Master Data with Hard coded value

I have a Report with 3 columns
2nd & 3rd columns are the Master Data(<b>0COMP_CODE</b>)
1st column is Hard coded value, This value is not stored any where (For example: <b>010</b>)
If I want to create a Report with these 3 columns, how should I proceed.
any good Idea.

Hi Roberto,
Thanks for the Quick Response.
I don't forgot to Reward the points.
I am Extracting Data From R/3 .
and I want a Report Like
For Example
<b> col1   col2    col3</b>
    0100    xyzz    abcd
    0100    xyxx    dfcd
    0100    yxzz    bcds
col2 & col3 has 0comp_code_attr & 0comp_code_text
column 1 is hard coded value
let us assum for all records we can display <b>0100</b>
how it is possible

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  • Query runs slower when using variables & faster when using hard coded value

    My query runs slower when i use variables but it runs faster when i use hard coded values. Why it is behaving like this ?
    My query is in cursor definition in a procedure. Procedure runs faster when using hard coded valus and slower when using variables.
    Can anybody help me out there?
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for ur reply.
    here is my code with Variables:
    Procedure populateCountryTrafficDetails(pWeekStartDate IN Date , pCountry IN d_geography.country_code%TYPE) is
    startdate date;
    AR_OrgId number(10);
    Cursor cTraffic is
              l.actual_date, nvl(||o.zipcode,'Undefined') Site,
              g.country_code,d.customer_name, d.customer_number,t.contrno bcn,
              Decode(p.Product_code,'820','821','821','821','801') Product_Code ,
              Decode(p.Product_code,'820','Colt Voice Connect','821','Colt Voice Connect','Colt Voice Line') DProduct,
              from d_calendar_date l,
              d_geography g,
              d_customer d, d_contract t, d_subscriber s,
              d_retail_dest r, d_product p,
              CPS_ORDER_DETAILS o,
              f_retail_revenue f
              l.date_key = f.call_date_key and
              g.geography_key = f.geography_key and
              r.dest_key = f.dest_key and
              p.product_key = f.product_key and
              --c.customer_key = f.customer_key and
              d.customer_key = f.customer_key and
              t.contract_key = f.contract_key and
              s.SUBSCRIBER_KEY = f.SUBSCRIBER_KEY and
              o.org_id(+) = AR_OrgId and
              g.country_code = pCountry and
              l.actual_date >= startdate and
              l.actual_date <= (startdate + 90) and
              o.cli(+) = s.area_subno and
              p.product_code in ('800','801','802','804','820','821')
              group by
    ||o.zipcode, g.country_code,d.customer_name, d.customer_number,t.contrno,r.dest_level3, p.product_code;
    Type CountryTabType is Table of country_traffic_details.Country%Type index by BINARY_INTEGER;
    Type CallDateTabType is Table of country_traffic_details.CALL_DATE%Type index by BINARY_INTEGER;
    Type CustomerNameTabType is Table of Country_traffic_details.Customer_name%Type index by BINARY_INTEGER;
    Type CustomerNumberTabType is Table of Country_traffic_details.Customer_number%Type index by BINARY_INTEGER;
    Type BcnTabType is Table of Country_traffic_details.Bcn%Type index by BINARY_INTEGER;
    Type DestinationTypeTabType is Table of Country_traffic_details.DESTINATION_TYPE%Type index by BINARY_INTEGER;
    Type ProductCodeTabType is Table of Country_traffic_details.Product_Code%Type index by BINARY_INTEGER;
    Type ProductTabType is Table of Country_traffic_details.Product%Type index by BINARY_INTEGER;
    Type DurationTabType is Table of Country_traffic_details.Duration%Type index by BINARY_INTEGER;
    Type DebamounteurTabType is Table of Country_traffic_details.DEBAMOUNTEUR%Type index by BINARY_INTEGER;
    Type SiteTabType is Table of Country_traffic_details.Site%Type index by BINARY_INTEGER;
    CountryArr CountryTabType;
    CallDateArr CallDateTabType;
    Customer_NameArr CustomerNameTabType;
    CustomerNumberArr CustomerNumberTabType;
    BCNArr BCNTabType;
    DurationArr DurationTabType;
    DebamounteurArr DebamounteurTabType;
    SiteArr SiteTabType;
         startdate := (trunc(pWeekStartDate) + 6) - 90;
         Exe_Pos := 1;
         Execute Immediate 'Truncate table country_traffic_details';
         Exe_Pos := 2;
         /* Set org ID's as per AR */
         case (pCountry)
         when 'FR' then AR_OrgId := 81;
         when 'AT' then AR_OrgId := 125;
         when 'CH' then AR_OrgId := 126;
         when 'DE' then AR_OrgId := 127;
         when 'ES' then AR_OrgId := 123;
         when 'IT' then AR_OrgId := 122;
         when 'PT' then AR_OrgId := 124;
         when 'BE' then AR_OrgId := 132;
         when 'IE' then AR_OrgId := 128;
         when 'DK' then AR_OrgId := 133;
         when 'NL' then AR_OrgId := 129;
         when 'SE' then AR_OrgId := 130;
         when 'UK' then AR_OrgId := 131;
         else raise_application_error (-20003, 'No such Country Code Exists.');
         end case;
         Exe_Pos := 3;
    dbms_output.put_line('3: '||to_char(sysdate, 'HH24:MI:SS'));
    dbms_output.put_line('4: '||to_char(sysdate, 'HH24:MI:SS'));
         Exe_Pos := 4;
         Open cTraffic;
         Exe_Pos := 5;
              INTO CallDateArr, SiteArr, CountryArr, Customer_NameArr,CustomerNumberArr,
              BCNArr,DESTINATION_TYPEArr,PRODUCT_CODEArr, PRODUCTArr, DurationArr, DebamounteurArr LIMIT arraySize;
              EXIT WHEN CallDateArr.first IS NULL;
                   Exe_pos := 6;
                        FORALL i IN 1..callDateArr.last
                        insert into country_traffic_details
                        values(CallDateArr(i), CountryArr(i), Customer_NameArr(i),CustomerNumberArr(i),
                        BCNArr(i),DESTINATION_TYPEArr(i),PRODUCT_CODEArr(i), PRODUCTArr(i), DurationArr(i),
                        DebamounteurArr(i), SiteArr(i));
                        Exe_pos := 7;
    dbms_output.put_line('7: '||to_char(sysdate, 'HH24:MI:SS'));
         EXIT WHEN ctraffic%NOTFOUND;
    Exe_Pos := 8;
    dbms_output.put_line('8: '||to_char(sysdate, 'HH24:MI:SS'));
              lSql := 'CREATE INDEX COUNTRY_TRAFFIC_DETAILS_CUSTNO ON country_traffic_details (CUSTOMER_NUMBER)';
              lSql := 'CREATE INDEX COUNTRY_TRAFFIC_DETAILS_BCN ON country_traffic_details (BCN)';
              lSql := 'CREATE INDEX COUNTRY_TRAFFIC_DETAILS_PRODCD ON country_traffic_details (PRODUCT_CODE)';
              lSql := 'CREATE INDEX COUNTRY_TRAFFIC_DETAILS_SITE ON country_traffic_details (SITE)';
              lSql := 'CREATE INDEX COUNTRY_TRAFFIC_DETAILS_DESTYP ON country_traffic_details (DESTINATION_TYPE)';
              Exe_Pos:= 9;
    dbms_output.put_line('9: '||to_char(sysdate, 'HH24:MI:SS'));
         When Others then
         raise_application_error(-20003, 'Error in populateCountryTrafficDetails at Position: '||Exe_Pos||' The Error is '||SQLERRM);
    End populateCountryTrafficDetails;
    In the above procedure if i substitute the values with hard coded values i.e. AR_orgid = 123 & pcountry = 'Austria' then it runs faster.
    Please let me know why it is so ?
    Thanks in advance.

  • How could I replace hard coded value in my sql query with constant value?

    Hi all,
    Could anyone help me how to replace hardcoded value in my sql query with constant value that might be pre defined .
    PROCEDURE class_by_day_get_bin_data
         in_report_parameter_id   IN   NUMBER,
         in_site_id               IN   NUMBER,
         in_start_date_time       IN   TIMESTAMP,
         in_end_date_time         IN   TIMESTAMP,
         in_report_level_min      IN   NUMBER,
         in_report_level_max      IN   NUMBER
      bin_period_length   NUMBER(6,0); 
      SELECT MAX(period_length)
         INTO bin_period_length
        FROM bin_data
         JOIN site_to_data_source_lane_v
           ON bin_data.data_source_id = site_to_data_source_lane_v.data_source_id
         JOIN bin_types
           ON bin_types.bin_type = bin_data.bin_type 
       WHERE site_to_data_source_lane_v.site_id = in_site_id
         AND bin_data.start_date_time     >= in_start_date_time - numtodsinterval(1, 'DAY')
         AND bin_data.start_date_time     <  in_end_date_time   + numtodsinterval(1, 'DAY')
         AND bin_data.bin_type            =  2
         AND bin_data.period_length       <= 60;
      --Clear the edr_class_by_day_bin_data temporary table and populate it with the data for the requested
      DELETE FROM edr_class_by_day_bin_data;
       SELECT site_to_data_source_lane_v.site_id,
        FROM bin_data
        JOIN bin_data_set
          ON bin_data.bin_serial = bin_data_set.bin_serial
        JOIN bin_data_value
          ON bin_data_set.bin_data_set_serial = bin_data_value.bin_data_set_serial
        JOIN site_to_data_source_lane_v
             ON bin_data.data_source_id = site_to_data_source_lane_v.data_source_id
            AND bin_data_set.lane = site_to_data_source_lane_v.data_source_lane_id
        JOIN (
               SELECT CAST(report_parameter_value AS NUMBER) lane_id
                 FROM report_parameters
                WHERE report_parameters.report_parameter_id    = in_report_parameter_id
                  AND report_parameters.report_parameter_group = 'LANE'
                  AND report_parameters.report_parameter_name  = 'LANE'
             ) report_lanes
          ON site_to_data_source_lane_v.site_lane_id = report_lanes.lane_id
        JOIN (
               SELECT CAST(report_parameter_value AS NUMBER) class_id
                 FROM report_parameters
                WHERE report_parameters.report_parameter_id    = in_report_parameter_id
                  AND report_parameters.report_parameter_group = 'CLASS'
                  AND report_parameters.report_parameter_name  = 'CLASS'
             ) report_classes
          ON bin_data_value.bin_id = report_classes.class_id
        JOIN edr_rpt_tmp_inclusion_table
          ON TRUNC(bin_data_set.start_date_time) = TRUNC(edr_rpt_tmp_inclusion_table.date_time)
       WHERE site_to_data_source_lane_v.site_id = in_site_id
         AND bin_data.start_date_time     >= in_start_date_time - numtodsinterval(1, 'DAY')
         AND bin_data.start_date_time     <  in_end_date_time   + numtodsinterval(1, 'DAY')
         AND bin_data_set.start_date_time >= in_start_date_time
         AND bin_data_set.start_date_time <  in_end_date_time
         AND bin_data.bin_type            =  2
         AND bin_data.period_length       =  bin_period_length;
    END class_by_day_get_bin_data;In the above code I'm using the hard coded value 2 for bin type
    bin_data.bin_type            =  2But I dont want any hard coded number or string in the query.
    How could I replace it?
    I defined conatant value like below inside my package body where the actual procedure comes.But I'm not sure whether I have to declare it inside package body or inside the procedure.
    bin_type     CONSTANT NUMBER := 2;But it does't look for this value. So I'm not able to get desired value for the report .
    Edited by: user10641405 on May 29, 2009 1:38 PM

    Declare the constant inside the procedure.
    PROCEDURE class_by_day_get_bin_data(in_report_parameter_id IN NUMBER,
                                        in_site_id             IN NUMBER,
                                        in_start_date_time     IN TIMESTAMP,
                                        in_end_date_time       IN TIMESTAMP,
                                        in_report_level_min    IN NUMBER,
                                        in_report_level_max    IN NUMBER) IS
      bin_period_length NUMBER(6, 0);
      v_bin_type     CONSTANT NUMBER := 2;
      SELECT MAX(period_length)
        INTO bin_period_length
        FROM bin_data
        JOIN site_to_data_source_lane_v ON bin_data.data_source_id =
        JOIN bin_types ON bin_types.bin_type = bin_data.bin_type
       WHERE site_to_data_source_lane_v.site_id = in_site_id
         AND bin_data.start_date_time >=
             in_start_date_time - numtodsinterval(1, 'DAY')
         AND bin_data.start_date_time <
             in_end_date_time + numtodsinterval(1, 'DAY')
         AND bin_data.bin_type = v_bin_type
         AND bin_data.period_length <= 60;
      --Clear the edr_class_by_day_bin_data temporary table and populate it with the data for the requested
      DELETE FROM edr_class_by_day_bin_data;
      INSERT INTO edr_class_by_day_bin_data
        SELECT site_to_data_source_lane_v.site_id,
          FROM bin_data
          JOIN bin_data_set ON bin_data.bin_serial = bin_data_set.bin_serial
          JOIN bin_data_value ON bin_data_set.bin_data_set_serial =
          JOIN site_to_data_source_lane_v ON bin_data.data_source_id =
                                         AND bin_data_set.lane =
          JOIN (SELECT CAST(report_parameter_value AS NUMBER) lane_id
                  FROM report_parameters
                 WHERE report_parameters.report_parameter_id =
                   AND report_parameters.report_parameter_group = 'LANE'
                   AND report_parameters.report_parameter_name = 'LANE') report_lanes ON site_to_data_source_lane_v.site_lane_id =
          JOIN (SELECT CAST(report_parameter_value AS NUMBER) class_id
                  FROM report_parameters
                 WHERE report_parameters.report_parameter_id =
                   AND report_parameters.report_parameter_group = 'CLASS'
                   AND report_parameters.report_parameter_name = 'CLASS') report_classes ON bin_data_value.bin_id =
          JOIN edr_rpt_tmp_inclusion_table ON TRUNC(bin_data_set.start_date_time) =
         WHERE site_to_data_source_lane_v.site_id = in_site_id
           AND bin_data.start_date_time >=
               in_start_date_time - numtodsinterval(1, 'DAY')
           AND bin_data.start_date_time <
               in_end_date_time + numtodsinterval(1, 'DAY')
           AND bin_data_set.start_date_time >= in_start_date_time
           AND bin_data_set.start_date_time < in_end_date_time
           AND bin_data.bin_type = v_bin_type
           AND bin_data.period_length = bin_period_length;
    END class_by_day_get_bin_data;

  • Best way to deal with hard coded variables in a package

    There is a plsql package that reads a line from a file, parses the data, does a ton of sql operation with it (select update, inserts, calculations) and then writes the output to an output file.
    The file names and the firectories are retieved from a database table.
    select location,file_name into loc_in,file_in from temp_tbl;
    p_File_handle := utl_file.fopen (loc_in, file_in, 'W');
    My co worker is suggesting that getting the variable values from the table is not a good practice. He suggests that the values should be hard-coded in the program. Now you might ask what would happen if the file name or directory changes. His suggestion is to have a build file and do a token substitution of those hard coded values in the program and then load in to the DB. In short the process will involve the following steps:
    -Get the package from the repostory.
    -Change the file name and directory in the token file.
    -Run the build process that will replace the values in the package .
    -Load the new file (with the updated values) in to the DB.
    This way the program will be initially coded like this:
    p_File_handle := utl_file.fopen ('${loc_in}', '${file_in}', 'W');
    After the build file runs, it will replace the values as
    p_File_handle := utl_file.fopen ('C:/test', 'testfile.dat', 'W');
    Once the file has changed with the new updated values, compile that into the database.

    Re: Best way to deal with hard coded variables in a package: why have you reposted using a new profile?
    Neither post provides enough clear information on what the actual requirement is. We need more data in order to comment on your idea, your co-worker's, or to suggest alternatives.
    My co worker is suggesting that getting the variable
    values from the table is not a good practice.His reasons for this are...?
    "variable values": Why do they vary? How often do they change?
    The file names and the directories are retrieved from
    a database table.How do the values get into the table? What is the volume of the data?
    Oracle version? Operating system?

  • [svn] 2093: fix air-config. xml so that there are no hard-coded values for the build number.

    Revision: 2093
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-06-16 12:57:18 -0700 (Mon, 16 Jun 2008)
    Log Message:
    fix air-config.xml so that there are no hard-coded values for the build number. This gets updated from the root build.xml by using a combination of a value from, release.version, and a value passed into build.xml build.number.
    partial fix for sdk-15812
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    I need to add just one more thing and that is on battery life.  Last night I sat with the rMBP on my lap installing software, surfing the web, answering emails for close to 4 and 1/2 hours.  At the point I took it back to the charger it still was showing a computed battery time remaining of 3.5 hours.
    Today I had two VMs open and took the machine of the charger and sat outside with my dogs for about 30 minutes.  During this time I was working in both VMs, editing and compiling code.  My battery life estimate showed a good solid 4 hours. 
    This is roughly 6 times greater than what I had with my 2010 MBP and it too had a SSD.  I am not sure why but this retina MBP just seems to not work as hard doing anything that caused my 2010 MBP to struggle.
    While the battery life is certainly better than I expected it is clear that load can change that very rapidly. So I think I still need to visit clients with an external battery or charger in hand.  But I don't think I will be quite so scared that my laptop will simply run out of power before I can even get it plugged in.

  • Native SQL Performance Difference Between Hard-Coded Value and Parameter

    I have a native SQL (Oracle) query (fairly long & complex with a few sub-queries) that returns in under a second in both ODSI and using an external SQL tool. This query has a hard-coded value for a particular column, namely, a date column.
    When I modify the ODSI function signature so that I pass in a parameter and then replace the hard-coded value in the native SQL with the appropriate parameter binding notation (i.e. '?'), the query takes much longer (2-30 seconds). The duration of the query depends on how many records are actually returned, so it must be running a separate query for each of the results (i.e. the more results returned, the longer the query takes to return).
    What can I do to keep the duration of my ODSI query low while allowing for the parameter?

    OSDI plan with date parameter:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <source ns="fn-bea" name="jdbc.wcb.fineos" kind="relational" tip="jdbc.wcb.fineos">
    <![CDATA[select codeid, description, FEE_CODE_DOC_TYPE, ismax, isovr
    select distinct
    sd.codeid, sd.description,
    select count(*) from wcbapp.tolserviceset ss, wcbapp.RSERVICESRVCSETSERVICESETS sss, wcbapp.tolservicedefinition sd1 where
    sss.i_from = sd.i and
    sss.c_from = sd.c and
    sss.i_to = ss.i and
    sss.c_to = ss.c and
    sd1.codeid = sd.codeid and = 'FEEGROUP-MAX (MAXIMUM AMOUNT)'
    ) ISMAX,
    select count(*) from wcbapp.tolserviceset ss, wcbapp.RSERVICESRVCSETSERVICESETS sss, wcbapp.tolservicedefinition sd1 where
    sss.i_from = sd.i and
    sss.c_from = sd.c and
    sss.i_to = ss.i and
    sss.c_to = ss.c and
    sd1.codeid = sd.codeid and = 'FEEGROUP-OVR (Overrideable)'
    select count(*) from wcbapp.tolserviceset ss, wcbapp.RSERVICESRVCSETSERVICESETS sss, wcbapp.tolservicedefinition sd1 where
    sss.i_from = sd.i and
    sss.c_from = sd.c and
    sss.i_to = ss.i and
    sss.c_to = ss.c and
    sd1.codeid = sd.codeid and = 'FEEGROUP-INT (Internet Enterable)'
    ,trow.answerstr FEE_CODE_DOC_TYPE
    from wcbapp.tocorganisation o, wcbapp.tolpartydetails pd, wcbapp.tolserviceagrmtforprovider safp,
    wcbapp.tolserviceagreement sa, wcbapp.tolserviceagreementversion sav, wcbapp.rsrvchrgrsrvagrvrserviceagreem scg_sav,
    wcbapp.tolservicechargegroup scg, wcbapp.tolservicechargegroupversion scgv, wcbapp.tolserviceprovisionagreement spa,
    wcbapp.tolservicedefinition sd
    ,wcbapp.trow trow, wcbapp.tlookupversion tlookupversion, wcbapp.tlookup tlookup
    trow.i_lkpver_rows = tlookupversion.i
    and trow.c_lkpver_rows = tlookupversion.c
    and tlookupversion.i_lookup_versions = tlookup.i
    and tlookupversion.c_lookup_versions = tlookup.c
    and sd.codeid = trow.minstr_1
    and sd.codeid = trow.maxstr_1
    and = 'FeeCodeToDocumentLookup' and
    spa.i_service_serviceratede = sd.i and
    spa.c_service_serviceratede = sd.c and
    spa.i_srchrgrv_serviceratede = scgv.i and
    spa.c_srchrgrv_serviceratede = scgv.c and
    scgv.i_srvchrgr_servicecharge = scg.i and
    scgv.c_srvchrgr_servicecharge = scg.c and
    scg.i = scg_sav.i_from and
    scg.c = scg_sav.c_from and
    scg_sav.i_to = sav.i and
    scg_sav.c_to = sav.c and
    sav.i_srvcagrm_serviceagreem = sa.i and
    sav.c_srvcagrm_serviceagreem = sa.c and
    sa.i = safp.i_srvcagrm_provider and
    sa.c = safp.c_srvcagrm_provider and
    safp.i_prtdtls_serviceagreem = pd.i and
    safp.c_prtdtls_serviceagreem = pd.c and
    pd.i_ocprty_party = o.i and
    pd.c_ocprty_party = o.c and
    ? between safp.effectivedate and safp.enddate and
    o.customerno = ? || ?
    order by sd.codeid
    where ISINT = 1]]>
    <variable name="__fparam0" kind="EXTERNAL">
    <variable name="__fparam1" kind="EXTERNAL">
    <variable name="__fparam2" kind="EXTERNAL">
    OSDI plan with date constant:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <source ns="fn-bea" name="jdbc.wcb.fineos" kind="relational" tip="jdbc.wcb.fineos">
    <![CDATA[select codeid, description, FEE_CODE_DOC_TYPE, ismax, isovr
    select distinct
    sd.codeid, sd.description,
    select count(*) from wcbapp.tolserviceset ss, wcbapp.RSERVICESRVCSETSERVICESETS sss, wcbapp.tolservicedefinition sd1 where
    sss.i_from = sd.i and
    sss.c_from = sd.c and
    sss.i_to = ss.i and
    sss.c_to = ss.c and
    sd1.codeid = sd.codeid and = 'FEEGROUP-MAX (MAXIMUM AMOUNT)'
    ) ISMAX,
    select count(*) from wcbapp.tolserviceset ss, wcbapp.RSERVICESRVCSETSERVICESETS sss, wcbapp.tolservicedefinition sd1 where
    sss.i_from = sd.i and
    sss.c_from = sd.c and
    sss.i_to = ss.i and
    sss.c_to = ss.c and
    sd1.codeid = sd.codeid and = 'FEEGROUP-OVR (Overrideable)'
    select count(*) from wcbapp.tolserviceset ss, wcbapp.RSERVICESRVCSETSERVICESETS sss, wcbapp.tolservicedefinition sd1 where
    sss.i_from = sd.i and
    sss.c_from = sd.c and
    sss.i_to = ss.i and
    sss.c_to = ss.c and
    sd1.codeid = sd.codeid and = 'FEEGROUP-INT (Internet Enterable)'
    ,trow.answerstr FEE_CODE_DOC_TYPE
    from wcbapp.tocorganisation o, wcbapp.tolpartydetails pd, wcbapp.tolserviceagrmtforprovider safp,
    wcbapp.tolserviceagreement sa, wcbapp.tolserviceagreementversion sav, wcbapp.rsrvchrgrsrvagrvrserviceagreem scg_sav,
    wcbapp.tolservicechargegroup scg, wcbapp.tolservicechargegroupversion scgv, wcbapp.tolserviceprovisionagreement spa,
    wcbapp.tolservicedefinition sd
    ,wcbapp.trow trow, wcbapp.tlookupversion tlookupversion, wcbapp.tlookup tlookup
    trow.i_lkpver_rows = tlookupversion.i
    and trow.c_lkpver_rows = tlookupversion.c
    and tlookupversion.i_lookup_versions = tlookup.i
    and tlookupversion.c_lookup_versions = tlookup.c
    and sd.codeid = trow.minstr_1
    and sd.codeid = trow.maxstr_1
    and = 'FeeCodeToDocumentLookup' and
    spa.i_service_serviceratede = sd.i and
    spa.c_service_serviceratede = sd.c and
    spa.i_srchrgrv_serviceratede = scgv.i and
    spa.c_srchrgrv_serviceratede = scgv.c and
    scgv.i_srvchrgr_servicecharge = scg.i and
    scgv.c_srvchrgr_servicecharge = scg.c and
    scg.i = scg_sav.i_from and
    scg.c = scg_sav.c_from and
    scg_sav.i_to = sav.i and
    scg_sav.c_to = sav.c and
    sav.i_srvcagrm_serviceagreem = sa.i and
    sav.c_srvcagrm_serviceagreem = sa.c and
    sa.i = safp.i_srvcagrm_provider and
    sa.c = safp.c_srvcagrm_provider and
    safp.i_prtdtls_serviceagreem = pd.i and
    safp.c_prtdtls_serviceagreem = pd.c and
    pd.i_ocprty_party = o.i and
    pd.c_ocprty_party = o.c and
    '01-MAY-11' between safp.effectivedate and safp.enddate and
    o.customerno = ? || ?
    order by sd.codeid
    where ISINT = 1]]>
    <variable name="__fparam0" kind="EXTERNAL">
    <variable name="__fparam1" kind="EXTERNAL">
    ODSI Audit with date parameter:
    [Thu May 12 13:02:23 GMT-06:00 2011] Starting...
    Query compilation time: 0 ms
    Query evaluation time: 16142 ms
    Operation duration: 16189 ms
    Audit Event:
    user: weblogic
    name: ClaimsDataspace
    server: AdminServer
    eventkind: evaluation
    found: false
    inserted: true
    compiletime: 0
    time: Thu May 12 13:02:07 GMT-06:00 2011
    blocksize: 65536
    duration: 16001
    time: Thu May 12 13:02:23 GMT-06:00 2011
    blocksize: 65536
    duration: 47
    time: Thu May 12 13:02:23 GMT-06:00 2011
    blocksize: 65536
    duration: 46
    time: Thu May 12 13:02:23 GMT-06:00 2011
    blocksize: 35779
    duration: 16
    source: jdbc.wcb.fineos
    select codeid, description, FEE_CODE_DOC_TYPE, ismax, isovr
    select distinct
    sd.codeid, sd.description,
    select count(*) from wcbapp.tolserviceset ss, wcbapp.RSERVICESRVCSETSERVICESETS sss, wcbapp.tolservicedefinition sd1 where
    sss.i_from = sd.i and
    sss.c_from = sd.c and
    sss.i_to = ss.i and
    sss.c_to = ss.c and
    sd1.codeid = sd.codeid and = 'FEEGROUP-MAX (MAXIMUM AMOUNT)'
    ) ISMAX,
    select count(*) from wcbapp.tolserviceset ss, wcbapp.RSERVICESRVCSETSERVICESETS sss, wcbapp.tolservicedefinition sd1 where
    sss.i_from = sd.i and
    sss.c_from = sd.c and
    sss.i_to = ss.i and
    sss.c_to = ss.c and
    sd1.codeid = sd.codeid and = 'FEEGROUP-OVR (Overrideable)'
    select count(*) from wcbapp.tolserviceset ss, wcbapp.RSERVICESRVCSETSERVICESETS sss, wcbapp.tolservicedefinition sd1 where
    sss.i_from = sd.i and
    sss.c_from = sd.c and
    sss.i_to = ss.i and
    sss.c_to = ss.c and
    sd1.codeid = sd.codeid and = 'FEEGROUP-INT (Internet Enterable)'
    ,trow.answerstr FEE_CODE_DOC_TYPE
    from wcbapp.tocorganisation o, wcbapp.tolpartydetails pd, wcbapp.tolserviceagrmtforprovider safp,
    wcbapp.tolserviceagreement sa, wcbapp.tolserviceagreementversion sav, wcbapp.rsrvchrgrsrvagrvrserviceagreem scg_sav,
    wcbapp.tolservicechargegroup scg, wcbapp.tolservicechargegroupversion scgv, wcbapp.tolserviceprovisionagreement spa,
    wcbapp.tolservicedefinition sd
    ,wcbapp.trow trow, wcbapp.tlookupversion tlookupversion, wcbapp.tlookup tlookup
    trow.i_lkpver_rows = tlookupversion.i
    and trow.c_lkpver_rows = tlookupversion.c
    and tlookupversion.i_lookup_versions = tlookup.i
    and tlookupversion.c_lookup_versions = tlookup.c
    and sd.codeid = trow.minstr_1
    and sd.codeid = trow.maxstr_1
    and = 'FeeCodeToDocumentLookup' and
    spa.i_service_serviceratede = sd.i and
    spa.c_service_serviceratede = sd.c and
    spa.i_srchrgrv_serviceratede = scgv.i and
    spa.c_srchrgrv_serviceratede = scgv.c and
    scgv.i_srvchrgr_servicecharge = scg.i and
    scgv.c_srvchrgr_servicecharge = scg.c and
    scg.i = scg_sav.i_from and
    scg.c = scg_sav.c_from and
    scg_sav.i_to = sav.i and
    scg_sav.c_to = sav.c and
    sav.i_srvcagrm_serviceagreem = sa.i and
    sav.c_srvcagrm_serviceagreem = sa.c and
    sa.i = safp.i_srvcagrm_provider and
    sa.c = safp.c_srvcagrm_provider and
    safp.i_prtdtls_serviceagreem = pd.i and
    safp.c_prtdtls_serviceagreem = pd.c and
    pd.i_ocprty_party = o.i and
    pd.c_ocprty_party = o.c and
    ? between safp.effectivedate and safp.enddate and
    o.customerno = ? || ?
    order by sd.codeid
    where ISINT = 1
    time: 16048
    rows: 1967
    evaltime: 16142
    *** removed due to length ***
    function: getFeeCodeByCaregiverEffectiveDate1
    arity: 3
    dataservice: ld:org/wcb/claims/payment/FINEOS/physical/SQL.ds
    import schema namespace t1 = "" at "ld:org/wcb/claims/payment/FINEOS/physical/schemas/SQL.xsd";
    declare namespace ns0="ld:org/wcb/claims/payment/FINEOS/physical/SQL";
    declare namespace ns1="";
    declare variable $__fparam0 as ns1:dateTime external;
    declare variable $__fparam1 as ns1:string external;
    declare variable $__fparam2 as ns1:string external;
    for $FeeCode3 in ns0:getFeeCodeByCaregiverEffectiveDate1($__fparam0,$__fparam1,$__fparam2)
    duration: 16189
    timestamp: Thu May 12 13:02:07 GMT-06:00 2011
    [Thu May 12 13:02:23 GMT-06:00 2011] End
    ODSI Audit with date constant:
    [Thu May 12 13:10:00 GMT-06:00 2011] Starting...
    Query compilation time: 0 ms
    Query evaluation time: 359 ms
    Operation duration: 375 ms
    Audit Event:
    user: weblogic
    name: ClaimsDataspace
    server: AdminServer
    eventkind: evaluation
    found: true
    compiletime: 0
    time: Thu May 12 13:10:00 GMT-06:00 2011
    blocksize: 59256
    duration: 359
    source: jdbc.wcb.fineos
    select codeid, description, FEE_CODE_DOC_TYPE, ismax, isovr
    select distinct
    sd.codeid, sd.description,
    select count(*) from wcbapp.tolserviceset ss, wcbapp.RSERVICESRVCSETSERVICESETS sss, wcbapp.tolservicedefinition sd1 where
    sss.i_from = sd.i and
    sss.c_from = sd.c and
    sss.i_to = ss.i and
    sss.c_to = ss.c and
    sd1.codeid = sd.codeid and = 'FEEGROUP-MAX (MAXIMUM AMOUNT)'
    ) ISMAX,
    select count(*) from wcbapp.tolserviceset ss, wcbapp.RSERVICESRVCSETSERVICESETS sss, wcbapp.tolservicedefinition sd1 where
    sss.i_from = sd.i and
    sss.c_from = sd.c and
    sss.i_to = ss.i and
    sss.c_to = ss.c and
    sd1.codeid = sd.codeid and = 'FEEGROUP-OVR (Overrideable)'
    select count(*) from wcbapp.tolserviceset ss, wcbapp.RSERVICESRVCSETSERVICESETS sss, wcbapp.tolservicedefinition sd1 where
    sss.i_from = sd.i and
    sss.c_from = sd.c and
    sss.i_to = ss.i and
    sss.c_to = ss.c and
    sd1.codeid = sd.codeid and = 'FEEGROUP-INT (Internet Enterable)'
    ,trow.answerstr FEE_CODE_DOC_TYPE
    from wcbapp.tocorganisation o, wcbapp.tolpartydetails pd, wcbapp.tolserviceagrmtforprovider safp,
    wcbapp.tolserviceagreement sa, wcbapp.tolserviceagreementversion sav, wcbapp.rsrvchrgrsrvagrvrserviceagreem scg_sav,
    wcbapp.tolservicechargegroup scg, wcbapp.tolservicechargegroupversion scgv, wcbapp.tolserviceprovisionagreement spa,
    wcbapp.tolservicedefinition sd
    ,wcbapp.trow trow, wcbapp.tlookupversion tlookupversion, wcbapp.tlookup tlookup
    trow.i_lkpver_rows = tlookupversion.i
    and trow.c_lkpver_rows = tlookupversion.c
    and tlookupversion.i_lookup_versions = tlookup.i
    and tlookupversion.c_lookup_versions = tlookup.c
    and sd.codeid = trow.minstr_1
    and sd.codeid = trow.maxstr_1
    and = 'FeeCodeToDocumentLookup' and
    spa.i_service_serviceratede = sd.i and
    spa.c_service_serviceratede = sd.c and
    spa.i_srchrgrv_serviceratede = scgv.i and
    spa.c_srchrgrv_serviceratede = scgv.c and
    scgv.i_srvchrgr_servicecharge = scg.i and
    scgv.c_srvchrgr_servicecharge = scg.c and
    scg.i = scg_sav.i_from and
    scg.c = scg_sav.c_from and
    scg_sav.i_to = sav.i and
    scg_sav.c_to = sav.c and
    sav.i_srvcagrm_serviceagreem = sa.i and
    sav.c_srvcagrm_serviceagreem = sa.c and
    sa.i = safp.i_srvcagrm_provider and
    sa.c = safp.c_srvcagrm_provider and
    safp.i_prtdtls_serviceagreem = pd.i and
    safp.c_prtdtls_serviceagreem = pd.c and
    pd.i_ocprty_party = o.i and
    pd.c_ocprty_party = o.c and
    '01-MAY-11' between safp.effectivedate and safp.enddate and
    o.customerno = ? || ?
    order by sd.codeid
    where ISINT = 1
    time: 344
    rows: 500
    evaltime: 359
    *** removed due to length ***
    function: getFeeCodeByCaregiverEffectiveDate1
    arity: 2
    dataservice: ld:org/wcb/claims/payment/FINEOS/physical/SQL.ds
    import schema namespace t1 = "" at "ld:org/wcb/claims/payment/FINEOS/physical/schemas/SQL.xsd";
    declare namespace ns0="ld:org/wcb/claims/payment/FINEOS/physical/SQL";
    declare namespace ns1="";
    declare variable $__fparam0 as ns1:string external;
    declare variable $__fparam1 as ns1:string external;
    for $FeeCode3 in ns0:getFeeCodeByCaregiverEffectiveDate1($__fparam0,$__fparam1)
    duration: 375
    timestamp: Thu May 12 13:10:00 GMT-06:00 2011
    [Thu May 12 13:10:00 GMT-06:00 2011] End

  • Use of "with master data & with out master data" at DTP update level

    Hello experts,
    In DTP, I check "with out master data". When I try to send corresponding transactional data, It is showing SID related error. Can anybody suggest what is the use of "with master data & with out master data" at DTP level.
    Thanks in advance,

    HI in DTP level If you set this indicator, the system terminates the update of the request if no values are available for a data record.
    Load the relevant master data before you load the transaction data.
    If you set this indicator, the system terminates activation if master data is missing and produces an error message.
    If you do not set this indicator, the system generates any missing SID values during activation.
    In DataStore maintenance, if you do not set the SIDs Generation upon Activation indicator, the No Update without Master Data indicator in the DTP has no effect.

  • Hard coded values in ADF 11g

    i want to insert hard coded values through ADF form..
    kindly help me in this
    Thanks in Advance
    VL Naidu

    Thanks john and Grant..
    i have another issue now..
    i have created the Edit form and a table
    giving partial trigger for form to table..
    so wen i select the row the corresponding row values will be displayed in the Edit form.
    but i want to show a Empty form on page load and after data insertion.
    i tried in refresh condition .but nothing worked.
    can u help me in this issue.
    Thanks in Advance
    VL Naidu

  • How to mention User specific fileshare as Hard coded value in DB table

    I have a scenario like whenever the user clicks on Print, the application will generate a temp file Temp.txt and place it in fileshare location that is given in Database hard coded value as C:\Test, The problem here is when more than one user clicks on print button, the second user is getting error, as the same file is being used by first user.
    To save the temp file, I want to mention a locaton something like "C:\Documents and Settings\<User Id>" where <user Id> will be '0001' for user one and '0002' for user two. (0001 and 0002 are suppose to be the user login name within the organisation). Is there anyway to specify the user id of the active user as a hard coded value?

    take the output of select user from dual; in a variable and then append that either with file name or with directory location..

  • Agent based release templates, hard coded values configurable?

    My Release templates consists of couple of hard coded values like Installation Path, documents folder paths etc. To create a new template, i need to change those values in so many places and it's very time consuming for bigger templates.
    I have implemented agent based release and my questions are:
    1. Is it possible to configure such values with variables in the scope of each stages of releases like QA, Staging, Production etc.
    2. What is the difference between agent based release templates and vNext templates.
    Sreekanth Mohan

    Hi Sreekanth,  
    Thanks for your reply.
    If there’s may Stages in your release template, I think you can create/edit the correct action steps in one Stage, then copy them to other Stages in your release template.
    Or you can try to use the Tag feature in your release template if you will do the same deploy in multiple servers, please refer to the helpful information in this article:
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Deletion of master data with / without SID

    Hi Experts,
    Client have requested for master data clean up.
    "Several masterdata tables in Production system contain wrong entries. These entries should be cleaned up. The attached Excel contains the keys of the entries to be deleted"
    Steps to be taken:
    1. emptied/deleted content of all the cube.
    2. delete data from master data
    Help required:
    What will be impact of deleting master data with SID when DSO data is not deleted.
    What if i choose without SID option for deletiing master data
    Suresh Kumar

    Hi Suresh,
    Deleting master data is one critical job and ned to be very care ful.
    First try to find out the where used list of that particular IO. delete data from all the CUBEs and DSOs. i don't think without deleting the transaction data from all the objects that you see from where used list, you will be able to delete the maste data.
    System doesn't allow you, it will say "Not all selected data is deleted" Some message of this sort when you try deleting the master data.
    If you are deleting the TD and  master data, why do you need the SID to be spared, delete them too. next time you load the correct master data. the SIDs are again generated.
    Go thru the below thread, this gives you lot if info on MD deletion.
    [Re: SID Tables]

  • Error handling for master data with direct update

    Hi guys,
    For master data with flexible update, error handling can be defined in InfoPackege, and if the load is performed via PSA there are several options - clear so far. But what about direct update...
    But my specific question is: If an erroneous record (e.g invalid characters) occur in a master data load using direct update, this will set the request to red. But what does this mean in terms of what happens to the other records of the request (which are correct) are they written to the master data tables, so that they can be present once the masterdata is activated, or are nothing written to masterdata tables if a single record is erroneous???
    Many thanks,
    / Christian

    Hi Christian -
    Difference between flexible upload & Direct upload is that direct upload does not have Update Rules, direct upload will have PSA as usual & you can do testing in PSA.
    second part when you load master data - if error occurs all the records for that request no will be status error so activation will not have any impact on it i.e. no new records from failed load will be available.
    hope it helps

  • BPC 7.5 NW: Master Data with leading zeros

    In BPC 7.5 NW, is it still an issue to have Master data with leading zeros?
    In other words, is it still not advisable to have leading zeros in the Master data.
    Let me know your views.

    I was also having the same issue almost in the same version.
    Other than what you mentioned, the master data was also jumbling up like 0120, 0130, 0145, were set up as 120, 145, 130....
    The workaround that we took was to put a leading alphabet, when the data comes into BPC.
    Try doing that, it will surely help.
    Hope this helps.

  • Is it possible to make a delta load for a Master data with Standard DS

    I have a full load bringing huge data for master data with standard datasource.
    I want to run a delta due to huge no. of records but when I create a new Infopackage it dont give a option for delta update.
    Are delta loads specific to only standard or customized DS's or any other reason behind that ?

    I kind of understand what you are asking about, but I am unclear as to how it pertains to our BO SDK.
    You are wanting to find the differences between a large dataset and another large dataset.
    I am not sure what an Infopackage is.
    Are you using the BO Enterprise SDK or some other product?

  • Bank detials Maintained in Vendor master data with out Sort code / Bank Key

    We have a Requirement of creating Japanese bank details in Vendor Master Record. But No Bank key / sort code is available.
    Even for Russian Bank accounts we donu2019t have any bank key / sort code available from client.
    System does not allow to create vendor bank details with out providing Sort code/ Bank key details.
    Is there is any way of creating bank details in Vendor master data with out giving Bank key details.

    I assume you fill in Sort Code in bank number field.
    In my company, our bank number is set not to duplicate bank key.
    So bank key is simply a reference.  And our bank number field is not mandatory.
    If you follow these settings, you can create an abitrary bank key for your vendor bank account.

Maybe you are looking for