Making a button go to a specific frame

I'm having trouble with this.  I'm just practicing for the moment and not expert in flash code at all.  I have a button on frame #1.  On that frame, I used the following code I found on the web (which I tried using both AS2 and AS3):
function buttonClick(event:MouseEvent);void{
I get errors of varying sorts.  What should I use?  AS2 or AS3?  And what code should I assign to the button (or that button's frame?) to get it to go to frame 2 once clicked?

The code you show is an incomplete/incorrect attempt to use AS3.  For AS3 you need to assign an instance name to the button and then assign an event listener to the button using the instance name to target it.  The code goes in the frame of the timeline that coincides with the button's frame (preferably on a separate layer for actionscript).  So if you gave the button an instance name of "btn", the complete/correct code for it would be...
stop(); // this is a timeline command, not a button command
btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonClick);
function buttonClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {

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  • Button link to a specific frame in time line

    Ok I have created my buttons and the content for the specific
    frames. I have named the button and given it an instance name. I
    have also given my specific frame a name and set that label type to
    Whats the code for turning getting my button to link to a
    specific frame?
    I've also done the stop() code in each frame as I want it to
    stop at each frame until the button is clicked again.
    I have more than one button and each will link to a different

    I've duplicated an FLA with exactly the assets you have in
    the same places, with the code on the main timeline. And mine
    didn't work, just the same problem as you had. The solution I
    proposed above works, but it is not the only way (See #2 below).
    On Frame 1, select the UIScrollbar. if you look in the
    Parameters tab of your UIScrollbar component, you'll notice that
    scrolltargetName refers to
    Instance_0. This is a default instance name assigned by the
    Flash compiler, because you did not give your dynamic textfield an
    instance, and your UIscollbar is referencing that. Now go to Frame
    4. You will find that your dynamic textfield has the same instance
    name, and the UIScrollbar is referencing the same instance. Problem
    is, you have more than one textfield on more than one frame using
    and referencing the same instance name, your UIScrollbars will get
    confused as to which textfield is actually "Instance_0". The moment
    you click to another frame, you've confused the UIScrollbar(s), so
    they never work again.
    The solution is simple.
    First, put a stop() action on the first frame, if you have
    not already done so, so your timeline stays put until you click on
    a button.
    Then you can solve the problem in one of two ways:
    Give your textfields different instance names, and make sure
    scrolltargetName property of each UIScrollbar refers to its
    respective textfield.
    Or set the text dynamically, which after all is what a dynamic
    textfield is for. Have only one textfield/UIscrollbar combo, on the
    first frame, and place code on a keyframe for each section which
    changes the
    text or
    htmlText property of the textfield.
    That should work. It did on mine.

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    Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm looking for something a little different.
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    I've attached a sample of my code below, hopefully you'll see
    the error and be able to point it out to me?
    I have a movie clip on the stage that has different
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    someone rolls over the button, the movie clip fades in and goes to
    the correct frame to display the information.
    With this setup the way it is below, I keep getting "Warning:
    3590: void used where a Boolean value was expected. The expression
    will be type coerced to Boolean.
    I know where the problem is happening, "function
    XXX(event:MouseEvent):void {navigateToURL(XXXweb)}"
    How can I write this differently and eliminate this problem?

    I'll give that a shot, thanks!
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    buttons / frames in the movie clip? This movie clip has 50+ frames
    in it and if I could reduce my coding, it would make life a lot

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  • Removing a Button Event Listener on a Specific Frame and Reactivating it on Next Frame

    Hi , i am trying to develop a Slideshow where Next Button needs to behave in a certain way on a specific Frame , lets say a Specific Condition is met only then Next Button would work , I have been able to achieve that but problem is the Button Retains its Event Listener even on the next Frame , whereas  i have already included removeEventListener on the next frame with a new Function for the button , but its doesnt take it like that.
    Can anyone help please ?

    Hello Ned,
    I have fixed the issue with few Frame , but where we have the conditions to be met on two consecutive frames , I am not able to achieve that.
    here is the Code on my first Frame.
    slidecounter.text = String(this.currentFrame - 1 + "/" + indexframe);
    mc_prog.width = 0;
    //LIBRARIES TO BE IMPORTED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    var score:Number = 0;
    var questions:Number = 0;
    var qtotal:Number = 11;
    var attempt:Number = 0;
    var indexframe:int;
    indexframe = this.totalFrames - 1;
    var notes:Array = new Array();
    var count:int;
    count = 0;
    var backcounter:int;
    backcounter = 0;
    var count2:int;
    count2 = 0;
    var backcounter2:int;
    backcounter2 = 0;
    var count3:int;
    count3 = 0;
    var backcounter3:int;
    backcounter3 = 0;
    // MOVIE CLIPS INITITATED ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    var volbutton1:volcontrol;//VOLUME BUTTON ROLLOVER MOVIE CLIP
    volbutton1 = new volcontrol();
    clist = new courselist();
    var pop1:Mc_slide9 = new Mc_slide9;
    pop1 = new Mc_slide9;
    var pop2:Mc_slide13 = new Mc_slide13;
    pop2 = new Mc_slide13;
    var pop3:Mc_slide17 = new Mc_slide17;
    pop3 = new Mc_slide17;
    btn_nxt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToNextFrame);//NEXT SLIDE BUTTON
    btn_bck.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, backbtn);//BACK BUTTON
    btn_loc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToWebPage); //LIST OF COURSES BUTTON
    btn_notice1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadnotice1);
    pop1.closebtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, unloadbtn1);
    btn_notice2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadnotice2);
    pop2.closebtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, unloadbtn2);
    btn_notice3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadnotice3);
    pop3.closebtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, unloadbtn3);
    //VOLUME BUTTON ROLL OVER FUNCTION EVENT LISTENERS ///////////////////////////////////////
    // FUNCTIONS INITIATED /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    function fl_ClickToGoToNextFrame(event: MouseEvent): void
    function backbtn(event:MouseEvent):void{
    function fl_ClickToGoToWebPage(event: MouseEvent): void {
      navigateToURL(new URLRequest(" Employee Inductions"), "_self");
    function vol(e:MouseEvent):void
      //popup_instance.width = 675;
      //popup_instance.height = 300;
       if(this.currentFrame == 2)
        volbutton1.x = 150;
        volbutton1.y = 528;
        volbutton1.x = 278;
        volbutton1.y = 528;
      function volout (e:MouseEvent):void {
       function coursel(e:MouseEvent):void {
        if(this.currentFrame == 2)
         clist.x = 85;
         clist.y = 532;
        else if(this.currentFrame == 5){
         clist.x = 115;
         clist.y = 325;
         clist.x = 175;
         clist.y = 532;
      function corlist (e:MouseEvent):void {
    function loadnotice1(Event:MouseEvent):void//FRAME 9 FUNCTION FOR IMPORTANT NOTICE
      if ( count == 1 && stage.contains(pop1))
        if(count == 1)
         pop1.x = 40;
         pop1.y = 120;
         count = 1;
      trace("Counter Value:" + count);
    function loadnotice2(Event:MouseEvent):void//FRAME 9 FUNCTION FOR IMPORTANT NOTICE
      if ( count2 == 1 && stage.contains(pop2))
        if(count == 2)
         pop2.x = 40;
         pop2.y = 120;
         count2 = 1;
      trace("Counter Value:" + count);
    function loadnotice3(Event:MouseEvent):void//FRAME 9 FUNCTION FOR IMPORTANT NOTICE
      if ( count3 == 1 && stage.contains(pop3))
        if(count == 3)
         pop2.x = 40;
         pop2.y = 120;
         count2 = 1;
      trace("Counter Value:" + count);
    function nextframe9(event: MouseEvent): void
        if(count == 1 && stage.contains(pop1) )
        if(count == 1)
         pop1.x = 40;
         pop1.y = 120;
         count = 1;
    function nextframe13(event: MouseEvent): void
        if(count2 == 1 && stage.contains(pop2) )
        if(count2 == 1)
         pop2.x = 40;
         pop2.y = 120;
         count2 = 1;
    function nextframe17(event: MouseEvent): void
        if(count3 == 1 && stage.contains(pop3) )
        if(count3 == 1)
         pop3.x = 40;
         pop3.y = 120;
         count3 = 1;
    function backbtnscript1(event:MouseEvent):void
       if(stage.contains(pop1) )
          backcounter = 1;
          trace("back" + backcounter);
    function unloadbtn1 (e:MouseEvent):void {
    function backbtnscript2(event:MouseEvent):void
       if(stage.contains(pop2) )
          backcounter2 = 1;
          trace("back" + backcounter2);
    function unloadbtn2 (e:MouseEvent):void {
    function backbtnscript3(event:MouseEvent):void
       if(stage.contains(pop3) )
          backcounter3 = 1;
          trace("back" + backcounter3);
    function unloadbtn3 (e:MouseEvent):void {
    and here is the Code on all the Frames where I need to call in specific Listeners
    Here Is the Code ,
    FRAME 8
    slidecounter.text = String(this.currentFrame - 1 + "/" + indexframe);
    count = 0;
    backcounter = 0;
    btn_nxt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK , fl_ClickToGoToNextFrame);
    btn_bck.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, backbtn);
    btn_bck.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK , backbtnscript1);
    btn_nxt.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK , nextframe9);
    pop1.closebtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, unloadbtn1);
    //btn_notice1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK , loadnotice1);
    FRAME 9
    slidecounter.text = String(this.currentFrame - 1 + "/" + indexframe);
    count = 0;
    btn_nxt.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK , fl_ClickToGoToNextFrame);
    btn_bck.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, backbtn);
    btn_bck.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK , backbtnscript1);
    btn_nxt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK , nextframe9);
    btn_notice1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK , loadnotice1);
    FRAME 10
    slidecounter.text = String(this.currentFrame - 1 + "/" + indexframe);
    count = 0;
    backcounter = 0;
    btn_nxt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK , fl_ClickToGoToNextFrame);
    btn_bck.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, backbtn);
    btn_bck.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK , backbtnscript1);
    btn_nxt.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK , nextframe9);
    pop1.closebtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, unloadbtn1);
    I am repeating this Pattern on each frame set where I need these Listeners ,
    Problem is with the next one where I have two consecutive frames have different conditions to meet, any ideas how would I disable and enable listeners respectively on these frames ?
    I hope I am not confusing this very much ?;(

  • GotoAndPlay specific frame in external swf from main swf

    I have a main swf that loads 2 external swfs.
    I click on button to see content of external swf #1 and see stuff. I do something that causes external swf to show other stuff (i.e. not at beginning state)
    In the main swf I click on button to see content of external swf #2. External swf #1 content is made invisible and I see content of external swf stuff.
    NOW, if I click on button to take me back to see external swf #1, I see it's content in current state. I want to force it to start over again at frame #1 which will reset content.
    However, no matter what I try, I can't seem to control which frame to go to in external swf using gotoAndplay.
    Here is code in frame #1 of main swf to load external swfs:
    //load academic movie
    var swfLoader1:Loader = new Loader();
    var url1:URLRequest = new URLRequest("academic.swf");
    //load wisdom movie
    var swfLoader3:Loader = new Loader();
    var url3:URLRequest = new URLRequest("wisdom.swf");
    Here is code in frame 2 of main swf that checks button to see where to go in external swf:
    //academic button clicked
    function academicClick(event:MouseEvent){
       container3.alpha = 0;
       container3.visible = false;
       container1.visible = true;
       container1.gotoAndPlay(1); //this is where I am trying to force it to start at frame 1
       container1.alpha = 1;
    I don't want to reload the external movie to force it to start over.
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    You can easily control this by making the external swf to load with your movieclip, The below is the code snippet that clear on accessing the specific frame on external swf.
    //Loading clips content
    var ldr:Loader;
    var mcExt:MovieClip;
    function loadswf(tmp:String):void{
        ldr= new Loader();
        ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressListener);
        ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, swfLoaded);
        ldr.load(new URLRequest(tmp));
        function progressListener (e:ProgressEvent):void{
        function swfLoaded(e:Event):void {
            mcExt = as MovieClip;
            ldr.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, swfLoaded);
    function unloadSwf():void{
        if (ldr!=null){
    //Intervals (The part you work on the specific frame within the external swf
    function onEnterfn(e:Event):void{
        var num:int=mcExt.currentFrame;
        if (num==1);
        if (num==9) {
                function skipfn(e:MouseEvent):void{
        if (num==mcExt.totalFrames){
    hope it solve

  • Opening new page to a Specific frame

    I am still learning Action Script but I have a problem with
    writing the full script for combing navigate to new URL and
    gotoAndPlay. More specifically what I want to do is use a button
    which when clicked will open a new page and then start playing my
    Flash movie at a certain frame on the Timeline. I have used buttons
    to navigate to a new URL and used the gotoAndPlay ( ) ; command to
    play a certain frame, both have been successful but when I combine
    the two I run into trouble. What happens is the new page loads
    correctly and goes to the specific frame but then opens the browser
    in a new window with the movie playing from the beginning. The
    correct sequence within the correct Webpage is playing but only if
    I close the current page, in other words what I am trying to
    achieve is running but in the background.
    I have attached some of the code I have tried if that helps.
    Many Thanks.

    How extensive are the corresponding text changes on the HTML
    page? How many HTML pages are there? The reason I am asking is that
    if HTML content is not big - your best bet may be to load all the
    HTML content at once and hide/unhide parts of it based on the
    commands that come from Flash.
    But if you are sticking to your guns:
    Your use case, as you described it, is:
    1. user clicks a button on a column
    2. the column clicked moves across the movie
    3. the movie starts to play a different section
    4. the text on the web page changes to match the new movie
    There is a problem here - No 4 requires browser reloading. I
    believe user experience will not be all that good because of the
    visual break (new html page loading) after all the animation
    sequence after the click occurs. Perhaps a better experience can
    click --> load appropriate page --> perform animation
    As for the variables that you add to the request,
    conceptually it is not different from appending url variables to
    the url string:
    You can do it this way:
    var url:String =
    Or you can do it this way:
    ar url:String = "";
    var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
    variables.myVariable1 = "something";
    variables.myVariable2 = "somethingElse";
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url); = variables;
    I hope you see the similarity. The result is the same - Flash
    sends request with the variables.
    You may perceive the second way as more cumbersome but there
    are several advantages of doing it this way. One of the most
    important is that Flash automatically makes variables values url
    formatted which is critical when you send strings with special
    characters. In addition, when you send many variables - it is much
    more manageable than keeping track of the variable and making
    assignments in one-line url string.
    How you deal with it further depends on how good you are with
    HTML and JavaScript OR server side processing.
    Say you need to start your Flash movie from a certain frame
    (say No 50). You may want to:
    1. Load HTML page with a url that contains a frame number:
    variables.startframe = 50;
    2. You need to read this variable with JavaScript and write
    an appropriate embed tag. There are several ways to do that. Read
    about FlashVars. It could be (in the embed tag):
    src="myMovie.swf?startframe=50" where 50 comes from browser
    location string.
    3. Inside Flash you will utilize LoaderInfo.parameters method
    to extract the value of the variable startframe.
    4. Write code that will perform and animation based on this
    I guess a question is "How good are you at HTML and

  • Going to a specific frame in a clip on another page

    As may be self evident I am not an expert..... Is it possible
    for a button (or series of buttons) on one page which, when
    clicked, opens another html page with an embedded swf movie and
    then goes to a specific frame in that movie ???
    If that makes sense

    no - simply put, if the html page/SWF and frame isn't loaded
    when button is pressed - there isn't a
    way because it doesn't exist yet.
    Chris Georgenes / / / Adobe
    Community Expert
    LindnArden wrote:
    > As may be self evident I am not an expert..... Is it
    possible for a button (or
    > series of buttons) on one page which, when clicked,
    opens another html page
    > with an embedded swf movie and then goes to a specific
    frame in that movie ???
    > If that makes sense

  • IE11 can't post form data to specific frame or window dialog opened via

    Form POST targeting to specific frame or dialog popped up via no longer works in IE11.
    It worked fine in IE10 and all previous versions of IE.
    Please see screenshot attached with simple test that reproduces this problem.
    Direct Link to screenshot:
    Direct link to simple test page demonstrating this problem:
    Note: IE11 doesn't report any errors, doesn't complain about anything, even when debugged via F12 developer tools. The only thing it complained initially was missing doc type declaration on top of page, but even after adding doc type definition, problem still
    persists, makes no difference.
    I tested this on fresh install of Windows 2012R2 while testing our web application with the new IE11.
    I believe doing this on Windows 8.1 with IE11 will result in same bug/problem.
    Our web application uses a technique whereby it launches a popup window via call to, passing blank URL and specifying a name for the new window. It then does a from post targeting the name of new dialog.
    In IE11 this functionality has been broken and no longer works.
    Problem is that IE11, instead of posting form to the newly created dialog, it launches a new instance of IE and then loads the requested form in this new instance of IE, while the dialog launched via remains on screen and is empty. If user repeats
    launching same form post request (via button click for example), IE 11 keeps creating new empty dialogs and new IE instance for every form post executed. This totally breaks our application because we use many so called "wizards" that encapsulate
    specific functionality in separate web page launched in a popup window.
    Another related problem is that if a dialog is launched with, the java script code in the dialog can not target the parent frame that opened the dialog anymore. In our application, when a dialog is closed, it typically needs to trigger a refresh
    of a specific frame within the parent window (again targeted by name) to reflect saved/updated info that user entered in the popup dialog. The result is that we can't refresh the parent frame after the pop up dialog closes. Instead, IE11 launches
    a new instance of IE (not just a tab, but a whole new instance) and loads the parent frame in it.
    The problem seems to be caused by broken frame name targeting mechanism in IE11.
    Note that we force IE to compatibility mode 5, but even without specifying any compatibility, the problem remains.
    Typical java script to reproduce this is:
    <input type="button" onClick="Popup(this.form);" name="btn2" value="Popup Dialog">
    function Popup(f){"","MyNewDialogName","width=200,height=150");
        f.action = "page3.asp"; = "MyNewDialogName";
    Expected: IE11 should correctly post form to and load targeted page in the newly popped up dialog, without opening new IE instance and new tab. Repeatedly posting form to existing popup window should reuse that window, not keep on launching more popup windows
    and then more IE instances.
    Steps to reproduce the problem (include URL if applicable):
    URL with sample page:
    1) Create page1.htm: <html><body>display "I'm in a popup window now ..."</body></html>
    2) Create page2.htm with a button and onclick() event calling function to open dialog, and do form POST targeting new dialog calling page1.htm, like below.
    <input type="button" onClick="Popup(this.form);" name="btn2" value="Popup Dialog"> function Popup(f){"","MyNewDialogName","width=200,height=150");
        f.action = "page1.asp"; = "MyNewDialogName";
    3) Open IE11, navigate to page2.htm, click the "Popup Dialog" dialog button. IE 11 will popup the new dialog, but then it will also launch new instance of IE11 and display the page1.htm in it, instead of in the popup dialog.
    Has anyone else encountered this problem?
    Any insight or help is appreciated.

    the default action of <input type="button" is submit. Note also that the default type of <button> elements is 'submit' also.
    add a return false to the onclick inline event handler (which constructs the form submit attribues) to cancel the default form.submit behavior.
    form elements have a target value with which you can specify the name window into which you want the form to open in.
    <form action="process.aspx" target="popup">
    you can use the method with a query uri to achieve the same outcome.'process.aspx?s=search+term&amp;foo=bar','popup',{features})
    the outcomes of all scripted windows are affected by
    your IE Popup blocker and tabbed browsing settings
    which in turn is affected by your IE Security zone settings (for popup blocking handling)
    and the settings of any third-party popup blocker you may have installed and enabled... it may not necessarily be visible on your browser toolbar.
    The first step in troubleshooting web browser issues is to test in no-addons mode.
    Use the Developer Tool to find out what documentMode the test page is opening in on your system. On Modal/Modeless popup windows use the f12 key to display the Developer tool positioned on the contentWindow.
    Use File>Properties to find out what IE Security zone it maps to... there is a security setting to prevent navigation into zones of lower integrity.

  • Can an swf movie be opened on a specific frame?

    When I call up an Flash-generated swf movie in its own
    browser window via a navigation bar button, it always open on its
    first frame. Is there a way to tell the browser in conjunction with
    the getURL command to open at a specific frame other than frame 1?
    I can't find an Actionscript code sample that allows this while
    using getURL. Or is there some other way -- e.g. appending the swf
    file with frame number in its HTML page in some way, using
    Javascript, FSCommand, etc?

    Maybe this will help

  • Jumping to a specific frame in another movie

    I'm wondering how to jump to a specific frame in an external
    movie. I'm not using the loadmovie command so I don't think the
    _level command will work. I just have two swf movies playing on the
    same page. I need to have a button in Movie A when released will go
    to a certain frame in Movie B. Thanks!

    well this certainly should work if the code is on the main
    timeline, and there is nothing else. However when you say
    'scrubber' do you mean that your 'testing' the movie by pressing
    'enter' while in the IDE, so that you're actually 'seeing' the
    playhead move? If this is the case, yes, no actions will execute.
    To test the swf file, use Ctrl+Enter (or Command+Enter on Mac) to
    run an actual 'test'

  • How to play a soud at specific frame?

    I have the loading audio file at frame one. However, I want to play the audio only at specific frame or frame lable. How do I do that? Below are my codes:
    //start of sound section is for sound
    var soundReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("FlashFiles/audioFiles/mySoundmp3");
    var sound:Sound = new Sound();
    sound.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
    //end of sound section
    function onComplete(event:Event):void;
    The above plays the sound as soon as the .swf file is loaded. But I want to play at certain point in time, say frame number or frame lable.

    Okay, here are my code in frame one:
    //start of sound section is for sound
    var soundReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("FlashFiles/audioFiles/Alma Mater plus roc.mp3");
    var sound:Sound = new Sound();
    //sound.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
    //end of sound section
    this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, playSound);
    function playSound(e:Event)
        if(e.currentLabel == "lblStartSound")
                this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, playSound);
    this.btn_Skip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, skipFlash);
    function skipFlash(event:MouseEvent):void
    Errors I got are:
    1119: Access of possibly undefined property currentLabel through a reference with static type
    Source: if(e.currentLabel = "lblStartSound")
    1061: Call to a possibly undefined method stop through a reference with static type
    Source: sound.stop();
    Eventually, if the user click the skip button, I want to stop the sound.

  • Is it possible to load an external swf at a specific frame?

    Hey! I've got a flash file which acts as the main menu for a
    program I'm developing. Everything works fine from the main menu
    however when you click to return to the main menu the whole main
    menu file reloads. Is it possible to use loadMovieNum( ) to go to a
    specific frame within the main swf file? If not, is there a way to
    do this?
    Here's the button code I'm using now:
    on (release) {
    unloadMovieNum(0); //unloads the current movie so we can
    reload the main menu
    loadMovieNum("DemoMainMenu.swf", 0); //reloads the main menu
    Thank you for whatever help you can provide! :)

    mcommini wrote:
    > Hey! I've got a flash file which acts as the main menu
    for a program I'm
    > developing. Everything works fine from the main menu
    however when you click to
    > return to the main menu the whole main menu file
    reloads. Is it possible to
    > use loadMovieNum( ) to go to a specific frame within the
    main swf file? If
    > not, is there a way to do this?
    First let me clarify one thing with you. Level zero is the
    main level on the flash
    player. By loading things in level zero you will remove
    current content and replace
    it with the new one. This is not a good idea because it works
    like purge, clears the
    player and from there on you can't maintain any functionality
    unless you reload the
    whole html document over again. Also, do not unload and load
    in the same time in the
    same level. Flash can hold single SWF per level, once you
    load content, whatever previously
    loaded will be automatically replaced, so just the loadMovie
    action and you all set.
    Good practice is to have the main level (zero) an empty base
    and than load and unload
    things in above levels, 1 and so on...
    > Here's the button code I'm using now:
    > on (release) {
    > unloadMovieNum(0); //unloads the current movie so we can
    reload the main menu
    > loadMovieNum("DemoMainMenu.swf", 0); //reloads the main
    > }
    In regard to the load and go to. Yes it is possible but no
    matter what frame you want to
    go to,you need to load the whole movie first. I will come
    back to that in a second.
    While you execute the loadMovie action, you can set up a
    variable, for example:
    loadMovieNum("file.swf", 1);
    Than in the loaded movie you have preloader which makes sure
    that the movie is loaded before
    playing and once done loading, make it jump to frame which
    has IF ELSE condition in some kind
    of loop, using setInterval or Enterframe. That condition
    checks for the variable value and based
    on it proceed to particular frame.
    That's why I told you not to clear level zero, if you set
    variable and load movie in that level
    in the same time, all the information will be gone and you
    have totally no reference point to
    get the variable from.
    You could as well use shared object which is native form of
    Flash's cookies. Write SOL file into
    user drive temp folder, than read it from the other file and
    go to frame based on the given value.
    Best Regards
    Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder...
    If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

  • Making a button appear dim after use

    I'm trying to work on a jeopardy game, and I pretty much suck
    on coding. Anyhow, I was able to disable the button so that when
    you go back to the board, the button no longer works, but I'd also
    like to dim that button. Is there a way to do this? Or is there a
    better solution out there?

    Nope, almost, but not quite. I get the dimming effect, but
    only when I press on the button. My goal is to have that button
    dimmed when I return to that frame.
    This is what I'd like to have happen: I have the buttons on
    my game board, when I click on a button I go to a specific frame
    that houses the question, and on that frame I have a back button to
    go back to the game board, and at that point, when you're back to
    the game board, I want the button already pressed dim so that the
    user knows not to click on it again.
    Thanks for your help!

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