyboard!? does it exist?

    just got a lovely new macbook pro, love it!
    but im in the UK, London specifically.. and i have the keyboard with the upside down backwards L return key.. and i was wondering if they do an iskin or similiar silicone keyboard cover for my keyboard? as all i have seen on ebay are the ones for the US keyboard.
    if anyone knows of, or seen, let me know please!!
    thanks very much

    Try Radius Vision, they list a UK version and have always produced decent stuff.

  • Is there a app for T9 keyboard!!!

    I currently have a droid and i'm thinking about switching to a Iphone.. I read reviews for T keyboard they all said there isn't any but the reviews are a few years old.. didn't know if something new came out..I found some but you have to copy and paste the words into messaging don't want anything like that. If i have to jail break my iphone for a T9 keyboard i will do so.. Please help!

    I too am asking this same question.
    I currently have a Sony Ericsson Xperia Ray and it has the wonderful feature of being able to seamlessly move between phone keypad input and Qwerty by simple rotation of the handset - the best of both worlds.
    Oddly enough after 8 months using this phone I find that most of the time I want to use the keypad T9 predictive input. It is faster and I can use it single handed and type with my left thumb. Also I don't need to get my glasses out to see the keyboard as it is much larger. I can actually type a text without even looking, if necessary. I've also done a speed and accuracy test and find that the keypad wins every time for me.
    But for work purposes I'm going to have to move to an iphone eventually. But this lack of T9 (and the rediculous monthy cost £36 compared to £20) is making me stick with the Xperia Ray up to now.
    This MultiTap text is presumably also T9 predictive? But you say it wont integrate easily with the iphone?? Do you mean if you need to reply to a text you have to call up the doesn't just appear as an option?
    Many Thanks

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