MDT2013 - How to deploy Office365 Click-to-Run in Applications?

I used the Office Deployment Tool to create a click-to-run setup to install Office 365 Pro Plus Retail.  This works well if I map the network share, and run it with: setup.exe /configure configuration.xml.  Unfortunately, I can't seem to get this
to work if I create a new Application in my Deployment Share.  Is there a way to do this through MDT 2013?  Can you please explain how to do this?  I'm an MDT newbie :)
Thank you!

Let's dissect it. There are three parts:
cd --
This is change directory command.
/d --
This switch makes cd change
both drive and directory at once. Without it you would have to do cd
%~d0 & cd %~p0.
%~dp0 --
This can be dissected further into three parts:
%0 --
This represents zeroth parameter of your batch script. It expands into the name of the batch file itself.
%~0 --
The ~ there
strips double quotes (")
around the expanded argument.
%dp0 --
The d and p there
are modifiers of the expansion. The d forces
addition of a drive letter and the p adds
full path.
So basically it represents the full path to the location from where the script is executed, without having to use the full path like you did. Your script creates a dependency with that specific server or IP address, so whenever the location changes, you'll
need to modify your script. While using the %~DP0 represents the full path.
Also I would not recommend removing the temp directory immediately in the same script but do a cleanup action with another commandline or script afterwards. Reason for this is that the installation of Office-365 takes time, and you don't want to have the
directory removed due to execution of the script, when Office-365 is still installing.
Not having the rmdir in your script forces MDT to wait for the completion of the Office-365 installation, according to my experience.
If this post is helpful please click "Mark for answer", thanks! Kind regards

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    SourcePath indicates the installation source path from which to install Office when you run the Office Deployment Tool in
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    I have moved your Discussion to the community as it has little to do with the platform and most of the fiori content is there.
    Regards, Mike (Moderator)
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    Message was edited by:
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    How you create your .xml file.
    Have you created your .xml file using New->web tier->OA Components->Page.
    If in this way you would not get your specified Error. Could not find the main class.Progarm will exit.
    I think you are running any java file. either controller, or any else.
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    if still this issue exist on your side. let us know all the steps in details to us.
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    Better to post your topic in the iPad in the Enterprise community.
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    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: jxl.Workbook -
    Loader Info -
    ClassLoader name: [com.drl.bomrecipe/bomrecipe] Loader hash code: 30a86ee9 Living status: alive Direct parent loaders: [system:Frame] [interface:webservices] [interface:cross] [interface:security] [interface:transactionext] [library:webservices_lib] [library:opensql] [library:jms] [library:ejb20] [service:p4] [service:ejb] [service:servlet_jsp] [] [library:tcblexceptionlib] [library:tcblloggingapi] Resources: E:\usr\sap\CE7\J00\j2ee\cluster\apps\com.drl.bomrecipe\bomrecipe\servlet_jsp\webdynpro\resources\com.drl.bomrecipe\bomrecipe\root\WEB-INF\lib\com.drl.bomrecipe~bomrecipe.jar -
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
    help me please, thanks in advance
    Pradeep Kumar G

    Hi Pradeep,
    Have you created both compilation and assembly public parts for your Ext Lib, and have you added them both to your Used DC's list?
    Also remember, since you are using an assembly public part, the 'Create Archive' and 'Deploy new archive and run' should not be used!
    Use the DC Build and DC Deploy instead.
    Hope this helps!
    Robin van het Hof

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