Map access problems

Hi all,
I am populating a hashmap from data. One set of data is the keys and the rest is put inside an array and becomes the value.
private static final  LookupMap<Double, Integer> getFractionLookupMap(){
          Connection connSpe = null;
         PreparedStatement pstmtModel = null;
         ResultSet rsModel = null;  
         Map<Double, Integer[]> fractionLookupMap = new HashMap<Double, Integer[]>();
              //Open connections
              connSpe = getConnection("", Constants.JNDI_R);
              int rowCount = 0;
              pstmtModel = connSpe.prepareStatement(MYSQL.GET_FRACTION_LOOKUP);
              rsModel = pstmtModel.executeQuery();
              if (rsModel != null)
                   Integer[] price = new Integer[2];
                   while (
                        price[0] = rsModel.getInt("NUM");
                        price[1] = rsModel.getInt("DEN");
                        double value = rsModel.getDouble("VALUE");
              "Fraction Value : "+value);
              "Fraction Num : "+price[0]);
              "Fraction Den : "+price[1]);
                        fractionLookupMap.put(value, price);
         "Map size : "+fractionLookupMap.size());
         "Fraction Lookup Rows Retrieved: " + rowCount);
              //close connectionsetc         
         catch(SQLException se)
    "Error in getFractionLookup");
              throw new DatabaseTransactionException(se, "Error communicating with database","","");
                   //close stuff
              catch(SQLException se)
                   //throw stuff
         return new FractionLookupMap(fractionLookupMap);
     }Inside this method all seems OK with with the correct amount of pairings in the map and the correct data in there.
However when i try to use the data inside it doesn't work as expected. I am iterating through the keys to find the nearest value to the lookup value. This seems fine, with all key values correct, but when i try to get the value pairing for that key (or any in fact) i receive the value of the LAST value pairing put onto the map!
Integer[] price = (Integer[]) GenericDao.getFractionLookupMap().getLookupMapResult(value);where FractionLookupMap().getLookupMapResult(value) is simple a lookup on the hashmap object.
This was working perfectly before but i made a change to how the map was populated and made the method static so i'm assuming it had something to do with this but i cant see what.
Any pointers?

Nevermind - solved it, object reference issue

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  • Backing Map Access : Cross-cache joins

    I have been experimenting with cross-cache joins using Entry Processors in Coherence 3.7.1.
    (I have already sent a query to Dave Felcey regarding this - I will post any response from him here - but I just wondered if anyone else has had the same problem)
    h3. Scenario
    A simplified version of the problem is:
    We have two NamedCaches, one called "PARENT_CACHE" and one called "CHILD_CACHE"
    Each cache stores the following types of object respectivley...
    *class Parent implements PortableObject {*
    long id;
    String description;
    *class Child implements PortableObject {*
    long id;
    long parentId;
    String description;
    I want an entry processor that I can send to an instance of "Parent" that will return the "Parent" object together with the associated "Child" objects. The reason I want this is because I do not want to do two out-of-process calls (one to get the parent and one to get it's children - in the real world, we will need to get several different child types and we do not want to do one call for each type) for example...
    *class ExampleEntryProcessor extends AbstractProcessor implements PortableObject {*
    public ParentAndChildrenResult process(Entry entry) {
    I wrote an implementation of this based on Ben Stopfold's blog (see here - particularly the post by "Jonathan Knight")
    So I thought I needed something like this...
         *public ParentAndChildrenResult process(Entry entry) {*
              ParentAndChildrenResult result = new ParentAndChildResult();
              Parent parent = (Parent) entry.getValue();
              Filter parentIdFilter = new EqualsFilter(new PofExtractor(Long.class, Child.PARENT_ID_FIELD), parent.getId());
              BinaryEntry binaryEntry = (BinaryEntry) entry;
              Set<java.util.Map.Entry> childEntrySet = queryBackingMap("CHILD_CACHE", parentIdFilter, binaryEntry);
              Converter valueUpConverter = binaryEntry.getContext().getValueFromInternalConverter();
              for (java.util.Map.Entry childEntry : childEntrySet) {
                   result.addChild((Child) valueUpConverter.convert(childEntry.getValue()));
              return result;
         *public Set<Map.Entry> queryBackingMap(String nameOfCacheToSearch, Filter filter, BinaryEntry entry) {*
         BackingMapContext backingMapContext = entry.getContext().getBackingMapContext(nameOfCacheToSearch);
         Map indexMap = backingMapContext.getIndexMap();
         return InvocableMapHelper.query(backingMapContext.getBackingMap(), indexMap, filter, true, false, null);
    I set up key association so I can ensure that the child objects are on the same node as the parent, the keys for each cache look like this...
    *class Key implements KeyAssociation, PortableObject {*
    private long id;
    private long associatedId;
    *public Key() {*
    *public Key(Parent parent) {* = parent.getId();
    this.associatedId = parent.getId();
    *public Key(Child child) {* = child.getId();
    this.associatedId = child.getParentId();
    *public Object getAssociatedKey() {*
    return associatedId;
    When I send this entry processor to a parent object, I am getting the following exception when the "InvocableMapHelper.query" method is called...
    +"Portable(java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException): PofExtractor must be used with POF-encoded Binary entries; the Map Entry is not a BinaryEntry"+
    I was not expecting this as our cluster is POF enabled and I thought that the backing maps always contained BinaryEntries.
    Has anyone else had a similar problem? Has anyone found any simple examples of how to do this anywhere on the web that work?
    Once I figure out how to get this to work, I want to post the solution somewhere (probably here) because there are bound to be other people who want to do something similar to this.
    Thanks in advance,

    Forgot the output...
    2012-01-12 18:38:09.860/0.766 Oracle Coherence <Info> (thread=main, member=n/a): Loaded operational configuration from "jar:file:/C:/users/vclondon/.m2/repository/com/tangosol/coherence/!/tangosol-coherence.xml"
    2012-01-12 18:38:09.860/0.766 Oracle Coherence <Info> (thread=main, member=n/a): Loaded operational overrides from "file:/C:/dev2/tech-trading-workspace/backing-map-access/bin/tangosol-coherence-override.xml"
    2012-01-12 18:38:09.860/0.766 Oracle Coherence <D5> (thread=main, member=n/a): Optional configuration override "/custom-mbeans.xml" is not specified
    Oracle Coherence Version Build 27797
    Grid Edition: Development mode
    Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    2012-01-12 18:38:10.016/0.922 Oracle Coherence GE <Info> (thread=main, member=n/a): Loaded cache configuration from "file:/C:/dev2/tech-trading-workspace/backing-map-access/bin/coherence-cache-config.xml"; this document does not refer to any schema definition and has not been validated.
    2012-01-12 18:38:10.344/1.250 Oracle Coherence GE <Info> (thread=main, member=n/a): Loaded Reporter configuration from "jar:file:/C:/users/vclondon/.m2/repository/com/tangosol/coherence/!/reports/report-group.xml"
    2012-01-12 18:38:23.610/14.516 Oracle Coherence GE <D4> (thread=main, member=n/a): TCMP bound to / using SystemSocketProvider
    2012-01-12 18:38:54.454/45.360 Oracle Coherence GE <Info> (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): Created a new cluster "LOCAL" with Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2012-01-12 18:38:23.719, Address=, MachineId=21295, Location=site:,machine:J67LQ2J,process:13600, Role=TestBackingmapStartStorageNode, Edition=Grid Edition, Mode=Development, CpuCount=2, SocketCount=1) UID=0xAC17001A00000134D2FFC167532F1F98
    2012-01-12 18:38:54.454/45.360 Oracle Coherence GE <Info> (thread=main, member=n/a): Started cluster Name=LOCAL
    WKA{Address=, Port=8088}
    ThisMember=Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2012-01-12 18:38:23.719, Address=, MachineId=21295, Location=site:,machine:J67LQ2J,process:13600, Role=TestBackingmapStartStorageNode)
    OldestMember=Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2012-01-12 18:38:23.719, Address=, MachineId=21295, Location=site:,machine:J67LQ2J,process:13600, Role=TestBackingmapStartStorageNode)
    Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2012-01-12 18:38:23.719, Address=, MachineId=21295, Location=site:,machine:J67LQ2J,process:13600, Role=TestBackingmapStartStorageNode)
    1|3.7.1|2012-01-12 18:38:54.454|JOINED
    2012-01-12 18:38:54.501/45.407 Oracle Coherence GE <Info> (thread=Cluster, member=1): Loaded POF configuration from "file:/C:/dev2/tech-trading-workspace/backing-map-access/bin/pof-config.xml"; this document does not refer to any schema definition and has not been validated.
    2012-01-12 18:38:54.516/45.422 Oracle Coherence GE <Info> (thread=Cluster, member=1): Loaded included POF configuration from "jar:file:/C:/users/vclondon/.m2/repository/com/tangosol/coherence/!/coherence-pof-config.xml"
    2012-01-12 18:38:54.579/45.485 Oracle Coherence GE <D5> (thread=Invocation:Management, member=1): Service Management joined the cluster with senior service member 1
    2012-01-12 18:38:54.876/45.782 Oracle Coherence GE <D5> (thread=DistributedCache, member=1): Service DistributedCache joined the cluster with senior service member 1
    2012-01-12 18:38:54.891/45.797 Oracle Coherence GE <D5> (thread=Invocation:InvocationService, member=1): Service InvocationService joined the cluster with senior service member 1
    2012-01-12 18:38:54.907/45.813 Oracle Coherence GE <Info> (thread=main, member=1):
    ClusterService{Name=Cluster, State=(SERVICE_STARTED, STATE_JOINED), Id=0, Version=3.7.1, OldestMemberId=1}
    InvocationService{Name=Management, State=(SERVICE_STARTED), Id=1, Version=3.1, OldestMemberId=1}
    PartitionedCache{Name=DistributedCache, State=(SERVICE_STARTED), LocalStorage=enabled, PartitionCount=257, BackupCount=1, AssignedPartitions=257, BackupPartitions=0}
    InvocationService{Name=InvocationService, State=(SERVICE_STARTED), Id=3, Version=3.1, OldestMemberId=1}
    Started DefaultCacheServer...
    2012-01-12 18:39:03.438/54.344 Oracle Coherence GE <D5> (thread=Cluster, member=1): Member(Id=2, Timestamp=2012-01-12 18:39:03.274, Address=, MachineId=21295, Location=site:,machine:J67LQ2J,process:14408, Role=TestBackingmapMainRunTheTest) joined Cluster with senior member 1
    2012-01-12 18:39:03.610/54.516 Oracle Coherence GE <D5> (thread=Cluster, member=1): Member 2 joined Service Management with senior member 1
    2012-01-12 18:39:03.907/54.813 Oracle Coherence GE <D5> (thread=Cluster, member=1): Member 2 joined Service DistributedCache with senior member 1
    2012-01-12 18:39:04.032/54.938 Oracle Coherence GE <D5> (thread=Cluster, member=1): TcpRing disconnected from Member(Id=2, Timestamp=2012-01-12 18:39:03.274, Address=, MachineId=21295, Location=site:,machine:J67LQ2J,process:14408, Role=TestBackingmapMainRunTheTest) due to a peer departure; removing the member.
    2012-01-12 18:39:04.032/54.938 Oracle Coherence GE <D5> (thread=Cluster, member=1): Member 2 left service Management with senior member 1
    2012-01-12 18:39:04.032/54.938 Oracle Coherence GE <D5> (thread=Cluster, member=1): Member 2 left service DistributedCache with senior member 1
    2012-01-12 18:39:04.032/54.938 Oracle Coherence GE <D5> (thread=Cluster, member=1): Member(Id=2, Timestamp=2012-01-12 18:39:04.032, Address=, MachineId=21295, Location=site:,machine:J67LQ2J,process:14408, Role=TestBackingmapMainRunTheTest) left Cluster with senior member 1
    2012-01-12 18:39:02.266/0.328 Oracle Coherence <Info> (thread=main, member=n/a): Loaded operational configuration from "jar:file:/C:/users/vclondon/.m2/repository/com/tangosol/coherence/!/tangosol-coherence.xml"
    2012-01-12 18:39:02.266/0.328 Oracle Coherence <Info> (thread=main, member=n/a): Loaded operational overrides from "file:/C:/dev2/tech-trading-workspace/backing-map-access/bin/tangosol-coherence-override.xml"
    2012-01-12 18:39:02.266/0.328 Oracle Coherence <D5> (thread=main, member=n/a): Optional configuration override "/custom-mbeans.xml" is not specified
    Oracle Coherence Version Build 27797
    Grid Edition: Development mode
    Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    2012-01-12 18:39:02.407/0.469 Oracle Coherence GE <Info> (thread=main, member=n/a): Loaded cache configuration from "file:/C:/dev2/tech-trading-workspace/backing-map-access/bin/coherence-cache-config.xml"; this document does not refer to any schema definition and has not been validated.
    2012-01-12 18:39:02.501/0.563 Oracle Coherence GE <Info> (thread=main, member=n/a): Loaded Reporter configuration from "jar:file:/C:/users/vclondon/.m2/repository/com/tangosol/coherence/!/reports/report-group.xml"
    2012-01-12 18:39:03.063/1.125 Oracle Coherence GE <D4> (thread=main, member=n/a): TCMP bound to / using SystemSocketProvider
    2012-01-12 18:39:03.438/1.500 Oracle Coherence GE <Info> (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): This Member(Id=2, Timestamp=2012-01-12 18:39:03.274, Address=, MachineId=21295, Location=site:,machine:J67LQ2J,process:14408, Role=TestBackingmapMainRunTheTest, Edition=Grid Edition, Mode=Development, CpuCount=2, SocketCount=1) joined cluster "LOCAL" with senior Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2012-01-12 18:38:23.719, Address=, MachineId=21295, Location=site:,machine:J67LQ2J,process:13600, Role=TestBackingmapStartStorageNode, Edition=Grid Edition, Mode=Development, CpuCount=2, SocketCount=1)
    2012-01-12 18:39:03.485/1.547 Oracle Coherence GE <D5> (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): Member 1 joined Service Management with senior member 1
    2012-01-12 18:39:03.485/1.547 Oracle Coherence GE <D5> (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): Member 1 joined Service DistributedCache with senior member 1
    2012-01-12 18:39:03.485/1.547 Oracle Coherence GE <D5> (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): Member 1 joined Service InvocationService with senior member 1
    2012-01-12 18:39:03.485/1.547 Oracle Coherence GE <Info> (thread=main, member=n/a): Started cluster Name=LOCAL
    WKA{Address=, Port=8088}
    ThisMember=Member(Id=2, Timestamp=2012-01-12 18:39:03.274, Address=, MachineId=21295, Location=site:,machine:J67LQ2J,process:14408, Role=TestBackingmapMainRunTheTest)
    OldestMember=Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2012-01-12 18:38:23.719, Address=, MachineId=21295, Location=site:,machine:J67LQ2J,process:13600, Role=TestBackingmapStartStorageNode)
    Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2012-01-12 18:38:23.719, Address=, MachineId=21295, Location=site:,machine:J67LQ2J,process:13600, Role=TestBackingmapStartStorageNode)
    Member(Id=2, Timestamp=2012-01-12 18:39:03.274, Address=, MachineId=21295, Location=site:,machine:J67LQ2J,process:14408, Role=TestBackingmapMainRunTheTest)
    1|3.7.1|2012-01-12 18:38:23.719|JOINED,
    2|3.7.1|2012-01-12 18:39:03.477|JOINED
    2012-01-12 18:39:03.501/1.563 Oracle Coherence GE <Info> (thread=Cluster, member=2): Loaded POF configuration from "file:/C:/dev2/tech-trading-workspace/backing-map-access/bin/pof-config.xml"; this document does not refer to any schema definition and has not been validated.
    2012-01-12 18:39:03.532/1.594 Oracle Coherence GE <Info> (thread=Cluster, member=2): Loaded included POF configuration from "jar:file:/C:/users/vclondon/.m2/repository/com/tangosol/coherence/!/coherence-pof-config.xml"
    2012-01-12 18:39:03.594/1.656 Oracle Coherence GE <D5> (thread=Invocation:Management, member=2): Service Management joined the cluster with senior service member 1
    2012-01-12 18:39:03.891/1.953 Oracle Coherence GE <D5> (thread=DistributedCache, member=2): Service DistributedCache joined the cluster with senior service member 1
    Exception in thread "main" Portable(com.tangosol.util.WrapperException): (Wrapped: Failed request execution for DistributedCache service on Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2012-01-12 18:38:23.719, Address=, MachineId=21295, Location=site:,machine:J67LQ2J,process:13600, Role=TestBackingmapStartStorageNode)) PofExtractor must be used with POF-encoded Binary entries; the Map Entry is not a BinaryEntry
    at com.tangosol.util.Base.ensureRuntimeException(
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.Grid.tagException(Grid.CDB:36)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.partitionedService.PartitionedCache.onInvokeRequest(PartitionedCache.CDB:68)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.partitionedService.PartitionedCache$
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.Grid.onMessage(Grid.CDB:34)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.Grid.onNotify(Grid.CDB:33)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.PartitionedService.onNotify(PartitionedService.CDB:3)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.partitionedService.PartitionedCache.onNotify(PartitionedCache.CDB:3)
    at Source)
    at <process boundary>
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.Service.readObject(Service.CDB:1)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.Grid.deserializeMessage(Grid.CDB:19)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.Grid.onNotify(Grid.CDB:31)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.PartitionedService.onNotify(PartitionedService.CDB:3)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.partitionedService.PartitionedCache.onNotify(PartitionedCache.CDB:3)
    at Source)
    Caused by: Portable(java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException): PofExtractor must be used with POF-encoded Binary entries; the Map Entry is not a BinaryEntry
    at com.tangosol.util.extractor.PofExtractor.extractInternal(
    at com.tangosol.util.extractor.PofExtractor.extractFromEntry(
    at com.tangosol.util.InvocableMapHelper.extractFromEntry(
    at com.tangosol.util.SimpleMapEntry.extract(
    at com.tangosol.util.filter.ExtractorFilter.evaluateEntry(
    at com.tangosol.util.InvocableMapHelper.evaluateEntry(
    at com.tangosol.util.InvocableMapHelper.query(
    at test.backingmap.main.GetParentAndChildrenEntryProcessor.queryBackingMap(
    at test.backingmap.main.GetParentAndChildrenEntryProcessor.process(
    at test.backingmap.main.GetParentAndChildrenEntryProcessor.process(
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.partitionedService.PartitionedCache$Storage.invoke(PartitionedCache.CDB:10)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.partitionedService.PartitionedCache.onInvokeRequest(PartitionedCache.CDB:52)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.partitionedService.PartitionedCache$
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.Grid.onMessage(Grid.CDB:34)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.Grid.onNotify(Grid.CDB:33)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.PartitionedService.onNotify(PartitionedService.CDB:3)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.partitionedService.PartitionedCache.onNotify(PartitionedCache.CDB:3)
    at Source)
    at <process boundary>
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.Service.readObject(Service.CDB:1)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.Grid.deserializeMessage(Grid.CDB:19)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.Grid.onNotify(Grid.CDB:31)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.PartitionedService.onNotify(PartitionedService.CDB:3)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.partitionedService.PartitionedCache.onNotify(PartitionedCache.CDB:3)
    at Source)
    2012-01-12 18:39:04.016/2.078 Oracle Coherence GE <D4> (thread=ShutdownHook, member=2): ShutdownHook: stopping cluster node

  • Fix many web access problems with IFS 9.0.1 on Solaris (and other OS's)...

    When the installation is done according to the documentation,
    web access does not work because the scripts that add entries to
    the file add duplicate references to
    wrapper.env and wrapper.classpath. Look at the
    file below and look at the remarked-out (#) lines of the
    duplicate references. For example, look at the references to the
    Oracle, please note this bug so the web access problems are
    minimized when the product is intstalled.
    Thank you,
    William T.
    # Apache JServ Configuration
    File #
    ################################ W A R N I N G
    # Unlike normal Java properties, JServ configurations have some
    # extensions:
    # 1) commas are used as token separators
    # 2) multiple definitions of the same key are concatenated in
    # comma separated list.
    # Execution parameters
    # The Java Virtual Machine interpreter.
    # Syntax: wrapper.bin=[filename] (String)
    # Note: specify a full path if the interpreter is not visible in
    your path.
    # Arguments passed to Java interpreter (optional)
    # Syntax: wrapper.bin.parameters=[parameters] (String)
    # Default: NONE
    # Apache JServ entry point class (should not be changed)
    # Syntax: wrapper.class=[classname] (String)
    # Default: "org.apache.jserv.JServ"
    # Arguments passed to main class after the properties filename
    (not used)
    # Syntax: wrapper.class.parameters=[parameters] (String)
    # Default: NONE
    # Note: currently not used
    # PATH environment value passed to the JVM
    # Syntax: wrapper.path=[path] (String)
    # Default: "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin" for Unix systems
    # "c:\(windows-dir);c:\(windows-system-dir)" for Win32
    # Notes: if more than one line is supplied these will be
    concatenated using
    # ":" or ";" (depending wether Unix or Win32) characters
    # Under Win32 (windows-dir) and (windows-system-dir) will
    # automatically evaluated to match your system
    # CLASSPATH environment value passed to the JVM
    # Syntax: wrapper.classpath=[path] (String)
    # Default: NONE (Sun's JDK/JRE already have a default classpath)
    # Note: if more than one line is supplied these will be
    concatenated using
    # ":" or ";" (depending wether Unix or Win32) characters.
    JVM must be
    # able to find JSDK and JServ classes and any utility
    classes used by
    # your servlets.
    # Note: the classes you want to be automatically reloaded upon
    # MUST NOT be in this classpath or the classpath of the
    # you start the Apache from.
    # An environment name with value passed to the JVM
    # Syntax: wrapper.env=[name]=[value] (String)
    # Default: NONE on Unix Systems
    # SystemDrive and SystemRoot with appropriate values on
    Win32 systems
    # An environment name with value copied from caller to Java
    Virtual Machine
    # Syntax: wrapper.env.copy=[name] (String)
    # Default: NONE
    # Uncomment the following lines to set the default locale and
    # setting based on the environment variables.
    # wrapper.env.copy=LANG
    # wrapper.env.copy=NLS_LANG
    # Copies all environment from caller to Java Virtual Machine
    # Syntax: wrapper.env.copyall=true (boolean)
    # Default: false
    # Protocol used for signal handling
    # Syntax: wrapper.protocol=[name] (String)
    # Default: ajpv12
    # General parameters
    # Set the default IP address or hostname Apache JServ binds (or
    listens) to.
    # If you have a machine with multiple IP addresses, this address
    # will be the one used. If you set the value to localhost, it
    # will be resolved to the IP address configured for the locahost
    # on your system (generally this is This feature is
    # that one can have multiple instances of Apache JServ listening
    # the same port number, but different IP addresses on the same
    # Use bindaddress=* only if you know exactly what you are doing
    # as it could let JServ wide open to the internet.
    # You must understand that JServ has to answer only to Apache,
    and should not
    # be reachable by nobody but mod_jserv. So localhost is usually a
    # good option. The second best choice would be an internal
    network address
    # (protected by a firewall) if JServ is running on another
    machine than Apache.
    # Ask your network admin.
    # "*" may be used on boxes where some of the clients get
    connected using
    # "localhost"and others using another IP addr.
    # Syntax: bindaddress=[ipaddress] or [localhost] or [*]
    # Default: localhost
    # Set the port Apache JServ listens to.
    # Syntax: port=[1024,65535] (int)
    # Default: 8007
    # Servlet Zones parameters
    # List of servlet zones Apache JServ manages
    # Syntax: zones=[servlet zone],[servlet zone]... (Comma
    separated list of String)
    # Default: NONE
    # Configuration file for each servlet zone (one per servlet zone)
    # Syntax: [servlet zone name as on the zones list].properties=
    [full path to configFile]
    # Default: NONE
    # Note: if the file could not be opened, try using absolute
    # Thread Pool parameters
    # Enables or disables the use of the thread pool.
    # Syntax: pool=true (boolean)
    # Default: false
    # WARNING: the pool has not been extensively tested and may
    # For this reason, we advise against using this code in
    production environments.
    # Indicates the number of idle threads that the pool may contain.
    # Syntax: pool.capacity=(int)>0
    # Default: 10
    # NOTE: depending on your system load, this number should be low
    for contantly
    # loaded servers and should be increased depending on load
    # Indicates the pool controller that should be used to control
    # level of the recycled threads.
    # Syntax: pool.controller=[full class of controller] (String)
    # Default:
    # NOTE: it is safe to leave this unchanged unless special
    recycle behavior
    # is needed. Look at the "" package
    javadocs for more
    # info on other pool controllers and their behavior.
    # Security parameters
    # Enable/disable the execution of org.apache.jserv.JServ as a
    # This is disabled by default because it may give informations
    that should
    # be restricted.
    # Note that the execution of Apache JServ as a servlet is
    filtered by the web
    # server modules by default so that both sides should be enabled
    to let this
    # service work.
    # This service is useful for installation and configuration
    since it gives
    # feedback about the exact configurations Apache JServ is using,
    but it should
    # be disabled when both installation and configuration processes
    are done.
    # Syntax: security.selfservlet=true (boolean)
    # Default: false
    # WARNING: disable this in a production environment since may
    give reserved
    # information to untrusted users.
    # Set the maximum number of socket connections Apache JServ may
    # simultaneously. Make sure your operating environment has
    enough file
    # descriptors to allow this number.
    # Syntax: security.maxConnections=(int)>1
    # Default: 50
    # Backlog setting for very fine performance tunning of JServ.
    # Unless you are familiar to sockets leave this value commented
    # security.backlog=5
    # List of IP addresses allowed to connect to Apache JServ. This
    is a first
    # security filtering to reject possibly unsecure connections and
    avoid the
    # overhead of connection authentication.
    # <warning>
    # (please don't use the following one unless you know what you
    are doing :
    # security.allowedAddresses=DISABLED
    # allows connections on JServ'port from entire internet.)
    # You do need only to allow YOUR Apache to talk to JServ.
    # </warning>
    # Default:
    # Syntax: security.allowedAddresses=[IP address],[IP Address]...
    separated list of IP addresses)
    # Enable/disable connection authentication.
    # NOTE: unauthenticated connections are a little faster since
    # handshake is not performed at connection creation.
    # WARNING: authentication is disabled by default because we
    believe that
    # connection restriction from all IP addresses but localhost
    reduces your
    # time to get Apache JServ to run. If you allow other addresses
    to connect and
    # you don't trust it, you should enable authentication to
    prevent untrusted
    # execution of your servlets. Beware: if authentication is
    disabled and the
    # IP address is allowed, everyone on that machine can execute
    your servlets!
    # Syntax: security.authentication=[true,false] (boolean)
    # Default: true
    # Authentication secret key.
    # The secret key is passed as a file that must be kept secure
    and must
    # be exactly the same of those used by clients to authenticate
    # Syntax: security.secretKey=[secret key path and filename]
    # Default: NONE
    # Note: if the file could not be opened, try using absolute
    # Length of the randomly generated challenge string (in bytes)
    used to
    # authenticate connections. 5 is the lowest possible choice to
    force a safe
    # level of security and reduce connection creation overhead.
    # Syntax: security.challengeSize=(int)>5
    # Default: 5
    # Logging parameters
    # Enable/disable Apache JServ logging.
    # WARNING: logging is a very expensive operation in terms of
    performance. You
    # should reduced the generated log to a minumum or even disable
    it if fast
    # execution is an issue. Note that if all log channels (see
    below) are
    # enabled, the log may become really big since each servlet
    request may
    # generate many Kb of log. Some log channels are mainly for
    # purposes and should be disabled in a production environment.
    # Syntax: log=[true,false] (boolean)
    # Default: true
    # Set the name of the trace/log file. To avoid possible
    confusion about
    # the location of this file, an absolute pathname is recommended.
    # This log file is different than the log file that is in the
    # jserv.conf file. This is the log file for the Java portion of
    # JServ.
    # On Unix, this file must have write permissions by the owner of
    the JVM
    # process. In other words, if you are running Apache JServ in
    manual mode
    # and Apache is running as user nobody, then the file must have
    # permissions set so that that user can write to it.
    # Syntax: log.file=[log path and filename] (String)
    # Default: NONE
    # Note: if the file could not be opened, try using absolute
    # Enable the timestamp before the log message
    # Syntax: log.timestamp=[true,false] (boolean)
    # Default: true
    # Use the given string as a data format
    # (see java.text.SimpleDateFormat for the list of options)
    # Syntax: log.dateFormat=(String)
    # Default: [dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss:SSS zz]
    log.dateFormat=[dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss:SSS zz]
    # Since all the messages logged are processed by a thread
    running with
    # minimum priority, it's of vital importance that this thread
    gets a chance
    # to run once in a while. If it doesn't, the log queue overflow
    # usually resulting in the OutOfMemoryError.
    # To prevent this from happening, two parameters are used:
    # and log.queue.maxsize. The former defines the maximum time for
    the logged
    # message to stay in the queue, the latter defines maximum
    number of
    # messages in the queue.
    # If one of those conditions becomes true (age > maxage || size
    maxsize),# the log message stating that fact is generated and the log
    queue is
    # flushed in the separate thread.
    # If you ever see such a message, either your system doesn't
    live up to its
    # expectations or you have a runaway loop (probably, but not
    # generating a lot of log messages).
    # WARNING: Default values are lousy, you probably want to tweak
    them and
    # report the results back to the development team.
    # Syntax: log.queue.maxage = [milliseconds]
    # Default: 5000
    log.queue.maxage = 5000
    # Syntax: log.queue.maxsize = [integer]
    # Default: 1000
    log.queue.maxsize = 1000
    # Enable/disable logging the channel name
    # Default: false
    # Enable/disable channels, each logging different actions.
    # Syntax:[channel name]=[true,false] (boolean)
    # Default: false
    # Info channel - quite a lot of informational messages
    # hopefully you don't need them under normal circumstances
    # Servlets exception, i.e. exception caught during
    # servlet.service() processing are monitored here
    # you probably want to have this one switched on
    # JServ exception, caught internally in jserv
    # we suggest to leave it on
    # Warning channel, it catches all the important
    # messages that don't cause JServ to stop, leave it on
    # Servlet log
    # All messages logged by servlets. Probably you want
    # this one to be switched on.
    # Critical errors
    # Messages produced by critical events causing jserv to stop
    # Debug channel
    # Only for internal debugging purposes
    # Oracle XSQL Servlet
    # Oracle JDBC
    # Oracle XML Parser V2 (with XSLT Engine)
    # Oracle XML SQL Components for Java
    # XSQLConfig.xml File location
    # Oracle BC4J
    # The following classpath entries are necessary for EJBs to run
    in IAS or DB when
    # Oracle Servlet
    # Oracle Java Server Pages
    # Oracle Util
    # Oracle Java SQL
    # Oracle JDBC
    # SQLJ runtime
    # Oracle Messaging
    # OJSP environment settings
    # The next line should be modified to reflect the value of the
    SID for your
    ## Enable the flag below if you are using jdk 1.2.2_05a or above
    # Advanced Queuing - AQXML
    zones = root, oemreporting
    wrapper.bin.parameters= -DORACLE_HOME=/d3
    # Additions for iFS
    # iFS true
    # Uncomment if you want to use the same Jserv as other
    ## Additions for the iFS zone
    # Uncomment if you want to use the same Jserv as other
    # End iFS section

    About your home page; Manually set up Firefox with the window(s) and tab(s)
    the way you want them to be. Then;
    '''''Firefox Options > General > Homepage'''''.
    Press the button labeled ''''Use Current'''.'
    Open a new window or tab. In the address bar, type '''''about:config'''''.
    If a warning screen comes up, press the '''''Be Careful''''' button.
    This is where Firefox finds information it needs to run.
    At the top of the screen is a search bar. Enter '''''browser.newtab.url'''''
    and press enter. '''''browser.newtab.url'''''
    tells Firefox what to show when a new tab is opened.
    If you want, right click and select '''''Modify'''''. You can change the
    setting to;<BR><BR>about:home (Firefox default home page),<BR>
    about:newtab (shows the sites most visited),<BR>
    about:blank (a blank page),<BR>
    or you can enter any web page you want.<BR><BR>
    The same instructions are used for the new window setting, listed as

  • Fact sheet access problem in EP7.0

    We have moved our content from EP6.0 System to EP7.0 System.  We are on CRM 4.0 AND BW3.5.  After we installed the Business package on EP7.0 System we moved the content.  Every thing is working fine except Fact Sheet.  We are facing access problem for Fact sheet.  I have checked all the items which are given for Default services even then we are getting authorization problem.  Kindly guide me in this regard.


  • JNDI NIS object access problem

    JNDI NIS object access problem:
    Hi all,
    After long fight, i'm now able to connect to my NIS server on my network. the initial context factory is 'com.sun.jndi.nis.NISCtxFactory' and provider url are given and i obtain namingennumeration of items in the NIS directory.
    purpose of my project:
    using ypcat command we can view the services,passwd,host... objects in unix.
    my project requirement is that i shd open this 'services' object in java (using JNDI probably) and shd access its content.
    i'm able to obtain the object and the type of this object is 'NISCtxServices' defined in 'com.sun.jndi.nis.NISCtxFactory' package, but all the classes and methods except some are not public and so im not able to use almost all the methods in this class 'NISCtxServices' .
    Can any one help me in accessing the information inside this object.
    Thanks in advance! and i'm waiting!

    It's because JFrame does not have a public progessbar variable, only your subclass has that.
    //change this
    JFrame frame = new ProgressBarDemo();
    //to this
    ProgressBarDemo frame = new ProgressBarDemo();

  • RE: Database (SQL-SERVER) access problem

    Have you used NT Control Panel/ ODBC to set up the ODBC data source name?
    You have to define the data source (database) SecTrade as well as the
    driver to be used (SQL Server). This can be done by selecting the Add
    button on the Data Sources screen in Control Panel/ ODBC.
    Hope this helps.
    Sanjay Murthi
    Indus Consultancy Services, Inc.
    From: Administrator
    Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 1997 6:49 PM
    To: "'[email protected]'"
    Cc: murthis; thyagarajm; thyagarm; vasasm; chandraa
    Subject: Database (SQL-SERVER) access problems
    MCI Mail date/time: Mon Aug 11, 1997 10:28 pm EST
    Source date/time: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 19:25:34 +0530
    Hi Forte-Users,
    We have a setup a Sql-Server database on a NT server. In the Forte
    we have
    setup a ODBC-type Resource for this server, named SERVER2_ODBC. This NT
    is configured as a Client Node in the active Forte environment. Note
    Server2 is not
    the Forte server, but has Forte installed. There is another NT server
    acts as the
    Forte server. NODEMGR and Sql-Server are running on SERVER2.
    In our application, we have a DBSession SO with the database source
    as SERVER2_ODBC, Userid=ForteInstructor. When running the application,
    throws an exception, the gist of it being as follows:
    USER ERROR: (This error was converted)
    Failed to connect to database: SecTrade, username: ForteInstructor.
    [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no
    driver specified
    We have tried
    1) Installing ODBC drivers on the NT server (Server2)
    2) Accessing local databases from Forte clients which works fine
    3) Accessing the Sql-Server database through Isqlw (Sql-Server Client
    s/w) -
    It works.
    Could someone suggest what we should try to get rid of this problem?
    Thanks for any help,
    Kishore Puvvada

    Rajsarawat wrote:
    Dear sir/mam,
    I have installed sql server 2005 (server) and on another computer installed client. It installed successfully but on client side it does not seen, from where should i start it. so please send me procedure to install sql server 2005 on both side(client and server).You have to turn on network (external to your computer) access.
    Under programs->sql server look for "surface"

  • Not enough access problem

    Does anyone know how to fix the not enough access problem that came about after the upgrade?

    Welcome to the discussions,
    see this thread for a possible solution posted by

  • Write access problem with external Storage Device Connected to macbook

    Hi All,
    I have write access problem ( gives only read-access, but no write access) with an external HDD device (NTFS formatted ) connected to my macbook.
    Could anyone suggest me a file system ( apart from FAT32) which is compatiable with both Mac OS as well windows ;also this file system should allow me to create partitions of size more than 100 GB
    (My external storade devcie capacity is 500 GB )

    Hi Nelson,
    simply said there is no such file system.
    Regardless what you choose, only FAT32 is fully read-/writeable from both Mac OSX and Windows.
    Third-Party helper for access to certain file systems are:
    MacDrive (for Windows using HFS+, the OSX file system)
    MacFuse with 3G (for fully usage of NTFS in OSX)
    Paragon NTFS for OSX (also for fully usage of NTFS in OSX)
    Only MacFuse is freeware, the other two are Commercial apps.
    And just in case you are thinking of any Linux file system, like Ext3 or ReiserFS, you will at least need driver for Windows if not also for OSX (not sure about that).

  • TFS 2013: Access problem when adding a AD group to members

    Hi there!
    I have a big access problem. It seems I cant log into TFS if I add a AD group to a collection but I can log in if I add single users from the same group.
    EDIT: The group I want to add is from another domain. Maybe thats the reason for the problem?
    Any ideas? I dont want to add 150 users one by one ;)

    Hi John
    I will try to answer your questions :)
    There’s two domains, TFSdomain and Userdomain, right? - Yes
    The TFSdomain one way trust to Userdomain? - Yes
    If you add a single account(Userdomain) into your TFS Server, this single account(Userdomain) can connect to TFS Web Access or your account can connect to TFS Web Access? Your account and this single account(Userdomain) are not the same account? -
    I have two accounts, one User domain accout and one TFS domain account that is TFS administrator. If I use the TFS domain account to add the User domain account as a project group member this user domain account will be able to access the TFS web access
    from the user domain.
    If you add an AD group(Userdomain) into your TFS Server, the user in this AD group(Userdomain) will cannot access TFS Web Access or your account cannot access TFS Web Access? Your account and this user are the same account? Or your account included in this
    AD group(Userdomain) too? - The user domain:s "domain users" group includes my user domain account. If I add the user domain:s "domain users" group as a project group member in TFS (with my domain user) my user domain account will
    not be able to access the TFS web access from the user domain.
    When connect to TFS Web Access failed, what’s the error message you received? - There is no error message, I am only asked to log in again.
    If you cannot access TFS Web Access, how did you add AD group(Userdomain) into your TFS Server? Or once you added the AD group(Userdomain) into TFS Server, you will cannot access TFS Web Access immediately? Your account is a Userdomain user? -
    I added it with my TFS user domain administer account
    The scenario is as follows:
    I have a one way trust from tfs domain to user domain.
    I add a user domain account as a project group member in TFS. Now this account is granted access to the project using the TFS web access client.
    I remove the user again.
    I add the users domain:s "domain users" group (where my user domain account is included) as a project group member in TFS. Now my user account is
    not granted access to the project using the TFS web access client.
    Hope this will spread some light on the problem.
    Thanks Stefan

  • Magic Mouse accessibility problem

    Have discovered an accessibility problem with the Magic Mouse. My right hand middle (right click) finger is heavily bandaged at the moment. Mouse will not accept right clicks, even all the way on the edge. Interprets them as left/single button click. Went to Universal Access in System Preferences, and there is no solution. This seems like an obvious issue for people with prosthetics, so I don't understand why Apple designers missed this.

    It's not the best of solutions but you can hold the Control key down while you click and it will perform a right click.

  • N95 8gb One access problem:( plz help

    Hello there
    I got N95 8gb , i tried using the one touch access problem using both bluetooth and usb cable. Both didn't work.
    I also tried the older pc suite which i used to use with my N80, but it ididn't work.(it worked perfectly when i had N80) .
    Any suggestions?

    What version of PC SUITE are you using? Upgrade to the last one
    Información sobre Symbian / NSERIES en Español en

  • Security Upgrade 2007-002 (PPC) created website access problems?

    I recently installed this upgrade, and I think it may be causing interference accessing certain websites, namely,, and I'm having this difficulty on multiple machines.
    Is anyone else having this same problem?

    Yes, and a little relieved to see I'm not the only one. I installed the upgrade 3 days ago, and I'm having major website access problems (including the one from the website co. I WORK for) and it has totally messed up my Entourage accounts. I can't send/receive any mail from one, and only intermittently from the other. Almost 2 hours with an Apple tech earlier to be told that the problem is probably with the upgrade and the only way to fix it is to archive and install. That seem like a nightmare, I'll have to reinstall everything I've installed in the last 2 years and update, customize, etc. Anyone have a better solution? Please, I'm desperate.

  • Installing ios8.2 does not resolve Google map navigation problem or gps tracking!

    Installing ios 8.2 does not resolve Google map navigation problem.

    I have tried to install both of them lots of times but in each case I receive the same in my XE.bat file:
    Instance created.
    DIM-00019: create service error
    O/S-Error: (OS 1387) Unable to add or remove a member from the local group because this member does not exist.
    Have checked OS 1387 error at Microsoft Support and as possible cause of the problem they give as follows:
    This issue can occur if the environment has a disjointed namespace (i.e. the domain has different NetBIOS and DNS names). For example, assume that the domain has a NetBIOS name of "" and a DNS name of "" When users are added in the Windows UI, they are displayed in the format of domain\ComputerName. However, you notice in the error log that there was an attempt to add a computer account in the format of domain-old\ComputerName. (System Center 2012 R2 Data Protection Manager install fails and generates ID: 4323: "A member could not be added")
    Tried to find out my DNS name, but it is impossible because I don't have any domain installed and my machine is not connected to it. Some other blog (Install Oracle 11gR2 on Windows) advices to work with adding my computer account to some non-real windows domain (just for the purpose of resolving the network) as well and reinstall the database then. If I undestand it right I need minimum 2 machines for this. But I own just one, where the server is based and thought that is enough to run the database... no idea ..

  • Expression using Map access not working....

    I am attempting to use the ability to access a Map by key from a binding expression on the jsp. I have extended HashMap and overridden the get method in order to return a Boolean from the get(key) method.
    This works:
    it ends up calling the bean.getEnableFunctionSecurityMap().get("key1");
    This should work also but doesn't:
    rendered="#{bean.enabledFunctionSecurityMap['key1'] or bean.enabledFunctionSecurityMap['key2']}"
    Any reason why a single Boolean returned from a Map would work fine, but a more complex statement with 2 Booleans will not work. Doing a statement like this just accessing multiple boolean getter functions on a bean works, how come access muiltiple Map returns does not?
    Any help is appreciated.

    All righty then, I solved my own problem.
    There were actually 2 issues.
    1. I could so far only get this to work if the Overridden Map Object is registered as a manged-bean itself.
    2. I was testing to see if it worked by using System.out.println methods in my overridden get() method. Appearantly the JSF EL is smarter than I am. If you have #{binding1 or binding2} and binding1 evaluates to True, binding2 is never evaluated. The expression is short circuited and returns true... DUH....
    So this expression fires both bindings....
    rendered="#{enabled['key1'] and not enabled['key2']}"
    Where enabled is...
    Next step will be to try and figure out how to get this to work where the EnabledFunctionSecurityMap is on another bean.
    Hope this helps anyone trying to do the same.

  • Windows 2012 R2 - Access problems to NFS shares via IPv6

    we setup some NFS shares on HNAS storage box. The connection to this storage is only possible over IPv6 network.
    My server with Windows 2012 R2 has the feature 'Client for NFS' installed and a 'showmount -e servername/or IPv6 address' works. I can see all shares when i try to open the storagebox in Windows Explorer with the command "\\servername" or "\\IPv6
    address", too. 
    My problem is, when I try to mount the share via "Map network drive" or "mount \\servername\sharename *" I get Error 53 - Network path not found.
    The share is configured that every server in the IPv6 subnet could access it and it works on Unix machines, but not on Windows. 
    It does not matter if i set some option parameters for the "mount" command like sec=sys or anon, everytime error 53.
    I don't know, if the share needs special options for Windows. I hope somebody can help.
    Kind regards

    here is the output of your 2 commands:
    PS C:\Users\admin> get-SmbConnection
    PS C:\Users\admin> get-SmbServerConfiguration
    AnnounceServer                  : False
    AsynchronousCredits             : 64
    AutoShareServer                 : True
    AutoShareWorkstation            : True
    CachedOpenLimit                 : 0
    AnnounceComment                 :
    EnableDownlevelTimewarp         : False
    EnableLeasing                   : True
    EnableMultiChannel              : True
    EnableStrictNameChecking        : True
    AutoDisconnectTimeout           : 0
    DurableHandleV2TimeoutInSeconds : 30
    EnableAuthenticateUserSharing   : False
    EnableForcedLogoff              : True
    EnableOplocks                   : True
    EnableSecuritySignature         : True
    ServerHidden                    : True
    IrpStackSize                    : 15
    KeepAliveTime                   : 2
    MaxChannelPerSession            : 32
    MaxMpxCount                     : 50
    MaxSessionPerConnection         : 16384
    MaxThreadsPerQueue              : 20
    MaxWorkItems                    : 1
    NullSessionPipes                : HydraLsPipe
    NullSessionShares               :
    OplockBreakWait                 : 35
    PendingClientTimeoutInSeconds   : 120
    RequireSecuritySignature        : False
    EnableSMB1Protocol              : True
    EnableSMB2Protocol              : False
    Smb2CreditsMax                  : 2048
    Smb2CreditsMin                  : 128
    SmbServerNameHardeningLevel     : 0
    TreatHostAsStableStorage        : False
    ValidateAliasNotCircular        : True
    ValidateShareScope              : True
    ValidateShareScopeNotAliased    : True
    ValidateTargetName              : True
    EncryptData                     : False
    RejectUnencryptedAccess         : True
    I try to access the file share with Windows Explorer. When I enter \\ (just example), I can see all shares on the storage box. When I double-click the share, I want to access, where an access is definitely allowed,
    it takes a while and then the error "\\\share is not accessable. You might not have permission to use this network resource. ..." appears.  Of this action a recorded the trace.
    Another way I tried is to open command line an type "mount \\\share *". After this an error 53 occurs immediately without any wait time.

Maybe you are looking for

  • How can I override addAll method in LineChart ?

    Hi, I need to add some statement when the methods add or addAll are invoked in linechart. How can I do ? I thought to do an override of the method, like this public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> es) {            return super.addAll(es);     

  • Windows Vista and iTunes Music Video

    I recently purchased a new computer with Windows Vista, loaded Itunes and transferred my Itunes Library to the new computer. The music files work fine but the music video files have a glitch. The video freezes intermitently while the audio continues

  • Strange lines and parts of characters missing in the text and freezing iss

    Recently our emac has been displaying squiggles or dashes randomly on the pages and sometimes parts of the letters are missing. We have also been recently having issues with the emac freezing while using Safari and itunes. I have checked on the Repai

  • Goods Movement not Documented for Prod Order

    Hi All, Why is that whenever i do a goods issue to the order , or reversal of goods issue to the order, it doesn''t get recorded in the system? Is there a related config that I missed? Thank you in advance.

  • Configuring webmail to search across folders

    I was wondering how you can get webmail to search across different folders as to perform local searches (limited to current folder) or global searches coming across all folders ... i suspect there is an option to set this up properly but the current