May threads force other threads to sleep?!

Hi all,
Really hope someone may help me!! I have four classes. The master program, class A, calls class B (not a thread) when an action occurs. The actions effect the behaviour of the third class ObjectThread. B may sometime force the ObjectThread thread to sleep for some time (not predetermined). Then when it's time, B awakens ObjectThread, which continues.
The problem is that I don't want B to lock while an ObjectThread is sleeping. Hence I have created class C (also a thread), which is called only when ObjectThread needs to sleep. Input to C is a handle to the respective ObjectThread. But I can't get class C to force ObjectThread to sleep! I've tried not having C as a thread, but merely as a simple class, then it works but the whole thing locks.
How can I make the C thread perform first:
handleToObjectThread.sleep (); (this I guess may be managed with while loops)
then whenever I feel like it in the B class
handleToObjectThread.interrupt ();
Please help!!
/ jez

i assume that ObjectThread has a loop in its run() method...
why not at the start or end of the loop, get it to check to see if it should be sleeping
then class B could just set a flag (boolean) or an int (time to sleep) in ObjectThread
ObjectThread extends Thread{
private boolean sleep=false;
public void run(){
    catch(InterruptedException ie){};
   //rest of loop
public void goToSleep(){
public void wakeUp(){
interrupt(); // only if you need to wake immediately

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    Look in the buttonListener within the FourX class.
    *                                   Author:Tim Dudek
       This trivial program tests the insertion sort and selection sort
       subroutines.  The data is then shown graphically.
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    public class SortTest {
       final static int ARRAY_SIZE = 10;  // Number of items in arrays to be sorted.
                                            // (This has to be 10 or more.)
       public static int[] A, B;
       public static JLabel lblOrig, lblSS, lblIS;
       public static void main(String[] args) {
            JFrame frame = new JFrame ("Tim Dudek");
              frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
              FourX display = new FourX();//create the main panel
              frame.setSize(450, 320);
          A = new int[ARRAY_SIZE];     // Make an array  ints
          for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++){      // Fill array A with random ints.
             A[i] = (int)(100*Math.random());
             lblOrig.setText(lblOrig.getText() + " "     + A);
    lblIS.setText(lblIS.getText() + " "     + A[i]);
    lblSS.setText(lblSS.getText() + " "     + A[i]);
    B = (int[])A.clone(); // make B an exact copy of A.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class FourX extends JPanel {
         static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; //eclipse echo problem
         private JLabel lblO, lblI, lblS;
         private JButton sort;
         public FourX(){//JLabel lblOrig,JLabel lblSS, JLabel lblIS){
              setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
              SortTest.lblSS = new JLabel ("");
              SortTest.lblOrig = new JLabel ("");
              SortTest.lblIS = new JLabel ("");
              lblO = new JLabel("Orginal", JTextField.LEFT);
              lblI = new JLabel("Insertion Sort", JTextField.LEFT);
              lblS = new JLabel("Selection Sort", JTextField.LEFT);
              sort = new JButton("Sort");     
              sort.addActionListener(new buttonListener());
              SortTest.lblSS.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 30));
              SortTest.lblSS.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder (Color.RED, 3));
              SortTest.lblIS.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 30));
              SortTest.lblIS.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder (Color.BLUE, 3));
              SortTest.lblOrig.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 30));
              SortTest.lblOrig.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder (Color.BLACK, 3));
              add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension (10, 10)));
              add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension (10, 10)));
              add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension (10, 10)));
              add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension (10, 10)));
         private class buttonListener implements ActionListener{
              public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event){
              // sort A into increasing order, using selection sort
                   for (int lastPlace = SortTest.A.length-1; lastPlace > 0; lastPlace--) {
                   //Find the largest item among A[0], A[1], ... A[lastPlace],
              // and move it into position lastPlace by swapping it with
              // the number that is currently in position lastPlace
                        int maxLoc = 0; // location of largest item seen so far
                   for (int j = 1; j <= lastPlace; j++) {
                        if (SortTest.A[j] > SortTest.A[maxLoc])
                   maxLoc = j; // Now, location j contains the largest item seen
                   int temp = SortTest.A[maxLoc]; // swap largest item with A[lastPlace]
                   SortTest.A[maxLoc] = SortTest.A[lastPlace];
                   SortTest.A[lastPlace] = temp;
                   Wait.milliSec(100);//<------------ waiting???>
                   for (int i = 0; i < SortTest.A.length; i++){
                        SortTest.lblSS.setText(SortTest.lblSS.getText() + " "     + SortTest.A[i]);
                   Wait.oneSec();//<------------ waiting???>
                   // sort the array A into increasing order
                   int itemsSorted; // number of items that have been sorted so far
                   for (itemsSorted = 1; itemsSorted < SortTest.B.length; itemsSorted++) {
                        // assume that items A[0], A[1], ... A[itemsSorted-1] have
                        // already been sorted, and insert A[itemsSorted] into the list.
                        int temp = SortTest.B[itemsSorted]; // the item to be inserted
                        int loc = itemsSorted - 1;
                        while (loc >= 0 && SortTest.B[loc] > temp) {
                             SortTest.B[loc + 1] = SortTest.B[loc];
                             loc = loc - 1;
                        SortTest.B[loc + 1] = temp;
                        Wait.milliSec(100);//<------------ waiting???>                    SortTest.lblIS.setText("");
                        for (int i = 0; i < SortTest.B.length; i++){
                             SortTest.lblIS.setText(SortTest.lblIS.getText() + " "     + SortTest.B[i]);
    public class Wait {
         public static void oneSec() {
              try {
              catch (InterruptedException e) {
         public static void milliSec(long s) {
              try {
              catch (InterruptedException e) {

    Wow, ok. this is extrodinarily confusing. I read the tutorials, but they're not easy to follow.
    So, what I did was at the entry point:
    public class SortTest implements Runnable {
       final static int ARRAY_SIZE = 10;  // Number of items in arrays to be sorted.
                                            // (This has to be 10 or more.)
       public static int[] A, B;
       public static JLabel lblOrig, lblSS, lblIS;
       public static void main(String[] args) {
            (new Thread(new SortTest())).start();
       public void run(){
            JFrame frame = new JFrame ("Tim Dudek");
              frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
              FourX display = new FourX();//create the main panel
              frame.setSize(450, 320);
          A = new int[ARRAY_SIZE];     // Make an array  ints
          for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++){      // Fill array A with random ints.
             A[i] = (int)(100*Math.random());
             lblOrig.setText(lblOrig.getText() + " "     + A);
    lblIS.setText(lblIS.getText() + " "     + A[i]);
    lblSS.setText(lblSS.getText() + " "     + A[i]);
    B = (int[])A.clone(); // make B an exact copy of A.
    Ok, as I understand, this creates the initial thread to build the gui. Now you suggest that when the user hits "sort" that a second thread be created to handle the sorting routine.  From what I understand I can only inherit from one class in java.  My buttonListener already implements ActionListener. I obviously cant implement ActionListener and Runnable.  Do you have a suggestion? Maybe a link to an example?
    I'm pretty lost. 

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    I want to send a thread to sleep, but from another one.
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    Ok, you can add some methods to ClsListener that looks something like this:
    boolean sleep = false;
    long delay = 0;
    public synchronized void putToSleep(long delay) {
      sleep = true;
      this.delay = delay;
    public synchronized void wakeUp() {
      sleep = false;
    private void checkShouldSleep() {
        if (sleep) { // test if I should sleep
          synchronized (this) {
            if (sleep) { // to be absolutely sure the wakeUp method hasn't been called before put to sleep
              try { wait(delay); } // delay = 0 means sleep forever or until the wakeUp method has been called (or interrupted)
              catch (InterruptedException e) {}
    public void run() {
      while (true) {
        // the threads task..
        checkShouldSleep(); // check this as often as you want
    }Now you just call putToSleep or wakeUp on your ClsListeners.

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    Matti Haveri wrote:
    Thanks for the tip nerowolfe.
    I also miss an easy way to logout other users. My son and daughter sometimes leave Safari, Messenger etc open in their accounts so they unnecessary consume the CPU so that the fans may even turn on although my active account is idling.
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    So I miss the "clean logout of other users with no rebooting" - option.
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    shutdown -k
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    Kick everybody off. The -k option does not actually halt the system, but leaves the system multi-user with logins disabled (for all but super-user).
    So it may not be a good method after all.
    As an administrator you should be able to log into the other accounts and log them off manually. That's probably the best way.

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        cards.add(listenPanel,  "listenPanel");, "listenPanel");
          Thread.sleep(5000); //in ms
          PlayMP3Thread sound = new PlayMP3Thread("sound/ping.mp3");
        } catch(Exception e) {
        }It seems to be what I want to reach, but it does not work the way I want it to.
    I would like the Panel to show right away, then wait 5s and then play the sound.
    BUT what it does is freez the unfolded menu for 5s, then plays the sound and after that it shows the new Plane.
    Can you tell me why this is??

    This might be what you want
    package tjacobs.thread;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
    import tjacobs.ui.Eyes;
    import tjacobs.ui.util.WindowUtilities;
    public class ThreadForMultipleAnytimeRuns extends Thread {
         private Runnable mRunnable;
         private Semaphore mSemaphore;
         public ThreadForMultipleAnytimeRuns(Runnable arg0) {
         private void init(Runnable r) {
              mRunnable = r;
              mSemaphore = new Semaphore(0);
         public ThreadForMultipleAnytimeRuns(Runnable arg0, String arg1) {
         public ThreadForMultipleAnytimeRuns(ThreadGroup arg0, Runnable arg1, String arg2) {
              super(arg0, arg2);
         public void run () {
              try {
                   while (!isInterrupted()) {
              catch (InterruptedException ex) {}
         public void runAgain() {
         public void runAgain(int numTimes) {
         public void stopThread() {
         public int getSemaphoreCount() {
              return mSemaphore.availablePermits();
         public Runnable getRunnable() {
              return mRunnable;
         //The setRunnable method is simply not safe, and
         //trying to make it safe is going to effect performance
         //Plus I can't really see a gain in being able to set
         //The runnable on one of these threads. Just create
         //a new one!
         public synchronized void setRunnable(Runnable r) {
              if (getSemaphoreCount() > 0) {
                   try {
                   catch (InterruptedException ex) {
              mRunnable = r;
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              final Eyes eyes = new Eyes(true);
              Runnable r = new Runnable() {
                   public void run() {
                        try {
                        catch(InterruptedException ex) {}
              final ThreadForMultipleAnytimeRuns ar = new ThreadForMultipleAnytimeRuns(r);
              eyes.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
                   public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent me) {
              eyes.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60,20));
    //          JFrame jf = new JFrame();
    //          jf.add(eyes);
    //          jf.pack();
    //          jf.setLocation(100,100);
    //          jf.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
    //          jf.setVisible(true);

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    what's the difference between the 2 calls to sleep() ?

    They call the same method (because sleep is static) even if you call sleep on a different thread the current thread executing the code will sleep

  • Sending threads to sleep

    writing w = new writing("     ");
         Thread t = new Thread(w);
        t.sleep(100);this code here is creating an instance of writing which processes the threads then i go onto create the thread start it and set its name. when i try to send it to sleep though it wont compile.
    static void      sleep(long millis) is the type of the method i am calling
    it says it has an error unhandled exception type InteruptedException
    does anyone know how to get it to work?

    this is what i have
         writing w5 = new writing("                                ");
         Thread t5 = new Thread(w5);
         catch (Exception e){}
         }it compiles but have i done it right?

  • Thread's sleep method

    It takes darn miliseconds... any conversions on how many milliseconds = 30 minutes?
    I tried to search and got no where...

    And you don't even have to do the math. IIRC, if you use constants and numeric literals, the compiler will do the math and put a constant value equal to the value of the expression in the class.
    int thirtyMinutes = 1000 * 60 * 30;  // 1000 milliseconds per second, 60 seconds per minute, 30 minutes
    // compiler puts 1,800,000 in the final class fileIt's easier to read that way anyway.

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    Lanny wrote:
    Maybe this will help:
    I am unclear on how that will help.  It is a link to a post from a user on a non-Apple website whose first and only post is about how this problem exists.  And I assume if you're referring to the Apple Discussion thread that other post links to, you would have just posted that link instead. 
    If you intended to link to that other Apple Discussion thread, from that discussion thread, Apple told one user, "Apps need to use power assertions while engaged on activities that should not be interrupted and we are working to evangelize this." meaning that Apple realizes they haven't done a good job of letting developers know of this; and that was from October 18, 2012, nearly 3 months after Mountain Lion's release date and I believe nearly 8 months after the first developer preview.  So by Apple's own admission they haven't done a good job regarding this issue.
    However, that does explain why Mountain Lion is behaving the way it did.  Both Apple and developers dropped the ball on this given that major apps (Firefox, Chrome, etc...) still don't implement Apple's new method of power saving.

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    Like I'd expect with such a high CPU load, my computer's screen does not go to sleep.
    Is there a program or command line utility that I can run to force my screen to go to sleep, but keep the computer running?
    iMac G5 17" (iSight)   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    To put your display only to sleep;
    Go to System Preferences, click on 'energy saver', check the 'Put the display to sleep when the computer is inactive for' box, and then set the time. Note; this just puts the display to sleep, not the whole computer. Your hard disk will keep running. I find this much more convienent than putting the computer in 'full sheep'. It wakes up much quicker without some of the hassle some computers display coming up from full sleep.

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    Another option is to set a idle-session timeout in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General > Advanced, but that will affect all users, including you.

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