Merging two faces

In Aperture's Faces naming feature, what is the way to merge two names into one/
Example: Five pictures of me as Hansjurg1, and six different pictures of me as Hansjurg2.  Result after merging Hansjurg1 and Hansjurg2 into Hansjurg1: I want eleven pictures.
(Yes, I made a typo once and periodically it comes back to haunt me when I search for a particular person's image).
I'd appreciate your suggestions.

In the Faces View, drag one Faces stack on top of the other and the faces will be merged. If you want to keep Hansjurg1 drag Hansjurg2 on top of Hansjurg1.

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    Are you talking about iPhoto or Photos? If Photos, do you mean that Photos has several files for the same person but they are labeled differently and you are trying to merge them as one? If so, then you have to rename one of the files to match the other one with the correct name.  If this is not what you mean then could you explain more clearly what you mean. To give an example if I click on Faces and Photos shows me all named faces in the top and on the bottom there are suggested faces that can be dragged onto a face in the top level to merge.  If you try to merge two face groups in the top level that are the same person but for some reason the faces are labeled differently you have to label them with the name you want to use and then they will automatically merge.

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    In iPhoto '11: Select the photo in the "Faces" stack, open the "Info" panel, click on the face name in the "faces" brick and then on the name below the face to edit the name.

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    The only way to merge two libraryies is to use  iPhoto Library Manager which will merge two libraries and keep keywords, titles, faces, places, and other metadata intact.
    If one imports one library into another library every image file in the first library, originals, thumbnails, face files, etc,  get imported as an original photo. You will end up with a total mess.  DO NOT IMPORT ONE LIBRARY INTO ANOTHER LIBRARY!
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    You can't merge history otherwise then using Sync to store the history and bookmarks of one places.sqlite on the Sync server and then disconnect.<br />
    Copy the second places.sqlite file to your Firefox profile folder with Firefox closed.
    Then setup Sync once again using that account and merge the content on the Sync server with your computer.
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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    You cannot merge accounts, you will need to choose one and use it.

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    HeyStupid wrote:
    how do I merge two valid, purchased iTunes accounts into one so all my music is in same account?
    You cannot. iTunes pruchases remian tied to the account they were purchased with.
    I just got a new iPad and set up second iTunes account,
    Remove your info from new account, update old account as needed and use that.

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    There is no merge but you can move data from one account to another via the Shared folder. Data is copied from Shared. Watch your free space when copying. These are large files.  Do one at a time if you are on a small drive. After making copy, delete from other users before you start next copy.
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    This should do the trick
    Home Sharing Learn More
    Best of Luck

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     Cheers, Tom

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    You can COLLECT statement only if all non key fields are numeric.
    This statement Adds all such fields and give us a single record.
    Sumit Agarwal

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