Menu Names and Tables

Can some help me to find the menu names comming from what table and how to find user permissions in tables.

the text of the "main menu" is stored in the direcotry
C:\Programme\SAP\SAP Business One\GUI\
in .LRF files
don't count to change them
here i might be wrong - but you can have a look at it:
regarding the SDK documention it looks like the permission data is stored in
OUPT table -> look in the DIAPI for the UserPermissionTree Object
lg David

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    Points will be rewarded for all useful answers.

    if you know the transaction code you use to post the uploaded data in SAP, you just need to do BDC recording in using transation SM35. Record the whole process and create a program from the recording... and you wont even need to know the tables and field names-- almost everything will be done for you....
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    Searching all the database for a word...
    Courtesy of michaels...
    michaels>  var val varchar2(5)
    michaels>  exec :val := 'as'
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    michaels>  select distinct substr (:val, 1, 11) "Searchword",
                    substr (table_name, 1, 14) "Table",
                    substr (t.column_value.getstringval (), 1, 50) "Column/Value"
               from cols,
                           (dbms_xmlgen.getxmltype ('select ' || column_name
                                                    || ' from ' || table_name
                                                    || ' where upper('
                                                    || column_name
                                                    || ') like upper(''%' || :val
                                                    || '%'')'
                                                   ).extract ('ROWSET/ROW/*')
                       ) t
    --        where table_name in ('EMPLOYEES', 'JOB_HISTORY', 'DEPARTMENTS')
           order by "Table"or
    11g upwards
    SQL> select table_name,
           :search_string search_string,
      from (select column_name,
                   'ora:view("' || table_name || '")/ROW/' || column_name || '[ora:contains(text(),"%' || :search_string || '%") > 0]' str
              from cols
             where table_name in ('EMP', 'DEPT')),
           xmltable (str columns result varchar2(10) path '.')
    TABLE_NAME                     COLUMN_NAME                    SEARCH_STRING                    RESULT   
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    EMP                            ENAME                          es                               JAMES    
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    Thanks & Regards

    2 solutions by Michaels (the latter is 11g upwards only)...
    michaels>  var val varchar2(5)
    michaels>  exec :val := 'as'
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    michaels>  select distinct substr (:val, 1, 11) "Searchword",
                    substr (table_name, 1, 14) "Table",
                    substr (t.column_value.getstringval (), 1, 50) "Column/Value"
               from cols,
                           (dbms_xmlgen.getxmltype ('select ' || column_name
                                                    || ' from ' || table_name
                                                    || ' where upper('
                                                    || column_name
                                                    || ') like upper(''%' || :val
                                                    || '%'')'
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                       ) t
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           :search_string search_string,
      from cols,
           xmltable(('ora:view("'||table_name||'")/ROW/'||column_name||'[ora:contains(text(),"%'|| :search_string || '%") > 0]')
           columns result varchar2(10) path '.'
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    EMP                  ENAME                ES                   JAMES    
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    EMP                  JOB                  ES                   SALESMAN 
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    EMP                  JOB                  ES                   SALESMAN 
    9 rows selected.

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    thnaks &r egards,

    hi karthik,
    Thanks for your quick reply.
    Actually i developed a zreport which consists of fields
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    2. refrence
    3. po
    4. material
    5. material document
    6. qty
    7. amount
    8. movement type
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    Hi Praveen Kumar 
        You know the program name go to se38 and find out if u know table name go to se11 and find out .if you want to see both where there are used in which program go to se80 it would be easy.
    How to trace in se80 . select programe and down give programe name you will gte it.

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    You can select the field which field name and table you want to know, just press F1 button, one more window will open. There you need to select the technical information icon, then you will get the required field name and its table.
    V. Suresh

  • How to find Field Name and Table Name

    Hi All,
    I got some output values from the legacy system with me but need to know whats the actual field name and table name to which i need to transfer these values. How can i do it, since which theres is not field name or despcription given for the data.
    Is there any way i can do it.
    Points will be rewarded for all useful answers.

    Hi All,
    I got some output values from the legacy system with me but need to know whats the actual field name and table name to which i need to transfer these values. How can i do it, since which theres is not field name or despcription given for the data.
    Is there any way i can do it.
    Points will be rewarded for all useful answers.
    Hi Abuser,
            now u have legacy data. now u want to do upload this data from legacy to r/3 by using one sap transaction. yes ok na..
      first of all u want to know the data is relevant to the which transaction...
       without knowing the transaction u cant trasfer the data..
    then open transaction put cursor on i/p field and click on f1
    and find out the field name & table..
    this is one method to find the field name and table name.

  • Fields Names and Table Names

    I am sorry about that.I missed some text.
    Client wants to enhance a report.Please help me with tehnical names and table names for the following
    Infotype                   Field Names
    1515          Date of Tasks
    1          Job Key Code
    1          Position code
    442          Regular Payments
    442          Payment Model
    1005          Paygrade Level
    1005          Paygrade Level
    1005          Reference Salary
    1051          Salary Survey
    1051          Job from Survey
    15          Wage Type
    15          Amount
    6          Address Record Type
    6          House Number and Street
    6          Address line 2
    6          City
    6          Country Key
    6          Zip/Postal Code
    6          State
    6                     Country
    Thanks in advance,
    Edited by: usha usha on Oct 16, 2008 11:31 AM

    I have done that but sturcture names are there.I want data from tables instead of structure names.Below are details.I just want to check whether they are correct or not
    1515     TERMN     Date of Tasks      HRP1515
    1     STELL     Job Key Code     PA0001
    1     PLANS     Position code     PA0001
    442     REGPD     Regular Payments     PA0442
    442     PAYMO     Payment Model     PA0442
    1005     SLMIN     Paygrade Level     T710
    1005     SLMAX     Paygrade Level     T710
    1005     SLREF     Reference Salary      T710A
    1051     SCODE     Salary Survey      T710S
    1051     JCODE     Job from Survey     HRP1051
    15     LGART     Wage Type     PA0015
    15     BETRG     Amount     PA0015
    6     ANSSA     Address Record Type     PA0006
    6     STRAS     House Number and Street     PA0006
    6     LOCAT     Address line 2      PA0006
    6     ORT01     City     PA0006
    6     LAND1     Country Key     PA0006
    6     PSTLZ     Zip/Postal Code     PA0006
    6     BEZEI     State     T005U
    6     LANDX     Country     T005

  • Field names and Tables

    Can You please help me out with field names and tables where i can find .
    u2022     Buyers Name : From PO. Person ( Customer, Not Joerns) who places the PO.
    u2022     Order Number : Stryker Order number [Leave a place holder]
    u2022     Order Type : Stryker order type [Leave a place holder]
    u2022     REV: Joerns SAP Material revision. Can be found in Material Master.
    u2022     FROM: Based on the shipping point. Should be the shipping point address.
    u2022     Ship-To: Ship-To address in the sales order
    u2022     Shipped Quantity: Handling Unit quantity
    u2022     Shipping date : Item Delivery date
    u2022     Packing Slip : [Leave a place holder]
    u2022     KANBAN ID : [Leave a place holder]
    u2022     Team Number : [Leave a place holder]
    u2022     Part Number : SAP MATNR
    u2022     Part Description : Material Description
    u2022     Boxes: handling Unit count number. Say for example, there are 10 HU Labels are printed in this , then the first label should show 1 / 10, second should show 2 / 10, third should show 3 / 10 and goes on till tenth, which should show 10/10.
    u2022      PO Number : Purchase order Number

       All these field name you can trace from SE15 transaction.
    goto se15-> expand abap dictionary-> expand fields-> double click on table fields-> enter your fields description in the field description tab of beside screen-> click on xcute.
    ex: Part description
      enter MaterialDescription* and click on xcute , you will get MAKTX from MAKT table.
    All the best.

  • Field names and table names

    Hi Experts,
    What r the table names and field names for
    FLSA Description
    Stock Option Eligible
    Career Level
    Full time/Part time

    > Full time/Part time--> T503T-PSERK

  • Field name and table

    Dear Friends ,
    I want to display discount , P&F , excise , tax , fright , octori , insurance  so what is the fiels name for all fields and table name .

    You have to create the report bu fetching the report from the table EKPO - Doc condition no KNUMV. Use this no in the table KONV to get all your requirements aginst the field KSCHL - Condition types.

  • How to get the column name and table name from xml file

    I have one XML file, I generated xsd file from that xml file but the problem is i dont know table name and column name. So my question is how can I retrieve the data from that xml file?

    Here's an example using binary XML storage (instead of Object-Relational storage as described in the article).
        schemaURL       => 'my_schema.xsd'
      , schemaDoc       => xmltype(bfilename('TEST_DIR','my_schema.xsd'), nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8'))
      , local           => true
      , genTypes        => false
      , genTables       => true
      , enableHierarchy => dbms_xmlschema.ENABLE_HIERARCHY_CONTENTS
      , options         => dbms_xmlschema.REGISTER_BINARYXML
    genTables => true : means that a default schema-based XMLType table will be created during registration.
    enableHierarchy => dbms_xmlschema.ENABLE_HIERARCHY_CONTENTS : indicates that a repository resource conforming to the schema will be automatically stored in the default table.
    If the schema is not annotated, the name of the default table is system-generated but derived from the root element name :
    SQL> select table_name
      2  from user_xml_tables
      3  where xmlschema = 'my_schema.xsd'
      4  and element_name = 'employee';
    (warning : the name is case-sensitive)
    To annotate the schema and control the naming, modify the content to :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xdb="">
      <xs:element name="employee" xdb:defaultTable="EMPLOYEE_XML">
    Next step : create a resource, or just directly insert an XML document into the table.
    Example of creating a resource :
      res  boolean;
      doc  xmltype := xmltype(
      res := dbms_xdb.CreateResource(
               abspath   => '/public/test.xml'
             , data      => doc
             , schemaurl => 'my_schema.xsd'
             , elem      => 'employee'
    The resource has to be schema-based so that the default storage mechanism is triggered.
    It could also be achieved if the document possesses an xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute :
    SQL> declare
      3    res  boolean;
      4    doc  xmltype := xmltype(
      5  '<employee xmlns:xsi=""
      6             xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="my_schema.xsd">
      7    <details>
      8      <emp_id>1</emp_id>
      9      <emp_name>SMITH</emp_name>
    10      <emp_age>40</emp_age>
    11      <emp_dept>10</emp_dept>
    12    </details>
    13   </employee>'
    14   );
    16  begin
    17    res := dbms_xdb.CreateResource(
    18             abspath   => '/public/test.xml'
    19           , data      => doc
    20           );
    21  end;
    22  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
    SQL> set long 5000
    SQL> select * from "employee1121_TAB";
    <employee xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceS
    Then use XMLTABLE to shred the XML into relational format :
    SQL> select x.*
      2  from "employee1121_TAB" t
      3     , xmltable('/employee/details'
      4         passing t.object_value
      5         columns emp_id   integer      path 'emp_id'
      6               , emp_name varchar2(30) path 'emp_name'
      7       ) x
      8  ;
                                     EMP_ID EMP_NAME
                                          1 SMITH

  • Need to know schema name and table name associated with a column-URGENT

    Hi folks,
    I need to know the schema name and the table name associated with a column. Though jdbc has the api to getTableName and getSchemaName, some database vendor like oracle does return empty upon call of mentioned methods. I found that oracle driver does not support that ……
    Can any one give me the solution? It is urgent. Or do you suggest any third pary jdbc driver which can provide those?

    Your question has been discussed several times previously in this forum. Search this forum's archives for "getTableName". Oracle JDBC driver does not implement this (because "it is not feasible" -- according to Oracle).
    First of all, I would suggest that you could probably change your application's logic so that you would not need this functionality (but I guess that is not feasible either, right :-)
    Alternatively, you could try querying the Oracle database data dictionary.
    Good Luck,

  • Maximum length allowed for column name, index name and table name?

    I want to know what is the maximum length allowed for coulmn name, table name and index name in MaxDB ?

    Hi Raja,
    simply check the catalog:
    sqlcli bwt=> \dc domain.columns
    | Column Name      | Type         | Length | Nullable | KEYPOS |
    | ---------------- | ------------ | ------ | -------- | ------ |
    | SCHEMANAME       | CHAR UNICODE | 32     | YES      |        |
    | OWNER            | CHAR UNICODE | 32     | YES      |        |
    | TABLENAME        | CHAR UNICODE | 32     | YES      |        |
    | COLUMNNAME       | CHAR UNICODE | 32     | YES      |        |
    sqlcli bwt=> \dc domain.indexes
    | Column Name        | Type         | Length | Nullable | KEYPOS |
    | ------------------ | ------------ | ------ | -------- | ------ |
    | SCHEMANAME         | CHAR UNICODE | 32     | YES      |        |
    | OWNER              | CHAR UNICODE | 32     | YES      |        |
    | TABLENAME          | CHAR UNICODE | 32     | YES      |        |
    | INDEXNAME          | CHAR UNICODE | 32     | YES      |        |

Maybe you are looking for