Mapping tweak

Hello all
My mapping requirement is
i need to use a if condition to check for the value of a field in source
<item> 0 to ..unbounded
Target Exactly the same. one to one mapping but IF ORDCOMB_IN = X then all the REASON_REJ fileds must have the value R1 ( which is is the first occurance)
I am trying to achieve this. what I have tried is
                ORDCOMB_IN -
                                                          UDF --> SplitByValue --> REASON_REJ(Target Field).
   REASON_REJ --> RemoveContext -->
Execution Type : Context.
1st param : ORDCOMB_IN
2nd param : REASON_REJ
if(ORDCOMB_IN.length > 0)
    for(int i = 0;i<REASON_REJ.length;i++)
I got this advice from rohit , It worked like charm , But now i need an else block with the If condition . If the the condition that ORDCOMB_IN is notequla to X then REASON_REJ must be mapped as it is to the target strucutre . How can tweak the code to achievbe this ?
When i tried the same with IF with else function , it works only for one instance of ITEM structure , if there are more than one ITEM structure it doesn't work .
Any ideas?
Thanks a lot

Check the latest reply... 
It will work . I just tried it.

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    Here are few tuning tips you might want to look at.

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    Bob (in a UK time zone)

    Hi there
    It sounds like you are using the standard methods of inserting an image. Don't do that!
    All you need to do in these cases is to use Windows Explorer to save the updated image using the same file name and replacing the former image. When you do this your other data will remain intact. If the new image is a different size, just right-click it inside the RoboHelp HTML editor and choose Reset Size. You also may need to tweak your hotspots if things shifted some.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    RoboHelp Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Begin learning RoboHelp HTML 7 or 8 within the day - $24.95!
    Adobe Certified RoboHelp HTML Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    RoboHelp eBooks

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    Thank you very much

    thanks a lot for your reply - i will look into this option :-)
    it is a bit more complicated now as i have to re-create the match / merge and then somehow 'tweak' it to achieve the result i need.
    At the moment i am looking to breakdown the package into smaller chunks 'functions' and try creating the map that way.
    Anyway, thank you very much for your suggestion.

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    Hi All,
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    please suggest. thanks.

    please use the UDF to determine the file name. Then based on file name either pass A or B to your target field.
    The code is as given below. Just tweak the code to pass either A or B as per your requirement.
    public String G_GetFileName(Container container) throws StreamTransformationException{
    DynamicConfiguration conf = (DynamicConfiguration) container.getTransformationParameters().get(StreamTransformationConstants.DYNAMIC_CONFIGURATION);
    DynamicConfigurationKey key = DynamicConfigurationKey.create("","FileName");
    String ourSourceFileName = conf.get(key);
    return  ourSourceFileName; 

  • How  Hash tables can be used  in PI mapping

    Hi Experts,
    I'm don't have any idea how we store the values in hash tables and how to implement them in mapping.
    In my scenario I have two fields matnum and quantity.if matnum is not null ,then we have to check whether the matnum exists in hash table and also check whether the hash table is empty or not.
    How we can do this in graphical message mapping? 
    how to store the variable matnum in a table?
    If global variables are used, how to implement in we call the keys from hash table ?

    We have a similiar requirement for getting different values. Below param1 may you be matnum,param2 is quantity
    What you need to do is first declare global varaible(A), fill hash table as below(B) and retrieve(C) based on index. You can tweak code based on your requirement
    (A) Declare global variable(last icon in message mapping tool bar)
         String globlalString[] = new String[10];
    (B) Fill Hash Table
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    public void saveparam1(String[] param1,String[] param2,ResultList result,Container container){
    Hashtable htparam1 = new Hashtable();
    int Indx = 0;
    for (int i = 0 ;i < param1.length ; i++) {
      String strparam1 = param1<i>.trim();
      if (strparam1.length() > 0) {
        Object obj = htparam1.get(strparam1);
        if (obj == null){
          globlalString[Indx++] = strparam1 ;
    if (Indx < globalString.length) {
      for (int i = 0;  i < param2.length ; i++) {
        String strparam2 = param2<i>.trim();
        if (strparam2.length() > 0) {
          Object obj = htparam1.get(strparam2);
          if (obj == null){
            globalString[Indx++] = strparam2 ;
    result.addValue(globalString[0]); // for first value
    (C) for subsequent reading/accessing
    //pass constant whatever number is required to this function
    String retValue = "";
      int indx = Integer.parseInt(index);
      indx = indx - 1;
      if ((indx >= 0) && (indx < globalString.length)){
       retValue = globalString[indx];
    return retValue;
    Hope this helps!

  • Mapping an XML from an input element to Target

    Hi ,
    I have an XML coming in source Element as below :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <RespString><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    and I need to map it to the target where the target structure is as below .
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    The entire target xml is coming in a source field  and that needs to be mapped.
    How to perform this?Can any one suggest the methods to do this ?

    Add the libraries and Tweak as needed.. here's the gist.
    public class GetResponse extends AbstractTransformation  {
    public void transform(TransformationInput arg0, TransformationOutput arg1)
                   throws StreamTransformationException {
    String inputPayload = convertInputStreamToString(arg0.getInputPayload()
              String inputPayload = convertInputStreamToString(arg0.getInputPayload()
    String outputPayload = "";
    inputPayload = inputPayload.replaceAll("<ResponsePayload>", "");
    inputPayload = inputPayload.replaceAll("</ResponsePayload>", "");
    inputPayload = inputPayload.replaceAll("<RespString>", "");
    inputPayload = inputPayload.replaceAll("</RespString>", "");
    inputPayload = start + inputPayload + end;
                     outputPayload = inputPayload;
    try {
              } catch (Exception exception1) {
    public String convertInputStreamToString(InputStream in) {
              StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
              try {
                   InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(in);
                   Reader reader = new BufferedReader(isr);
                   int ch;
                   while ((ch = > -1) {
                        sb.append((char) ch);
              } catch (Exception exception) {
              return sb.toString();
    Mind you the code would change if there's and empty node.
    Similarly you would also need to remove an extra version and encoding tag which you get from source.
    Edited by: AMITH GOPALAKRISHNAN on Mar 22, 2011 4:57 PM

  • Net use map drive is working with built-in admin account only

    I currently have a windows 7 PC that I use
    net use in cmd file to map drive to Windows server 2008. 
    It works if I use built-in admin account/password but I've tried another account that's in the administrator group on the server and I get errors.
    NET USE X: \\IPADD\c$\inetpub\ftproot  password /User:adminuseraccount
    NET USE X: \\IPADD\c$\inetpub\ftproot password /User:server\adminuseraccount
    After tweaking the net use command a number of ways,  the 2 following errors are what I'm getting for the most part:
    System error 1219 has occurred.
    Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more
     than one user name, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the
     server or shared resource and try again.
    System error 5 has occurred.
    Access is denied.
    I've looked at many searches on this but can't get this to work. 
    Also,  one thing I'm thinking of doing is changing the built-in admin name and password.  Is this a safe thing to do?

    Can you check this link?

  • Java Mapping expert advice

    Hi all
    I am using Java mapping to replace a string with another string in my outputed xml file. the code i am using is
    package xi_test_package;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.regex.Matcher;
    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    public class Xi_test_class implements StreamTransformation {
          private Map param = null;
                public void setParameter (Map param) {
                      this.param = param;
                      if (param == null) {
                            this.param = new HashMap();
                public void execute(InputStream inStream, OutputStream outStream) throws StreamTransformationException{
                            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inStream));
                            BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(outStream));
                            // The pattern matches control characters
                            Pattern p = Pattern.compile("ns0:");
                            Matcher m = p.matcher("");
                            String aLine = null;
                            while((aLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
                                 //Replaces control characters with an empty string.
                                 String result = m.replaceAll("");
                      }catch(Exception e){
    I picked this code from a different blog,This code is basically replacing "ns0" with "" .  I am now required to tweak it so that the logic is like this .
    replace all "ns0:" with "" and replace all "ns1:" with "" and replace all "ns2:" with "com:" and replace all occurenaces except the first one of "ns4" with "" and all occureance except the first one of "ns5" with "main"
    How can i tweak the code to do all of these replacements in a single go
    your expert java advice is well appricited.
    Thank you

    Try this.. I have just removed few lines related to pattern and used another piece of code here..
    let me know if any issues..
    >                         BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(outStream));
    > >                      
    >                         String aLine = null;
    >                         int count = 0;
    >                         while((aLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
                                    if ( count > 0 )
    >                              out.write( aLine.replaceAll( "ns0:","" ).replaceAll("ns1:","").replaceAll("ns2:","com:").replaceAll("ns4","") );
                                    out.write( aLine.replaceAll( "ns0:","" ).replaceAll("ns1:","").replaceAll("ns2:","com:") );
    >                              out.newLine();
    >                              if ( aLine.indexOf( "ns4") > 0 ) count++;
    >                         }

  • Stumped: Why won't DITA-OT process my Frame 9 map file?

    I'm stuck and hope someone might provide some guidance. I'm running Frame 9 on Windows XP.
    I've created a very simple map file and am trying to get it to process in the DITA OT.
    Everything appears to be set up correctly (I specify which Dita map is to be transformed...
    etc.), but when I click Transform, I get the following error message:
    "WinANT Build Error
    It appears the build process failed. Either no log file was produced or the log file stylesheet
    was not generated into the output directory.This means the process didn't complete correctly."
    It then tells me:
    -To be sure I have the Java JDK installed. (I do.)
    -Check that the Dita OT dir on the DITA tab is pointing to the correct
    location of the DITA toolkit. (It is.)
    -To deselect the Overrides on the advanced tabs ( I did.)
    -Tweak the fix resolver checkbox on the DITA OT tab (I tried.)
    Sigh.....nothing seems to work.
    Just wondered if anyone might a clue as to what's going on.
    Many thanks in advance,

    Hi Gary...
    Note that you don't "import" files into the DITA-OT. The OT is a tool for generating output from DITA files .. you use it to create various types of deliverables from DITA files.
    Yes .. the FrameMaker DITA-OT connector plugin does seem to have fallen off the web .. I've asked around, but no one will fess up to where it's gone. I may make a plugin for this purpose .. it's very nice to have this built into Frame. You might want to look into using the DITA-FMx plugin, which provides many additional DITA authoring and publishing features as well as an OT connector. You can download the DITA-FMx trial from my website ..
    It is possible that WinANT doesn't like FM9 DITA files, but I'm thinking that's not the case. You should try building (generating) output from the DITA samples provided in the DITA-OT using WinANT .. that will determine if the problem lies in your WinANT installation or with the FM9 DITA files.
    BTW .. the command line isn't all that hard to use. Just locate the DITA-OT folder .. it should contain a file named "startcmd.bat" .. run that file to get the shell from which to run the commands. Once the DOS shell opens up, you can enter the following to create XHTML output from your map file ..
    java -jar lib/dost.jar /i:C:/PATH/MAP.DITAMAP /outdir:C:/PATH/OUT  /transtype:xhtml
    Where "C:/PATH/MAP.DITAMAP" is the path and filename of your ditamap file, and "C:/PATH/OUT" is the path and folder where you want the output created.
    In theory, this should all work .. but as you might expect there are reasons that it may not.

  • Mapping MIDI sounds in GB3

    I record drum tracks via my Roland V-Drums and Cakewalk/Sonar. I save them as .mid files then drag them on to my GB3 app for playback. Does anyone know how to change the instrument assignments in GB3? Not all the sounds from my drum kit are audible and some don't seem to be mapped correctly - trigger the wrong instrument. Is there a way to see/tweak the instrument sounds in GB3? Can this be done via Apple's MIDI Mgr utility? I've tried working w/ a couple of the preset GB3 drum kits(rock, pop kits) but still not sounding right. Would be great if I could create my own GarageBand drum kit that maps 1:1 w/ the instrumentation in my Roland TD-20. Any tips/suggestions? Anyone using GB3 to record V-Drums? And is there a version of GB that works w/ an old G3 iMac DV?

    so wait. I can go to a web site that offers
    soundfonts(midi sounds right?) and somehow use them
    within GB?
    That's what I said. Yes.

  • Google Map Missing; Error Message

    I just published some additional pages. When I went to website, my Google Map is not functioning. I get an Error Message: The Google Maps API server rejected your request. This could be because the API key used on this site was registered for a different web site. You can generate a new key for this web site at
    I suspect that this is caused by the move to Mobile Me but I'm NOT knowledgeable about writing/tweaking code. Help please!

    If there's nothing in the frame then you need to delete it and redo.
    The code should look like this:
    <iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=";hl=en&amp;msa=0&amp;msid=108904 399034733320125.00044544215edb492ed88&amp;ll=38.157447,-122.136727&amp;spn=0.187 352,0.205307&amp;output=embed&amp;s=AARTsJododsXPyX-2Ae4WopCclxikLoTBQ"></iframe >
    <small>View Larger Map</small>
    Don't try to find me using this map as I have moved back to Southern CA!

  • Magazine Not Mapped in EJB's

    I have created my tables, but i am having the given error :
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: group33MAGAZINE is not mapped [FROM group33MAGAZINE WHERE MAGID='TeST'] i have created my Magazine file, code :
    *     Magazine is the main interface for the class.
    *     A magazine is a one-to-many with
    *     Magazine is a many-to-one with
    *         * MAGAZINE , ISSUE , SUBJECT AREA Workinh
    *     Revised : Stelios Philippou
    *     Date : 26 April
    package com.group33.entities;
    import javax.persistence.*;
    import java.util.*;
    @Table(name = "group33MAGAZINE")
    public class Magazine implements {
        private String magId;
        private String title;
        private int period;
        private int publicationDay;
        private String magDescription;
        private SubjectArea subjectArea;
        private int areaId;
        // MagazineSubscription connection.
        //private Set<MagazineSubscription> magazineSubscriptions = new HashSet<MagazineSubscription>();
        @Column(name = "MAGID",length = 5, nullable = false)
        public String getMagId() { return magId; }
        public void setMagId(String magId) { this.magId = magId; }
        @Column(name = "TITLE", length = 50, nullable = false)
        public String getTitle() {  return title; }
        public void setTitle(String title) {  this.title = title; }
        @Column(name = "PERIOD", nullable = true)
        public int getPeriod() { return period;  }
        public void setPeriod(int period) {  this.period = period;   }
        @Column(name = "PUBLICATIONDAY", nullable = true)
        public int getPublicationDay() { return publicationDay; }
        public void setPublicationDay(int publicationDay) { this.publicationDay = publicationDay;  }
        @Column(name = "MAGDESCRIPTION", nullable = true)
        public String getMagDescription() {  return magDescription;  }
        public void setMagDescription(String magDescription) { this.magDescription = magDescription; }
         /*************************Subject Area*************************/
        // Foreging Key for SubjectArea
        @Column(name = "AREAID", nullable = false)
        public int getAreaId() { return areaId;  }
        public void setAreaId(int areaid) {  this.areaId = areaId; }
        //Delpoyemnt for one to many ussing subject Area
        @JoinColumn(name = "AREAID", insertable = false, updatable = false)
        public SubjectArea getSubjectArea() {return subjectArea;}
        public void setSubjectArea(SubjectArea subjectArea) { this.subjectArea = subjectArea; }
         /*************************items Ordered*************************/
        // Hash Set itemsordered connection
        private Set<ItemsOrdered>itemsOrdereds = new HashSet<ItemsOrdered>();
        //Deployoing one to many for itemsordered
         @OneToMany(mappedBy = "magazine")
        public Set<ItemsOrdered> getItemsOrdered() { return itemsOrdereds;  }
        public void setItemsOrdered(Set<ItemsOrdered> itemsOrdereds) { this.itemsOrdereds = itemsOrdereds; }
         //Hash Set Issue
        private Set<Issue> issues = new HashSet<Issue>();
        @OneToMany(mappedBy = "magazine")
        public Set<Issue> getIssues() { return issues;  }
        public void setIssues(Set<Issue> issues) { this.issues = issues; }
        // Deployement for many to one of Subscription
        //@OneToMany(mappedBy = "magazine")
        //public Set<MagazineSubscriptions> getMagazineSubscriptions() { return magazineSubscriptions;  }
        //public void setMagazineSubscriptions(Set<MagazineSubscriptions> magazineSubscriptions) { this.magazineSubscriptions = magazineSubscriptions; }
    } and my persistence.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <persistence-unit name="group33">
          <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.DB2Dialect"/>
          <property name="" value="create-drop"/>
    </persistence>My db is created with schema group33 and group33MAGAZINE
    No matter what i enter in the search i will be unable to proceed with the searching.
    Something, somewhere is not right and i am not sure what.
    Please some pointers
    Tried various names for magazine and nothing helped

    stevoo wrote:
    Solved ... i think ill stop posting if ill be finding the solutions by myself.Fine by us. You make that sound like a bad thing. After all, no one is guaranteed an answer when they come here.
    Anyway after a lot of tweaking, it seemed that i need to deploy all entities to actually work. Yes.
    So i stripped every relation down and left just magazine. If that's what your problem demands.
    It looked like that was all it neededGood job.

  • Map XML tag to an object style

    Hi everyone!
    I am not sure this is the correct place to post it, but i didn't find any "tagging" department of the forums.
    I do import some XML into ID document.
    Text nodes of my XML are imported properly, and i can map any tag of XML to one of the paragraph or table styles.
    But, when i import any images (or another ID documents) with <... href="..." />, how can i map that tag to an object style?
    ///////////// It would be very helpful for example when i'm going to set the stroke of 1pt to all of inline images of text frame.
    Please any feedback would be helpful.

    I will try to give an example, just to give a kick start ........... you need little bit of tweaking to meet your actual requirement:
    suppose you have an xml element "tag" having an attribute "@href" with object style name defined as  it's value. 
    <tag href="object_style_name">
    "object_style_name" is a object style and should exist in your document. To map the tag with the corresponding object style value you can use XMLRules in JS:
    #include "glue code.jsx"
    function main(){
    if (app.documents.length != 0){
    var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
    var myRuleSet = new Array (
    new findObjAttribute("//*[@href]")
    var elements = xmlElements;
    __processRuleSet(elements.item(0), myRuleSet);
    alert("You have no document open!");
    function findObjAttribute(XPATH){ = "findObjAttribute";
    this.xpath = XPATH;
    this.apply = function(myElement, myRuleProcessor)
    //Just to check whether the collect element is selected
    var styleName=myElement.xmlAttributes.itemByName("href").value;
    try {
    applyObjectStyle(myDoc.objectStyles.item(styleName), true);
         } catch(e){};
    return true;
    Pankaj Chaturvedi

  • How to use offline map for windows store app using c# and xaml

    Hi friends,
    I want to integrate offline map in my windows store app but I am not able to achieve that.
    Below is my requirement:
    When a user wants to go somewhere where she/he doesn't want to use wi-fi or mobile data but wants to use map to assist her/him to roam around. For this I want to give an option to download the map for that region/area before leaving for that place and there
    she/he can use map even in offline.
    Is it possible that I can achieve this using Bing maps?
    If yes then tell me the processes to follow.
    If no then can I achieve this using "Here" or by using any other API or by tweaking any way?
    Note: I am showing maps in case of online and user can search for directions or any places in that. I am using Bing maps for that.

    Hi Sandeepmsandy,
    There is no available code sample for this scenario. You may write your own.
    Step 1: Get pdf URL from sqlite database. Please refer to the following MSDN blog and see a code sample. Note, you need to retarget the project to 8.1 and then get two sqlite packages from NuGet before building this sample.
    Step 2: Use some special classes to get file from serer.
    HttpWebRequest can help download small pdf files. For more information to see It’s easy for use, but if you want to download the larger or many files, it’s recommend to use
    BackgroundTransfer namespace. The classes in this namespace provide a power way to transfer files in the background. See a code sample from MSND.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place. Click HERE to participate
    the survey.

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