Making drop down menu for entry fields in database

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html" %>
<%@ page import="*" %>
<%@ page import="java.math.*" %>
<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
<%@ include file="/global/" %>
<%@ include file="/global/user_session.jsp" %>
<%@ include file="/global/connection_prepare_marketing.jsp" %>
<title>Marketing Data Entry</title>
<LINK REL=STYLESHEET HREF="/global/app_main.css">
<BODY bgcolor=#FEFFE8>
int     CID = 0;     
     CID = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("cid"));
if (request.getParameter("delete") != null) {
     // Do the delete via a PreparedStatement
        java.sql.PreparedStatement ps = null;
     ps = db.prepareStatement("delete from hit_or_miss where hom_ID = ?");
     ps.setInt(1, CID);
     CID = 0;
     out.print ("<font color=darkblue>The record has been deleted successfully</font>");
if (request.getParameter("update") != null) {
       // Set inputs in order to evaluate
        String          DE = request.getParameter("date_entered");
               DE = DE.replaceAll("[a-zA-Z]","");             // Get rid of letters
     String          SI = request.getParameter("summit_ID");
               SI = SI.replaceAll(",","");                 //Get rid of commas
     String          TT = request.getParameter("transaction_type");    //No change needed
       String            NL = request.getParameter("notional");
                 NL = NL.replaceAll("[a-zA-Z]","");               // Get rid of letters
                 NL = NL.replaceAll(",","");                  // Get rid of commas
       BigDecimal      NTL = new BigDecimal(NL);
     String          ST = request.getParameter("structure");
     String          CP = request.getParameter("counterparty");
     String          ED = request.getParameter("expiry_date");
               ED = ED.replaceAll("[a-zA-Z]","");                // Get rid of letters
     String          SD = request.getParameter("start_date");
               SD = SD.replaceAll("[a-zA-Z]","");                // Get rid of letters
     String          MD = request.getParameter("maturity_date");
               MD = MD.replaceAll("[a-zA-Z]","");                // Get rid of letters
     String          CT = request.getParameter("currency_type");
     String          MRKTR = request.getParameter("marketer");
       String            SSC = request.getParameter("sales_credit");
                 SSC = SSC.replaceAll("[a-zA-Z]","");         // Get rid of letters
                 SSC = SSC.replaceAll(",","");                 // Get rid of commas
       BigDecimal      SC = new BigDecimal(SSC);
     String          MRKP = request.getParameter("markup");
               MRKP = MRKP.replaceAll("[a-zA-Z]","");    // Get rid of letters
               MRKP = MRKP.replaceAll(",","");           // Get rid of commas
     BigDecimal     MP = new BigDecimal(MRKP);
     String          CC = request.getParameter("comments_color");
  if (     SD != null && MD != null && ED != null ) {
     // First get the ID to use     
        String sql = " "+
          "begin "+
            "declare @new_id int "+
             "if (select count(*) from hit_or_miss ) = 0 "+
             "       begin "+
             "       select @new_id = 1 "+
             "       end   "+
             "else "+
             "       begin "+
            "       select @new_id = max(hom_ID) + 1 from hit_or_miss "+
             "       end "+
          "select newID=@new_id "+
     int nID = 0;
     rs = st.executeQuery(" "+ sql + " ");
     while ( {
          nID = rs.getInt("newID");
     // Get timestamp for insert
     java.util.Date curr_dt = new java.util.Date();
        java.sql.Timestamp dt = new java.sql.Timestamp(curr_dt.getTime());
     // Now we check if it is an insert or update based on the passed ID
     if (CID == 0) {
          // Do the insert via a PreparedStatement
          java.sql.PreparedStatement ps = null;
          ps = db.prepareStatement("insert into hit_or_miss values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
          ps.setInt(1, nID);
          ps.setString(2, DE);
          ps.setString(3, SI);
          ps.setString(4, TT);
          ps.setBigDecimal(5, NTL);
          ps.setString(6, ST);
          ps.setString(7, CP);
          ps.setString(8, ED);
          ps.setString(9, SD);
          ps.setString(10, MD);
          ps.setString(11, CT);
          ps.setString(12, MRKTR);
          ps.setBigDecimal(13, SC);
          ps.setBigDecimal(14, MP);
          ps.setString(15, CC);
          out.print("<font color=darkblue>The new record has been inserted into the database successfully</font>");
     } else {
          // Do the update via a PreparedStatement
          // First we insert a row into the archive table
             java.sql.PreparedStatement ps = null;
                ps = db.prepareStatement("update hit_or_miss set date_entered = getdate(), summit_ID = ?, transaction_type = ?, notional = ?, structure = ?, counterparty = ?, expiry_date = ?, start_date = ?, maturity_date = ?, currency_type = ?, marketer = ?, sales_credit = ?, markup = ?, comments_color = ? where hom_ID ="+CID+" ");
          ps.setString(1, DE);
          ps.setString(2, SI);
          ps.setString(3, TT);
          ps.setBigDecimal(4, NTL);
          ps.setString(5, ST);
          ps.setString(6, CP);
          ps.setString(7, ED);
          ps.setString(8, SD);
          ps.setString(9, MD);
          ps.setString(10, CT);
          ps.setString(11, MRKTR);
          ps.setBigDecimal(12, SC);
          ps.setBigDecimal(13, MP);
          ps.setString(14, CC);
          out.print("<font color=darkblue>This record has been updated successfully</font>");
  } else {
     out.print("<font color=red>You must fill in the date and amount sections of this form in order the write to the database to occur - please try again</font>");
     String DateEntered_text = null;
     String SummitID_text = null;
     String TransactionType_text = null;
     String Amount_text = "0000000.00";
     String Structure_text = null;
     String Counterparty_text = null;
     String ExpiryDate_text = null;
     String StartDate_text = null;
     String MaturityDate_text = null;
     String CurrencyType_text = null;
     String Marketer_text = null;
     BigDecimal SalesCredit_text = new BigDecimal(0.0);
     BigDecimal Markup_text = new BigDecimal(0.0);
     String CommentsColor_text = null;
     String Notional_text = null;
if (CID == 0) {
     String Expiry_Date_text = "";
        String Start_Date_text = "";
        String Maturity_Date_text = "";
} else {
     rs = st.executeQuery("select o.hom_ID, DateEntered=convert(varchar(10),o.date_entered,101), o.summit_ID, o.transaction_type, Notional=convert(varchar(100),convert(money,o.notional),1), o.structure, o.counterparty, ExpiryDate=convert(varchar(10),o.expiry_date,101), StartDate=convert(varchar(10),o.start_date,101), MaturityDate=convert(varchar(10),o.maturity_date,101), o.currency_type, o.marketer, o.sales_credit, o.markup, o.comments_color from hit_or_miss o where o.hom_ID =  "+CID+ " ");
     while ( {
          DateEntered_text = rs.getString("DateEntered");
          SummitID_text = rs.getString("summit_ID");
          TransactionType_text = rs.getString("transaction_type");          
          Amount_text = rs.getString("Notional");
          Structure_text = rs.getString("structure");
          Counterparty_text = rs.getString("counterparty");
          ExpiryDate_text = rs.getString("ExpiryDate");
          StartDate_text = rs.getString("StartDate");
          MaturityDate_text = rs.getString("MaturityDate");
          CurrencyType_text = rs.getString("currency_type");
          Marketer_text = rs.getString("marketer");
          SalesCredit_text = rs.getBigDecimal("sales_credit",8);
          Markup_text = rs.getBigDecimal("markup",5);
          CommentsColor_text = rs.getString("comments_color");
<table id="main" border=0 cellspacing="4" cellpadding=3 bgcolor="buttonface">
     <tr><td ><form name="myform" method="post" action="/applications/marketing/hit_or_miss.jsp">
<table  border="0" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="3">
     <tr class=tableHeader>
          <td valign=top colspan=2 >Marketing Form</td>
          <td valign=top><font size="-1"><b>Date Entered:</b></font></td>
               <input type=text name=date_entered size=8 value='<%=DateEntered_text%>'>
               <a href="javascript: void(0);"
               onmouseover="if (timeoutId) clearTimeout(timeoutId); window.status='Show Calendar'; return true;"
               onmouseout="if (timeoutDelay) calendarTimeout(); window.status='';"
               onclick=", 'myform.date_entered', false, 'mm/dd/yyyy'); return false;">
               <img src='/images/calendar.gif' name='imgCalendar' width=20 height=10 border=0 alt=''></a>
                <td valign=top><font size="-1"><b>Summit ID:</b> </font></td>
                <td><input type=text name=summit_ID size=25 value='<%=SummitID_text%>'></td>
                <td valign=top><font size="-1"><b>Transaction Type:</b> </font></td>
                <td><input type=text name=transaction_type size=25 value='<%=TransactionType_text%>'></td>
                <td valign=top><font size="-1"><b>Notional:</b> </font></td>
                <td><input type=text name=notional size=25 value='<%=Notional_text%>'></td>
                <td valign=top><font size="-1"><b>Structure:</b> </font></td>
                <td><input type=text name=structure size=25 value='<%=Structure_text%>'></td>
                <td valign=top><font size="-1"><b>Counterparty:</b> </font></td>
                <td><input type=text name=counterparty size=25 value='<%=Counterparty_text%>'></td>
                <td valign=top><font size="-1"><b>Expiry Date:</b></font></td>
                        <input type=text name=expiry_date size=8 value='<%=ExpiryDate_text%>'>
                        <a href="javascript: void(0);"
                        onmouseover="if (timeoutId) clearTimeout(timeoutId); window.status='Show Calendar'; return true;"
                        onmouseout="if (timeoutDelay) calendarTimeout(); window.status='';"
                        onclick=", 'myform.expiry_date', false, 'mm/dd/yyyy'); return false;">
                        <img src='/images/calendar.gif' name='imgCalendar' width=20 height=10 border=0 alt=''></a>
                <td valign=top><font size="-1"><b>Start Date:</b></font></td>
                        <input type=text name=start_date size=8 value='<%=StartDate_text%>'>
                        <a href="javascript: void(0);"
                        onmouseover="if (timeoutId) clearTimeout(timeoutId); window.status='Show Calendar'; return true;"
                        onmouseout="if (timeoutDelay) calendarTimeout(); window.status='';"
                        onclick=", 'myform.start_date', false, 'mm/dd/yyyy'); return false;">
                        <img src='/images/calendar.gif' name='imgCalendar' width=20 height=10 border=0 alt=''></a>
                <td valign=top><font size="-1"><b>Maturity Date:</b></font></td>
                        <input type=text name=maturity_date size=8 value='<%=MaturityDate_text%>'>
                        <a href="javascript: void(0);"
                        onmouseover="if (timeoutId) clearTimeout(timeoutId); window.status='Show Calendar'; return true;"
                        onmouseout="if (timeoutDelay) calendarTimeout(); window.status='';"
                        onclick=", 'myform.maturity_date', false, 'mm/dd/yyyy'); return false;">
                        <img src='/images/calendar.gif' name='imgCalendar' width=20 height=10 border=0 alt=''></a>
                <td valign=top><font size="-1"><b>Currency Type:</b> </font></td>
                <td><input type=text name=currency_type size=25 value='<%=CurrencyType_text%>'></td>
                <td valign=top><font size="-1"><b>Marketer:</b> </font></td>
                <td><input type=text name=marketer size=25 value='<%=Marketer_text%>'></td>
                <td valign=top><font size="-1"><b>Sales Credit:</b> </font></td>
                <td><input type=text name=sales_credit size=8 value='<%=SalesCredit_text%>'><b>%</b></td>
                <td valign=top><font size="-1"><b>Markup:</b> </font></td>
                <td><input type=text name=markup size=8 value='<%=Markup_text%>'><b>%</b></td>
                <td valign=top><font size="-1"><b>Comments/Color:</b> </font></td>
                <td><input type=text name=comments_color size=8 value='<%=CommentsColor_text%>'><b>%</b></td>
          <td colspan=2><hr width=100%></td>
          <td colspan=2>     <input type="submit" name="update" value="Update Record"
                    style='width:100px;font:9px verdana;'>
     <% if (CID != 0) { %>
                        <input type="submit" name="delete" value="Delete Record"
                                onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this record?');"
                                style='width:100px;font:9px verdana;'>
        <% } %>
               <input type="button" name="close" value="Close Window"
                    style='width:100px;font:9px verdana;'
<input type=hidden name=login_id value=<%= request.getParameter("login_id") %>>
<input type=hidden name=cid value=<%=CID%>>
</html>thats my code for part of database, in the parts that go "if CID = 0", thats the new record field, in there right now i just have users put in info into blank input fields, however, i would like to know if i can make certain fields, like Mraketer, and Counterparty fields to have drop down menus, Anyone know??

So basically the main focus of what I was askin is in this block of code below:
if (CID == 0) {
          // Do the insert via a PreparedStatement
          java.sql.PreparedStatement ps = null;
          ps = db.prepareStatement("insert into hit_or_miss values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
          ps.setInt(1, nID);
          ps.setString(2, DE);
          ps.setString(3, SI);
          ps.setString(4, TT);
          ps.setBigDecimal(5, NTL);
          ps.setString(6, ST);
          ps.setString(7, CP);
          ps.setString(8, ED);
          ps.setString(9, SD);
          ps.setString(10, MD);
          ps.setString(11, CT);
          ps.setString(12, MRKTR);
          ps.setBigDecimal(13, SC);
          ps.setBigDecimal(14, MP);
          ps.setString(15, CC);
          out.print("<font color=darkblue>The new record has been inserted into the database successfully</font>");
     } else {
          // Do the update via a PreparedStatement
          // First we insert a row into the archive table
             java.sql.PreparedStatement ps = null;
                ps = db.prepareStatement("update hit_or_miss set date_entered = getdate(), summit_ID = ?, transaction_type = ?, notional = ?, structure = ?, counterparty = ?, expiry_date = ?, start_date = ?, maturity_date = ?, currency_type = ?, marketer = ?, sales_credit = ?, markup = ?, comments_color = ? where hom_ID ="+CID+" ");
          ps.setString(1, DE);
          ps.setString(2, SI);
          ps.setString(3, TT);
          ps.setBigDecimal(4, NTL);
          ps.setString(5, ST);
          ps.setString(6, CP);
          ps.setString(7, ED);
          ps.setString(8, SD);
          ps.setString(9, MD);
          ps.setString(10, CT);
          ps.setString(11, MRKTR);
          ps.setBigDecimal(12, SC);
          ps.setBigDecimal(13, MP);
          ps.setString(14, CC);
          out.print("<font color=darkblue>This record has been updated successfully</font>");
     }     when CID = 0, what it does is it pops up a new window called "New Record" and in this new window, there are boxes where inputs can be made, so that when u hit submit, it submits into the database.
What I want to do is, for example, there is a input field called "Marketer" where one can type in his own name as the Marketer, I want make this into a drop down box, where you can pick the marketer, and not have to type it in.
You know how websies have New User, where you create a new user that is added to their database, and usually the COUNTRY field is a drop down menu where you pick the country from. I would like to do that to my database, and this is the area, or the code, that deal w/ new record "IF CID =0" and edit record "ELSE"
Is this possible?
Thanks in Advance

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    Check the uberlink and MacFly tutorials at PVII -
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    Or this one (more recent article):
    Or to get it done fast, go here -
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "PENONE" <[email protected]> wrote in
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    > Hi, I need to create a type of drop down menu for a
    navigation list. Only
    > one
    > button needs a drop down option. I was wondering if
    anyone had any
    > suggestion
    > on the best way to go about it? Is there a way to make
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    > down
    > to the right instead of dropping straight down in order
    to keep the
    > opening
    > window from getting in the way of the button beneath it.
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    url(/img/defmenu.png) repeat-x;
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    Structurally, you really should use unordered lists for menus.  And use sub-lists for your drop-menus.
    <ul id="menu">
    <li>Menu 1</li>
    <li>Menu 2</li>
    <li>Menu 3</li>
    <li>Menu 4<ul>
         <li>Sub-Menu 4.1</li>
         <li>Sub-Menu 4.2</li>
         <li>Sub-Menu 4.3</li>
    <li>Menu 5</li>
    With some creative CSS, you can have button styled lists that drop.  See links below for details:
    CSS Menu - JSFiddle
    Nancy O.

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    Check the uberlink and MacFly tutorials at PVII -
    and the Navbar tutorial/articles at Thierry's place
    Or this one (more recent article):
    Or to get it done fast, go here -
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Purple Mango" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fpv17r$gsp$[email protected]..
    >I created a site a couple years ago (with GoLive) with a
    navigation bar
    > rollover states. I would like to create something very
    similar to it now
    > in
    > Dreamweaver CS3 but with the addition of a drop down
    menu for just a
    > couple of
    > the navigation icons. I have been told by Adobe tech
    support on the phone
    > that
    > I need some custom coding to do this.
    > To see what the navigation bar looks like now go to
    > I DON"T need the drop down choices to be in a whimsical
    font. I just don't
    > want to have to direrct the reader to go to an
    additional page. PLEASE
    > tell me
    > this is possible for a relative beginner! Thanks.

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    I have asked a few questions on here and everyone is very helpful thank you
    My current question is related to drop down menus.
    What I want to do is have the end user be able to select the testing item from a drop down menu and all of the values associated with testing that item.
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    Things such as offsets, loads, and other values are what I am talking about.
    To clarify...
    have a drop down menu where you can select which item you are testing, and once selected have the associated parameters populate and be used during the test.
    After searcing the forums for a few hours I was un able to find any other question or example similar enough to what I am trying to accomplish
    Thank you!

    mrrcx wrote:
    I have asked a few questions on here and everyone is very helpful thank you
    My current question is related to drop down menus.
    What I want to do is have the end user be able to select the testing item from a drop down menu and all of the values associated with testing that item.
    The associated values will need to be used in the testing function so the test can run properly.
    Things such as offsets, loads, and other values are what I am talking about.
    To clarify...
    have a drop down menu where you can select which item you are testing, and once selected have the associated parameters populate and be used during the test.
    After searcing the forums for a few hours I was un able to find any other question or example similar enough to what I am trying to accomplish
    Thank you!
    hi mrrcx,
    You can use ring, enum or combo box. please see attached example, hope this help
    drop down ‏10 KB

  • Drop down list for a field in table maintainance

    I have created a table maintainance for ztable. I need a drop down list for field so that user can select values present in the list while giving entries.
    I can not use fixed values in domain, because feild length is more and it wont fit into fixed values.
    I am trying to use VRM_SET_VALUES FM but not getting output. Can any one help me on this.
    Thank you,
    Kusuma K.

    TYPE-POOLS: vrm.        Include this in your program
    DATA: l_name  TYPE vrm_id,
          l_list  TYPE vrm_values,
          l_value LIKE LINE OF l_list.
      LOOP AT it_paym INTO w_paym.
        l_value-key = w_paym-pay_method.
        l_value-text = w_paym-text.
        APPEND l_value TO l_list.
      l_name = 'Table-field'.   change it as per your requirement this has to be perfect
          id              = l_name
          values          = l_list
          id_illegal_name = 1
          OTHERS          = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    Hope it helps you,
    Abhijit G. Borkar

  • Drop down menu for date

    Hi all
    i want o select date range from the drop down menu like
    Year ( from 2007-to current year )
    and month (1 to 12)
    with default month as current month
    plz help
    It should be a drop down

    Thanks sir, it works exactly like i needed.
    i just need some minor improvements,
    1.I should be able to display months as 1 - 12 instead of jan,feb,etc and its default value should be the current month
    and second
    for year it should be like 2007(default to the current year)
    Plz help
    P.S : My fields fro year and month in numeric
    Message was edited by:

  • How do i create a drop down menu for selecting from the drop down arrow

    how can i create a drop down menu so that when i click on the arrow in the cell i can select from the menu that appears

    katiesandell wrote:
    how can i create a drop down menu so that when i click on the arrow in the cell i can select from the menu that appears
    Hi Katie,
    Welcome to Apple Discussions and the Numbers '09 forum.
    Numbers vocabulary for this feature is a "Pop-up Menu". It's available as a Cell Format, and is set and edited in the Cell Format Inspector.
    See "Using a Checkbox, Slider, Stepper, or Pop-Up Menu in Table Cells" starting on page 96 of the Numbers '09 User Guide.
    This guide, and the equally useful iWork Formulas and Functions User Guide are available for download through the Help menu in Numbers.

  • On the Firefox drop down menu for Firefox 4, the tab for cut, copy and paste is not highlighted. Is there another way for me to include this on the Firefox start page?

    I have Firefox 4. In the Firefox drop down menu, there is an option to cut, copy and paste but it is not highlighted. Please tell me how to highlight this link. Or is there a way to have a cut copy and paste tab?

    Those links in the Edit menu are only highlighted if there is something to do:<br />
    Paste should be enabled if the clipboard has data placed on it by a previous Copy or Cut and you have set focus on a text area or field that allows to paste that data.
    Copy works if some text is selected.

  • No languages visible in drop down menu for spelling under preferences

    My IT department just gave me a new computer and we downloaded a copy of Dreamweaver 4 (we use this version for various reasons although it is old). When I went tot he preferences, under 'General' and 'Spelling Dictionary' the drop down menu is blank and I cannot select anything. The spell checker works but I no longer get the red squiggly line under spelling errors when working on a web page (like you get in a Word document). I don't know how to get this feature back.

    Spell check in DW, at least the built in spell checker, is a manual process with a dialogue pop up that allows you to Ignore, Change, Ignore All or Change All on a word by word basis. There's never been a live red squiggly line like Word, and just about every other program under the sun, as far back as at least DWCS3 (the oldest version I've used).
    You should still have a little over a dozen options in the language drop-down though.
    I'd try clearing the cache/personal config file for the program: Deleting a corrupted cache file
    Then restore preferences if that doesn't work: Restore preferences | Dreamweaver CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6

  • I've lost my drop down menu for my back and forward buttons. I use them constantly. How do I add this or is that option gone for good?

    There used to be a drop down menu along side the forward and back buttons so you could skip several pages in between. I couldn't find that as an option to customize that feature back is that option no longer available?

    Hi Emclatchy,
    In Firefox 4 you should be able to get the history drop-down menu by left-clicking on the back button or the forward button and holding the mouse button down for a few seconds.
    Or, you can try installing this add-on:
    I haven't tried it myself but it is supposed to add the history drop-down indicator back to Firefox 4, same as it was in previous versions.
    Hope that helps,
    --Jono Xia, Mozilla

  • Drop down menu for notification description

    Hello Friends,
    While creating the notification using IW21 in the description part besides the number, my client requires the drop down menu option to be there along with the manual typing option. How can i do this?
    Please guide.
    Narendra Bora

    Pls check below link if this can be useful for you.

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