MDM API & documentation

We would like to develop our inHouse Mobile Device Management but I only found general documentation about the way it work.
Is there any doc about API and how to develop our own MDM server ? Which message should be sent through Push notification server, how to register on server, how are MDM profile structured, etc ???

Need Enterprise Account for a mdm documentation
2. iOS Provisioning Portal
3. Certificates
4. Other
5. Mobile Device Management Protocol Reference
click this then you'll be able to download enterprise mdm pdf

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    Please let me know where i can find complete workflow API documentation for MDM 5.5 SP4.

    The Data Manager guide has a good section on workflow:
    It starts on page 210
    Also, the Syndicator guide has a section on the syndication workflows
    Starts on page 49

  • Does MDM APIs work in CE 7.2 landscape?

    Hello Experts,
    We have a requirement to fetch data from MDM tables and display in WD Java applications. We have to use MDM APIs for that. Our landscape is as follows:
    Portal server is on CE 7.2
    MDM Server version is 7.1 SP05
    Now, the major problem is, in order to establish a connection to repository by MDM API, we need to provide "MDM System Alias" in the code. This alias is for the system of type MDM created in portal system administration --> System Config.
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    Thank You,
    Edited by: Ameya Pimpalgaonkar on Jun 21, 2011 12:12 PM
    Edited by: Ameya Pimpalgaonkar on Jun 21, 2011 12:14 PM

    Hello Kanstantsin Chernichenka,
    Thank you very much for the reply. There is no way I can do this in SP 05? or do I have to upgrade to SP7 only? I am not sure if we can upgrade to SP7 that's why I am a bit concerned.
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    Edited by: Ameya Pimpalgaonkar on Jun 21, 2011 12:54 PM

  • Hierarchical Table Commands in MDM API

    I found only RetrieveLimitedHierTreeCommand,RetrieveLimitedHierChildrenCommand in MDM API for hierarchical tables.
    So how can we add a child or a sibling, delete a child or sibling to the nodes of the tree.
    Can anyone please give me links or some documentation on how to proceed with this.
    The other problem we are facing when retrieving the children using RetrieveLimitedHierTreeCommand
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    Hi Greg,
    I am adding the code snippet below. Can you please look into this and check if there are any problems
    RetrieveLimitedHierTreeCommand hr=new RetrieveLimitedHierTreeCommand(conAccessor);
    Search ser=new Search(repoSchemacmd.getRepositorySchema().getTable("New_Code").getId());
    FieldId fldId =repoSchemacmd.getRepositorySchema().getTableSchema("New_Code").getField("New_Code").getId();
    StringValue fldVal = new StringValue("G0440");
    ser.addSearchItem(new FieldSearchDimension(fldId),new TextSearchConstraint(fldVal.getString(),TextSearchConstraint.EQUALS));
    ResultDefinition rd=new ResultDefinition(repoSchemacmd.getRepositorySchema().getTable("New_Code").getId());
    try {
    } catch (CommandException e) {
    When i execute this part of code and get the children. i get the children as null.

  • Help in MDM Api use

    Hi ,
    I'm starting to develop a integration with MDM, i already connection with MDM server, but i cant make a search and retrieve the values from the results
    i have tried this example:
    ok .. it works .. returns a RecordResultSet, but i cant retrieve the values from RecordResultSet.
    can anoyne help-me with a example code to seach on a main mdm table by one field, change a value and save the change ?
    and how can i use the multilanguage when getting and setting values on the fields ?
    tks !
    Edited by: Diogo  Palermo Tobler on Aug 29, 2008 8:50 PM

    Hi Diogo,
    Here are some links which will give reasonable amount of info on working with Java Api's for various functionalities:
    Working with Java Api's
    Retrieving Data from MDM using Java APi's- Part 1
    Getting insight in the New MDM Java Api's
    Getting Insight in the New MDM Java API
    Populating Lookup Fields using Java Api's
    Populating Lookup Fields using Java API - Has sample Code
    SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Java API u2013 New features in SP06 Webinar Details
    SAP Network Blog: Performing Free Form Searches with MDM Java API
    SAP Network Blog: MDM Java API 2 an introductive series part I
    MDM Java API 2 an introductive series part I
    Referencing the MDM Java API during development and runtime
    How to work with Command in the new MDM Java API
    MDM Java API documentation
    The specified item was not found.
    MDM Java API 2 an introductive series part IV
    Hope it helps.
    Thanks and Regards
    Nitin Jain

  • KM Scheduler job with MDM APIs

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    Trying to post the question under different category

  • Error while creating new user via new MDM API

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    2) I am trying to create a user through new MDM API (not the MDM4J). When I execute the command CreateUserCommand, I get following error: MDM repository data is out-of-date or is locked by another MDM Server. Refresh the data and try the operation again. If the error persists, contact the system administrator.
    Here is the code that I execute:
              CreateUserCommand createusercommand =
                   new CreateUserCommand(connections);
              UserProperties userpp = new UserProperties();
              try {
              } catch (CommandException e) {
    Edited by: Vijendra Bhanot on Feb 22, 2008 6:42 PM
    Edited by: Vijendra Bhanot on Feb 22, 2008 6:49 PM

    I am also getting same exception. MDM repository data is out-of-date or is locked by another MDM Server. Refresh the data and try the operation again. If the error persists, contact the system administrator.
    Please help me.
    Thanks & Regards

  • MDM API for key Mapping.

    Hi All,
    Can anyone tell me how to use MDM API for updating key mapping ?
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    Can anyone give me clue on this

    Hello Rama:
    Under Java you can do these things:
    Delete key mapping:
    CatalogData.DeleteKeyMapping(ClientSystem : String, Table :
    String, RecordID : int, Keys : String[])
    Argument Description
    ClientSystem -> Client system name
    Table -> Table name
    RecordID -> Record ID
    Keys -> Remote keys to remove
    Set a new keymapping:
    CatalogData.SetKeyMapping(ClientSystem : String, Table :
    String, RecordID : int, Keys : String[], DefaultKeyIndex
    : int)
    Argument Description
    ClientSystem ->    ClientSystem name
    Table ->           Table name
    RecordID ->        Record ID.
    Keys ->            Remote Keys you want to add
    DefaultKeyIndex -> Index entry into the key parameter
    indicating the key value as the default.
    I hope that helps

  • Where to find API documentation on massage handling from Email to PDA?

    Where to find API documentation on massage handling from Email to PDA? and vice versa..?

    You'll have to help me understand what you want to do.
    :"message handliing from e-mail to pda" doesn't mean much to me.
    We prrovide ENS, which is what most folks that want notification to pda's want.

  • How to refer the class package "com.sapportals.connector" for MDM API?

    Iam trying to execute one example mdm api program in dynpro/ejb.
    I could not refer the class package com.sapportals.connector.
    What SCA or build path package needed for dev time and runtime and where do i get that.
    Please help me.

    Hi Armin,
    Sorry that I still got problem on importing and make use of the class for knowledgemanagement. I can found the cooresponding .jar file in folder "jakarta-tomcat-3.3.2\webapps\irj\WEB-INF\plugins\portal\services\knowledgemanagement\lib". And added the services reference as "ServicesReference=htmlb, knowledgemanagement". However, I still can't use the class for KM.
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    I am using Eclipse as my development tools.
    Thanks & Regards
    Message was edited by: Sam Choy

  • How could i get access to MDM API,Is it available to all Enterprise accounts?e

    Hi ,
    I am trying to develop an enterprise application which needs to list all the installed Enterprise apps in the device.Also there is an option to delete the installed enterprise apps from device.I found that this can be done only by setting up a customized MDM server.My company already has an enterprise account.I have some doubts related to this
    1 . Is it possible to setup a custom MDM server using MDM API's?
    2. How could i get access to MDM API's to setup a custom MDM server/
    3. Is MDM server provided only by third party vendors?
    4. Is MDM server /MDM API available to all enterprise accounts?
    Looking forward  for a quick response.
    Thanks in advance

    A backup of a device with a newer version of iOS cannot be retored to a device with an older version.  The solution is to connect to itunes and update the new device's iOS, then perform a restore.

  • How to create a listener using the new MDM API

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    Hi all,
    Looking for some sample codes on the same
    Best regards,
    Arun prabhu S

  • Abap MDM API query with OR operation

    Hi experts,
    not sure this is the proper section for the thread, anyway; dealing with ABAP MDM API, is there a way to build up a query which involves several clause in OR conjunction?
    This is the scenario: I've got to extract several items on the basis of exact product codes. Tipically, I've got huge vectors of hundreds of product codes; actually, I could easily retrieve data by looping over them and, for each code, perform a query on MDM via QUERY method building the clause as follows:
          ls_query-parameter_code  = 'MDMSRM_PART_NO'. "Field code
           ls_query-operator        = 'EQ'.   "Contains
           ls_query-dimension_type  = mdmif_search_dim_field.      "Fieldsearch
           ls_query-constraint_type = mdmif_search_constr_text.    "Text search 
           lv_text = wa_codes-product_code.
           GET REFERENCE OF lv_text INTO ls_query-value_low.
           APPEND ls_query TO lt_query.
    This will however result in hundreds of query in the LOOP itself.
    Is there any way to build a query with OR operators ?

    I see you are not clearing your local structure "ls_query".  This could be reason of problem,  try this and let us know the result:
    DATA lt_query                  TYPE mdm_query_table.
    DATA ls_query                 TYPE mdm_query.
    DATA lv_search_text       TYPE string.
    DATA lt_result_set            TYPE mdm_search_result_table.
    DATA ls_result_set           LIKE LINE OF lt_result_set.
    Fill query structure with FIRST parameter
        ls_query-parameter_code  = 'Name'.
        ls_query-operator        = 'CS'. 
        ls_query-dimension_type  = mdmif_search_dim_field.    
        ls_query-constraint_type = mdmif_search_constr_text.
        lv_search_text = 'BMW'.
        GET REFERENCE OF lv_search_text INTO ls_query-value_low.
        APPEND ls_query TO lt_query.
    CLEAR ls_query.
    Fill query structure with SECOND parameter
        ls_query-parameter_code  = 'Model'.
        ls_query-operator        = 'CS'. 
        ls_query-dimension_type  = mdmif_search_dim_field.    
        ls_query-constraint_type = mdmif_search_constr_text.
        lv_search_text = '2009'.
        GET REFERENCE OF lv_search_text INTO ls_query-value_low.
        APPEND ls_query TO lt_query.
    CLEAR ls_query.
    Query on records (search for value 'BMW' model '2009' in table Products)
        CALL METHOD lr_api->mo_core_service->query
            iv_object_type_code = 'Products'                  
            it_query            = lt_query
            et_result_set       = lt_result_set.


    Hi all,
    I am configuring MDM ABAP API. I have given all the parameters in the transaction MDMAPIC. Now What next step i have to do. I mean i also have to code somewhere for this configuration, if so then where. I have notes for the classed based mdm api. How to use these classes. I have never worked on ABAP.
    Can anybody explain me giving example.
    Devinderpal yadav.

    As per your problem please follow
    Hope it help.Please reward points if you find it useful.

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    Thanks Gilad--
    I didn't think to check the downloads--thanks for that tip.
    Do you know if the online documentation will return?

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