MD 04 screen

Hi All,
My client is facing a problem in MD04 screen. He logs into MD04 screen, then clicks on the search critieria for the material (by clicking on the circle next to the material). This takes to the search screen for the material. There only two tabs are available. Even the arrows to navigate left & right are missing. Can anyone please let me know how to correct this.

Not really.  If he has been seeing it earlier, then this would be the main reason. 
Another thing could be authorisations.  You could ask the user to open two sessions.  Ask him to execute MD04 in one and do the F4/dropdown for the material field.  He can then go into the other session and type in SU53 in the comman window.  See, if there is an authorisation missing error.  This logic is a bit dim, but will set your mind at rest.
SAPGUI files do get corrupted.  There are windows updates happening daily.  Something happens and your GUI becomes either corrupt or needs an update.

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    public class phoneFamily extends phoneNumbers
         protected int home;
         public phoneFamily(String name, String address, int mobile, int business, int home)
              super(name, address, mobile, business);
              this.home = home;
         public phoneFamily(StringTokenizer P)
              while (P.hasMoreTokens()){home = Integer.parseInt(P.nextToken());}
         public void setHome(int home)
              this.home = home;
         public int getHome()
              return home;
         public String toString()
              return "Name: " + name + "\nAddress: " + address + "\nMobile: " + mobile +
                   "\nBusiness: " + business + "\nHome: " + home;
         public String CSV()
              return name + "," + address + "," + mobile + "," + business + "," + home;
    }Now I'm assuming that the problem I am having, where null or 0 is written to the file and screen is caused by the methods that reads a contact, writes them to the file, prints them to the screen. Here are those bits of codes.
    Reads Contact:
    private phoneNumbers ReadContact()
              int x = 0;
              String contact;
              StringTokenizer S;
              while (x < 1 || x > 3)
                   System.out.print("Which type of contact would you like?");
                   x = keyboard.nextInt();
              contact = ReadString("contact name") + "," +
                         ReadString("address") + "," +
                         ReadString("mobile") + "," +
                         ReadString("business") + ",";
              if (x==1)
              else if (x==2)
                   contact+=ReadString("email") + "," + ReadString("job title") + "," + ReadString("department");
                   contact+=ReadString("email") + "," + ReadString("home");
              S = new StringTokenizer(contact,",");
              if (x==1)
                   return new phoneFamily(S);
              else if (x==2)
                   return new phoneWorkers(S);
                   return new phoneFriends(S);
    Writes to File
    public void Save() throws IOException
              PrintWriter phoneFile = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(PH_FILE));
              for (int i=0;i<NumOfContacts;i++)
                   String phoneX = phone.CSV();
              System.out.println("Contacts have been saved successfully.");
    Prints on Screen
    public void PrintFamily()
              System.out.println("Contacts Stored as FAMILY:");
              //#=7, Name=24, Address=28, Email=24, Mobile=12, Business=12,
              System.out.println(SpaceGen("#",7) + SpaceGen("Name",24) + SpaceGen("Address",28) +
                   SpaceGen("Mobile",12) + SpaceGen("Business",12) + SpaceGen("Home",12));
              for (int i=0;i<NumOfContacts;i++)
                   if (phone[i] instanceof phoneFamily)
                        System.out.print(SpaceGen((new Integer(i+1)).toString(),7));
                        System.out.print(SpaceGen(new Integer(((phoneFamily)phone[i]).getMobile()).toString(),12));
                        System.out.print(SpaceGen(new Integer(((phoneFamily)phone[i]).getBusiness()).toString(),12));
                        System.out.print(SpaceGen(new Integer(((phoneFamily)phone[i]).getHome()).toString(),12));
    For some reason the last thing you enter when adding a contact (example above, home number), gets displayed first (when it should be name) and the rest are null or 0. The file looks something like this (in CSV)
    The "111222333" is supposed to be the name but like I said last value entered is being put first.
    I've gone over my code several times, with no luck :-(.

    I made a silly mistake in the bit where the details are read. After fixing that everything is running well :-).
    My mistake:
    I had something like:
    while(P.hasMoreTokens()){ = P.nextToken();}
    while(P.hasMoreTokens()){this.data2 = P.nextToken();}
    and so on...Obviously had to use "if"s and not "while"s to read the data...
    Thanks for offering a helping hand :-) though!

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    Put your sky clip on a layer below the clip you want to key. One or the other will be a connected clip. Apply  the Keying filter to foreground clip (the one with the green screen). The green will be seen as transparent and the sky will show through as the BG. Adjust as necessary in the Inspector.
    Good luck.

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    > I have a KDL42-W653A television which supports screen mirroring over WiFi.
    By mirroring over WiFi what technology you mean exactly?
    Miracast, Intel WiDi, DisplayLink?
    Toshiba Encore supports *Miracast*
    To use Miracase both devices needs to support this technology.
    Then you can connect to external display very easy:
    Tab Settings -> Change PC settings -> PC and devices -> Devices
    Here you have to Add a device and you tablet will start searching for a Miracast devices
    After the connection has been established, the name of the Miracast device will appear under Projectors
    Did you test the video output connecting the table to the TV with an micro-HDMI cable?
    Does it work?
    Here is also an nice youtube video about the Toshiba Encore WT8 screen output options

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    Does anyone have a suggestion?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Previous Post.
    If you clicked on your username and looked at your profile, you can see the messages you've created or replied to in the past.

  • On Screen Keyboard Glitch in Tablet Mode - On Screen Keyboard minimizes / disappears / slides down

    Hi there -
    New Yoga owner here ( just bought it yesterday) and within minutes of setting the computer up I noticed that the on screen keyboard was malfunctioning when the yoga is in tablet mode. Specifically, it pops up for about a second and then, without me touching or clicking or doing anything, it quickly slides back down. repeated attempts to bring up the keyboard end up, frustratingly, with the same result. what is perplexing to me is the on screen keyboard works fine in laptop mode (when I need it least).
    Someone else already started a post on this BUT it was marked as 'solved' (which it wasn't) so I figured I'd start new thread. The solution on the previous thread was to simply 'refresh' windows to get rid of any new drivers that were downloaded since purchasing the yoga, but I did not download or update anything prior to this problem arising (as I said, the problem seemed to occur within a few minutes of turning the machine on for the first time). In any case, I tried the refresh and it did not work so clearly my problem is not that I downloaded an incompatible or faulty driver. Please Help! I love this machine and I'm trying to see past the other flaws I've noticed so far (subtle screen flickering, inconsistent touch sensitivity etc), but this issue is starting to really undermine my confidence in the product quality and, from a productivity standpoint, it is a real deal breaker to not have full tablet functionality.
    Go to Solution.

    I had the same problem with the disappearing virtual keyboard within hours of starting to use my new Yoga 13.  I read somewhere that it was a problem with an incompatible Synaptics driver, and when I looked in the control panel, it showed that the Synaptics driver had been updated on my Yoga as of the day I bought it.  I think somehow by agreeing to automatic updates of the software, the Synaptics driver is updated to an incompatible version.   So what I did was I removed the Synaptics driver, using the Windows program uninstaller tool, rebooted, and then found the Synaptics driver at the Lenovo site which is specifically labelled as the Yoga 13 driver.  I installed that, and the keyboard is now working fine.    

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    The MBP is a tank, but I've been considering buying a new MacBook, preferably the Air, until this MBP kicks it, so if anyone has estimation on its shelf life, that'll be great (My 2005 Powerbook G4 barely made it through 4 years!). The warranty on the MBP just expired last year.
    Thanks in advance, I appreciate any insight on the issue.

    Curiously, I don't have that option. It only gives me the option to disable Automatic graphics switching where it should give the better battery life or higher performance options. Do I have something disabled that gets rid of that option? It's the same under the Battery or Power Adapter options.
    I'm going to take it to a genius but I'm wondering from reading other forums that maybe one of my RAM slots is bad. I want to have a play but will the genius know if I've opened it up and then possibly refuse it? If it is bad RAM then I can fix that myself without having to travel 70 miles to my nearest Apple Store. Is there a seal that I would break that would give away the fact that I've opened it up?
    Thanks for the advice so far.

  • When I login to second user account I get a blank white screen.

    Just updated to 10.8.3, was also having issues that seemed to be related to Spotlight and TM backups. Issues on my main user account seem to have been resolved, but I have not reactivated Spotlight or TM yet.
    When I try to login to my wife's user account, it just hangs on a white screen. I've tried repairing user permissions, and also resetting PRAM and NVRAM. Disk verify checks out fine.

    [A hole bunch, removed to shorten post...]
    Does the problem account also have a lot of fonts in the home folder? That could be the reason for a login failure. Otherwise see below.
    Please read this whole message carefully, especially the warnings, before doing anything.
    1. The changes to your configuration suggested here should be considered provisional; they may not solve your problem, or they may remove functionality that you find useful. If a third-party system modification that you want to keep is causing the problem, seek help from its developer.
    2. WARNING: Back up all data now if you haven’t already done so. Before proceeding, you must be sure you can restore your system to its present state, even if it becomes unbootable. If you’re not sure you can do that, STOP — DON’T CHANGE ANYTHING. If you’re dissatisfied with the results of the procedure suggested below, restore from your backup. I will not be responsible for the consequences, and I will not be able to help, if you ignore this warning.
    3. You should either remove or update the following system modification(s), if an update is available from the developer:
    and definitely remove at least the following:
    Logitech Control Center
    † PeerGuardian
    Hotspot Shield
    † Conduit
    4. Whatever you remove must be removed completely, and (unless otherwise specified in this message) the only way to do that is to use the uninstallation tool, if any, provided by the third-party developers, or to follow their instructions. If the software has been incompletely removed, you may have to re-download or even reinstall it in order to finish the job. I can't be more specific, because I don't install such things myself. Please do your own research.
    Here are some general guidelines to get you started. Suppose you want to remove something called “BrickYourMac.” First, consult the product's Help menu, if there is one, for instructions. Finding none there, look on the developer's website, say (That may not be the actual name of the site; if necessary, search the web for the product name.) If you don’t find anything on the website or in your search, contact the developer. While you're waiting for a response, download BrickYourMac.dmg and open it. There may be an application in there such as “Uninstall BrickYourMac.” If not, open “BrickYourMac.pkg” and look for an Uninstall button.
    Again, please don't ask me to do this research for you. You can do it better than I can, because I haven't installed the product and I may not even know what it is.
    If you can’t remove software in any other way, you’ll have to erase your boot volume and perform a clean reinstallation of OS X. Never install any third-party software unless you're sure you know how to uninstall it; otherwise you may create problems that are very hard to solve.
    WARNING: Trying to remove complex system modifications by hunting for files by name often will not work and may make the problem worse. The same goes for "utilities" that purport to remove software.
    5. I recommend that you never reinstall the modifications marked with a dagger (†) above, if any. If your problem is resolved after uninstalling all the above modifications and rebooting, but you still want to use some of those not marked with a dagger, you can experiment with putting them back, one at a time, testing carefully after each step. Keep in mind that system modifications may be incompatible with each other or with future OS X updates, so it may not be clear which one is at fault.
    6. If you still have problems after making the suggested changes and rebooting, post again. Remember: if you don’t like the results of this procedure, you can undo it by restoring from the last backup you made before you started.
    You installed the Conduit spyware. To remove it, back up all data, then follow the instructions on this page:
    Help Center | Community Toolbar
    If those instructions don't work, proceed as follows.
    Triple-click the line below to select it:
    ~/Library/Application Support/Conduit
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C). From the Finder menu bar, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder…
    Paste into the box that opens (command-V), then press return. A Finder window should open with a folder named "Conduit" selected. If it does, delete the selected item.
    Repeat with this line:
    Now you're deleting a folder named "Toolbars". You may be prompted for your login password. Next, copy this line:
    Select Go to Folder… again and paste. Don't delete the Library folder. Delete only the following items inside it, if they exist.
    Application Support/Conduit
    Close the Finder windows you opened. Log out and log back in.

  • When i login to my banks online access point a new browser is opened and it takes up the full 27" display. ca i restrict the size of web browser screen used by tme online banking service?  imac 27" OSX snow leopard 10.6.8

    Intel iMac OSX Snow Leopard 10.6.8
    I logon to bank via its internet portal and next screen takes up all 27" display.
    Can this be controlled in any way or do I just put up with it, it is really annoying.

    Thank you for your response. Whew...i omitted to say I use Firefox... tried to logon using Safari... same
    result Installed Chrome ...same thing Installed Opera... this browser actually has in its Preferences menu
    the capacity to set JavaScript Options under the Conent submenu... DISALLOWED  all of resizing of windows, 
    moving of windows and ability of script to hide menu bar ... this fixes the screen to available browser size...
    so my issue has at least this resolution. Thank you Flet Cheryl 

  • When I boot up it hangs on the login screen for awhile, why?

    I have a mid 2011 Macbook Air 13".  It came with Lion but I recently updated to Mountain Lion.  When I wake the laptop from sleep everything is fine.  If it's been awhile since it slept (a couple of hours), the login screen hangs.  What happens is that it boots like normal and looks like everything is correct, but it won't let me type in my password.  After 10 seconds or so I can see a cursor come up but it won't let me type (but anything I do type at this point will later fill in the field after another 2-3 seconds or so).  One other thing that's weird is that when the screen first comes up it shows the battery percentage from when I put it back on the charger, then after everything catches up, it changes to show 100%.
    I hope I explained the problem well enough.  Basicly a "wake from sleep" is fine if it hasn't been long since the laptop slept, but if it's been awhile it takes about 15-20 seconds to boot up.

    Here are some suggestions based on my recent issue with unable to get Mavericks up after upgrade - The Apple geniuses just simply couldnt figure this one out...despite it being in their shop for 3 days (They probably did not look at it...and asked if they can just wipe out everything and install fresh...i had said NO):
    Restart computer and hold Cmd+V when you hear chime. This will start the computer in Verbose mode.
    See the messages and see where the system boot fails. In my case, it was some backtrace IOStorageFamily issue with com.paragon-software.
    Google may be able to solve your Apple issues - just type the error message in and see if you get any useful suggestions. in most cases - this would be some faulty 3rd party drivers.....
    In my case, it was something stupid i had probably installed....I had to boot to safe mode (Hold Shift at boot chime) - open Terminal, delete the folder com.paragon-software.kext from System/Library/Extensions....that fixed the problem. Mavericks is working great now....
    Let me know if your debugging thing works...

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