Menu hangs on dual monitor

We are using dual monitors on our windows xp pc's, and under designer 6 all applications worked on both screens.
After migration from designer 6 to designer 10, we can use all applications on the main monitor, but when we move an application towards the secondary screen, the menu does not respond anymore. I think it has to do with a designer preference. Can anybody please tell me which one and what value I should set it to ?

In my preferences - NONE of the check boxes are checked. I did check the mirror displays one earlier today, but that is not the answer.
Right now on my main monitor I have Firefox in the top menu, and the dock in the bottom, on the secondary monitor, it shows Photoshop main menu dimmed out. If I click on a Photoshop command in that menu, it immediately goes to the program.
iTunes is open, I just moved the main window over to that second monitor, now I can see both this Firefox screen and the Firefox menu, but now on the secondary monitor I see the iTunes window -- and the iTunes main menu is visible but dimmed in the second monitor.
I honestly don't think this is intended. It is certainly not helpful. The second monitor seems to remember whatever was open there last. Weird. I have used 2 monitors for YEARS, not seen that one before.

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  • Menu bar shows twice on dual monitor, dock moves around

    Mac Pro (early 2008) w/ Yosemite and dual monitor display
    The menu bar at the top of the screen appears on BOTH monitors ALL the time. However, the one on the secondary monitor is dimmed out, and can be two or three app switches behind. For example, awhile ago I worked in Illustrator, and the Illustrator menu bar is visible in the second monitor (but dimmed). On the main monitor I have been in several apps since, but currently it is showing Firefox. If I mouse click on that dimmed out menu it will go right to Illustrator - and the Illustrator menu will appear on BOTH monitors. It will remain this way until switching to another app which has palettes on the second monitor, so just now I went to InDesign, and now that menu bar is visible. Also visible are the usual items in the right part of the menu, such as the time.
    The Dock can also switch monitors, but that has only happened once.
    Finally, but I think related. When in Adobe apps, with all the palettes located in the second monitor, when I click on something which should pop up more choices (anything in the character palette) - sometimes the pop-up will appear all the way across both screens, and on the main monitor. That is a ridiculous pain.
    Other than that the system seems stable, and the apps do work. I did go back down to one desktop in spaces, but that seems to make no difference. Ideas ???

    In my preferences - NONE of the check boxes are checked. I did check the mirror displays one earlier today, but that is not the answer.
    Right now on my main monitor I have Firefox in the top menu, and the dock in the bottom, on the secondary monitor, it shows Photoshop main menu dimmed out. If I click on a Photoshop command in that menu, it immediately goes to the program.
    iTunes is open, I just moved the main window over to that second monitor, now I can see both this Firefox screen and the Firefox menu, but now on the secondary monitor I see the iTunes window -- and the iTunes main menu is visible but dimmed in the second monitor.
    I honestly don't think this is intended. It is certainly not helpful. The second monitor seems to remember whatever was open there last. Weird. I have used 2 monitors for YEARS, not seen that one before.

  • Dual Monitor Problems with Vista

    I have a Lenovo T61 laptop running Vista ultimate 32 bit, SP1. I schlep this back and forth from home to work and put it in docking stations at each location. The docking stations have external monitors attached. At work I have a Viewsonic VX2035wm 20" Wide screen, (16:10) monitor with optimum resolution of 1680x1050. At home I have a Viewsonic VA912b 19" standard aspect ratio monitor with a suggested resolution of 1280x1024.
    I typically run in dual monitor mode using my laptop display and the external monitor and extend the display across both monitors. Sometimes I run with the laptop display as the primary monitor, sometimes the external is the primary.
    When I take my system from one location to another, generally upon boot or resume it recognizes the different monitor configurations and adjusts the display properties accordingly. However, about once a week I have a problem. For example, I shutdown at home, came into work and attempted to boot the system. Upon boot my external monitor displayed a frequency out of range error and did not display anything else. I suspect that the external port was configured to a setting that was not supported by the monitor. It appears that this was the primary display because my laptop only showed the background and the desktop did not display. Since nothing was displayed, I couldn't click the start menu, any icons, etc. I tried to adjust the monitor configuration by right clicking the laptop screen and selecting personalize, but the personalization dialog would not show up and I suspect that it went to the blanked out external monitor.
    Please advise on how I can handle this situation. Is there any way to move the display from the external to the notebook when this happens? I noticed that Viewsonic has Vista drivers listed on their web site. Would it help to download and install these? Is there anything else you can suggest?

    The main point of posting this topic was to point out the appalling service offered by Adobe but, of course resolving this issue would be nice also.
    So here goes;
    Dual monitor issue (Applies to CS4 applications; Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign etc. but not Flash or Dreamweaver or any other manufacturers software).
    I have 2 monitors installed with Windows Vista 64bit, using Nvidia Quadro FX 1700:
    -1280 x 1024 (primary display on the left) &
    -1440 x 900 (on the right)
    With a CS4 application maximised in the larger monitor, all the drop down menus display fine, if the chosen drop-down menu is taller than the height of the monitor (fonts, for instance), an arrow appears at the bottom of the menu so that I can scroll down the rest of the menu. If I then reduce the size of the CS4 application window, move it to the smaller monitor and maximised it again, the drop-down menu (which displayed and functioned fine in the primary monitor) is cropped off so I can't access the rest of the menu.
    This might seem a minor irritation, but for batch-processing of merged files (the main purpose for having 2 monitors) CS4 makes the 2nd monitor redundant.
    Another, less irritating issue (again, only with the applications named above) is that the window when maximised in the secondary monitor 'hangs over' into the primary monitor.

  • Remembering app positions for single/dual monitor setups?

    Sorry if this is in the wrong forum--I'm not sure if this is Mac OS or application specific.
    I'm running Mac OS 10.5.6. When I plug in the external monitor to my MacBook Pro, I setup Firefox and Entourage on my notebook monitor and Photoshop on the external. I also move the Apple menu bar to the external (since PS is my main app I like having the menu bar close by). Photoshop doesn't present a problem because I'm able to switch the layout for different workspaces (laptop alone or laptop and external), but I find that Firefox and Entourage don't remember their positions.
    For example, my current setup is dual monitors as mentioned above. When I get home and power up the notebook, I'll launch all the same apps. Firefox is just barely within view hanging off the left side of the screen so I'll grab the window and drag it over so I can access the green button (not sure what this is called). Entourage displays just fine. When I get back to work the next day and plug in the external, Firefox displays on the external with the window sized to fit the notebook monitor) and I'll just drag it over. Entourage loads into the external as maximized and I'll drag it over and click the green button.
    Is it possible for the apps to remember their positions depending on whether it's just the notebook or if I've connected an external monitor? Thanks in advance!
    <Post Relocated by Moderator>

    v6v6v6 wrote:
    Sorry if this is in the wrong forum--I'm not sure if this is Mac OS or application specific.
    <Post Relocated by Moderator>
    Guess it's in the right place now.
    Unfortunately, I don't believe there's a way to do what you want.

  • How to set up dual monitors with a Mac Mini

    The Mac Mini has only one video output port. I very nearly didn't buy a Mac Mini system because I need to work with two monitors. I use the second monitor to display information in Web pages, PDFs, and Word documents while I am working in the main window.
    However, I discovered after quite a bit of Googling that it is possible to set up dual monitors using an inexpensive USB video adapter (about $70).
    So I bought my Mini (1.83Ghz, 2GB RAM, 200GB 7200rpm Seagate Momentus), and I also bought a USB video adapter called the EVGA Plus.
    I've installed this system and used it now for a week, and I am quite pleased with it. So I thought I'd pass this information along to anyone who's interested. Please note that, although this is my first post to this forum, this isn't spam -- I have no financial relationship with any of the companies mentioned here, other than as a customer.
    EVGA Plus:
    Their literature does not mention Mac OS X compatibility. However, the underlying technology is made by Display Link. You can download beta Mac OS X drivers from their site:
    Go to Display Link to download the beta Mac OS support -- see
    The disk image includes a very well written PDF document that explains the driver's status and limitations.
    My Mac Mini setup, with dual monitors: .JPG?imgmax=800
    The EVGA+ USB display unit - a tiny little thing - driven by Mac OS beta drivers from Display Link: .JPG?imgmax=800
    A thread at on the same topic, including another user's experiences and MUCH better pictures: start=0&sid=5a05cb75b90cab5bbc7dfd16b02632c1
    * The DisplayLink driver is beta. It doesn't support 2D or 3D accelerated graphics. You can't use it to display iPhoto slide shows, for example. However, I need to be able to display a Web page, document, or PDF in the second monitor while I am working in the first. I've found this solution to be quite acceptable for this purpose.
    * Several other companies make USB video units that use the same DisplayLink support, so they should work, too. However, they are more expensive -- largely because they're set up to function as port expanders, I believe. The EVGA Plus was the only unit priced under $100 when I did my search.
    * USB does not have very much bandwidth, so you might be surprised that to hear that it's possible to use USB to drive a monitor! You'll find that the display isn't as fast as DVI, but for my purposes, I've found it quite acceptable.
    * The EVGA Plus comes with a terrible USB to mini USB cable that will cause all sorts of display problems. Replace it with the type of cable that is used to hook up digital cameras to a USB port.
    * Once everything is installed, you can use the Displays in System Preferences (or just click the icon on the menu bar) to adjust the second monitor. You can choose display resolutions (depending on your monitor's ability, of course). Rotation works. You can also right-click the second monitor and choose a different background color or graphic.
    Don't expect miracles. Don't go this route if you want to run videos or games in the second monitor. And if you get an EVGA Plus, replace that horrible cable!
    I hope this information is helpful.

    There has been quite a lot of discussion here about driving twin displays with the mini, and more recently about the potential for USB video adapters to facilitate this, particularly in the light of several vendors claiming they have suitable MacOS devices and drivers 'almost ready'.
    The DisplayLink solution seems to be the one most suggested as viable, though it's a pity they have not yet been able to move their drivers from beta - I suspect that puts a few people off. It's therefore good to hear of a real-world experience that should help others decide whether or not to go this route!

  • DUAL MONITOR BUG: One Picture – One Monitor – Different Colors!

    There have been several threads discussing that Photoshop CS4 and OS 10.6. show wrong colors in dual monitor setups.
    The first one to prove this with a screen capture was jb510-LJ0JJQ in August 2009:
    Eight months and three OS updates later the problem is still there and makes professional work with more than one monitor a nuisance.
    Here's another actual example: A picture and its 100% identical copy showing different colors on one screen!
    Here's how to repeat it – try this at home ;-)
    1) In the finder make a copy of a rgb picture.
    2) Open one of the two identical pics in photoshop.
    3) Drag it to the other monitor.
    When releasing the mouse button you may see the bug already: the colors will "switch".
    4) To verify this go to system presets - monitors - and change the primary monitor (by dragging the menu bar to the other)
    5) Now open the identical copy you made in step 1) and see the difference!
    Here's a synopsis of suggested workarounds:
    1) disable open GL (which seem to makes no difference on my setup)
    2) click "desaturate monitor colors" but set desaturation to 0 (which prevents visual switching in step 3) (only if openGL is ON) but also leads to a wrong display in step 4+5
    3) make the hardware calibrated monitor your default monitor and strictly avoid changes or dragging pics to the other monitor (which seems to be the only reliable method)
    4) some guys even force both monitors to use the profile of their hardware-calibrated monitor (using color sync) to make sure they see what they should see on at least that one monitor. What a stone-age workaround for the the world's leading imaging program!
    Considering that reliable colors in professional (=multi monitor) settings should be the most basic function of photoshop this mayor malfunction should be solved with CS5! Otherwise we might have to live with it for some more years...
    Have Adobe and Apple realized this bug and on their agenda? Will it be gone with OS 10.6.3? Can anyone explain the reasons for this bad bug? Is there a "officially" recommended workaround?
    Thanks, regards,

    There have been several threads dealing with this malfunction. But most faded out in silence or acceptance of the workarounds. 889
    But man, this is no minor bug! Consistent colors are the by far most important basic function of photoshop. If you cannot rely on the colors in photoshop you can as well use "Preview" and "Word" for print production ;-)
    Carson, how did Apple react to your complaint? What do you mean with "they don't get it". Do they not see it? Or can't they get it right?
    Shall we open a thread at apple forums to point out that it's not the problem of a single user?

  • Dual Monitor Startup Problem on MacPro - Solved

    I have a model 53135LL/A = mid 2010 MacPro with 8 cores, DUAL monitor cards and monitors, 24GB memory, running Lion 10.7.3.  It is important to note that I am also using the Apple bluetooth Magic Mouse and the smaller, bluetooth keyboard (no numeric keypad).  This unit was supplied with Lion in December 2011 and has had a startup problem from the beginning as follows:
    1 - when starting from a cold start the dual monitor positions are reversed from the correct position
    2 - additionally the USB and firewire connected devices (e.g. Wacom tablet, 2 card readers) do not function properly.
    The workaround for me has been to start the system, wait for the logon screen, then click restart. Upon restart everything comes up and functions correctly.
    Specifics on my setup and starting problems:
    1 - My main monitor (Monitor #2) is a large gamut monitor that is located to the right. This monitor is connected to card slot 1 as that is the faster card slot (pcx16). The second monitor (Monitor #1) is an ordinary unit and connected to card slot 2 (pcx4). The monitors are set up as an extended desktop.
    2. The Wacom tablet (Intuous 3 wide) is connected to USB port on rear of machine. CF card reader by Delkin is connected to Firewire on rear of machine, and an SD card reader is connected to USB on the rear of the machine.
    3. My dock is positioned on the left side of the left monitor. The menu bar is along the top of the left monitor, and all desktop icons are on the left monitor.  The right monitor has no items on it.
    On a typical cold start, as mentioned above, the apple logo appears on the right and then the logon screen appears on the right. 
    If I proceed to logon at that point, all the desktop items move to the right monitor and the computer thinks the positions are reversed.  In other words, it behaves as though the right monitor (#2) is on the left of the desktop and left monitor (#1) is on the right. 
    Additionally, the Wacom tablet using either pen or mouse does not map over the full desktop range.  If I use either card reader and then eject the card, no further card insertions will be recognized.
    To fix this, I simply restart the machine thru the apple menu and everything comes up correctly.
    I had discovered, that instead of completing the logon on a bad cold start, I could simply restart from the logon screen and all would work correctly.
    On occasion, the logon screen would come up on the left monitor (as it should do) and in that case, if I log on all works correctly.
    I have worked with Apple support on the phone, clearing setup ram etc. Have had the unit in to Apple store for hardware check, all OK.  Next suggestion was reload OS and start over - no thanks.
    SO - Here is the latest.
    If I turn off my keyboard and mouse before starting the machine, then wait for the logon screen to appear - It starts correctly, with the logon screen on the left.  I can then turn on my keyboard and mouse and all works as it should.
    Bottom line - there appears to be a startup issue with Bluetooth devices from a cold start.  Note that once the machine has been used for a bit, I can turn it off for short periods of time (e.g. 30 minutes) and it will start correctly even with the mouse and keyboard turned on.

    mkaito wrote:
    That's how dwm behaves. I believe dwm's multihead support is rather lackluster out of the box. You might want to check out some of the patches they have, and ask around in the dwm hackers thread.
    I currently have dwm simply draw status on all monitors, but I'm investigating separate status bars per monitor. We'll see where that takes me. Dwm is a tinker's WM!
    i found the patch , thanks!

  • In dual monitor setup firefox 9.01 menus blink in and out

    Every version of firefox AFTER the 3.6 series has problems in dual monitor setups and I want to be able to keep all tabs I had open when I close firefox so when I open again they are there. In dual monitor if I use monitor 2 for firefox (which is the way I use it) the menu blink rapidly when I click on them and make very hard to navigate. What is it with the video setup in win7 I have to use an older version of winamp due to tearing in the second monitor? Have all you companies not fully learned who to implement dual monitor setups properly or is that not really a concern?

    Firefox doesn't always play well with a multiple monitor setup and hardware acceleration.
    Try to disable hardware acceleration.
    *Tools > Options > Advanced > General > Browsing: "Use hardware acceleration when available"

  • Odd dual monitor behavior in Photoshop CC 2014 on Mavericks

    I'm seeing some strange issues with a dual monitor setup (monitor 1 is MacBook Pro screen, monitor 2 is an external monitor) in Photoshop CC 2014. I have images open on both screens. If I use the eyedropper to try to pick a color from an inactive image window on one screen, it won't pick up the color unless I click on the image to make it the active image. I don't remember this behavior on dual monitors before.
    I'm also seeing that if I switch from another application back to Photoshop and start painting or erasing, nothing happens in the active window. I have to re-switch applications and try again. Sometimes that works, other times it doesn't.
    On another occasion, I was working on one monitor. When I returned to the main monitor and tried to access an item in the Edit menu, all of the menus were empty and white.
    I can't identify if this is a Mac OS issue or an Adobe issue. I'm wondering if other people have been experiencing this behavior and if so, how to correct it.

    Could be.  I tried restarting, closing and reopening Photoshop.  I just noticed this today, and I've been using CC 2014 since it came out.  I'm using it on a relatively new iMac, but I don't think it has happened before, though I could be wrong.  It's not the end of the world, but it is an annoyance.

  • IMac Dual Monitor, Mini-DP to DVI, Screen Blinking

    2.4 Ghz Core 2 Duo, 4 GB Ram. ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro graphics.
    Been using Snow Leopard here at work, running dual monitors via Mini-DP to DVI cable. Never a problem previously.
    Upgraded to Mavericks. Enjoying it. Until the 2nd monitor (Acer v223w) started intermittently blinking. Discovered I can trigger the blinking via the mail program on the second window - hiding and/or showing the info/mail activity left-side panel will cause the screen to blink.
    Kinda befuddled. Any help?

    I am having the excact same problem. With nearly if not an identicle system.
    24" Mid 2007 iMac
    Processor  2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    Memory  4 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
    Graphics  ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro 256 MB
    Software  OS X 10.9.2 (13C64)
    Serial Number  W87***B2ZCT
    Display 1: Built-in iMac Display (1920 x 1200)
    Display 2: ACER 23" Wide Screen AL2223W Display (1680 x 1050)
    Since I updated to the latest version of mavericks the other night I have had frequent flickering and blacking out of my screen. It happens mostly when I mouse on or mouse off my dock menu, and open programs on the second monitor. There is also little yellow and organge flickers throughout the screen from time to time almost like an interference patter, generally 1px high and 20px wide with varying degress of static.
    I have tried the following with no success:
    - Reset my PRAM / NVRAM
    - Reset my SMC
    - Deleted display related files
    - Used screenResX to try and find a different Display 2 options
    - Lowered resolution of Display 2
    This is extremely frustrating because I am a web designer and programmer, and having my 2nd monitor not functioning basically renders my work station useless for me.

  • I have a dual monitor setup.  When I paste develop settings from one image to another, Lightroom switches the active window.

    Strange problem.  Lightroom 5.5.  Windows 8.1. Dual monitor setup.
    I'm processing a large batch of photos.  I have Monitor #1 set as my main develop window, with Monitor #2 set only to display a larger version of the image I'm working with. If I copy the develop settings off of one image and try to paste them onto another image, Lightroom will switch from Monitor #1 to Monitor #2 as the main develop window, and will not display anything on Monitor #1.
    If I then try to paste develop settings onto another image on Monitor #2, LR will then display a larger version of the image I'm working with on Monitor #1.
    To work the way I want to, I have to continually drag my develop window back to Monitor #1 every time I try to paste develop settings onto a new image. How can I make this stop?

    I just tried what I think you’re saying you’re doing and I don’t have the problem with LR 5.5 on Windows 7 SP 2.
    Does the same thing happen whether you use the key shortcuts vs the Settings / Copy/Paste options on the menu?
    I ask this because if you’re using the keyboard shortcuts, maybe you have some display-manager program that has bound itself to the Ctrl-Shift-V (paste settings) to the function of move-to-other-monitor which would do at least part of what you describe.
    You can also test this theory by doing a Ctrl-Shift-V with an application other than LR as the active window and see if it moves.  I suppose Ctrl-Shift-C might also play into it so try both of these hot-key combinations with a program that isn’t LR.
    If none of this sheds any light on the situation, then give a more detailed description of the low-level functions you’re doing to accomplish the copy-paste of settings, so someone else could replicate the steps exactly.
    Specific detailed steps, like:
    left-click on source photo’s thumbnail in the filmstrip
    press Ctrl-Shift-C to copy the settings
    click Check-None
    enable the white-balance and calibration checkboxes
    click Ok
    left-click on destination photo's thumbnail in the filmstrip
    click on Settings / Paste Settings in LR’s menus to paste the settings to the selected photo

  • TV@nywhere Dual Monitor Problem

    I have the regular TV@nywhere card.. Has anyone else had this problem?
    I have a dual monitor setup (extended desktop) on an ATI 9000 pro.. At some point over the last few months I began having problems dragging the WinDVR (player) window from one monitor to the other, resulting in the WinDVR process hanging, or an insta-crash of my system. It used to work fine...
    I am assuming it might have something to do with one of 30 or so ATI patches that I installed since the last driver update from MSI. On a positive note, with the newest ati patch, the computer doesn't crash anymore, but the app still hangs (except for the audio which will NOT stop, lol)
    MSI KT4V-L
    Athon XP 2100+
    512 MB pc2100
    ATI 9000 Pro
    MSI TV@nywhere
    WinXP Sp1a

    Lets start from the bottom and work up. Have you eliminated the cable & splitter hookup as the source of the problem by connecting to a TV? I had a problem similar to that when I first installed my TV@Plus and I had to remove/re-install the software and get a new cable & splitter before I could get it work.. No you don't need to use RG6. It does not hurt to have better but it's not a requirement.

  • Dual Monitor issue - Open file to 2nd monitor?

    I have a dual monitor setup in Windows 7 and like to work with all the tool panels and PS main window on the left monitor and the photo open full screen on the right. I have tried saving the workspace with the image open full screen on the right monitor, but no matter what I try, everytime I open/re-open a file, it loads on the left monitor behind the tool panels. I then have to press F5 to mnimize some tool panels, then grab and drag the image window to the right screen. Then I have to press the F key to maximize the image window and F5 to restore the tool panels. This is my routine everytime I open a file. There has to be a better way! I have tried things like reseting to the default workspace, moving the PS window and tool panels to the right screen, but it seems the placement of a newly opened document must be hard-coded to open in the main PS window, no matter what the user has setup. 

    Yeah, this is annoying as hell.
    In CS3, if you dragged an image to your second monitor all subsequent images would open up there. I'll leave my snarky, sarcastic comments about the wisdom of this new "feature" for another time. What might end up working you is putting the image on your monitor of choice (along with the app frame and the menu bar) and dragging the tool palettes to the other monitor. That's what I'm doing now and it's taking some getting used to but fortunately, once you drag over the tool box and the layer stack, everything else tool-related seems to open up there OK. The images stay on the other screen (for the most part).
    All things considered, it still sucks... but when you only have one choice, the decision is easy to make.

  • Dual monitor sleep problem

    I have dual monitors and with 10.5.1 my second monitor will not open after it has gone to sleep. I have to shut down and start over. A simple restart will not bring it back up. I have never had this problem before. Any help??

    Welcome to the Apple Forums.
    In System Preferences (found under the Apple Menu in the menu bar), look at the Display pane to see if both screens are recognized by the system. Click on the Detect Displays button. This will force the system to connect to the monitor and will show you if there is an OS problem, or perhaps a hardware problem.
    I keep the "Show displays in the menu bar" checked so that I can access it through the Display image in the Menu Bar at the top of the screen.
    My experience is that different monitors have different capabilities of connection to the computer- some have to be "detected" every time; some connect, but have to be changed from a mirror to a span or repositioned in the arrangement pane; some just "work right"
    Good luck. Joel.

  • Imac dual monitor primary monitor issue

    This is driving me nuts and I must be missing something...
    I have a 27" Imac (all-in-one) fully loaded with all the software I need (which I will call my old machine). I then bought another iMac but a newer one (I will call my new machine) again loaded with the software I need. I linked them together with the correct cable and the dual monitors worked great - my old machine being the primary display my new machine being the external display. It worked great for about 2 years but yesterday I thought I would like to switch the machines around so my new machine is the primary machine I work on (because it has a faster processor and some newer software) and my old machine will be the external display.
    I just cannot do it!!! The arrangement tab in the display only shows on my old machine and no matter what I do with the screen and menu bars it is always the old machine which is primary with the older software.
    I have tried unplugging each machine in different sequences, rebooting several times with always the same result - my old machine is the one with the Arrangement tab and therefore this is the primary display (with the older software).
    Can anyone offer any advice on how to resolve this please.
    Thank you in advance.

    - What specific model iMacs do you have?
    - Just how are you connecting them?
    You may be using Target Display mode
    Target Display Mode: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
    If so only the new machines can be used at a Target Display
    BTW, you posted in the Mac Mini desktop forum.

Maybe you are looking for

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