Matching Question Feedback

I have searched through the forum and can not find an answer
to this question. I have a question (matching) slide in my project.
There is also a video on the slide. The concept is that while
watching several different scenarios the student will pick the
behavior that is being displayed in the video and match it to the
scenario. The question is stand alone and the results of the
interaction will not be used in the exam. My question is what is
the best way to give the student feedback on how they performed. I
had the idea of just displaying the correct answers on the next
page but thought it would be nice if the student could compare the
answers they gave to the correct ones.
Thanks Brian

Hi there
By chance do you have a Button or Click Box object on the slide immediately preceding the question? I've seen cases where the click somehow got carried over and the question slide incorrectly interpreted the user had clicked the Submit button.
Cheers... Rick
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    The title of your question is bit confusing. Why should you have to add variables to match question slides?
    The content of your question is totally different: each D&D slide can act as a question slide. It doesn't really have all the features of a question slide but most of them: Reporting, Score (only black/white, not partial score/penalty), Attempts, Actions On Success/Failure. When it is configured as a question its score will be reset when the user 'Retakes' a quiz with multiple attempts on quiz level etc. Progress quiz indicator will not be included however. And defining the correct answers is a breeze with the wizard or with the button Correct Answers.
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    Drag&Drop tips - Captivate blog

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    You probably edited the master slide without changing the theme colors? Check the Object Style for Answers in the Object Style Manager. The numbering takes the same color as the answer text.
    All depends on the Theme colors palette that you are using. Normally Question answers use the darkest tint of the fourth color. I started blogging about color management, but description of the use of Theme colors will be published later.
    Colorful 2015 with Adobe Captivate - Captivate blog

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    Hi, I'm Larry.
    Sorry for the wait - normally we try to be sure no one slips
    through the cracks, but - you did.
    1) There is certainly a review area for "Matching"
    questions. If you don't see one, it has been corrupted somehow, or
    perhaps this question was not to be "Included in Scoring"?
    If you are sure the review area isn't there - but should be -
    create a new question slide with the same question and answers,
    then delete thie current one. Be sure that you have checked "Allow
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    2) I use two buttons (only) on my quizzes.
    And "Next" is always one of them. I use the "Submit" button
    to indicate I have selected my answer, and I use the "Next" button
    to move forward AFTER reviewing the quiz (ONLY). And I place a
    caption on each question slide warning the user that the "Submit
    button is to be used to move forward EXCEPT after the Review is
    Hope this helps. An example of what one of my scored movies
    might look like
    one at this link. This is a movie covering the various movie
    types - with a quiz and the opportunity to print out a completion
    certfiicate if you pass (but not if you don't). Enjoy!

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    Captivate doesn't allow much flexibility in these pre-programmed quiz question slides.
    If you're not trying to output to HTML5 you could rebuild the question as a drag and drop interaction using the Infosemantics Drag and Drop Lite Question Widget.
    This widget has a special trick for showing the correct answer when in Review Mode.  Your learner can mouse over an object you specify in the widget settings that will then cause the drag objects on screen to animate and move to their correct positions.  See the instructions on this page under Show Correct Answer:
    If you want to experiment with a trial version you can download them here:

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    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    But, placing one image on top of another in a web page must be a task that happens all the time.. I just have not found a straight forward way to do it yet.
    It's really not common.
    It can be done via layering (what Dreamweaver calls APDivs) but you may still get layout issues with browser resizing.

  • C5.5 Issue with color/colour in matching question drop down list

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    Thanks for reading

    Hi Shekhar
    Thanks for the extra info - I'd tried changing the properties and using the object style manager before, but hadn't considered using them together.
    This time, I followed your advice and:
    I set the colour for 'Matching entries' to black in the object style manager
    Then went into each column 1 entry and set the text to white
    The result was white text in the column, with black in the list. Much better than before!
    However, when I changed the text in column 2 to white, the list entries became white as well.
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    If you change the text in the answer by highlighting it, this doesn't affect the lettering/numbering, however it still changes the drop down
    To leave the drop down the right colour you need to change the answer colour by highlighting first, but, and the order is vital, you need to insert a space between the letter/number and the answer text first.
    So, the end result I have is that the column 1 text is the right colour, the column 2 text is the right colour and the text in the drop down is the right colour. Unfortunately the lettering for the column 2 answers has to stay the same  as the letters in the drop down list, so they don't show up brilliantly (black on a dark grey background), but it's a massive improvement on the invisible list I had before!
    Thanks again!

  • Matching Question Slides

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    submit box) appears.

    Not enough information, my friend, though I appreciate the
    offer of a beer. What might be "similar to the submit box"? Does it
    have text on it? What does it say? Where does it appear? - in the
    air above the monitor? - in the leaves in a teacup? Okay, I'm
    really just kidding, as you can tell ... but you will have to throw
    us a bone and try to better describe your problem.
    Based on what you said here, the only thing that comes to
    mind is to go back and edit the "Matching" question slide to make
    sure you have at least one match on the right side for each on the
    left side. Not two, not zero, just a single one for each.
    P.S. Welcome to the Captivate User Community!! I like your
    screen name. Is your real name Icarus? Just wondered...

  • Matching Question--possible bug

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    I agree, this looks like a bug. This code
    if (names.contains(bundleName)) {
    //the fallback branch intersects the main branch so we can stop now.
    }in getBundleImpl() causes the en_US bundle not to be loaded. It stops too early.
    Probably it should continue rather than break.
    I wrote a little class to find out which bundles the ResourceBundle class tries to load:
    class CL extends ClassLoader {
         public CL()      {
         void test(Locale l)     {
              System.out.println("--- "+l+", default: "+l.getDefault());
              try {
                   ResourceBundle.getBundle("Messages", l, this);
              } catch(Exception ex) {
         public URL getResource(String s)     {
              return(     getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(s) );
    --- en_GB, default: en_US
    --- ko_KR, default: en_US

  • Quizzing problems - Matching question - answers not accurate ++

    Really getting frustrated with proofing a matching question (have tried it in both Cpt3 and 4)
    Attempting to use:  Drop down style
    1. Correct answers not reproducing Correct response. in Capt 4
    2. in Capt 3,  the answers are not showing up at all in the drop down box, thus no responses either.
    help is appreciated

    Some pointers:
    [*]don't use relative URL's that are rooted at the "slash", especially if you're running Apache/JServ. The Apache/JServ has a buggy version of getRealPath() -- a servlet API method -- and it doesn't return the right information for URL's like this. Best is to always use fully-relative URL's.
    [*]Removing the namespace is not the right way to go. You have to make sure that you declare a namespace prefix in the stylesheet that uses the exact same namespace URI as the one you're trying to match against, then you MUST use prefix-qualified names like xxx:Foo/xxx:Bar/xxx:Baz to match elements with qualified names in the particular namespace.
    For example, if your source XML looks like:
    <!-- Note use of DEFAULT namespace -->
    <data xmlns="x-schema:">
    </data>Then you stylesheet needs to look like this to match the <row>/<data>/<ename> element:
    <!-- NOTE that XPath CANNOT match on default namespace -->
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
    <xsl:output method="text"/>
    <xsl:template match="/">
    | Must explicitly match using a prefix that is
    | declared to have the same namespace URI that
    | your source document uses
    <xsl:for-each select="xxx:data/xxx:row/xxx:ename">
    <xsl:value-of select="."/>
    </xsl:stylesheet>Steve Muench
    Development Lead, Oracle XSQL Pages Framework
    Lead Product Manager for BC4J and Lead XML Evangelist, Oracle Corp
    Author, Building Oracle XML Applications

  • ITunes match question (manual sync and iTunes library)

    Hi all
    Just noticed that iTunes match is now avaliable in Denmark, and therefore I have a few questions that I can't seem to find answers for elsewhere.
    My situation is that I have all my music on a NAS (and on at USB backup drive). Some of the music is in 128 AAC and is 320 mp3.
    On my macbook pro I have all of my music converted til 128 AAC so I can fit all of my music on my iPhone (10000 songs). All my music on my iPhone is manage manually through iTunes. I normally 1) add it to itunes, 2) transfer it to iphone and 3) remove the music again from my iTunes library. I mostly just have an empty iTunes library (since i play music from my iPhone and my Sonos system) and just use iTunes for ripping CDs and editing of tags.
    Since my iPhone is running out of space, I thought it would be a good idea to have some of my music i iCloud (iTunes match). From what I've read it is not possible to have both music transfered manually from iTunes to my iPhone and at the same time accessing music from Itunes match? What I really would like is to have 20 GB on my iPhone with the rest avaliable through iTunes match (20 GB) for when I need it. Is this possible?
    My second and most important question is about the itunes library. What happens if I connect to iTunes macth and afterwards remove all my music from my itunes library? As I just explained I prefer my itunes library to be empty unless i want to transfer music to my iPhone.
    Hope you can help me with some answers?
    Thánk You.

    That info has not been released yet but to venture a guess, I doubt any extraneous info such as comments will be used.
    Also, iTunes Match will not use your tags to identify songs. Some algorithm will analyze the audio file to match.

  • ICloud Drive vs iTunes Match questions

    So I have been looking into different ways of having my music accessible throughout all of my OS devices. From what I have seen, I can either purchase a subscription to iTunes Match, or I can just purchase additional iCloud storage. Now just for the sake of my music, I would need to purchase a 200 GB plan, costing me about $50 a year, therefore the iTunes Match subscription would be the cheaper alternative at $24.99 a year. However I do have a couple of questions regarding both options.
    Ideally, what I would like to do, is to be able to open iTunes on either my MacBook Air or my iMac, or the Music app on my iPhone or iPad, and be able to access and play any song in my entire collection. Also, syncing of playlists throughout my devices is something I desire greatly.
    Now that OS X Yosemite is out (all my devices are either running OS X Yosemite or iOS 8), I understand that file sharing is made much easier. So this led me to think that maybe I should purchase additional storage and store my music in the iCloud Drive. But here is where I start needing some clarity. Suppose I open iTunes or the Music app on a device. Will my entire collection be visible through the app(s), or would I have to access iCloud Drive and play the files from there? Also, assuming that my entire collection can be seen via the app(s), will any playlists that I create be synced? Also concerning the iPhone, if I choose to play a song, will it get downloaded from the Drive onto the device, taking up internal storage, or will it get streamed? Is there, perhaps, a way to have these app(s) continuously sync their libraries with a specific "Music" folder on iCloud Drive (with playlists being synced)?
    From what I understand from iTunes Match, all of my songs that are matched with songs from the iTunes Store will immediately be made available to me in my iTunes Library for playing. Now the songs that do not get matched: do they get uploaded to the storage that is provided by iTunes Match (25,000 songs), or do they get uploaded to my iCloud Drive? Are the songs that matched included in this 25,000 song limit, or does it only count the songs that didn't match? Will iTunes Match sync my playlists across all devices, regardless of which device the playlist was created on? Also, on the iPhone, same question as before, will songs be streamed from the storage that iTunes Match provides or will they have to be downloaded to play?
    Based on how I want to be able to access and play my music, I'm inclined to think that maybe iTunes Match is the better (and cheaper) alternative? If simply using the iCloud Drive is good enough, then I wouldn't mind paying the extra amount for storage because I'm sure I'll be taking advantage of file sharing even outside of music. iTunes Match also has the ad-free iTunes Radio which might be cool too.
    I'd love to hear what you guys have to say about this or if you have any better methods of keeping all music files organized and synced across all devices, then I'm all ears.
    P.S this is my first post so sorry if it's lengthy.

    ITunes match does not use iCloud Drive to store music. if you want to share music with all your devices, you should purchase iTunes Match. ICloud Drive provides storage for other non music data and you have 5gb free - you can purchase more if required.

  • Question Pool Manager text not matching question.

    How can this happen?  I'm using Captivate 5 on Windows XP.  In the image below, the text of the question in the pool does not match what it says in the Pool Manager.  Note the highlighted line on the Pool Manager. It says "Type the question here" while as you can see the actual text was edited to deal with crates and foam.  I have several quizzes with the same problem.  When you take the quiz, all of the questions display fine.  When you look at the quiz result data, several of the quiz questions are listed as "Type the question here."  Anyone got any ideas?

    If you are still seeing this problem, please send me the project file. [thejas at adobe dot com]

  • Pattern and Matching question

    I'm trying to use the pattern and matcher to replace all instances of a website
    address in some html documents as I process them and post them. I'm
    including a sample of some of the HTML below and the code I"m using to
    process it. For some reason it doesn't replace the sites in the underlying
    images and i can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Please forgive all the
    unused variables, those are relics of another way i may have to do this if i
    can't get the pattern thing to work.
         public static void setParameters(File fileName)
              FileReader theReader = null;
                   System.out.println("beginning setparameters guide2)");
                   File fileForProcessing=new File(fileName.getAbsolutePath());
                   //wrap the file in a filereader and buffered reader for maximum processing
                   theReader=new FileReader(fileForProcessing);
                   BufferedReader bufferedReader=new BufferedReader(theReader);
                   //fill in data into the tempquestion variable to be populated
                   //Set the question and answer texts back to default
                   //Define the question variable as a Stringbuffer so new data can be appended to it
                   StringBuffer endQuestion=new StringBuffer();//Stringbuffer to store all the lines
                   String tempQuestion="";
                   //Define new file with the absolutepath and the filename for use in parsing out question/answer data
                   tempQuestion=bufferedReader.readLine();//reads the nextline of the question
                   String tempAlteredQuestion="";//for temporary alteration of the nextline
                   //while there are more lines append the stringbuffer with the new data to complete the question buffer
                   StringTokenizer tokenizer=new StringTokenizer(tempQuestion, " ");//tokenizer for reading individual words
                   StringBuffer temporaryLine; //reinstantiate temporary line holder each iterration
                   String newToken;   //newToken gets the very next token every iterration?  changed to tokenizer moretokens loop
                   String newTokenTemp;   //reset newTokenTemp to null each iterration
                   String theEndOfIt;  //string to hold everything after .com
                   char[] characters;  //character array to hold the characters that are used to hold the entire link
                   char lastCharChecked;
                   Pattern thePattern=Pattern.compile("src=\"https:////", Pattern.LITERAL);
                   Matcher theMatcher=thePattern.matcher(tempQuestion);
                        while(tempQuestion!=null) //every time the tempquestion reads a newline, make sure you aren't at the end
                             String theReplacedString=theMatcher.replaceAll("https:////");     
                             //          temporaryLine=new StringBuffer();
                             //add the temporary line after processed back into the end question.
                             endQuestion.append(theReplacedString);                              //temporaryLine.toString());
                             //reset the tempquestion to the newline that is going to be read
                                  newToken=tokenizer.nextToken(); //get the next token from the line for processing
                                  if(newToken.length()>36)  //if the token is long enough chop it off to compare
                                       newTokenTemp=newToken.substring(0, 36);
                                  if(newTokenTemp.equals("src=\""));//compare against the known image source
                                       theEndOfIt=new String();  //intialize theEndOfIt
                                       characters=new char[newToken.length()];  //set the arraylength to the length of the initial token
                                       characters=newToken.toCharArray();  //point the character array to the actual characters for newToken
                                       lastCharChecked='a';  // the last character that was compared
                                       int x=0; //setup the iterration variable and go from the length of the whole token back till you find the first /
                                            //set last char checked to the lsat iterration run
                                            //set the end of it to the last char checked and the rest of the chars checked combined
                                       //reset the initial newToken value to the cut temporary newToken root + userguide addin, + the end
                                  //add in the space aftr the token to the temporary line and the new token, this is where it should be parsed back together
                                  temporaryLine.append(newToken+" ");
                             //add the temporary line after processed back into the end question.
                             //reset the tempquestion to the newline that is going to be read
                             //reset tokenizer to the new temporary question
                             tokenizer=new StringTokenizer(tempQuestion);
                   //Set the answer to the stringbuffer after converting to string
                   //code to take the filename and replace _ with a space and put that in the question text
                   char theSpace=' ';
                   char theUnderline='_';
                   questionText=(fileName.getName()).replace(theUnderline, theSpace);
              catch(FileNotFoundException exception)
                   logger.log(Level.WARNING,"The File was Not Found\n"+exception.getMessage()+"\n"+exception.getStackTrace(),exception);
              catch(IOException exception)
                   catch(Exception e)
    <SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.2 type=text/javascript><!-- if( typeof( kadovInitEffects ) != 'function' ) kadovInitEffects = new Function();if( typeof( kadovInitTrigger ) != 'function' ) kadovInitTrigger = new Function();if( typeof( kadovFilePopupInit ) != 'function' ) kadovFilePopupInit = new Function();if( typeof( kadovTextPopupInit ) != 'function' ) kadovTextPopupInit = new Function(); //--></SCRIPT>
    <H1><IMG class=img_whs1 height=63 src="" width=816 border=0 x-maintain-ratio="TRUE"></H1>
    <H1>Associate Existing Customers</H1>
    <P>blahalbalhblabhlab blabhalha blabahbablablabhlablhalhab.<SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><B><IMG class=img_whs2 height=18 alt="Submit a

    If you use just / it misinterprets it and it ruins
    your " " tags for a string. I don't think so. '/' is not a special character for Java regex, nor for Java String.
    The reason i used
    literal is to try to force it to directly match,
    originally i thought that was the reason it wasn't
    working.That will be no problem because it enforces '.' to be treated as a dot, not as a regex 'any character'.
    Message was edited by:

  • Song matching question...

    I download quite a bit of new music through mixtapes and such outlets, of which are usually low bitrate files. Most of my music is within 6 months old (maybe about 300 tracks.) My question is, at some point, if/when these songs are available on iTunes, will they automatically be matched and upgraded in my library with this new iTunes Match service?

    You can't.
    In this order, the screens are as follows:
    1) Normal, showing progress bar of current song
    2) Scrub, showing a diamond instead of a progress bar. Use the scroll wheel to scrub through the current song
    3) Rating, showing the current song's rating out of 5 stars. Use the scroll wheel to change rating

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