Memory Leak - MouseEventHandler

When using MouseEvenHandler with reportAllTargets and onMouseMove, I noticed that the amount of memory that Acrobat uses continues to creep up and eventually the whole application freezes and then crashes.  This occurs even if you have a blank onEvent function that does absolutely nothing.  I understand that reportAllTargets is resource intensive but is there a way to get around this memory leak?  Is there a way to periodically flush application memory?


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  • How to determine memory leaks?

    I tried in XCODE, the RUN/ Start with Performance TOol / and tried out the various options. I was running my app and looking to see if it would report increasing memory use but it seemed to be looking at my total system (i was running under the simulator). In general what is the recommended procedure for determining memory leaks, which tool to use, and what tracing can i use?
    How does one look at the retain count of an object? are there system routines that have knonw leaks?

    You took the right path. Once instruments comes up select the Leaks tool. Turn off automatic leak detection. In your app, start off at some known state, do something, and come back to the known state and check for leaks. For instance start off in a view, do something that brings up another view then come back to the original view and check for leaks. Leaks will show you if you leaked. Since you took a very deterministic path then checked it should be straight forward to go to the code and find / fix the leaks. Leaks shows you where the code where the leak was generated.

  • Memory leak in JSpinner implementation (maybe others?)

    I am developing an application using Java and Swing, and have run into some problems with memory leaks. After examining the source code and making an example program (provided below), I can only come to the conclusion that there is a bug in the implementation of JSpinner in Sun Java 1.6.0_03.
    If one uses a custom model with the JSpinner, it attaches itself as a listener to the model. However, it never removes the listening connection, even if the model is changed. This causes the JSpinner to be kept in memory as long as the model exists, even if all other references to the component have been removed.
    An example program is available at . It is a simple swing program that has the JSpinner and two buttons, the first of which writes to stdout the listeners of the original model and the second changes the spinner model to a newly-created model. A sample output is below:
    Running on 1.6.0_03 from Sun Microsystems Inc.
    Listeners before connecting to JSpinner:
      Model value is 0, 0 listeners connected:
    Listeners after connecting to JSpinner:
      Model value is 0, 2 listeners connected:
      1: interface javax.swing.event.ChangeListener
      2: javax.swing.JSpinner$ModelListener@9971ad
    Listeners now:
      Model value is 8, 2 listeners connected:
      1: interface javax.swing.event.ChangeListener
      2: javax.swing.JSpinner$ModelListener@9971ad
    Changing spinner model.
    Listeners now:
      Model value is 8, 2 listeners connected:
      1: interface javax.swing.event.ChangeListener
      2: javax.swing.JSpinner$ModelListener@9971adThis shows that even though the model of the JSpinner has been changed, it still listens to the original model. I haven't looked at other components whether they retain connections to the old models as well.
    In my case, I have an adaptor-model which provides a SpinnerModel interface to the actual data. The adaptor is implemented so that it listens to the underlying model only when it itself is being listened to. If the JComponents using the model were to remove the listening connections, it, too, would be automatically garbage-collected. However, since JSpinner does not remove the connections, the adaptor also continues to listen to the underlying model, and neither can be garbage-collected.
    All in all, the listener-connections seem to be a very easy place to make memory leaks in Java and especially in Swing. However, as I see it, it would be a simple matter to make everything work automatically with one simple rule: Listen to the models only when necessary.
    If a component is hidden (or alternatively has no contact to a parent JFrame or equivalent), it does not need to listen to the model and should remove the connections. When the component is again set visible (or connected to a frame) it can re-add the connections and re-read the current model values just as it does when initializing the component. Similarly, any adaptor-models should listen to the underlying model only when it itself is being listened to.
    If the components were implemented in this way, one could simply remove a component from the frame and throw it away, and automatically any listener-connections will be removed and it can be garbage-collected. Similarly any adaptor-models are collected when they are no longer in use.
    Changing the API implementation in this way would not require any changes to applications, as the only thing that changes are the listener-connections. Currently used separate connection-removing methods should still work, though they would be unnecessary any more. The API would look exactly the same from the view of an application programmer, only that she would not need to care about remnant listening connections. (As far as I can tell, the current API specification would allow the API to be implemented as described above, but it should of course require it to be implemented in such a way.)
    Am I missing something, or is there some valid reason why the API is not implemented like this?
    PS. I'm new to these forums, so if there is a better place to post these reports, please tell me. Thanks.

    Another cognition: It's the following code, that causes the memory to be accumulated:
    obj = m_orb.resolve_initial_references("NameService");
    ctx = NamingContextExtHelper.narrow(obj);For the first 4 calls to this code the memory usage of the nameservice is unchanged. From the 5th to the 8th call, it's increased by approx. 10KB per call. And thenceforward (beginning with the 9th call) it's increasing by approx. 10MB.
    What's going wrong here?

  • Memory Leaks   Unresponsive Mouse

    2009 8 core Mac Pro w/ 24 GB of RAM, ATI Radeon 4870, and a SeriTek PCIe eSATA card (card only has drives connected when running a manual drive clone).  When running Toast 10 or Parallels 9, my RAM will fill up (I use a program called Menu Meters to monitor stuff).  This machine worked just fine under OS 10.9 and earlier - no issues like this at all.  ClamXAV will also completely fill the RAM up (the meter will be full green, instead of part green, then mostly grey when Toast or Parallels fills it up).  I have to use Terminal to purge it so that the machine is usable.
    The other thing that happens is that sometimes when the computer wakes up or I am in the middle of doing something, the mouse will still move, but the dock will not pop open and the left button the mouse doesn't respond.  The right button will open the right click menu, but will not respond normally at all.  I have tried a different Magic Mouse, but the problem is the same.
    I thought that it may be a problem with the factory RAM and the Kingston RAM not playing nicely together.  So I ran it with just the factory 8 GB and then ran it with the Kingston 16 GB - the problem persists no matter which RAM is installed.  All of the RAM also passes the memory tests in Rember and TechTool.
    So, I need to find out if someone thinks that maybe the bluetooth module may be going bad causing the mouse issues.  I also need to find out what is causing the memory leaks.  I followed the steps that someone gave on this site to boot into safe mode, repair permissions, reset PRAM, then reset SMC (or the other way around - I did it like they said to).  It did nothing to fix the problem.
    I need some guidance here.  As I stated early on, the machine worked perfectly with OS 10.9.  I have WAY too much software that I use, so doing a completely fresh install is out of the question - I don't have time to reload everything.  This problem is annoying and I know that I am not the only one having these issues.  Any input will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

    Here is the EtreCheck report:
    Problem description:
    Memory leaks when using Toast 10 or Parallels 9.  Mouse also become unresponsive (it will move, but left button does not work and dock will not pop open - mouse problem happens independent of the RAM being filled up - different mouse was tried with same result).
    EtreCheck version: 2.1.5 (108)
    Report generated January 9, 2015 at 9:20:59 PM MST
    Click the [Support] links for help with non-Apple products.
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    Hardware Information: ℹ️
        Mac Pro (Early 2009) (Verified)
        Mac Pro - model: MacPro4,1
        2 2.26 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon CPU: 8-core
        24 GB RAM Upgradeable
            DIMM 1
                4 GB DDR3 ECC 1066 MHz ok
            DIMM 2
                4 GB DDR3 ECC 1066 MHz ok
            DIMM 3
                2 GB DDR3 ECC 1066 MHz ok
            DIMM 4
                2 GB DDR3 ECC 1066 MHz ok
            DIMM 5
                4 GB DDR3 ECC 1066 MHz ok
            DIMM 6
                4 GB DDR3 ECC 1066 MHz ok
            DIMM 7
                2 GB DDR3 ECC 1066 MHz ok
            DIMM 8
                2 GB DDR3 ECC 1066 MHz ok
        Bluetooth: Old - Handoff/Airdrop2 not supported
        Wireless:  en2: 802.11 a/b/g/n
    Video Information: ℹ️
        ATI Radeon HD 4870 - VRAM: 512 MB
            AL2216W 1680 x 1050 @ 60 Hz
    System Software: ℹ️
        OS X 10.10.1 (14B25) - Uptime: 2:4:35
    Disk Information: ℹ️
        HL-DT-ST BD-RE  WH12LS39 
        HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NS90 
        SAMSUNG HD103SJ disk1 : (1 TB)
            EFI (disk1s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
            OS 10.10.1 (disk1s2) / : 999.35 GB (410.30 GB free)
            Recovery HD (disk1s3) <not mounted>  [Recovery]: 650 MB
        SAMSUNG HD103SJ disk2 : (1 TB)
            EFI (disk2s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
            Extra Storage (disk2s2) /Volumes/Extra Storage : 999.86 GB (554.20 GB free)
        SAMSUNG HD103SJ disk3 : (1 TB)
            EFI (disk3s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
            Extra Storage 2 - Scratch (disk3s2) /Volumes/Extra Storage 2 - Scratch : 999.86 GB (39.54 GB free)
        WDC WD5001AALS-00LWTA0 disk0 : (500.11 GB)
            EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
            BOOTCAMP (disk0s2) /Volumes/BOOTCAMP : 499.90 GB (275.71 GB free)
    USB Information: ℹ️
        Shuttle Technology Inc. E-USB Bridge
        Sony C6606
        Apple, Inc. Keyboard Hub
            Apple Inc. Apple Keyboard
        Apple Inc. BRCM2046 Hub
            Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
    Firewire Information: ℹ️
        Apple Computer, Inc. iSight 200mbit - 400mbit max
    Gatekeeper: ℹ️
    Kernel Extensions: ℹ️
        [not loaded]    com.anchorfree.tun (1.0) [Support]
        [not loaded]    com.parallels.kext.hidhook (9.0 24251.1052177) [Support]
        [not loaded]    com.parallels.kext.hypervisor (9.0 24251.1052177) [Support]
        [not loaded]    com.parallels.kext.netbridge (9.0 24251.1052177) [Support]
        [not loaded]    com.parallels.kext.usbconnect (9.0 24251.1052177) [Support]
        [not loaded]    com.parallels.kext.vnic (9.0 24251.1052177) [Support]
        [not loaded]    com.micromat.iokit.ttpatadriver (5.0.0) [Support]
        [not loaded]    com.micromat.iokit.ttpfwdriver (5.0.0) [Support]
            /Applications/TechTool Protogo/Protogo Applications/TechTool Pro
        [not loaded]    com.micromat.driver.spdKernel (1 - SDK 10.8) [Support]
        [not loaded]    com.micromat.driver.spdKernel-10-8 (1 - SDK 10.8) [Support]
            /Applications/Temperature Monitor 4.94/Temperature Monitor
        [not loaded]    com.bresink.driver.BRESINKx86Monitoring (8.0) [Support]
            /Applications/Toast 11 Titanium/Spin
        [not loaded]    com.hzsystems.terminus.driver (4) [Support]
            /Applications/Toast 7 Titanium/Toast
        [not loaded]    com.roxio.TDIXController (1.6) [Support]
        [loaded]    at.obdev.nke.LittleSnitch (4216 - SDK 10.8) [Support]
        [loaded]    com.SiliconImage.driver.Si3132 (1.2.5) [Support]
        [not loaded]    com.devguru.driver.SamsungComposite (1.2.63 - SDK 10.6) [Support]
        [not loaded] (8.2) [Support]
        [not loaded]    com.roxio.BluRaySupport (1.1.6) [Support]
        [not loaded] (8.2) [Support]
        [not loaded] (8.2) [Support]
        [not loaded]    com.devguru.driver.SamsungACMControl (1.2.63 - SDK 10.6) [Support]
        [not loaded]    com.devguru.driver.SamsungACMData (1.2.63 - SDK 10.6) [Support]
        [not loaded]    com.devguru.driver.SamsungMTP (1.2.63 - SDK 10.5) [Support]
        [not loaded]    com.devguru.driver.SamsungSerial (1.2.63 - SDK 10.6) [Support]
    Startup Items: ℹ️
        HP IO: Path: /Library/StartupItems/HP IO
        SiCoreService: Path: /Library/StartupItems/SiCoreService
        Startup items are obsolete in OS X Yosemite
    Launch Agents: ℹ️
        [running]    at.obdev.LittleSnitchUIAgent.plist [Support]
        [loaded] [Support]
        [running]    com.micromat.TechToolProAgent.plist [Support]
        [loaded] [Support]
        [invalid?] [Support]
        [invalid?] [Support]
        [not loaded]    com.teamviewer.teamviewer.plist [Support]
        [not loaded]    com.teamviewer.teamviewer_desktop.plist [Support]
    Launch Daemons: ℹ️
        [running]    at.obdev.littlesnitchd.plist [Support]
        [loaded]    com.adobe.fpsaud.plist [Support]
        [loaded]    com.bombich.ccc.plist [Support]
        [loaded]    com.hp.lightscribe.plist [Support]
        [running]    com.micromat.TechToolProDaemon.plist [Support]
        [loaded] [Support]
        [loaded] [Support]
        [invalid?] [Support]
        [failed] [Support] [Details]
        [not loaded]    com.teamviewer.teamviewer_service.plist [Support]
    User Launch Agents: ℹ️
        [loaded]    com.facebook.videochat.[redacted].plist [Support]
        [loaded] [Support]
        [running]    com.nchsoftware.expressinvoice.agent.plist [Support]
        [loaded] [Support]
        [loaded] [Support]
    User Login Items: ℹ️
        iTunesHelper    Application (/Applications/
        SMARTReporter    Application (/Applications/SMARTReporter/
        BetterSnapTool    Application (/Applications/
        smcFanControl    Application (/Applications/smcfancontrol_2_2_2/
        Android File Transfer Agent    Application (/Users/[redacted]/Library/Application Support/Google/Android File Transfer/Android File Transfer
    Internet Plug-ins: ℹ️
        JavaAppletPlugin: Version: Java 8 Update 25 Check version
        FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: - SDK 10.6 [Support]
        Default Browser: Version: 600 - SDK 10.10
        AdobePDFViewerNPAPI: Version: 11.0.06 - SDK 10.6 [Support]
        CouponPrinter-FireFox_v2: Version: 5.0.3 - SDK 10.6 [Support]
        AdobePDFViewer: Version: 11.0.06 - SDK 10.6 [Support]
        Flash Player: Version: - SDK 10.6 [Support]
        QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.3
        SharePointBrowserPlugin: Version: 14.4.6 - SDK 10.6 [Support]
        iPhotoPhotocast: Version: 7.0 - SDK 10.8
    Safari Extensions: ℹ️
        AdBlock [Installed]
        F.B. Purity - Cleans Up Facebook [Installed]
        OpenIE [Installed]
    3rd Party Preference Panes: ℹ️
        Déjà Vu  [Support]
        Flash Player  [Support]
        FUSE for OS X (OSXFUSE)  [Support]
        Java  [Support]
        MacFUSE  [Support]
        MenuMeters  [Support]
        Microsoft Mouse  [Support]
        MouseLocator  [Support]
        NTFS-3G  [Support]
        TechTool Protection  [Support]
    Time Machine: ℹ️
        Time Machine not configured!
    Top Processes by CPU: ℹ️
            48%    plugin-container
            39%    fontd
             6%    firefox
             5%    WindowServer
             4%    bluetoothaudiod
    Top Processes by Memory: ℹ️
        928 MB    firefox
        412 MB    plugin-container
        258 MB    mds_stores
        180 MB    iTunes
        129 MB    Finder
    Virtual Memory Information: ℹ️
        19.38 GB    Free RAM
        3.11 GB    Active RAM
        1.88 GB    Inactive RAM
        1.38 GB    Wired RAM
        2.40 GB    Page-ins
        0 B    Page-outs
    Diagnostics Information: ℹ️
        Jan 9, 2015, 07:16:57 PM    Self test - passed
        Jan 8, 2015, 11:37:48 AM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/ClamXav_2015-01-08-113748_[redacted].cpu_resour ce.diag [Details]
        Jan 8, 2015, 11:21:46 AM    /Users/[redacted]/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Preview_2015-01-08-112146_[red acted].crash

  • T61 with memory leak on XP for driver battc.sys

    I have an issue with XP where the battc.sys module that is part of Windows XP and responsible for the kernel side of monitoring the battery status. This module continually leaks memory until I have no more kernel paged resources left and programs start to fail on my laptop.
    I raised a support case for this with Microsoft and after some investigation and upgrading to the latest T61 power drivers that were released a few days ago on the Lenovo site, MS support told me it is a fault of the T61 and that I would need to disable Microsoft APCI support to stop this memory leak from occuring and to take the issue up with Lenovo.
    I have used the verifier tool to confirm that it is the Windows XP SP3 battc.sys memory module leaking.
    I am running the latest T61 drivers and fully patch with MS drivers on SP3.
    As MS have told me it is the fault of the T61 I am posting this issue here.

    It is memory available to the kernelwhich itself does not show under a process in task manager as far as I am aware (unles it is taken account as part of the system process).
    The best way to measure the available kernel memory space available is by using sysinternals procexp.
    You need to download procexp and also install the windows debugging tools from Microsoft. Then in procexp set the "Options > Configure Symbols : Debughlp.dll path" to the new debughlp.dll installed with your debu tools and set the symbols path to srv*c:\Symbols*
    Then you can choose in procexp "View > System Information" and see the used and total paged and non-paged kernel memory space.
    poolmon helps monitor all the symbols that are taking up this memory and verifier lets you drill down to the exact module and the changes in memory for a module that is occuring.
    Here are two really good links on it
    In my poolmon i notice that Mmst and battc are taking alot of memory after my computer has been running for some time. Mmst being high is normal but battc should not continually be growing as it is which is why I raised the case to MS but they want verification it is not a Lenovo issue.

  • How do I report a major memory leak problem with Firefox 3.6.10 in WinXP?

    After I installed Firefox 3.6.9 on a WinXP desktop, I occasionally had minor memory leak problems, reflected by getting "out of virtual memory" messages. I upgraded to 3.6.10 when notified that it was available and that it supposedly fixed stability problems. Ever since then, whenever I use Firefox, it starts out quick as a flash, but very rapidly slows down to a crawl, and has twice brought my system to a halt. IE does not cause this, nor any other program I use, but the execution speed of all programs slows as badly as Firefox. If I knew where to get older versions, I would back up to 3.6.9 or earlier. The situation now prevents me from using Firefox much at all.

    Im running windows 7, Firefox 3.6.10 and before i updated to 3.6.10 my CPU never went above 10% with Firefox open. Now it can spike well above 50% and i have nothing different from when i had 3.6.9 to now when i have 3.6.10.
    There is no evidence for me to suggest one of the additions i have is causing it, its all pointing to Firefox itself and the last update.

  • How can I address a memory leak problem with Firefox?

    I have happily used Firefox for the past 7 years, and have rarely had difficulties. However, I am having some trouble now; Firefox (running 3.6.6) seems to have a memory leak on my machine. It's slower than what was discussed in other forum posts, but it still scales up slowly to multiple hundred MBs of Memory with very little CPU usage.
    I have tried disabling add-ons and extensions, but this does not stop the problem. I have cleared my cache and other stored data, but that also does not help. Has anyone experienced a similar problem that might be able to help?
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == within last two weeks

    Hi reble0708,
    I have Java console disabled on my Firefox browser.Everything is working fine for me. There maybe other problem on your browser which is making PDF document faded and blurry. Can you post the link where you found the problem viewing the PDF document?
    Btw, you can go to and select the previous version of Firefox from the given options. There's no need to uninstall Firefox before you downgrade to the previous version of it.But before new installation, backup your Firefox profile folder.
    edit: replaced random unofficial download site link.

  • I am getting a memory leak that sometimes leads to an unresponsive Firefox, but does not crash per se.

    Hello, For the last couple of months, I am having issues with one of my tabs or the program itself causing a memory leak. I was hoping that subsequent releases would fix the problem, but when I downloaded V.11 it did not help.
    I use tab mix plus and at any time, usually have about 25 tabs open. Everything functioned okay for 8 or so months up until recently.
    I am wondering if there is a way to try to track down what is causing the leak. If it is one of my open pages, i will get rid of it. I tried opening one page at a time from scratch, but could not find the issue. .
    I always have flash block enabled to cut down on the website junk.
    using OSX firefox v11.

    Now, I'm not going to say it's an Add-On problem because from the research I've been doing on this problem for the last half hour shows that everyone has DIFFERENT add-ons, but everyone's having the SAME problem....
    So I went through my add-ons and disabled them one by one, and the single add-on that has been giving me grief is the latest WOT add-on. So, I have Firefox 11 (so does my wife) and we both have the WOT add-on. But that's where the similarity ends... I have Windows 7 x64, she has Windows XP x86.... but she doesn't have the memory leak problem.
    What I see is a sawtooth pattern over time. Memory goes up a little over 30+ seconds, then drops down. But over half an hour, the peaks of the sawtooth are larger, and it doesn't drop back down to the same level again - always a little more than before. And before you know it, FF is peaking at 1.5+GB, dropping down to 1.2GB... and FF is running very, very slowly.... excessive disk accesses (paging probably, though I apparently I still have 1.5 to 2.0 GB of free RAM). Killing FF frees it all up, and if I open FF again, it's back to using 250MB of RAM.
    So, it's not the add-ons per se, but how they're interacting with FF (or the other way round).... most likely, it's this plug-in container they created to stop add-ons from taking FF with them when they crashed. Seems to have created more problems than it has solved..... would be great if you could choose not to use it....

  • Allocated memory pool was not deleted! 1 GB memory leak is too much for me!

    Dear Sirs. I found that DB environment, that was configured to use 1 GB cache size, won't free it when closed! Why? First I tried to open and close environment and got the following:
    Detected memory leaks!
    Dumping objects ->
    {596} normal block at 0x01970040, 1048596 bytes long.
    Data: < > 14 00 10 00 DB DB DB DB 0B 00 10 00 01 00 00 00
    {578} normal block at 0x00397978, 464 bytes long.
    Data: < > D0 01 00 00 DB DB DB DB C7 01 00 00 01 00 00 00
    Object dump complete.
    I have and idea that BDB will reuse the memory, rite? OK, let's try to create the same environment and open it. After environment was opened, closed, opened again and again closed, I got the following:
    Detected memory leaks!
    Dumping objects ->
    {3663} normal block at 0x01B80040, 1048596 bytes long.
    Data: < > 14 00 10 00 DB DB DB DB 0B 00 10 00 01 00 00 00
    {3645} normal block at 0x00396E60, 464 bytes long.
    Data: < > D0 01 00 00 DB DB DB DB C7 01 00 00 01 00 00 00
    {596} normal block at 0x01970040, 1048596 bytes long.
    Data: < > 14 00 10 00 DB DB DB DB 0B 00 10 00 01 00 00 00
    {578} normal block at 0x00397978, 464 bytes long.
    Data: < > D0 01 00 00 DB DB DB DB C7 01 00 00 01 00 00 00
    Object dump complete.
    So memory was not reused, nor deallocated.
    By the way, you may be interested in other leak I found, but fixed, see
    Replication manager memory leak when setting local site information.
    This leak is more serious, I am not sure I will fix it quickly. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Could you please suggest something?
    Thanks in advance!
    With regards,

    OK, the problem solved by fixing code in file 'log.c', method '__log_dbenv_refresh'.
    Just added the code that deallocates memory of bulk buffer.
    if (IS_ENV_REPLICATED(dbenv))
    if (lp->bulk_buf != INVALID_ROFF)
    __db_shalloc_free(&dblp->reginfo, lp->bulk_buf);
    lp->bulk_buf = INVALID_ROFF;
    lp->bulk_len = 0;
    lp->bulk_off = 0;
    It was allocated in the '__log_open' function, by the following code:
              lp->ready_lsn = lp->lsn;
              if (IS_ENV_REPLICATED(dbenv)) {
                   if ((ret = __db_shalloc(&dblp->reginfo, MEGABYTE, 0,
                   &bulk)) != 0)
                        goto err;
                   lp->bulk_buf = R_OFFSET(&dblp->reginfo, bulk);
                   lp->bulk_len = MEGABYTE;
                   lp->bulk_off = 0;
              } else {
                   lp->bulk_buf = INVALID_ROFF;
                   lp->bulk_len = 0;
                   lp->bulk_off = 0;
    Sorry for time taken to read my posts, I was really needy in quick help, but solved problems myself.

  • Pro*c multithreaded application has memory leak

    Hi there,
    I posted this message a week ago in OCI section, nobody answer me.
    I am really curious if my application has a bug or the pro*c has a bug.
    Anyone can compile the sample code and test it easily.
    I made multithreaded application which queries dynamic SQL, it works.
    But the memory leaks when i query the SQL statement.
    The more memory leaks, the more i query the SQL statement, even same SQL
    I check it with top, shell command.
    My machine is SUN E450, Solaris 8. Oracle
    Compiler : gcc (GCC) 3.2.2
    I changed source code which is from
    the sample10 doesn't need to be multithreaded. But i think it has to work
    correctly if i changed it to multithreaded application.
    the make file and source code will be placed below.
    I have to figure out the problem.
    Please help
    Thanks in advance,
    the make file is below
    HOME = /user/jkku
    CC = gcc
    PROC = proc
    LC_INCL = -I$(HOME)/work/dbmss/libs/include
    lc_incl = include=$(HOME)/work/dbmss/libs/include
    SYS_INCL =
    sys_incl =
    ORA_INCL = -I. \
    -I$(ORA)/precomp/public \
    -I$(ORA)/rdbms/public \
    -I$(ORA)/rdbms/demo \
    -I$(ORA)/rdbms/pbsql/public \
    -I$(ORA)/network/public \
    includes = $(lc_incl) $(sys_incl)
    LC_LIBS =
    SYS_LIBS = -lpthread -lsocket -lnsl -lrt
    ORA_LIBS = -L$(ORA)/lib/ -lclntsh
    # Define C Compiler flags
    CFLAGS += -D_Solaris64_ -m64
    # Define pro*c Compiler flags
    # Our object files
    PRECOMPS = sample10.c
    OBJS = sample10.o
    .SUFFIXES: .o .c .pc
    $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $*.c
    $(PROC) $(PROCFLAGS) $(includes) $*.pc $*.c
    all: sample10
    sample10: $(PRECOMPS) $(OBJS)
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o sample10 $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
    rm -rf *.o sample10 sample10.c
    the source code is below which i changed the oracle sample10.pc to
    multithreaded application.
    Sample Program 10: Dynamic SQL Method 4
    This program connects you to ORACLE using your username and
    password, then prompts you for a SQL statement. You can enter
    any legal SQL statement. Use regular SQL syntax, not embedded SQL.
    Your statement will be processed. If it is a query, the rows
    fetched are displayed.
    You can enter multi-line statements. The limit is 1023 characters.
    This sample program only processes up to MAX_ITEMS bind variables and
    MAX_ITEMS select-list items. MAX_ITEMS is #defined to be 40.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <setjmp.h>
    #include <sqlda.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <sqlcpr.h>
    /* Maximum number of select-list items or bind variables. */
    #define MAX_ITEMS 40
    /* Maximum lengths of the names of the
    select-list items or indicator variables. */
    #define MAX_VNAME_LEN 30
    #define MAX_INAME_LEN 30
    #ifndef NULL
    #define NULL 0
    /* Prototypes */
    #if defined(__STDC__)
    void sql_error(void);
    int oracle_connect(void);
    int alloc_descriptors(int, int, int);
    int get_dyn_statement(void);
    void set_bind_variables(void);
    void process_select_list(void);
    void help(void);
    void sql_error(/*_ void _*/);
    int oracle_connect(/*_ void _*/);
    int alloc_descriptors(/*_ int, int, int _*/);
    int get_dyn_statement(/* void _*/);
    void set_bind_variables(/*_ void -*/);
    void process_select_list(/*_ void _*/);
    void help(/*_ void _*/);
    char *dml_commands[] = {"SELECT", "select", "INSERT", "insert",
    "UPDATE", "update", "DELETE", "delete"};
    char dyn_statement[1024];
    EXEC SQL VAR dyn_statement IS STRING(1024);
    SQLDA *bind_dp;
    SQLDA *select_dp;
    /* Define a buffer to hold longjmp state info. */
    jmp_buf jmp_continue;
    char *db_uid="dbmuser/dbmuser@dbmdb";
    sql_context ctx;
    int err_sql;
    int main()
    int i;
    EXEC SQL WHENEVER NOT FOUND DO sql_not_found();
    /* Connect to the database. */
    if (connect_database() < 0)
    /* Process SQL statements. */
    for (;;)
    /* Allocate memory for the select and bind descriptors. */
    if (alloc_descriptors(MAX_ITEMS, MAX_VNAME_LEN, NAME_LEN) != 0)
    (void) setjmp(jmp_continue);
    /* Get the statement. Break on "exit". */
    if (get_dyn_statement() != 0)
    EXEC SQL PREPARE S FROM :dyn_statement;
    /* Set the bind variables for any placeholders in the
    SQL statement. */
    /* Open the cursor and execute the statement.
    * If the statement is not a query (SELECT), the
    * statement processing is completed after the
    * OPEN.
    /* Call the function that processes the select-list.
    * If the statement is not a query, this function
    * just returns, doing nothing.
    /* Tell user how many rows processed. */
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    if (strncmp(dyn_statement, dml_commands, 6) == 0)
    printf("\n\n%d row%c processed.\n", sqlca.sqlerrd[2], sqlca.sqlerrd[2] == 1 ? '\0' : 's');
    /* Close the cursor. */
    /* When done, free the memory allocated for pointers in the bind and
    select descriptors. */
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_ITEMS; i++)
    if (bind_dp->V != (char *) 0)
    free(bind_dp->I); /* MAX_ITEMS were allocated. */
    if (select_dp->V != (char *) 0)
    free(select_dp->I); /* MAX_ITEMS were allocated. */
    /* Free space used by the descriptors themselves. */
    SQLSQLDAFree(ctx, bind_dp);
    SQLSQLDAFree(ctx, select_dp);
    } /* end of for(;;) statement-processing loop */
    puts("\nHave a good day!\n");
    * Allocate the BIND and SELECT descriptors using sqlald().
    * Also allocate the pointers to indicator variables
    * in each descriptor. The pointers to the actual bind
    * variables and the select-list items are realloc'ed in
    * the set_bind_variables() or process_select_list()
    * routines. This routine allocates 1 byte for select_dp->V
    * and bind_dp->V, so the realloc will work correctly.
    alloc_descriptors(size, max_vname_len, max_iname_len)
    int size;
    int max_vname_len;
    int max_iname_len;
    int i;
    * The first sqlald parameter determines the maximum number of
    * array elements in each variable in the descriptor. In
    * other words, it determines the maximum number of bind
    * variables or select-list items in the SQL statement.
    * The second parameter determines the maximum length of
    * strings used to hold the names of select-list items
    * or placeholders. The maximum length of column
    * names in ORACLE is 30, but you can allocate more or less
    * as needed.
    * The third parameter determines the maximum length of
    * strings used to hold the names of any indicator
    * variables. To follow ORACLE standards, the maximum
    * length of these should be 30. But, you can allocate
    * more or less as needed.
    if ((bind_dp =
    SQLSQLDAAlloc(ctx, size, max_vname_len, max_iname_len)) ==
    (SQLDA *) 0)
    "Cannot allocate memory for bind descriptor.");
    return -1; /* Have to exit in this case. */
    if ((select_dp =
    SQLSQLDAAlloc(ctx, size, max_vname_len, max_iname_len)) == (SQLDA *)
    "Cannot allocate memory for select descriptor.");
    return -1;
    select_dp->N = MAX_ITEMS;
    /* Allocate the pointers to the indicator variables, and the
    actual data. */
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_ITEMS; i++) {
    bind_dp->I = (short *) malloc(sizeof (short));
    select_dp->I = (short *) malloc(sizeof(short));
    bind_dp->V = (char *) malloc(1);
    select_dp->V = (char *) malloc(1);
    return 0;
    int get_dyn_statement()
    char *cp, linebuf[256];
    int iter, plsql;
    for (plsql = 0, iter = 1; ;)
    if (iter == 1)
    printf("\nSQL> ");
    dyn_statement[0] = '\0';
    fgets(linebuf, sizeof linebuf, stdin);
    cp = strrchr(linebuf, '\n');
    if (cp && cp != linebuf)
    *cp = ' ';
    else if (cp == linebuf)
    if ((strncmp(linebuf, "EXIT", 4) == 0) ||
    (strncmp(linebuf, "exit", 4) == 0))
    return -1;
    else if (linebuf[0] == '?' ||
    (strncmp(linebuf, "HELP", 4) == 0) ||
    (strncmp(linebuf, "help", 4) == 0))
    iter = 1;
    if (strstr(linebuf, "BEGIN") ||
    (strstr(linebuf, "begin")))
    plsql = 1;
    strcat(dyn_statement, linebuf);
    if ((plsql && (cp = strrchr(dyn_statement, '/'))) ||
    (!plsql && (cp = strrchr(dyn_statement, ';'))))
    *cp = '\0';
    printf("%3d ", iter);
    return 0;
    void set_bind_variables()
    int i, n;
    char bind_var[64];
    /* Describe any bind variables (input host variables) */
    bind_dp->N = MAX_ITEMS; /* Initialize count of array elements. */
    /* If F is negative, there were more bind variables
    than originally allocated by sqlald(). */
    if (bind_dp->F < 0)
    printf ("\nToo many bind variables (%d), maximum is %d\n.",
    -bind_dp->F, MAX_ITEMS);
    /* Set the maximum number of array elements in the
    descriptor to the number found. */
    bind_dp->N = bind_dp->F;
    /* Get the value of each bind variable as a
    * character string.
    * C contains the length of the bind variable
    * name used in the SQL statement.
    * S contains the actual name of the bind variable
    * used in the SQL statement.
    * L will contain the length of the data value
    * entered.
    * V will contain the address of the data value
    * entered.
    * T is always set to 1 because in this sample program
    * data values for all bind variables are entered
    * as character strings.
    * ORACLE converts to the table value from CHAR.
    * I will point to the indicator value, which is
    * set to -1 when the bind variable value is "null".
    for (i = 0; i < bind_dp->F; i++)
    printf ("\nEnter value for bind variable %.*s: ",
    (int)bind_dp->C, bind_dp->S);
    fgets(bind_var, sizeof bind_var, stdin);
    /* Get length and remove the new line character. */
    n = strlen(bind_var) - 1;
    /* Set it in the descriptor. */
    bind_dp->L = n;
    /* (re-)allocate the buffer for the value.
    sqlald() reserves a pointer location for
    V but does not allocate the full space for
    the pointer. */
    bind_dp->V = (char *) realloc(bind_dp->V, (bind_dp->L + 1));
    /* And copy it in. */
    strncpy(bind_dp->V, bind_var, n);
    /* Set the indicator variable's value. */
    if ((strncmp(bind_dp->V, "NULL", 4) == 0) ||
    (strncmp(bind_dp->V, "null", 4) == 0))
    *bind_dp->I = -1;
    *bind_dp->I = 0;
    /* Set the bind datatype to 1 for CHAR. */
    bind_dp->T = 1;
    void process_select_list()
    int i, null_ok, precision, scale;
    if ((strncmp(dyn_statement, "SELECT", 6) != 0) &&
    (strncmp(dyn_statement, "select", 6) != 0))
    select_dp->F = 0;
    /* If the SQL statement is a SELECT, describe the
    select-list items. The DESCRIBE function returns
    their names, datatypes, lengths (including precision
    and scale), and NULL/NOT NULL statuses. */
    select_dp->N = MAX_ITEMS;
    /* If F is negative, there were more select-list
    items than originally allocated by sqlald(). */
    if (select_dp->F < 0)
    printf ("\nToo many select-list items (%d), maximum is %d\n",
    -(select_dp->F), MAX_ITEMS);
    /* Set the maximum number of array elements in the
    descriptor to the number found. */
    select_dp->N = select_dp->F;
    /* Allocate storage for each select-list item.
    sqlprc() is used to extract precision and scale
    from the length (select_dp->L).
    sqlnul() is used to reset the high-order bit of
    the datatype and to check whether the column
    is NOT NULL.
    CHAR datatypes have length, but zero precision and
    scale. The length is defined at CREATE time.
    NUMBER datatypes have precision and scale only if
    defined at CREATE time. If the column
    definition was just NUMBER, the precision
    and scale are zero, and you must allocate
    the required maximum length.
    DATE datatypes return a length of 7 if the default
    format is used. This should be increased to
    9 to store the actual date character string.
    If you use the TO_CHAR function, the maximum
    length could be 75, but will probably be less
    (you can see the effects of this in SQL*Plus).
    ROWID datatype always returns a fixed length of 18 if
    coerced to CHAR.
    LONG and
    LONG RAW datatypes return a length of 0 (zero),
    so you need to set a maximum. In this example,
    it is 240 characters.
    printf ("\n");
    for (i = 0; i < select_dp->F; i++)
    char title[MAX_VNAME_LEN];
    /* Turn off high-order bit of datatype (in this example,
    it does not matter if the column is NOT NULL). */
    sqlnul ((unsigned short *)&(select_dp->T), (unsigned short
    *)&(select_dp->T), &null_ok);
    switch (select_dp->T)
    case 1 : /* CHAR datatype: no change in length
    needed, except possibly for TO_CHAR
    conversions (not handled here). */
    case 2 : /* NUMBER datatype: use sqlprc() to
    extract precision and scale. */
    sqlprc ((unsigned int *)&(select_dp->L), &precision,
    /* Allow for maximum size of NUMBER. */
    if (precision == 0) precision = 40;
    /* Also allow for decimal point and
    possible sign. */
    /* convert NUMBER datatype to FLOAT if scale > 0,
    INT otherwise. */
    if (scale > 0)
    select_dp->L = sizeof(float);
    select_dp->L = sizeof(int);
    case 8 : /* LONG datatype */
    select_dp->L = 240;
    case 11 : /* ROWID datatype */
    case 104 : /* Universal ROWID datatype */
    select_dp->L = 18;
    case 12 : /* DATE datatype */
    select_dp->L = 9;
    case 23 : /* RAW datatype */
    case 24 : /* LONG RAW datatype */
    select_dp->L = 240;
    /* Allocate space for the select-list data values.
    sqlald() reserves a pointer location for
    V but does not allocate the full space for
    the pointer. */
    if (select_dp->T != 2)
    select_dp->V = (char *) realloc(select_dp->V,
    select_dp->L + 1);
    select_dp->V = (char *) realloc(select_dp->V,
    /* Print column headings, right-justifying number
    column headings. */
    /* Copy to temporary buffer in case name is null-terminated */
    memset(title, ' ', MAX_VNAME_LEN);
    strncpy(title, select_dp->S, select_dp->C);
    if (select_dp->T == 2)
    if (scale > 0)
    printf ("%.*s ", select_dp->L+3, title);
    printf ("%.*s ", select_dp->L, title);
    printf("%-.*s ", select_dp->L, title);
    /* Coerce ALL datatypes except for LONG RAW and NUMBER to
    character. */
    if (select_dp->T != 24 && select_dp->T != 2)
    select_dp->T = 1;
    /* Coerce the datatypes of NUMBERs to float or int depending on
    the scale. */
    if (select_dp->T == 2)
    if (scale > 0)
    select_dp->T = 4; /* float */
    select_dp->T = 3; /* int */
    printf ("\n\n");
    /* FETCH each row selected and print the column values. */
    for (;;)
    /* Since each variable returned has been coerced to a
    character string, int, or float very little processing
    is required here. This routine just prints out the
    values on the terminal. */
    for (i = 0; i < select_dp->F; i++)
    if (*select_dp->I < 0)
    if (select_dp->T == 4)
    printf ("%-*c ",(int)select_dp->L+3, ' ');
    printf ("%-*c ",(int)select_dp->L, ' ');
    if (select_dp->T == 3) /* int datatype */
    printf ("%*d ", (int)select_dp->L,
    *(int *)select_dp->V);
    else if (select_dp->T == 4) /* float datatype */
    printf ("%*.2f ", (int)select_dp->L,
    *(float *)select_dp->V);
    else /* character string */
    printf ("%-*.*s ", (int)select_dp->L,
    (int)select_dp->L, select_dp->V);
    printf ("\n");
    void help()
    puts("\n\nEnter a SQL statement or a PL/SQL block at the SQL> prompt.");
    puts("Statements can be continued over several lines, except");
    puts("within string literals.");
    puts("Terminate a SQL statement with a semicolon.");
    puts("Terminate a PL/SQL block (which can contain embedded
    puts("with a slash (/).");
    puts("Typing \"exit\" (no semicolon needed) exits the program.");
    puts("You typed \"?\" or \"help\" to get this message.\n\n");
    int connect_database()
    err_sql = SQL_SUCC;
    EXEC SQL WHENEVER NOT FOUND DO sql_not_found();
    EXEC SQL CONNECT :db_uid;
    if(err_sql != SQL_SUCC){
    printf("err => connect database(ctx:%ld, uid:%s) failed!\n", ctx, db_uid);
    return -1;
    return 1;
    int disconnect_database()
    err_sql = SQL_SUCC;
    EXEC SQL WHENEVER NOT FOUND DO sql_not_found();
    return 1;
    void sql_error()
    printf("err => %.*s", sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrml, sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc);
    printf("in \"%.*s...\'\n", oraca.orastxt.orastxtl, oraca.orastxt.orastxtc);
    printf("on line %d of %.*s.\n\n", oraca.oraslnr, oraca.orasfnm.orasfnml,
    switch(sqlca.sqlcode) {
    case -1: /* unique constraint violated */
    err_sql = SQL_UNIQUE;
    case -1012: /* not logged on */
    case -1089:
    case -3133:
    case -1041:
    case -3114:
    case -3113:
    /* �6�Ŭ�� shutdown�ǰų� �α��� ���°� �ƴҶ� ��b�� �õ� */
    /* immediate shutdown in progress - no operations are permitted */
    /* end-of-file on communication channel */
    /* internal error. hostdef extension doesn't exist */
    err_sql = SQL_DISCONNECT;
    case -1400:
    err_sql = SQL_NOTNULL;
    err_sql = SQL_ERR;
    void sql_not_found()
    err_sql = SQL_NOTFOUND;

    Hi Jane,
    What version of Berkeley DB XML are you using?
    What is your operating system and your hardware platform?
    For how long have been the application running?
    What is your current container size?
    What's set for EnvironmentConfig.setThreaded?
    Do you know if containers have previously not been closed correctly?
    Can you please post the entire error output?
    What's the JDK version, 1.4 or 1.5?

  • APEX 4.1.1 Memory Leak in IE7

    We busy upgrading our apex and db from 3.0/10G to 4.1.1/11.2G and notice that there appears to be a memory leak when using APEX. At one stage we have had IE7 using over a gig of memory.
    When you load or refresh your page IE7 seems to grab on average 2-5MB of memory for each page load. At first we thought it may have been our apps or setup but this also happens when we go to app 4550 page 1 on
    How to replicate:
    Open task manager to view the Memory Usage.
    Using IE7
    1. Go to
    2. Go back to Task Manager and note the readings once the CPU Usage for iexplore.exe has stablised to 0.
    3. go back to IE7 and press F5
    4. Repeat steps 2-3 and you will see the Memory usage increases.
    We think this maybe due to a few jQuery UI memory leaks within IE7 and thought this bug ticket maybe of interest (Slightly different versions but similiar experiences)
    Could someone else confirm that they also experience the increasing or have had similiar problems and managed to resolve it?
    TBH, it wouldn't be an issue to use another browser like Firefox to access the builder but this also affects the applications if they include APEX standard Javascript and CSS.
    Thanking you in advance.
    Edited by: Alistair Laing on Jun 16, 2012 2:32 PM
    Added Tags

    Alistair Laing wrote:
    We busy upgrading our apex and db from 3.0/10G to 4.1.1/11.2G and notice that there appears to be a memory leak when using APEX. At one stage we have had IE7 using over a gig of memory.
    When you load or refresh your page IE7 seems to grab on average 2-5MB of memory for each page load. At first we thought it may have been our apps or setup but this also happens when we go to app 4550 page 1 on
    How to replicate:
    Open task manager to view the Memory Usage.
    Using IE7
    1. Go to
    2. Go back to Task Manager and note the readings once the CPU Usage for iexplore.exe has stablised to 0.
    3. go back to IE7 and press F5
    4. Repeat steps 2-3 and you will see the Memory usage increases.
    We think this maybe due to a few jQuery UI memory leaks within IE7 and thought this bug ticket maybe of interest (Slightly different versions but similiar experiences)
    Could someone else confirm that they also experience the increasing or have had similiar problems and managed to resolve it?Anecdotally, yes. Don't have exact steps for replication or precise numbers, but I have noticed this in passing. On the junk that my client considers a PC suitable for web development the typical IE7 memory footprint with the APEX 3.0 builder and several other tabs running is about 52MB. Add APEX 4.1.1 and it climbs constantly until I have to pull the plug when it gets north of 150MB as the PC can't take it.
    As well that I also have Firefox and 4.1.1 is still experimental at that site...
    At the moment I don't have to resolve it and if I did the only option I'd propose is the replacement of IE7.
    VC wrote:
    Look at this
    Alistair Laing wrote:lol @ VC - I dont shop online at work :-D
    I saw that eariler this week. I do agree with the concept though.So take appropriate action: charge extra for IE7 support.
    The amount of work and effort involved in making our website look normal on IE7 equalled the combined time of designing for Chrome, Safari and Firefox.Is entirely accurate. If it's stated as a requirement, itemise it as an extra on the quote.
    Educate management and bean counters: show them the one line of standards-compliant CSS that's all that is necessary in Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Opera (and just possibly in IE8/9/10), how it isn't supported in IE7, and the tortuous hacks and workarounds that are required to get something equivalent working there.

  • Firefox memory leak, how to fix?

    I've noticed i've been having memory leaks since quite a few versions before the latest one (33.1.1) and the problem still continues, i notice this more when i leave firefox open for awhile, sometimes only with youtube and couple of other "static" pages on, but i've got the same results without youtube.
    Today i decided to ask the question, since i haven't seen any memory leak bugfixes in the recent changelogs and it becomes quite a problem to me because i leave it all day open and when it happens it forces me to restart (not really forces but i don't like having an 1.3GB process when i can have the same for 500~ ...)
    I don't believe any of my extras are the reason for it, i've tested them over the pass'ed versions, removed a few, installed a few, always same problem.
    All of this running WIndows 7 Ultimate 64-bits .
    i've researched and found it's a "common" problem, but no really solution or expected bugfix soon or anything, i'm still to test it without any 3rd part extensions or plugins, but i don't (think) have any extensions that may cause this because like i said, i've changed them quite a few times.
    Here is my extension list:
    Here is my plugin list:
    And here is a "Measure" report from "about:memory" :
    I just want to know why it leaks so badly, almost the double RAM it would normally use.
    Currently i'm like 3 tabs with 1.25 GB (Private Set) used, when i close a few tabs, it keeps stable or even rising by a few mb.
    I hope there's something useful with that report/my extensions|plugins.
    Thanks for the reading.

    I heard about that extension "problem" but, when i see on "about:addons-memory" from a third-party extension (that i can't remember but yo can see it in the link on OP, it only uses few megabytes (20~) , so, either it's a memory leak on the extension (if that's really the cause) a problem with my addon to view the extensions memory or a firefox one.
    But i seriously don't expect that extension eats up all of this memory, but i will test it in a couple of days.

  • DataSocket memory leak problem (2VO0SF00) -- more info?

    When upgrading to LabVIEW 8.5 recently, I noticed the following known issue in the readme file:
    "ID: 2VO0SF00
    DataSocket/OPC Leaks Memory using ActiveX VIs to perform open-write-close repeatedly
    If you call the DataSocket Open, DataSocket Write, and DataSocket Close functions in succession repeatedly, LabVIEW leaks memory. Workaround — To correct this problem, call the DataSocket Open function once, use the DataSocket Write function to write multiple times, and then use the DataSocket Close function."
    Looking back, I think this problem may have been present in previous LabVIEW releases as well, and might be giving rise to a problem that's been dogging me for quite some time (see my thread, "Error 66 with DataSockets",, in addition to general slow/glitchy behaviour when my VI's have been running continuously for a long time. But in order to determine whether or not this issue affects me, and how I should go about fixing it in the context of my own programs, I need a bit more information about the nature of the issue itself and the inner workings of the DataSocket VI's. Any help or insight the community can provide into this would be greatly appreciated!
    Here are my questions:
    It is my understanding from the "known issue" description above that the memory leak happens when you have a DS Open wired to a DS Write wired to a DS Close, all inside a loop (example 1), and that the suggested workaround would be to move the DS Open and DS Close functions out of the loop on opposite sides, wired to the DS Write which remains inside the loop (example 2). Is this correct?
    Does this leak also happen when performing DS open-read-close's repeatedly (example 3)?
    What happens when a DS Write (or DS Read) is called without a corresponding DS Open and DS Close (examples 4a and 4b)? Does it implicitly do a DS open before doing the write operation and a DS close afterwards? What I'm getting at is this: would having an isolated DS Write (or DS Read) inside a loop, not connected to any DS Open or DS Close functions at all, cause this same memory leak?
    If one computer is running the DS server and a second computer is running the VI with the repeated open-write-close's, on which computer does the memory leak occur?
    In my question #1 workaround (example 2), the DS Open and DS Close outside the loop are routed through a shift register and in to and out of the DS Write inside the loop. If the DS connection id goes into the DS Write "connection in" and then splits and goes around the DS Write and out to the DS Close, without coming out of the DS Write "connection out" (example 5), will the memory leak still be avoided? I.e. if the DS Write function doesn't have anything connected to its "connection out", will it try to do an implicit DS Close?
    If the VI causing the memory leak is stopped, but LabVIEW stays running, will the leaked memory be reclaimed? What if the VI is closed? What if all of LabVIEW is closed?
    FYI, in the examples above "x1a" is a statically-defined DataSocket on the DS server running on the computer Max, to which the computer running the example VI's has read/write access. My actual application has numerous VI's and hundreds of DataSocket items, many of which are written to / read from every 50-100 ms in the style of examples 4a and 4b.
    Does anyone have any idea about this stuff?
    Thanks in advance,
    Attachments: ‏63 KB ‏40 KB

    Hi Meghan,
    Yes, some of the larger VIs in my application do write to / read from several hundred DataSockets, so it's not feasible to use shift registers for each one individually, and hence why I'm passing the references into an array, etc.
    Your Alternate Solution 2 is more along the lines of something that would work for me. However, my actual code has a lot of nested loops, sequences and DataSocket items which are not all written to in the same frame, so this solution would still be difficult to implement: it would be cumbersome to unpack the entire 500-element reference id array and build a new one (maintaining the positions and values of the unaffected elements) every time I write to some small subset of the DataSockets.
    I think I have a solution which solves the problem and is also scalable to the size of my application -- I've attached it as Example 7. Do you think this will avoid the memory leak? It's the same as your Alternate Solution 2, except that instead of building a new array out of the DS Write reference outs, each reference out replaces the appropriate element of the original array.
    If I understand you correctly, in order to avoid implicit reference opens and closes, a DS Write needs to have both it's reference in and reference out wired to something. Thus, even though my Example 7 replaces an element of the array with an identical value, and therefore doesn't actually change the array (which would be a silly thing to do normally), the DS Writes have their reference outs wired to something, and eventually in a convoluted way to a DS Close, so it should avoid the memory leak.
    Just out of curiosity (I don't think anything like this would apply to my application or any fixes I implement), when would the implicit reference close happen in the attached Example 8? The DS Write has its reference in and reference out both connected to temporally "adjacent" DS Writes via the shift register, so perhaps it wouldn't try to close the reference on each loop iteration? Or would it look into the future and see that there is no DS Close and decide to implicitly do that itself? Or maybe only the DS Write on the last loop iteration does this?
    Thanks for bearing with me through this,
    example73.JPG ‏40 KB
    example83.JPG ‏14 KB

  • Memory leak using xslprocessor.valueof in - 64bit ??

    My company has made the decision to do all of our internal inter-system communication using XML. Often we may need to transfer thousands of records from one system to another and due to this (and the 32K limit in prior versions) we're implementing it in 11g. Currently we have Oracle 11g Enterprise Edition Release on 64 bit Linux.
    This is a completely network/memory setup - the XML data comes in using UTL_HTTP and is stored in a CLOB in memory and then converted to a DOMDocument variable and finally the relevant data is extracted using xslprocessor.valueof calls.
    While this is working fine for smaller datasets, I've discovered that repeated calls with very large documents cause the xslprocessor to run out of memory with the following message:
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 21256 bytes
    ORA-06512: at "XDB.DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR", line 1010
    ORA-06512: at "XDB.DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR", line 1036
    ORA-06512: at "XDB.DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR", line 1044
    ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.UTL_INTERFACE_PKG", line 206
    ORA-06512: at line 28
    Elapsed: 00:03:32.45
    From further testing, it appears that the failure occurs after approximately 161,500 calls to xslprocessor.valueof however I'm sure this is dependent on the amount of server memory available (6 GB in my case).
    I expect that we will try and log a TAR on this, but my DBA is on vacation right now. Has anyone else tried calling the xslprocessor 200,000 times in a single session?
    I've tried to make my test code as simple as possible in order to track down the problem. This first block simply iterates through all of our offices asking for all of the employees at that office (there are 140 offices in the table).
    CURSOR c_offices IS
    SELECT office_id
    FROM offices
    ORDER BY office_id;
    r_offices C_OFFICES%ROWTYPE;
    OPEN c_offices;
    FETCH c_offices INTO r_offices;
    EXIT WHEN c_offices%NOTFOUND;
    CLOSE c_offices;
    Normally I'd be returning a collection of result data from this procedure, however I'm trying to make things as simple as possible and make sure I'm not causing the memory leak myself.
    Below is what makes the SOAP calls (using the widely circulated UTL_SOAP_API) to get our data and then extracts the relevant parts. Each office (call) should return between 200 and 1200 employee records.
    PROCEDURE get_employees (p_office_id IN VARCHAR2)
    l_request utl_soap_api.t_request;
    l_response utl_soap_api.t_response;
    l_data_clob CLOB;
    l_xml_namespace VARCHAR2(100) := 'xmlns="' || G_XMLNS_PREFIX || 'EMP.wsGetEmployees"';
    l_xml_doc xmldom.DOMDocument;
    l_node_list xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    l_node xmldom.DOMNode;
    parser xmlparser.Parser;
    l_emp_id NUMBER;
    l_emp_first_name VARCHAR2(100);
    l_emp_last_name VARCHAR2(100);
    --Set our authentication information.
    utl_soap_api.set_proxy_authentication(p_username => G_AUTH_USER, p_password => G_AUTH_PASS);
    l_request := utl_soap_api.new_request(p_method => 'wsGetEmployees',
    p_namespace => l_xml_namespace);
    utl_soap_api.add_parameter(p_request => l_request,
    p_name => 'officeId',
    p_type => 'xsd:string',
    p_value => p_office_id);
    l_response := utl_soap_api.invoke(p_request => l_request,
    p_url => G_SOAP_URL,
    p_action => 'wsGetEmployees');
    dbms_lob.createtemporary(l_data_clob, cache=>FALSE);
    l_data_clob := utl_soap_api.get_return_clob_value(p_response => l_response,
    p_name => '*',
    p_namespace => l_xml_namespace);
    l_data_clob := DBMS_XMLGEN.CONVERT(l_data_clob, 1); --Storing in CLOB converted symbols (<">) into escaped values (&lt;, &qt;, &gt;).  We need to CONVERT them back.
    parser := xmlparser.newParser;
    xmlparser.parseClob(parser, l_data_clob);
    l_xml_doc := xmlparser.getDocument(parser);
    l_node_list := xslprocessor.selectNodes(xmldom.makeNode(l_xml_doc),'/employees/employee');
    FOR i_emp IN 0 .. (xmldom.getLength(l_node_list) - 1)
    l_node := xmldom.item(l_node_list, i_emp);
    l_emp_id := dbms_xslprocessor.valueOf(l_node, 'EMPLOYEEID');
    l_emp_first_name := dbms_xslprocessor.valueOf(l_node, 'FIRSTNAME');
    l_emp_last_name := dbms_xslprocessor.valueOf(l_node, 'LASTNAME');
    END get_employees;
    All of this works just fine for smaller result sets, or fewer iterations (only the first two or three offices). Even up to the point of failure the data is being extracted correctly - it just eventually runs out of memory. Is there any way to free up the xslprocessor? I've even tried issuing DBMS_SESSION.FREE_UNUSED_USER_MEMORY but it makes no difference.

    Replying to both of you -
    Line 206 is the first call to xslprocessor.valueof:
    206 l_emp_id := dbms_xslprocessor.valueOf(l_node, 'EMPLOYEEID');
    This is one function inside of a larger package (the UTL_INTERFACE_PKG). The package is just a grouping of these functions - one for each type of SOAP interface we're using. None of the others exhibited this problem, but then none of them return anywhere near this much data either.
    Here is the contents of V$TEMPORARY_LOBS immediately after the crash:
    132 0 0 0
    148 19 1 0
    SID 132 is a SYS session and SID 148 is mine.
    I've discovered with further testing that if I comment out all of the xslprocessor.valueof calls except for the first one the code will complete successfully. It executes the valueof call 99,463 times. If I then uncomment one of those additional calls, we double the number of executions to a theoretical 198,926 (which is greater than the 161,500 point where it usually crashes) and it runs out of memory again.

  • Bug:4705928 PLSQL: Memory leak using small varrays

    We have Oracle version
    We have a problem with a procedure.
    In our scenario we make use of VARRAY in the procedure to pass some filter parameters to a select distinct querying a view made on three tables.
    Unfotunately not always execution it is successful.
    Sometimes it returns wrong value (0 for the count parameter), sometimes (rarely) the server stops working.
    We suspect that this is caused by a bug fixed in versione
    Bug:4705928 PLSQL: Memory leak using small varrays when trimming the whole collection and inserting into it in a loop
    We suspect this becasue we made two procedure the first (spProductCount) uses a function (fnProductFilter) to calculate the values of a varray and passes them into the select,
    while in the second procedure (spProductCount2) parameters are passed directly into the statement without varray
    and there are failures only in the first procedure.
    On the other hand on another server we never have this problem.
    The instance manifesting the bug runs under shared mode, while the other is under dedicated mode.
    Turning the first one to dedicated mode makes the bugs disapear.
    Unfortunately this is not a solution.
    In the sample there are the three table with all constraints, the view, tha varray custom type, the function and the two procedures.
    Is there someone that may examine our sample and tell us if the pl/sql code corresponds to the bug desciption.
    We also want to know if it's possibile that the same server running under different mode (SHARED/DEDICATED) doesn't behave the same way.
    The tables:
    CREATE TABLE "Products" (
         "Image" BLOB
         , "CatalogId" RAW(16)
         , "ProductId" RAW(16)
         , "MnemonicId" NVARCHAR2(50) DEFAULT ''
         , "ProductParentId" RAW(16)
    ALTER TABLE "Products"
         ADD CONSTRAINT "NN_Products_M04" CHECK ("CatalogId" IS NOT NULL)
    ALTER TABLE "Products"
         ADD CONSTRAINT "NN_Products_M05" CHECK ("ProductId" IS NOT NULL)
    ALTER TABLE "Products"
    ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_Products"
    PRIMARY KEY ("ProductId")
    CREATE INDEX "IX_Products"
    ON "Products" ("CatalogId", "MnemonicId")
    ON "Products" (DECODE("MnemonicId", NULL, NULL, RAWTOHEX("CatalogId") || "MnemonicId"))
    CREATE TABLE "Languages" (
         "Description" NVARCHAR2(250)
         , "IsStandard" NUMBER(1)
         , "LanguageId" RAW(16)
         , "MnemonicId" NVARCHAR2(12)
    ALTER TABLE "Languages"
         ADD CONSTRAINT "NN_Languages_M01" CHECK ("LanguageId" IS NOT NULL)
    ALTER TABLE "Languages"
         ADD CONSTRAINT "NN_Languages_M05" CHECK ("MnemonicId" IS NOT NULL)
    ALTER TABLE "Languages"
    ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_Languages"
    PRIMARY KEY ("LanguageId")
    ALTER TABLE "Languages"
    ADD CONSTRAINT "UK_Languages"
    UNIQUE ("MnemonicId")
    CREATE TABLE "ProductDesc" (
         "Comment" NCLOB
         , "PlainComment" NCLOB
         , "Description" NVARCHAR2(250)
         , "DescriptionText" NCLOB
         , "PlainDescriptionText" NCLOB
         , "LanguageId" NVARCHAR2(12)
         , "ProductId" RAW(16)
    ALTER TABLE "ProductDesc"
         ADD CONSTRAINT "NN_ProductDescM01" CHECK ("LanguageId" IS NOT NULL)
    ALTER TABLE "ProductDesc"
         ADD CONSTRAINT "NN_ProductDescM02" CHECK ("ProductId" IS NOT NULL)
    ALTER TABLE "ProductDesc"
    ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_ProductDesc"
    PRIMARY KEY ("ProductId", "LanguageId")
    ALTER TABLE "ProductDesc"
    ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_ProductDesc1"
    FOREIGN KEY("ProductId") REFERENCES "Products" ("ProductId")
    ALTER TABLE "ProductDesc"
    ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_ProductDesc2"
    FOREIGN KEY("LanguageId") REFERENCES "Languages" ("MnemonicId")
    /The view:
              , "ProductDesc"."Comment"
              , "ProductDesc"."PlainComment"
              , "ProductDesc"."Description"
              , "ProductDesc"."DescriptionText"
              , "ProductDesc"."PlainDescriptionText"
              , "Products"."Image"
              , "Languages"."MnemonicId" "LanguageId"
              , "Products"."MnemonicId"
              , "Products"."ProductId"
              , "Products"."ProductParentId"
              , TRIM(NVL("ProductDesc"."Description" || ' ', '') || NVL("ParentDescriptions"."Description", '')) "FullDescription"
         FROM "Products"
         CROSS JOIN "Languages"
         LEFT OUTER JOIN "ProductDesc"
         ON "Products"."ProductId" = "ProductDesc"."ProductId"
         AND "ProductDesc"."LanguageId" = "Languages"."MnemonicId"
         LEFT OUTER JOIN "ProductDesc" "ParentDescriptions"
         ON "Products"."ProductParentId" = "ParentDescriptions"."ProductId"
         AND ("ParentDescriptions"."LanguageId" = "Languages"."MnemonicId")
    /The varray:
    --CustomType VARRAY
    /The function:
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "fnProductFilter" (
         parCatalogId "Products"."CatalogId"%TYPE,
         parLanguageId                    NVARCHAR2 := N'it-IT',
         parFilterValues                    OUT Varray_Params
         varSqlCondition                    VARCHAR2(32000);
         varSqlConditionValues          NVARCHAR2(32000);
         varSql                              NVARCHAR2(32000);
         varDbmsCursor                    INTEGER;
         varDbmsResult                    INTEGER;
         varSeparator                    VARCHAR2(2);
         varFilterValue                    NVARCHAR2(1000);
         varCount                         INTEGER;
         varSqlCondition := '(T_Product."CatalogId" = HEXTORAW(:parentId)) AND (T_Product."LanguageId" = :languageId )';
         varSqlConditionValues := CHR(39) || TO_CHAR(parCatalogId) || CHR(39) || N', ' || CHR(39 USING NCHAR_CS) || parLanguageId || CHR(39 USING NCHAR_CS);
         parFilterValues := Varray_Params();
         varSql := N'SELECT FilterValues.column_value FilterValue FROM TABLE(Varray_Params(' || varSqlConditionValues || N')) FilterValues';
              varDbmsCursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
              dbms_sql.parse(varDbmsCursor, varSql, dbms_sql.native);
              dbms_sql.define_column(varDbmsCursor, 1, varFilterValue, 1000);
              varDbmsResult := dbms_sql.execute(varDbmsCursor);
              varCount := 0;
                   IF (dbms_sql.fetch_rows(varDbmsCursor) > 0) THEN
                        varCount := varCount + 1;
                        dbms_sql.column_value(varDbmsCursor, 1, varFilterValue);
                        parFilterValues(varCount) := varFilterValue;
                        -- No more rows to copy
                   END IF;
              END LOOP;
              RETURN 0;
         FOR i in parFilterValues.first .. parFilterValues.last LOOP
              varSeparator := ', ';
         END LOOP;
         RETURN 1;
    /The procedures:
    --Procedure presenting anomaly\bug
         parCatalogId "Products"."CatalogId"%TYPE,
         parLanguageId NVARCHAR2 := N'it-IT',
         parRecords OUT NUMBER
         varFilterValues Varray_Params;
         varResult INTEGER;
         varSqlTotal VARCHAR2(32000);
         parRecords := 0;
         varResult := "fnProductFilter"(parCatalogId, parLanguageId, varFilterValues);
         varSqlTotal := 'BEGIN
         SELECT count(DISTINCT T_Product."ProductId") INTO :parCount FROM "vwProducts" T_Product
              WHERE ((T_Product."CatalogId" = HEXTORAW(:parentId)) AND (T_Product."LanguageId" = :languageId ));
         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE varSqlTotal USING OUT parRecords, varFilterValues(1), varFilterValues(2);
    --Procedure NOT presenting anomaly\bug
         parCatalogId "Products"."CatalogId"%TYPE,
         parLanguageId NVARCHAR2 := N'it-IT',
         parRecords OUT NUMBER
         varFilterValues Varray_Params;
         varResult INTEGER;
         varSqlTotal VARCHAR2(32000);
         parRecords := 0;
         varSqlTotal := 'BEGIN
         SELECT count(DISTINCT T_Product."ProductId") INTO :parCount FROM "vwProducts" T_Product
              WHERE ((T_Product."CatalogId" = HEXTORAW(:parentId)) AND (T_Product."LanguageId" = :languageId ));
         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE varSqlTotal USING OUT parRecords, parCatalogId, parLanguageId;
    END;Edited by: 835125 on 2011-2-9 1:31

    835125 wrote:
    Using VARRAY was the only way I found to transform comma seprated text values (e.g. "'abc', 'def', '123'") in a collection of strings.A varray is just a functionally crippled version of a nested table collection type, with a defined limit you probably don't need. (Why 100 specifically?) Instead of
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE varray_params AS VARRAY(100) OF NVARCHAR2(1000);try
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE array_params AS TABLE OF NVARCHAR2(1000);I don't know whether that will solve the problem but at least it'll be a slightly more useful type.
    What makes you think it's a memory leak specifically? Do you observe session PGA memory use going up more than it should?
    btw good luck with all those quoted column names. I wouldn't like to have to work with those, although they do make the forum more colourful.
    Edited by: William Robertson on Feb 11, 2011 7:54 AM

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