Maya and mac

does mac support transfer of files of maya, from mac to windows and back again. i am buying a mac. which is the best one for high end 3d usage...maya. what are software issuses if any. does mac support all the softwares windows use. i have never used mac before.what are the latest n best configruation.

Maya files from Mac to PC and back work fine. I suggest you check out the MAc support forum on the Alias/Maya/Autodesk webpage.

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    Format the drive as FAT or use the Mac format (HFS Extended) and install MacDrive on the PC.

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              com.oxsemi.driver.OxsemiDeviceType00          Version: 1.28.7
              com.rogueamoeba.InstantOn          Version: 6.0.2
              com.rogueamoeba.InstantOnCore          Version: 6.0.2
              com.Cycling74.driver.Soundflower          Version: 1.5.3
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                 [not loaded] com.adobe.SwitchBoard.plist
                 [not loaded] com.bombich.ccc.plist
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                     [loaded] com.divx.update.agent.plist
                     [loaded] com.lacie.raidmonitor.daemon.plist
                     [loaded] com.lacie.safemanager.daemon.plist
                     [loaded] com.micromat.TechToolProAgent.plist
                     [loaded] com.orbicule.WitnessUserAgent.plist
                     [loaded] org.macosforge.xquartz.startx.plist
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                     [loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
                     [loaded] com.adobe.ARM.202f4087f2bbde52e3ac2df389f53a4f123223c9cc56a8fd83a6f7ae.plist
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                     [loaded] com.valvesoftware.steamclean.plist
                     [loaded] com.zeobit.MacKeeper.Helper.plist
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              Flash Player
              Flip4Mac WMV
              Paragon NTFS for Mac ® OS X
              TechTool Protection

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    We're both new to this and recently spent an afternoon together looking at videos on Flash and the Cintiq. The combination looks like it will work for us, but I have a few questions which I'm hoping some of the experts on this forum can answer. A simple yes or no may save me hours of reading documentation only to find out that something won't work as I want. I'll also include some questions about the Cintiq and Mac Mini in case someone who uses them with Flash can provide answers. I live in a place where I have no access to these devices before I buy. I have to buy 'cold'. Thus my wariness.
    Please note: I'm not an artist and Steve isn't computer literate. So some of these questions might appear pretty dumb to an experienced user of Flash/Cintiq.
    Ques 1
    Is Synfig Studio (as suggested at the end of my Illustrator thread) something I should consider? Or is Flash a better bet?
    Ques 2
    Does Flash have vector tools that mimic a watercolour paintbrush like in Photoshop? Or is that not possible as a vector, and such effects have to be done outside Flash and then imported as background (or other method)?
    Ques 3
    When a Flash animation is finished, how is it exported, for example, to Premier? Do you export as h.264?
    Ques 4
    It is not clear to Steve and I after viewing three Cintiq videos, how the Cintiq interfaces to Flash. Does the Cintiq know about Flash, and appropriates certain drawing tools automatically? Or do you have to tell Flash (or the Cintiq) that this button on the Cintiq now operates this tool in Flash?
    Ques 5
    Do Flash and Cintiq work well together – and easily?
    Ques 6
    Do I need a monitor to be able to use Flash with the Cintiq? Or would a Mac Mini be a suitable computer – with the Cintiq acting as monitor? Steve won't ever be using this setup as a computer. He'll be treating the Cintiq as a canvas on which to draw and paint.
    Thanks in advance for any replies.

    Hi Guy,
    I thought I was the only one around who was old enough to have worked on wide screen multi-image slide shows!
    Flash may be the right product for you and Steve. I use Flash with an Intuos 4 tablet and it works fine. What you want to do is to search the Flash forums for references to Cintiq. There may be some problems that interfere with your intended use, or it may work exactly as you want. The important element for working with any Wacom product is to be sure that you are using the latest drivers for the Wacom product.
    If you choose to use a mac mini, get a new one, one that can use a lot of memory, you'll need it.
    You can export Flash files to video in most any file type and compression is installed on the computer. So, if you're going to use a Mac, install Quicktime Pro and you should have everything that you need.
    I have never heard of or used Synfig Studio, so I can't comment on that.
    Flash's paint tools are different from Photoshop and more similar to Illustrator's. You will have all of the flexibility of the Cintiq to control painting effects, it will take some practice, but you should be able to get the effect that you're describing.
    Hope this helps with your decision.

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    The fifth and sixth item on this page are DisplayPort male to Mini DisplayPort female "Extension cables". Under US$6 plus shipping from a reputable seller:

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    - Encoding Time: 00:00:00
    01/13/2013 04:48:10 PM : Encoding Failed
    Export Error
    Error compiling movie.
    Unknown error.
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    I know this is pretty old now, but I thought I'd add a reply for those who are having this issue. I just had AME CC 2014 fail on me today, and this is the FIRST thing I've ever tried to render with it. I'm using a TGA sequence and exporting to an X264 codec Quicktime MOV file at 720p. I restarted a few times, repaired permissions etc. and nothing worked except for the following.
    I went to:
    Library/Preferences/Adobe/Adobe Media Encoder/8.0/
    I deleted the entire 8.0 folder (or you could delete whatever version you are having problems with). I then restarted AME and the preferences were recreated and I could successfully use the x264 codec again. Hope this helps someone.

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    Force Quit .
    Press command + option + esc keys together at the same time for 3 seconds.  Wait.
    When Force Quit window appears, select the application if not already.
    Press Force Quit button at the bottom of the window.       Wait.
    Application will quit.
    Start up in Safe Mode.

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    For AIR : I tried the thread Re: AIR and PDF showing/silent printing

    Hey CodeMonkey & Ross,
    Did you either of you ever find a solution? I'm stuck too, it seems I can get remote printing on all these PDFs to work but it just prints a blank page since I've been using Javascript in the browser, not Adobe's (they are Engineering drawings that I do not have permission to edit so I can't just insert code into them but I need to make work instructions). I've been scouring the internet for hours now, it seems that this thread is the only relevant/useful one at this point. No one else was trying to achieve this for similar reasons to mine.
    Thanks guys,

  • I have Photoshop Elements 12 for both PC and Mac (I use both). I have a new camera, Nikon D810. I downloaded the latest version of Camera Raw, 8.8. My D810 is listed as a supported camera model. However, when I try to open a raw photo in Photoshop Element

    I have Photoshop Elements 12 for both PC and Mac (I use both). I have a new camera, Nikon D810. I downloaded the latest version of Camera Raw, 8.8. My D810 is listed as a supported camera model. However, when I try to open a raw photo in Photoshop Elements, I keep getting the message "Could not complete your request because the file appears to be from a camera model which is not supported by the installed version of Camera Raw. I have tried reinstalling Camera Raw many times, and have tried to open many different raw files in Elements, and still get the same error message. Please help.

    How did you try to install ACR 8.8.  The only way I know of that works with Elements is to use the Updates Choice on the Help menu.
    There are two charts supplied by Adobe that explain your RAW dilemma.  This one tells you what your camera needs:   This one tells you what version of software you need:
    In your case, the Nikon D810 needs Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) 8.6 or Lightroom 5.6.  (Congratulations on buying a new camera!)
    To get to that level with Photoshop Elements, you will need to replace your Photoshop Elements 12 with version 13.   Adobe caps ACR updates on version 12 at 8.5.
    The most convenient way to get around it without spending any money is to use the FREE from Adobe DNG Converter.  Download and install it from here for FREE:  Once it is installed you can convert your D810 raw files to an Adobe RAW version with the .DNG file extension that most, if not all, versions of the various Adobe software programs can use.  That includes old versions of Photoshop, Elements and Lightroom.  DNG converter can be used as the tool to move your files from your memory card to your computer, is efficient, will convert in batches and is completely lossless.  There is no risk of any image quality degradation or RAW functionality.

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