MBP Late '11: FW800 won't connect, but FW400 will?

Late 2011 MBP- 13" 2.8Ghz Dual core i7
All of a sudden, my fw800 CF card reader won't mount, neither will my LaCie Rugged Ext HD 500GB 7200rpm.
Used Disk Utility, and could not see the drive or the reader, rebooted, etc.
The LaCie is a tri-interface (fw800, fw400 and USB) and just to try I powered it down, reattached using the fw400 cable (on my mpb the cables go into the same port) and ir instantly mounts! My card reader is only 800, so no joy on attenmpting same 'fix' on reader.
used fw800 cable and a 9 to 6 pin adapter to keep the port and same actual cable in all loops.
Can this be a logic board problem or controller issue?
Been searchng for hours about PRAM reset and other 'fixes' but unsure if this applies to my unit. running Lion 10.7.4
Thanks in advance for your help/thoughts.

- Is there a log file that I can see the trace of the connection, and perhaps the reason?
No, unfortunately Apple removed logs from the new "upgraded" AirPort Utility in Lion, and carried that over into Mountain Lion.
- Where's the keychain password for this? - it may be password related, so I want to try clearing the value.
If you have the Mac that you used to configure the Time Capsule originally, the Time Capsule Base Station (device) password can possibly be retrieved through Key Chain Access
Open Macintosh HD > Applications > Utilities > KeyChain Access
Double click on the listing from the Time Capsule AirPort Base Station Password
Enter a check mark next to Show Password
Enter the main administrator password for the Mac
The Time Capsule base station or device password will be revealed
If you simply want to change the Time Capsule Base Station password....
Open Macintosh HD > Applications > Utilities > AirPort Utility
Click on the Time Capsule icon, then click Edit
Click on the Bast Station tab at the top of the window
Backspace / edit out the Base Station password and enter the new password
Do the same to Verify Password
Click Update to save the new settings and allow 30 seconds for the Time Capsule to restart

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    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
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    The Factory Reset Gen1-4.
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    -Premiere Pro Video Editing Information FAQ http://forums.adobe.com/message/4200840
    Exactly what is INSIDE the video you are editing?
    Codec & Format information, with 2 links inside for you to read http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1270588
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    http://forums.adobe.com/thread/592070?tstart=30 for screen shot instructions
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