Metadata Management export utility

Has anyone tried using the Metadata Mangement export utility to export the metadata to XML file?
I tried running it but it is trying to use the account that I am logged on to the server for something and it is failing.
I did find this in the output:
Executing SQL: SELECT count(*) FROM dbo.MMT_Table
This is followed with:
Login failed for user
Does the utility try to log into the Information Steward repository database using the credentials that you use to log into the server?

What u can do is chech out the options by keying in exp73 help=y. U will need to specify the options by urself on the command line.
exp73 file=c:\export1.dmp user=scott log=c:\export1.log <return>
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gopinath Parthasarathy ([email protected]):
While using Export utility at Command prompt:
EXP73 LOG=<filename>
it is just asking username and password after which there is no interaction and exports all the tables with logfile creation.
Some body please help.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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    4. install CMSDK software in 9iAS root.
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    6. import this schema into the newly created Oracle9i database.
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  • Page Exporter Utility (PEU) 5 Script

    I love this script, It really has potential to shave valuable time off of our production (exporting Hundreds of pages manually to single files is tedious and time consuming). The problem I'm having is I'm hesitant to us it because it dosn't show warnings when there is a missing link or font. There's also no warning when it overwrites a file. My question is dose anyone know how to unsuppress the warnings? I've looked over the script and don't see anything that is actively suppressing them.
    // PageExporterUtility5.0.js
    // An InDesign CS JavaScript
    // 08 NOV 2007
    // Copyright (C) 2007  Scott Zanelli. Lonelytree Software. (
    // Coming to you from Quincy, MA, USA
    // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    // GNU General Public License for more details.
    // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
    var peuINFO = new Array();
    peuINFO["csVersion"] = parseInt(app.version);
    // Save the old interaction level
    if(peuINFO.csVersion == 3) { //CS1
        peuINFO["oldInteractionPref"] = app.userInteractionLevel;
        app.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;
    else { //CS2+
        peuINFO["oldInteractionPref"] = app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel;
        app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;
    // See if a document is open. If not, exit
    if((peuINFO["numDocsToExport"] = app.documents.length) == 0){
        byeBye("Please open a document and try again.",true);
    // Global Variable Initializations
    var VERSION_NAME = "Page Exporter Utility 5.0"
    var pseudoSingleton = 0;
    var progCurrentPage = 0;// Used for progress bar
    var progTotalPages = 0; // Used for progress bar
    var commonBatchINFO = getNewTempENTRY(); // Used if "Set For All Batch Jobs" is selected
    commonBatchINFO["infoLoaded"] = false;
    peuInit(); // Initialize commonly needed info
    // Store information needed for batch processing (valid for single also)
    var printINFO = new Array();
    // Get all needed info by looping for each document being exported
    for(currentDoc = 0; currentDoc < peuINFO.numDocsToExport; currentDoc++) {
        // Get name of document and set it as the base name
        // minus the extention if it exists
        var tempENTRY = getNewTempENTRY(); // "Struct" for current document info
        tempENTRY.theDoc = app.documents[currentDoc]
        tempENTRY.singlePage = (tempENTRY.theDoc.documentPreferences.pagesPerDocument==1)?true:false;
        tempENTRY.getOut = true;
        var baseName = (".ind"))[0];
        // Display the dialog box and loop for correct info
        if((!commonBatchINFO.infoLoaded && peuINFO.batchSameForAll) || (!peuINFO.batchSameForAll) ){// get all info
                tempENTRY.getOut = true; // For handling input errors
                var mainDialog = createMainDialog(, currentDoc+1, peuINFO.numDocsToExport);
                // Exit if cancel button chosen
                if(! ){
                    byeBye("Exporting has canceled by user.",peuINFO.sayCancel);
                if(formatTypeRB.selectedButton == 4 - peuINFO.adjustForNoPS){
                    tempENTRY.getOut = false;
                // Read info from dialog items and keep as defaults and place in tempENTRY
                peuINFO.defaultDir = outputDirs.selectedIndex;
                // The index of the selected directory is the same as the
                // index in the array of directories.
                tempENTRY.outDir = peuINFO.dirListArray[peuINFO.defaultDir];
                // Type of renaming to do
                tempENTRY.nameConvType = namingConvention.selectedButton
                // The base name to add page info to
                tempENTRY.baseName = removeColons(removeSpaces(newBaseName.editContents) );
                // The start [and end] page numbers
                var startEndPgs = startEndPgs.editContents;
                // Wether to do spreads or not
                peuINFO.doSpreadsON = (doSpreads.checkedState)?1:0;
                tempENTRY.doSpreadsON = peuINFO.doSpreadsON;
                // Wether to send entire file as one document
                peuINFO.doOneFile = (oneFile.checkedState)?1:0;
                tempENTRY.doOneFile = peuINFO.doOneFile;
                // Export format type
                tempENTRY.formatType = formatTypeRB.selectedButton + peuINFO.adjustForNoPS;
                // Set persistence during warnings
                peuINFO.editStartEndPgs = startEndPgs;
                baseName = tempENTRY.baseName;
                peuINFO.exportDefaultType = tempENTRY.formatType;
                // Determine if page replacement token exists when the page token option is used
                if(peuINFO.pageNamePlacement == 2){
                    var temp = tempENTRY.baseName.indexOf("<#>");
                    if(temp == -1){//Token isn't there
                        alert("There is no page item token (<#>) in the base name. Please add one or change the page naming placement preference.");
                        tempENlert.getOut = false;
                        pseudoSingleton--; // Allow prefs to be accessed again, but just once
                else // Try to remove any <#>s as a precaution
                    tempENTRY.baseName = tempENTRY.baseName.replace(/<#>/g,"");   
                // Layer Versioning & Batch options
                if(currentDoc < 1){
                    peuINFO.layersON = (doLayers.checkedState)?1:0;
                    if(peuINFO.numDocsToExport > 1){
                        peuINFO.batchSameForAll = (commonBatch.checkedState)?1:0;
                        peuINFO.batchON = (doBatch.checkedState)?1:0;
                            peuINFO.numDocsToExport = 1;
                //Check if spreads chosen with 'Add ".L"' option as this isn't supported.
                if(peuINFO.doSpreadsON && tempENTRY.nameConvType == 1){
                    alert ("Spreads cannot be used with the 'Add \".L\"' option.\nThis combination is not supported. (1.1)");
                    tempENTRY.nameConvType = 0;
                    tempENTRY.getOut = false;
                else if(peuINFO.doSpreadsON && tempENTRY.nameConvType == 4){
                    alert ("Spreads cannot be used with the 'Numeric Override' option.\nThis combination is not supported. (1.2)");
                    tempENTRY.nameConvType = 0;
                    tempENTRY.getOut = false;
                // Check if "Send Entire File At Once" is selected with JPG or EPS
                if(peuINFO.doOneFile && tempENTRY.formatType > 1 ){
                    alert ("The 'Send Entire File At Once' option can only be used with PostScript or PDF formats. (1.3)");
                    tempENTRY.getOut = false;
                // Check if: batch printing and using the "Same for all jobs options" and a page range other than "All" was used
                if(peuINFO.doBatch && peuINFO.batchSameForAll && startEndPgs != "All"){
                    alert ("The 'Set For All Batch Jobs' option can only be used with a Page Range of 'All'. Page Range has been reset to 'All'. (1.4)");
                    startEndPgs = "All";
                // Create page info, skip if doing entire file as one
                var tempPageCount = 0;
                    tempPageCount = 1;
                    // Get names of all the pages. Needed when pages are named using sectioning
                    tempENTRY = recordPgNames(tempENTRY);
                    // Check Page Validity and get Page counts of entered section(s)
                    var temp = checkPages(tempENTRY, startEndPgs);
                    tempENTRY = temp[0];
                    tempPageCount = temp[1];
                    temp = null; // Free it up
            } while(!tempENTRY.getOut);
            // Remove dialog from memory
            // Determine if tag will fit correctly
            tempENTRY.useTag = usePgInfoTag(tempENTRY.theDoc.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits,tempENTRY.theDoc.documentPreferences.pageWidth);
                // Get the format info for this document
                case 0://PS
                tempENTRY.psINFO = getPSoptions(".ind")[0]);
                case 1://PDF
                tempENTRY.pdfPRESET = getPDFoptions(tempENTRY);
                case 2: // EPS Formatting
                tempENTRY.epsINFO = getEPSoptions(".ind")[0]);
                peuINFO.origSpread = app.epsExportPreferences.epsSpreads;// Used to reset to original state when done
                app.epsExportPreferences.epsSpreads = peuINFO.doSpreadsON;
                case 3: // JPEG Formatting
                tempENTRY.jpegINFO = getJPEGoptions(".ind")[0]);
            // If Specific Directory was chosen for the output directory, get it now
            if(peuINFO.defaultDir == 0){
                tempENTRY.outDir = getDirectory("Please select the output directory:",peuINFO.startingDirectory);
                if(tempENTRY.outDir != null)
                    tempENTRY.outDir += "/";
                    byeBye("Exporting has been canceled by user.", peuINFO.sayCancel);
            // Set the common elements for all batch jobs if it was selected
            if(!commonBatchINFO.infoLoaded && peuINFO.batchSameForAll){
                commonBatchINFO.infoLoaded = true;
                commonBatchINFO.pageNamePlacement = tempENTRY.pageNamePlacement;
                commonBatchINFO.outDir = tempENTRY.outDir;
                commonBatchINFO.nameConvType = tempENTRY.nameConvType
                commonBatchINFO.doSpreadsON = tempENTRY.doSpreadsON;
                commonBatchINFO.doOneFile = tempENTRY.doOneFile;
                commonBatchINFO.formatType = tempENTRY.formatType;
                commonBatchINFO.psINFO = tempENTRY.psINFO;
                commonBatchINFO.pdfPRESET = tempENTRY.pdfPRESET
                commonBatchINFO.epsINFO = tempENTRY.epsINFO
                commonBatchINFO.jpegINFO = tempENTRY.jpegINFO;
        } // End each/first of batch
        else{ // Get the base name for other batch jobs
                tempENTRY.getOut = true;
                var nameDialog = app.dialogs.add({name:(VERSION_NAME + ": Base Name for \"" + + "\"" + ((peuINFO.numDocsToExport==1)?"":" (" + (currentDoc+1) + " of " + peuINFO.numDocsToExport + " documents)") ), canCancel:true} );
                with (nameDialog){
                    with (dialogColumns.add() ){
                        with(dialogRows.add() ){
                        staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Enter the Base Name for \"" + + "\""} );
                        var newBaseName = textEditboxes.add({editContents:baseName, minWidth:135} );
                        with(dialogRows.add() )
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"", minWidth:400} );
                if(! ){
                    byeBye("User canceled export.",peuINFO.sayCancel);
                    tempENTRY.baseName = removeColons(removeSpaces(newBaseName.editContents) );
                    // Determine if page replacement token exists when the page token option is used
                    if(peuINFO.pageNamePlacement == 2){
                        var temp = tempENTRY.baseName.indexOf("<#>");
                        if(temp == -1){//Token isn't there
                            alert("There is no page item token (<#>) in the base name. Please add one or click cancel in the next dialog box.");
                            tempENTRY.getOut = false;
                    else // Try to remove any <#>s as a precaution
                        tempENTRY.baseName = tempENTRY.baseName.replace(/<#>/g,"");   
            // Get names of all the pages. Needed when pages are named using sectioning
            tempENTRY = recordPgNames(tempENTRY);
            // Set pgStart and pgEnd, forcing "All" pages to output
            tempENTRY = (checkPages(tempENTRY, "All"))[0];
            // The page count is all pages due to common batching
            tempPageCount = tempENTRY.theDoc.pages.length;
            // This info is common, get it from commonBatchINFO:
            tempENTRY.pageNamePlacement = commonBatchINFO.pageNamePlacement;
            tempENTRY.outDir = commonBatchINFO.outDir;
            tempENTRY.nameConvType = commonBatchINFO.nameConvType
            tempENTRY.doSpreadsON = commonBatchINFO.doSpreadsON;
            tempENTRY.doOneFile = commonBatchINFO.doOneFile;
            tempENTRY.formatType = commonBatchINFO.formatType;
            tempENTRY.psINFO = commonBatchINFO.psINFO;
            tempENTRY.pdfPRESET = commonBatchINFO.pdfPRESET
            tempENTRY.epsINFO = commonBatchINFO.epsINFO
            tempENTRY.jpegINFO = commonBatchINFO.jpegINFO;
        // Get any layering info
            tempENTRY.layerINFO = layerManager(tempENTRY.theDoc);
            if (tempENTRY.layerINFO == null) // Only one layer, turn it off for this doc
                tempENTRY.layersON = false;
                tempENTRY.layersON = true;
        // Sum up pages for the grand total for use in progress bar
        var temp = 1;
        if(peuINFO.doProgressBar && tempENTRY.layersON){
            // Figure tally for progress bar to include versions
            for(i=0;i < tempENTRY.layerINFO.verControls.length; i++)
                if (tempENTRY.layerINFO.verControls[i] == 1)
        progTotalPages += (tempPageCount*temp);
        // All info for this doc is finally gathered, add it to the main printINFO array
        // Only one chance to change prefs: trigger singleton
    }// end of main for loop
    savePrefs(); // Record any changes
    // Initiallize progress bar if available
        app.createProgressBar("Exporting Pages...", 0, progTotalPages, true);
    // Export by looping through all open documents if using batch option, otherwise just the front document is exported
    for(currentDoc = 0; currentDoc < printINFO.length; currentDoc++){
        var currentINFO = printINFO[currentDoc];
        // Set message in progress bar if available
                var progCancel = app.setProgress(;
                    byeBye("User canceled export.",peuINFO.sayCancel);
        // Set format options here so it's done just once per document
        // "Do one file" or PS/PDF with one page:
        if (currentINFO.doOneFile || currentINFO.singlePage){
            // Remove page token if it was entered and this name positioning option is set
            currentINFO.baseName = currentINFO.baseName.replace(/<#>/g,"");
                var theLayers = currentINFO.theDoc.layers;
                var baseControls = currentINFO.layerINFO.baseControls;
                var versionControls = currentINFO.layerINFO.verControls;
                var lastVersion = -1;
                // Loop for versioning
                 for(v = 0; v < versionControls.length; v++){
                    if(lastVersion != -1)// Turn the last layer back off
                        theLayers[lastVersion].visible = false;
                    lastVersion = v;
                    theLayers[v].visible = true;
                    currentINFO.outfileName = addPartToName(currentINFO.baseName, theLayers[v].name, peuINFO.layerBeforeON)
                    // Export this version
                    exportPage(currentINFO, PageRange.allPages);
                    // Advance progress bar if available
                // If Base layer/s is/are to be output as a version, do it now
                    lastVersion = -1;
                    // Turn off all versioning layers
                    for(v = 0; v < currentINFO.layerINFO.baseControls.length; v++){
                        if(currentINFO.layerINFO.baseControls[v])// its a base layer, keep track of last base version layer number
                            lastVersion = v;
                            theLayers[v].visible = false;
                    if (!lastVersion == -1){// Only export if there was a base version
                        currentINFO.outfileName = addPartToName(currentINFO.baseName, theLayers[lastVersion].name, peuINFO.layerBeforeON);
                        // Export the base layer(s)
                        exportPage(currentINFO, PageRange.allPages);
                        // Advance progress bar if available
            else{ // No layer versioning, just export
                currentINFO.outfileName = currentINFO.baseName;
                // Export the base layer(s)
                exportPage(currentINFO, PageRange.allPages);
                // Advance progress bar if available
                byeBye("Done exporting as a single file.",true);
        else{ // Do single pages/spreads
            if (!currentINFO.hasNonContig)
                // Pages are contiguous, can just export
                outputPages(currentINFO.pgStart, currentINFO.pgEnd, currentINFO);
            else{ // Export non-contiguous
                // Loop through array of page sections
                for (ii = 0; ii < currentINFO.nonContigPgs.length; ii++){
                    temp = currentINFO.nonContigPgs[ii];
                    // Here we handle the start/end pages for any non-contig that has "-"
                    if (temp.indexOf("-") != -1){
                        temp2 = temp.split("-");
                        outputPages(temp2[0],temp2[1], currentINFO);
                    else // The non-contiguous page is a single page
                        outputPages(temp, temp, currentINFO);
        // Set the spread settings back to what it was originally
            switch (currentINFO.formatType){
                case 0: // PostScript Formatting
                    theDoc.printPreferences.printSpreads = peuINFO.origSpread;
                case 1: // PDF Formatting
                    currentINFO.pdfPRESET.exportReaderSpreads = peuINFO.origSpread;
                case 2: // EPS Formatting
                    app.epsExportPreferences.epsSpreads = peuINFO.origSpread;
                case 3: // JPEG Formatting
                    app.jpegExportPreferences.exportingSpread = peuINFO.origSpread;
        catch(e){/*Just ignore it*/}
    byeBye("The requested pages are done being exported.",true); // Last line of script execution
    /*         Operational Functions           */
    * Handle exporting
    function outputPages(pgStart, pgEnd, currentINFO){
        var pgRange;
        var layerName = "";
        var numVersions;
        var currentPage;
        var lastVersion = -1;
        var numericallyLastPage;
        if (currentINFO.layersON){
            var theLayers = currentINFO.theDoc.layers;
            var baseControls = currentINFO.layerINFO.baseControls;
            var versionControls = currentINFO.layerINFO.verControls;
            numVersions = versionControls.length;
            // Compensate for base layers as a version
            numVersions = 1;
        for (v = 0; v < numVersions; v++){
                if(v == (numVersions - 1) && peuINFO.baseLaersAsVersion){
                    var currentLayer = -1;
                    // Base layer(s) are to be output as a version
                    // Turn off all versioning layers
                    for(slbm = 0; slbm < baseControls.length; slbm++){
                        if(baseControls[slbm])// its a base layer, use its name for page name
                            currentLayer = slbm;
                            theLayers[slbm].visible = false;
                    // Check if there was no base layer at all
                    if (currentLayer == -1)
                        layerName = "**NO_BASE**"
                        layerName = theLayers[currentLayer].name;
                    if(lastVersion != -1)// Turn the last layer back off
                        theLayers[lastVersion].visible = false;
                    lastVersion = v;
                    theLayers[v].visible = true;
                    layerName = theLayers[v].name;
            if (currentINFO.nameConvType == 4){
                currentPage = pgStart;
                numericallyLastPage = pgEnd;
            else if (currentINFO.doSpreadsON){
                currentPage = pgStart - 1;
                numericallyLastPage = pgEnd;
            else {
                currentPage = getPageOffset(pgStart, currentINFO.pageNameArray , currentINFO.pageRangeArray);
                numericallyLastPage = getPageOffset(pgEnd, currentINFO.pageNameArray, currentINFO.pageRangeArray);
            if(layerName != "**NO_BASE**"){
                    currentINFO.outfileName = getPageName(currentPage, layerName, currentINFO);
                    if (currentINFO.doSpreadsON){
                        pgRange = currentINFO.pageRangeArray[getPageOffset(currentINFO.theDoc.spreads[currentPage].pages[0].name, currentINFO.pageNameArray, currentINFO.pageRangeArray)];
                    else if (currentINFO.nameConvType == 4)
                        pgRange = currentINFO.pageRangeArray[currentPage-1];
                        pgRange = currentINFO.pageRangeArray[currentPage];
                    // Do the actual export:
                    exportPage(currentINFO, pgRange);
                    // Update progress bar if available
                } while(currentPage <= numericallyLastPage);
    * Export the page
    function exportPage(currentINFO, pgRange){
        var outFile = currentINFO.outDir + currentINFO.outfileName;
        switch (currentINFO.formatType){
            case 0: // PostScript Formatting
                    printFile = new File(outFile + ((currentINFO.psINFO.ext)?".ps":""));
                    pageRange = pgRange;
                // Needed to get around blank pages using separations
                catch(e){/*Just skip it*/}
            case 1: // PDF Formatting
                app.pdfExportPreferences.pageRange = pgRange;
                currentINFO.theDoc.exportFile(ExportFormat.pdfType, (new File(outFile + ".pdf")), false, currentINFO.pdfPRESET);
            case 2: // EPS Formatting
                app.epsExportPreferences.pageRange = pgRange;
                currentINFO.theDoc.exportFile(ExportFormat.epsType, (new File(outFile + ".eps")), false);
            case 3: // JPEG Formatting
                if(pgRange == PageRange.allPages){
                    app.jpegExportPreferences.jpegExportRange = ExportRangeOrAllPages.exportAll;
                    app.jpegExportPreferences.jpegExportRange = ExportRangeOrAllPages.exportRange;
                    app.jpegExportPreferences.pageString = pgRange;
                currentINFO.theDoc.exportFile(ExportFormat.jpg, (new File(outFile + ".jpg")), false);
    * Create a name for the page being exported
    function getPageName(currentPage, layerName, currentINFO){
        var pgRename = "";
        if (currentINFO.doSpreadsON)
            currentINFO["currentSpread"] = currentINFO.theDoc.spreads[currentPage].pages;
        switch (currentINFO.nameConvType){
            case 3: // Odd/Even pages/spreads = .LA.F/LA.B, LB.F/LB.B ...
                pgRename = makeLotName(currentPage+1, peuINFO.subType);
            case 2: // Odd/Even pages/spreads = .F/.B
                pgRename = ((currentPage+1)%2 == 0) ? "B" : "F";
            case 1: // Add ".L" to the page name
                pgRename = "L" + currentINFO.pageNameArray[currentPage];
            case 0: case 4:// As is or Numeric Override
                            // Optionally add "P" and any zeros if options chosen and is numerically named
                            // otherwise, just the "seperatorChar" is added to page name
                if (currentINFO.doSpreadsON){
                    // Loops through number of pages per spread
                    // and adds each page name to the final name (P08.P01)
                    for (j = 0; j < currentINFO.currentSpread.length; j++){
                            var tempPage = currentINFO.pageRangeArray[getPageOffset(currentINFO.currentSpread[j].name, currentINFO.pageNameArray, currentINFO.pageRangeArray)];
                            var tempPage = currentINFO.pageNameArray[getPageOffset(currentINFO.currentSpread[j].name, currentINFO.pageNameArray, currentINFO.pageRangeArray)];
                        var tempPageNum = parseInt(tempPage,10);
                        /* If section name starts with a number, need to compare length of orig vs parsed
                         * to see if the page name is solely a number or a combo num + letter, etc.
                        if (! isNaN(tempPageNum) && ((""+tempPage).length == (""+tempPageNum).length )){
                            if (peuINFO.addZeroON)
                                tempPage = addLeadingZero(tempPageNum, currentINFO.theDoc.pages.length);
                            if (peuINFO.addPon)
                                tempPage = "P" + tempPage;
                        pgRename = (j==0) ? tempPage : pgRename + peuINFO.charList[peuINFO.seperatorChar] + tempPage;
                else {
                    // Create a new name for an individual page
                    if (currentINFO.nameConvType == 4)
                        pgRename = currentPage;
                        pgRename = currentINFO.pageNameArray[currentPage];
                    if (! isNaN(parseInt(pgRename,10)) && (""+pgRename).length == (""+parseInt(pgRename,10)).length) {
                        if (peuINFO.addZeroON)
                            pgRename = addLeadingZero(pgRename, currentINFO.theDoc.pages.length);
                        if (peuINFO.addPon)
                            pgRename = "P" + pgRename;
            pgRename = addPartToName(pgRename, layerName, peuINFO.layerBeforeON);
        // Add page name to base name based on option selected
        if(peuINFO.pageNamePlacement == 2)
            pgRename = removeColons(currentINFO.baseName.replace(/<#>/g,pgRename) );
            pgRename = addPartToName(currentINFO.baseName, pgRename,peuINFO.pageNamePlacement);
        return pgRename;
    * Add a name part before or after a given base string
    function addPartToName(theBase, addThis, addBefore){
        //Remove any colons
        theBase = removeColons(theBase);
        addThis = removeColons(addThis);
        return (addBefore) ? (addThis + peuINFO.charList[peuINFO.seperatorChar] + theBase ):(theBase + peuINFO.charList[peuINFO.seperatorChar] + addThis);
    * Find the offset page number for a page by its name
    function getPageOffset(pgToFind, pageNameArray, pageRangeArray){
        var offset;
        for(offset = 0; offset<pageRangeArray.length;offset++){
            if((""+ pgToFind).toLowerCase() == (("" + pageNameArray[offset]).toLowerCase() ) || (""+ pgToFind).toLowerCase() == (("" + pageRangeArray[offset]).toLowerCase() ) )
                return offset;
        return -1;
    * Replace any colons with specialReplaceChar
    function removeColons(tempName){
        return tempName.replace(/:/g,peuINFO.charList[peuINFO.specialReplaceChar]);
    * Remove spaces from front and end of name
    function removeSpaces(theName){
        // Trim any leading or trailing spaces in base name
        var i,j;
        for(i = theName.length-1;i>0 && theName.charAt(i) == " ";i--);// Ignore any spaces on end of name
        for(j = 0; j<theName.length && theName.charAt(j) == " ";j++);// Ignore any spaces at front of name
        theName = theName.substring(j,i+1);
        return theName
    * Add leading zero(s)
    function addLeadingZero(tempPageNum, pageCount){
        if(peuINFO.zeroPadding == 0){
            // Normal padding
            if((tempPageNum < 10 && pageCount < 100) || (tempPageNum > 9 && pageCount > 99 && tempPageNum < 100))
                return addSingleZero(tempPageNum);
            else if(tempPageNum < 10 && pageCount > 99)
                return addDoubleZero(tempPageNum);
                return ("" + tempPageNum);
        }else if(peuINFO.zeroPadding == 1){
            // Pad to 2 digits
            if(tempPageNum < 10)
                return addSingleZero(tempPageNum);
                return ("" + tempPageNum);
            // Pad to 3 digits
            if(tempPageNum < 10)
                return addDoubleZero(tempPageNum);
            else if(tempPageNum < 100)
                return addSingleZero(tempPageNum);
                return ("" + tempPageNum);
    * Add leading zero helper for single
    function addSingleZero(pgNum){
        return ("0" + pgNum);
    * Add leading zero helper for double
    function addDoubleZero(pgNum){
        return ("00" + pgNum);
    * Create lot name from page number
    function makeLotName(thePage, subType){
        var iii = thePage;
        var curr = 0;
        var lotName = "L";
        if(subType == 0){
                curr = Math.floor((iii-1)/52)-1;
                lotName += alphaBet[curr];
                if(curr >= 0)
                    iii -= 52*(1+curr);
                    iii -= 52;
            lotName += alphaBet[Math.floor((iii-1)/2)%26];
            for(iii=thePage; iii>0; iii-=52)
                lotName += alphaBet[Math.floor((iii-1)/2)%26];
        return lotName += (thePage & 0x1)?".F":".B";
    * Advance progress bar one unit
    function advanceBar(){
        var progCancel = app.setProgress(++progCurrentPage);
            byeBye("User canceled export.",peuINFO.sayCancel);
    * Create an Empty tempENTRY "struct"
    function getNewTempENTRY(){
        var newTempENTRY = new Array();
        newTempENTRY["theDoc"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["singlePage"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["getOut"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["outDir"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["outfileName"] = "";
        newTempENTRY["nameConvType"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["baseName"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["doSpreadsON"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["doOneFile"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["formatType"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["layersON"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["hasNonContig"] = false;
        newTempENTRY["nonContigPgs"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["pageNameArray"] = new Array();
        newTempENTRY["pageRangeArray"] = new Array();
        newTempENTRY["psINFO"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["pdfPRESET"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["epsINFO"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["jpegINFO"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["layerINFO"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["useTag"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["pgStart"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["pgEnd"] = null;
        return newTempENTRY;
    * Record all the page/spread names
    function recordPgNames(tempENTRY){
            // Get names of all the pages. Needed when pages are named using sectioning
        for (i = 0; i < tempENTRY.theDoc.documentPreferences.pagesPerDocument; i++){
            var aPage = tempENTRY.theDoc.pages.item(i);
            tempENTRY.pageNameArray[i] =;
            tempENTRY.pageRangeArray[i] = (aPage.appliedSection.includeSectionPrefix)? : ( +;
        return tempENTRY;
    * Set the export options
    function setExportOption(currentINFO){
            // Set any options here instead of with each page
        switch (currentINFO.formatType){
            case 0: // PostScript Formatting
            case 1: // PDF Formatting
                // Nothing to do
            case 2: // EPS Formatting
            case 3: // JPEG Formatting
    * Get PostScript format options
    function getPSoptions(docName){
        var psOptions = new Array();
        psOptions["ignore"] = true;
        var tempGetOut, PSdlog, pgHeight, pgWidth;
        var changeAddPSextention, tempBaseName;
        var printPreset;
            tempGetOut = true;
            PSdlog = app.dialogs.add({name:"PostScript Options for \"" + docName + "\"", canCancel:true} );
            with (PSdlog)
                with (dialogColumns.add() ){
                    with (dialogRows.add() )
                        staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Print Presets:"} );
                    printPreset = dropdowns.add({stringList:peuINFO.psPrinterNames , minWidth:236, selectedIndex:peuINFO.defaultPrintPreset} );
                    with (dialogRows.add() )
                        staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Override PS Page Size (" + peuINFO.measureLableArray[peuINFO.measurementUnits] + ")"} );
                    with (borderPanels.add() )
                        with (dialogColumns.add() )
                            with (dialogRows.add() ){
                                staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Width:", minWidth:45} );
                                pgWidth = textEditboxes.add({editContents:"0", minWidth:53} );
                                staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Height:", minWidth:45} );
                                pgHeight = textEditboxes.add({editContents:"0", minWidth:54} );
                    with (dialogRows.add() ){
                        staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Add \".ps\" to end of file name"} );
                        changeAddPSextention = dropdowns.add({stringList:["No","Yes"], selectedIndex:peuINFO.addPSextention} )
            if(( ){
                // Get the page height + width
                pgHeight = parseFloat(pgHeight.editContents);
                pgWidth = parseFloat(pgWidth.editContents);
                // Check entered H & W for error
                if(isNaN(pgHeight) || isNaN(pgWidth) || pgHeight < 0 || pgWidth < 0 ){
                    alert ("Both page height and width must be numeric and greater than zero (3.1).");
                    pgHeight = "0";
                    pgWidth  = "0";
                    tempGetOut = false;
                if(pgHeight > 0 && pgWidth > 0) // User changed size, use the new size
                    psOptions.ignore = false;
                psOptions["height"] = pgHeight + peuINFO.measureUnitArray[peuINFO.measurementUnits];
                psOptions["width"] = pgWidth + peuINFO.measureUnitArray[peuINFO.measurementUnits];
                psOptions["ext"] = changeAddPSextention.selectedIndex;
                peuINFO.addPSextention = psOptions["ext"];
                psOptions["preset"] = printPreset.selectedIndex
                peuINFO.defaultPrintPreset = psOptions.preset;
                byeBye("Exporting has been canceled by user.",peuINFO.sayCancel);
        } while(!tempGetOut);
        return psOptions;
    * Set Postscript options
    function setPSoptions(theINFO){
            activePrinterPreset = peuINFO.csPSprinters[theINFO.psINFO.preset];
            peuINFO.origSpread = printSpreads; // Used to reset to original state when done
            printSpreads = theINFO.doSpreadsON;
            if(colorOutput != ColorOutputModes.separations && colorOutput != ColorOutputModes.inripSeparations)
                printBlankPages = true;
            if (theINFO.useTag)
                pageInformationMarks = true;
                pageInformationMarks = false;
                    paperSize = PaperSizes.custom;
                    paperHeight = theINFO.psINFO.height;
                    paperWidth = theINFO.psINFO.width;
                    alert ("The current PPD doesn't support custom page sizes. The page size from the Print Preset will be used (3.2).");
    * Get PDF options
    function getPDFoptions(theINFO){
        var PDFdlog = app.dialogs.add({name:"PDF Options for \"" +".ind")[0] + "\"", canCancel:true} );
        var temp = new Array();
        // Test if default PDFpreset is greater # than actual list.
        // This occurs if one was deleted and the last preset in the list was the default
        if(peuINFO.defaultPDFpreset > temp.length-1)
            peuINFO.defaultPDFpreset = 0;
        with (PDFdlog)
            with (dialogColumns.add() ){
                with (dialogRows.add() )
                    staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"PDF Export Preset:"} );
                pdfPresets = dropdowns.add({stringList: temp, minWidth:50, selectedIndex:peuINFO.defaultPDFpreset} );
        if( ){
            temp = app.pdfExportPresets[pdfPresets.selectedIndex];
            peuINFO.defaultPDFpreset = pdfPresets.selectedIndex;
            peuINFO.origSpread = temp.exportReaderSpreads;
                temp.exportReaderSpreads = theINFO.doSpreadsON;
                temp.pageInformationMarks = (theINFO.useTag && temp.cropMarks)?true:false;
            }catch(e){/*ignore it*/}
            return temp;
            byeBye("PDF exporting has been canceled by user.", peuINFO.sayCancel);
    * Get JPEG options
    function getJPEGoptions(docName){
        var temp = new Array();
        var JPEGdlog = app.dialogs.add({name:"JPEG Options for \"" + docName + "\"", canCancel:true} );
        with (JPEGdlog)
            with (dialogColumns.add() ){
                with (dialogRows.add() )
                    staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Quality:"} );
                JPEGquality = dropdowns.add({stringList:(new Array("Low","Medium","High","Maximum")) , minWidth:50, selectedIndex:peuINFO.defaultJPEGquality} );
                with (dialogRows.add() )
                    staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Encoding Type:"} );
                    JPEGrender = dropdowns.add({stringList:["Baseline","Progressive"] , minWidth:50, selectedIndex:peuINFO.defaultJPEGrender } );
        if( ){
            peuINFO.defaultJPEGquality = JPEGquality.selectedIndex;
            temp["qualityType"] = peuINFO.defaultJPEGquality;
            peuINFO.defaultJPEGrender = JPEGrender.selectedIndex;
            temp["renderType"] = peuINFO.defaultJPEGrender;
            byeBye("JPEG exporting has been canceled by user.",peuINFO.sayCancel);
        return temp;
    * Set JPEG options
    function setJPEGoptions(theINFO){
            peuINFO.origSpread = exportingSpread; // Used to reset to original state when done
            exportingSpread = currentINFO.doSpreadsON;
            exportingSelection = false; // Export the entire page
            if(peuINFO.csVersion > 3)
                jpegExportRange = ExportRangeOrAllPages.exportRange;
            switch (theINFO.qualityType){
                case 0:
                    jpegQuality = JPEGOptionsQuality.low;
                case 1:
                    jpegQuality = JPEGOptionsQuality.medium;
                case 2:
                    jpegQuality = JPEGOptionsQuality.high;
                case 3:
                    jpegQuality = JPEGOptionsQuality.maximum;
            jpegRenderingStyle = (theINFO.renderType)? JPEGOptionsFormat.baselineEncoding : JPEGOptionsFormat.progressiveEncoding;
    * Get EPS options
    function getEPSoptions(docName){
        var epsOptions = new Array();
        var epsDialog = app.dialogs.add({name:"EPS Options for \"" + docName + "\"", canCancel:true} );
        var oldBleed = peuINFO.bleed;
        with (epsDialog){
            // Left Column
            with (dialogColumns.add() ){
                with (dialogRows.add() )
                with (borderPanels.add() )
                    with (dialogColumns.add() ){
                        with (dialogRows.add() )
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Flattener Presets:"} );
                        changeFlattenerPreset = dropdowns.add({stringList:peuINFO.flattenerNames , minWidth:180, selectedIndex:peuINFO.defaultFlattenerPreset} );
                        with (dialogRows.add() )
                            changeIgnoreOverride = checkboxControls.add({staticLabel:"Ignore Overrides", checkedState:peuINFO.ignoreON} );
                        with (dialogRows.add() )
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Preview Type:"} );
                        changePreviewPreset = dropdowns.add({stringList:peuINFO.previewTypes , minWidth:180, selectedIndex:peuINFO.defaultPreview} );
                        with (dialogRows.add() ){
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Bleed:"} );
                            changeBleedVal = realEditboxes.add({editValue:peuINFO.bleed, minWidth:60} );
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:peuINFO.measureLableArray[peuINFO.measurementUnits]} );
                        with (dialogRows.add() )
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"OPI Options:"} );
                        with (dialogRows.add() ){
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Omit:"} );
                            changeOpiEPS = checkboxControls.add({staticLabel:"EPS", checkedState:peuINFO.epsON} );
                            changeOpiPDF = checkboxControls.add({staticLabel:"PDF", checkedState:peuINFO.pdfON} );
                            changeOpiBitmap = checkboxControls.add({staticLabel:"Bitmapped", checkedState:peuINFO.bitmapON} );
            // Right column
            with (dialogColumns.add() ){
                with(borderPanels.add() ){
                    with(dialogColumns.add() ){
                        with (dialogRows.add() ){
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"PostScript level:"} );
                            var changePSlevel = dropdowns.add({stringList:["2","3"] , minWidth:75, selectedIndex:peuINFO.psLevel} );
                        with (dialogRows.add() ){
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Color mode:"} );
                            if(peuINFO.csVersion == 3)
                                var changeColorMode = dropdowns.add({stringList:["Unchanged","Grayscale", "RGB", "CMYK"] , minWidth:100, selectedIndex:peuINFO.colorType } );
                                var changeColorMode = dropdowns.add({stringList:["Unchanged","Grayscale", "RGB", "CMYK","PostScript Color Management"] , minWidth:100, selectedIndex:peuINFO.colorType } );
                        with (dialogRows.add() ){
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Font embedding:"} );
                            var changeFontEmbedding = dropdowns.add({stringList:["None","Complete", "Subset"] , minWidth:100, selectedIndex:peuINFO.fontEmbed } );
                        with (dialogRows.add() ){
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Type of data to send:"} );
                            var changeDataToSend = dropdowns.add({stringList:["All","Proxy"] , minWidth:50, selectedIndex:peuINFO.dataSent } );
                        with (dialogRows.add() ){
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Data type:"} );
                            var changeDataType = dropdowns.add({stringList:["Binary","ASCII"] , minWidth:50, selectedIndex:peuINFO.dataType } );
                        with (dialogRows.add() ){
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Perform OPI replacement:"} );
                            var changeOPIreplace = dropdowns.add({stringList:["No","Yes"] , minWidth:50, selectedIndex:peuINFO.opiReplacement} );
            var getOut = true;
            if(( ){
                // Use these to update the prefs file
                peuINFO.defaultFlattenerPreset = changeFlattenerPreset.selectedIndex;
                peuINFO.ignoreON = (changeIgnoreOverride.checkedState)?1:0;
                peuINFO.defaultPreview = changePreviewPreset.selectedIndex;
                peuINFO.bleed = changeBleedVal.editContents;
                peuINFO.epsON = (changeOpiEPS.checkedState)?1:0;
                peuINFO.pdfON = (changeOpiPDF.checkedState)?1:0;
                peuINFO.bitmapON = (changeOpiBitmap.checkedState)?1:0;
                peuINFO.psLevel = changePSlevel.selectedIndex;
                peuINFO.colorType = changeColorMode.selectedIndex;
                peuINFO.fontEmbed = changeFontEmbedding.selectedIndex;
                peuINFO.dataSent = changeDataToSend.selectedIndex;
                peuINFO.dataType = changeDataType.selectedIndex;
                peuINFO.opiReplacement = changeOPIreplace.selectedIndex;
                // Check if bleed value is OK
                peuINFO.bleed = parseFloat(peuINFO.bleed)
                if (isNaN(peuINFO.bleed)){
                    alert("Bleed value must be a number (1.1).");
                    getOut = false;
                    peuINFO.bleed = oldBleed;
                else if (peuINFO.bleed < 0){
                    alert("Bleed value must be greater or equal to zero (1.2).");
                    getOut = false;
                    peuINFO.bleed = oldBleed;
                else {
                    // Check if bleed is too big
                    try {
                        app.epsExportPreferences.bleedBottom = "" + peuINFO.bleed + peuINFO.measureUnitArray[peuINFO.measurementUnits];
                    catch (Exception){
                        alert("The bleed value must be less than one of the following: 6 in | 152.4 mm | 432 pt | 33c9.384");
                        getOut = false;
                        peuINFO.bleed = oldBleed;
                byeBye("EPS Export canceled by user.", peuINFO.sayCancel);
            // These are used for exporting
            epsOptions["defaultFlattenerPreset"] = changeFlattenerPreset.selectedIndex;
            epsOptions["ignoreON"] = peuINFO.ignoreON;
            epsOptions["defaultPreview"] = changePreviewPreset.selectedIndex;
            epsOptions["bleed"] = peuINFO.bleed;
            epsOptions["epsON"] = peuINFO.epsON;
            epsOptions["pdfON"] = peuINFO.pdfON;
            epsOptions["bitmapON"] = peuINFO.bitmapON;
            epsOptions["psLevel"] = changePSlevel.selectedIndex;
            epsOptions["colorType"] = changeColorMode.selectedIndex;
            epsOptions["fontEmbed"] = changeFontEmbedding.selectedIndex;
            epsOptions["dataSent"] = changeDataToSend.selectedIndex;
            epsOptions["dataType"] = changeDataType.selectedIndex;
            epsOptions["opiReplacement"] = changeOPIreplace.selectedIndex;
            return epsOptions;
    *     Apply chosen settings to the EPS export prefs
    function setEPSoptions(theINFO){
            appliedFlattererPreset = peuINFO.flattenerNames[theINFO.defaultFlattenerPreset];
            bleedBottom = "" + theINFO.bleed + peuINFO.measureUnitArray[peuINFO.measurementUnits];
            bleedInside = bleedBottom;
            bleedOutside = bleedBottom;
            bleedTop = bleedBottom;
            epsSpreads = currentINFO.doSpreadsON;
            ignoreSpreadOverrides = theINFO.ignoreON;
            switch (theINFO.dataType){
                case 0:
                    dataFormat = DataFormat.binary;
                case 1:
                    dataFormat = DataFormat.ascii;
            switch (theINFO.colorType){
                case 0:
                    epsColor = EPSColorSpace.unchangedColorSpace;
                case 1:
                    epsColor = EPSColorSpace.gray;
                case 2:
                    epsColor = EPSColorSpace.rgb;
                case 3:
                    epsColor = EPSColorSpace.cmyk;
                case 4:
                    epsColor = EPSColorSpace.postscriptColorManagement;
            switch (theINFO.fontEmbed){
                case 0:
                    fontEmbedding = FontEmbedding.none;
                case 1:
                    fontEmbedding = FontEmbedding.complete;
                case 2:
                    fontEmbedding = FontEmbedding.subset;
            switch (theINFO.dataSent){
                case 0:
                    imageData = EPSImageData.allImageData;
                case 1:
                    imageData = EPSImageData.proxyImageData;
            switch (theINFO.defaultPreview){
                case 0:
                    preview = PreviewTypes.none;
                case 1:
                    preview = PreviewTypes.tiffPreview;
                case 2:
                    preview = PreviewTypes.pictPreview;
            switch (theINFO.psLevel){
                case 0:
                    postScriptLevel = PostScriptLevels.level2;
                case 1:
                    postScriptLevel = PostScriptLevels.level3;
            // Setting these three to false prevents a conflict error when trying to set the opiImageReplacement value
            omitBitmaps = false;
            omitEPS = false;
            omitPDF = false;
            if (theINFO.opiReplacement){
                opiImageReplacement = true;
            else {
                opiImageReplacement = false;
                omitBitmaps = theINFO.bitmapON;
                omitEPS = theINFO.epsON;
                omitPDF = theINFO.pdfON;
    * Build the main dialog box
    function createMainDialog (docName, thisNum, endNum){
        var theDialog = app.dialogs.add({name:(VERSION_NAME + ": Enter the options for \"" + docName + "\"" + ((endNum==1)?"":" (" + thisNum + " of " + endNum + " documents)") )
    , canCancel:true} );
        with (theDialog){
            // Left Column
            with (dialogColumns.add() ){
                with (dialogRows.add() )
                    staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Page Naming Options"} );
                with(borderPanels.add() ){
                    with(dialogColumns.add() ){
                        // Radio butons for renaming convention
                        namingConvention = radiobuttonGroups.add();
                            radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"As Is", checkedState:(peuINFO.nameConvType == 0)} );
                            radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"Add \".L\"", checkedState:(peuINFO.nameConvType == 1)} );
                            radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"Odd/Even = \".F/.B\"", checkedState:(peuINFO.nameConvType == 2)} );
                            radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"Odd/Even = \"LA.F/LA.B\"" , checkedState:(peuINFO.nameConvType == 3)});
                            radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"Numeric Override" , checkedState:(peuINFO.nameConvType == 4)});
                    with (dialogRows.add() )
                        staticTexts.add({staticLabel:""} );
                        with(dialogRows.add() ){
                        staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Base Name"} );
                        newBaseName = textEditboxes.add({editContents:baseName, minWidth:100} );
            // Middle Column
            with (dialogColumns.add() ){
                with (dialogRows.add() )

    RichardM0701, are you the same person as scottbentley?
    I fear your response doesn't make a lot of sense. The easiest way is to put your files into a book, which will not harm them. The easiest script is often no script at all.
    I don't understand your comment about separate text boxes, files contain text boxes and definitionally multiple files means multiple separate text boxes.
    I do not know what you are referring to with respect to the toc update, perhaps you could reference a particular command or script, or provide a screenshot.
    It sounds like now you are interested in updating multiple tables of contents in a single fell swoop -- this would appear to have nothing to do with the original question. If that's the case, please start a new thread.

  • How to preserve metadata when exporting non-jpgs from iPhoto?

    I have a problem with an iPhoto library, and need to move the photos to an undamaged library.  (I have been able to confirm that the problems are specific to the library and not to individual images or with other iPhoto libraries on the same computer, and rebuilding options have not helped.)  I can export the processed jpgs intact with the metadata (titles, descriptions, keywords) that I added manually in iPhoto, import them to another library, and the metadata is intact.  But unless I convert the TIFF and NEF originals to jpgs, they lose the metadata on export. 
    Is there a way to get these original format files into another library with their format and metadata intact?

    1. Why not simply rebuild with iPhoto Library Manager
    This will do that process for you - and preserve as much of that metadata as possible, along with Albums and much of your organisaion.
    2. You can't export the Original plus the added metadata, then you wouldn't be exporting the Original. You can export the Tiffs as tiffs though, and that can include the additional metadata.
    3. There is no way to write the additional metadata to the NEFs.

  • Metadata Manager Repository configuration failed

    I am tring to install Metadata Manager.  I am running BOE XI 3.1 SP2 FP2.5.  I am installing "SBOP Metadata Management XI 3.1 (12.1) on Windows".  My database is a local install of MS SQL Server 2005.
    I get all the way through the install process and the following error message pops up:
    Metadata Management Repository configuration failed with the following error.
    The TCP/IP connection to the host has failed. Connection refused: connect
    The TCP/IP connection to the host has failed. Connection refused: connect
      SQLSTATE=08S01, SQLCODE=0.
    Utility failed with code 4.
    You need to re-run the installer again.
    Once I click the "OK" button, the install reverses and uninstalls everything.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you,

    how are you specifying the SQL Server 2005 server name in the repository configuration screen ?
    are you able to ping the machine where SQL Server is running ?
    you have to give the Machine Name or IP address in the Repository connection screen, don't give machine\instanceName

  • Metadata Manager Repository Configuration Error

    I'm trying to install XI 3.1 Metadata Manager FP1, and run into the following error:
    "Metadata Management Repository Configuration
    Metadata Management Repository configuration failed with the following error.
    The plugin CrystalEnterprise.MM.Repository does not exist in the CMS (FWM 0217)
    InfoObject CrystalEnterprise.MM.Repository was not found.
    Unable to initialize Metadata Management Core.
    Utility failed with code 3.
    You need to re-run the installer again."
    I ran it again and got the same error. I have a SQL Server database set up, ODBC connections test successfully. Anyone know how to resolve this issue?

    I ran into the same error, and a colleague was able to figure it out. I thought I'd share that in case someone else runs into this.
    We have two CMS servers. When I was installing MM's CMS components on the first server, it failed late in the install because it couldn't find an object that was installed earlier. It must have been accessing the second server, even though I entered "localhost" as the CMS location. By disabling and stopping the second server in the CMC, I was able to complete the install.

  • Keep video metadata after exporting MOV files

    Hello !
    I use LR5 to manage RAW/JPG/MOV files from events where I have taken pictures from. Most of the MOV files do either come from my Canon Camera or from my iPhone.
    I regular export the files in a reduced file back to my iPad or iPhone for "public" viewing. Unfortunately LR5 is loosing all metadata from my videos, especially creating date/time and GPS tags.
    Is there any way to include metadata in exported (and compressed) video files ? It works in photo's very well.
    If not, do you know any other program which can compress original video files from my iPhone and keep the metadata ?

    A very Good Day!
    Lightroom does not read metadata from the video files till the version 5.3.
    However, the functionality may came as a feature in the coming version of  Lightroom!
    If the same is not visible in Lightroom make sure the files are copied to the system and then check the same in Lightroom
    Let me know how it works.

  • HFM audit data export utility availability in version 11

    Hi Experts,
    We have a client who has a HFM environment where the audit & task logs grow very large very quickly.
    They need to be able to archive and clear the logs. They are too large for EPM Maestro to handle and they don't want to schedule them as a regular event.
    I am concerned because I am sure that these large log tables are impacting performance.
    They want to know if the old system 9 utility they used to use is still available in the latest version. It was called the HFM audit data export utility. Does anyone know?
    Thanks in advance and kind regards

    I know this is a reasonably old post but I found it through Google. To help those in the future, this utility is available via Oracle Support. It is HFM Service Fix but it is compatible up to
    Here is the Oracle Support KB Article:
    *How To Extract the Data Audit and Task Audit records of an HFM application to a File [ID 1067055.1]*+
    Modified 23-MAR-2010 Type HOWTO Status PUBLISHED
    Applies to:
    Hyperion Financial Management - Version: to - Release: 4.1 to 11.1
    Information in this document applies to any platform.
    Some system administrators of Financial Management desire a method to archive / extract the information from the DATA_AUDIT and TASK_AUDIT database tables of an HFM application before truncating those tables.
    Oracle provides a stand alone utility called HFMAuditExtractUtilitiy.exe to accomplish this task. As well as extracting the records of the two log tables, the utility can also be used to truncate the tables at the same time.
    The utility comes with a Readme file which should be consulted for more detailed instructions on how it should be used.
    The latest version of the utility which is compatible with all versions of HFM up to is available as Service Fix (Oracle Patch 8439656).
    Edited by: Fredric J Parodi on Nov 5, 2010 9:43 AM


    1st problem:
    I have created a parameter file USING NOTEPAD.All the export parameters specied in it.
    But when i executed it at command prompt as
    PARFILE=<filename with .par extension>
    Its giving error
    I have tried using both valid delimiters 'SPACE' and ',' but still i am getting the same error.
    But in case of IMPORT utility i have used the same procedure and i am getting the required result.
    Please help as early as possible.

    What u can do is chech out the options by keying in exp73 help=y. U will need to specify the options by urself on the command line.
    exp73 file=c:\export1.dmp user=scott log=c:\export1.log <return>
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gopinath Parthasarathy ([email protected]):
    While using Export utility at Command prompt:
    EXP73 LOG=<filename>
    it is just asking username and password after which there is no interaction and exports all the tables with logfile creation.
    Some body please help.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

  • Error while using the export utility

    Dear all of
    I am getting the following error while using the export utility in the Oracle database 9i
    I have run the catexp.sql and catrm.sql suggested by the experts in this forum. But it did not help me. Kindly help me in solving this issue.
    FOLLOWING ARE THE ERROR ----------------------------
    EXP-00008: ORACLE error 942 encountered
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    EXP-00024: Export views not installed, please notify your DBA
    EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessfully

    Can you go to this discussion please.
    Re: Getting a strange error for Exp

  • What's wrong with 8.1.7 export utility

    I was trying to export an Oracle 8.1.6 database by using export
    utility from Oracle 8.1.7 client. But I get a lot of errors.
    When I try to export from Oracle 8.1.6 client everything goes
    What's wrong with export utility in Oracle 8.1.7 client??

    It is because for each new version there is more and different
    things that need to be exported so the x+1 exp utility expects
    the new things to be there and fails if they are not.
    The reason I suspect Oracle did this is that most exports are
    done on the server. It is not generaly a good idea to run exp
    across a network for performance reasons (ie you move the entire
    database). As most exports are done on the server the
    comapability is not an issue.most bullet proof solution.

  • Errors in the metadata manager

    Hi Experts,
    Periodically we're seeing Error Event ID's 18 and 19 on our SSAS server (SQL Server 2008 R2) hosting SCSM Data Warehouse DB's.
    The cube's appear to be processing OK from what I can tell, but everything I can find online relating to these errors indicates some corruption in the Data directory.  We get these errors in two different, separate SCSM environments (SCSM 2012 SP1 UR4). 
    Has anyone ever experienced these Errors before?
    Below are the details for these Errors.
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        MSSQLServerOLAPService
    Date:          1/9/2014 3:07:12 AM
    Event ID:      19
    Task Category: (289)
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Errors in the metadata manager. An error occurred when loading the ReviewActivityCreatedByUser partition, from the file, '\\?\H:\OLAP\Data\DWASDataBase2.0.db\SystemCenterChangeAndActivityManagementCube.0.cub\ReviewActivityCreatedByUser.0.det\ReviewActivityCreatedByUser.223.prt.xml'.
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        MSSQLServerOLAPService
    Date:          1/9/2014 3:33:08 AM
    Event ID:      18
    Task Category: (289)
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Errors in the metadata manager. An error occurred when instantiating a metadata object from the file, '\\?\H:\OLAP\Data\DWASDataBase2.0.db\SystemCenterWorkItemsCube.0.cub\BillableTimeBilledByUser.1830.det.xml'.

    Hi David,
    Did you end up resolving this? I've just come across the same error this morning (different cube reference though) and am beginning to look at the issue.

  • Dependencies of Calculation View is not showing in metadata management of SAP IS

    I have created calculated view based on 3 tables in sap hana and imported that view into SAP IS .but i am unable
    view the 3 tables used by the  calculation view  in metadata management in SAP IS.
    If i click on view impact/lineage for the calculation view it has to show the 3 tables right?

    Hi Vamsi,
    I order to see objects in IS/MM explorer. You need to run an integrator against the data base or repository the tables reside in.
    So you imported the view into IS/DI correct?

  • File metadata management - application wanted

    Hi folks,
    i have a lot of pictures and other files, that are lying around, i guess we all have. the problem with sorting emerges ever again.
    sorting in folders results in a very strict and static structure, which is good sometimes and sometimes not.
    so i am on quest to find a software which can manage and store metadata to files, and give me file sets based on different "views".
    support for own "keys" would be great, and accessability from commandline appreciated.
    for fotos i tried digikam, but a missed the ability to feed own keys in, to which i can sort it afterward. tags dont quite do the same thing for me.
    i would be glad if there was a broader, more general solution to this, so if i took time, music, videos and other stuff would be naturally includable into such a metadata management.
    thanks for reading and comments in advance

    I made a program called "mebitag" for this a long time ago. You write the tags yourself in an XML file, but then it provides a GUI to browse and filter by tags.

  • Data management - Export Data on a text file and work on Excel/Acces

    When i use the Data Export tool in order to retreive all Accounts data, the CRM creates a txt file with more than 255 columns (number of record type by account). Then I can't import them in a new Access database because Access import tool do not accepts too many columns. So, i try to open it in Excel by import text file. However, some Accounts have a comment in a large text field and, when Excel converted the text file, datas are shifted compared with the column headers because of this specific "comments" record type.
    Is someone knows whether it's possible to reduce the number of record type exported by selecting specific ones or knows a process to import on Excel/Access which resolved this problem of position ?

    Guillaume, you can create a historical account report and specify the fields you want and then download to Excel. Also, if you use the export utility which provides a CSV file format with more than 255 columns, delete the columns you do not want to get it under 255 and then convert to Excel.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Container element in task item text and task description inconsistent

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  • Cover resolution-image size

    I have no access to the iTunes Store because I'm not in the US and don't have a US credit card. Now that iTunes comes with Cover Flow I would like album artwork to look gorgeous on my 17" Flat CRT Dell. I'm trying to find an optimal resolution (dpi)