Making XSD element name match the column name/header

The XML format of the answer I created looks like the following. How can I change the element name from C0, C1... to real column name? http://host:port/analytics/saw.dll?Go&searchid provided the XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <RS xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:rowset">
- <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:saw-sql="urn:saw-sql" targetNamespace="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:rowset">
- <xsd:complexType name="R">
- <xsd:sequence>
<xsd:element name="C0" type="xsd:double" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" saw-sql:type="double" saw-sql:displayFormula=""CUSTOMERS"."SALES"" saw-sql:aggregationRule="none" saw-sql:aggregationType="nonAgg" saw-sql:tableHeading="CUSTOMERS" saw-sql:columnHeading="SALES" />
<xsd:element name="C1" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" saw-sql:type="varchar" saw-sql:displayFormula=""CUSTOMERS"."CITY"" saw-sql:aggregationRule="none" saw-sql:aggregationType="nonAgg" saw-sql:tableHeading="CUSTOMERS" saw-sql:columnHeading="CITY" />
- <R>
Edited by: user732932 on Jan 7, 2010 11:38 AM

OR is there a way to pass the column headers from OBIEE to a URL? For example, session parameters can be passed using @{parmName}

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  • Alias name for the column name in Prompt

    I have a scenario where I am taking column names into prompt. I have used the following SQL in the SQL results under "Show" option of the Prompt.
    SELECT CASE WHEN 1=0 THEN AGE.AGE ELSE '"Orders"."By OrderDate"' END FROM " Real Time"
    SELECT CASE WHEN 1=0 THEN AGE.AGE ELSE '"Orders"."By ShipDate"' END FROM "Real Time"
    My problem here is I am getting the column names into the Prompt as "Orders"."By OrderDate" and "Orders"."By ShipDate", which is not acceptable and readable for mat for the user. Is there any way that I can assign an alias name for the column name such as OrderDate and ShipDate in the above SQL.
    Your quick respose is appreciated.

    try an alternative your administrator make new columns with alias to ones you you wiil be able to show whatever you want.
    Otherwise,is it possible to show
    SELECT CASE WHEN 1=0 THEN AGE.AGE ELSE '"Orders"."By OrderDate"' as "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"END FROM " Real Time"
    SELECT CASE WHEN 1=0 THEN AGE.AGE ELSE '"Orders"."By ShipDate"' as "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"END FROM "Real Time"
    Ending,you want the data from your columns?or just the name??
    hope i helped...

  • How to change the name of the column for dynamic query

    I would like to change the name of the column name to bidderone, biddertwo and bidderthree. the only problem is the vendors name unknown when I run the query and sometimes the query returns two vendors. the maximum vendor is three. here is the query and please let me know how this can be done. thank you so much. I am using oracle 10i
    FOR lv_rec IN   ( SELECT vendor, calcbtot
      FROM (SELECT t.*, ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY t.calcbtot Asc) rn
              FROM (  SELECT DISTINCT
                             TO_CHAR (s.calcbtot, '999,999,999.00') calcbtot
                        FROM bidtabs b, bidders s
                       WHERE     b.CALL = s.CALL
                             AND b.letting = s.letting
                             AND b.vendor = s.vendor
                             AND b.letting = v_letting
                             AND b.CALL = v_call
                    ORDER BY 2) t)
    WHERE rn <= 3 )                 
          lv_sql :=
                lv_sql  || ', TO_CHAR(MAX(DECODE(TRIM(S.VENDOR),'''|| TRIM (lv_rec.vendor) || ''', S.BIDPRICE)),  ''$999,999,999.00'') AS "'|| TRIM (lv_rec.vendor) ||'" ';
       END LOOP;

    thank you so so much for your help on this. I am sorry i did not post the entire code. my intention is to use bidderone, biddertwo,bidderthree as a column name insead of the name of the vendors and also calcuate the average of the three vendors. the maximum vendor will be three but the minumum could be one or two. hope this is enought information to help me out further . thank you
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE biddersquoteforbridge (
       p_spnumber   IN       VARCHAR2,
       p_result     OUT      sys_refcursor
       v_letting   VARCHAR2 (40);
       v_call      VARCHAR2 (40);
       lv_sql      VARCHAR2 (32767) := NULL;
                  INTO v_letting, v_call
                  FROM LETPROP L, PROPOSAL P
                 WHERE L.LCONTID = P.CONTID AND CPROJNUM= p_spnumber;
       lv_sql :=
          'SELECT   O.PRPITEM "Item Number",
                    INITCAP(FUNC_GET_ITEM_DESCRIPTION(O.PRPITEM)) "Description",
                    O.CONTID "Contract Id",O.SECTION "Section" , P.CPROJNUM "SP Number", P.CFACSSUP "District",
                    FUNCT_GET_SECTION_IDENTIFIER(O.SECTION, O.CONTID) "Section Title",  ''Q''||(TO_CHAR(D.DATELET, ''Q-YYYY'')) "Quarter",
                    O.IPLINENO "Line Number", O.QTY "Quantity" ';
      FOR lv_rec IN   ( SELECT vendor, calcbtot
      FROM (SELECT t.*, ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY t.calcbtot Asc) rn
              FROM (  SELECT DISTINCT
                             TO_CHAR (s.calcbtot, '999,999,999.00') calcbtot
                        FROM bidtabs b, bidders s
                       WHERE     b.CALL = s.CALL
                             AND b.letting = s.letting
                             AND b.vendor = s.vendor
                             AND b.letting = v_letting
                             AND b.CALL = v_call
                    ORDER BY 2) t)
    WHERE rn <= 3 )                 
          lv_sql :=
                lv_sql  || ', TO_CHAR(MAX(DECODE(TRIM(S.VENDOR),'''|| TRIM (lv_rec.vendor) || ''', S.BIDPRICE)),  ''$999,999,999.00'') AS "'|| TRIM (lv_rec.vendor) ||'" ';
       END LOOP;
       lv_sql :=
          || '
            FROM   PROPITEM O  ,                   
                   PROPOSAL P  ,
                   LETPROP  L  ,
                   BIDDERS  B  ,
                   BIDTABS  S  ,
                   BIDLET   D
             WHERE O.CONTID = P.CONTID
                    AND P.CONTID = L.LCONTID
                    AND L.CALL = B.CALL
                    AND L.LETTING = B.LETTING
                    AND B.CALL = S.CALL             
                    AND B.LETTING = S.LETTING
                    AND B.VENDOR = S.VENDOR 
                    AND S.IPLINENO = O.IPLINENO
                    AND L.LETTING = D.LETTING             
                    AND O.LINEFLAG =''L''    
                    AND L.LETTING = :B1
                    AND L.CALL = :B2
             GROUP BY
                   O.PRICE ,
             ORDER BY O.IPLINENO ';
      -- DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (lv_sql);
       OPEN p_result FOR lv_sql USING v_letting, v_call;

  • Reading csv file how to get the Column name

    I am trying to read a csv file and then save the data to Oracle.
    Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:;Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};Dbq=.;Extensions=csv,txn");
    Statement stmt = c.createStatement();
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from filename.csv");
    My csv file looks like this:
    "CHAM-23","COMPANY NAME","Test","12",20031213,15,16
    Now is there anyway using the above code I start processing the file from the second row that holds the names of the columns and skip the first row. And also can I get the name of the column using ResultSet something like:
    if columnName.equals("Number")
    Because I may have a csv file that could have more columns:
    "CHAM-24","COMPANY NAME","Test","12",20031213,16,76
    So I want to get the column name and then based on that column I do some other processing.
    Once I read the value of each row I want to save the data to an Oracle Table. How do I connect to Oracle from my Application. As the database is on the server. Any help is really appreciated. Thanks

    The only thing I could think of (and this is a cluj) would be to attempt to parse the first element of each row as a number. If it fails, you do not have a column name row. You are counting on the fact that you will never have a column name that is a number in the first position.
    However, I agree that not always placing the headers in the same location is asking for trouble. If you have control over the file, format it how you want. If someone else has control over the file, find out why they are doing it that way. Maybe there is a "magic" number in the first row telling you where to jump.
    Also, I would not use ODBC to simply parse a CSV file. If the file is formatted identically to Microsoft's format (headers in first row, all subsequent rows have same number of columns), then it's fine to take a shortcut and not write your own parser. But if the file is not adhering to that format, don't both using the M$ ODBC driver.
    - Saish
    "My karma ran over your dogma." - Anon

  • Name of the column not displayed

    My query is made on the Data Provider that has the following fields:
    - Notification Numbers(which I get directly from the Data Provider)
    -Status ('ACT' for Active and 'INACT' for Inactive)
    Now, my report should show:
    - Count of all Notification Numbers(which I have avhieved through replacement path)
    - Count of non-confimed Notification Numbers; which is the 'Count of all Notification Numbers' for which the status is INACT.- I have tried achieveing this by making a Restricted KF on the  'Count of all Notification Numbers'. However, the problem is that when this is displayed in the Report, it does not show the name of the column.
    Need help!

    Just select your restricted keyfigure and hit general tab under that description will be there---Enter your desired description there.
    I hope it helps.

  • Dynamically Pass the Column Name cursor. || Dynamic Column Name

    I need to dynamically pass the column name based on a Mapping table in a loop ( Right now i have hardcoded stuff )just like using Execute immediate.... Inside the procedure, I have commented as where i hit the problem.
    Thanks for all of your time...
    doc xmldom.DOMDocument;
    main_node xmldom.DOMNode;
    root_node xmldom.DOMNode;
    user_node xmldom.DOMNode; item_node xmldom.DOMNode;
    root_elmt xmldom.DOMElement;
    item_elmt xmldom.DOMElement;
    item_text xmldom.DOMText;
    item_test xmldom.DOMText;
    nodelist xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    sub_variable varchar2(4000);
    x varchar2(200);
    y varchar2(200);
    sub_var varchar2(4000);
    CURSOR get_users IS
    CURSOR get_cdisc_name IS
    -- get document
    doc := xmldom.newDOMDocument;
    doc := xmldom.NewDomDocument;
    xmldom.setVersion(doc, '1.0');
    xmldom.setStandalone(doc, 'no');
    xmldom.setCharSet(doc, 'ISO-8859-1');
    -- create root element main_node := xmldom.makeNode(doc);
    root_elmt := xmldom.createElement(doc,'AdminData');
    root_node := xmldom.appendChild(main_node,xmldom.makeNode(root_elmt));
    FOR get_users_rec IN get_users LOOP
    item_elmt := xmldom.createElement(doc,'User');
    xmldom.setAttribute(item_elmt,'OID' , get_users_rec.rownum);
    user_node := xmldom.appendChild(root_node,xmldom.makeNode(item_elmt));
    FOR cv_get_cdisc_name IN get_cdisc_name LOOP
    EXIT WHEN get_cdisc_name%NOTFOUND;
    sub_var := cv_get_cdisc_name.cts_col_name;
    sub_variable := 'get_users_rec.';
    sub_variable := 'get_users_rec.'||cv_get_cdisc_name.cts_col_name;
    x := sub_variable;
    dbms_output.put_line(x); -------------- Here i just see the literal string
    y := get_users_rec.FIRST_NAME;
    dbms_output.put_line(y); -------------- Here i just see actual value ( data )
    item_elmt := xmldom.createElement(doc,cv_get_cdisc_name.cdisc_name);
    item_node := xmldom.appendChild(user_node,xmldom.makeNode(item_elmt));
    item_text := xmldom.createTextNode(doc,x ); ---- This is the place i am hitting with an error .
    If i use variable X then i am able to see only the literal
    string in the output. BUT if i put cursor name.coulmname,
    then the resumt (XML) is fine.I wanted acheive this
    dynamically just like execute Immediate
    item_node := xmldom.appendChild( item_node , xmldom.makeNode(item_text));
    -- write document to file using default character set from database
    xmldom.writeToFile(doc, 'c:\ash\testing_out.xml');
    -- free resources
    +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ XML OUTPUT +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    - <AdminData>
    - <User OID="1">
    <LastName>get_users_rec.LAST_NAME</LastName> </User>
    - <User OID="2">
    - <User OID="3">
    - <User OID="4">
    - <User OID="5">
    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MAPPING TABLE DETAILS +++++++++++++++++
    CTS_COL_NAME     CDISC_NAME     CTS_TABLE_NAME     XML_TAG     -----------> Column Name
    FIRST_NAME     FirstName     USER_INFO_TBL     Element     -----------> Records
    LAST_NAME     LastName     USER_INFO_TBL     Element     -----------> Records

    My scenario is little different, let me explain:
    My columns will remain same but values changes (based on column formula) according to the selected prompt value
    If I select 'Oct' from prompt then
    Curr will contain data for 'Oct' only
    Next1 will contain data for 'Nov' only
    Next2 will contain data for 'Dec' only
    Next3 will contain data for 'Jan' of next year only.
    Later if I select 'Jul' from prompt then
    Curr will contain data for 'Jul' only
    Next1 will contain data for 'Aug' only
    Next2 will contain data for 'Sep' only
    Next3 will contain data for 'Oct' only.
    I don't have different columns for each months but the columns are capable to reflect data for any month.
    So, how can I reflect the column name as month name for which that contains data.
    S Anand

  • Can the column names be changes dynamically in OBIEE presentation

    Is thr any way through which I can change the column names depending on the value of a column.
    the table structure is
    Plan_name      Character1   Character2    Character3  ....
    so here according to plan_name the meaning of each character column changes. And I want to display each type of meaning on the presentation layer.
    I cannot create aliases as the number of different plan name is 1200.
    Any help will be appreciated.
    Akansh Agarwal

    I haven't tested these options, but you might. Maybe you try to supress the header for your table with data. After that, create a second table, which will be used as the header, and insert the same number of columns as the first table.
    So on the 'header' table, create a conditional style (Criteria, Column Properties, Conditional Formatting), pointing to the values on shown in the first table. (You maybe need the data to be queried in both).
    If this does't work, you can try to adapt the javascript shown in this blog: DELIVER BI OBIEE 11g &amp;amp; 10g , ODI , OBIA: OBIEE Table make a row BOLD with JAVA
    And instead of making the row bold, change the value.
    Hope this helps. Sorry if it does't work.
    Best regards.

  • Select the name of the column from sheet Excel

    Hi everyone,
    i use with excel 
    First, i have a button "browse"
    which open a workbook.
    Second ,i  have a button "get
    the names of the sheets" which give me the name of the sheet in a combobox ,then i choose the sheet.
    Then i have an other button " get
    the column names " which give me the name of the columns of the table in a combobox .
    When i select the name of the column a new sheet add named the
    name of the column and which has the data of this column
    what i want is :
     when i select again the same column a messagebox will
    be shown "you have already select it "
    And when i go back to choose another sheet then another column
    will be open without getting any error
    this is the code of the combobox :
    Public Sub ComboBox2_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
    xlWorkSheet = CType(xlWorkBook.Sheets(ComboBox1.Text), Excel.Worksheet)
    xlApp.Visible = True
    With xlWorkSheet
    Dim key As String = CStr(DirectCast(ComboBox2.SelectedItem, KeyValuePair(Of Integer, String)).Key)
    Dim value As String = DirectCast(ComboBox2.SelectedItem, KeyValuePair(Of Integer, String)).Value
    Dim lastrow As Integer = xlWorkSheet.Cells.Rows.End(XlDirection.xlDown).Row
    Dim colletter As String = ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(CInt(key))
    exWS2 = DirectCast(xlWorkBook.Sheets.Add, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)
    exWS2.Name = value
    xlWorkSheet.Range("A1:A" & lastrow.ToString).Copy(exWS2.Range("A1"))
    End With
    End Sub
    and if you want to know the code of the button here is :
    Public Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
    Dim Excols As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)
    xlWorkSheet = CType(xlWorkBook.Sheets(ComboBox1.Text), Excel.Worksheet)
    If ComboBox2.Items.Count = Nothing Then
    With xlWorkSheet
    Dim LastCol As Integer = xlWorkSheet.Cells(1, xlWorkSheet.Columns.Count).End(XlDirection.xlToLeft).Column
    For x As Integer = 2 To LastCol
    Excols.Add(x, xlWorkSheet.Cells(1, x).value.ToString)
    ComboBox2.DataSource = New BindingSource(Excols, Nothing)
    ComboBox2.ValueMember = "Key"
    ComboBox2.DisplayMember = "Value"
    AddHandler ComboBox2.SelectedIndexChanged, AddressOf ComboBox2_SelectedIndexChanged
    End With
    MsgBox("Déja Pleine!", CType(MessageBoxIcon.Error, MsgBoxStyle))
    End If
    End Sub
    please help me 

    >> when i select again the same column a message box will be shown "you have already select it
    Each time you select a value in the comobox , you could compare
     each cell’s value with the value you just selected in the first row. If  it is matched, then show the message box" you have already select it "
    >>And when i go back to choose another sheet then another column will be open without getting any error
    I am not sure the sentence’s meaning clearly, What do you mean about another column will be open?  what's the error , Can you clarify this more
    Best Regards
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  • Help to extract the Column Name depending on the row values

    Hello All,
    I have a table with below format
    Table Name: Employees
    Emp Name Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
    John yes NULL yes yes NULL NULL
    Michael NULL yes NULL yes yes NULL
    Smith NULL yes yes NULL yes yes
    In the above I have explicitly mentioned NULL just for better understanding.
    I am trying to send an email using HTMLDB_MAIL.SEND which will have the body as following
    "John is absent on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday
    Michael is absent on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday
    Smith is absent on Monday and Thursday"
    I am trying to do this using cursor, fetching each row and matching the value with NULL. But I am not able to display the column name.
    Can somebody please help me?
    Edited by: user8966924 on Jan 24, 2013 4:35 AM

    just use Peter's query, collect into a nested table the output and create one CLOB variable from collection to use it as a body:
    create or replace function getbodyemp
    return clob
       p_body_out      clob;
       type tp_tbemp   is table of varchar2 (100);
       v_tbemp         tp_tbemp;
       -- collect the output into a nested table
       with employees as
       select 'John' Emp_Name    , 'yes' Monday, null  Tuesday, 'yes' Wednesday, 'yes' Thursday, null  Friday, null  Saturday from dual union all
       select 'Michael' Emp_Name , null  Monday, 'yes' Tuesday, null  Wednesday, 'yes' Thursday, 'yes' Friday, null  Saturday from dual union all
       select 'Smith' Emp_Name   , null  Monday, 'yes' Tuesday, 'yes' Wednesday, null  Thursday, 'yes' Friday, 'yes' Saturday from dual
         e.emp_name || ' is absent on ' ||
         replace (trim( ',' from nvl2(monday,null, 'Monday')
         || nvl2(Tuesday,null, ',Tuesday')
         || nvl2(Wednesday,null, ',Wednesday')
         || nvl2(Thursday,null, ',Thursday')
         || nvl2(Friday,null, ',Friday')
         || nvl2(Saturday,null, ',Saturday')), ',', ', ') txt
       bulk collect into v_tbemp
         employees e
         monday          is null
         or tuesday      is null
         or wednesday    is null
         or thursday     is null
         or friday       is null
         or saturday     is null
       for i IN 1 .. v_tbemp.count
          p_body_out := p_body_out || v_tbemp(i) || chr(10);
       end loop;
       return p_body_out;
    end getbodyemp;
    select getbodyemp() from dual;
    John is absent on Tuesday, Friday, Saturday                                    
    Michael is absent on Monday, Wednesday, Saturday                               
    Smith is absent on Monday, Thursday                                            
    1 row selected.Regards.

  • Oracle 10g - Defining the column name in Non English

    Hi Experts,
    I have an exisitng application which is developed on Windows using ASP Technology and uses Oracle 10g
    The application is supported with an instance of Data Base within which multiple tablespaces are created for different clients. The application is developed in such a way that some of the tables arecreated dynamically and the columns are named using the data entered through the UI.
    This application needs to be globalized now. The problem is, the column name entered through the UI can be in any language based on the client's settings and those values in turn will be used for naming the columns in the tables.
    1) Can I have the column names to be named using non english characters in Oracle 10g DB? If so,
    1.1) what should I do to configure the exisiting Oracle instance to support it?
    1.2) To what level is that configuration possible, is it per DB instance level (or) can it be done at Tablespace level. I would like to configure each tablespace to host tables with columns defined with different languages, say for example, tablespace 1 will have tables with Japaenese column names and tablespace 2 will have tables with German column names?
    2) What should I do to make my entire DB to support unicode data i.e., to accept any language strings. Currently all strings are declared as VarChar2, should I change all VarChar2 to NVarChar2 (or) is there a way to retain the VarChar2 as is and make some database wide setting?
    Please note that I do not have an option of retaining the column in English as per the Business Requirement.
    OS - Windows 2003 32 bit
    Oracle 10g
    UI forms in ASP

    1. Yes, you can.
    SQL> create table ÜÝÞ( ßàá number(10));
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into ÜÝÞ values (10);
    1 row created.1.1 and 1.2 and 2. You can choose UTF as your default character set. It allows the user of non-English characters in VARCHAR columns in your whole database. It is not per tablespace.
    SQL> create table ÜÝÞ( ßàá varchar2(100));
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into ÜÝÞ values ('âãäçìé');
    1 row created.

  • Need help on getting the column names of Tabletype

    I have a table Mapping with the following values: This Mapping table contains the table names (in Tabname) and the column names(colname) of various tables and values(ValuesTobeFilled) for the columns.
    I have to insert into the tables present in the Tabname field with the values present in the ValuesTobeFilled in the columns present in the Colname field.
    Note: The Mapping table need not contain all the columns of the base table. The columns that are not present can be filled with null. And this mapping table is not fixed i.e. rows can be inserted/deleted frequently.
    Sample values in mapping table:
    Tabname                        Colname        ValuesTobeFilled
    sample_items     Eno     Corresponding Expression to get the values from XML input
    sample_items     Ename     Corresponding Expression to get the values from XML input
    XXX     YYY     Corresponding Expression to get the values from XML input
    Before filling in the actual tables, I have to store the entire data temporarily and I have used a tabletype declared as follows:
    l_sample_items T_sample_items;
    Where the table sample_items have the following columns:
    •     Eno
    •     Ename
    •     Eaddress
    •     Eemail
    So, the tabletype should be filled as:
    Eno     Ename     Eaddress     EEmail
    1     XXX     -     -
    I have declared a cursor to select the values from mapping table and I need to fill in the ValuesTobeFilled values to the corresponding table.
    CURSOR c_xpath (c_tname mapping.TABNAME%type)
    select * from mapping where tabname = c_tname;
    CURSOR c_tables
    FOR crsr IN c_tables
    p_tname := CRSR.TABNAME;
    FOR csr IN c_xpath(p_tname)
    IF l_xml_doc.EXISTSNODE(CSR.XPATH_EXP) = 1
    l_node_value := l_xml_doc.extract(CSR.XPATH_EXP).getStringVal(); -- This is the value to be stored in the corresponding column
         l_node_value := NULL;
    END IF;
    IF CSR.COLUMN_NAME = ‘eno’
         l_sample_items(1).eno := l_node_value;
         l_sample_items(1).name := l_node_value;
    END IF;
    END LOOP;      
    And I need to eliminate hard coding while comparing the column names (in the following piece of code) as the Mapping table values are subject to insertion/deletion:
    IF CSR.COLUMN_NAME = ‘eno’
         l_sample_items(1).eno := l_node_value;
         l_sample_items(1).ename := l_node_value;
    END IF;
    I need to insert the values directly into the tabletype without this hardcoding. Please suggest me ways to compare the mapping table values with the field (column) names of the tabletype. If it is not possible using tabletype, please suggest any other ways of fixing the problem.
    Many thanks,

    I take it this isn't going to be a serious production system at the end of the day?
    Storing metadata in tables for extraction and insertion of data is just wrong in so many ways. It smells heavily of Entity Attribute Value modelling, which is the most wrong way to use a relational database and is known to have major performance implications and be liable to bugs and issues. The idea that EAV modelling allows for 'generic' databases where new data items can be added flexibly later on without having to change code is usually justified with an excuse of "it means we don't have to update all our tables when we want a new column" which is easily countered with "if you're adding a single column a good relational design wouldn't require you to add it to more than one table anyway in most cases".
    Just what exactly are you trying to do and why? There has to be a better way.

  • How to use the column names generated from Dynamic SQL

    I have a problem with Dynamic SQL.
    I have written an SQL which will dynamically generate the Select statement with from and where clause in it.
    But that select statement when executed will get me hundreds of rows and i want to insert each row separately into one more table.
    For that i have used a ref cursor to open and insert the table.
    In the select list the column names will also be as follows: COLUMN1, COLUMN2, COLUMN3,....COLUMNn
    Please find below the sample code:
    TYPE ref_csr IS REF CURSOR;
    insert_csr ref_csr;
    v_select VARCHAR2 (4000) := NULL;
    v_table VARCHAR2 (4000) := NULL;
    v_where VARCHAR2 (4000) := NULL;
    v_ins_tab VARCHAR2 (4000) := NULL;
    v_insert VARCHAR2 (4000) := NULL;
    v_ins_query VARCHAR2 (4000) := NULL;
    OPEN insert_csr FOR CASE
    WHEN v_where IS NOT NULL
    || v_select
    || ' FROM '
    || v_table
    || v_where
    || ';'
    ELSE 'SELECT ' || v_select || ' FROM ' || v_table || ';'
    v_ins_query :=
    || v_ins_tab
    || '('
    || v_insert
    || ') VALUES ('
    || How to fetch the column names here
    || ');';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_ins_query;
    Please help me out with the above problem.
    Edited by: kumar0828 on Feb 7, 2013 10:40 PM
    Edited by: kumar0828 on Feb 7, 2013 10:42 PM

    I Built the statement as required but i need the column list because the first column value of each row should be inserted into one more table.
    So i was asking how to fetch the column list in a ref cursor so that value can be inserted in one more table.
    Then add a RETURNING INTO clause to the query to have Oracle return the first column values into a collection.
    See the PL/SQL Language doc

  • How to display the column names of a table in the output

    I want to display the name of the columns of the table without using literals in a abap report.
    EX: Consider the table KNA1
    I want to display the column names in the above fashion without using hardcoded write statements.
    Thanking in anticipation

    You can use this FM <b>DDIF_FIELDINFO_GET</b> It gives you all the names related to fields in a table -:)

  • Need to know the column names in my dynamic select clause

    Dear All,
    Please go through the following code. While executing the following code i am getting an error saying that dbms_sql.describe_columns overflow, col_name_len=35. Use describe_columns2.
    Please guide me how to proceed further. Or please help me, how can i get the column names when i issue a dynamic select clause.
    b number;
    SEL_CLAUSE := 'SELECT 1,2,DECODE(1,1,''ONE'',2,''TWO'',3,''THREE'') FROM DUAL';
    --'SELECT 1,2,DECODE(1,1,''ONE'',2,''TWO'') FROM DUAL';
    B := desc_t.first;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('J := '||J || ' COL CNT ' || COL_CNT);

    Is there any way can i have it directly??It does not work with static SQL either. Dynamic SQL is no different.
    SQL> select 1 x from dual where x = 1 ;
    select 1 x from dual where x = 1
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00904: "X": invalid identifier
    SQL>As suggested already, you will need to use alias if you want your select expression to be referred in the where clause.
      2      FOR rec IN (SELECT *
      3                  FROM   (SELECT 1,
      4                                 2,
      5                                 DECODE(1, 1, 'ONE', 2, 'TWO', 3, 'THREE') "DECODE(1, 1, 'ONE', 2, 'TWO', "
      6                          FROM   DUAL)
      7                  WHERE  "DECODE(1, 1, 'ONE', 2, 'TWO', " = 'ONE')
      8      LOOP
      9          NULL;
    10      END LOOP;
    11  END;
    12  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL>Message was edited by:
    Kamal Kishore

  • How to select even the column names of a table?

    Hello All,
    Is there a way to select even the column names of a table in the select statement?
    My select from a table (say X) is in a SQL* Plus script that gets invoked by application tier and displays data in the application tier window. User's can then copy the data into a spreadsheet and do their processing. However, I need to give them the column names too along with the data.

    If there is a middle tier that is selecting and
    displaying the data, and that's what the users are
    copying from, the middle tier would have to address
    its presentation of the data to allow users to
    include column names. If this is a common task, the
    application should probably be modified to give users
    the option of downloading the data in a spreadsheet
    directly rather than forcing them to copy and paste
    data.Thanks for the reply.
    The users don't have to copy paste. The application tier has an options in the "Tools" menu item which allows them to copy the entire output to a file (in my case a txt file which is a pipe delimited). Then they have to do text to columns to get the data into each column of the spreadsheet. I could have directly called the stored procedures from the application tier and created ".csv" files and FTP'd them to the user's folders. However, I am having to go this round about because, I am not getting enough support from the LAN team in FTP'ing etc.
    OK I'll think of another workaround.

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