Manual Tabular Form Generation in Interactive Reports

Dear All;
I used the following statement to generate a tabular form in an interactive report region;
id No,
apex_item.text(1,C1,3,4, ,'f01_#ROWNUM#') C1
from test_table
The no of items on the form depends on the number of rows in test_table. However, I am unable to reference the individual cells in the form. it turns out apex is using the same id for each row( f01_#ROWNUM#) in the generated source code and is not substituting rownum for the row number (eg. f01_1 for first row, f01_2 for second row generated in a normal report template). Is there something I'm doing wrong or is this a bug? I am running on apex 4.0.1
Any assistance will be greatly appreviated.
Edited by: Zulu on Sep 11, 2010 2:16 PM
Edited by: Zulu on Sep 11, 2010 2:29 PM

Hi Trent,
It is working fine now... " You have saved my life and I am eternally grateful" :-) .
Edited by: Zulu on Sep 12, 2010 7:44 AM

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    and a process to update the value of Ord_number & ord_flag columns for the selected (Checked) rows.
    FOR i in 1..apex_application.g_f01.count
    Ord_number = apex_application.g_f03(i),
    ord_flag = apex_application.g_f04(i)
    order_id = apex_application.g_f01(i);
    But the values getting updated wrongly , how can I ensure the exact values is retrieved in apex_application.g_f03(i) & apex_application.g_f04(i) ?

    I think the row selector is there if you create an tabular form. However, you can create it yourself following this example:
    apex_item.checkbox (30,
                               'onclick="highlight_row(this,' || ROWNUM || ')"',
                               'f30_' || LPAD (ROWNUM, 4, '0')
                              ) delete_checkboxDenes Kubicek

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    Hi Denes and thank you for your valuable input.
    My problem is in fact that, I have created the tabular form by using a report region with a SQL query, something like,
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    from portal_link.v_planlama p
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    Report SQL:
    select apex_item.checkbox (1, ceah_people_lang_id,'unchecked') delete_checkbox,
    --'onclick="highlight_row(this,' || ROWNUM || ')"',
    --'F1_' || LPAD (ROWNUM, 4, '0')) delete_checkbox,
    Delete Process:
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    --if apex_application.g_f01(i) = 'Y'
    delete from ceah_people_language
    where ceah_people_lang_id = to_number(apex_application.g_f01(i));
    --end if;
    end loop;
    I've spent more time than I care to admit on the manual tabular form. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Elizabeth

    select apex_item.checkbox (1, ceah_people_lang_id,'unchecked') delete_checkbox,
    --'onclick="highlight_row(this,' || ROWNUM || ')"',
    --'F1_' || LPAD (ROWNUM, 4, '0')) delete_checkbox,
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(3,language_id,'select language_name, language_id from foreign_language') language_id,
    apex_item.hidden(4,ceah_people_id) ||
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(5,proficiency,'select name, id from proficiency') proficiency
    from ceah_people_language where ceah_people_language.ceah_people_id = :P152_person_id
    union all
    select apex_item.checkbox
    'onclick="highlight_row(this,' || ROWNUM || ')"',
    'F1_' || LPAD (ROWNUM, 4, '0')) delete_checkbox,
    apex_item.hidden(2,null) ||
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(3,null,'select language_name, language_id from foreign_language',
    'style="width:170px" ' ,
    '- Select Foreign Language -',
    'f3_' || LPAD (9900 + ROWNUM, 4, '0'),
    ) language_id,
    apex_item.hidden(4,null) ||
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(5,null,'select name, id from proficiency',
    'style="width:170px" ' ,
    '- Select Proficiency -',
    'f5_' || LPAD (9900 + ROWNUM, 4, '0'),
    ) proficiency
    from dual where :request = 'ADD_ROWS'
    connect by level <= 2

  • Apex_item.radiogroup using an LOV in a manual tabular form

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    select apex_item.radiogroup(37,my_field) as my_field
    from my_table
    When I use the above query as my Region Source, it compiles fine. However, it seems as though the query won't pull in the value that currently exists in the table unless I set the Column Attribute called 'Display As' for the field to 'Standard Report Column'. When I do this, it seems to remove the capability to incorporate a LOV into the radio group. I'm attempting to incorporate a query like this into the radiogroup:
    select 'YES' d, 'Y' r
    from dual
    select 'NO' d, 'N' r
    from dual
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    I am not 100% sure what you are trying to do but I think I am close. Try using
    SELECT apex_item.radio_group_from_query
               'SELECT ''YES'' d, ''Y'' r FROM dual
                UNION ALL
                SELECT  ''NO'' d, ''N'' r FROM dual'
              ) AS my_field
      FROM my_tableDenes Kubicek

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    I have a manual tabular form which has one column as file browse (blob). When I browse and select some file to save with the row, it saves only the name of the file, not the actual file.
    The example form is available on The page has a process called SAVE which is supposed to save the record with blob.
    Workspace: bobforum
    user: forum
    password: abc123
    Application: 39196
    Page: 1
    I will appreciate if someone can help.

    What I did check, apex_application.g_fnn array do not work for this.
    From Google I did found that it has work in previous APEX version.
    Something has changed and e.g. Denis example for multiple file browser do not work anymore.
    I did manage upload files to wwv_flow_files table when using apex_application.g_xnn.
    I did add derived column to report. To HTML expression I did place
    <input type="file" name="x0#ROWNUM#" />
    This way you could have report that shows max 20 rows in pagination page.
    But I did not find way to identify file uploaded to flow files.
    In After submit process apex_application.g_xnn seems have null value,
    so I could not query wwv_flow_files by name column and insert file to my own table.

  • Display select list from query on manual tabular form

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    -- Notice how I'm keeping the idx value the same as the column value in the collection. This helps to keep things organized
    -- I also apply an id to each entry
    -- I append the error value to the empname and sal
    -- The Seq_id. Usefull when hiding rows (for delete) and then submitting from
    apex_item.hidden(1,x.seq_id, null, x.seq_id || '_seq_id') ||
    -- The Primary Key of the column
    apex_item.hidden(2, x.ceah_people_id, null, x.seq_id || '_ceah_people_id') || x.ceah_people_id ceah_people_id,
    -- Employee Name
    case when x.seq_id = -1
    apex_item.select_list_from_query (3,
    'select distinct language_name d, '
    || 'language_id r from foreign_language',
    'style="width:170px" ' ,
    '- Select Language -',
    'x.seq_id_' || LPAD (9900 + LEVEL, 4, '0'),
    apex_item.text (3,(select language_name from foreign_language where x.language_id = foreign_language.language_id),
    'style="width:170px" readonly="readonly"',
    'f32_' || LPAD (ROWNUM, 4, '0')
    || err.language_id language_id,
    /* apex_item.text(3,x.language_id,null, null, null, x.seq_id || '_language_id') || err.language_id language_id,
    -- Employee Salary
    apex_item.text(4,x.proficiency, null, null, null, x.seq_id || '_proficiency') || err.proficiency ||
    -- Store the sql action type as well.
    apex_item.hidden(50,x.sql_action_typ, null, x.seq_id || '_sql_action_typ_id') proficiency,
    -- Last but not least the row error
    FROM (SELECT ac.c001 seq_id,
    ac.c002 ceah_people_id,
    ac.c003 language_id,
    ac.c004 proficiency,
    ac.c049 modifiable_flag,
    ac.c050 sql_action_typ
    FROM apex_collections ac
    WHERE ac.collection_name = 'DATA_COLLECTION'
    ORDER BY ac.seq_id) x,
    -- Error Collection
    (SELECT ac.seq_id seq_id,
    ac.c002 ceah_people_id,
    ac.c003 language_id,
    ac.c004 proficiency,
    ac.c050 row_error -- Useful when individual data is correct, however the row of data is not. Ex: start/end dates
    FROM apex_collections ac
    WHERE ac.collection_name = 'ERROR_COLLECTION'
    ORDER BY ac.seq_id) err
    WHERE x.seq_id = err.seq_id(+)

    I got so frustrated I started over. I'm following the how to create a manual form.
    The problem I'm now having is even though I display items as hidden, there is a column holder on the report for them. If I go into the report attributes and toggle the show attribute off I cannot reference an items value in my logic. I used /&nbsp/ for the column heading but I still get the little sort arrow where the column heading should be. I tried to toggle the sort attribute off but the sort arrow still shows up. How can I use the apex_item.hidden and not get a place holder for the column on a report? Thanks, Elizabeth
    Here is the code I'm using to generate the report:
    select x.ceah_people_lang_id,
    from (
    select apex_item.hidden(1,ceah_people_lang_id) ceah_people_lang_id,
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(2,language_id,'select language_name, language_id from foreign_language') language_id,
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(3,proficiency,'select name, id from proficiency') proficiency,
    apex_item.hidden(4,ceah_people_id) ceah_people_id
    from ceah_people_language where ceah_people_language.ceah_people_id = :P152_person_id
    union all
    select apex_item.hidden(1,null) ceah_people_lang_id,
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(2,null,'select language_name, language_id from foreign_language') language_id,
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(3,null,'select name, id from proficiency') proficiency,
    apex_item.hidden(4,null) ceah_people_id
    from dual) x

  • Dynamic Manual Tabular form

    Hi friends,
    I have been working on a timesheet application for which i need to create a manual tabular form in apex 4.1. I created a page with 3 items based on whose values the form should be generated. I created a report region in the page with the source code as
    v_query varchar2(10000);
    IF :P7_RELEASE_ID is not null THEN
    v_query := 'SELECT b.act_code activities,
    apex_item.text (1, a.ts_wd1, 10, 10) monday,
    apex_item.text (2, a.ts_wd2, 10, 10) tuesday,
    apex_item.text (3, a.ts_wd3, 10, 10) wednesday,
    apex_item.text (4, a.ts_wd4, 10, 10) thursday,
    apex_item.text (5, a.ts_wd5, 10, 10) friday,
    apex_item.text (6, a.ts_wd6, 10, 10) saturday,
    apex_item.text (7, a.ts_wd7, 10, 10) sunday,
    apex_item.text (8, a.ts_remarks, 70, 128) remarks
    from tb_opti_emp_ts a, tb_opmi_proj_act_map b
    where a.proj_ref=b.proj_ref= '||:P7_PROJ_REF||' and a.rel_id=b.rel_id= '||:P7_RELEASE_ID||' and a.emp_id= '||:P7_EMPLOYEE;
    v_query := 'SELECT 1 FROM dual WHERE 1=0';
    END IF;
    I have checked the option 'Use Generic Column Names (parse query at runtime only)' under source and the type is SQL query(pl/sql function body returning sql query)
    in this the 3 page items are P7_PROJ_REF,P7_RELEASE_ID and P7_EMPLOYEE.
    Now i have created a button which unconditionally branches to the same page and submits the page so on clicking it the data should be generated. I am getting the 'no data found' when the page items are blank but when i am passing legit data in the items(btw, all three are pop-up LOV's), i am getting an error
    failed to parse SQL query:
    ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended.
    Please I have been working for hours but not getting the solution...
    Anyone with solution plz.............

    Put your actual query in the report region SQL Query box, Specifying SQL Query as opposed to Function Returning SQl Query
    As follows:
    SELECT b.act_code activities,
    apex_item.text (1, a.ts_wd1, 10, 10) monday,
    apex_item.text (2, a.ts_wd2, 10, 10) tuesday,
    apex_item.text (3, a.ts_wd3, 10, 10) wednesday,
    apex_item.text (4, a.ts_wd4, 10, 10) thursday,
    apex_item.text (5, a.ts_wd5, 10, 10) friday,
    apex_item.text (6, a.ts_wd6, 10, 10) saturday,
    apex_item.text (7, a.ts_wd7, 10, 10) sunday,
    apex_item.text (8, a.ts_remarks, 70, 128) remarks
    from tb_opti_emp_ts a, tb_opmi_proj_act_map b
    where a.proj_ref=b.proj_ref= :P7_PROJ_REF and a.rel_id=b.rel_id= :P7_RELEASE_ID  and a.emp_id= :P7_EMPLOYEE;In the conditions for the report region to display specify ITEM NOT NULL and P7_RELEASE_ID (without the colon) in the Expression 1 box

  • Date popup validation in manual tabular form

    Hey all-
    I'm creating a tabular form manually (i.e., with apex_collection) per instructions at OBE ( Working fine, except I'm having a problem with apex_item.date_popup.
    One of the fields I need to collect from the tabular form is a date. For the SQL report, the relevant item is apex_item.date_popup(9, null, c008, 'YYYY-MM-DD', 20, 10) (and c008 is the relevant column from the collection). The trouble comes in if a user types a bogus date into the date popup. I have validation code to check this, but before running that code, I have to store the user's new entries into the collection. So basically my steps are:
    1. display the tabular form w/ a SQL report containing apex_item.date_popup
    2. use an update collection PL/SQL process to store the user data into the collection (process point = On Submit and Before Computation)
    3. use a validation PL/SQL process to verify the data in the collection before processing the update
    All that works, and the validation identifies the bad date. But then the page tries to render the tabular form again (so the user can fix the bad date), but the apex_item.date_popup(9, null, c008, 'YYYY-MM-DD', 20, 10) column fails b/c of the bad date. I need a way to programmatically create a date popup and populate it with (potentially) invalid data. Any ideas?

    Problem solved. Tossed the lackluster apex_item.date_popup and replaced w/ jQuery datepicker.

  • Sorting on date (date_popup2) in manual tabular form does not work

    Hi All,
    I created a manual tabular form (based on a collection) with 1 date_popup2 field in it. This field is defined in the query as follows:
    ,      apex_item.date_popup2( p_idx                   => 18
                                , p_value                 => c004
                                , p_date_format           => 'dd-mm-yyyy'
                                , p_item_id               => 'f18_' || lpad (rownum, 4, '0')
                                , p_item_label            => 'Start date'
                                ) as tf_br_start_date
    In the report attributes I marked this column to be sortable.
    However, in the page the sorting is not working. It looks like it's always sorted in the order  of the seq_id.
    Can anyone tell me how to solve this?

    I'd call it a bug/missing feature.
    It appears that within a Basic report, sorting on a column created using APEX_ITEM.DATE_POPUP2() does not sort by date.
    I'd file this with Oracle Support and see what they say.
    Include a link to this thread and your workspace login information.
    I got something to work by: (probably not what you want.)
    using the C004 column directly. (I just added it to the SQL code)
    setting the column's attribute "Display As" to "Date Picker"
    setting the column's attribute "Number /Date Format" to DD-MM-YYYY
    I suspect: since you don't start with p_idx => 1, this column becomes "1" ==> g_f01

  • Document.getElementById Manual Tabular Form

    I’m working with APEX 4.1 and a manual tabular form.
    I have a page level validation process that fires and ensures that the value in column 1 does not match the value in column 6. When it does it pops up an error message along the lines of: The project MY PROJECT (Row2) cannot be a default of itself.
    That all works as it should but the bit I cannot figure out how to do is a background colour change in either the column 1 field of the invalid row or the entire invalid row.
    The code (function returning and error) I’m using is:
    l_error VARCHAR2 (4000);
    FOR i IN 1 .. apex_application.g_f49.count
    IF apex_application.g_f01(i) = NVL (apex_application.g_f06(i), -1)
    l_error := l_error
    || CASE
    WHEN l_error IS NULL
    ELSE '
    || ' The project '
    -- Project name
    || apex_application.g_f02(i)
    || ' '
    -- I believe it is this bit that is wrong
    || '<a onclick="document.getElementById('''
    || 'f02_'
    || LPAD (i, 4, '0')
    || ''').style.background =''#FCCFCC'';'
    || '$f_First_field('''
    || 'f02_'
    || LPAD (i, 4, '0')
    || ''')'
    || '" href="#"'
    || '>'*/
    -- Get the row
    || '(Row ' || i || ')'
    || '</a>'
    || ' cannot be it''s own default. '
    END IF;
    RETURN LTRIM (l_error, '</br>');
    Would someone be so kind as to point out the error of my ways?
    Many thanks for your time,
    Edited by: DannyC on Oct 14, 2011 1:29 AM

    Hi Sanjay,
    Change the Report Column display type to Standard Report Column.

  • Sort Nulls First with Manual Tabular Form????

    I just created a manual tabular form and it appears to be in working order. Now I need to order the report results on 2 columns (which I have working using the sort sequence in the column attributes), but I also need the blank row (added row) to appear on top of the results.
    What do I need to do to add the blank row on top?? Sort Null: First does not work in my case.
    Thank you,

      apex_item.hidden(1,null) log_id,
      apex_item.text(2,null) empty_field,
      apex_item.text(3,null) log_date,
      apex_item.text(4,null) z_time,
      apex_item.text(5,null) log_lead,
      apex_item.text(6,null) log_event,
      apex_item.text(7,null) project_id,
      apex_item.text(8,null) status,
      apex_item.checkbox(9,null) chkbx,
      apex_item.hidden(10,null) seq_id
    from dual
    connect by level < 4
    union all
      apex_item.hidden(1,c001) log_id,
      apex_item.text(2,c002) empty_field,
      apex_item.text(3,c003) log_date,
      apex_item.text(4,c004) z_time,
      apex_item.text(5,c005) log_lead,
      apex_item.text(6,c006) log_event,
      apex_item.text(7,c007) project_id,
      apex_item.text(8,c008) status,
      apex_item.checkbox(9,seq_id) chkbx,
      apex_item.hidden(10,seq_id) seq_id
    from apex_collections
    where collection_name = 'LOG_ENTRIES'

  • Manual tabular form -- add rows

    Hi everybody, I am making a manually tabular form following the Denes Kubicek tutorials:
    The SQL for the tabular form is:
    SELECT apex_item.checkbox (31,
    'onclick="highlight_row(this,' || ROWNUM || ')"',
    'f31_' || LPAD (ROWNUM, 4, '0')
    ) delete_checkbox,
    apex_item.text (32,
    'style="width:20px" ',
    'f32_' || LPAD (ROWNUM, 4, '0')
    ) tipus
    where esmena_idint = :P18_IDINT
    and tipus_modif ='A'
    The Report is created correct. Now I modify the "Form Region" template like this:
    <table class="t6FormRegion" id="MY_TAB" border="0" cellpadding="0" #REGION_ATTRIBUTES# summary="">
    <tr><td class="t6Header">#TITLE#</td></tr>
    <tr><td class="t6ButtonHolder">#CLOSE#   #PREVIOUS##NEXT##DELETE##EDIT##CHANGE##CREATE##CREATE2##EXPAND##COPY##HELP#</td></tr>
    <tr><td class="t6Body">#BODY#</td></tr>
    <tr><td><img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#themes/theme_6/t.gif" width="400" height="1" alt="" /></td></tr>
    Now I add a Button URL with the code:
    and add this Javascript in the region header of the SQL Report
    function va_AddTableRow(pThis,pThat,pNum){
    var tt = html_GetElement(pThat);
    var ogTR = tt.rows[1];
    var trClone = ogTR.cloneNode(true);
    var last_child=trClone.lastChild.getElementsByTagName('input')
    for (var j=0;j<last_child.length;j++)
    if (last_child[j].type=="hidden" && last_child[j].name=="f01")
    myNewRow = tt.insertRow(tt.rows.length);
    oReplace = myNewRow.replaceNode(trClone);
    In this moment, when I push the botton appears the text (nulll) in the same region but not as a new line in the SQL report, what is the problem??
    Thank you for your help

    When you get a chance, see if maybe this (old version) of my app does something similar to what you need/want.
    It's not working right now though, I keep getting the Oracle error:
    ORA-01116: error in opening database file 17252 ORA-01110: data file 17252: '/u03/oradata/marvlprd/MARVLPRD/datafile/o1_mf_flow_172_23qtsjpr_.dbf' ORA-27041: unable to open file Linux Error: 23: Too many open files in system Additional information: 3
    So, as way of an explanation (until Joel gets the Linux process fixed), I have a simple little screen that I use for letting the users specifiy search criteria. Each line has four columns, what field they want to search, a condition (equals or not equals), the text to search for, and an optional 'And/or' argument. If the 'And/Or' gets populated, a new blank line automatically gets created. There is also a red 'X' on each line so they users can delete a line if they want.
    Not sure if this is what you need, but this page uses the same set of javascript code, so perhaps when it's working again, you can see if there are any similarities or differences.
    Also, for reference, so you can see the code and variables, etc., the workspace is wbfergus, and the id and password are both htmldb-apex.
    Bill Ferguson

  • Manual Tabular Form Formatting Questions

    Hello, this is my first time using a tabular form and am now trying to tackle creating a manual tabular form. So, now I have some questions on formatting.
    1. Is it proper on this forum to lump several similar questions together or should these be separate postings?
    2. I have a hidden column that I do not want to display on the screen at all. However, I need access to the column later when saving. I am currently using the htmldb_item.hidden function to retrieve the field. This works. However, the column still displays but the value does not display. I then tried to uncheck the show attribute for the column to unchecked. Unfortunately, if this is not selected, when using the htmldb_application.g_f01 function, I would receive an error as if the column did not exist. How do I make the column totally hidden so that it does not display at all?
    3. I have a number column where I want the column to display in dollars (i.e. $100, 000). I tried to set the number format on the column in the report attributes. However, no luck. To retrieve the column, I am using the function htmldb_item.text to retrieve the column. I am not sure if I should be able to format the column in the report attributes or if the htmldb_item.text function has a parameter that I could use for formatting. Suggestions?
    4. Similarily, I would like to right justify this column. How is this accomplished?

    Hi everyone,
    Is there any way to not to display the hidden columns in the manual tabular forms,when we create the manual tabular form using htmldb_item.hidden.
    But need to refer that column in the process.
    In the wizard generated tabular form if the column is of type HIDDEN we dont see that column on the report.
    How can i achieve the same in manual tabular forms..

  • Manual Tabular Form Problem

    Apex 3.2
    I have written a manual tabular form and it has a validation to check if a column contains negative numbers.
    If it does then it returns a validation error.
    I also have the same validation in my database procedure which raises
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'The update procedure does not accept negative numbers.');My problem is withmy page validation.
    If the column value was 16 and the user types in, eg, -12, then the validation fires and returns the message.
    The problem is that once the message is returned, the column value is reset to the original value, eg, 16.
    If I disable my page validation and use my database exception.
    Then the error message from the database displays. If I click ok, then the form displays the new value, eg, -12.
    I want to use my page validation, but I need the page to show the new value.
    I have made all my processes and branches conditional to run only if there are no inline validations displayed,
    but this did not affect anything.
    Any help appreciated

    Gus C wrote:
    It works exactly how I want mine to, without using collections, ie, it keeps the new values in the page.
    Unfortunatley I cannot figure out how he does thatUpgraded to 4.2 ;)
    One of the differences between version 3 and 4 is that retaintion/caching of the changed values in tabular forms.
    In other words in apex 4 the builder takes care of showing the new changed value.
    By not fetching the data from the database on a validation error.
    Where as in Apex 3 you have to do that when there is a validation error and the message is shown on the same page.
    The report fetches the data from the database even when there is a validation error.
    There are 2 options
    1) Let the validation message be shown on the error page. Going back in the browser history doesn't fetch the data form the database up on rerendering.
    This option is mentioned in the thread the demo was inspired by.
    2) Work with a collection. Where you take care of the caching. This method gives the posibility to so multiple validation messages where as the "show on error page" shows only one validation message.

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