Mea culpa.. really messed something up this time...

Good day all. I was working through the document as to how to create your own iWeb template. Alas, at some point, I double clicked on an unmodified version of the Freestyle Welcome template. Of course, iWeb launched, and choked. Now I am no longer able to launch my original practice Blog, nor get past the iWeb complaint, nor even find my original practice Blog. Egads!
Any and all help ( I have already hit my head on the wall the requisite three times ) is welcome and appreciated.

I saved the practice 'site', however now I can no longer do anything - I get two messages,
1) Welcome to iWeb '08... with the Update button highlighted. If clicked, I get the following:
2)"The document "Freestyle Welcome.webtemplate" cannot be saved " with OK.
I no longer have an Open file nor a New Page menu item available, thus even if I had backed up the practice sheets, I would not be able to move to a prior version.
So... how to reset the app or find my practice 'site' or some other assistance is still needed.

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    So you are synching with an empty playlist? That will empty your iPod.
    Refilling the the playlist with music of your choice should fix it or you could chose to manage your music manually - Right click on your iPod and choose iPod options.
    You could also use a smart playlist which has an option to limit its size to a certain number of MB - it's one of the Limit To options. There is iTunes help on smart play lists.

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    I've started to see the error "only a single instance of this app can run" crop up in the last week or so, I suspect it's part of the download manager but I'll look into it.  However, I suspect you have installed Flash but there's something that's blocking it in IE.  Since you're running IE9, can you first check out your ActiveX Filtering settings?  If that looks fine, please ensure that the Shockwave Flash Object is enabled:
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    You can move that folder to the Desktop for troubleshooting. Moving it back should put everything back to normal.
    Dave M.
    MacOSG Founder/Ambassador  An Apple User Group  iTunes: MacOSG Podcast
    Macsimum News Associate Editor  Creator of 'Mac611 - Mobile Mac Support'

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    you guys while he still controlled my computer is through Microsoft. So, I am certainly not some crazy guy. I actually have been able to fix issues by hackers, etc., worse than this before. Now, my computer is way jacked, I need to work in a bit, and am so
    sick over this. Plus, I will probably have to hire someone to reverse all this horrible damage done. I cant believe even the computer looked different under my Admin. name & guest name. So many issues that I did not have and he did not even listen to what
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    computer back from Int. Exp. 10 back to 11. He was trying to help, but I did not even ask for any at that time. Now, my computer is jacked, I don't really trust all the backups disk/files, cuz so many. I could tell he knew what was saved where though. He did
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    settings/names and I have been not able to eat or sleep now for two days cuz of this. Then, your guy questioned if I was telling the truth. I have lots of property and am successful. I just didn't feel I should pay a company for unauthorizingly changing and
    breaking my stuff, while making me stressed and ill. I have 2-3 techs that handle issues, if I don't feel like dealing with them, but I actually know what to do on computers pretty well when not sick and rushed. I am no tech, but certainly no idiot. Its not
    hard to see things were not going well with red warnings all over the place and saying add-ons were disabled with big red marks over them. I am sure your tech knew, that is why he closed it so fast. Why did he not even try to change what I asked in my email??
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    exhaustion and also being questioned if I was making it up or something. I have witnesses and the email. My headed on email that I sent through Microsoft is I want to go from Int. Exp. 11 to Int. Expl. 10, cuz the add-ons don't work as well and I get booted
    way more easily, or cant even reach other sites. I know it can be restored again, but it had issues before that I spend time and money fixing. I feel take advantage off and now blackmailed cuz your employee insisted that I pay for him just looking at the mess,
    your other employee created. Just makes me more sick. I could trust Int. Exp. 11 to work and now I feel no trust and much deception by your company. I will probably be sick for days and I know my back is out again and I am cramping cuz no food and ALL stress.
    I had an employee over watching me deal with all this happening, not friends, etc..  I saw he was using Homegroup and took down a few things. I knew it wasn't going well, but was in no shape to argue. Are you guys doing to do anything about this, or put
    the blame on me for trusting your employees. I just asked a couple questions and complained. I never said anything about hacking into my computer and messing my life up. This just is not right at all. A laptop is a pretty cheap fix for me, but I did just pay
    a guy over $200 to get things working well again cuz of hackers utilizing all the negative aspects about going onto some sites. I cant believe this happened. I cant believe this came from a large company, which I thought I could trust. Again, I have the email
    I sent while he was stick backing up the changes. It took hours, literally for all those darn disks. What will you guys do about this, cuz I am too sick to do anything for a bit. I was in the hospital just a couple weeks ago, cuz of stress and issues of this
    sort. Its so wrong!!  I want to give my info on here, but I am sure you will have it. The guy even said I didn't need to put my email address, I believe, or was it name, but I put it on my email sent anyway. I never lie!!  I look forward to your
    response, C. York   Also, the email address I use is for Verizon and I would prefer if u just sent it there or both places. I don't even want to look at this thing for a while, but my anxiety over this will probably force me to. I wish I could put
    in a phone number. Maybe I can somewhere, cuz I would like to know what you are thinking about all this. I know I got wronged, but I wish I knew who exactly. Like in my 2 email, while he was working, I saw "Hagan", I believe in response to a first
    post. I responded and asked question after reading it. I noticed when I went to post in public a bit ago, that I had never done that before. Just sent email direct, especially the 2nd, in which I have confirmation from your company. Again, last guy gave me
    case #1278021415. I thought I could trust your employee, so I did not get a bunch of info from him. I hope u know who was working on it, since he was when I emailed you. If you don't get my info somehow, please email me here, so we can communicate. I might
    post this a few places or keep it to post. I am so upset and shocked. Thank you!  C. York  

    What I wound up doing was installing the newest of the newest versions of firefox (it's at 5.0 or something now, I think). That just made all the plugins, add-ons, and extensions I wanted to get rid of obsolete and it auto-removed them on its own.
    I do really appreciate you taking the time out to try and offer some solutions though. Thank you very much for your effort!

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    Bought lots of music last night. Tried to sync my 5th generation nano.It's been saying something like, "step two, attempting to sync a***'s ipod for about 8 hours. It won't let me stop it. I can't disconnect at this time. Please help.I thought about using control. alt delete and stopping it. It says I will lose any unsaved data. The music appears to be in my library, so I should be safe, right? However even if that works and I can disconnect my ipod, why isn't it syncing? I have a 2nd one to sync as well. I am frustrated. Thank you!

    Thanks you for replying planb77! My husband got home and told me to just disconnect the ipod. It had been at least 12 hours by then, The music was in my library but not on my ipod, He had me shut down, unplug my computer, take a rest from it and restart. I reset my ipod following instructions on the itunes site. I tried syncing again and was successful syncing both ipods. I really think it was great of you to take the time to help someone else.

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    Before ordering your book preview it using this method - - and save the resulting PDF for reference - the delivered book will match it.
    then boot into safe mode and try again

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    Please help! I am trying to change my Apple Id that used to be my mother to Mine- Every time i have it changed and i go and try and do an update it continues to ask for her old password. I really need help with this!

    Phil0124 wrote:
    Apps downloaded with an Apple ID are forever tied to that Apple ID and will always require it to update.
    The only way around this is to delete the apps that require the other Apple ID and download them again with yours.
    Or simply log out of iTunes & App stores then log in with updated AppleID.

  • I bought the song say something and it tried to download and it's in my library and I can play it but it has that little cloud thing beside it and when I tap it, it says that the done can't be downloaded at this time. How can I get it to download?

    I bought the song say something and it tried to download and it's in my library and I can play it but it has that little cloud thing beside it and when I tap it, it says that the done can't be downloaded at this time. How can I get it to download? It's been like this for a couple weeks.

    You can download it on your computer at no extra charge and then sync it to your ipod

  • HT5035 When I try to purchase something on iTunes using store credit, it says that the store credit is temporarily unavailable and iTunes can't use store credit for my purchase at this time. What do I do?

    I'm trying to make a purchase using the $10 store credit that I have, but a notification box comes up saying, "Store credit temporarily unavailable. We cannot use store credit for this purchase at this time. Do you want to pay for this item with your other pay method on file?" Why is it saying this? How can I purchase this item with my store credit?

    I was finally able to download itunes on my laptop, this is really a pain in the butt, not I want to purchase a song and it's asking for a credit card and I have $18.71 credit on my account.  Why can't I just purchase a song using the credit that has already been put on my account.???????

  • When i try to buy something it always says "could not be downloaded at this time"?

    I need help when i try to buy something on itunes it says," could not be downloaded at this time"

    That's not necessarily correct. At least in my case slides and videos for Stanford CS193P are downloading from
    Annoyingly if I try to download "12. Persistence (November 3, 2011) - SD" from iTunes U on my iPad I get the error message:
         Unable to Download Podcast
         "12. Persistence (November 3, 2011) - SD" could not be downloaded at this time.
         [Done] [Retry]
    But if I then try from iTunes on my MacBook Pro sitting right beside it on the same network it actually starts downloading. Generally I've found downloads to be more reliable from my MacBook than on my iPad, but they're still amazingly slow (10 kilobytes per second seems the norm, regardless of whose network I'm on at the time).

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    I have th iPhone 4s and recently upgraded to ios 7.  This has really messed with my ability to listen to and delete voicemail messages.

    bmichaelcycle wrote:
    I have th iPhone 4s and recently upgraded to ios 7.  This has really messed with my ability to listen to and delete voicemail messages.
    Can you explain in detail what ability?

  • Seriously, Stop the DUPLICATE Madness! Is there a fix for my duplicate songs on my iPad? Like really, I don't have time to drag and delete my songs. Does Apple really have a simple solution to this bug?

    Seriously, Stop the DUPLICATE Madness! Is there a fix for my duplicate songs on my iPad? Like really, I don't have time to drag and delete my songs. Does Apple really have a simple solution for this bug? It's been 5-months, I currently do not have quick access to a sync, I thought iMatch for Christmas would solve the problem but it appears that doesn't solve anything please! If I listen to my kid's lula-bye song in duplicate for another night I'm going to seriously loose it on Little Boy Peep. Like really Apple do I need to call IN and pay for this problem?

    The possible problem appears to me that songs that were previously loaded onto the iPad device from Mac were duplicated when I started to sync with iCloud. An album will contain one song from the iPad that was originally loaded on sync with Mac and another that will appear either with a little iCloud icon next to the song greyed out or a DUPLICATE song.
    I had hoped iMatch would solve the issue magically, but that does not appear to be the case.

  • Any way of going back to io7 from io8, nothing works anymore. £500 plus worth of music apps not functioning anymore, is it really worth investing any more  time or money into this product? what a joke it is.

    Is there any way of going back to io7 from io8?
    Nothing works anymore. £500 plus worth of music apps and hardware not functioning, Apps that I have paid for disappearing from the store after a reset. is it really worth investing any more time or money into this product? what a joke it is becoming. This is worse than windows vista.
    Can anyone from Apple help me with this? thought not. You don't allow reverting back to earlier io versions for some strange reason. Have you forgot that we are the customer?

    Sorry, Apple does not support downgrading.
    As to apps disappearing, it's not uncommon for apps to be removed from the app store. I have a couple of games that I play that are no longer available.
    Did you install 8 'over the air'? If so, research into doing a restore. Use a computer to back up your device and then reinstall iOS8 via a computer, and then restore your data from the backup. Sometimes a clean install clears away glitches caused by over the air installs.
    If you just wish to express your frustration to apple, on the lower right corner of this page is a 'contact us' link. Send them feedback and let them know.

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