Message when datagrid is empty

I need to display dataGrid headers and the "no records" message when the
DataGrid is empty, is there any way to achieve this?

This code answers your question:
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">
      import mx.controls.Alert;
      import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
      [Bindable] private var ac:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([]);
      private function checkDP():void {
        if(ac.length == 0){
"DataGrid dataProvider is empty!");
  <mx:DataGrid dataProvider="{ac}" creationComplete="checkDP()">
      <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="test1"/>
      <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="test2"/>
      <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="test3"/>
      <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="test4"/>
      <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="test5"/>
If this post answers your question or helps, please mark it as such.
Greg Lafrance - Flex 2 and 3 ACE certified
Flex / AIR Development, Training, and Support Services

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    anyone got any ideas?
    In my trash are some of my old time machine back ups if that makes a difference.
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    The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003).
    If I try and secure empty the trash I get the same error message:
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    any help would be good.
    cheers ;o)

    Google ERROR 8003 and you will find some answers. There is one that specifically mentions Time Machine back ups.
    Good luck,

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    Secure empty the trash.
    Click on the desktop
    Up in the menubar click "Finder"
    Click secure empty trash.

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    Proceed as follows:
    1. Quit Mail.
    2. In the Finder, go to ~/Library/Mail/POP-username@mailserver/.
    3. Locate INBOX.mbox and move it to the Desktop.
    4. Open Mail. A new empty INBOX.mbox will automatically be created within the account folder.
    This will allow you to continue using Mail normally while trying to solve the problem of bringing the messages back into Mail.
    If you ctrl-click on the INBOX.mbox package and choose Show Package Contents, you'll see several files there. mbox is the most important, as it is where the messages themselves are stored. You may also see an Incoming_Mail file that, if present, may contain additional messages.
    Both mbox and Incoming_Mail are standard mbox files that you should be able to import back into Mail doing File > Import Mailboxes and choosing Other / Standard mbox as the data format. Problem is, the mbox file is probably too big for Mail to be able to handle it.
    You may solve the problem with a third party utility, such as Emailchemy, that breaks mbox into smaller files that Mail can import afterwards.
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    If you delete songs (and other items) from the main iTunes library, yes, you need to empty the Trash because iTunes puts the song files into the Trash.  When deleting items from an iPod, the items are not being deleted from the main iTunes library, so nothing should end up in the Trash.
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    This error message will appear erraneously, if you skipped the update to Mavericks and iPhoto 9.5.1 and went straight from an earlier MacOS X version to Yosemite, without first updating to iPhoto 9.5.1 and associating iPhoto to your AppleID.
    Try first to buy iPhoto with your AppleID instead of updating. Delete iPhoto from Applications, but don't empty the Trash, then go to the main page of the App Store and search for iPhoto. If you are lucky, it will show as free and you can buy it directly.
    If iPhoto  is not showing as free, there is no help but contacting the App Store Support: Ask for a redemption code. You will need to provide a prove of purchase for your mac with iPhoto preinstalled.

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    Any help greatly appreciated.

    I spoke too soon. I began a new movie and imported
    photo clips, which rendered just fine. However, I
    can drag transitions in between the photos, but they
    simply will not render. Everything was just swell
    until yesterday afternoon when I changed the length
    of the clips so that there would be enough room for
    the transition. I tried to do multiple clips at the
    same time, but they never rendered. It was then when
    I was unable to add any more transitions.
    Aha! That may be different problem. There's a bug in iMovie that makes it impossible to update image clips after you empty the iMovie trash. If you imported the image with the Ken Burns checkbox ON, the bug can affect you later.
    It's possible, I suppose, that this bug not only prevented you from updating the clips to a new duration, but made it impossible to add the transition to the clips.
    After importing your images with the Ken Burns checkbox on, you might try dragging the source image out of the iMovie trash, described here:

  • Error message when attempting to use scanner Canon model MP610

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    Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, empty trash, reboot when complete.
    For the other problems...
    See if the Disk is issuing any S.M.A.R.T errors in Disk Utility...
    Open Activity Monitor in Applications>Utilities, select All Processes & sort on CPU%, any indications there?
    How much RAM & free space do you have also, click on the Memory & Disk Usage Tabs.
    Open Console in Utilities & see if there are any clues or repeating messages when this happens.
    In the Memory tab of Activity Monitor, are there a lot of Pageouts?

  • ITunes displays -48 error message when syncing iPod Nano on Windows XP

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    If anyone receives such a message, I was able to correct it by:
    -Plugging in your iPod to your PC
    -Ignore the error messages
    -Go to My Computer
    -Find your iPod's drive letter (ie. G:)
    -Right-click on it and select Properties
    -Go to Tools Tab >Error-checking and select Check Now
    You should be able to sync your iPod as before. I do not claim to be an expert so be warned that it may not work for you. Good luck!

    Hey ermides,
    Thanks for the question. The following resource provides information if you are receiving a -50 error message when syncing:
    iTunes displays -50 error message when syncing iPod on Windows XP - Apple Support
    Matt M.

  • Show error message when Install SM7 in step 4 execute Service

    Hi All
    Show error message when Install SM7 in step 4 execute Service.
    Anyone can help me fix the problem pls!
    Start the setup task 'Determination of SID and InstanceNumber for Diagnostics agent' ...
    Information for SAPInst:
    2009.06.08 11:16:59
    Task completed with status 0
    INFO 2009-06-08 11:17:00.0
    Execute step initSystem of component |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|SA_Integrated|ind|ind|ind|ind|7|0
    INFO[E] 2009-06-08 11:17:00.250
    FSL-02077  File system export (share) saploc does not exist.
    INFO 2009-06-08 11:17:00.484
    Execute step initED of component |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|SA_Integrated|ind|ind|ind|ind|7|0
    INFO[E] 2009-06-08 11:17:00.718
    FSL-02077  File system export (share) saploc does not exist.
    INFO[E] 2009-06-08 11:17:05.265
    FSL-01027  Account user="hk-is-000818\smdadm" does not exist.
    INFO 2009-06-08 11:17:05.609
    Execute step createOSUser of component |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|SA_Integrated|ind|ind|ind|ind|7|0
    INFO[E] 2009-06-08 11:17:05.875
    FSL-02077  File system export (share) saploc does not exist.
    INFO[E] 2009-06-08 11:17:08.187
    FSL-01027  Account user="hk-is-000818\smdadm" does not exist.
    INFO[E] 2009-06-08 11:17:10.531
    FSL-01027  Account user="hk-is-000818\smdadm" does not exist.
    INFO[E] 2009-06-08 11:17:12.859
    FSL-01027  Account user="hk-is-000818\smdadm" does not exist.
    INFO[E] 2009-06-08 11:17:15.156
    FSL-01027  Account user="hk-is-000818\smdadm" does not exist.
    WARNING[E] 2009-06-08 11:17:20.281
    FSL-01002  Unable to create account hk-is-000818\smdadm. HRESULT=0x80005009
    INFO 2009-06-08 11:17:20.562
    Execute step initOS400Parameters of component |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|SA_Integrated|ind|ind|ind|ind|7|0
    INFO 2009-06-08 11:17:20.781
    Execute step initING_DI of component |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|SA_Integrated|ind|ind|ind|ind|7|0
    INFO 2009-06-08 11:17:22.312
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\SOLMAN\SYSTEM\ORA\CENTRAL\AS\summary.html.
    INFO 2009-06-08 11:17:28.828
    Execute step ntpatch of component |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_First_Steps|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_Update_DLLs|ind|ind|ind|ind|3|0
    INFO 2009-06-08 11:17:29.093
    Node C:\WINDOWS\system32 already exists.
    INFO 2009-06-08 11:17:31.0
    Execute step runChecksStep of component |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|PrerequisiteCheckerDialogs|ind|ind|ind|ind|3|0
    INFO 2009-06-08 11:17:32.390
    Execute step createAccounts of component |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|NW_Users_Create_Do|ind|ind|ind|ind|5|0
    INFO 2009-06-08 11:17:33.171
    Nothing to do. User privileges are an empty string.
    INFO 2009-06-08 11:17:33.203
    Nothing to do. User privileges are an empty string.
    INFO 2009-06-08 11:17:33.250
    Nothing to do. User privileges are an empty string.
    INFO 2009-06-08 11:17:33.281
    Nothing to do. User privileges are an empty string.
    INFO 2009-06-08 11:17:33.328
    Nothing to do. User privileges are an empty string.
    INFO 2009-06-08 11:17:33.375
    Nothing to do. User privileges are an empty string.
    INFO 2009-06-08 11:17:33.421
    Nothing to do. User privileges are an empty string.
    INFO[E] 2009-06-08 11:17:35.703
    FSL-01027  Account user="hk-is-000818\SAPServicePAS" does not exist.
    WARNING[E] 2009-06-08 11:17:40.796
    FSL-01002  Unable to create account hk-is-000818\SAPServicePAS. HRESULT=0x80005009
    WARNING[E] 2009-06-08 11:17:40.796
    MUT-03025  Caught ESyException in Modulecall: ESAPinstException: error text undefined.
    ERROR 2009-06-08 11:17:40.843
    FCO-00011  The step createAccounts with step key |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|NW_Users_Create_Do|ind|ind|ind|ind|5|0|createAccounts was executed with status ERROR .

    hi Subhash
    tkx it work
    but I got another error when install afterwards. do u know how can fix , many tkx
    WARNING 2009-06-09 20:39:02.421
    Execution of the command "D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\lsnrctl start LISTENER" finished with return code 1. Output:
    WARNING[E] 2009-06-09 20:39:02.437
    CJS-00095  Error return code. DIAGNOSIS: Return code 1 of executable D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1/bin/lsnrctl indicates an error. SOLUTION: See log file lsnrctl.log for details.
    WARNING[E] 2009-06-09 20:39:02.437
    CJS-00095  Error return code. DIAGNOSIS: Return code 1 of executable D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1/bin/lsnrctl indicates an error. SOLUTION: See log file lsnrctl.log for details.
    ERROR 2009-06-09 20:39:02.468
    FCO-00011  The step StartListener with step key |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_CreateDB|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_OraDBCheck|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_OraDBMain|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_OraDBStd|ind|ind|ind|ind|3|0|NW_OraClient|ind|ind|ind|ind|3|0|NW_OraNetworkSrv|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|StartListener was executed with status ERROR .

  • I have been trying to install Itunes for 3 days to my computer.  MY eyes burn and I want to smash this computer at this point!!!! HELP ME!!! I receive this message when I run the diagnostic on my iphone Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Edition (Build 6000

    I have been trying to install Itunes for 3 days to my computer.  MY eyes burn and I want to smash this computer at this point!!!! HELP ME!!! I receive this message when I run the diagnostic on my iphone
    Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Edition (Build 6000)
    Dell Inc. Studio 1535
    QuickTime not available
    FairPlay 1.14.37
    Apple Application Support 2.1.7
    iPod Updater Library 10.0d2
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    Apple Mobile Device Driver
    Bonjour (333.10)
    Gracenote SDK
    Gracenote MusicID
    Gracenote Submit
    Gracenote DSP
    iTunes Serial Number 0020AEDC02A7C4B8
    Current user is an administrator.
    The current local date and time is 2012-04-17 17:05:40.
    iTunes is not running in safe mode.
    WebKit accelerated compositing is enabled.
    HDCP is supported.
    Core Media is supported.
    Video Display Information
    Intel Corporation, Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family
    Intel Corporation, Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family
    **** External Plug-ins Information ****
    No external plug-ins installed.
    **** Network Connectivity Tests ****
    Network Adapter Information
    Adapter Name:          {92497F93-8A79-419C-AA27-50CD2F263F77}
    Description:          Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled:          Yes
    DHCP Server:
    Lease Obtained:          Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
    Lease Expires:          Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
    DNS Servers:
    Adapter Name:          {6FECCC1D-04CF-4A3F-92B6-DC6E68D12BE5}
    Description:          Dell Wireless 1397 WLAN Mini-Card
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled:          Yes
    DHCP Server:
    Lease Obtained:          Tue Apr 17 16:59:28 2012
    Lease Expires:          Wed Apr 18 16:59:28 2012
    DNS Servers:
    Adapter Name:          {3323A300-E864-46C3-A6B6-F0B90AFF4AFE}
    Description:          Broadcom NetLink (TM) Gigabit Ethernet
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled:          Yes
    DHCP Server:
    Lease Obtained:          Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
    Lease Expires:          Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
    DNS Servers:
    Active Connection:          LAN Connection
    Connected:          Yes
    Online:                    Yes
    Using Modem:          No
    Using LAN:          Yes
    Using Proxy:          No
    Firewall Information
    Windows Firewall is on.
    iTunes is NOT enabled in Windows Firewall.
    Connection attempt to Apple web site was unsuccessful.
    The network connection timed out.
    Connection attempt to browsing iTunes Store was successful.
    Connection attempt to purchasing from iTunes Store was successful.
    Connection attempt to iPhone activation server was successful.
    Connection attempt to firmware update server was unsuccessful.
    The network connection timed out.
    Connection attempt to Gracenote server was successful.
    Last successful iTunes Store access was 2012-04-17 17:04:26.
    **** CD/DVD Drive Tests ****
    No drivers in LowerFilters.
    UpperFilters: GEARAspiWDM (,
    E: Optiarc DVD+-RW AD-7640S, Rev HD14
    Drive is empty.
    **** Device Connectivity Tests ****
    iPodService is currently running.
    iTunesHelper is currently running.
    Apple Mobile Device Service not found.
    Universal Serial Bus Controllers:
    Intel(R) ICH8 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2830.  Device is working properly.
    Intel(R) ICH8 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2831.  Device is working properly.
    Intel(R) ICH8 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2832.  Device is working properly.
    Intel(R) ICH8 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2834.  Device is working properly.
    Intel(R) ICH8 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2835.  Device is working properly.
    Intel(R) ICH8 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 2836.  Device is working properly.
    Intel(R) ICH8 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 283A.  Device is working properly.
    FireWire (IEEE 1394) Host Controllers:
    Ricoh 1394 OHCI Compliant Host Controller.  Device is working properly.
    **** Device Sync Tests ****
    No iPod, iPhone, or iPad found.

    This should get your itunes store connection working.
    Close your iTunes,
    Go to command Prompt -
    (Win 7/Vista) - START/ALL PROGRAMS/ACCESSORIES, right mouse click "Command Prompt", choose "Run as Administrator".
    (Win XP SP2 & above) - START/ALL PROGRAMS/ACCESSORIES/Command Prompt
    In the "Command Prompt" screen, type in
    netsh winsock reset
    Hit "ENTER" key
    Restart your computer.
    If you do get a prompt after restart windows to remap LSP, just click NO.
    Now launch your iTunes and see if it is working now.
    If you are still having these type of problems after trying the winsock reset, refer to this article to identify which software in your system is inserting LSP:
    iTunes 10.5 for Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store

  • Error message when using FM 'BAPI_BUPA_ADDRESS_CHANGE'.

    I'm continually getting an error message when using FM 'BAPI_BUPA_ADDRESS_CHANGE'. The message being 'Table BAPIADTEL entry to be changed not found in target system'.
    I have looked up this message but all links seem to refer to FM 'BAPI_BUPA_CENTRAL_CHANGE', which I'm not using, and has different parameter settings.
    I'm simply trying to update the telephone number and I'm updating strcuture BAPIADTEL and BAPIADTELX but still the message appears. I know that there is a really simple reason for this, but I have been double-checking everything and experimenting with lots of different areas, but with no effect.
    Has anyone encountered this problem using the specific FM ''BAPI_BUPA_ADDRESS_CHANGE' ?.

    Hi Jason,
    In case your database tables had already value for field telephone number, then only the flag should be "U".
    If the telephone number field was empty, and we will try to change it by using the flag as U, it wont work. In this case, we should be using "I".
    I even wrote that before in this post, but somehow I guess the post was locked, and a lot of comments from you and me were not visible apart from the first two. So, I couldnt get any update from you.
    Anyway, its good that its working for you. Thank you for the update.

  • ITunes error message when syncing iPhone 5 w/MacBook Pro

    I have been syncing my iPhone 5 (32GB) with my MacBook Pro for 2.5 years and still had about 2-3GB empty (I know, should allow more free space).  Suddenly, having added nothing except maybe a couple new events in Calendar, I'm getting an iTunes message when I try to sync saying that it cannot sync as there isn't enough memory -- with a note in parentheses that an additional 13+GB are needed).  I thought I'd seen this addressed here before, but in searching for an answer, I wasn't able to pull anything up.
    I have shut down my computer and rebooted several times, but doesn't change anything.  Any help would be much appreciated.

    I'm having the same problem, except I used to have 12 GB of music on my iPhone that is now gone, and the same disc space now says "Other", but there is no music on the iPod. I've tried the 5 R's, is it a glitch? I didn't have this problem until I updated yesterday. Everytime I sync, it tells me there is not enough space to download the music. What is the "Other" category? I can't find any info on it at all. Also, I am NOT a computer guru, I'm a nurse, so be gentle!

  • Error message when importing video

    I receive the following error message when trying to import .flv file in Captivate 6:
    I tried restarting the project several times, as well as creating new flash file, with no luck. This is only a 3-slide project with the video embedded on a slide, and will publish as SCORM.

    Hi all Thanks for the rapid response. However I have sort of found the problem but not the solution. I tried loading direct from the card but that failed in the same way. So I had a think what had changed  and it was only one thing. It has always worked before because I was using my XP desktop machine. I am now using a W7 laptop. So I went back to XP and hey presto, it worked. SO what does that mean? Any ideas?? Only obvious difference is the OS. In answer to why I am loading from Photoshop. I have loaded 150 video clips from the card from a compact camera.( Been on safari!) I am using PS to sort and tag for various things, then send one group to PE . I ended up that route because they loaded into PS and not PE. So in summary:- I cannot load either directly from card or via PS, video clips into PE on W7, but I can on XP. I can load same into PS and view OK in PS on W7. In case you need further info, but I suspect its a windows issue? OS=W7, PE V7, PSV7, On the W7 PC it says...  BIT rate=705kps!,Sample Rate=44khz,Channel count =1 Says image is avi but I thought it was mpeg Nothing else running Its a big fast empty machine, you could have the numbers if you really want but I don't think its relevant Sorry its abit long . Thanks Chris

  • Macbook pro - iPhoto keep prompting to update after Yosemite update. Error message when trying to update -This update is not available for this Apple ID either because it was bought by a different user or the item was cancelled

    macbook pro - iPhoto keep prompting to update after Yosemite update. Error message when trying to update -This update is not available for this Apple ID either because it was bought by a different user or the item was refunded or cancelled. 

    I only have 1 apple ID and the same was used to set up this early 2011 macbook pro and iPhoto app. I don't want to loose out on any photos. I tried logging out of app store and back in but no luck. PLEEAASEE HELPP!!!
    This problem has been reported by quite a few forum members, who skipped the update to iPhoto 9.5.1 while running Mavericks. In that case try to purchase iPhoto again instead of updating.
    After making your backup try the following:
    Uninstall iPhoto by deleting it from the applications folder, but do not empty the Trash.
    Launch the App Store, click the "Store" menu, and sign in with your AppleID.
    Open the main page of the App Store and search for iPhoto.
    If iPhoto is listed as "Free", click the "Free" button to buy it with your current AppleID.
    If it is not showing as free, there is no help but contacting the App Store Support, as Niel pointed out:

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