Merge text files

Hey all,
I've got two text files that need to be merged into another text file. One is a template where I have to insert various things, and one is list of the things I have to insert. I am familiar with BufferedReader and PrintWriter etc but was wondering on some tips on how to do it.
eg in the template.txt
I have
<<name>> <<address>>
Welcome, <<name>>, you live at <<addresss>>.
in the list.txt I have the name and address with delimiters which I believe you use Tokenizer for.
i have
60 Black Road%a&
What is the order of things to process this and merge data in another text file?
Thanks for help.

Here comes a complete example, but it differs from the approach ChuckBing gave you. I think this is more generic, has speed advantages, and is easier to adapt/maintain to other situations.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        //Setup the generator
        //You want to read template from a file.       
        String template = "Welcome, <<name>>, you live at <<addresss>>"; 
        MessageGenerator generator = new MessageGenerator(template, "<<.*?>>");
        Record record = new Record();
        //Register callbacks for all tokens that you are interested in.
        generator.registerCallback("<<name>>", new AbstractCallback(record) {
            public String getValue(String token) {
                return record.getName();
        generator.registerCallback("<<addresss>>", new AbstractCallback(record) {
            public String getValue(String token) {
                return record.getAddress();
        //And test it.. You probably want to change this to a loop that
        //reads records, and writes the result to a file.
        record.setData("Kaj Bjurman%Any adress 21%");
        record.setData("Another name%Another adress%");
* Generates messages using a template, and callbacks
* @author Kaj Bjurman
class MessageGenerator {
    private String template;
    private Pattern pattern;
    private int previousMatchIndex;
    private Matcher matcher;
    private Map callbacks;   // Map<String token, Callback callback>
    private StringBuffer result;
    public MessageGenerator(String template, String tokenPattern) {
        this.template = template;
        this.pattern = Pattern.compile(tokenPattern);
        callbacks = new HashMap();
    public void reset() {
        previousMatchIndex = 0;
        matcher = pattern.matcher(template);
        result = new StringBuffer();
    public void registerCallback(String token, Callback callback) {
        callbacks.put(token, callback);
    public String getResult() {
        while (matcher.find()) {
            result.append(template.substring(previousMatchIndex, matcher.start()));
            previousMatchIndex = matcher.end();
            String token =;
            Callback callback = (Callback)callbacks.get(token);
            String value = token;
            if (callback != null) {
                value = callback.getValue(token);
        return result.toString();
    public static interface Callback {
        String getValue(String token);
* Class that represents a record of data.
* The data is expected to be in the form field1%field2%
* @author Kaj Bjurman
class Record {
    private String name;
    private String address;
    public void setData(String data) {
        String[] tmp = data.split("%");
        name = tmp[0];
        address = tmp[1];
    public String getName() {
        return name;
    public String getAddress() {
        return address;
* @author Kaj Bjurman
abstract class AbstractCallback implements MessageGenerator.Callback {
    protected Record record;
    public AbstractCallback(Record record) {
        this.record = record;

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    Try the following macro. It assumes you're working with doc, docx & docm files. If not, change the 'doc' in the '*.doc' reference to whatever file type you're working with.
    Option Explicit
    Public oFolder As Object 'the folder object
    Public i As Long, j As Long
    Public DocTgt As Document
    Sub Main()
    ' Minimise screen flickering
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim StrFolder As String
    ' Browse for the starting folder
    StrFolder = GetTopFolder
    If StrFolder = "" Then Exit Sub
    ' Initialize the counters
    i = 0: j = 0
    Set DocTgt = ActiveDocument
    ' Search the top-level folder
    Call GetFolder(StrFolder & "\")
    ' Return control of status bar to Word
    Application.StatusBar = ""
    ' Restore screen updating
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    MsgBox i & " of " & j & " files processed.", vbOKOnly
    End Sub
    Function GetTopFolder() As String
    GetTopFolder = ""
    Set oFolder = CreateObject("Shell.Application").BrowseForFolder(0, "Choose a folder", 0)
    If (Not oFolder Is Nothing) Then GetTopFolder = oFolder.Items.Item.Path
    Set oFolder = Nothing
    End Function
    Sub GetFolder(StrFolder As String)
    Dim strFile As String
    strFile = Dir(StrFolder & "*.doc")
    ' Process the files in the folder
    While strFile <> ""
      ' Update the status bar is just to let us know where we are
      Application.StatusBar = StrFolder & strFile
      Call UpdateFile(StrFolder & strFile)
      strFile = Dir()
    End Sub
    Sub UpdateFile(strDoc As String)
    Dim Doc As Document
    ' Open the document
    Set Doc = Documents.Open(strDoc, AddToRecentFiles:=False, ReadOnly:=False, Format:=wdOpenFormatAuto, Visible:=False)
    With Doc
      If .ProtectionType = wdNoProtection Then
      With .Range.Sections
        With .First.Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range
          .InsertBefore Doc.Name & vbCr
          While .Characters.Last.Previous = vbCr
            .Characters.Last.Previous = vbNullString
        End With
        .Add Start:=wdSectionBreakNextPage
      End With
      DocTgt.Characters.Last.FormattedText = .Range.FormattedText
        ' Update the file counter for processed files
        i = i + 1
      End If
      ' Update the main file counter
      j = j + 1
      .Close SaveChanges:=False
    End With
    ' Let Word do its housekeeping
    Set Doc = Nothing
    End Sub
    With this code, each merged file's name will be added to its footer.
    Paul Edstein
    [MS MVP - Word]

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    Thanks and regards
    Gowtham Sen.

    using the unix commnad 'cat' along with the redirect '>>' will concat the files into one target
    #this will create the target file and over-write it if it existed already
    cat file1 > target
    ##Now add the rest of the files to the target, without over-writing
    cat file2 >>target
    cat file3 >>target
    cat file16 >> target
    You can then use an external table on the target file.
    A nicer way would be to user a 'for loop', but this will work fine.

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    not with text and not by itself, but a solution is workable.
    indesign's data merge can't place text files as if they were merging pictures, but it can place pictures from jpg, eps, pdf... if the text which changed was a picture, say a PDF, then this would be fine.
    as to telling data merge what is variable, indesign won't parse the data as such... it'll just put the data wherever the placeholders were. if you want if/else statements, these need to be done in the excel file first prior to saving as a text file for indesign.
    so yes, what the OP wants is do-able, but not "off of the shelf" - some manipulation in excel is required.

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    Here is one from
    Peter Kahrel
    // Description: Place multiple textfiles as one story
    #target indesign
    preset = '/d/test/*.rtf';
    app.wordRTFImportPreferences.useTypographersQuotes = true;
    app.wordRTFImportPreferences.convertPageBreaks = ConvertPageBreaks.none;
    app.wordRTFImportPreferences.importEndnotes = true;
    app.wordRTFImportPreferences.importFootnotes = true;
    app.wordRTFImportPreferences.importIndex = true;
    app.wordRTFImportPreferences.importTOC = false;
    app.wordRTFImportPreferences.importUnusedStyles = false;
    mask = prompt ('Enter a file path/mask.\r\r' +
        'Examples:\r' +
        'd:\\books\\test\\*.rtf   /d/books/test/*.rtf', preset);
    if (mask == null) exit();  // Cancel pressed
    ff = Folder (File (mask).path).getFiles (File (mask).name);
    if (ff.length > 0)
        placed = [];
        missed = [];
        tframe = app.documents.add().textFrames.add({geometricBounds : [36, 36, 400, 400]});
        placedstory = tframe.parentStory;
        app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel =
        pb = initprogressbar (ff.length, 'Loading');
        for (i = 0; i < ff.length; i++)
            pb.value = i;
                placedstory.insertionPoints[-1].place (ff[i]);
                placedstory.insertionPoints[-1].contents = '\r\r';
                placed.push (ff[i].name);
            catch (_)
                missed.push( ff[i].name );
        app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel =
        inform = '';
        if (placed.length > 0)
            inform = 'Placed ' + ff.length + ' files (in this order):\r\r' + placed.join ('\r');
        if (missed.length > 0)
            inform += '\r\rCould not place:\r\r' + missed.join ('\r');
        delete_empty_frames ();
        alert( inform );
        alert (mask + ' not found.');
    // End
    function delete_empty_frames ()
        app.findGrepPreferences = app.changeGrepPreferences = null;
        app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = '\\A\\Z';
        var empties = app.activeDocument.findGrep (true);
        for (var i = 0; i < empties.length; i++)
    function initprogressbar (stop, title)
        progresswindow = new Window('palette', title);
        progressbar = progresswindow.add ('progressbar', undefined, 1, stop);
        progressbar.preferredSize = [200,20]; ()
        return progressbar;

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    Hi dudes,
      I have 3 text files in workstation. I need to everytime download these files in my internal table .
      But it takes long processing time .ie everytime it opens file read and close.
      Do u suggest for better performance for this? Like how i can meage all txt files in 1 txt file and then read once ito internal table.
      Hope i m clear to explain u my requirement.
      Gain Points

    It actually depends on your requirement(a standard answer from any SAP guy).
    Coming back to the question at hand:
    a) Can we merge these files ? My question to you :
    i) Are you downloading these to your presentation server from application server using WS_DOWNLOAD(I am using 4.5B) or CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>GUI_DOWNLOAD ?
    ii) What holds you back ?
    b) How do we parse multiple files contained in a single file ?
    Keep a delimiter which is unique only for file endings. That should do the trick.
    Subramanian V.

  • Merge two text files

    Need your help with merging two text source files into single table.  Each text file is single column containing names.  Let's say that file one is list of members in DEPARTMENT A and second file members of DEPARTMENT B.  Text files look
    something as follows:
    Filename: DEPARTMENT_A
    NAME (header)
    Filename: DEPARTMENT_B
    NAME (header)
    Ultimately, I need the resultant table data to look like this:
    Steve     A
    Joe        A, B
    Mary      A 
    Ron        B
    I think the solution involves derived columns, pivot, coalesce, but can't figure out how to put them together.  What do you recommend?  Thanks.

    You need a data flow task
    Inside that have two flat file sources connecting to both files. Following that have a derived column task to add department information (A,B). use a union all transform to merge both the inputs and finally use OLEDB destination to dump the result into table
    with two columns Name and Department.
    Then add a execute sql task to do update as below
    UPDATE t
    SET Department = Department + ', B'
    FROM Table t
    WHERE Department = 'A'
    FROM Table
    WHERE Name = t.Name
    AND Department = 'B'
    DELETE t
    FROM Table t
    WHERE Department = 'B'
    FROM Table
    WHERE Name = t.Name
    AND Department = 'A, B'
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • Merging of two text files

    HI All,,
    I have a text file A with four fields and text file B with two fields. I wanted to club these two text files to a single text file with certain condition and that to be uploaded to a standard table through BDC.
    am I clear??
    Please suggest me how can I proceed for this.

    If you want to do this using a program
    Then use Function Module
    to load the two text files into two internal tables
    say itab1 for one with 4 fields
    and itab2 for the one with 2 fields
    Then you can join the two tables based on a key between the two into a final internal table with six fields
    use the function module GUI_DOWNLOAD to download the internal tab with six fields and you have the final file which you would need to upload for the BDC.
    Here also you can use GUI_UPLOAD to load the text file for the BDC program

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    After hours of searching, I cannot find any other connection driver for a text file that's published on a certain URL. The BO OpenConnection driver is the best that I could find.
    So here are my problems
    1. one of my data source is a text file published on a web
    2. the only connection I can create does not allow me to create  new dimension in the universe to create an important column "subject ID"
    3. I can create the column in webi as a variable. But when I do so, I cannot merge it with existing dimension (webi not allowing to merge these 2 types). And without the merge, the flat file universe with my database universe can't be combined.
    I'm using WEBI Rich client version 4.1 SP3 Patch 1. Build
    Is there any other idea that you can suggest without requiring to change the extracted data?
    With warm regards

    Hi Bala,
    Were you able to find out a solution for the problem with uploading values for a variable from a text file on the web?  I am confronted with the same request from users.

  • Adding large arrays to a text file as new columns

    I am trying to merge several large text data files into a single file in Labview 8.0.  The files are too large to read in all at once (9-15 million lines each), so decided I need to read them in as smaller chunks, combine the arrays, and write them to a new file.
    The reason there are three separate data files was for speed and streaming purposes in the project, and the users wanted the raw, unadulterated data written to file before any kind of manipulation took place. 
    My VI:
    1.  Takes a header generated from another VI and writes it to the output file.
    2.  Creates a time column based on sample rate and the total number of data points
    3.  Reads in 3 files that each have text data (each data point is 9 bytes wide, there are up to 15 million data points per file.
    4.  Each iteration of the for loop writes a chunk of 10 to 100 thousand points (Somewhere in there seems to be the fastest it will do), formatted with the time column on the left, then the three data columns, until it's done.  I haven't quite figured out how to write the last iteration if there are fewer data points than the chunk size.
    Anyways, the main thing I was looking for was suggestions on how to do this faster.  It takes about a minute per million points on my laptop to do this operation, and though I recognize it is a lot of data to be moving around, this speed is painfully slow.  Any ideas?
    Merge Fast ‏67 KB

    Thanks for the tip.  I put the constants outside the array and noticed a little improvement in the speed.  I know I could improve the speed by using the binary file VI's but I need the files as tab delimited text files to import them into MATLAB for another group to do analysis.  I have not had any luck converting binary files into text files.  Is there an easy way to do that?  I don't know enough about binary file systems to use them.  I looked at the high speed data logger examples but they seemed complicated and hard to adapt to what I need to do.  Creating the binary header file seemed like a chore. 
    I am up for more advice on the VI I posted, or suggestions on different ways to convert a binary file to a MATLAB readable text file.

  • Problem in Merging PDF files

    Need to print batches of PDF.<br />The command copy *.PDF > LPT1: (redirected by NET USE) doesn't work.<br />On the printer I get an error message. All files are sent in one file.<br />.<br />I guess this is related to the PDF header which is not set correctly for the second PDF copied.<br />I mean, according to the PDF Reference guide, the proper syntax for a PDF file header is for the "%PDF-<version>" comment to be the first line of the PDF file. The recommended second line is a comment line with four binary characters to indicate the file contains binary information.<br />.<br />Acrobat requires only that the header appears somewhere within the first 1024 bytes of the file.<br />.<br />I guess the Rip is not able to convert PDF into PS before its interpretation as the second header exceeds 1024. Even the combined file has %%EOF before each PDF Header, this is probably not enough to merge them without problem.<br />.<br />Did you experience the same ?<br />Thanks for your comments.<br />Regards.<br />Franck

    You can build your own PDF merge utility using the PDF Merge and split libraries for .NET from from or .
    You can use it to merge PDF files, html files, text files and images,
    set the page orientation, compression level and page size.
    All this can be accomplished with only a few lines of code:
    PdfDocumentOptions pdfDocumentOptions = new PdfDocumentOptions();
    pdfDocumentOptions.PdfCompressionLevel = PDFCompressionLevel.Normal;
    pdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize = PdfPageSize.A4; pdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageOrientation = PDFPageOrientation.Portrait;
    PDFMerge pdfMerge = new PDFMerge(pdfDocumentOptions);

  • Merging Different Files Using XI

    Hi All,
    I hav a scenrio where i have to merger 'n' no of files into a single file and push it to some location on the FTP.
    xxx                 (Content of File2)
    ppppppppppp                 (Content of File3)
    uuuuuuuuu                    (Content of File4)
    <u><i>File5</i></u>:             (Content of File5)
    <u><i>File6</i></u>:              (Content of File6)
    <u><i>Filen</i></u>:              (Content of Filen)
    Each of the Source file contains different Message Type from other files. All these files are on local drive.
    Can any one help me out in this regard? Any help wud b highly appreciated.
    Thnx in Advance

    Hi All,
    First of all,thanx a lot for ur answers.
    1) I dont wanna use BPM coz it doesn't make sense to create N different messages types and put it in a fork.
    2) Even though I go for a BPM, i can't acheive this as i dont have any common field among all the message type which ensures the Correlation.
    These are just text files which have to be merged in the same order of their creation. we dont need any mapping r any other XI functionality. I just wanna create something like a batch process in XI which merges all the files and moves to a particular location. I hav to do this in XI as i can monitor the whole scenario end to end with in XI.
    Any suggestion guys?

  • JS - Save File as Field Name in the Data Merge Source File

    Hi All - I need some help...
    I'm trying to figure out the JavaScript code to save an indd file using the data merge source file field value.
    As an example...
    Let's say I have an invoice template called template.indd that is linked to invoice.txt.
    To make it easy, let's say the text file has 1 field called "invoice number" with a value of 123
    I run data merge.
    Now I want to save the merged indd file as 123.indd
    I've got everything figured out in JS except getting the source text file data into a variable to use when saving.  This one's been giving me fits for hours!
    Is this possible??
    Thanks very much

    Did you ever get this to work?

  • Insufficient System Resources when merging large files

    My client is running on Windows Server 2003, 64 bit. He has 30 gig of RAM and a large amount of file storage. The drives are NTFS.
    I have a program that produces a number of text files from different processes, and then merges them when done. After running the code for many days (we're working with a lot of data), the merge process is failing with "Insufficient System Resources Exist to complete the requested process".
    Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service
    at Method)
    at Source)
    at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder.writeBytes(Unknown Source)
    at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder.implWrite(Unknown Source)
    at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder.write(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at functionality.ScenarioThreadedLoanProcessor.processLoans(
    at functionality.ScenarioThreadedLoanProcessor.construct(
    at utility.SwingWorker$
    at Source)
    I've investigated this problem in other places, and most of the answers seem to not apply to my case.
    I've looked a this:
    But I am not using file channels (I don't think...), and I am copying data in chunks of <32MB.
    Here's the relevant code (I realize I don't need to be re-allocating the buffer, that's a legacy from an older version, but I don't think that's the cause.)
    There are usually four threads, 1-4 reports, and 1 scenario, so this loop shouldn't be executing thousands and thousands of times.
    for (int scenario = 0; scenario < scenarios.size(); scenario++)
                        for (int report = 0; report < reportPages.size(); report++)
                             for (LoanThread ln : loanThreads)
                                  BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(ln.reportPtr.get(
                                            (scenario * reportPages.size()) + report).getFileName())));
                                  br.readLine();//header, throw away
                                  BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(formReport.get((scenario * reportPages.size()) + report)
                                            .getFileName(), true));//append
                                  char[] bu = new char[1024 * 1024 * 16];
                                  int charsRead = 0;
                                  while ((charsRead = != -1)
                                       bw.write(bu, 0, charsRead);
                                  File f = new File(ln.reportPtr.get((scenario * reportPages.size()) + report).getFileName());
    Any thoughts?Edited by: LizardSF on Jul 29, 2011 8:11 AM
    Edited by: sabre150 on 29-Jul-2011 09:02
    Added [ code] tags to make the code (more) readable

    1) You can allocate the buffer at the start of the outer loop to save the GC working overtime. You might even be able to move it out of the loops all together but I would need to see more code to be sure of that.+1. Exactly. This is the most important change you must do.
    The other change I would make is to reduce the buffer size. The disk only works in units of 4-16k at a time anyway. You will be surprised how much you can reduce it without affecting performance at all. I would cut it down to no more than a megabyte.
    You could also speed it up probably by a factor of at least two by using InputStreams and OutputStreams and a byte[] buffer, instead of Readers and Writers and char[], as you're only copying the file anyway. Also, those BufferedReaders and Writers are contributing nothing much, in fact nothing after the readLine(), as you are already using a huge buffer. Finally, you should also investigate FileChannel.transferTo() to get even more performance, and no heap memory usage whatsoever. Note that like your copy loop above, you have to check the result it returns and loop until the copy is complete. There are also upper limits on the transferCount that are imposed by the operating system and will cause exceptions, so again don't try to set it too big. A megabyte is again sufficient.

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