Matte magic and matte choker feather not working

I dropped out a green screen using primatte RT.  It cuts out nicely, but the edges are hard.  I applied matte magic or choker to use the feather feature.  It has no effect!  I have also tried adjusting the settings in Primatte Rt and still get no feathering of the edges.
Any pther way to feather edges of get the feather feature to work correctly?

Those effects and settings work for me so I'm just going to guess you're applying them incorrectly, viewing the results in the wrong place, or maybe you have them in the wrong order in the filters stack.

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    Maintenance and Service Guide
    If you want to send it in for repair here is how.
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    Please let me know how things go.
    Thank you again for posting and have a great day.
    Please click the "Thumbs Up" on the bottom right of this post to say thank you if you appreciate the support I provide!
    Also be sure to mark my post as “Accept as Solution" if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others who face the same challenge find the same solution.
    I work on behalf of HP

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