MBP with Retina 15" Safari issue

Hey everyone,
I have a 7 month old 15" MBP with Retina Display. Here is my issue/issues. In safari, when I am using the trackpad to go forward and backward to web pages, it will zoom in super close. When the page loads it will then zoom out to a normal looking web page. My second issue is with the Resolution. I have gone in to System Preferences and looked at the diaplsy settings. It is only in Safari though. It almost looks like it is in AirPlay mirrioring mode, but it is not. Any one else having these issues? Anyone know of a fix?
Here is a screenshot of the resolution issue. It seems like it is only in Safari also.
Here is what it does when I use the trackpad to go forward and backward:
Thank you

Hey everyone,
I have a 7 month old 15" MBP with Retina Display. Here is my issue/issues. In safari, when I am using the trackpad to go forward and backward to web pages, it will zoom in super close. When the page loads it will then zoom out to a normal looking web page. My second issue is with the Resolution. I have gone in to System Preferences and looked at the diaplsy settings. It is only in Safari though. It almost looks like it is in AirPlay mirrioring mode, but it is not. Any one else having these issues? Anyone know of a fix?
Here is a screenshot of the resolution issue. It seems like it is only in Safari also.
Here is what it does when I use the trackpad to go forward and backward:
Thank you

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    you can ask them, but they are not obligated to fulfill your request.  They are obligated to fix any issues related to defective craftsmanship as long as your mac is under warranty however.

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    This is an update on the question about the use of the Dell P2415Q 4K monitor with MacBook Pro 13" and 15" w/ Nvidia graphics card installed. The monitor works very well with both systems and is automatically identified when connected. The 13" machine with Iris Graphics defaults to 2560 x 1440 at 60hz. This was very workable, matching the Apple Thunderbolt Display for resolution. I was not able to set the display for full 4K at 3840 x 2160, even at 30hz. Just not enough horsepower with the basic Intel CPU with Iris Graphics. But make no mistake, the setup works well and the screen looks great.
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    PS: side-by-side specs, graphics and drive data rates,
    the newer of the two may be the better one to get, as
    it has later Thunderbolt  with higher capacities, too.
    Look into mactracker or other specification chart that
    can be opened beside each other (as I have now) &
    then you can see sections in each model, one at a
    time. MacTracker shows general-software-memory+
    graphics-connections-history by category.
    2013 model Thunderbolt, Hard Drive Interface, graphics
    spec all look good. Not sure if the history of graphic issue
    in the dual-graphic card model 2012, was overcome or not.
    However this may require some research...
    If yours is one that shipped with Mavericks OS X 10.9
    you may do well to get a copy of the installer on a
    USB and dedicate it as a backup or set up a second
    drive or other device to safe a download of the installer
    and/or a copy-clone of the Mavericks. The limited total
    of RAM available may not be a problem, with both units
    shipping with an SSD and not a rotational HDD. And if
    you like (& if yours has OS X 10.9) you could then use
    OS X 10.10 too.  Be careful an 'upgrade' isn't done to
    an older system by accident; surprises aren't so nice.
    With either choice, be sure to get & make suitable backup
    of your files in addition to a device to use Time Machine.
    Good luck & happy computing!

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    The only way you can get a valid estimate is by someone examining the MBP directly.  Since no one on these forums can see or examine your MBP, you will need to get this infomation from a qualified repair shop.  It seems that you already have secured one estimate.  You can also bring the MBP to an Apple store and have a genius bar examine it for FREE.

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    Even my 2011 MBP can take 16 GB RAM.  I would be VERY surprised if the 2012 model cannot handle 16 GB RAM once macsales.com and crucial.com test enough of the available RAM types to find the most-compatible type.  Apple advertises limitations based on testing with "commonly available" parts.  2x8 GB RAM chips are still around $150, so Apple probably did not test them.  But only time (and those willing to test with their brand-new units) will prove that.
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    You might also want to install the excellent gfxCardStaus from Cody Krieger. For some reason Google Chrome feels as if it needs to use the discrete graphics card when, since the fix with the Intel 4000 GPU, it has been able to use integrated. gfxCardStatus let's you use one or the other or discrete switching (for instance with Photoshop, etc., apps that really do need discrete GPU.
    Good luck,

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    Take it back and get a refund. What are you waiting for, your new Mac does not work correctly.

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    I'm going to use the new Mac for Xcode and photoshop.
    My question here. Shall I buy an i5 MBP with retina display or an i7 MBP (non retina) as both are same price.
    The think the only difference (other than the display and is the slim body) is the HDMI port in the retina model and DVD drive in the non-retina model
    I live outside the US and my friend is going to buy it for in two weeks and I won't be able to return it if I didn't like it so please choose carefully
    Thank you in advance

    Doing some additonal web research I found the following site.  Using that data, I was able to pull the Geekbench performance results my current MBP (late 2011) and the two MBP's being considered.  Below is a cut & paste of the information I compiled in a spreadsheet.
    Next question -- does the benchmarks take into account the speed difference of the HDD vs SDD drives?  As you can see, there is very minimal performance difference to go non-retina to a retina model.  On average a 6.64% performance increase for a 28.60% price increase.
    Those percentages might change if the benchmark tests don't include hard drive speeds.  But as it stands, if we attribute 6.64% of the costs difference to performance since that is how much increase you get going rMBP vs MBP, then there is an approximate 22% premium (or $220) for the retina display and more compact design (along with all the various changes that go w/ retina -- no user upgradeability, addition of HDMI port, lack of optical drive, firewire and ethernet, etc).  If you plan on buying an external super-drive ($79) the premium crawls to near 30% more.
    nolimits76 wrote:
    Macbook Model Info
    32-bit Single
    % Faster
    32-bit Dual
    % Faster
    64-bit Single
    % Faster
    64-bit Dual
    % Faster
    Late 2011
    i5 2.4ghz
    Mid 2012
    i5 2.5ghz
    Late 2013
    i5 2.4ghz
    Macbook Model Info
    % More
    Late 2011
    i5 2.4ghz
    Mid 2012
    i5 2.5ghz
    Late 2013
    i5 2.4ghz

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    is this a software problem or should i take it to apple?

    Take it back and get a refund. What are you waiting for, your new Mac does not work correctly.

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    Thanks a lot,

    so return it for another one if its within the 14 day return policy.  If not, bring it in for repair.

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