"Message Driven Bean" doesn't work with Sun App Server

Hello all,
i have a little bit problems, running a simple "Message Driven Bean" under the Sun App Server. The deployment of it works fine, but after starting the SUN App Server i get the following error message:
An error occurred during the message-driven beancontainer initialization at runtime. The most common cause for this is that the physical resource(e.g. Queue) from which the message-driven bean is consuming either does not exist or has been configured incorrectly. Another common error is that the message-driven bean implementation class does not correctly implement the required javax.ejb.MessageBean or MessageListener interfaces.
Has anybody a workaround for this problem?
The queue seems to be correctly installed. A simple client programm from the Sun Tutorial (Consumer & Producer) works fine without any Errors or Exceptions.
I am a little bit confused, because the queue seems to work with the client programms but not with a MDB running on the SUN App Server.
Thanks for you help!

Hello Mr Manuel!
could you plz help me with the steps for creating a message driven bean using netbeans ver 5.0(with Sun Java� System Application Server Platform Edition 8.2 )
I just know how to work with Session beans & Entity Bean, and am try to learn to work on Message Driven Beans too. there are no proper tutorials where i can find steps for creating these..
I need the steps from the scratch.,like creating QueueConnection Factory & Destination etc..
It will be gr8 if you can help me with this at the earliest .
Thank you

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         <h:form id="imageForm" enctype="multipart/form-data">
         <h:messages showDetail="true" />
         <table width="980" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#A9B8C2">
                   <h:inputHidden value="#{Screen1.initializeService}"/>
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         public String getInitializeService() {
              ..... Retrieve all the data from DB to initialize all the components on the JSP page
              ........set the values of the individal component...
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         For Server 8.0
         private boolean jspxmeth_h_inputHidden_0(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag jspxth_h_form_0, PageContext jspxpage_context)
         throws Throwable {
         JspWriter out = jspxpage_context.getOut();
         // h:inputHidden
         com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.InputHiddenTag jspxth_h_inputHidden_0 = (com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.InputHiddenTag) jspxtagPool_h_inputHidden_value.get(com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.InputHiddenTag.class);
         jspxth_h_inputHidden_0.setParent((javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag) jspxth_h_form_0);
         int jspxeval_h_inputHidden_0 = jspxth_h_inputHidden_0.doStartTag();
         if (_jspx_th_h_inputHidden_0.doEndTag() == javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag.SKIP_PAGE)
         return true;
         return false;
         For Server 8.1
         private boolean jspxmeth_h_inputHidden_0(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag jspxth_h_form_0, PageContext jspxpage_context)
         throws Throwable {
         PageContext pageContext = jspxpage_context;
         JspWriter out = jspxpage_context.getOut();
         // h:inputHidden
         com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.InputHiddenTag jspxth_h_inputHidden_0 = (com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.InputHiddenTag) jspxtagPool_h_inputHidden_value_nobody.get(com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.InputHiddenTag.class);
         jspxth_h_inputHidden_0.setParent((javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag) jspxth_h_form_0);
         int jspxeval_h_inputHidden_0 = jspxth_h_inputHidden_0.doStartTag();
         if (_jspx_th_h_inputHidden_0.doEndTag() == javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag.SKIP_PAGE)
         return true;
         return false;
         Now the actual problem is "getInitializeService" method never gets called when i deploy and run the application on Sun App Server8.1
         However with Sun App Server 8.0 it woeks perfectly fine.
         Can anybody help me in resolving these issues ?

    Actually generated JSP code can be referred as ...
    For Server 8.0
         private boolean jspxmeth_h_inputHidden_0(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag jspxth_h_form_0, PageContext jspxpage_context)
         throws Throwable {
         JspWriter out = jspxpage_context.getOut();
         // h:inputHidden
         com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.InputHiddenTag jspxth_h_inputHidden_0 = (com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.InputHiddenTag) jspxtagPool_h_inputHidden_value.get(com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.InputHiddenTag.class);
         jspxth_h_inputHidden_0.setParent((javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag) jspxth_h_form_0);
         int jspxeval_h_inputHidden_0 = jspxth_h_inputHidden_0.doStartTag();
         if (_jspx_th_h_inputHidden_0.doEndTag() == javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag.SKIP_PAGE)
         return true;
         return false;
         For Server 8.1
         private boolean jspxmeth_h_inputHidden_0(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag jspxth_h_form_0, PageContext jspxpage_context)
         throws Throwable {
         PageContext pageContext = jspxpage_context;
         JspWriter out = jspxpage_context.getOut();
         // h:inputHidden
         com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.InputHiddenTag jspxth_h_inputHidden_0 = (com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.InputHiddenTag) jspxtagPool_h_inputHidden_value_nobody.get(com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.InputHiddenTag.class);
         jspxth_h_inputHidden_0.setParent((javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag) jspxth_h_form_0);
         int jspxeval_h_inputHidden_0 = jspxth_h_inputHidden_0.doStartTag();
         if (_jspx_th_h_inputHidden_0.doEndTag() == javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag.SKIP_PAGE)
         return true;
         return false;

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    $ps -ax
    get the process number of sjas and try issuing a:
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  • Just a primitive Message Driven Bean doen not work!

              I have a simple Message EJB and can't make it recive messages. For two days I can't
              get what's wrong - I've read already three tutorials, but... still nothing. No
              exceptions... but no messages.
              Here is it.
              all files are in attach too...
              Thank you!!!
              The bean:
              package JMSTest;
              import javax.ejb.*;
              import javax.jms.*;
              import weblogic.ejb.*;
              import EntityTest.TestEntHome;
              import EntityTest.TestEntLocal;
              import javax.naming.InitialContext;
              import javax.naming.NamingException;
              * @ejbgen:message-driven initial-beans-in-free-pool="1" transaction-type="Container"
              * ejb-name = TestJMS
              * destination-jndi-name = jmstest
              * destination-type = javax.jms.Queue
              * @ejbgen:ejb-local-ref
              * name="ejb/testlink" local="EntityTest.TestEntLocal" link="testentlink"
              * home="EntityTest.TestEntLocalHome"
              * type="Entity"
              * jndi-name="ent.TestEntLocalHome"
              public class TestJMS
              extends GenericMessageDrivenBean
              implements MessageDrivenBean, MessageListener
              private TestEntHome teh;
              public void ejbCreate() {
              try {
              System.out.println("in create");
              javax.naming.Context ic = new InitialContext();
              teh = (TestEntHome)ic.lookup("ejb.TestEntLocalHome");
              catch(NamingException ne) {
              System.out.println("Encountered the following naming exception: "
              + ne.getMessage());
              public void onMessage(Message msg) {
              System.out.println("in onMessage");
              MapMessage tmsg = (MapMessage)msg;
              TestEntLocal tel = teh.create(tmsg.getString("message"));
              } catch(JMSException e){
              } catch(CreateException e){
              // Your code here
              And The Client. I run client in Idea - not in workshop...:
              import javax.naming.*;
              import javax.ejb.CreateException;
              import javax.ejb.EJBException;
              import javax.ejb.FinderException;
              import javax.naming.InitialContext;
              import javax.naming.NamingException;
              import javax.jms.*;
              import java.util.Hashtable;
              import weblogic.jms.client.JMSConnectionFactory;
              import weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession;
              import weblogic.jms.client.JMSConnection;
              public class Main
              private static QueueConnectionFactory factory;
              private static Queue queue;
              private static Context getInitialContext() throws NamingException {
              Hashtable environment = new Hashtable();
              environment.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory");
              // environment.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces");
              environment.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "t3://localhost:7001");
              return new InitialContext(environment);
              public static void main(String argsp[]){
              try {
              javax.naming.Context ic = getInitialContext();
              factory = (JMSConnectionFactory) ic.lookup("QueueFactory");
              queue = (Queue) ic.lookup("jmstest");
              catch (NamingException ne) {
              throw new EJBException(ne);
              try {
              //send a message
              QueueConnection connect = factory.createQueueConnection();
              QueueSession session = connect.createQueueSession(true,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
              QueueSender sender = session.createSender(queue);
              MapMessage recordingMsg = session.createMapMessage();
              recordingMsg.setString("message", "Im here");
              catch(JMSException ne) {
              throw new EJBException(ne);
              /* catch(CreateException ce) {
              throw new EJBException(ce);
              catch(FinderException fe) {
              throw new EJBException(fe);
              With classpath:
              <root type="composite">
              <root type="output" />
              <root type="jdk" rootType="classPath" name="BEA java version "1.4.1_05""
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/avalon-framework.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/batik.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/certificate.war!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/debugging.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/EccpressoAsn1.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/EccpressoCore.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/EccpressoJcae.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/ejbgen.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/fop.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/jconn2.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/jConnect.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/JDIProxy.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/knex.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/mssqlserver4v65.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/ojdbc14.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/QueueTransportEJB.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/uddi.war!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/uddiexplorer.war!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/webserviceclient+ssl.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/webserviceclient+ssl_pj.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/webserviceclient.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wl-j2ee-client.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wlai-control.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wlcipher.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wlclient.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wldb2.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wleorb.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wlepool.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wli.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wlinformix.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wljmsclient.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wljtaclient.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wloracle.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wlspy.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wlsqlserver.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wlsybase.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wlutil.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wlw-lang.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wlxbean.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wsclient81.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wsse.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/xbean.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/xbeansrc.zip!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/xmlstream.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/xmlx.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/xqrl.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/weblogic.jar!/"
              <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/user_projects/applications/Test4JMS/JMSandEntity.jar!/"

              Your sender is transacted!
              But the sender client never calls
              "session.commit()" - which is required
              to commit the work for transacted sessions.
              So the sender message never gets sent.
              If you don't want a transacted session,
              pass "false" to "createQueueSession()" rather
              than "true" and the send
              will occur immediately.
              P.S. For more info on transacted
              sessions see the JMS FAQ and the
              JMS Programmer's Guide.
              Mikler wrote:
              > I have a simple Message EJB and can't make it recive messages. For two days I can't
              > get what's wrong - I've read already three tutorials, but... still nothing. No
              > exceptions... but no messages.
              > Here is it.
              > all files are in attach too...
              > Thank you!!!
              > The bean:
              > package JMSTest;
              > import javax.ejb.*;
              > import javax.jms.*;
              > import weblogic.ejb.*;
              > import EntityTest.TestEntHome;
              > import EntityTest.TestEntLocal;
              > import javax.naming.InitialContext;
              > import javax.naming.NamingException;
              > /**
              > * @ejbgen:message-driven initial-beans-in-free-pool="1" transaction-type="Container"
              > clients-on-same-server="false"
              > * ejb-name = TestJMS
              > * destination-jndi-name = jmstest
              > * destination-type = javax.jms.Queue
              > *
              > * @ejbgen:ejb-local-ref
              > * name="ejb/testlink" local="EntityTest.TestEntLocal" link="testentlink"
              > * home="EntityTest.TestEntLocalHome"
              > * type="Entity"
              > * jndi-name="ent.TestEntLocalHome"
              > *
              > *
              > */
              > public class TestJMS
              > extends GenericMessageDrivenBean
              > implements MessageDrivenBean, MessageListener
              > {
              > private TestEntHome teh;
              > public void ejbCreate() {
              > try {
              > System.out.println("in create");
              > javax.naming.Context ic = new InitialContext();
              > teh = (TestEntHome)ic.lookup("ejb.TestEntLocalHome");
              > }
              > catch(NamingException ne) {
              > System.out.println("Encountered the following naming exception: "
              > + ne.getMessage());
              > }
              > }
              > public void onMessage(Message msg) {
              > System.out.println("in onMessage");
              > MapMessage tmsg = (MapMessage)msg;
              > try{           
              > TestEntLocal tel = teh.create(tmsg.getString("message"));
              > } catch(JMSException e){
              > e.printStackTrace();
              > } catch(CreateException e){
              > e.printStackTrace();
              > }
              > // Your code here
              > }
              > }
              > And The Client. I run client in Idea - not in workshop...:
              > import javax.naming.*;
              > import javax.ejb.CreateException;
              > import javax.ejb.EJBException;
              > import javax.ejb.FinderException;
              > import javax.naming.InitialContext;
              > import javax.naming.NamingException;
              > import javax.jms.*;
              > import java.util.Hashtable;
              > import weblogic.jms.client.JMSConnectionFactory;
              > import weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession;
              > import weblogic.jms.client.JMSConnection;
              > public class Main
              > {
              > private static QueueConnectionFactory factory;
              > private static Queue queue;
              > private static Context getInitialContext() throws NamingException {
              > Hashtable environment = new Hashtable();
              > environment.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory");
              > // environment.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces");
              > environment.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "t3://localhost:7001");
              > return new InitialContext(environment);
              > }
              > public static void main(String argsp[]){
              > try {
              > javax.naming.Context ic = getInitialContext();
              > factory = (JMSConnectionFactory) ic.lookup("QueueFactory");
              > queue = (Queue) ic.lookup("jmstest");
              > }
              > catch (NamingException ne) {
              > throw new EJBException(ne);
              > }
              > try {
              > //send a message
              > QueueConnection connect = factory.createQueueConnection();
              > QueueSession session = connect.createQueueSession(true,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
              > QueueSender sender = session.createSender(queue);
              > MapMessage recordingMsg = session.createMapMessage();
              > recordingMsg.setString("message", "Im here");
              > connect.start();
              > sender.send(recordingMsg);
              > connect.close();
              > }
              > catch(JMSException ne) {
              > throw new EJBException(ne);
              > }
              > /* catch(CreateException ce) {
              > throw new EJBException(ce);
              > }
              > catch(FinderException fe) {
              > throw new EJBException(fe);
              > }
              > */
              > }
              > }
              > /*
              > With classpath:
              > <root type="composite">
              > <root type="output" />
              > <root type="jdk" rootType="classPath" name="BEA java version "1.4.1_05""
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/avalon-framework.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/batik.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/certificate.war!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/debugging.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/EccpressoAsn1.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/EccpressoCore.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/EccpressoJcae.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/ejbgen.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/fop.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/jconn2.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/jConnect.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/JDIProxy.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/knex.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/mssqlserver4v65.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/ojdbc14.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/QueueTransportEJB.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/uddi.war!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/uddiexplorer.war!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/webserviceclient+ssl.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/webserviceclient+ssl_pj.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/webserviceclient.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wl-j2ee-client.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wlai-control.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wlcipher.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wlclient.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wldb2.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wleorb.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wlepool.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wli.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wlinformix.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wljmsclient.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wljtaclient.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wloracle.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wlspy.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wlsqlserver.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wlsybase.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wlutil.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wlw-lang.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wlxbean.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wsclient81.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/wsse.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/xbean.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/xbeansrc.zip!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/xmlstream.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/xmlx.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/xqrl.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/weblogic.jar!/"
              > />
              > <root type="simple" url="jar://D:/bea/user_projects/applications/Test4JMS/JMSandEntity.jar!/"
              > />
              > </root>
              > </classPath>
              > */

  • Delete email in mavericks mac mail doesn't work with google app

    I've got a macbook pro retina. I've received it with mavericks pre-installed, I've done the update to 10.9.1.
    I got a google app account it was use previously with mac mail on mac os X 10.8.
    I've resetup it with the all mail settings imap shown. The "Auto-Expunge on" is set to  "- Immediately update the server. (default)"
    The problems are:
    - each time I delete a message in inbox it re-appear if I click on another folder (like sent) and go back to inbox.
    - if I move a message from inbox to a local folder it doesn't move it, It copy it. Before mavericks that feature was working.
    Could you tell me what are the right settings in google app mail to set to work well with mavericks?
    Thanks a lot, this new mac mail app is hard to work with...

    18 ways to view the ~/Library folder in Lion | Macworld

  • IPhone 2.0 doesn't work with my exchange server

    My tech support guys have been working on my iPhone for an entire day and couldn't get it to work with the server. They are telling me that the phone isn't compatible with the exchange server and it would require an entire overhaul of our server and reconfiguration to get it to work. I thought the new iPhone was supposed to be so easy to use. I am so ready to ditch my blackberry and so very disappointed that I can't get the iPhone to work with our server. Macintosh support was completely useless to help figure out this problem- as they said they don't offer support to third party software- yet this phone is supposed to work with the Microsoft Exchange Server?! Can anyone offer any help?
    Below is the explanation my tech support gave me:
    I wanted to reach out to you to update you with your iPhone working on the peacock exchange. After spending considerable time with both AT&T and Macintosh, getting the phone to operate with exchange as easy as Macintosh advertises, has ended in a failure. Your phone device itself, is properly updated and has all the correct settings. Where the problem lies for you is on the Microsoft server end. This is where the server will have to have additional software and updates installed which would effect and change the peacock network environment. This can be potentially accomplished, however it will need to be evaluated for the additional costs and potential risks to the server and environment. That’s why BlackBerry is so popular with business networks, because it does not affect the Microsoft Exchange mail services in any shape or form. Blackberry runs on its own server service which acts as the bridge to communicate with the Microsoft service.
    AT&T was very helpful and tried everything they could to aid us. Macintosh on the other hand, was not very helpful. After a few unsuccessful attempts, Macintosh just came out and said that they do not support 3rd party software (i.e Microsoft Products). You can give Macintosh a try, and see if you end with better results.

    wcadesign wrote:
    Below is the explanation my tech support gave me:
    I wanted to reach out to you to update you with your iPhone working on the peacock exchange. After spending considerable time with both AT&T and Macintosh, getting the phone to operate with exchange as easy as Macintosh advertises, has ended in a failure. Your phone device itself, is properly updated and has all the correct settings. Where the problem lies for you is on the Microsoft server end. This is where the server will have to have additional software and updates installed which would effect and change the peacock network environment. This can be potentially accomplished, however it will need to be evaluated for the additional costs and potential risks to the server and environment. That’s why BlackBerry is so popular with business networks, because it does not affect the Microsoft Exchange mail services in any shape or form. Blackberry runs on its own server service which acts as the bridge to communicate with the Microsoft service.
    Actually Blackberry has two options, one where they pull from your server and then push it to your phone as described. Alternatively you can install their software on your server to relay. Both require additional services, software and fees. Instead the iPhone uses the ActiveSync included in the Exchange server, which is the same protocol used to communicate with Windows Mobile based devices.
    AT&T was very helpful and tried everything they could to aid us. Macintosh on the other hand, was not very helpful. After a few unsuccessful attempts, Macintosh just came out and said that they do not support 3rd party software (i.e Microsoft Products). You can give Macintosh a try, and see if you end with better results.
    Essentially Apple does not configure Microsoft Exchange for your admins. We do provide a list of what versions of ActiveSync and which ActiveSync features we support. However, ActiveSync is part of the Microsoft Exchange server maintained and configured by your Exchange server admins.
    Hope this helps,
    Nathan C.

  • Access Manger with sun app server 8.1 configuration problem

    I have installed Access Manger on web Server 6 through JES 5 with configure later option, its working fine.
    Now I am trying to install with same options on Sun Application Server 8, AM deployed properly on App server, but when I am trying to launch the access manager console it giving error...
    root cause
         sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    Please any body tell me the solution.


  • Does JSF 1.1_01 works on Sun App Server 7/Portal 6.2 ?

    i'm get an error (NullPointerException) while submitting form on this configuration. Same example using JSF 1.1 works fine. I know 1.1_01 requires App Server 8 but there is no windows version of Portal Server working with App Server 8...

    For future references:
    this happens to me too and I found that the cause is that the AM server you are going to configure, is already registered into the directory server.
    Try running this command (with the obvious parameters substituted)
    ldapsearch -B -T -D 'cn=directory manager' -w YOUR_CREDENTIALS -b ou=1.0,ou=iPlanetAMPlatformService,ou=services,YOUR_BASEDN -s base objectclass=* | grep YOUR_SERVERNAMEIf you found that the server you are configuring is listed here try going to AMserver console (if you have another AMserver configured) and browse to Configuration->System Properties->Platforms. If the server is here, remove it, if not, just hit Save (very important).
    If this is your first AM and is a first installation you can just get rid of the Directory Server suffix and recreate it with the Top Entry alone.
    Edited by: flistello on Mar 27, 2008 4:30 PM

  • MDB(Message Driven Bean) is not working in MDM2.0.1

    I am trying to use MDB for importing files.I followed the Weblogic_jms_Integration(1308181.1) document and i created all the xml files CM_config.xmCM_ejb-jar.xml.wls.jms_1.includel.win.exit_4.include,CM_config.xml.win.jms.include,CM_ejb-jar.xml.wls.mdb.include,CM_weblogic-ejb-jar.xml.jms.include and put these files in respective directory as mentioned in the document.I have created one XAI inbound service ,XAI JNDI Servers,JMS Connection,Jms Queue and i am putting my msgs in queue in web logic server.But it is nt picking files from queues.It is showing some errors like:
    Table CI_XAI_JNDI_SVR has a maintenance program entry CIPXJSVR that is not found in the program components table
    I think here MDB is nt enabling thats why it is not picking the files from queue.
    But we are able to pick that files from queue by MPL.
    Please help me in this regards.

    I am trying to use MDB for importing files.I followed the Weblogic_jms_Integration(1308181.1) document and i created all the xml files CM_config.xmCM_ejb-jar.xml.wls.jms_1.includel.win.exit_4.include,CM_config.xml.win.jms.include,CM_ejb-jar.xml.wls.mdb.include,CM_weblogic-ejb-jar.xml.jms.include and put these files in respective directory as mentioned in the document.I have created one XAI inbound service ,XAI JNDI Servers,JMS Connection,Jms Queue and i am putting my msgs in queue in web logic server.But it is nt picking files from queues.It is showing some errors like:
    Table CI_XAI_JNDI_SVR has a maintenance program entry CIPXJSVR that is not found in the program components table
    I think here MDB is nt enabling thats why it is not picking the files from queue.
    But we are able to pick that files from queue by MPL.
    Please help me in this regards.

  • After 10.4.6 upgrade, sound doesn't work with certain apps.

    I upgraded recently to 10.4.6 and I've noted that there's no sound at all in certain applications. At the beginning, some games didn't work: Age of Empires II, Age of Mythology and Doom (curiously, I can hear music but no sounds in all of them). But later on I saw that the problem affects Virtual PC as well (approximate translation from original Spanish message): "Virtual PC can not reproduce sounds - Virtual PC couldn't start Macintosh audio system. This problem may be solved with a more recent version of Mac OS".
    In addition, I neither hear sound in streaming services like YouTube.com.
    Rest of the sound (system sounds, music, movies and so on) work perfectly.
    Any idea? Thanks a lot in advance.

    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    No sound from some applications, but system alert sounds play (Mac OS X 10.3, 10.4) may provide an answer for your question.

  • Safari 5 doesn't work with my Helpdesk Server "x-msg" problem

    I use ManageEngine's ServiceDesk to handle customer problems (hosted on a web server), since upgrading my MacBook to Safari 5 I cannot reply to them via the web interface. I get the following error
    Safari can’t open “x-msg://9/SDNotify.do?notifyModule=Request&mode=E-Mail&id=1207&notifyTo=REQREP LY&groupId=0” because Mac OS X doesn’t recognize Internet addresses starting with “x-msg:”.
    Does anyone know of a work-around for this whilst I wait for ManageEngine to roll out a fix?

    I use ManageEngine's ServiceDesk to handle customer problems (hosted on a web server), since upgrading my MacBook to Safari 5 I cannot reply to them via the web interface. I get the following error
    Safari can’t open “x-msg://9/SDNotify.do?notifyModule=Request&mode=E-Mail&id=1207&notifyTo=REQREP LY&groupId=0” because Mac OS X doesn’t recognize Internet addresses starting with “x-msg:”.
    Does anyone know of a work-around for this whilst I wait for ManageEngine to roll out a fix?

  • Native ldap client doesn't work with an openldap Server : No root DSE data

    My configuration :
    - an openldap 2.2.23 server (linux debian) (server name = serv_annu)
    - a ldap client (solaris 10) (server name = client_annu)
    I want to configure my client by using Solaris Native ldap and I follow the excellent doc of gary tay (http://web.singnet.com.sg/~garyttt)
    I use TLS and I had generated a certificate by using Mozilla . TLS works because ldapsearch from my solaris client works:
    +# ldapsearch -h server_annu -p 636 -b"dc=mydomain,dc=fr" -s base -Z -P /var/ldap/cert8.db "objectclass=*"+
    version: 1
    dn: dc=mydomain,dc=fr
    dc: mydomain
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: dcObject
    objectClass: organization
    objectClass: nisDomainObject
    nisDomain: mydomain.fr
    o: mydomain
    Apr 2 09:52:40 server_annu slapd[17068]: conn=267 fd=10 ACCEPT from IP= (IP=
    Apr 2 09:52:40 server_annu slapd[17068]: conn=267 op=0 SRCH base="dc=mydomain,dc=fr" scope=0 deref=0 filter="(objectClass=*)"
    Apr 2 09:52:40 server_annu slapd[17068]: conn=267 op=0 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=1 text=
    Apr 2 09:52:40 server_annu slapd[17068]: conn=267 op=1 UNBIND
    Apr 2 09:52:40 server_annu slapd[17068]: conn=267 fd=10 closed
    1) I add DUAConfigProfile.schema and solaris.schema on my openldap server.
    2) I add a nisDomainObject at the root DN (see the result of the ldapsearch above)
    3) I Add ACL in slapd.conf to allow reading of rootDSE.
    access to dn.base="" by ssf=128 * read
    4) I launch on my solaris client
    crle -u -s /usr/lib/mps
    crle -64 -u -s /usr/lib/mps/64
    5) I can't apply result.c patch on my openldap server (production server!) then I can't create /var/ldap/ldap_client_file and /var/ldap/ldap_client_cred by using ldapclient command. Then I create manually /var/ldap/ldap_client_file and /var/ldap/ldap_client_cred : the syntax is correct because the "ldapclient list" command works :
    +# ldapclient list+
    NS_LDAP_BINDDN= uid=toto,ou=People,dc=people1,dc=mydomain,dc=fr
    +NS_LDAP_BINDPASSWD= {NS1}ecfa88f3a945c411+
    NS_LDAP_SERVERS= server_annu
    NS_LDAP_SEARCH_BASEDN= dc=mydomain,dc=fr
    NS_LDAP_AUTH= tls:simple
    NOTE : I've had to add NS_LDAP_BINDDN and NS_LDAP_BINDPASSWD even if I use anonymous credential level because I get an error when I launch ldap client process.
    Then here, everything is apparently OK but when I enable ldap client process the cachemgr process is running about 30s then it crashes:
    svcadm disable /network/ldap/client;svcadm enable /network/ldap/client
    +/etc/init.d/nscd stop;/etc/init.d/nscd start+
    Apr 2 09:54:59 server_annu slapd[17068]: conn=268 fd=10 ACCEPT from IP= (IP=
    Apr 2 09:54:59 server_annu slapd[17068]: conn=268 op=0 SRCH base="" scope=0 deref=0 filter="(objectClass=*)"
    Apr 2 09:54:59 server_annu slapd[17068]: conn=268 op=0 SRCH attr=supportedControl supportedsaslmechanisms
    Apr 2 09:54:59 server_annu slapd[17068]: conn=268 op=0 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=0 text=
    Apr 2 09:54:59 server_annu slapd[17068]: conn=268 op=1 UNBIND
    Apr 2 09:54:59 server_annu slapd[17068]: conn=268 fd=10 closed
    Apr 2 09:54:59 server_annu slapd[17068]: conn=269 fd=10 ACCEPT from IP= (IP=
    Apr 2 09:54:59 server_annu slapd[17068]: conn=269 op=0 SRCH base="" scope=0 deref=0 filter="(objectClass=*)"
    Apr 2 09:54:59 server_annu slapd[17068]: conn=269 op=0 SRCH attr=supportedControl supportedsaslmechanisms
    Apr 2 09:54:59 server_annu slapd[17068]: conn=269 op=0 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=0 text=
    Apr 2 09:54:59 server_annu slapd[17068]: conn=269 op=1 UNBIND
    Apr 2 09:54:59 server_annu slapd[17068]: conn=269 fd=10 closed...
    +# /usr/lib/ldap/ldap_cachemgr -g+
    cachemgr configuration:
    server debug level 0
    server log file "/var/ldap/cachemgr.log"
    number of calls to ldapcachemgr 2
    cachemgr cache data statistics:
    Configuration refresh information:
    Previous refresh time: 2008/04/02 09:58:12
    Next refresh time: 2008/04/02 21:58:12
    Server information:
    Previous refresh time: 2008/04/02 09:58:32
    Next refresh time: 2008/04/02 09:58:33
    server: server_annu, status: ERROR
    error message: No root DSE data returned.*
    Cache data information:
    Maximum cache entries: 256
    Number of cache entries: 0
    My problem is why I get the following error message : No root DSE data returned.
    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Is your OpenLDAP server configured to allow anonymous read of the rootDSE attributes ?

  • Deployment error with sun app server 8.2

    i'm a newbieto java programming.
    i'm following the j2ee tutorial.
    but i'm stuck when deploying
    could anyone help me on this?
    thanks in advance.
    Distributing /opt/CustomerBook/dist/customerbook.ear to [localhost:4848_server]
    Unable to construct properties list for: getConnectionPoolProperties
    deployment started : 0%
    Deployment error: Deployment timed out after 120 seconds.. See the messages.log file for details.
    /opt/CustomerBook/nbproject/build-impl.xml:219: Deployment error: Deployment timed out after 120 seconds.. See the messages.log file for details.
    BUILD FAILED (total time: 2 minutes 54 seconds)
    line 219:
    ** <nbdeploy clientModuleUri="${client.module.uri}" clientUrlPart="${client.urlPart}" forceRedeploy="${forceRedeploy}" debugmode="false"/>**

    For future references:
    this happens to me too and I found that the cause is that the AM server you are going to configure, is already registered into the directory server.
    Try running this command (with the obvious parameters substituted)
    ldapsearch -B -T -D 'cn=directory manager' -w YOUR_CREDENTIALS -b ou=1.0,ou=iPlanetAMPlatformService,ou=services,YOUR_BASEDN -s base objectclass=* | grep YOUR_SERVERNAMEIf you found that the server you are configuring is listed here try going to AMserver console (if you have another AMserver configured) and browse to Configuration->System Properties->Platforms. If the server is here, remove it, if not, just hit Save (very important).
    If this is your first AM and is a first installation you can just get rid of the Directory Server suffix and recreate it with the Top Entry alone.
    Edited by: flistello on Mar 27, 2008 4:30 PM

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