Make a border to panelGrid

how can i make to panelGrid a visible border?
i'd like to do it with css, and it doesn't work.
<h:panelGrid columns="2" styleClass="rootgrid">
border: mm,thick;

I think it's just an issue with your CSS. Try:
  border: thick solid;

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    Click on whatever you want a border around and open the Inspector in iWeb and then click on the 5th along and then you have the option of using a Line or Picture Frame - whatever you want. If you want a border, then use the line option and you can change the colour and thickness of it around what you want.
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    Glad to have come up with one useful solution for you, and on my first guess...
    Happy editing,

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    Hi Dimitri,
    Select the rectangle you wish to use from your Muse page.
    Click on the blue 'Stroke' and a box will pop up where you can set the border styles for all four borders individually.

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    Tom B.

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    To do that you'll need a 3rd party editor like one of these:
    Some Image Editors that support layers:
    Photoshop Elements 10 for Mac - $79
    Rainbow Painter - $30
    Imagerie - $38
    Acorn - $50
    Pixelmator - $60 
    Seashore - Free
    Portraits and Prints - Free
    GIMP for Mac - Free

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    public DiagonalEllipse() {   
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
         Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;          
         AffineTransform tf = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(580,ellipse.getCenterX(),ellipse.getCenterY());     
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    Here is a simple way to add a border. Select the item, add a blank layer, choose the border size and color and the Outside option:
    Here is the result:
    Note that you don't even need to do the Stroke on a blank layer. You can Stroke directly on the picture layer. However having the blank layer preserves the picture in case you want to start again with different Stroke options.
    If this is not what you are looking to do, please clarify.

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    a img { border: none; }
    to your linked CSS stylesheet (if you have one - if not, create one).

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    I just started using LabVIEW again after a several year hiatus (I used to use it a LOT).  With the paintbrush tool, should I not be able to right click a numeric indicator's border and select T for transparent to make the border disappear?  Fo the life of me, this isn't working and I'm stumped on something that should be rudimentary.   I can't get the indicator's border to change to anything beyond the complimentary colors to the numeric's background (which changes with no problem).  It's as if they're locked together.
    I'm running v8.5.

    Hi Santa Cruz
    Right click on the indicator's border with the paintbrush tool to bing up the colour palette. On the bottom left hand corner you will see a rectangular box that displays the current colour. If you select T the left hand side of the box will stay grey and the right hand side will display a T. What you want is the left hand side to display the T. If you press the spacebar twice to toggle the colour selection and and then select the T again you will find that the indicator's border will disappear.
    Hope that helps

  • Aperture 3, Border Fx after upgrade to MacOS X 10.9.2

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    Ok, I'll try to see if I can explain a little of what I see.  Here is a picture exported from Aperture using the Border Fx plug-in.  The date of the export is Feb 25.  Note that there is a white border around the image, although it might be hard to see here, but with a soft inner edge to the border
    I updated to Mas OS X on Feb 26.  Here's another picture exported using Border Fx, with the same preset is used on the first picture  This picture was exported on Feb 27, and as far as I know, I made no adjustments to Border Fx, just using the same default preset that I used in the first picture.
    Note that in this image, the border still has the soft inner edge, but now it appears grey and not white.  I've tried to get the white border back in Border Fx, but whenever I select the soft edge option, the border turns grey.  There's nothing I can do within Border Fx to bring the border back to white.  I haven't tried any of my other presets to see if they still work as before or not.  I've tried to delete this preset and recreate it, but I can't do that either.  It's not that big of a deal, but I think something has changed.  I guess I could go back using Time Machine and re-set OS X back to 10.9.1, but I don't really want to do that just on account of this.  I also feel that Border Fx is not handling multiple borders the way it used to, but I can't be sure of that.  Thanks for replying to my question.

  • How do you make a button's background invisible?

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    What do I need to do?

    But that may not help, cuz if the panel under the button is gray, that'll just show thru also. ...
    that should've been setOpaque(false) for transparent.

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