Memory not released using dbms_xmldom. free_document()

I'm using Oracle 10.2.0 under Windows 2003 server 32 bits (Oracle Dedicated Connection)
I have a PL/SQL stored function that builds a Dom Document from the result of a SQL query and at the end store its content in a Clob variable which is returned to the caller. I’m using the DBMS_XMLDOM package to manipulate the Dom document and at the end I make a call the dbms_xmldom.free_document (domDoc) to free the resources associated to the Dom Doc.
For some reason when I run several times the PL/SQL stored function I’ve notice that the PGA keeps growing and is never released even when I call "dbms_xmldom.free_document"
Here is the pl/sql code:
            CURSOR cCenCarga IS
              SELECT CgCen.IdCgCen, CgCen.IdX, CgCen.Nom, CgCen.TpS, CgCen.EtI, CgCen.EtF,
                     CgCen.Fnt, CgCen.DtR, CgCen.DtA, CgCen.Arq, CgCen.Obs,
                     PeCad.IdX PeCadIdX
                FROM CgCen, PeCad
               WHERE PeCad.IdPeCad = CgCen.IdPeCad
                 AND CgCen.IdCgCen = DECODE(pId, NULL, CgCen.IdCgCen, pId)
               ORDER BY CgCen.DtA DESC;
            regCenCarga cCenCarga%ROWTYPE;
            -- Atributos para manipular o XML
            domDoc                      DBMS_XMLDOM.DOMDocument;
            noRaiz                      DBMS_XMLDOM.DOMNode;
            noObjeto                    DBMS_XMLDOM.DOMNode;
            noColecaoObjeto             DBMS_XMLDOM.DOMNode;
            e                           DBMS_XMLDOM.DOMElement;
            xmlData                     CLOB;
            domDoc := DBMS_XMLDOM.newDOMDocument;
            noRaiz := DBMS_XMLDOM.makeNode(domDoc);
            e := DBMS_XMLDOM.createElement(domDoc, 'ColecaoCenCarga');
            noColecaoObjeto := DBMS_XMLDOM.appendChild(noRaiz, DBMS_XMLDOM.makeNode(e));
            OPEN cCenCarga;
                FETCH cCenCarga INTO regCenCarga;
                EXIT WHEN cCenCarga%NOTFOUND;
                e := DBMS_XMLDOM.createElement(domDoc, 'CenCarga');
                -- Define valores dos atributos do elemento
                DBMS_XMLDOM.setAttribute (e, 'Id', regCenCarga.IdCgCen);
                DBMS_XMLDOM.setAttribute (e, 'IdX', TRIM(regCenCarga.IdX));
                DBMS_XMLDOM.setAttribute (e, 'Nom', TRIM(regCenCarga.Nom));
                DBMS_XMLDOM.setAttribute (e, 'Fnt', TRIM(regCenCarga.Fnt));
                DBMS_XMLDOM.setAttribute (e, 'TpS', regCenCarga.TpS);
                DBMS_XMLDOM.setAttribute (e, 'EtI', TRIM(regCenCarga.EtI));
                DBMS_XMLDOM.setAttribute (e, 'EtF', TRIM(regCenCarga.EtF));
                DBMS_XMLDOM.setAttribute (e, 'Aut', TRIM(regCenCarga.PeCadIdX));
                DBMS_XMLDOM.setAttribute (e, 'Org', 'X');
                DBMS_XMLDOM.setAttribute (e, 'OrgX', 'Externa');
                DBMS_XMLDOM.setAttribute (e, 'DtR', TO_CHAR(regCenCarga.DtR,'dd/mm/yyyy HH24:MI'));
                DBMS_XMLDOM.setAttribute (e, 'DtA', TO_CHAR(regCenCarga.DtA,'dd/mm/yyyy HH24:MI'));
                DBMS_XMLDOM.setAttribute (e, 'Arq', TRIM(regCenCarga.Arq));
                DBMS_XMLDOM.setAttribute (e, 'Obs', TRIM(regCenCarga.Obs));
                noObjeto := DBMS_XMLDOM.appendChild(noColecaoObjeto, DBMS_XMLDOM.makeNode(e));
            END LOOP;
            CLOSE cCenCarga;
            dbms_lob.createTemporary(xmlData, TRUE, DBMS_LOB.CALL);
            DBMS_XMLDOM.writeToClob(domDoc, xmlData);
            RETURN xmlData;
        END;Could somebody please tell me if I should call some other method to release my memory or is it a leak in the DBMS_XMLDOM package?
Thanks in advance,
André Granville

You left off the final number in your version, but I'm going to assume it is .1 - .3. You are running into a bug in Oracle.
I would suggest upgrading to .4 or .5 (should be out for all versions) as the first step to fix your problem.

Similar Messages

  • Memory not released using DBMS_XMLPARSER

    I'm using Oracle under HPUX 11 (64 bit)
    I want to process XML messages stored as CLOB in a table
    When I run several times the following piece of code I notice that the PGA keeps growing and is never released even when I call "dbms_session.free_unused_user_memory"
    Here is the code
    v_msg CLOB := NULL ;
    CURSOR C_xml IS
    SELECT myXml
    PROCEDURE processXml (
    p_Xml IN CLOB,
    v_DocElt DBMS_XMLDOM.DOMElement := NULL ;
    DBMS_XMLPARSER.parseClob(p_parser, p_Xml) ;
    v_doc := DBMS_XMLPARSER.getDocument(p_parser) ;
    DBMS_XMLPARSER.freeParser(p_parser) ;
    v_DocElt := DBMS_XMLDOM.getDocumentElement(v_doc) ;
    v_DocElt := NULL ;
    DBMS_XMLDOM.freeDocument(v_doc) ;
    v_doc := NULL ;
    END processXml ;
    v_parser := DBMS_XMLPARSER.newParser ;
    DBMS_XMLPARSER.setValidationMode(v_parser, FALSE) ;
    FOR R_xml IN C_xml LOOP
    processXml(R_xml.myXml, v_parser) ;
    END LOOP ;
    v_parser := NULL ;
    END ;
    I checked the v$pgastat and v$mystat views I noticed that the memory is never released and that the freable_pga_memory stay at 0.
    Could you please tell me if I should call some other method to release my memory or is it a leak in the DBMS_XML* packages
    Thanks a lot
    David Coste

    I ran this in 10g with the following results...
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    SQL> set long 100000
    SQL> --
    SQL> select resource_monitor.gather_statistics()
    2 from dual
    3 /
    <snapshotTimestamp>26-MAY-04 PM</snapshotTimestamp>
    SQL> --
    5 myXml CLOB :=
    6 '<?xml version=''1.0'' encoding=''UTF-8''?>
    7 <TEST>
    8 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    9 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    10 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    11 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    12 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    13 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    14 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    15 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    16 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    17 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    18 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    19 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    20 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    21 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    22 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    23 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    24 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    25 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    26 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    27 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    28 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    29 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    30 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    31 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    32 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    33 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    34 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    35 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    36 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    37 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    38 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    39 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    40 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    41 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    42 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    43 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    44 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    45 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    46 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    47 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    48 <subtest name="dummy">12</subtest>
    49 </TEST>' ;
    50 BEGIN
    51 aParser := DBMS_XMLPARSER.newParser ;
    52 FOR i IN 1..5000 LOOP
    53 DBMS_XMLPARSER.parseClob(aParser, myXml) ;
    54 aDoc := DBMS_XMLPARSER.getDocument(aParser) ;
    55 aElement := DBMS_XMLDOM.getDocumentElement(aDoc) ;
    56 aElement := NULL ;
    57 DBMS_XMLDOM.freeDocument(aDoc) ;
    58 aDoc := NULL ;
    59 END LOOP ;
    60 DBMS_XMLPARSER.freeParser(aParser) ;
    61 aParser := NULL ;
    62 END ;
    63 /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> show errors
    No errors.
    SQL> --
    SQL> select resource_monitor.gather_statistics()
    2 from dual
    3 /
    <snapshotTimestamp>26-MAY-04 PM</snapshotTimestamp>
    SQL> quit
    Note I had to move freeParser() call outside of the loop otherwise the code failed in the second iteration...
    The definition of gather_statistics follows...
    alter session set current_schema = SYS
    create or replace package resource_monitor
    authid definer
    function gather_statistics return XMLType;
    function get_Lob_Stats(stats XMLTYPE) return XMLType;
    function get_Time(stats XMLTYPE) return timestamp;
    procedure initializeTimer;
    function getElapsedTime return INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND;
    show errors
    create or replace package body resource_monitor
    START_TIME timestamp;
    function gather_statistics
    return XMLType
    time timestamp;
    ORA_PID number;
    ORA_SID number;
    OS_PID number;
    PGA_USED_MEMORY number;
    PGA_ALLOC_MEMORY number;
    PGA_MAX_MEMORY number;
    CACHE_LOBS number;
    NO_CACHE_LOBS number;
    ABSTRACT_LOBS number;
    TEMP_FILE_USAGE     number;
    statistics XMLType;
    select distinct SID
    into ORA_SID
    from V$MYSTAT;
    select PID,SPID,
    into ORA_PID, OS_PID,
    from V$PROCESS p, V$SESSION s
    where p.addr = s.paddr
    and s.sid = ORA_SID;
    select value
    from v$mystat st,v$statname n
    where = 'session pga memory'
    and n.statistic# = st.statistic#;
    select value
    from v$mystat st,v$statname n
    where = 'session pga memory max'
    and n.statistic# = st.statistic#;
    select value
    from v$mystat st,v$statname n
    where = 'session uga memory'
    and n.statistic# = st.statistic#;
    select value
    from v$mystat st,v$statname n
    where = 'session uga memory max'
    and n.statistic# = st.statistic#;
    select l.cache_lobs, l.nocache_lobs, l.abstract_lobs
    from v$temporary_lobs l, v$session s
    where s.audsid = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'SESSIONID')
    and s.sid = l.sid;
    when others then
    select sum(USER_BYTES)
    from DBA_TEMP_FILES;
    select systimestamp
    into TIME
    from dual;
    select xmlElement
         OS_PID as "operatingSystemPID",
         ORA_PID as "databasePID",
         ORA_SID as "databaseSID",
    TIME as "snapshotTimestamp",
    TEMP_FILE_USAGE as "tempSpaceUsed"
    SESSION_PGA_MEMORY as "Current",
    SESSION_PGA_MEMORY_MAX as "Maximum",
    PGA_USED_MEMORY as "Used",
    PGA_ALLOC_MEMORY as "Allocated",
    PGA_FREEABLE_MEMORY as "Freeable",
    PGA_MAX_MEMORY as "Max"
    SESSION_UGA_MEMORY as "Current",
    CACHE_LOBS as "Cached",
    NO_CACHE_LOBS as "nonCached",
    ABSTRACT_LOBS as "Abstract"
    into statistics
    from dual;
    statistics := statistics.extract('/');
    statistics := xmltype(xmltype.getCLOBVal(statistics));
    return statistics;
    function get_Lob_Stats(stats XMLTYPE) return xmltype
    val xmltype;
    return stats.extract('/statisticsSnapshot/LOBS');
    function get_Time(stats XMLTYPE) return timestamp
    return to_Timestamp
    procedure initializeTimer
    START_TIME := sysTimeStamp;
    function getElapsedTime return interval DAY TO SECOND
    END_TIME timestamp;
    END_TIME := sysTimeStamp;
    START_TIME := sysTimeStamp;
    return ELAPSED_TIME;
    show errors
    grant execute on resource_monitor to public
    create or replace public synonym resource_monitor for resource_monitor
    desc resource_monitor
    set pages 50
    set long 2048
    select resource_monitor.gather_statistics
    from dual
    spool off
    Can you run this and see what you get. For 9.2.x you'll need to remove the references to abstract_lobs...

  • LR 2.3RC - Memory not released from Develop

    I am running 2.3RC under Windows XP. It's going fine but it still has a memory issue that I observed under 2.2.
    After going from Library Grid to Develop, then going back to Grid without doing any actions in Develop (actually, it doesn't matter whether you do anything or not), I see approximately an extra 180M in the VM size in Windows Task Manager. If I then go into Print the VM size stays about the same - about 180M bigger than it should be.
    However, if instead, once I return to Grid from Develop, I then use the arrow key and select another image, the memory is released. I can then go back to the original image and the memory does not increase. Then I can go to Print and, once again, the memory does not increase (some minor change - in fact, on my machine, it goes down!).
    Looks like as long as the original image is selected, memory from Develop is not being released. As I said at the outset, this is not new in 2.3RC - it also happened in 2.2.
    Also - no local adjustments were or have been made to the image in question.
    Anyone else see this on their machines?
    Selby Shanly

    Ian and Simon - you are correct, it is not a leak. Please note that is 180M - not 180K.
    Of course, as users, we simply don't know whether or not it is cached information that actually gets reused, or just a mistake.
    The Print Spooler under XP takes a good chunk of memory - why fight for it with LR? What about Photoshop? Often the next thing I do after Develop is go to PS to do soft proofing. PS could use that memory.
    The question to Adobe is whether or not this is an oversight. If it is then they alone are in the position to evaluate the risks of changing the code - it might be utterly trivial. If it is deliberate and provides efficiencies then at least it would be interesting to know!
    Even with the size of current machines, 180M of memory (YMMV) is still not something to use up lightly for no benefit. And for users who are tight on memory and at the knee of the performance curve, it might make a noticable difference.
    But all of this is speculation on my part - let's see what Adobe says.
    I do appeciate the comments. Thanks.

  • Memory not released on disconnections

    We are developing a pro*C++ application to connect to an Oracle 8i database running in Windows 2000 . The application will run in HP-UX. When the application try to connect to the database, either the connection fails or successes, a memory segment is allocated to the connection, and even when we do a rollback release before the disconnection, the resources allocated are not released, so the memory allocated to the application grows without a limit (every 60 connections it takes 128 kb).
    We´ve tried with a rollback/commit release before every disconnection (depending on the failure or success of the associated processes), analising the tnsnames parameters to avoid any waiting time, increasing the timer period between connection tests, but the memory is not being released after disconnections... any idea about what is happening? why even when the connection with the database is not possible there is any memory allocated to it? how could we release it? do you know how to test that the database/listener are alive so the connection is possible, other than try to connect and examine the possible error messagges?
    Thanks a lot!

    I don't think this is ID directly causing a problem, but some other interaction. I'm using 5.0.3 on XP pro SP2 and the exe disappears from processes about 2 or 3 seconds after close.
    What version of Windows are you running?

  • Dynamic memory not released to host

    Dear Techies,
    Ours is a small Hyper V virtual server infrastructure with three DELL power-edge physical hosts(Windows server 2012 Datacenter) and around 15 virtual machines running on top of it. The hosts are added to fail-over cluster. Each host has 95 GB RAM. All the
    VMs are running Windows server 2012 standard edition.
    We have installed terminal services(TS licensing, TS connection broker, TS session host) in four VMs with the following dynamic memory settings:
    Start-up RAM : 2048 MB
    Minimum RAM : 2048 MB
    Maximum RAM : 8192 MB
    Below mentioned applications are configured in the server:
    Nova Application Installed
    SQL Developer Tool is Configured (ODBC Connection established for Database communication)
    FTPs communication allowed for File Transfer
    McAfee Agent is configured (Virus Scanner)
    Nimsoft Robot Agent Configured – Monitoring
    Terminal Service
    Enabled Multiple terminal sessions based on customer requirement
    BGinfo tool configured through group policy for customized desktop background
    The average memory utilization in the terminal servers are 3.6 GB. As per dynamic allocation the maximum RAM requirement/allocation till date is 4GB. As seen in Hyper V console, the current RAM demand is 2300 MB and assigned memory is 2800 MB.
    However, the earlier assigned RAM in the server is ballooned/faked to the VM as driver locked memory. This is by design. Despite the memory being released back to the host, the server still shows up the 4Gb which makes the memory utilization report from
    monitoring tools look 80% (3.2 GB out of 4 GB).
    As a result, the memory utilization report is always based on the current dynamically allocated RAM and not calculated based on the maximum assigned RAM(8GB in this case). To make it clear: If the
    currently assigned RAM is 4Gb and utilization is 3.2 GB the utilization % is reported as 80%. However, if calculated in accordance with maximum RAM capacity of the server it would be 40% ((3.2/8)*100).
    Is there any way to release the driver locked memory from the VM.?
    Auditya N

    I am not really clear on the point of your question.
    Allocated RAM is what is currently in use / allocated to a VM out of the physical RAM pool.  It is Demand + Buffer.  The demand is based on the applications in the VM and what they think they need and how efficiently they return unused memory
    to the machine.  This has nothing to do with in-application paging (which happens a lot with Terminal Servers).
    So yes, the memory utilization is accurate in relation to physical RAM utilization.
    Dynamic Memory is about efficiency, not about over-allocation.  Hyper-V can never give VMs more RAM than is in the physical RAM pool.  The VMs can be configured to have more RAM than is in the physical RAM pool - but the VMs will hit the top of
    the pool and not be allowed to have any more.  There is no ballooning or paging to disk.
    So, you maximum allocated could go beyond what is possible.  But that would mean that your utilization would be artificially low if this was used in the calculation.
    Brian Ehlert
    Learn. Apply. Repeat.

  • Will Installing more RAM improve performanc​e, IF laptop has "available memory" not being used?

    My laptop has 2x 1GB of RAM.
    Right now, and usually, The Physical Memory shown in Task Manager, shows that there is "available memory" (currently it's 500megs worth). (And "system cache" says 300megs.)
    There is also, right now, 2.5GB of page filing being used.
    If I were to replace the 2GB of RAM with 4GB (of the same Mhz), would there be a noticable increase in performance?
    (windows XP 32bit OS)

    A matched set of DDR2 ram will perform a lot faster one memory not matched. Its required for the double data rate to work. Hence 2+2 is the max you'd need/want in a 32bit machine. Windows 7 was built for large memory footprints. XP was built to run just barely in 64MB but really needed a min of 128MB to support a network connection and printing. It was never enable to truely go a whole lot further than a few machines built capable of 1GB. There was even a bug which was patch causing problems if a !GB or more was available. Just because it can see it does not mean it actually uses it !! The kernal by default is swapped in/out of ram even in larger memory systems. Why, it was is not aware of the extra memory and does not change its behavour from a 512MB machine.
    As for the 1333Mhz ram the timing may be faster than the other memory used. Hence it flow the data faster on the bus. Fewer delays in various cycles including the RAS/CAS etc but thats all under the hood so to speak.
    T520 Model 4239 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2860QM CPU @ 2.50GHz
    Intel Sandy Bridge & Nvidia NVS 4200M graphics Intel N 6300 Wi-Fi adapter
    Windows 7 Home Prem - 64bit w/8GB DDR3

  • Interface operator : Memory not released

    In the interface operator provided by Ni “Full-Featured \ CVI”,
    it would seem that the memory is not released correctly.
    By adding the
    following lines of codes at the end of the hand, one realizes that the
    number of block and byte are not to 0.
    #ifdef _CVI_DEBUG_
        unsigned int
        unsigned int NbBlock;
        CVIDynamicMemoryInfo (“Fine of the Hand”,
    A priori that comes from the function:
    (TS_LoadMenuBarResourceStrings (gMainWindow.engine, GetPanelMenuBar
    (gMainWindow.panel), 0, “TSUI_OI_MAIN_PANEL”, errMsg));
    In spite of my
    research, I do not manage to solve the problem.
    Somebody would have it
    the solution or then a track to be exploited.
    Thank you in advance for
    your assistance

    Hello Dave.
    I found this KB for your problem.
    I hope it will help you.
    Let me know if it's ok for you.
    Have a nice day.
    Romain D.
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    NIDays 2010 : Conférence mondiale de l'instrumentation virtuelle
    >>Détails et Inscription<<

  • Vector renewed but memory not released

    Please see the following code:
    Vector v = new Vector(10000000);
    // from windows task manager, it seems it takes 40 Mb of memory.
    // there is a need to do the following after some code
    v = new Vector(10000000);
    // now the memory taken is around 80 Mb
    It would be useful if the program releases the earlier memory of 40 Mb. May be it does not work that way? Any thoughts are welcome.

    Thank you all folks. Each suggestion helps me understand vectors and memory in a better way than before. I have noted setting the heap and also the 'clear' function.
    When I repeat the code several times, it seems that initially there is an increase in memory up to a certain limit (in my case it is 128 Mb) but there is no increase after that, how many times I repeat the code. (Repeating the code is to find when the out of memory problem occurs). It works okay for now.
    Thanks to all again.

  • BCP memory not releasing.

    Hi, I am running BCP command to copy the data from a file to the database in a while loops. as the number of iterations goes up, the memory usage is grown to the extreme and it consumed all my 64 GB space. My system is crashed. 
    How could I release the memory or How could I force the SQL Server to release the memory used by the BCP
    declare @currentIteration int
    set @currentIteration = 1
    while @currentIteration <=5000
    exec master..xp_cmdShell 'bcp MyDB.dbo.Invoice01 in "D:\DataFiles\DataToDump_100.txt" -e"D:\DataFiles\error100.txt" -b 100  -t"|" -T -c'

    Could you try to use bcp with the tablock hint instead?
    Hope this helps.
    Alberto Morillo

  • Internal memory not released after moved to SD card

    After installed from market, it was first it on the internal memory. I moved it to SD card and noticed the Manage applications page show the size changed to 128KB. But when I go to Settings -> Storage, the available space has not changed. It is still 12 - 13MB less than what is was before install Firefox Mobile.
    Has any one else got the same problem?

    A restart solved this problem. After restart the available space amount is correct.

  • Memory not released on close

    Ever since jupdating to CS3 5.03, When I close down InDesign, about 30% of the it doesn't want to start up again and I have to go into Task Manager's "processes"( Not "applications," since it doesn't show there) and delete InDesign. Then it starts and works okay. This is getting annoying. What can be the cause?

    I don't think this is ID directly causing a problem, but some other interaction. I'm using 5.0.3 on XP pro SP2 and the exe disappears from processes about 2 or 3 seconds after close.
    What version of Windows are you running?

  • OIM 11g using too much memory and not releasing it when shutting down

    we have a problem with OIM 11g using too much memory (about 5gb) and it's not releasing it at shutdown (4gb still used).
    We are using a VM with RedHat Linux 5.6. Originally we had 4gb RAM + 2gb swap file. We installed Admin Server, OAM, OIM and SOA on that machine but quickly realised we couldn't run all 4 programs at once in 6gb. AdminServer could run with 2 other products, but it was a tight fit in memory.
    So we increased the RAM to 8gb (still 2gb swap file). But then our problem occured : I start the Admin Server (2.7gb total memory used), then OAM (4.6gb total memory used) and then OIM. After it started the server is now using 9.6gb of memory (~300mb of free memory) ! The problem gets even better : after I shut down everything (OIM, OAM, admin server) the "top" command show that there is still 4gb of memory used even tho nothing else is running on the server ! There is absolutely no other process (other than root stuff) running and no other users connected to the machine. After a reboot, it shows 400mb of memory used. I tried restarting the programs and it did the same thing.
    Our intuition is that there might be a memory leak or some bug in OIM that might use up almost all the free memory and it's not releasing it upon shutdown. It might have been there before we increased the memory but have not noticed it since memory was already tight.
    Anyone encountered the same problem ? Any idea ? Any suggestion to narrow down the problem ?
    Thank you

    You can adjust the memory settings for WLS by editing the file that can be found in your /middleware/user_projects/domains/<domain>/bin/ folder. There is an argument called PORT_MEM_ARGS which is used to set your Java memory arguments. This way you can decrease/increase the amount of memory used by each managed server.
    I usually type "ps -ef | grep oracle" to see what processes are running by the oracle user. This way the output doesn't get cluttered with root processes.
    Sunny Tsang

  • [svn] 2692: Bug: BLZ-227 - When using JMS Destination, MessageClient and FlexClient not released from memory when the session times out .

    Revision: 2692
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-07-31 13:05:35 -0700 (Thu, 31 Jul 2008)
    Log Message:
    Bug: BLZ-227 - When using JMS Destination, MessageClient and FlexClient not released from memory when the session times out.
    QA: Yes
    Doc: No
    Checkintests: Pass
    Details: Fixed a memory leak with JMS adapter. Also a minor tweak to QA build file to not to start the server if the server is already running.
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    Revision: 2692
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-07-31 13:05:35 -0700 (Thu, 31 Jul 2008)
    Log Message:
    Bug: BLZ-227 - When using JMS Destination, MessageClient and FlexClient not released from memory when the session times out.
    QA: Yes
    Doc: No
    Checkintests: Pass
    Details: Fixed a memory leak with JMS adapter. Also a minor tweak to QA build file to not to start the server if the server is already running.
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

  • Plugin to import Aperture librairies does not release the memory used by the librairy after the import is completed

    Let suppose I import a 30GB Aperture Library into LR which is on my HD. After the importation, if I send the imported library to the Trash and clear the Trash the disk space is not released by LR. So after a few importations I get the message that I do not have enough space on my HD to copy another library on the HD from an external drive which contains many Aperture libraries.

    Casita17,  I recommend you evaluate ssprengel's questions and advice.  Please read the following below, as we don't want you to lose images!  I fear that you may be using a "referenced" library in Aperture, and this is the reason your disk space is not being released.  I would NOT RECOMMEND breaking your library into pieces for now.   You may very likely lose critical linkages, especially in albums.  If you have a number of Aperture libraries to begin with, then never mind.  Just be aware, Lightroom users generally recommend using only one lightroom catalog, which it sounds like you're doing.
    Lets forget your system drive for now.  Do you have two times the disk space on your photos drive?  If not, do you have another drive laying around with as much space?  I recommend you make a backup before you continue.
    I'm not quite sure what approach your are using, but I think the root cause of your dilemma exists because of how Aperture and Lightroom manage and store your images.  It may help to post what actions you take, step by step, and include the error messages.
    You may already know some of these concepts, but lets leave no stone unturned.
    First, Aperture uses "libraries", which contain all metadata and previews.  These images may be stored within the database (managed images), outside the database (referenced images), or a combination.  Can you apply a filter to your all photos selection, and tell us how many managed and references images you have?
    Please read this for a better explanation:
    Second, Lightroom's catalog is like an Aperture library.  Only ALL images are stored externally, "referenced" in Aperture parlance.
    You should be able to create the Lightroom Catalog on any drive.  However, where you eventually store your images depends on what options you choose in the plugin when importing these images.
    Any "managed" photos in Aperture WILL BE copied to the location you specify in the plugin.  Any "referenced" files MAY OR MAY NOT BE copied to the location.  They may be copied, or they they may remain in place, depending what options you select in the plugin.
    Not sure I follow where you have your aperture library, images, and where you eventually want to store your Lightroom catalog, and where you want to store your lightroom images.  I'd suggest not breaking up your Aperture library.
    If you are short on disk space, I suggest making a backup.  Then, select all photos and change them from managed to referenced, which will relocate the photos from within the library, to outside the library, preferably on the same drive.  Then, create a Lightroom catalog, wherever you have room.
    Run the plugin and choose the option NOT to copy the files.  This way, it will leave them in place on your photo drive.  Some images may be copied to the lightroom masters destination any way, so you may want to choose another location on your photo drive in the plugin import options anyway.
    When the migration finishes, you can delete the Aperture library, which will not remove all that much, and will not make much more space available.  And do NOT delete the image location you designated in Aperture, because you'll now be using it for Lightroom.  But this way, you'll be able to keep your space usage under control.
    But KEEP your backup, even after the migration, JUST IN CASE!

  • Applets and memory not being released by Java Plug-in

    I am experiencing a strange memory-management behavior of the Java Plug-in with Java Applets. The Java Plug-in seems not to release memory allocated for non-static member variables of the applet-derived class upon destroy() of the applet itself.
    I have built a simple "TestMemory" applet, which allocates a 55-megabytes byte array upon init(). The byte array is a non-static member of the applet-derived class. With the standard Java Plug In configuration (64 MB of max JVM heap space), this applet executes correctly the first time, but it throws an OutOfMemoryException when pressing the "Reload / Refresh" browser button or if pressing the "Back" and then the "Forward" browser buttons. In my opionion, this is not an expected behavior. When the applet is destroyed, the non-static byte array member should be automatically invalidated and recollected. Isn't it?
    Here is the complete applet code:
    // ===================================================
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class TestMemory extends JApplet
      private JLabel label = null;
      private byte[] testArray = null;
      // Construct the applet
      public TestMemory()
      // Initialize the applet
      public void init()
          // Initialize the applet's GUI
          // Instantiate a 55 MB array
          // WARNING: with the standard Java Plug-in configuration (i.e., 64 MB of
          // max JVM heap space) the following line of code runs fine the FIRST time the
          // applet is executed. Then, if I press the "Back" button on the web browser,
          // then press "Forward", an OutOfMemoryException is thrown. The same result
          // is obtained by pressing the "Reload / Refresh" browser button.
          // NOTE: the OutOfMemoryException is not thrown if I add "testArray = null;"
          // to the destroy() applet method.
          testArray = new byte[55 * 1024 * 1024];
          // Do something on the array...
          for (int i = 0; i < testArray.length; i++)
            testArray[i] = 1;
          System.out.println("Test Array Initialized!");
        catch (Exception e)
      // Component initialization
      private void guiInit() throws Exception
        setSize(new Dimension(400, 300));
        getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        label = new JLabel("Test Memory Applet");
        getContentPane().add(label, BorderLayout.CENTER);
      // Start the applet
      public void start()
        // Do nothing
      // Stop the applet
      public void stop()
        // Do nothing
      // Destroy the applet
      public void destroy()
        // If the line below is uncommented, the OutOfMemoryException is NOT thrown
        // testArray = null;
      //Get Applet information
      public String getAppletInfo()
        return "Test Memory Applet";
    // ===================================================Everything works fine if I set the byte array to "null" upon destroy(), but does this mean that I have to manually set to null all applet's member variables upon destroy()? I believe this should not be a requirement for non-static members...
    I am able to reproduce this problem on the following PC configurations:
    * Windows XP, both JRE v1.6.0 and JRE v1.5.0_11, both with MSIE and with Firefox
    * Linux (Sun Java Desktop), JRE v1.6.0, Mozilla browser
    * Mac OS X v10.4, JRE v1.5.0_06, Safari browser
    Your comments would be really appreciated.
    Thank you in advance for your feedback.

    Hi Marco,
    my guess as to why JPI would keep references around, if it does keep them, is that it propably is an implementation side effect. A lot of things are cached in the name of performance and it is easy to leave things laying around in your cache. Maybe the page with the associated images/applets is kept in the browser cache untill the browser needs some memory and if the browser memory manager is not co-operating with the JPI/JVM memory manager the browser is not out of memory, thus not releasing its caches but the JVM may be out of memory. Thus the browser indirectly keeps the reference that it realy does not need. This reference could be inderect through some 'applet context' or what ever the browser uses to interact with JPI, don't realy know any of these details, just imaging what must/could be going on there. Browser are amazingly complicated beast.
    This behaviour that you are observing, weather the origin is something like I speculated or not, is not nice but I would not expect it to be fixed even if you filed a bug report. I guess we are left with relleasing all significatn memory structures in destroy. A simple way to code this is not to store anything in the member fields of the applet but in a separate class; then one has to do is to null that one reference from the applet to that class in the destroy method and everything will be relased when necessary. This way it is not easy to forget to release things.
    Hey, here is a simple, imaginary, way in which the browser could cause this problem:
    The browser, of course needs a reference to the applet, call it m_Applet here. Presume the following helper function:
    Applet instantiateAndInit(Class appletClass) {
    Applet applet=appletClass.newInstance();
    return applet;
    When the browser sees the applet tag it instantiates and inits the new applet as follows:
    As you can readily see, the second time the instantiation occurs, the m_Applet holds the reference to the old applet until after the new instance is created and initlized. This would not cause a memory leak but would require that twice the memory needed by the applet would be required to prevent OutOfMemory.I guess it is not fair to call this sort of thing a bug but it is questionable design.In real life this is propably not this blatant, but could happen You could try, if you like, by allocating less than 32 Megs in your init. If you then do not run out of memory it is an indication that there are at most two instances of your applet around and thus it could well be someting like I've speculated here.
    br Kusti

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