Manually install app to iphone

y know , there is an option in itunes that we can tik it then we can install music & movies manually i mean by drag & drop in iphone...
is there same option to application to install manually because i buy some app from app store like 50-60 & i cant remember their names & i must see icons ...

You just set your target to your device and when you click "run", it will install it into the simulator and run it.

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    Yes. Since you're restoring as a new device, it doesn't really matter what computer you use. Just make sure you sign into iTunes using YOUR Apple ID first.
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    Hi wgreen4783,
    Try resetting the iPhone and then remove and sync the application to the iPhone again.
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    You should be able to go to the App Store on her iPhone, click "Updates" in the lower right, then "Purchased" on top, and see all her purchased apps there.  You can restore them from there.

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    Hi lilithpry,
    If you are having issues syncing or transferring apps from iTunes to your iPhone, you may want to double check the steps outlined in the following article:
    iTunes 12 for Mac: Sync and organize iOS apps
    - Brenden

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    No. You can group them into a folder and/or move them to another page of the home screen.
    Deleting, Rearranging and Grouping Apps
    (Note that I am affiliated with this site, it contains a donate button, and some pages contain ads).

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    What do you mean by?:
    My Music is on cloud on our MAC. 
    You mean iCloud from Apple ore just a cloud? Try using youre iCloud account and download the musci back to your iphone.
    It should work the same a your itunes account; you can dowload apps multiple times.

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    Can you install any apps from the App Store on your iPhone?
    If you're syncing the apps from iTunes to your iPhone and aren't going over but you don't see any errors, try resetting the sync alerts.
    Also, make sure you've authorized the computer with the correct account name. Right click an app, Get Info and look for the account name listed, then make sure iTunes is authorized with that account too.

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    Message was edited by: Me

    You can re-download purchased apps for free. Follow the instructions here:

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    The party will just have to pass me by!
    Thanks for your help!

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