Hi ,
I am using jdeveloper 11 g release 2 .
Can anyone assist with books to implement the managed bean in adf?
steve kalenga

I'm not aware of a book on this. However, creating a manged bean is pretty simple as you only have to create a java class and then configure this class in the adfc-config.xml if you use ADF.
You should lookup memory scopes in the docs as managed beans should always be in the smalest scope possible for the use case.
And very impoertant: don't use automatic binding of components!

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    ---- Session Bean ----
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    However, request bean is working fine for read only pages and simple binded forms. It definitely frees up memory quicker than session bean.
    ----- any comments or opinions are welcome!!! ------

    I think it should be either Option 2 or Option 3.
    Option 2 would be necessary if the bean data depends on some request parameters.
    (Example: Getting customer bean for a particular customer id)
    Otherwise Option 3 seems the reasonable approach.
    But, I am also pondering on this issue. The above are just my initial thoughts.

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    Please post messages related to Creator 2 EA at the feedbacks programs portal. The URL is:
    Creator Team

  • Error while opening a popup from managed bean

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    *'AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent(...)' is null or not an object.*
    Although the popup id is there on the jspx page.
    <af:popup id="confirmationStatus" binding="#{MyBean1.confirmationStatus}">
    <af:dialog cancelVisible="false"
    closeIconVisible="false" binding="#{MyBean1.d2}"
    title="Appointment Confirmation Status">
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    ExtendedRenderKitService service = Service.getRenderKitService(context, ExtendedRenderKitService.class);
    String popupId = "confirmationStatus";
    service.addScript(context,"AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent('" + popupId + "').show();");
    Please tell me why my popup is not getting open from the managed bean and I am getting an error in below line.
    service.addScript(context,"AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent('" + popupId + "').show();");

    To find out the right address of a component related to an other component, open your page select the component you want to add a partial trigger, go to the partial trigger property, select the down arrow at the right end and select 'Edit'. Now look for the popup in the component tree shown on the left side. When you have found the popup shuffle it the the selected side and click OK. The string you see in the field is the full address of the popup related to he component you've selected. Try the string you see there in your bean code. Remove the string from the partial trigger property, it's just to get the correct path.
    One other thing to check is that your popup has the ClientComponent property set to true.
    Next thing to try, is to use AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId(...)

  • How to pop up a browser window from a managed bean?

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    User login our home website. He/she clicks a button. Control flow goes to a managed bean (MB here after) to check some conditions. If conditions are met, instead of sending the user back to the home page, the user will be presented a new web site (e.g. in a popup window on top of our home site.
    Can we invoke a website in a adf popup? If so, how to do that? If not, any idea on how to develop this use case?
    Any idea is appreciated.

    Sorry, I have updated the previous reply with the required inputs.
    For convenience, putting it again;
    if you need to check for some condition and then invoke the browser, you could use the following code in your managed bean for af:commandButton for Action.
    import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
    import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.ExtendedRenderKitService;
    import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.util.Service;
    public class TestURLPageBean {
    public TestURLPageBean() {
    public String onClick() {
    *// Check for the condition here and invoke the browser only if it is true*
    if (true) {
    ExtendedRenderKitService erks =
    StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
    return null;

  • What is difference between Managed Bean and Backing Bean?

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    managed beans and backing beans are quite the same in that the Java object is managed by the JavaServer Faces framework. Manage in this respect means instantiation. The difference is that backing beans contain component "binding" references, which managed beans usually don't. Do backing beans are page specific versions of managed beans.
    Managed beans are configured either in the faces-config.xml file, or using ADF Faces and ADFc, in the adfc-config.xml file
    Edited by: Frank Nimphius on Jan 31, 2011 8:49 AM

  • How to get iterator values from a managed bean ?

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    My question is :
    1) is it possible to access the iterator values from a managed bean, i mean without any reference to a page definition
    2) how to do ? is it documented somewhere ? any example ?
    Thank you

    I got it also with this code:
    package view.managedBeans;
    import classification.bean.ClassificationDocument;
    import classification.castor.ClassificationLanguage;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Locale;
    import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
    import javax.faces.el.ValueBinding;
    import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
    import oracle.adf.model.generic.DCGenericDataControl;
    import org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException;
    import org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException;
    public class ClassificationLanguageList {
    private java.util.List<SelectItem> supportedLanguages = new ArrayList();
    public ClassificationLanguageList() throws FileNotFoundException,
    ValidationException {
    FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ValueBinding vb = ctx.getApplication().createValueBinding("#{data.ClassificationDocumentDataControl}");
    DCGenericDataControl classificationDocumentDataControl = (DCGenericDataControl)vb.getValue(ctx);
    ClassificationDocument classificationDocument = (ClassificationDocument)classificationDocumentDataControl.getDataProvider();
    ClassificationLanguage[] classificationLanguage = classificationDocument.getClassification().getClassificationLanguageList().getClassificationLanguage();
    for (int counter = 1; counter < classificationLanguage.length; counter++) {
    SelectItem language = new SelectItem();
    public void setSupportedLanguages(java.util.List<SelectItem> supportedLanguages) {
    this.supportedLanguages = supportedLanguages;
    public java.util.List<SelectItem> getSupportedLanguages() {
    return supportedLanguages;

  • Re:How to get the vo from managed bean

    Hi all,
    I am using Jdev11.
    My requirement is : I have one jspx page.In that page i have created one form,so i need to get the values from managed i wont create by using data control view finally i have to get the table values from managed how can i get it.can anyone help me please.

    So you're not using ADF BC at all, right ?
    From JSF point of view, it does not matter how you provide UI control values.
    What you can do, for example, is to use pure JDBC in order to get and display the database values.
    What you need in your backing bean, is appropriate properties (setter/getter method pairs).
    In the getter, you can obtain DB values by using JDBC
    Take a look at:
    JSF 2.0 + JDBC integration example
    JSF JDBC Integration
    JDBC in JSF - YouTube

  • Initialize managed bean from request parameters

    I thought this topic would be on the FAQ, but I couldn't find it. I am looking for a mean to initialize my managed bean from the query string. There must be something like:
    <h:form initializeBean=""true"" requestParameter=""id_author"" beanProperty=""#{author.id_author}"" action=""#{author.getFromDB}"" >
    The url would be something like http://localhost:8080/protoJSF/showAuthor.jsf?id_author=5334
    And the getFromDB method would be something like
      Public void getFromDB()
         Statement stmt = cn.createStatement( ?SELECT * from author where id_author=? + getId_author() );
         ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
      }The only way I've found to perform something like this is to present a blank author form with a ''load data'' button: after pressing the button the user can see author's data and edit the data if she wants to. This two-step data screening is annoying, to say the least.
    There must be a better way.
    I beg for a pointer on how can I achieve the initializing of a managed bean with dynamic data.
    Alberto Gaona

    You just have to read carefully the very fun 289 pages
    specification :-)Or, if 289 pages of JavaServer Faces is too much, you can get almost all of the same information from the JavaServer Pages 2.0 specification, or even the JSP Standard Tag Libraries specification :-).
    More seriously, the standard set of "magic" variable names that JavaServer Faces recognizes is the same as that reognized by the EL implementations in JSP and JSTL. Specifically:
    * applicationScope - Map of servlet context attributes
    * cooke - Map of cookies in this request
    * facesContext - The FacesContext instance for this request
    * header - Map of HTTP headers (max one value per header name)
    * headerValues - Map of HTTP headers (String array of values per header name)
    * initParam - Map of context initialization parameters for this webapp
    * param - Map of request parameters (max one value per parameter name)
    * paramMap - Map of request parameters (String array of values per parameter name)
    * requestScope - Map of request attributes for this request
    * sessionScope - Map of session attributes for this request
    * view - The UIViewRoot component at the base of the component tree for this view
    If you use a simple name other than the ones on this list, JavaServer Faces will search through request attributes, session attributes, and servlet context (application) attributes. If not found, it will then try to use the managed bean facility to create and configure an appropriate bean, and give it back to you.
    For extra fun, you can even create your own VariableResolver that can define additional "magic" variable names known to your application, and delegate to the standard VariableResolver for anything else.
    Craig McClanahan

  • Session scope managed bean is not instantiating?

    We have the need to use a session bean (rather than pageFlowScope) in our application.  But it looks like the session beans are not being instantiated at run time like other beans are.  I created a simple test case to verify.  One bean, named "MySessionBean", defined in the task flow as Session scope, then referenced in a view with an input text box, value:  #{sessionScope.MySessionBean.value1}. When I run the application,  I just get PropertyNotFoundException, Target Unreachable, 'MySessionBean' returned null.
    If I simply change the bean to use pageFlowScope, everything works fine.   I have debug code in the bean constructor, and it never gets called.   Is there some other step I am missing to have ADF instantiate the session bean?

    No luck, I tried it in both adfc-config.xml, and faces-config.xml.  I also tried moving the call to my view, from my bounded taskflow, into the adfc-config unbounded task flow, and then I ran that instead.  Still got the same error.    Here is my code from the the last round of tests with the view called in the main adfc-config.xml unbounded taskflow:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
    <adfc-config xmlns="" version="1.2">
          <view id="testView">
          <managed-bean id="__2">
          <managed-bean-name id="__5">MySessionBean</managed-bean-name>
          <managed-bean-class id="__4">test.MySessionBean</managed-bean-class>
          <managed-bean-scope id="__3">session</managed-bean-scope>
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
      < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
        <af:document id="d1">
          <af:form id="f1">
            <af:inputText label="Label 1" id="it1"
    package test;
    public class MySessionBean {
        private String value1="Hello World";
        public MySessionBean() {
        public void setValue1(String value1) {
            this.value1 = value1;
        public String getValue1() {
            return value1;

  • Query with bind variable, how can use it in managed bean ?

    I create query with bind variable (BindControlTextValue), this query return description of value that i set in BindControlTextValue variable, how can i use this query in managed bean? I need to set this value in String parameter in managed bean.

    Put the query in a VO and execute it the usual way.
    If you need to, you can write a parameterized method in VOImpl that executes the VO query with the parameter and then call that method from the UI (as a methodAction binding) either through the managed bean or via a direct button click on the page.

  • Header value in data table can be fetched from managed bean.

    My requirement is to display a report in which column headers are also retrieved from data base, it cannot be hardcoded.
    instead of My Column it should come from managed bean
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="My Column"/>
    I am not able to fetch the header value from the managed bean.
    I tried
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="#{}"/>
    but failed.
    Is there any way i can fetch these values at run time.

    Is that bean the main bean or the row object? It should be the main bean. There is only one column per table, its value is not to be derived from the row object.

  • Generate PDF using Managed Bean with custom HTTP headers

    Generate a report in various formats (e.g., PDF, delimited, Excel, HTML, etc.) using JDeveloper 11g Release 2 ( upon clicking an af:commandButton. See also the StackOverflow version of this question:
    HTTP headers are being sent twice: once by the framework and once by a bean.
    Source Code
    The source code includes:
    - Button Action
    - Managed Bean
    - Task Flow
    Button Action
    The button action:
    <af:commandButton text="Report" id="submitReport" action="Execute" />
    Managed Bean
    The Managed Bean is fairly complex. The code to `responseComplete` is getting called, however it does not seem to be called sufficiently early to prevent the application framework from writing the HTTP headers.
    HTTP Response Header Override
    * Sets the HTTP headers required to indicate to the browser that the
    * report is to be downloaded (rather than displayed in the current
    * window).
    protected void setDownloadHeaders() {
    HttpServletResponse response = getServletResponse();
    response.setHeader( "Content-Description", getContentDescription() );
    response.setHeader( "Content-Disposition", "attachment, filename="
    + getFilename() );
    response.setHeader( "Content-Type", getContentType() );
    response.setHeader( "Content-Transfer-Encoding",
    getContentTransferEncoding() );
    Issue Response Complete
    The bean indirectly tells the framework that the response is handled (by the bean):
    Bean Run and Configure
    public void run() {
    try {
    Report report = getReport();
    } catch (Exception e) {
    private void configure(Parameters p) {
    p.put(ReportImpl.SYSTEM_REPORT_PROTOCOL, "http");
    p.put(ReportImpl.SYSTEM_REPORT_HOST, "localhost");
    p.put(ReportImpl.SYSTEM_REPORT_PORT, "7002");
    p.put(ReportImpl.SYSTEM_REPORT_PATH, "/reports/rwservlet");
    p.put(Parameters.PARAM_REPORT_FORMAT, "pdf");
    p.put("report_cmdkey", getReportName());
    p.put("report_ORACLE_1", getReportDestinationType());
    p.put("report_ORACLE_2", getReportDestinationFormat());
    Task Flow
    The Task Flow calls Execute, which refers to the bean's `run()` method:
    entry -> main -> Execute -> ReportBeanRun
    <method-call id="ReportBeanRun">
    <description>Executes a report</description>
    <display-name>Execute Report</display-name>
    The bean is assigned to the `request` scope, with a few managed properties:
    <control-flow-rule id="__3">
    <control-flow-case id="ExecuteReport">
    <managed-bean id="ReportBean">
    <description>Executes a report</description>
    The `<fixed-outcome>success</fixed-outcome>` strikes me as incorrect -- I don't want the method call to return to another task.
    The report server receives requests from the web server exclusively. The report server URL cannot be used by browsers to download directly, for security reasons.
    Error Messages
    The error message that is generated:
    Duplicate headers received from server
    Error 349 (net::ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_MULTIPLE_CONTENT_DISPOSITION): Multiple distinct Content-Disposition headers received. This is disallowed to protect against HTTP response splitting attacks.Nevertheless, the report is being generated. Preventing the framework from writing the HTTP headers would resolve this issue.
    How can you set the HTTP headers in ADF while using a Task Flow to generate a PDF by calling a managed bean?
    Some additional ideas:
    - Override the Page Lifecycle Phase Listener (`ADFPhaseListener` + `PageLifecycle`)
    - Develop a custom Servlet on the web server
    Related Links
    Thank you!

    The problem was that the HTTP headers were in fact being written twice:
    1. The report server was returning HTTP response headers.
    2. The bean was including its own HTTP response headers (as shown in the question).
    3. The bean was copying the entire contents of the report server response, including the headers, into the output stream.
    Firefox ignored the duplicate header errors, but Google Chrome did not.

  • How to set ADF table cell value in managed bean

    Hi all,
    I have an ADF table on my page, let's assume with three columns with Input text box: col A, col B and col C where column C is hidden, when I click on Submit is possible to set in managed bean the value of column C for each rows?
    Thk in advance.

    you can create a button with an ActionListener. In the ActionListener you can iterate over the rows (using the iterator) and set the value on the attribute. If you need to save the changes you can call the commit operation binding.

  • How can we contrrol the focus of an form Object  from the Managed bean??

    I am getting the following script error...
    Can't move the focus to the control because it is invisible or not enabled or of the type that does not accept the focus...
    I have a button whose action is mapped to a function in the Managed bean.
    In the managed bean
    I am making the button Invisible along with some other components.
    Can any one help me out....

    You were proposing the following solution in other thread..
    setFocus('</f:verbatim><h:outputText value="#{myBean.focusId}" /><f:verbatim>');
    But it is giving the following error
    javax.faces.FacesException: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /EducationDetails.jsp(97,29) The element type "script" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</script>".

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