Message Error help me please

Message Error when run Application A_Anexo_7:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: etica.Anexo_7
     void etica.A_Anexo_7.<init>()

     void etica.A_Anexo_7.main(java.lang.String[])

The JVM cannot find the class named "etica.Anexo_7"
You need to know where this class is located, first off.
Then, you need to put this class in your classpath.
You could do
java -classpath <path_to_your_class> A_Anexo_7
or (this will not work on windows- its been too long since I used those things)
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:<path_to_your_class>
java A_Anexo_7
its better not to define your CLASSPATH environment variable because later on you will forget you did and write another help request.

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