Media browser video

unfortunately I can't find an answer to how do I get the Media browser to look for movie files anywhere other than the movie folder. For eg. I save the files to a portable hard drive and I can't get Garage band to see them. Surely there must be a way to set the Media Browser to look in other places for files. The preferences doesn't seem to allow this.
Anyone know where I look to change these settings.

actually I worked it out myself, open the finder and drag the folder with movies into the top of the media browser window and then they show up to be selected.

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    That is your answer then.
    Large is 960x540
    Medium is 640x480 (or 720x480)
    Mobile is probably 480x272.
    It is offering you the sizes that make sense given the size of your source material.
    As a trick, you might try this. In your project, put a short 640x480 clip in the project as the first clip of the project. Then keep the rest of the project as is. See if it will let you share now in Medium. It will not look as good, because there are not enough pixels to cover the Medium size, but it might work.

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    Delete the iWeb preference file,, that resides in your User/Library/Preferences folder, reboot and try again.
    A workaround until you get the problem solved is to use iMedia Browser. It's a free, 3rd party version of media browser that will list all movies (in iPhoto or the Movies folder) along with all photos and audio files. Just select and drag from iMedia Browser's window into iWeb.

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    In iMovie - You did "Share to Media Browser" and as Large ?
    Did You alter anything in the movie project after this - if so the Publishing is lost - You need to Share again.
    Re-starting the Mac - helps sometimes too. Worth a try.
    Yours Bengt W

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    Instead of Share to Media Browser, what happens if you try Share Menu > Export Movie... (choose Large size) and save it to the Desktop?
    If that fails try Share Menu > Export using QuickTime...
    Then pick Movie to QuickTime Movie, then click on Options... which is just to the right of Export
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    Trash your preferences. Trash your project render files. Switch off background rendering. Do not render. Export.

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    I fully understand that rendering isn't conducive, but this is the trade-off that you're experiencing.
    When clips are moved or composited, FCP has to prepare that video for display in the Canvas. If you're working in Unlimited RT - as most of us are - then you're asking FCP to work harder at doing just that. And, unlike Motion, FCP doesn't use the GPU whole-hog, so it's easy to max that resource out quickly with large images.
    The only real way to prevent this from happening when you're moving clips is to toggle Caps Lock on, disabling rendering. I don't think this is particular conducive to most workflows either (especially if you're compositing), but if all you need to do is resequence existing elements, it might work for you.
    The other possibility is to use lower-resolution proxy images but that, like everything else, isn't really an answer...

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    Any fixes?

    For DVDs, share to Media Browser - Large. You are correct that DVDs cannot handle HD and would cut it down to 640x480 anyway. The Large size (960x540) seems to provide the right balance of quality and enough material for the compression to MPEG2 to sink its teeth into.
    No need for HD size unless you are sharing to BluRay, Sharing to YouTiube, watching on a device like the Sony PS3, or watching on your computer.

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    Its al in the targeting and source patching:
    Adobe Premiere Pro Help | Source patching and track targeting 

  • Feature Request:  Standard Keyboard Navigation in Media Browser and Project Panel

    It's been a while since I've had time to submit a feature request.  I've wanted to see this one for a while.  If you agree, please submit your own feature request here:
    System Navigational Keyboard Shortcuts in Media Browser and Project Panel
    Windows (and I'm sure Mac) has a standard set of keyboard and mouse navigational shortcuts for keyboard and mouse.  I'm so used to using them in daily browsing (both in Windows Explorer and in any web browser) that missing them in the PPr Media Browser, or getting a different result in the Project Panel, is still very jarring and slows my workflow (even after having used Premiere Pro [again] since version CS4).
    I propose that the Media Browser and Project Panel should honor the OS defaults for keyboard and mouse folder/file navigation.  A few of the standard (Windows) keyboard and mouse navigational shortcuts are listed below (listed in order of most helpful to my own work):
    Moust Back Button = "BACK"
    UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT = steps through the various folders within the view.
    UP, DOWN walks through the directory tree while RIGHT expands the currently selected folder and LEFT contracts that directory (twirl down, etc).
    ENTER opens a folder.
    ALT + UP = "Folder Above"
    F2 Renames a folder
    ENTER "takes" that name to the clip. (current functionality used ENTER to rename a file/folder).
    ESC cancels the renaming operation.
    Pressing Enter on any piece of Media or Title, etc should take an "expected" action acording to it's context.  (i.e. ENTER on a video clip would load it inot the Source Monitor.  ENTER on a Title would open it in the Title Editor.  ENTER on a folder would take us into that folder).
    These functions exist in both Windows Explorer as well as most modern Web browsers.  When browsing files and Project folders, it's what I've come to expect.  It's muscle memory, if not intuitive.  I realize that many of these keyboard commands are already in use in other windows/panels of the application, therefore, these commands should be Panel-specific (i.e. ALT+LEFT works differently in the Media Browser and Project Panel than it does on the Timeline/Sequence).  And as always, when making such changes (i.e. changing the behavior of ENTER to F2), this set of keys should be highly configurable based on preference:
    checkbox:  Use OS-specific navigational keyboard and mouse commands in Media Browser and Project Panel
    checkbox:  Use the (very few) "classic" Adobe keyboard commands in the Media Browser and Project Panel
    The most common habit I find myself doing in the Media Browser is clicking the BACK button on my mouse—only to realize, yet again, it doesn't work that way in PPr.
    The most common habit I find myself doing in the Project Panel is pressing F2 to rename a folder/bin.  Of course that doesn't work.  And when I've renamed it, I press ENTER to save the name, but that only moves me to the next folder ready to rename it, too.  I also find, out of habit, I try to navigate the bins using the arrow keys and then open the bin/folder using ENTER.  Instead, my bin is asking for a new name and I hit ESC to avoid renaming it—now THERE's a shortcut that works the way it should. 
    I realize this feature may be controversial to some, since it's not the way we're used to doing things in PPr.  However, I'm sure there are just as many out there, like me, who are confounded as to why PPr has never worked with the "conventional" navigation shortcuts found throughout the rest of the operating system, be it Windows or Mac.
    If you agree with this feature request, please submit your own feature request here:

    Nice ideas Jeff.
    There is a site - Flash Catalyst Wishlist/Ideas where you can post these ideas so that the community can vote on them.

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