Max in a single query

how i can write in a single query from 2 following for get max value?
          SELECT NVL(MAX(number1),0)+1 INTO      max1 FROM table1
               WHERE TO_NUMBER(tO_CHAR(DATA1,'YYYY')) = ANNOX;
          SELECT NVL(MAX(N_number1),0)+1 iNTO      max2     FROM table2
               AND tipo = 'xx';
for example:
     IF      max1 > max2 then
                    myvar := max1
                    myvar := max2
     END IF;
thanks for help

Try this.
SELECT greatest(NVL(MAX(a.number1),0)+1,  NVL(MAX(b.N_number1),0)+1) value
INTO max1
FROM table1 a
    ,table2 b
AND b.tipo = 'xx';
not tested

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    hi to all
    The output will be giving first_name,last_name,max(salary),min(salary) and the output will be department wise.From employees table in single query
    output will be:

    SELECT first_name||' '||last_name as ename,
           MIN(sal) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY sal) OVER (PARTITION BY deptno) "Lowest",
           MAX(sal) KEEP (DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY sal) OVER (PARTITION BY deptno) "Highest"
    FROM   emp
    ORDER BY deptno, sal;Edited by: Ramio on Jan 10, 2012 10:43 PM

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    Edited by: Gnanasekar on Jan 10, 2012 6:36 AM

    check this query
    select ENAME,SAL
    from EMP
    where SAL in(select max(SAL)
                       from EMP
                      group by DEPTNO)
    or SAL in(select min(SAL)
                 from EMP
                  group by DEPTNO)Hope this will help you..
    You should ask this question at sql/plsql forum
    If someone's response is helpful or correct, please mark it accordingly.

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    declare @tableName nvarchar(100)
    declare @querys varchar(max)
    set @querys = ''
    set @tableName = 'YOUR TABLE NAME HERE'
    select @querys = @querys + 'update ' + @tableName + ' set ' +
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    -Vaibhav Chaudhari
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  • Return two values for one site in single query

    Oracle 10g on Solaris 10
    value integer
    date timestamp
    This query works as is:
    WITH vals AS
         (SELECT start_date_time,
         FROM     r_base a,
              hdb_site_datatype b,
              hdb_site c,
              hdb_datatype d
         WHERE     a.site_datatype_id = b.site_datatype_id
         AND     a.interval = 'day'
         AND     b.site_id = c.site_id
         AND     c.site_common_name = 'CABALLO'
         AND     b.datatype_id = d.datatype_id
         AND     d.datatype_common_name = 'pool elevation'
         AND     a.start_date_time > a.start_date_time - 367)
         SELECT x.start_date_time,
              y.VALUE AS valuem1w,
              z.VALUE AS valuem1dm1y
         FROM     vals x,
              vals y,
              vals z
         WHERE     y.start_date_time(+) = x.start_date_time - 7
         AND     z.start_date_time(+) = ADD_MONTHS (x.start_date_time-1,-12)
         AND     x.start_date_time = TO_DATE('07-JAN-2008','DD-MON-YYYY');
    and this query works:
    WITH vals AS
         (SELECT start_date_time,
         FROM     r_base a,
              hdb_site_datatype b,
              hdb_site c,
              hdb_datatype d
         WHERE     a.site_datatype_id = b.site_datatype_id
         AND     a.interval = 'day'
         AND     b.site_id = c.site_id
         AND     c.site_common_name = 'CABALLO'
         AND     b.datatype_id = d.datatype_id
         AND     d.datatype_common_name = 'storage'
         AND     a.start_date_time > a.start_date_time - 367)
         SELECT x.start_date_time,
              y.VALUE AS valuem1w,
              z.VALUE AS valuem1dm1y
         FROM     vals x,
              vals y,
              vals z
         WHERE     y.start_date_time(+) = x.start_date_time - 7
         AND     z.start_date_time(+) = ADD_MONTHS (x.start_date_time-1,-12)
         AND     x.start_date_time = TO_DATE('07-JAN-2008','DD-MON-YYYY');
    I need it to return storage and pool elevation in a single query instead of two queries.
    The results should be:
    current day, elevation_value; current day minus 1 week, elevation_value; current day minus 1 day minus 1 year, elevation_value; current day, storage_value; current day minus 1 week, storage_value; current day minus 1 day minus 1 year, storage_value
    Very, very much appreciate if you can show me how to do this..

    something like this, perhaps? (untested, as I don't have your data):
    WITH date_param as (select TO_DATE('07-JAN-2008','DD-MON-YYYY') p_date from dual),
    SELECT max(nvl(case when d.datatype_common_name = 'pool elevation'
                             and a.start_date_time = p_date then value
                   end)) elevation_curr_day_val,
           max(nvl(case when d.datatype_common_name = 'pool elevation'
                             and a.start_date_time = p_date-7 then value
                   end)) elevation_last_week_val,
           max(nvl(case when d.datatype_common_name = 'pool elevation'
                             and a.start_date_time = add_months(p_date-1, -12) then value
                   end)) elevation_last_year_val,
           max(nvl(case when d.datatype_common_name = 'storage'
                             and a.start_date_time = p_date then value
                   end)) storage_curr_day_val,
           max(nvl(case when d.datatype_common_name = 'storage'
                             and a.start_date_time = p_date-7 then value
                   end)) storage_last_week_val,
           max(nvl(case when d.datatype_common_name = 'storage'
                             and a.start_date_time = add_months(p_date-1, -12) then value
                   end)) storage_last_year_val
    FROM r_base a,
          hdb_site_datatype b,
          hdb_site c,
          hdb_datatype d
    WHERE a.site_datatype_id = b.site_datatype_id
    AND a.interval = 'day'
    AND b.site_id = c.site_id
    AND c.site_common_name = 'CABALLO'
    AND b.datatype_id = d.datatype_id
    AND d.datatype_common_name in ('pool elevation', 'storage')
    AND a.start_date_time in (p_date, p_date-7, add_months(p_date-1, -12));

  • Single query

    Hello to all
    I have the following trigger
              WHERE K_CODE  =  :new.K_CODE
              AND  ANNO     = :new.ANNO
              AND TIPORD    = :new.TIPORD
              AND DATA_R    = TRUNC(:new.DATA_PRENOTATA);
              IF ESISTE = 0 THEN
                   SELECT NVL(LPAD(TO_CHAR(MAX(to_number(substr(NPRELIEVO,8,3))) + 1),3,'0'),'001')
                   INTO NPRELIEVOC
                   FROM A_PAZIENTI_NPRELIEVO
                   WHERE K_CODE  =  :new.K_CODE
                   AND  ANNO     = :new.ANNO
                   AND TIPORD    = :new.TIPORD
                   AND DATA_R    = TRUNC(:new.DATA_PRENOTATA);
                   NPRELIEVOT :=     TO_CHAR(:new.ANNO)||to_char(TRUNC(:new.DATA_PRENOTATA),'DDD') ||NPRELIEVOC;               
            END IF;How can I change to create a single query that is, no two select (first to see if exist and second for get max)
    a kind of
    Insert into from
    Thanks for any help

    Boneist wrote:
    ETA: emoticon issues? What issues?! *{;-)You mean we've all got to start wearing hats?

  • How to get this with Single query

    I am sure using SQL analytical function, the following can be achieved using a single query:
    Date_value | Cust_id | Customer_tenue | avg_bal
    01-aug-09 | 111 | 0 | 1000
    01-aug-09 | 112 | 1 | 2000
    01-aug-09 | 113 | 2 | 900
    01-aug-09 | 114 | 3 | 1250
    01-sep-09 | 111 | 1 | 1200
    01-sep-09 | 112 | 2 | 2000
    01-sep-09 | 113 | 3 | 1900
    01-sep-09 | 114 | 4 | 1250
    01-oct-09 | 111 | 2 | 1100
    01-oct-09 | 112 | 3 | 2200
    01-oct-09 | 113 | 4 | 1900Expected result
    If customer’s tenure is 0 then mark as ‘New’,
    If customer’s balance is increased from last month then mark as ‘Augment’
    If customer’s balance is same as last month then mark as ‘Maintain’
    If customer’s balance is decreased from last month then mark as ‘Diminish’
    Else ‘Left’
    Help please....

    If customer’s tenure in last month is 0 then mark as ‘New’,There's not such case in test data... last month is October, isn't it?
    SQL> with t as (select DATE '2009-08-01' Date_value, 111 Cust_id, 0 Customer_tenue, 1000 avg_bal from dual union all
      2  select DATE '2009-08-01', 112 , 1 , 2000 from dual union all
      3  select DATE '2009-08-01', 113 , 2 , 900 from dual union all
      4  select DATE '2009-08-01', 114 , 3 , 1250 from dual union all
      5  select DATE '2009-09-01', 111 , 1 , 1200 from dual union all
      6  select DATE '2009-09-01', 112 , 2 , 2000 from dual union all
      7  select DATE '2009-09-01', 113 , 3 , 1900 from dual union all
      8  select DATE '2009-09-01', 114 , 4 , 1250 from dual union all
      9  select DATE '2009-10-01', 111 , 2 , 1100 from dual union all
    10  select DATE '2009-10-01', 112 , 3 , 2200 from dual union all
    11  select DATE '2009-10-01', 113 , 4 , 1900 from dual)
    12  select date_value, cust_id, avg_bal, oldbal, case when Customer_tenue=0 and nextbal is null then 'NEW'
    13                                                    when oldbal<avg_bal then 'Augment'
    14                                                    when oldbal=avg_bal then 'Maintain'
    15                                                    when oldbal>avg_bal then 'Diminish'
    16                                                    else 'Left' end status
    17    from (select date_value, cust_id, customer_tenue, avg_bal, LEAD(avg_bal) over (partition by cust_id order by date_value desc) oldbal,
    18                 LAG(avg_bal) over (partition by cust_id order by date_value desc) nextbal
    19            from t)
    20  order by cust_id, date_value;
    01-AGO-09        111       1000            Left
    01-SET-09        111       1200       1000 Augment
    01-OTT-09        111       1100       1200 Diminish
    01-AGO-09        112       2000            Left
    01-SET-09        112       2000       2000 Maintain
    01-OTT-09        112       2200       2000 Augment
    01-AGO-09        113        900            Left
    01-SET-09        113       1900        900 Augment
    01-OTT-09        113       1900       1900 Maintain
    01-AGO-09        114       1250            Left
    01-SET-09        114       1250       1250 Maintain
    Selezionate 11 righe.Max
    [My Italian Oracle blog|]

  • How to use multiple hierarchies for a single char in single query

    Is there any way that we can use multiple hierarchies for a single char in single query. I tried and it just allows me to select one hierarchy even if I use hierarchy variable.
    I have a requirement where user wants to see information related to a cost center with different cost center groups in different hierarchies (every year has different cost center group hierarchies).
    Suppose I want to see information related to a cost center from year these four year cost center may have been associated to different groups depending upon that year hierarchy. How can I do that?

    Nope. Now way to do this.
    There is always just one hierarchy assigned to a characteristic. And even if the hierarchy was time dependent, it only reads it for one key date and not according to transaction data.

  • Multiple databases in a single query

    I need to query multiple databases in a single query.
    Database d1 contains table t1 with column id
    Database d2 contains table t2 with column id
    I need a query like
    SELECT * FROM t1, t2 WHERE =;
    is this possible in jdbc? if yes can anyone help with some sample code?
    Ashish Saraf

    It is not possible using the JDBC API to query tables in two or more databases using a single query. The reason is that a JDBC Connection is made to a single data source.
    However, some databases support the idea of federations or linked tables. What you do is inside the database manager link or federate a table that is present in another DBMS. Then, pose a single JDBC query to the one DBMS which will have its own table and links to the external tables.
    Another approach is to use a special JDBC driver with a built-in integration engine that will perform a query across multiple databases. In effect, the system poses separate queries to the different databases and integrates and joins the data together for you automatically on the client-side. That is much easier than doing it yourself in code, but that is also possible for simple queries.
    As part of my research program, we have released a shareware version of the UnityJDBC driver that can query multiple databases using a single SQL query. For more information, see:
    Dr. Ramon Lawrence
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Computer Science
    University of Iowa
    [email protected]

  • Populate Multiple Items bundled in a single query

    I am trying to create a report in which I have mulitple items that I want to populate. All of these use the same query but use different rows in the query to populate themselves. My question is:-
    Is there a way to bundle the item assignment into a single query and populate the items from there? I want to reduce the time it takes for me to display the report and just hit the database once instead.

    Hi there,
    when u say report, i think its a more of a page showing few items on a region whose values are populated from Database rather than a SQL report which will not have any items. Is that correct?
    yes, multiple items of a page can be assigned values at once.
    assume: P1_ITEM1,P1_ITEM2,P1_ITEM3,P1_ITEM4 are different items on a page, an "On-Load Before Header" PL/SQL process can be created to assign values to the items in this way:
    SELECT tab.col1,tab.col2,tab.col3,tab.col4 INTO :P1_ITEM1,:P1_ITEM2,:P1_ITEM3,:P1_ITEM4 FROM TABLE tab;
    Item "Source Used" should be of type: Only When Current Value in session state is null
    Source Type: PL/SQL Expression or function
    and Source Value or EXpression should be some thing like this :P1_ITEM1
    Hope this helps.
    Edited by: Chaitu_Apex on Mar 10, 2010 2:43 PM

  • How to make the query in one single query? No Union please....

    I have sets of around 18 queries which is finding counts in many scenarios. I wanted to have a single query for this. which diplays the result in a single row.Is there a way , I heared analytical functions are good options ,but I am new to Oracle . Please help me.
    select count(*) total_count from emp; --100
    select coun(*) MGR_count from emp where job='MGR'-- 10
    select count(*) dept_count from emp where deptno in(10 ,20)-- 75
    100                                   10             75

    select count(*) total_Count
          ,count(decode(job,'MGR',1,null)) mgr_count
          ,count(case when deptno in (10,20) then
                ) dept_count
    from emp;

  • Multiple conditin on a single column in a single query

    i want to select data from the table using diff conditions on a single column
    for eg:
    i need emp details like whose having empno as 5-15,19-45,50-89 ..etc this how can i give a condition in a single query
    we can use in or between for 2 or 3 conditions but i have plenty off like this

    848525 wrote:
    i want to select data from the table using diff conditions on a single column
    for eg:
    i need emp details like whose having empno as 5-15,19-45,50-89 ..etc this how can i give a condition in a single query
    we can use in or between for 2 or 3 conditions but i have plenty off like thisYou can use OR for any number of conditions; it works the same for 4 or more.
    You could also put the ranges into a table (or a sub-query, as shown below) and join:
    WITH     empno_ranges     AS
         SELECT     3000 AS low_val, 5000 AS high_val  FROM dual  UNION ALL
         SELECT     7000,           7499               FROM dual  UNION ALL
         SELECT     7500,           7599               FROM dual  UNION ALL
         SELECT     7800,           7899               FROM dual
    SELECT       r.*
    ,       COUNT (e.empno)     AS emp_cnt
    FROM            empno_ranges     r
    LEFT OUTER JOIN     scott.emp     e  ON  e.empno  BETWEEN r.low_val
                                                 AND     r.high_val
    GROUP BY  r.low_val, r.high_val
    ORDER BY  r.low_val
       3000       5000          0
       7000       7499          2
       7500       7599          2
       7800       7899          3

  • All selected 'n' consecutive rows in retrieved in a single query

    I have table T with 50,000 rows
    create table T
    (student_id number,
    class_id number,
    quiz_id number,
    marks number)
    some sample rows like
    INSERT INTO T VALUES (1,1, 1, 50);
    INSERT INTO T VALUES (2,2, 2, 40);
    INSERT INTO T VALUES (3,1, 3, 34);
    INSERT INTO T VALUES (1,1, 4, 10);
    INSERT INTO T VALUES (1,1, 5, 30);
    INSERT INTO T VALUES (1,1, 6, ‘29);
    INSERT INTO T VALUES (3,2, 7, 34);
    INSERT INTO T VALUES (3,2, 8, 33);
    INSERT INTO T VALUES (3,2, 9, 56);
    INSERT INTO T VALUES (1,1, 7, 90);
    INSERT INTO T VALUES (2,2, 8, 0,);
    INSERT INTO T VALUES (1,1, 8, 80);
    INSERT INTO T VALUES (2,2, 8, 65);
    INSERT INTO T VALUES (1,1, 9, ‘34);
    INSERT INTO T VALUES (2,2, 9, 11);each student belongs to one class_id. each student participates in many quizes. each quiz has its unique id. each student can appear once in a quiz_id
    I am doing the below analysis and query:
    1. with below query I am finding which student_id had most marks in any 3 successive quizes (see the 3-1 part below) in the query..
          (SELECT QUIZ_ID,
          FROM T
          ORDER BY 1
        ORDER BY 3 DESC
    SQL> /
             7          1         170
             6          1         166
             8          1         129
             5          1         106
             8          3          89
             8          2          76
             3          3          68
             7          3          67
             8          2          65
             1          1          60
             9          3          56
             9          1          49
             2          2          40
             4          1          40
             9          2          11
    15 rows selected.With above query, I can play around and find for any 'n' number of consecutive quizes, like marks in 2 consecutives quizes, 3, 4 and so on but for each 'n' value I've to run a seperate query mentioning (2-1) or (3-1) or (4-1) and so on..
    since my table is big and there are about 400 quizes so what I want to find out is for each 'n' consecutive quiz (from 1 to 400) which student had most marks for each consecutie 'n' quiz. Like in 1 (consecutive) quiz which student had the highest marks and then 2 conseuctive quiz who had most marks and then in 3 consecutive quiz who had most marks and so on till 400 consecutive quiz who had most marks... rather than running query for each 'n' value seperately i want a single query that can give me a summary of most marks in each n consecutive quizes...
    my sample output is:
    Nth consecutive quiz     student_id    sum(marks)
    1                        1              90
    2                        1              170
    3                        1              246
    400                      ?              ?   Is this possible to get the above output from one single query? If there are two or more students with equal most marks for any 'n' conseutive quizes then both should come in the summary.
    Hope I have been able to put up my question clearly.

    Something like:
    SELECT  N,
               FROM  T
               WHERE MARKS IS NOT NULL
             SELECT  LEVEL N
               FROM  DUAL
               CONNECT BY LEVEL <= (
                                    SELECT  COUNT(DISTINCT QUIZ_ID)
                                      FROM  T
        ORDER BY N,
                 consecMARKS DESC
             1          7          1          90         90
             1          8          1          80         80
             1          8          2          65         65
             1          9          3          56         56
             1          1          1          50         50
             1          2          2          40         40
             1          9          1          34         34
             1          7          3          34         34
             1          3          3          34         34
             1          8          3          33         33
             1          5          1          30         30
             1          6          1          29         29
             1          9          2          11         11
             1          4          1          10         10
             1          8          2           0          0
             2          7          1         170         90
             2          6          1         119         29
             2          8          1         114         80
             2          8          3          89         33
             2          8          2          76         65
             2          3          3          68         34
             2          7          3          67         34
             2          8          2          65          0
             2          1          1          60         50
             2          5          1          59         30
             2          9          3          56         56
             2          2          2          40         40
             2          4          1          40         10
             2          9          1          34         34
             2          9          2          11         11
             3          7          1         204         90
             3          6          1         199         29
             3          5          1         149         30
             3          7          3         123         34
             3          8          1         114         80
             3          2          2         105         40
             3          3          3         101         34
             3          1          1          90         50
             3          8          3          89         33
             3          8          2          76         65
             3          8          2          76          0
             3          4          1          69         10
             3          9          3          56         56
             3          9          1          34         34
             3          9          2          11         11
             4          6          1         233         29
             4          5          1         229         30
             4          7          1         204         90
             4          4          1         159         10
             4          3          3         157         34
             4          7          3         123         34
             4          1          1         119         50
             4          2          2         116         40
             4          8          1         114         80
             4          8          3          89         33
             4          8          2          76          0
             4          8          2          76         65
             4          9          3          56         56
             4          9          1          34         34
             4          9          2          11         11
             5          5          1         263         30
             5          4          1         239         10
             5          6          1         233         29
             5          1          1         209         50
             5          7          1         204         90
             5          3          3         157         34
             5          7          3         123         34
             5          2          2         116         40
             5          8          1         114         80
             5          8          3          89         33
             5          8          2          76          0
             5          8          2          76         65
             5          9          3          56         56
             5          9          1          34         34
             5          9          2          11         11
             6          1          1         289         50
             6          4          1         273         10
             6          5          1         263         30
             6          6          1         233         29
             6          7          1         204         90
             6          3          3         157         34
             6          7          3         123         34
             6          2          2         116         40
             6          8          1         114         80
             6          8          3          89         33
             6          8          2          76          0
             6          8          2          76         65
             6          9          3          56         56
             6          9          1          34         34
             6          9          2          11         11
             7          1          1         323         50
             7          4          1         273         10
             7          5          1         263         30
             7          6          1         233         29
             7          7          1         204         90
             7          3          3         157         34
             7          7          3         123         34
             7          2          2         116         40
             7          8          1         114         80
             7          8          3          89         33
             7          8          2          76          0
             7          8          2          76         65
             7          9          3          56         56
             7          9          1          34         34
             7          9          2          11         11
             8          1          1         323         50
             8          4          1         273         10
             8          5          1         263         30
             8          6          1         233         29
             8          7          1         204         90
             8          3          3         157         34
             8          7          3         123         34
             8          2          2         116         40
             8          8          1         114         80
             8          8          3          89         33
             8          8          2          76          0
             8          8          2          76         65
             8          9          3          56         56
             8          9          1          34         34
             8          9          2          11         11
             9          1          1         323         50
             9          4          1         273         10
             9          5          1         263         30
             9          6          1         233         29
             9          7          1         204         90
             9          3          3         157         34
             9          7          3         123         34
             9          2          2         116         40
             9          8          1         114         80
             9          8          3          89         33
             9          8          2          76          0
             9          8          2          76         65
             9          9          3          56         56
             9          9          1          34         34
             9          9          2          11         11
    135 rows selected.
    SQL> SY.

  • Is it possible to combine 2 different reports in a single Query?

    Dear All,
    What am I working at?
    I produced a Query for Debtors Aged Analysis which mimics the Official SAP B1 8.8 Aging Report.
    It ages the outstanding invoices by Posting Date ( RefDate  in JDT1)
    I also made another Report which ages outstanding amounts by Document Date simply by replacing all RefDate by TaxDate
    They give different answers if Posting Date is different from Document Date, e.g a manual invoice dated 5 Jun 2011 is posted on 2 Jul 2011.
    What I want to do?
    My idea is to produce a SINGLE QUERY which will generate either Aging depending on settings:
        (a) A Debtors Aging by Posting Date
        (b) A Debtors Aging by Document Date
    I declare 2 variables:
    (a) @refdt  is [%1] and represents Posting Date (JDT1 RefDate)
    (b) @taxdt  is [%2] and represents Document Date (JDT1 TaxDate)
    When the Query is run, the foll dialog appears:
    Query - Selection Criteria
    Posting Date             Equal .......
    Document Date            Equal .......
    OK   Cancel
    We are expected to fill in only 1 date and leave the other blank, and Query will generate the required report .
    What is my problem?
    Query runs smoothly, but amounts in the Balance column does not get analyzed in the Age brackets: Current / 1 Mth Ago / etc
    I think I know where's the problem
    I am assuming (wrongly) that if we don't fill one date field, the query returns NULL for that variable. In fact, it appears to return GetDate().
    Can anybody help me put the correct commands so that all my balances are correctly analysed in the respective age buckets?
    Leon Lai
    Here's a simplified SQL:
    Tables  :
          JDT1   T0  = Journal Entry - Rows
          OCRD T1 = Business Partner
          OCPR T2 = Contact Person
          OJDT  T3  = Journal Entry - Header
          OINV   T4  = A/R Invoices - Header
          ORIN   T5  - A/R Credit Memo - Header
    declare @refdt date
    declare @taxdt date
    set @refdt
    /*Select 1 from jdt1 t where t.RefDate*/ = [%1]
    set @taxdt
    /*Select 1 from jdt1 w where w.TaxDate*/ = [%2]
    'company1' AS 'Company',
    T1.CardCode  AS 'BP Code',
    T2.Notes2 AS 'BP Name',
    T0.RefDate AS 'Pstg Dt',
    T0.TaxDate AS 'Doc Dt',
             WHEN T0.TransType = 13 THEN 'IN'
             WHEN T0.TransType = 14 THEN 'CN'
             WHEN T0.TransType = 30 THEN 'JE'
             WHEN T0.TransType = 24 THEN 'RC'
             WHEN T0.TransType = 46 THEN 'PS'
             ELSE 'Error ! ! !'
    END AS 'Doc Type',
    T0.Ref1 'Doc. Number',
    ISNULL(T0.FCCurrency, ' - ') AS 'Ccy',
    (T0.FCDebit - T0.FCCredit) AS 'Orig. F.Ccy',
    (T0.BalFcDeb - T0.BalFcCred) AS 'Bal. F. Ccy',
    (T0.Debit - T0.Credit) AS 'Orig. Rs',
    (T0.BalDueDeb - T0.BalDueCred) AS 'Bal. Rs',
    /* ########################  PROBLEM is here   ################## */
                   WHEN (@refdt is not null) and (@taxdt is null)
                   THEN ISNULL((SELECT T0.BalDueDeb -T0.BalDueCred
                   WHERE DateDiff(mm, T0.RefDate, @refdt) = 0 ) ,0)
                   WHEN (@refdt is null) and (@taxdt is not null)
                   THEN ISNULL((SELECT T0.BalDueDeb -T0.BalDueCred
                    WHERE DateDiff(mm, T0.TaxDate, @taxdt) = 0 ) ,0)
    END AS 'Current Mth', 
                   WHEN (@refdt is not null) and (@taxdt is null)
                   THEN ISNULL((SELECT T0.BalDueDeb -T0.BalDueCred
                   WHERE DateDiff(mm, T0.RefDate, @refdt) = 1 ) ,0)
                   WHEN (@refdt is null) and (@taxdt is not null)
                   THEN ISNULL((SELECT T0.BalDueDeb -T0.BalDueCred
                    WHERE DateDiff(mm, T0.TaxDate, @taxdt) = 1 ) ,0)
    END AS '1 Mth Ago'
    /* Similarly for other age buckets  */
    FROM company1.dbo.JDT1 T0
    INNER JOIN company1.dbo.OCRD T1 ON T0.ShortName = T1.CardCode
    LEFT OUTER JOIN company1.dbo.OCPR T2 ON T1.CardCode = T2.Cardcode
    LEFT OUTER JOIN company1.dbo.OJDT T3 ON T0.TransID = T3.TransID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN company1.dbo.OINV  T4 ON T3.TransID = T4.TransID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN company1.dbo.ORIN  T5 ON T3.TransID = T5.TransID
    T1.CardType = 'C' and Balance != 0
    and (T0.BalDueDeb - T0.BalDueCred) != 0

    I generate the next aged analysis
    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Aged_Analysis] (@end datetime,@Client VarChar (20)) AS
    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets
    -- interfering with SELECT statements.
    Declare @SAPUNION Table (SN VarChar(50), TransId Int, ReconSum Decimal(19,2), DebHab VarChar(1),
                                       Linea Int)
    insert into @SAPUNION
    SELECT X0.ShortName 'SN', X0.TransId 'TransId', SUM(X0.ReconSum)'ReconSum', X0.IsCredit 'DebHab', X0.TransRowId 'Linea'
                FROM ITR1 X0
                INNER JOIN OITR X1 ON X1.ReconNum = X0.ReconNum
                WHERE X1.ReconDate <= @end  AND X1.CancelAbs = ''
                GROUP BY X0.ShortName, X0.TransId, X0.IsCredit, X0.TransRowId
    SELECT T0.CardCode, T0.CardName,T0.Address,T0.CreditLine,
    T1.TransId , T4.BaseRef , T1.Ref2 , T1.RefDate, T1.DueDate,
          WHEN T3.DebHab = 'D'  THEN T1.Debit-T1.Credit-T3.ReconSum
          WHEN T3.DebHab = 'C'  THEN T1.Debit-T1.Credit+T3.ReconSum
          ELSE (T1.Debit-T1.Credit)
    END 'Balance',
           when DateDiff(Day,t1.RefDate,GetDate()) <= 30 and T3.DebHab = 'D'  then T1.Debit-T1.Credit-T3.ReconSum
           when DateDiff(Day,t1.RefDate,GetDate()) <= 30 and T3.DebHab = 'C'  then T1.Debit-T1.Credit+T3.ReconSum
           when DateDiff(Day,t1.RefDate,GetDate()) <= 30 then (T1.Debit-T1.Credit) end '0-30 dias',
           when DateDiff(Day,t1.refdate,GetDate()) between 31 and 45 and T3.DebHab = 'D'  then T1.Debit-T1.Credit-T3.ReconSum
           when DateDiff(Day,t1.refdate,GetDate()) between 31 and 45 and T3.DebHab = 'C'  then T1.Debit-T1.Credit+T3.ReconSum
           when DateDiff(Day,t1.refdate,GetDate()) between 31 and 45 then (T1.Debit-T1.Credit) end '31-45 dias',
           when DateDiff(Day,t1.refdate,GetDate()) between 46 and 60 and T3.DebHab = 'D'  then T1.Debit-T1.Credit-T3.ReconSum
           when DateDiff(Day,t1.refdate,GetDate()) between 46 and 60 and T3.DebHab = 'C'  then T1.Debit-T1.Credit+T3.ReconSum
           when DateDiff(Day,t1.refdate,GetDate()) between 46 and 60 then (T1.Debit-T1.Credit) end '46-60 dias',
           when DateDiff(Day,t1.refdate,GetDate()) between 61 and 75 and T3.DebHab = 'D'  then T1.Debit-T1.Credit-T3.ReconSum
           when DateDiff(Day,t1.refdate,GetDate()) between 61 and 75 and T3.DebHab = 'C'  then T1.Debit-T1.Credit+T3.ReconSum
           when DateDiff(Day,t1.refdate,GetDate()) between 61 and 75 then (T1.Debit-T1.Credit) end '61-75 dias',
           when DateDiff(Day,t1.refdate,GetDate()) BETWEEN 76 AND 89 and T3.DebHab = 'D'  then T1.Debit-T1.Credit-T3.ReconSum
           when DateDiff(Day,t1.refdate,GetDate()) BETWEEN 76 AND 89 and T3.DebHab = 'C'  then T1.Debit-T1.Credit+T3.ReconSum
           when DateDiff(Day,t1.refdate,GetDate()) BETWEEN 76 AND 89 then (T1.Debit-T1.Credit) end '76-89 dias',
           when DateDiff(Day,t1.refdate,GetDate()) >90 and T3.DebHab = 'D'  then T1.Debit-T1.Credit-T3.ReconSum
           when DateDiff(Day,t1.refdate,GetDate()) >90 and T3.DebHab = 'C'  then T1.Debit-T1.Credit+T3.ReconSum
           when DateDiff(Day,t1.refdate,GetDate()) >90 then (T1.Debit-T1.Credit) end '90-Mas',
    CASE T1.TransType
          WHEN '13' THEN (SELECT Y.Comments FROM OINV Y WHERE Y.TransId = T1.TransId)
          WHEN '14' THEN (SELECT Y.Comments FROM ORIN Y WHERE Y.TransId = T1.TransId)
          WHEN '24' THEN (SELECT Y.Comments FROM ORCT Y WHERE Y.TransId = T1.TransId)
          ELSE T1.LineMemo
    END 'Comments'
          INNER JOIN JDT1 T1 ON T1.ShortName = T0.CardCode
          INNER JOIN OACT T2 ON T2.AcctCode = T1.Account
          INNER JOIN OJDT T4 ON T4.TransId = T1.TransId
          LEFT JOIN OINV T5 ON T5.TransId = T4.TransId  and t5.ObjType = t4.TransType     
          LEFT JOIN @SAPUNION T3 ON T3.TransId = T1.TransId AND T3.SN = T1.ShortName AND T3.Linea = T1.Line_ID
    WHERE T0.CardType = 'C' /*FOR CLIENTS*/ AND T1.RefDate <= @end AND T2.AcctCode = /*YOUR CLIENT ACCOUNT*/ AND
          WHEN T3.DebHab = 'D' THEN (T1.Debit-T1.Credit-T3.ReconSum)
          WHEN T3.DebHab = 'C' THEN (T1.Debit-T1.Credit+T3.ReconSum)
          ELSE (T1.Debit-T1.Credit)
    END) != '0'
    AND T0.CardCode= @Client
    ORDER BY T0.CardCode,T1.TransId,t1.Ref2
    AND Execute by SAP
    SET @VAR = (SELECT TOP 1 T.DocEntry FROM [dbo].[OINV] T WHERE T.DocDate <='[%0]' AND T.CardCode='[%1]')
    SET @DATE = '[%0]'
    SET @BP = '[%1]'
    EXECUTE [dbo].[Aged_Analysis]
    @end = @DATE,
    @Client = @BP
    Edited by: Floyola on Jul 22, 2011 10:17 AM

  • Double aggregation in a single query block doesn't make any sence.

    How can I argue with something that apparently has been cast in stone by ANSI SQL committee? Well the answer is famous: "Search any park in any city: you'll find no statue of committee".
    OK, why
    select count(1) from (
    select deptno from emp
    group by deptno
    is an easy to understand query, and why
    select count(count(*)) from emp
    group by deptno
    is not? I already mentioned one reason why count shouldn't accept any arguments, therefore count(count(*)) is a nonsence.
    The other reason is that aggregation without grouping is essentially aggregation within a single group. Once you realize that
    select sum(1) from emp
    is the same as
    select sum(1) from emp
    group by -1
    (where -1 or any other constant for that matter is a dummy pseudocolumn), then it becomes obvious that what we are doing in the infamous
    select count(count(*)) from emp
    group by deptno
    is a query with two blocks
    select count(1) from (
    select deptno from emp
    group by deptno
    ) group by -1
    We are not allowed to combine two "group by" into a single query, aren't we?

    Aggregate function always goes together with grouping. Grouping can partition the set of rows into many classes or a single class. Therefore, if we have 2 nested aggregation functions, we'd better be able to identify the corresponding groupings easily:
    select state, avg(min(tax_return)) from household
    group by city, state then statewhich is a shorthand for
    select state, avg(m) from (
       select city, state, min(tax_return) m
       from household
       group by city, state
    ) group by stateSpeaking of double aggregation, it is frequent in graph queries. The part explosion query is posted repeatedly virtually every month on this fine forum:-) The part explosion is double aggregation: multiply the quantities along each path in the assembly hierarchy. Then add the quantities along alternative paths. Likewise, finding a shortest path between two nodes in a graph is double aggregation query. First, we calculate the length buy adding the distances along each path, and then we choose a path with minimal length. Wouldn't it be nice to have this double aggregation wired into the connect by syntax? Note that connect_by_path is a surrogate aggregate which concatenates strings. People invent all kind of functions which parse this path and make other aggregates out of this value (such as sum and product).

Maybe you are looking for

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