Meaning of WebHelp subdirectory files?

Hello.  Is there any reference anywhere to discover the meaning of each of the whdata, whgdata and whxdata files in WebHelp?
Here's why I ask:
I am trying to remove an index keyword without opening the project in RH7.  (Long story, but it's an Asian-language translation, which has proven very fragile in RH7.)  I want to make one small fix without opening (and recompiling, and therefore breaking) the entire project.  So, I am making the fix directly to the WebHelp files.  I thought I'd found the keyword and removed it in one of the whidata.htm files, but it still shows up in the displayed Help system.  There must be other pointers to it somewhere, but it's like a needle in a haystack for me, since I don't know where all the index references are.  Same goes for ToC.
I hope this is clear.  Any ideas are most appreciated.

Keep in mind, for the future, that RH does a re-balancing of all those wh* files each time you generate/publish an update of the output. (Keeping those files smaller improves download performance, but not only does it add more files as needed, but "spreads around" the links.)
That is, what was in whgdata\whlstfl19.htm (19 of 19) the last time you generated might now be split between whlstfl12.htm, whlstfl11.htm, whlstfl18.htm, even a new whlstfl20.htm! And, of course, links to those files are modified as well.
Good luck,

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    Please provide us further information on when you are getting the error and what the functionality of the VI is. That would help us to troubleshoot your issue.
    Is the error caused by a similar situation as the one descibed in this KnowledgeBase?
    Best regards,
    Philip C.
    National Instruments
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    Hi KAMcintyre and welcome to our community
    Sorry, but you will waste more time figuring out how to pare
    things down than you will just copying the files to where they
    should be.
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    The application shall be deployed on the Application Server
    Weblogic 10x on a UNIX box (could be IBX AIX/HP UX).
    The application is bundled as .WAR.
    Could you please clarify this for us?
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    above .WAR?
    - Can the Help files reside on Application server or the Web
    Server (only the Help not the application) and
    can still work effectively? (We prefer the Help to be on the
    App Server tho')
    Well, if I am not clear, I'll be glad to get you more
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    Radha Renganathan

    Hi Radha.
    Don't get confused between the generated and the published
    output. The published output is the actual output required to be
    placed where your users will access it. The location is defined in
    the final part of the WebHelp single source layout. The help can
    reside just about anywhere. You may want to check out our resident
    WebHelp juru Peter Grainge's
    which has all the options on calling webhelp plus all manner of
    other stuff.

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    When I generate the primary layout, I am not selecting 508
    format, and I select Java Applet as the preferred method for the
    Navigation Pane (checking the radio button for DHTML > Java
    Applet > Pure HTML as the order of preference.
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    content pane. The way around this is to generate Pure HTML only,
    but then the index and the glossary become very difficult to use.
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    Thanks in advance for your time and trouble. :-)

    Hi GEWB,
    Here are some more details--
    Generate Webhelp output setup:
    Use lowercase filenames (recomm. for UNIX)
    Toolbar buttons: Content, Index, Search
    Navigation: Add breadcrumbs links
    Additional options: Enable Highlight Search results, Synchronize TOC automatically
    Navigation Pane preferred format: DHTML > Java Applet > Pure HTML
    Optimize speed for: Web site
    Q: how are you setting up your Linux to open the default project page?
    A: I use Linux only to launch the webehelp output.
    Q: Are you opening the GENERATED project default page or trying to open the project source files?
    A: I am trying to open the generated project default page. I copy the Webhelp folder to a Linux machine and launch the index.html page to see the output.
    Q: Why are you replacing the foreward-backward slash?
    A: In Linux '\' is not supported for hyperlinks/filepaths. Therefore I changed the backward slashes to forward slashes.
    The scenario:
    When the project files have filepath such as ../../doc/xyz/,
    when I view in Windows (IE)- I can access the link
    when I view in Linux (FF)- I see broken link with error message somewhat like "cannot find ..\..\doc\xyz\". (Note the changed usage of slash)
    This indicates that the generated files changes the forward slash to backward.

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