Maximum allowable data fields

I think the maximum allowable fillable data fields is 500. Is there any way of increasing this number?
There are 21 fillable data fields per page and i am looking to have approximately 30 such pages.
As the total number of data field is 30*21 = 620 > 500, what other alternatives do I have except breaking the 1 "big" webform into several "smaller" webforms?

Hi Edwin,
Thanks for asking.  500 is the max now, sorry about it.

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    Create a formula on the data and then sort the query on the date , that way the latest date would come on top. I am not sure if you can have something the way you have described..
    an option could be :
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    Assign points if helpful

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    Hi Joey...,
    If you are looking for a formula that will automatically insert today's date in a cell, I don't think there is one tahat will do what you hope. TODAY() inserts todays date alright but it does that every time the cell updates. It would always be today's date.
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    Hi Jacob,
    here a short example with char and string.
    DATA: CH(250).
      ST = 'I am a String with an % Character'.
      SEARCH ST FOR '%'.
      WRITE: / SY-SUBRC, sy-fdpos.
      CH = 'I am a Char with an % Character'.
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      WRITE: / SY-SUBRC, sy-fdpos.
    Regards, Dieter

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    Hi Nithi,
    Since Key fields are decide by us we can add according to our requirement.
    Key fields can only be 16 you cannot exceed this. but if you have more key fields, you can combine fields using a routine for a key field
    Max Data Fields - 749 data fields can be added in a DSO.
    Warm regards

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    Hi Rajavamshi,
    For DSO:
    1. See for Standard DSO we have Key fields & Data Fields will be there
    2. Key Fields will store only Characterisitc Info Objects, maximum no.of characteristic info object we can add here was 16
    3. But in Data fields we can add both Characterstics & Keyfigure infoobjects, Max of 749 data fields we can add here.
    4. Atleast one field should be there in either Key fields & Data fields.
    For InfoCube :
    1. Info cube structure will be having the 16 Dimensions and the Key Fields.
    2. In that 16 Dimensions 13 User defined and the 3 pre defined dimensions.
    3. One user defined Dimension will maximum can hold 248 Characteristics Info Object, not the Keyfigure Info Object here.
    4. But the Key Fields here will store maximum will hold 233 Key Figure Info Object.
    Harish. K

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    That doesn't sound at all like an SQL problem.
    More like you trying to do updates on the resultset which is not allowed ...
    send a some code (not to much pls :) and we'll be
    able to help more

  • Date fields in the Maintainence View.

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    Thanks in advance.

    Step 1: Create & Maintain Table (SE11)
    Screen 101: ABAP Dictionary: Initial Screen
    Screen 102: Maintain Table -> Delivery and Maintenance
    Screen 103: Maintain Table -> Fields
    [] SE11: Enter Table Name -> Create
    Enter Table Description (Mandatory Field)
    Select Delivery Class
    Set maintenance level
    Enter Fields, Assign Data Elements
    Save Entries
    Check Inconsistencies
    Activate Table
    Go To Technical Settings (SCREEN 104)
    Delivery Class: The delivery class controls the transport of table data when
    installing or upgrading, in a client copy and when transporting between customer
    systems. The delivery class is also used in the extended table
    There are the following delivery classes:
    A: Application table (master and transaction data).
    C: Customer table, data is maintained by the customer only.
    L: Table for storing temporary data.
    G: Customer table. The customer namespace must be defined in table TRESC. (Use
    Report RDDKOR54 here).
    E: System table with its own namespaces for customer entries.
    S: System table, data changes have the same status as program changes.
    W: System table (e.g. table of the development environment) whose
    data is transported with its own transport objects (e.g. R3TR PROG, R3TR TABL,
    Data Browser/Table View Maint.: This indicator specifies
    whether it is possible to display/maintain a table or view using the maintenance
    tools Data Browser (transaction SE16) and table view maintenance (transactions
    SM30 and SM31).
    MANDT field is mandatory for Client dependant tables
    Technical Settings: The technical settings control, for example, table buffering.
    Indexes: To speed up data selection, you can create secondary indexes for the table
    Append Structure: Append structures are used for enhancements that are not included in the standard.
    Screen 104: Maintain Technical Settings
    Select Data Class (Mandatory) [APPL0]
    Select Size Category (Table size - No. of records - Mandatory) [1 to 6]
    Specify Buffering [allowed / not allowed]
    Check Inconsistencies
    Activate & Go Back to “Maintain Table Screen”
    Data Class: The data class defines the physical area of the database (for ORACLE
    the TABLESPACE) in which your table is logically stored. If you choose a data
    class correctly, your table will automatically be assigned to the correct area
    when it is created on the database.
    The most important data classes
    are (other than the system data):
    APPL0 Master data
    APPL1 Transaction data
    APPL2 Organizational and customizing data
    Size category: The size category determines the probable space requirement for a table in the database.
    Buffering: The buffering status specifies whether or not a table may be buffered.
    Screen 105: Maintain Table
    Screen 106: Maintain Enhancement Category (ECC 6.0 onwards)
    -> Extras -> Enhancement Category
    Select Enhancement Category
    Enhancement Category: Structures and tables that were defined by SAP in the ABAP
    Dictionary can be enhanced subsequently by customers using Customizing includes
    or append structures. The enhancements do not only refer to structures/ tables
    themselves, but also to dependent structures that adopt the enhancement as an
    include or referenced structure. Append structures that only take effect at the
    end of the original structure can also cause shifts - in the case of dependent
    structures - even within these structures.
    Screen 107: Maintain Table -> Table Maintenance Generator
    Screen 108: Generate Table Maintenance Dialog: Generation Environment
    -> Utilities -> Table Maintenance Generator OR [] SE54
    Specify Authorization Group [&NC&]
    Select Maintenance type [One Step/Two Step]
    Mention Screen Numbers [1/2]
    Save & Go Back
    Single step: Only overview screen is created i.e. the Table Maintenance Program will have only one screen where you can add, delete or edit records.Two step: Two screens namely the overview screen and Single screen are created. The user can see the key fields in the first screen and can further go on to edit further details.

  • How to load date field from a remote Oracle DB with DB Connect

    Does any one have experience extracting Date field from a remote Oracle database through DB Connect to BW?  I am experiencing data format issue.  The extracted data shows '04-Oct-0' for '10/4/05'.  It works fine if I create a view in Oracle database to preformat the data to '20051004'.  But, I am not allowed to create view in Remote DB.
    Any suggestion is very appreciated.

    You have to change it to a varchar2 field. YYYYMMDD. I do not know of any other option.

  • In Ztable creation, How can we display error message for a 'To date' field.

    Hi all,
    I have a requirement like this.
    There r two fields in ztable. From date and To date.
    The field 'To date' in table ZKM007 is taking before date than From date field.
    To date should always be greater than from date i need to throw an  error or don't  allow to enter date  if date is less than From date.
    How can we do this?
    Can any one help on this?
    Rewards to all.
    Thanks & Regards,

    I have written below code at event "Creating a new entry" (05) in table maintainance generator.But it is not working. If we give the to date < From date ,
    it is saving.
    Can any one help on this code? Pls Give me code And which event i have to put this?
    ***INCLUDE LZEXE3F01 .
    FORM AT_entry.
    Rewards to all.

  • Read-Only data fields/parameters

    How can I make a data-field (parameter) Read-Only?
    For instance : let's say, someone (an Admin) has filled in data into a user form, and saved it. Someone else (who does not have similar Admin status) signs in, and views the form.
    I want the second person to be able to view as well as Edit the form. But, not ALL the fields. Some fields should be uneditable (i.e., read only). He can see the data in those fields. But, he is not allowed to modify them.
    How is this done?

    example how this field is non-editable on condition basis, you can use your condition
      <Display class='Text'>
        <Property name='value' value='Solanki'/>
        <Property name='title' value='Last Name'/>
        <Property name='disabled'>

  • Visio 2010 - Shape Data Fields Are Not Saving

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    All data fields appear to save normally while file is open, it remains as entered.  However, when file is closed and later reopened select data fields do not retaining data correctly.  Some retain nothing (null), or revert back to a "default"
    value, see below for a couple examples:
    Rack Units:  Want to enter data as 1U, 2U, etc. ... in some cases it will save it as entered while in other cases it reverts to "1 RU", "2U", etc.
    Room:  Enter the data as I want it stored, most of the time it appears to come back empty, there are some shapes which will retain as entered.
    Comments:  Fails to retain any data
    I have looked at a number of reasons to explain why, whether the problems occur with stencils is supplied by Microsoft, a vendor, or were custom created.   Looked into whether it might have to do with a particular vendor's stencils/drawings
    but I have a number of Cisco drawings where some save those fields as entered while others do not.  I believe it could be a setting within the stencil preventing it from saving the data as entered, enabled in some cases and not in others.
    I have checked "Protection" under the "Developer" tab, but nothing appears to be set to prevent editing/storing data entered. 
    Is there some setting(s) or field(s) somewhere that I can look at to allow this data to be saved as entered?
    Is there a GLOBAL setting that can be set once within a file?
    Thank you in advance for your time to assist me in fixing these problems. Have a great day!

    >Can I build logic so that they can't fill in a field unless the previous field has been filled in?
    It's theoretically possible to do this (e.g. each field has an action
    of removing read-only on the next). It's considered extremely bad form
    design, because people don't always fill in fields in the order
    specified. If you watch people with a form they fill in their name,
    address, other easy stuff; then they go back for the harder stuff.
    They may want to save a form because one piece of information needs
    What you might like to consider is a large splash "FORM INCOMPLETE" in
    Red or whatever, which vanishes when all the fields are completed.
    Aandi Inston

  • Problem with displaying Date field in the table.

    Hi All,
    I am trying to display data into a table UI Element. 
    In that data, i have one DATE type field. While displaying data in DATE field, it will display like this "01.02.2009".
    Now my requirement is if i want to modify that DATE field, it will allow to modify "01.02.2009"  to "26.02.2009".
    But while modifying DATE field , I want to show the Calender of that month, in that i  have to select the another date.
    (Like normal Date UI Element will show that calender).
    Can anyone please help me.
    Thanks in Advance!

          Go to the context attribute that was mapped to the DATE field of the table and change the perperty INPUT HELP MODE to  AUTOMATIC and it works.

  • How to make the 'Finish Date' field Editable in Project server 2013

    Hi All,
    In Project server 2013 on premises deployment, When I try to create a new enterprise project [Also in case of new custom project type], Only the 'Start Date' field is available. The 'Finish Date' field is by default taking the value of the 'start Date' itself.
    I am unable to make this 'Finish Date' field editable.
    Any pointers on this would be very helpful,

    Shanky --
    When you create a new project in either Microsoft Project Professional or Project Online, the system does not allow you to enter both a Start date and a Finish date for the project.  Here is how the software works:
    You enter the Start date of the project.
    You completely plan the project with tasks, task dependencies, task Durations, and assigning resources to tasks.
    Based on the Start date you provide, plus all of the task information, the software calculates the Finish date of the project for you.  So, you cannot provide both the Start date and the Finish date, nor is they any way to force the system to allow
    you to do this.  Hope this helps.
    Dale A. Howard [MVP]

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