Merge Module deployment on Windows XP Spanish Language fails

Hello, I have a install package using merge modules for CR XI R2 SP4. When I install this package on Windows XP, everything works fine. However when I run it on a customer's computer who is running Windows XP in Spanish localization mode, the files never get installed to
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\....
The BO folder is never created. Is there a solution, do updated MSMs have this support? Thanks!

Enable installer logging as per [this|] MS kbase and see what the logs tell you.

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      We are  moving to 11.5.  Do the merge modules write anything to system32?  Supposedly, some clients are blocking access to that directory.
      As a side note, when we used 8.5, we put a lot of crystal dlls in system32.  Did they ever have to go there?

    Hi Dan,
    Yes there are still a few dll's that need to go there due to high depencies on MS dll's. No way around this. You'll have to ask your customers to allow access and be sure to be the local PC admin with full rights so the registry and other runtime can be registered, copied and written to. I can't say which ones for sure, if you use ORCA from Microsoft you can open up the MSI or Merge Modules and look for the path. Or enable install logging to see which ones, we don't have a list.
    For 8.5 it did work, we did not recommend putting them there though, made it messy cleaning up on un-install.
    Thank you

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    I am using Crystal Reports runtime merge modules, which I downloaded from here:
    I tried both (Crystal Reports 2008) and (Crystal Reports 2008 SP1)
    cr120 could not find msvcr71.dll, cr121 could not find msvcp80.dll.
    Steps to reproduce:
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    -          Add Crystal Reports merge module CRRuntime_12_0.msm or CRRuntime_12_1.msm
    -          Build *.msi
    -          Try to install this *.msi on a completely clean PC. I tried it on Windows Server 2003 R2 SP3, which did not have msvcr71.dll or msvcp80.dll files in C:\Windows\System32 or in any other PATH folders.
    -          During installation there is an error u2013 failed to register one of the Crystal Reportsu2019 *.dll
    I am looking forward to hear from you.
    Thank you.

    I believe these threads have the answer for you:

  • What merge module and/or drivers necessary to deploy app with CWNumEdit, CWGPIB, CWSerial, and CWButton

    Thank you to Johnathan for getting me this far.  I am the person who is trying to build and deploy an app
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    Hi KBr,
    If you are using any ActiveX UI components (like CWNumEdit, CWButton) you need to include the CWUI_OCX.msm merge module as well as the NIMesaDLL.msm and nimetautils.msm.  Those merge modules you can find in the [Program Files\Common Files\Merge Modules\] directory. The CWSerial and CWGPIB ActiveX controls are part of the cwinstr.ocx file located on the Measurement Studio CD as you have already found.
    When building an installer, you can simply add the cwinstr.ocx file to your setup application, and specify that it should be register when installed. You just click on the cwinstr.ocx file once its part of the setup project and then configure the Register field in the Properties Window.
    Best Regards,
    Jonathan N.
    National Instruments

  • Crystal 11.5 runtime deployment required merged modules and minimum size

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    Hi, John;
    The only supported method of deploying our runtime files is to use the merge modules. All of them are required, except for the Mapping merge module, which would only be used if you are using the Mapping feature.
    There is no way to decrease the size of the deployment.
    Best Regards,

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    Do other dictionaries work if you select them in the Languages menu?
    * [[Using the spell checker]]

  • Merge Module for Windows Server 2008

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    Now I want to run this project on a Windows Server 2008, and this Setup-Project can´t be run on Win Server 2008.
    Is there an other Mergemodule for Windows Server 2008?
    Every thing runs exept Crystal Reports!
    Can somebody help me please???

    it was just a beginner mistake, i just had to convert the VS 2005 Project into VS 2008 Project, and install the runtime on the target machine (CRRedist2008_x86.msi). and that´s it!
    it was not possible with the Merge Module.
    at first I tried to do it with CrystalReportsRedist2005_x86.msm on a Windows 2008 Server.

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    thank you

    What is the dll version of Crystal Reports?
    Also give a try installing server install.

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    Thank you,

    Considering that it's related to local or language settings.
    By the way, I would like to know which part in your Windows store or Bing app display as English, the settings and UI or only the content in these apps.
    I recommend you change all local or language settings in the unattended file as French to see what's going on.
    Kate Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    I'm not sure if you could get the deployment utility itself to pull it in, but you could definitely modify the MSI file created by the deployment utility. The following tutorial is for CVI, but it lists ways of modifying an MSI file that you can probably use with the TestStand installer.
    Ryan K.

  • Problem installing with merge module

    I use CR Developer, Product Type Full, version
    I use it to design RPT files that use XML and XSD files as data sources.
    I deploy these RPT files to client machines that also run a web enabled app I developed using ASP.NET v.2
    I built an installer with the CrystalReports11_5_NET_2005.msm merge module.
    However, when I install on a clean client machine with the MSI I created I get some weird database access error in the Crystal Reportviewer that's embedded in my ASP.NET webpage.
    When I then install the entire CR Developer product on the client machine everything works fine.
    So clearly, the merge module I use does not install and register all the files required to make my product work. Am I using the wrong merge module? Should I be using the four RDC merge modules?
    It's clearly not acceptable to have install the entire CR Developer app. Also, I saw another thread where they were talking about copying the entire C:\Program Files\Business Objects\common\3.5\bin directory to the client machine. That cannot be an acceptable solution either, right?
    I need a definitive answer how to deploy the correct runtime environment to make my RPT files correctly run using the Report viewer in my web pages.
    To be clear, I do NOT use VS.NET 2005 to develop my RPT files. I do not use anything built into Visual Studio to build my RPT files. The only interaction with .NET is that I have a Reportviewer object embedded in one ASP.NET web page that visualizes the RPT files I previously created using the CR Developer app.
    This is from my web.config file:
    <add assembly="CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine, Version=11.5.3700.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692FBEA5521E1304"/>
    <add assembly="CrystalDecisions.ReportSource, Version=11.5.3700.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304"/>
    <add assembly="CrystalDecisions.Shared, Version=11.5.3700.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304"/>
    <add assembly="CrystalDecisions.Web, Version=11.5.3700.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304"/>
    This is the aspx from the web page that shows the report viewer:
    <%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" AutoEventWireup="true"
        CodeFile="ReportPage.aspx.cs" Inherits="Paladin_CReports.ReportPage" Title="Paladin Reports - Crystal Reports - Report" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="CrystalDecisions.Web, Version=11.5.3700.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304"
        Namespace="CrystalDecisions.Web" TagPrefix="CR" %>
    <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="Server">
        <asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" Height="28px" Style="z-index: 100; left: 0px;
            position: absolute; top: 148px" Width="1014px">
            <CR:CrystalReportViewer ID="CrystalReportViewer1" runat="server" AutoDataBind="true"
                Style="z-index: 120; left: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0px" HasCrystalLogo="False"
                EnableDrillDown="False" HasDrillUpButton="False" HasToggleGroupTreeButton="False"
                HasViewList="False" ShowAllPageIds="True" HasRefreshButton="True" />
    I need a definitive answer how to deploy the correct runtime environment to make my RPT files correctly run using the Report viewer in my web pages.

    Give a try to five read permissions to IIS_WPG for the temp folder which is under your account(In case of web application) and in case of windows app give read permission to a user for c:\windows\temp and to the folder which contains crystal reports.
    Need more info?
    What meerge module you have downloaded?
    Right merge modules are [here|]
    Note if appliaction uses RDC only then you need to install RDC merge modules.
    Windows or web application?
    Are you changing the XML schema?
    Hope this help!!

  • Merge Modul CrystalReports11_5_NET_2005.msm requires admin rights

    Dear all,
    I created a VB2005 windows forms application  using Crystal Reports XI R2 viewer and managed somehow to  include CrystalReports11_5_NET_2005.msm in a clickonce deployment package. What really bothers me is that local admin rights are required for the CR runtime files during initial installation of the programm (updates work fine as normal user).
    Is there a way to avoid this?
    Can I install CrystalReports11_5_NET_2005.msi prior to the application with (different) admin credentials during user logon and removed the merge module from the clickonce package?
    Any ideas appreciated.

    With  the parameter " /qb pidkey=your product key" Glenn delivered the key to a solution. Using the SysInternals-tool psExec I was able to install the CR runtime an my target machines remotly and the users could install my software with normal users rights without problems:
    I used the scripts RemoteInstall.cmd which has one single line
    target_machine -u Domain\pcAdmin -c
    and InstallCR2005-Runtime.cmd which contains these commands
      cd %Temp%
      crystalreports11_5_net_2005.msi /qb pidkey=my product key
      del crystalreports11_5_net_2005.msi
    BTW: psExec supports a parameter @file with a list of target machines
    Your anwsers have really been a great help.

  • Merge Module and Service Paks

    Post Author: iboulder
    CA Forum: Deployment
    Can anyone tell me what service pak the Crystal Reports 9.0 merge module is at?  The merge module appears to be new than SP 3, but older than SP 7.
    Also, can anyone tell me were to get the merge module for CR 9.0 service pak 7?

    I don't know if you really understand yet.
    Nothing in my application nothing at all uses the html css, etc.. files.
    The report server does not.
    My application does not.
    If i was calling the report server to display my reports, i could understand. Or if I was viewing the reports in my application in the html viewer. But I am not.
    The report server ( it is a web service - my web service nothing to do with your report servers) only opens the rpt file and gets information from them to give to my windows form app ( it never displays a single report ).
    My windows app does view the report. But it does so in the activex control. Not in the web control. It does not need the cab files from the server, everything is installed during setup.
    I don't care if you install every dll you guys make on my clients computer.
    Dll's are understandable, and can't be messed with and clients understand. What I don't like is have 5 or so folders under my windows forms application that contains css, html and image files.
    These are just messy and un-needed. Plus more update headaches.
    I guess this is really not a big issue.
    I just don't understand why a windows forms app has to include all the html files that a web application would need.
    Oh well the install does work, and I am not going to go through all the mess that I have had in the past trying to figure out which dlls need to be copied and registered like I have had to do for years. So I guess it is better than it used to be, even if my computer is cluttered with useless files.
    I hope I don't sound mad, because I am not. I have used CR for 10+ years now, and I like the product. I just would like to see some improvements on the msm.
    Thanks for your response.
    I really do appreciate it.

  • Keycode for License Merge Module

    Hi, please help.  I am supporting a legacy enterprise app written in  VB6 + Crystal Report 10, now it is upgraded to Windows 7 and Crystal Report XI R2.  I need to create a deployment package using InstallShield.  But the Crystal License Merge Module is requiring a Keycode entry.  Where do I get it?  Can I assume to deploy my app within our firm is runtime license and should be free of charge?

    Hi Jonathan
    Before we get to the keycode;
    Do make sure yo are using CR XI R2 SP 6 as this is the only SP for CRXI R2 that supported WIN 7. To see how to update to SP 6, see this blog.
    As for the keycode. You can all sales at 866-681-3435 or navigate the registry to:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\Suite 11.5\Crystal Reports\Keycodes
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
    Follow us on Twitter

  • Merge Module not work at target machine

    Post Author: soky
    CA Forum: Other
    Hi all,
    I cannot deploy my RDC delphi application. This is very simple app, for trying base of using of rdc. Only one TApplication and a TCrystalActiveXReportViewer component on a form. Run nicely on developing machine. But the deploy drive me crazy
    Product: Crystal Reports Developer
    Patches Applied: 0
    Operating System(s):
      Developer: Windows XP home english
      Target: Windows 2000 5.00.2195 SP4 hungarian (version of msi.dll=2.0.2600.1183)
    I using InstallShield Express Borland Limited Edition. The build of release successfully with zero error, including merge modul CR11_rdc_runtime. But install broken the following error message:
    Internal Error 25001. 1615:
    RegistrationCosting::CostAllISSelfRegEntries::MsiDatabaseOpenView(hDatabase,_T("Select * from ISSelfReg"),hVieew)
    How can I make usable install stuff with this tools?
    Thanks, soky

    Can somebody tell me where I can find the log that will tell me whats going on with this module at startup.
    You say the module gets loaded, as does lsmod. So there will be no error message, as the system thinks the module is working(which it probably is). The reason your wireless is not working may be another issue. In order for some things to work correctly certain things need be loaded before other things can access them.
    anyway, all error logs are in /var/log, shouldn't take you long to look through them. They are dated.

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