Master Detail BC4J /JSP

Hi all,
I am busy developing a small search application.
For this application I use a Oracle View. This Oracle View has no reference to a primary key. In BC4J I created a entity object and view out of this Oracle View and named one of the attributes as a primary key. I also added a entity object and view out of an oracle table.
I created a viewlink to display a master detail relationship. When I test the BC4J module I can see the master detail relationship, but when I want to create this master detail with the use of data tags (as the examples in How to Navigate Master and Detail JSP using data tags) I get the error RowkeyValue is Null.
If I am using the original table as a master which has a primary key everything works.
I know that Oracle also reference the Primary Key to a RowID.
Is there any solution to use an Oracle View without a reference to be used in a master- detail relationsship in JSP?
Thanks in advance
Email: [email protected]

You might want to try generating a Complete master detail BC4J JSP application on your BC4J logic
which contains a view link.
Once the app is generated you'll see a working example of how to do a master detail BC4J JSP..
Basically the app will generate a JSP page for your viewlink..
Here's a real simple example of how to do a master detail BC4J JSPs where you pass the Rowkey as a parameter to a detail page which uses the JBO:Row tag to locate the Master dept record, which then drives
the detail record location..(since it is bound..)
This uses a default Emp and Dept tables. Also EmpView3 is a ViewObject which is bound via a link to
the master DeptView1 View Object.
<%@ taglib uri="/webapp/DataTags.tld" prefix="jbo" %>
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
Hello World
The current time is:
<%= new java.util.Date() %></p>
<jbo:ApplicationModule id="Mypackage1Module" definition="Project2.Mypackage1Module" releasemode="Stateless" />
<jbo:DataSource id="dept" appid="Mypackage1Module" viewobject="DeptView1" />
<table border="1">
<jbo:RowsetIterate datasource="dept" >
<td><jbo:ShowValue datasource="dept" dataitem="Dname" ></jbo:ShowValue>
<jbo:ReleasePageResources />
<%@ taglib uri="/webapp/DataTags.tld" prefix="jbo" %>
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
Hello World
The current time is:
<%= new java.util.Date() %></p>
<jbo:ApplicationModule id="Mypackage1Module" definition="Project2.Mypackage1Module" releasemode="Stateful" />
<jbo:DataSource id="dept" appid="Mypackage1Module" viewobject="DeptView1" />
<jbo:DataSource id="emp" appid="Mypackage1Module" viewobject="EmpView3" />
Notice I bind this page to both master "DeptView1" and the linked detail "EmpView3"..
<jbo:Row id="deptrow" datasource="dept" action="find" rowkeyparam="deptrowkey" ></jbo:Row>
<jbo:ShowValue datasource="dept" dataitem="Dname" />
<table border="1">
<jbo:RowsetIterate datasource="emp" >
<td><jbo:ShowValue datasource="emp" dataitem="Ename" />
<td><jbo:ShowValue datasource="emp" dataitem="Deptno" />
<jbo:ReleasePageResources />
Hope this helps....

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    RequestParameters params = HtmlServices.getRequestParameters(pageContext);
    boolean doRedirect=false;
    String PageID=this.getClass().getName();
    String sessJboRowkey=(String)session.getAttribute(PageID+"_jboRowKey");
    String paramJboRowkey=(String)params.getParameter("jboRowKey");
    if(sessJboRowkey!=null && paramJboRowkey==null && (params.getParameter("jboEvent")==null || params.getParameter("jboEvent").toString().compareToIgnoreCase("create")!=0))
    String masterRowKey=params.getParameter("masterRowKey");
    <jbo:Row id="currRow" datasource="dsContact" action="find" rowkey="<%=masterRowKey%>" ></jbo:Row>
    <jbo:OnEvent name="update" datasource="dsOrder" >
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    <jbo:Commit appid="SalesModule" />
    <jbo:OnEvent name="create">
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    <jbo:Row id="newrow" datasource="dsOrder" action="createinrange" ><%
    { %>
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    } catch (JboException ex)
    throw ex;
    } %>
    <jbo:Commit appid="SalesModule" />
    } //end if %>
    <jbo:OnEvent name="delete">
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    <jbo:Commit appid="SalesModule" />
    <jbo:ReleasePageResources />
    <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Oracle JDeveloper">
    <LINK REL=STYLESHEET TYPE="text/css" HREF="bc4j.css">
    <TITLE>Edit Order</TITLE>
    <% if(paramJboRowkey==null)
    <h3>Edit Order</h3>
    <jbo:DataEdit datasource="dsOrder" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" targetURL="SOrderView2_Edit.jsp"/>
    <h3>Order Details</h3>
    <jbo:Row id="rowCur" datasource="dsOrder" rowkey="<%=paramJboRowkey%>" action="active">
    <table class="clsViewCurrentRecord" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="3" border="0">
    <jbo:AttributeIterate id="def" datasource="dsOrder">
    <tr class="clsTableRow">
    <td title="<jbo:ShowHint hintname='TOOLTIP'></jbo:ShowHint>"> <jbo:ShowHint hintname="LABEL">##Column</jbo:ShowHint> </td>
    <td title="<jbo:ShowHint hintname='TOOLTIP'></jbo:ShowHint>"> <jbo:RenderValue datasource="dsOrder">##Cell</jbo:RenderValue> </td>
    <% if(paramJboRowkey!=null)
    <h3>Order Items</h3>
    <table border="0">
    <td ALIGN="right"><jbo:DataScroller datasource="dsItemList" /></td>
    <td><jbo:DataTable datasource="dsItemList" edittarget="SOrderItemView3_Edit.jsp" /></td>
    <jbo:ReleasePageResources />

    you can use the column- or alias-name of the first query like:
    <sqlStatement name="Q_MASTER">
    select field1,field2 from master_table
    where field3 = 'ABC'
    <sqlStatement name="Q_DETAIL">
    select field4,field5 from detail_table
    where field6 = :field2 (where field2 is a column of Q_Master)
    Pay attention that the column-names (aliases) are distinct

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    I know you're having a problem upgrading, but...
    Could you upgrade to 9.0.3 and tell us what problems you're encountering?

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    Hi Frank,
    Thanks for your reply. In the application I used weblogic JDBC driver for Sybase when it was developed in version.
    The following are the extries in bc4j.xcfg file:
    Now I have changed the JDBC to Sybase jConnect (jconn4.jar) and driver class is com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.SybXADataSource and other entries remains the same as it was before.

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    Yes this is easily done.
    If you have a BC4J project with say Emp and Dept View Objects which are linked via
    a foreign key (there should be a BC4J FKDeptnoLink created), then all you have to do
    is generate a BC4J UIX JSP application.
    In a separate empty project, open the New gallery and select UIX-JSP -> Business Components JSP Application.
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    to see the app.
    To see a master detail view of your app which is based on the Bc4J Link (FKDeptno) just click
    on link "FkDeptnoLink" on the left side..

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    - VO2 DataRecord with VO3 DataTable
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    - what is the best place to change things ?
    - does anyone have an example of this ?

    As long as you add ViewLinks between your master-detail levels, the synchronization is automatic. You just have to make sure you use the 'correct' view object usage name. Look at your ApplicationModule's model via its editor.

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    A Master Detail Page is a basically a game between two VOs(Master and Detail mostly connected through a View Link). You can also have a look at the View Link section in the Dev guide. Page Layouts is one thing which you can take a call yourself.

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    <bc4j:viewObjectDef name="ItiBudgetsView1">
    <bc4j:rowDef name="CurrentBudgetRow" usesCurrency="True">
    <bc4j:propertyKey name="key"/>
    <bc4j:viewObjectDef name="ItiBudgetVersionsView2" rangeSize="15"/>
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    <bc4j:rowScope name="CurrentBudgetRow">
    to get the correct Budget row in my master VO. But this always returns 0 rows in my detail VO. If I comment out the rowScope element, I don't get the desired Budget row, but I do get the correct Budget Version rows displayed. Is the rowScope element on the Budget VO interfering with the Budget Version VO?
    Hope this is not too confusing!!

    I tried to create a comparable set of two pages and initially ran into the same problem. I just realized that my issue (which I hope is yours too) is that the rootAppModule name was different across my two pages. This led to each page having its own application module instance, so the currency was different on each page.
    By changing all of my pages to use the same application module name (in the registryDef, in the appModuleScope tags in the page, and in the findAppModule tags in the handlers), I resolved this problem.
    My event handler to go to the master/detail page from the master page, FYI, looks like this:
      <event name="details" >
       <bc4j:findRootAppModule name="MyApp" >
        <!-- establish the ViewObject scope -->
        <bc4j:findViewObject name="CustomersView1" >
         <!-- find the selected Row -->
           <bc4j:selectionKey name="viewTable" key="key" />
        <bc4j:executeQuery />
        <go name="OrdersByCustomer_View" redirect="true" />
      </event>Hope this helps.
    UIX Team

  • JSP, getting Master-Detail to work

    JDeveloper 3.2.3
    JSP, getting Master-Detail to work
    - I've made a project with a master table Dept and a detail table Emp via the wizards. Automatically views for both are made.
    - Secondly i created an association between Dept and Emp (based on the field Deptno), the association is exposed to both entities.
    - I followed the Help example 'Creating Maser-Detail JSP Pages Using Data Web Beans'.
    4 Data Web Beans are created with this example
    * NavigationBar Master
    * ViewCurrentRecord Master
    * NavigationBar Detail
    * RowSetBrowser Detail
    The resulting JSP page shows, unfortunately, no link between the master and the details.
    For one department all employees (of all departments) are shown.
    What do i have to do to make the JSP Master-Detail work with JDeveloper
    Thanx in advance
    Lion Smiers

    I resolve my problem to create a third level detail as viewobject as a own instance, without link to second level detail (as I supposed it to work). And manually make a new search with where clause inside working detail iterate loop (below).
    I still wonder, is there any way to automatically update second details current row, which might also update third level details information as sophisticated way?
    my solution to show third level in master-detail-detail information.
    inside first details loop...
    <jbo:ApplicationModule id="MyService" definition="DataBindings.MyServiceDataControl" releasemode="Stateless"/>
    <%-- search criteria from detail --%>
    <c:set var="whereLauseIn" value="MYKEY_ID = '${Row['secondId']}'" scope="page" />
    <jbo:DataSource id="Lausu" appid="MyService" viewobject="ViewObjMyThirdDetailInst" whereclause="<%=pageContext.getAttribute(\"whereLauseIn\")%>" rangesize="-1"/>
    <jbo:RowsetIterate datasource="Lausu" changecurrentrow="true">
    <td >
    <jbo:ShowValue datasource="Lausu" dataitem="Col1" ></jbo:ShowValue> 
    <jbo:ShowValue datasource="Lausu" dataitem="Col2" ></jbo:ShowValue> 
    <jbo:ShowValue datasource="Lausu" dataitem="Col3" ></jbo:ShowValue> 
    <td >
    <jbo:ShowValue datasource="Lausu" dataitem="Col4" ></jbo:ShowValue> 
    <jbo:ReleasePageResources />

  • Master detail in Jdev10g(using JSP)

    I have created two data pages intended to establish master detail relationsip among it. My first page is a readonly tabular which has prepopulated records in it. I want to a detail record to it for which i have created a link from first data page to second data page which is detail one. when i click on link it sucessfully takes me to input data page(detail) when i enter and click on submit button to save the record it does not and page gets blank.
    Pls help me how to add a record to detail page based on master page.

    No . It can be a view object based on COURSE + SYLLABUS , but it can NOT be a datacontrol to use it in the jsp as an Input Form drag and drop.
    SO when I create a new view object based on both tables , it is created well. Then I try to generate a new BC based on this view but the option is desabled.
    thank u for response :)


    Hi -
    How do I create a simple Master-Detail page in JSP like Oracle Forms type.
    I want to show/enter one master record and multiple child records and let the users enter data. I DO NOT WANT TO CREATE SEPERATE MASTER AND SEPERATE DETAIL JSP PAGE. I want the basic Master-Detail Form like Oracle Forms.
    I am using JDeveloper 3.2
    Thanks for your help !

    In our current release, we dont generate a single-page master-detail editing page. You would are missing an editable data-grid tag for this to be possible. You can create this control yourself using the provided datatags.

  • Urgent! Simple master detail jsp without ADF.

    We need to develop a master detail page. personal and detail process record for that personal.
    This will work on the web so We are using jsp technology.
    (We are using tomcad so We can't use ADF because of deployment problem. maybe the fallowing phase ADF will be used.)
    We can't find these kind of sample java and web. Especially data grid type interface on the web.
    This is very important program and we need urgently finish.
    Thanks for your help.

    You can use ADF with Tomcat, you just need to install the ADF runtime libraries on your tomcat.
    There is a toole->install ADF Runtime option for this.

  • BC4J - Inserting Master/Detail records in same transaction.

    I know this is possible, but I seem to be missing something to allow it to happen within BC4J.
    I'm creating a RowSet off of a View Object and inserting new Rows into this RowSet. This RowSet represents my child/detail records for insert into a child table.
    I then create a new Row off of another View Object. This row represents my Master/parent record for insert into a parent table.
    All of the above is being done in the same applicationModule transaction with locking mode set to Optimistic.
    Before I commit the transaction, I grab the next sequence # to use as the primary key for the master record and the foreign key for the child records. I apply those to the newly created child rows and the newly created master row.
    However, when I commit I continue to get a JBO-26041: Failed to post data to database during "Insert": error due to ORA-02291: integrity constraint (CUST_LICENSES_FK4) violated - parent key not found
    If everything was created in the same transaction, why won't this allow me to insert into both tables with the correct primary/foreign keys? It's almost as if the child records are being inserted first prior to the parent record.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance..
    Teri Kemple
    [email protected]

    However, when I commit I continue to get a JBO-26041: Failed to post data to database during "Insert": error due to ORA-02291: integrity constraint (CUST_LICENSES_FK4) violated - parent key not found
    If everything was created in the same transaction, why won't this allow me to insert into both tables with the correct primary/foreign keys? It's almost as if the child records are being inserted first prior to the parent record.This is due to the order of rows being posted. In this case it seems the detail row is getting posted before the master.
    To avoid such situations, either you may implement your own post ordering by making sure that when a detail is to
    be inserted, it's master is inserted or you may use "Composition Association" flag in the association wizard between
    the master and the detail entities to let the framework manage a tight composition relationship between the two entity
    types. BTW, there was another definitive thread recently on inserting master-detail in the
    same transaction, but the forum search engine is so useless I can't find it. Anyone
    have the msgid handy or know how to find that thread again??
    FYI: the help describes the Composition flag functionality in terms of the Master record already existing in the DB. In our problem here, the Master is being inserted in the same transaction. Thus needs to be posted FIRST.
    I got a integrity constraint exception too, then set the composition flag and now I get:
    500 Internal Server Error
    oracle.jbo.InvalidOwnerException: JBO-25030: Failed to find or invalidate owning entity.
         void oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl.create(oracle.jbo.AttributeList)
         void oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowStorage.create(oracle.jbo.AttributeList)
         void oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowImpl.create(oracle.jbo.AttributeList)
         oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowImpl oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl.createInstance(oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl, oracle.jbo.AttributeList)
         oracle.jbo.server.RowImpl oracle.jbo.server.QueryCollection.createRowWithEntities(int[], oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl[], oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl, oracle.jbo.AttributeList)
         oracle.jbo.Row oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl.createRowWithEntities(int[], oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl[], oracle.jbo.AttributeList)
         oracle.jbo.Row oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl.createRow()
         oracle.jbo.Row oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl.createRow()
         void, java.lang.String, java.math.BigDecimal, oracle.jbo.domain.Number, java.lang.Integer, int)
         void, java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer, oracle.jbo.domain.Number, java.math.BigDecimal, int)
         void, java.lang.String, java.math.BigDecimal, oracle.jbo.domain.Number)
         void, java.lang.String, int, java.math.BigDecimal, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.math.BigDecimal, long)TIA much! curt

  • Some dummies need help in master detail jsp page

    We don't know how to use data control to generate a jsp master detail page in case of many-to-many relationships. We didn't find any info about this and our testcase never display the data of the last iterator.
    We have
    a collection that contains department object.
    a collection that contains the relationship between department and employee (the many-to-many relationship)
    an object that represent the employee
    The structure is correct in the data control.
    We are able the create our page for both first and second collection but it is not possible to display the detail of the corresponding employee in the detail table. When the table is generated from this level no data is displayed.
    Is it somewhere described how to solve such problem ?
    Does somebody know how to do ?

    Hm, your requirements sound like homework assignment from classroom. If so, is itn't better that you find the answer youself? There are plenty of very relevant references for how to use jsp to handle html forms or talk to a rdbms through a jdbc connection. For example, for jsp and html forms, you can google "jsp html forms"; for jsp and sql query, search for "jsp jdbc".
    Tell me if this is not helpful.

  • BC4J - To get the detail of details in a Master-Detail relationship

    I am developing an application in JDev using Buss Components for Java.
    I need to show the details from the details in a Master-Detail relationship of ViewLink Objects.
    e.g I am browsing through a list of book publishers, if I pick one book publisher, all the books published by this publisher should be displayed. And when I pick one book out of these, the list of buyers should appear for this book.
    Is it possible to do it via the wizards in JDev?
    If not, is their any other way of doing it?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Sure. Arbitrary levels of master/detail are easy to handle. It's just the first time you set it up in the "Data Model" panel of your Application Module, the UI gestures may not be the most obvious.
    Depending on whether you need to just browse the data, or both browse and update it, you would decide whether or not you need underlying Entity Objects for Publisher, Book, and Buyer.
    To keep it simple, just assume you want to browse so the Entity Objects are not required to be involved.
    You would develop three View Objects:
    [*]Publishers - with a query like SELECT publisher_name, publisher_id FROM PUBLISHER ORDER BY publisher_name
    [*]Books - with a query like SELECT title, isbn FROM book ORDER BY Title
    [*]Buyers - with a query like SELECT name, company FROM buyer ORDER BY company, name
    Then, you define two View Links:
    [*]BooksFromPublisher - linking the Publishers view to the Books view, and
    [*]BuyersForBook - linking the Books view to the Buyers view
    Then, you define an Application Module that sets up the data model you want to work with in a particular application that reuses these reusable view object and view link components.
    On the "Data Model" tab, you'll see the master/detail views available in the "Available" list like this:
    - Publishers
    +- Books
    - Books
    +- BuyersTo construct a master/detail/detail view with these "raw ingredients" do the following:
    [*]Click on Publishers in the Available list, and click (>) to shuttle it into the data model
    [*]In the data model tree, select the Publishers view to make it the active selection.
    [*]Back in the Available list, click on the Books view that is indented under Publishers and click (>) to use Books as a detail of the current view in the data model.
    [*]In the data model tree, select the Books view to make it the active selection.
    [*]Back in the Available list, click on the Buyers view that is indented under Bookss and click (>) to use Buyers as a detail of the current view in the data model.
    Hope this helps.

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