Matriz de matrices

Buenos días,
Podría alguien decirme como se puede crear (si es que se puede) una matriz en la que los elementos de esa matriz sean arrays. Es decir quiero construir una matriz de nxn en la que el elemento 1x1 sea un array con dos elementos, por ejemplo unas coordenas (x,y)

Es muy sencillo con las herramientas de la "Array" de la paleta. He adjuntado un ejemplo sencillo
Sorry if my reply does not make sense, I used Google Translate.
Tim W.
Applications Engineer
Attachments: ‏8 KB

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    Well I think keyswitching in VSL combined with velocity/cell crossfading techniques is the best way to go. If you don't want to see your keyswitches in the score editor just set the note range of your Staff style so it doesn't display them. So if you have keyswitches from e.g. C1-F#1 set the note range in the staff from C2-G8 and you´ll be fine.
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    Well it's certainly possible in PL/SQL if that's the way you want to implement it...
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  declare
      2    type t_x is table of number index by pls_integer;
      3    type t_y is table of t_x index by pls_integer;
      4    v_xy t_y;
      5  begin
      6    for y in 1..700
      7    loop
      8      for x in 1..700
      9      loop
    10        v_xy(y)(x) := ((y-1)*700)+x;
    11      end loop;
    12    end loop;
    13    dbms_output.put_line('y size: '||v_xy.count);
    14    dbms_output.put_line('(123,567) = '||v_xy(123)(567));
    15    dbms_output.put_line('(700,700) = '||v_xy(700)(700));
    16* end;
    SQL> /
    y size: 700
    (123,567) = 85967
    (700,700) = 490000
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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    Intel Chipset Support (WW)   
    Read me
    Windows XP 32bit
    Windows XP x64
    19 Oct 2012
    My home-forum:
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    My ThinkPad-Collection
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Mornsgrans,
    We will look into this, you are right, the 2nd column and the OS information in the driver page itself doesn't match.
    We will fix it and let you know once this is done.
    Thank you for your patience.
    Thank you.

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    THere are overall versions, and you can copy these and view the data in both SNP and PPDS (or DP as well)
    then there are specific simulation versions with the PPDS tool.
    See below link.
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    For example, if
    matrixA = 2 � 3
    matrixB = 3 � 3
    matrixC = 2 � 3
    matrix A: matrix B: matrix C:
    A00 A01 A02 B00 B01 B02 C00 C01 C02
    A10 A11 A12 * B10 B11 B12 = C10 C11 C12
    B20 B21 B22
    matrixC[0][0]= matrixA[0][0] � matrixB[0][0] +
    matrixA[0][1] � matrixB[1][0] +
    matrixA[0][2] � matrixB[2][0] +
    matrixC[0][1]= matrixA[0][0] � matrixB[0][1] +
    matrixA[0][1] � matrixB[1][1] +
    matrixA[0][2] � matrixB[2][1] +
    matrixC[0][2]= matrixA[0][0] � matrixB[0][2] +
    matrixA[0][1] � matrixB[1][2] +
    matrixA[0][2] � matrixB[2][2] +
    matrixC[1][0]= matrixA[1][0] � matrixB[0][0] +
    matrixA[1][1] � matrixB[1][0] +
    matrixA[1][2] � matrixB[2][0] +
    matrixC[1][1]= matrixA[1][0] � matrixB[0][1] +
    matrixA[1][1] � matrixB[1][1] +
    The output looks like
    1.0 2.0 3.0
    4.0 5.0 6.0
    7.0 8.0 9.0
    0.0 9.0 8.0
    7.0 6.0 5.0
    Product of A and B:
    28.0 44.0 40.0
    70.0 113.0 106.0
    � If you declare array A and B as float, the array C should be
    declared as double. If you declare array A and B as int, the
    array C should be declared as long.
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    of matrix C. How many nested loops should be used?
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    � How to obtain the number of rows and columns in a double
    dimensional array?

    I am doing my friend....but this is as far as i got....can you give me some are my codes....thanks
    //import java.lang.*;
    import java.math.*;
    class MatMulti extends Thread
    static int in1[][];
    static int in2[][];
    static int out[][];
    static int n=2;
    int row;
    MatMulti(int i)
    public void run()
    int i,j;
    public static void main(String args[])
    int i,j;
    BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
    System.out.print("Enter the order of Matrix A : ");
    }catch(Exception e){}
    in1=new int[n][n];
    in2=new int[n][n];
    out=new int[n][n];
    System.out.println("Enter the First Matrix : ");
    }catch(Exception e){}
    System.out.println("Enter the Second Matrix : ");
    }catch(Exception e){}
    MatMulti mat[]=new MatMulti[n];
    mat[i]=new MatMulti(i);
    }catch(Exception e){}
    System.out.println("OUTPUT :");

  • How to get percentage difference between two matrices?

    Good day everyone, I just want to ask how to get the percentage difference between two binary matrices. This is for comparing two images converted to matrices in LabView. Thank you. 
    Go to Solution.

    pinkman wrote:
    Good day everyone, I just want to ask how to get the percentage difference between two binary matrices. This is for comparing two images converted to matrices in LabView. Thank you. 
    You probably converted it to a 2D array (A matrix in LabVIEW has a special meaning).
    "Binary" is not very well defined (unless you are looking for the number of bits that are different). What is the datatype? Was it a color image or a greyscale image? Are both arrays the same size?
    How do you define "percentage difference"? Which one of the two is the 100% reference?
    Do you want a new 2D array where each element is the difference of the second array compared to the first (or vice versa), expressed in percentages?
    Do you want to know what percentage of array elements are different between the two arrays?
    Do you want to know the average difference between all array elements?
    All possible interpretations can be easily solved with very little code, but you need to explain in more detail what you actually want?
    Here is a simple solution for case #2, for example (assuming the array have the same size, and we only want a rought estimate, rounded down to the nearest integer percent):
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    PCT-Difference.png ‏16 KB

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    H est une matrice 1x0
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    H(f+M/2:f+M/2 +M-1) veut dire que je prend un intervalle de la fonction H qui change chaque fois en fonction de la boucle.
    Au final je devrais obtenir une matrice S de dimension MxM
    Or j'obtiens seulement une matrice à 1 dimension...
    Quelle est mon erreur?
    Pièces jointes : ‏33 KB

    pourquoi ne pas faire ceci ?

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    Hope this helps ease your transition.
    The complete list of Windows 8 Upgrade-Capable Systems (current as of 10/24/2012):
    The ThinkPad driver matrix master list:
    Direct driver matrix URLs for systems in this product family: ThinkPad T Series
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    X1C3 Helix X220 X301 X200T T61p T60p Y3P • T520 T420 T510 T400 R400 T61 Y2P Y13
    I am not a Lenovo employee.

    Hmmm. I have a W520 and a dock. It's been running 8.1 since it's been out.

  • Como se hace una matriz de leds en Labview

    Como puedo hacer una matriz de leds de 32x64 o mas pequeña

    Foro Repetido:
    Benjamin C
    Senior Systems Engineer // CLA // CLED // CTD

  • Riempire una matrice dinamica con righe variabili e colonne fisse

    Ciao a tutti avrei bisogno di una mano con il seguente problema:
    Devo fare le seguneti cose(VBAExcel):
    1-Definire una matrice della quale so quante colonne avrà (esempio 10) ma non quante righe perchè queste vengono aggiunte una alla volta(comunque bidimensionale)
    2-Ciascuna riga puo' esser vista come un record,e i suoi campi una vola generati da un ciclo devono essere aggiunti alla matrice definita.
    Vorrei essere indirizzato su che tipo di "oggetti" dovrei utilizzare es.Array dinamici, o collezioni e avere qualche indirizzo sulla sintassi da utilizzare per aggiungere il record alla matrice
    Grazie in anticipo 

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  • Lecture d'une matrice issue de Mathcad 12

    Je souhaite pouvoir lire depuis LabView 7.1 une matrice issue de Mathcad 12.
    Je possède déjà la librairie Mathcad. Les fichiers d'exemple fonctionne très bien, cependant je n'arrive pas à créer un petit programme LabView me permettant seulement de lire une matrice 1D ou 2d.
    Pouvez-vous m'aider?
    Avez vous un fichier d'exemple?
    Merci d'avance. SebJoss

    Bonjour et merci encore ... Mais je ne trouve toujours pas la solution !!
    Je pense que je vais refaire mon projet.
    Message du 10/10/14 17:15
    De : "Benoit24"
    A : "André PASSERON"
    Copie à :
    Objet :  Problème de lecture d'un projet en cours de montage (premiere elements 12)
    Problème de lecture d'un projet en cours de montage (premiere elements 12)
    created by Benoit24 in Forums en français - View the full discussion
    Travaillant sur Première Pro je ne connais pas vraiment Elements mais cela devrait ressembler a qqchose dans ce goût là!
    Adobe Premiere Elements * Organisation des éléments dans le montage en mode Expert
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