Media files prevent Flash from fully loading external XML file

Im trying to debug a flash widget we created, and it loads
fine on the 20 odd computers we tested on EXCEPT for one computer
where, the application doesn't load an external XML file that calls
for 3 small mp3 files and a FLV file to load as well.
In a debugger, we noticed that when it tried to load these
mp3 files it was getting a Forbidden access message. The FLV just
prevents the FLV player from showing up at all (not even the skin).
Can anyone figure out why, that it would work over all the
other computers and NOT the one? On that person's computer, we
tried it in IE, Firefox, even Chrome and the application doesn't
load. We even cleared the cache, did a hard refresh and still
However, the other computers work just fine.
ALL the computers have the latest Flash software installed.
What could cause this problem?

Actually what worked was removing 'xmldoc' from the php script. So $data =$GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"]; instead of $data = xmldoc($GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"]);
Couldn't find anything about 'xmldoc'. Is it used for anything in php?
Anyway, the loading error went away, but then I got into problems with getting the return echoed values back. The textfield stayed empty even when saving the data.txt file worked.
I then placed the <stuff> tags between <root> tags and then flash got the sentences between the <stuff> tags back. Why does Flash need the returned xml output to be between <root> tags for it to see the content between the <stuff> tags? So why do I need to use echo("<root><stuff>Server unable to create file.</stuff></root>"); instead of cho("<stuff>Server unable to create file.</stuff>");?

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    var XML_URL:String = "xml/AO_Other.xml";
    var myXMLURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest(XML_URL);
    var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(myXMLURL);
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    myXML = XML(;
    trace("Data loaded.");
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    <link title="Administrative Groups" url="sadfsf"/>
    <category title="AO Survey Results">
    <link title="AO Survey Results" url="sdfsdf202.pdf"/>
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    filesInDir('C:\Documents and Settings\457305\My Documents\shrikant\Flash Tutorials\webassist');
    function filesInDir($tdir)
            $dirs = scandir($tdir);
            foreach($dirs as $file)
                    if (($file == '.')||($file == '..'))
                    elseif (is_dir($tdir.'/'.$file))
                            echo "fileName=$file";
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    // Define the PHP file to be loaded
    var phpFile:String = "http://localhost/webassist/test.php";
    var cons_xml:XML;
    var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    // Specify dataFormat property of the URLLoader to be "VARIABLES"
    // This ensures variables loaded into Flash with same variable names
    xmlLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
    xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest(phpFile));
    xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML);
    function processXML(evt:Event):void
              //cons_xml = new XML(;
    When I trace the it displays "fileName=mainOpenEndedXML%2Exml" and when I trace the fileName is properly displayed as "mainOpenEndedXML.xml".
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    var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("mainOpenEndedXML.xml"));
    xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML);
    function processXML(evt:Event):void
              cons_xml = new XML(;
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    Yes. you already said that, but I guess you don't understand what I said.  You are loading the PHP fle to get the filename, but nowhere are you taking that filename and loading the file that was named. 
    You need to do two loading operations.  The first one to get the filename, and the second to load the file with that name.  Maybe if you name the PHP file loader phpLoader instead of xmlLoader it will start to make more sense to you.  Something like the following...
    // Define the PHP file to be loaded
    var phpFile:String = "http://localhost/webassist/test.php";
    var phpLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    // Specify dataFormat property of the URLLoader to be "VARIABLES"
    // This ensures variables loaded into Flash with same variable names
    phpLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
    phpLoader.load(new URLRequest(phpFile));
    phpLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processPHP);
    function processPHP(evt:Event):void
             var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
             xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest(String(;
             xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML);
    var cons_xml:XML;
    function processXML(evt:Event):void
              cons_xml = new XML(;

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    var soundReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("mardi_gras2.mp3");
    var sound:Sound = new Sound();
    sound.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
    function onComplete(event:Event):void;
    var soundReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(;
    var sound:Sound = new Sound();
    sound.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
    function onComplete(event:Event):void;
    <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="550" height="400" id="mySoundvars" align="middle">
        <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
        <param name="allowFullScreen" value="false" />
        <param name="movie" value="mySoundvars.swf" />
       <param name="FlashVars" value="audio=mardi_gras2.mp3" />
        <param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />    <embed src="mySoundvars.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="550" height="400" name="mySoundvars" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" FlashVars="audio=mardi_gras2.mp3" />

    Ok waterlovinguy,
    I went back to my original code, and I got things to work... I think my whole issue was with the HTML CODE. So I decided to use the "SWFObject generator". I had never used it before, frankly I had never heard of it until I started my searches on "Flashvars".
    Thank you very much for all your assistance, PEACE,
    Final Codes below
    var my_var:String = new String();
    my_var = root.loaderInfo.parameters.myflashvar;
    myText.text = my_var;
    var soundReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(;
    var sound:Sound = new Sound();
    var soundControl:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel;
    play_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playSound);
    stop_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, stopSound);
    function playSound(event:MouseEvent):void
        soundControl =;
    function stopSound(event:MouseEvent):void
    HTML Code

  • External XML files in Flash iPhone apps

    Hi everyone. I know that apple has loosened up on what is and isn't allowed on the app store these days, such as flash. I was thinking of writing an app that would call upon a web based xml file to call up pictures to display in the iPhone.
    I know Apple doesn't allow apps that call upon external scripts but it's not an executable script, its a list of images and where they are stored. Does anybody have any input on whether Apple may have a problem with this?

    don't know.
    I'm not sure of the differences between actionscript in flash and javascript in the browser but you could call for an XML file to be sent as json data from the script if accessing external XML files directly is not allowed.
    Problem is that XML can contain anything you want it too... it could contain a script itself.

  • Trouble with loading external mp3 files

    I apologize for the length of the post. I hope this is clear
    of what I am trying to explain.
    My problem deals with getting "undefined" when I press a
    button to load an external mp3 files. The following is what my XML
    childNode looks like:
    <option phonetic="Soundless, or A" name="aleph"
    cursive="alephCursive.swf" block="alephBlock.swf"
    Every attribute loads the way I've programmed them, except
    for the last one "audio".
    The following is what my actionscript looks like loading in
    these attributes:
    Everything is happening inside the onLoad event for my XML
    var xmlContent = this.firstChild.firstChild;
    audioContent = new Array();
    for (var i = 0;
    i<this.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes.length; i++) {
    nextEntry = xmlContent.childNodes
    audioContent = [nextEntry.attributes.phonetic,, nextEntry.attributes.cursive,
    The code above simply adds each attribute to the audioContent
    array. Each element traces out correctly.
    The following code is how I am using these attributes:
    for (var i = 0; i<audioLength; i++) {
    audioContainer.attachMovie("container4", "audioItem"+i, i);
    // Create a shortcut reference to the present movie clip
    thisClip = audioContainer["audioItem"+i];
    thisClip.myTxt1.htmlText = audioContent[0];
    thisClip.myTxt2.htmlText = audioContent
    thisClip.cursive_mc =
    loadThis(assetPath+audioContent[2], thisClip.cursive_mc);
    thisClip.block_mc = loadThis(assetPath+audioContent
    [3], thisClip.block_mc);
    thisClip.speaker_mc.attachMovie("speaker", "speaker_mc",
    thisClip.speaker_mc.speaker_mc.onRollOver = function() {
    thisClip.speaker_mc.speaker_mc.onRollOut = function() {
    thisClip.speaker_mc.speaker_mc.onRelease = function() {
    Loading the text works inside the htmlText. Using a function
    loadThis to load external swf files works corerctly and even
    attaching a linked movieclip from my library called "speaker" works
    The problem comes from pressing the speaker movieclip that
    the output traces "undefined" instead of the external mp3 file.
    I appreciate any help. Thanks.

    As Ned said the problem might be with the file structure on the server. Other problems may be with spelling. You computer may not be case sensitive to the names of the .swf files that you are loading, but your server might. So, on your computer when you are testing, second.swf is the same as Second.swf, or even second.SWF. But, on the server each of these variations is seen as a different file. Another problem is that when you are loading files from the same computer in testing, those files are close and so they load very quickly from your computer. When the files have to travel from the server, there will likely be a measurable period of time before the file is ready to be shown. This is particularly problematic with video that is embedded into an .swf. The whole file will need to be downloaded and uncompressed before it is available to play. If you stream the video as an external file, you can shorten the wait considerably.

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    When I try to drag the iphoto library to the external disk a forbidden (circle with slash through it) icon appear. Why do you suppose it is preventing me from adding to external drive? These are pictures I have taken. I believe it cannot find the original file.  Please help.

    What happens if you try to  Option-drag the library to the EHD?  The same icon?
    Make sure the EHD is formatted Mac OS X Extended (journaled) with Ownership set to be ignored:

  • Loading an xml file from jws : a nightmare !

    Hi all:
    I'm trying to load a xml file packed inside a jar file, and when i call getresource it keeps always returning null !!!
    When i run the application (not in JWS) the file is loaded, but when i run it from a jnlp file with jws no !!
    I tried all possible solutions wihout success :(
    the last portion of code i used is :
    ClassLoader cl = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
         URL xmlFile=cl.getResource("configure.xml"); why is it working when run from Eclipse but fails when using jws ?
    I packed all my .class files together with xml file in one jar.
    please help me ! this stuff is driving me crazy :(

    Hi phasse !
    Yes I've fortenatly managed to solve my problem .here is the desription:
    Actually my problem was not with loading the xml file but in reading it .
    my problem was in the statement builder.parse(xmlFile.getPath()); this will not work with jws .I replaced this with : Document document = null;
              try {
                    ClassLoader cl = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
                   DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory
                   DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
                      document=builder.parse(cl.getResourceAsStream("resources/configure.xml"));I would suggest to use ClassLoader and getResourceAsStream("xmlfile") method .
    I hope this would be helpfull for you .Good luck !

  • Loading an xml file from an xml file

    I'm trying to load an xml file from an xml file, but I'm
    having problems. My first xml file is really simple - it only
    contains one attribute with the name of another xml file in it
    (eventually I will have multiple xml files in here and run a loop
    on them...this is why I want to load an xml file from an xml file).
    Currently, with the code below, I can get the main xml file
    to load ("main.xml"), but I cannot get the secondary xml files to
    load FROM the main.xml.
    I want to then take childNode values from the secondary xml
    file and use them within my .swf in text boxes and whatnot.
    Any guidance? I think I'm going wrong on the line where I'm
    saying "i.newxml.load(i.attributes.location);"
    - How can I get this to work?

    I tried changing the code inside the loop to use just
    "newxml" instead of "i.newxml", and I declared with "var newxml =
    new XML();" - was this what you were thinking?
    The reason I tried to use the loadXML() function in the loop
    was so that for each node in my "main.xml" it would load the new
    xml file listed - this is a no-no? Do you have any ideas as to what
    I could do?
    For the for-loop, what should I change in it? I'm not great
    with loops so I tried to modify some code from another loop I found
    in another forum thread - not the right way to do it here?
    Also, what should I trace? The value of the _root.address, or
    i.attributes.location? I have created dynamic text boxes on my
    stage to see if the correct value from the xml file loads (ie. the
    name of the xml file within the xml file) and it does, but now I
    don't know how to put that information into ANOTHER loadXML()
    function and get the node information from it - does that make
    Below are the examples of the xml files I am using. In the
    first one, main.xml, I will have a list of multiple xml files, each
    with the same nodes and elements as in the details.xml file
    (different values, of course).
    This is just to give you an example of what I'm trying to
    accomplish - pulling ALL the addresses and phone numbers from
    multiple xml files. I cannot manually collect this information, as
    it is dynamic, and will be updated in each individual details.xml.
    I was hoping to collect the information by simply adding to and
    updating ONE xml file - main.xml.
    Do you think this can be done? Am I going about it the wrong
    way? I'm quite limited in AS knowledge, which is why I'm piecing
    together code from other posts!

  • How to load External swf file in AIR

    I try this code its working in computer but when I publish this file in .apk or .ipa , my external swf file is not opening
    (I include my external file as well)
    places_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, newvid);
    function newvid(event:MouseEvent) {
         trace("you clicked me");
         var loadit = new Loader();
         loadit.load(new URLRequest("scene02.swf"));

    thx boss its working great
    I have 3 scenes; load scene code is working great
    1. How can I unload the scene?
    2. Can I unload all scenes or one by one?
    can I unload some think like this
    Load scene 2 , unload scene 1 and scene 3
    Load scene 3, unload other all scene
    i try this
    load2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, newvid);
    function newvid(event:MouseEvent) {
              trace("you clicked me");
              var loadit = new Loader();
        var _lc:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(false, ApplicationDomain.currentDomain, null);
        loadit.load(new URLRequest("scene02.swf"), _lc);
    load3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, newvid1);
    function newvid1(event:MouseEvent) {
              trace("you clicked me");
              var loadit = new Loader();
        var _lc:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(false, ApplicationDomain.currentDomain, null);
        loadit.load(new URLRequest("scene03.swf"), _lc);
              loadit.unload("scene01.swf scene02.swf");

  • Loading external .swf files issue...

    I'm working on a simple example of loading external swf files with some ActionScript.
    I've placed an instance of List Component and gave it an instance name of loadList. Using Component Inspector, I assigned data for 4 external files as below:
    Next, I've added a UILoader component (instance name - loadWindow). The code that is supposed to load the content into UILoader is this:
    loadList.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, selectItem);
    function selectItem(e:Event):void
        loadWindow.source =;
    When I run it in a FlashPlayer, it only loads the first 2 swf files....  (I checked the files and all files are fine).
    I hope to get some light on the issue so any help will be appreciated.

    Try tracing to make sure it's what you expect.
    Also, have you tried using the load() method instead of the source property?

  • Missing files prevent pic from printing

    missing files prevent me from printing my pictures even though file is NOT missing

    If you were using Time Machine your backups are deleted at regular intervals to make room for the next backup.
    Solution: don't use Time Machine.

  • Prevent data from being loaded into certain dimensions

    Is there any way to prevent data from being loaded into certain dimensions? For example, if I have 2 dimensions: Scenario and Date, I only want a given Scenario to accept data in certain date ranges.

    I'll assume you mean by load rules. If you are talking about sending data from Excel, then the first one only is the answer.
    There are two ways I can think of doing this.
    1. create filters with write access to certain intersections and use an Id associated to that filter to load the data
    2. Use selection/rejection criteria in the load rule to limit what can be loaded
    As a bonus
    3. If you are using SQL interface loads, set up a table with what data is allowed to be leded.

Maybe you are looking for