Mi vaio vpcee43el el maus o touchpad se vuelve loco desde que uso un cargador alternativo

a que se devera que mi touch pad de vuelve loco cuando lo pongo  a cargar con un cargador alternativo 

Buen día 175915648, 
Gracias por su mensaje.  Con gusto le asistiremos con el problema del touchpad que no funciona correctamente. Para diagnosticar y reparar el equipo, por favor siga los pasos a continuación si su cargador alterno cumple con los requerimientos de fabrica del equipo de lo contrario será necesario hacer uso del cargador de fabrica para resolver el problema:
Asegúrese de que no haya un ratón u otro dispositivo USB externo conectado al sistema y pruebe el botón del touchpad. Si ésta no funciona, conecte un mouse externo para los siguientes pasos.
Presione la combinación de teclas Fn+F1 simultáneamente para habilitar el touchpad.
Apague y luego reinicie la computadora y, en el momento en que la computadora se esté apagada, presione el botón ASSIST para iniciar la aplicación de Recuperación de VAIO. Si la almohadilla táctil (touchpad) no funciona apropiadamente mientras se ejecuta la aplicación de Recuperación de VAIO entonces el problema está relacionado con hardware y se requerirá servicio para resolver el problema. Si la almohadilla táctil funciona apropiadamente, continúe con el resto de este procedimiento.
NOTA: A menos que usted desee hacerlo, o como un último recurso para resolver este problema, no será necesario continuar con ninguno de los procedimientos de recuperación, ya que puede perder todos sus datos. En caso el equipo requiera ser enviado a reparación, refiérase al final de este correo.
Para configurar el TouchPad a sus valores de fábrica, por favor siga los pasos detallados a continuación:
En el escritorio, presione simultáneamente las teclas "Windows+I" y haga clic en Control Panel (Panel de control).
En la ventana Control Panel (Panel de control) haga clic en Hardware and Sound (Hardware y Sonido), y bajo Devices and Printers (Dispositivos e Impresoras), haga clic en Mouse.
Haga clic en la pestaña de Device Settings (Ajustes de dispositivos) y haga clic en Settings (Ajustes).
En la ventana de ajustes vera un botón al lado izquierdo de la ventana que dice Por defecto o Defaults también se puede llamar restablecer, dele click y luego en la ventana que aparezca para restablecer los valores por defecto del panel selecciones OK o aceptar.
Si te fue útil esta solución, favor dar clic al botón que dice ''Aceptar como Solución''.

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    Hola NanaStrange que tal,
    Esta anomalía es desde que a has sacado de caja o se dio con el tiempo?, tratar de averiguar algo mas sobre si algún controlador genera el problema ya que solo mencionas que sucede al pasar el mouse y después todo va bien
    Si pudieras dejar también una captura . de administrador de tareas/rendimiento cuando estas reproduciendo vídeo localmente u online.
    Tu plan de energía es ?
    Sucede si solo lo tienes con batería o con batería mas cargador?.
    Has revisado las configuraciones avanzadas de energía al reproducir vídeo? tanto con batería como con el cargador. te dejo la ruta Panel de control\Hardware y sonido\Opciones de energía\Editar la configuración del plan
    Por ultimo navegadores que usas, cuales son ?
    Un saludo.

  • [SOLVED] ACPI power issues with Sony Vaio Pro 13

    tl;dr backstory:
    Sony VAIO Pro 13 (SVP13215CDB) laptop was working great (Win 8.1).
    Installed Win10 Tech Preview. A week later, it started going to sleep randomly and on certain key-presses (perhaps after performing Sony Vaio Software updates. I'm not 100% sure). I wiped all partitions installing Win7 in legacy mode. It still went to sleep randomly.
    I restored to factory default Win8.1 with Sony Vaio software up-to-date. It still went to sleep randomly.
    Took it to an electronics repair shop, to see if they could fix it, and they said it can't be fixed in any way without replacing motherboard, but that's basically a new laptop.
    So I turned to Arch Linux.
    I have completed the basic install from the Wiki, and it no longer sleeps/shuts down randomly, but it will gracefully shutdown when certain events/keypresses occur.
    I installed acpid and used "acpi_listen >> acpi.log" to determine what causes the system to perform a graceful shutdown. Here is the result of acpi.log (each line was a shutdown event):
    button/power PBTN 00000080 00000000 # Unplugged power adapter.
    button/power PBTN 00000080 00000000 # Running on battery and idle. Perhaps battery percent update caused this?
    button/power PBTN 00000080 00000000 # Plugged in power adapter.
    button/power PBTN 00000080 00000000 # Fn-F1 Touchpad Disable
    button/power PBTN 00000080 00000000 # Fn-F5 Brightness Down
    button/power PBTN 00000080 00000000 # Fn-F6 Brightness Up
    button/power PBTN 00000080 00000000 # Fn-F7 LCD/External Display
    button/power PBTN 00000080 00000000 # Fn-1 (Weird. It has no extra function).
    As you can see, they all seem to trigger the same shutdown event.
    I have seen on other posts that these ACPI signals can be disabled or assigned to other commands, which would be an acceptable workaround if it stops my laptop from erroneously shutting down. Is this doable?
    Also, I was not able to reflash the Sony VAIO firmware when using Windows, as Sony's package software is amazing wouldn't allow flashing an equal or lesser firmware version. Perhaps there is a way in Arch to force a reflash if I can get my hands on the firmware blob?
    Thanks .
    Last edited by SafeToRemoveACPI (2014-11-25 22:55:55)

    linux /boot/vmlinuz-linux root=UUID=<UUID here> rw quiet acpi=off
    Like this?
    I did that, and it disabled my laptop keyboard entirely. In doing so, it disables the key-presses that would normally shutdown the laptop, including the power button. So the only way to shut it down is a hard shutdown via long-press of the power button. Thanks, though.
    Update: Issue Solved. I will update post tonight. Flashing the BIOS again resolved the ACPI issues.
    Last edited by SafeToRemoveACPI (2014-11-25 22:54:13)

  • Synaptics touchpad on 4540s works for one person but not another

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    She has relatively small hands, and long nails, but she had no difficulty using the touchpad on our old HP dv9910us and has no problem with an iPad touchscreen.  This week she tried the touchpad on a Sony VAIO that was so worn most of the original surface coating is gone, and had no problem moving the cursor on that machine either.   She even tried the awkward solution of using her knuckle instead of her fingertip on the HP in case her nails were getting in the way, but that didn't work either.  
    Not having used a 4540s before, and not having access to another one to compare, I have no way to tell whether this is a bad individual touchpad unit or a design issue.   If a design issue, what's the workaround?     For instance, is there a skin I can put on the touchpad to increase its conductivity?

    A friend of mine bought a ProBook 4540s yesterday. At Microcenter we noticed that the touch pad often would stop working for her, and sometimes for me, but it usually worked for me. She bought the laptop, and we she got it home we noticed the same problem. I played with the touchpad a little and noticed this pad has a very narrow window of operation. With the 14.1" HP's like the nc6220 or nc6400, you can use one finger, two fingers, even three fingers, and the mouse responds nicely. However if too much surface area is in contact with the touchpad of the 4540s it doesn't work. Too much surface area is the pad of your finger. Because my friend has long nails, she was laying her finger pretty flat on the touch pad, and it wouldn't work. When I used the pad like this it wouldn't work for me either. Because I have short finger nails I have always used the lower end of my tip. This works pretty well with the 4540s. Pressure seems to have little affect. It is a matter of surface area, and the acceptable area has a small range!

  • Keyboard, touchpad and assist button not working

    Hello, I have a touchscreen VAIO laptop on which the keyboard, touchpad and assist button are not working. The touckscreen keyboard works, and if a plug in a bluetooth USB mouse it works too. Te problem as I said before is with the touchpad and physical keyboard, which don't work even in the BIOS inicialization. I tried the assist button but it doesn't work neither. Instead of accessing VAIO Care, it turns the computer on. I also tried to restore the system and update drives, but with no success. The problem started with some bubbles on the screen that freezed the computer. I restarted it and only the keyboard was working (the light under it was on) but the display was off. Then I restarted it again, and again and now only the dispaly is on (I can access Windows 8 via touchscreen), and the rest of it is off (not working, leds off, etc).

    Hi Damares, 
    Thank you for considering Sony Community! 
    I am sorry to hear your issues but it seems that you are experience a combination of hardware and software issues. First, the Assist button should work when you press it. Try to press Assist button again while the unit is off (just in case you were trying to use it while the unit is off). 
    Power cycle the unit - Remove the battery and all peripherals -> press and hold the power button for 5 seconds OR, if the battery is not removable, remove all peripherals-> look for a battery off button on the bottom of the laptop -> push the button for 5 seconds. 
    Test again the unit. If this won't push through then we highly suggest to visit Sony's Authorized Service Center in your area. 
    For further assistance, we kindly recommend visiting our Sony Global Web site for information on contacting the Sony Support Center in your region at http://www.sony.net/SonyInfo/Support/.
    Best regards,
    If my post answers your question, please mark it as "Accept as Solution"

  • Touchpad doesn't work after update

    The touchpad stopped working after an update.
    > pacman -Q | grep synaptics
    xf86-input-synaptics 1.8.0-1
    > xinput list
    ⎡ Virtual core pointer id=2 [master pointer (3)]
    ⎜ ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer id=4 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎜ ↳ Logitech USB Receiver id=10 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎜ ↳ Logitech USB Receiver id=11 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎜ ↳ DualPoint Stick id=14 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎜ ↳ AlpsPS/2 ALPS DualPoint TouchPad id=13 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎣ Virtual core keyboard id=3 [master keyboard (2)]
    ↳ Virtual core XTEST keyboard id=5 [slave keyboard (3)]
    ↳ Power Button id=6 [slave keyboard (3)]
    ↳ Sony Vaio Keys id=7 [slave keyboard (3)]
    ↳ Video Bus id=8 [slave keyboard (3)]
    ↳ Power Button id=9 [slave keyboard (3)]
    ↳ AT Translated Set 2 keyboard id=12 [slave keyboard (3)]
    > synclient
    Parameter settings:
    LeftEdge = 300
    RightEdge = 1700
    TopEdge = 210
    BottomEdge = 1190
    FingerLow = 12
    FingerHigh = 15
    MaxTapTime = 180
    MaxTapMove = 107
    MaxDoubleTapTime = 180
    SingleTapTimeout = 180
    ClickTime = 100
    EmulateMidButtonTime = 75
    EmulateTwoFingerMinZ = 141
    EmulateTwoFingerMinW = 7
    VertScrollDelta = 48
    HorizScrollDelta = 48
    VertEdgeScroll = 0
    HorizEdgeScroll = 0
    CornerCoasting = 0
    VertTwoFingerScroll = 1
    HorizTwoFingerScroll = 1
    MinSpeed = 1
    MaxSpeed = 1.75
    AccelFactor = 0.0819336
    TouchpadOff = 0
    LockedDrags = 0
    LockedDragTimeout = 5000
    RTCornerButton = 0
    RBCornerButton = 0
    LTCornerButton = 0
    LBCornerButton = 0
    TapButton1 = 1
    TapButton2 = 3
    TapButton3 = 2
    ClickFinger1 = 1
    ClickFinger2 = 1
    ClickFinger3 = 1
    CircularScrolling = 0
    CircScrollDelta = 0.1
    CircScrollTrigger = 0
    CircularPad = 0
    PalmDetect = 0
    PalmMinWidth = 10
    PalmMinZ = 100
    CoastingSpeed = 20
    CoastingFriction = 50
    PressureMotionMinZ = 15
    PressureMotionMaxZ = 80
    PressureMotionMinFactor = 1
    PressureMotionMaxFactor = 1
    GrabEventDevice = 0
    TapAndDragGesture = 1
    AreaLeftEdge = 0
    AreaRightEdge = 0
    AreaTopEdge = 0
    AreaBottomEdge = 0
    HorizHysteresis = 12
    VertHysteresis = 12
    ClickPad = 0
    > cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf
    # Example xorg.conf.d snippet that assigns the touchpad driver
    # to all touchpads. See xorg.conf.d(5) for more information on
    # InputClass.
    # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, your distribution will likely overwrite
    # it when updating. Copy (and rename) this file into
    # /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d first.
    # Additional options may be added in the form of
    # Option "OptionName" "value"
    Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "touchpad catchall"
    Driver "synaptics"
    MatchIsTouchpad "on"
    Option "TapButton1" "1"
    Option "TapButton2" "2"
    Option "TapButton3" "3"
    # This option is recommend on all Linux systems using evdev, but cannot be
    # enabled by default. See the following link for details:
    # http://who-t.blogspot.com/2010/11/how-to-ignore-configuration-errors.html
    MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
    Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "touchpad ignore duplicates"
    MatchIsTouchpad "on"
    MatchOS "Linux"
    MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/mouse*"
    Option "Ignore" "on"
    # This option enables the bottom right corner to be a right button on clickpads
    # and the right and middle top areas to be right / middle buttons on clickpads
    # with a top button area.
    # This option is only interpreted by clickpads.
    Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "Default clickpad buttons"
    MatchDriver "synaptics"
    Option "SoftButtonAreas" "50% 0 82% 0 0 0 0 0"
    Option "SecondarySoftButtonAreas" "58% 0 0 8% 42% 58% 0 8%"
    # This option disables software buttons on Apple touchpads.
    # This option is only interpreted by clickpads.
    Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "Disable clickpad buttons on Apple touchpads"
    MatchProduct "Apple|bcm5974"
    MatchDriver "synaptics"
    Option "SoftButtonAreas" "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0"
    When I push Fn + F1 an indicator of touchpad activity is displayed on the screen, but nothing happens.
    How can I restore the touchpad functionality?
    Sony Vaio E-series (2011 model year);
    Alps touchpad;
    Linux 3.15.2;
    GNOME 3.12.2.

    A bunch of packages. Among them:

  • [SOLVED] Sony Vaio Keys don't work (probably udev issue)

    Hardware: SONY VAIO VPC-EH2L1R
    Linux distribution: archlinux, XFCE
    udev versions: 177, 178 (core), udev-git 20120123-1 (AUR)
    keyboard driver: evdev
    At least a week earlier I had some of Sony Vaio Keys working: Volume control (Fn+F2: mute, Fn+F3: down, Fn+F4: up) and Brightness control (Fn+F5: down, Fn+F6: up). Other Vaio Keys (Fn+F1: touchpad switch, Fn+F7: switch video mode, Fn+F12: suspend) never worked.
    At some point (I think after updating to udev-177-1) Brightness control keys stopped working. Volume control keys still work.
    Brightness control still works directly via acpi.
    I know this may sound like this bug, but that solution doesn't work for me - neither updating to udev-git nor manually loading the keymap.
    My keyboards are:
    [ajaxas@r2d2 ~]$ /lib/udev/findkeyboards
    AT keyboard: input/event0
    module: input/event1
    which are actually:
    [ajaxas@r2d2 ~]$ cat /proc/bus/input/devices
    I: Bus=0011 Vendor=0001 Product=0001 Version=ab41
    N: Name="AT Translated Set 2 keyboard"
    P: Phys=isa0060/serio0/input0
    S: Sysfs=/devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input0
    U: Uniq=
    H: Handlers=kbd event0
    B: PROP=0
    B: EV=120013
    B: KEY=402000000 3803078f800d001 feffffdfffefffff fffffffffffffffe
    B: MSC=10
    B: LED=7
    I: Bus=0010 Vendor=104d Product=0000 Version=0000
    N: Name="Sony Vaio Keys"
    P: Phys=
    S: Sysfs=/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNP0A08:00/device:02/SNY5001:00/input/input1
    U: Uniq=
    H: Handlers=kbd rfkill event1
    B: PROP=0
    B: EV=13
    B: KEY=1f16cf0000 c00000000 10010000000000 200000000 600e00102c00 380000240300400 e000000000000 0
    B: MSC=10
    Now, the funny thing is that (I think) udev loads my keymap correctly:
    [ajaxas@r2d2 ~]$ cat /sys/class/dmi/id/{sys_vendor,product_name}
    Sony Corporation
    Here is this keymap module-sony (which worked until recently!):
    [ajaxas@r2d2 ~]$ cat /lib/udev/keymaps/module-sony
    0x06 mute # Fn+F2
    0x07 volumedown # Fn+F3
    0x08 volumeup # Fn+F4
    0x09 brightnessdown # Fn+F5
    0x0A brightnessup # Fn+F6
    0x0B switchvideomode # Fn+F7
    0x0E zoom # Fn+F10
    0x10 suspend # Fn+F12
    - but here is where it starts getting curiouser and curiouser.
    My Volume control keys seem to be mapped to input/event0 (keyboard itself):
    [root@r2d2 ajaxas]# /lib/udev/keynap -i input/event0
    scan code: 0xA0 key code: mute
    scan code: 0xAE key code: volumedown
    scan code: 0xB0 key code: volumeup
    and these scan codes correspond not to my keymap (0x06, 0x07, 0x08), but to /lib/udev/keymaps/force-release/common-volume-keys:
    [ajaxas@r2d2 ~]$ cat /lib/udev/keymaps/force-release/common-volume-keys
    0xa0 #mute
    0xae #volume down
    0xb0 #volume up
    So I assume, udev uses force-release rules before other keymaps and maps my Volume control keys to input/event0 (how? I couldn't find the rule!), which is more or less fine with me, but!
    My Brightness control keys, mapped as 0x09 and 0x0A in the keymap, are reported by udev as:
    [root@r2d2 ajaxas]# /lib/udev/keymap -i input/event1
    scan code: 0x10 key code: brightnessdown
    scan code: 0x11 key code: brightnessup
    If I change my keymap file (0x09 -> 0x10, 0x0A -> 0x11) and load keymap manually, nothing changes. And when I reboot with this changed keymap, udev reports this for my Brightness control keys:
    [root@r2d2 ajaxas]# /lib/udev/keymap -i input/event1
    scan code: 0x10 key code: fn_f5
    scan code: 0x11 key code: fn_f6
    Again, nothing works, and keys are not reported as Brightness control keys anymore.
    As I said earlier, updating udev doesn't help.
    Could somebody please help me?
    EDIT: added keyboard driver (evdev) reference.
    Last edited by ajaxas (2012-01-25 13:52:54)

    jst wrote:
    ajaxas wrote:Okay, this is stupid but it was XFCE's fault. If anyone with the same problem reads this, try creating a new user account and see if it's actually udev or only your shitty DE. -_-
    How did you solve this? I realized I have the same problem with XFCE, but could not solve it
    I don't really remember. As a matter of fact, I've already switched to KDE and I'm quite content with it

  • Sony VAIO Flip 15 no longer booting

    Hi all,
    Here's my problem:
    First it started as the touchpad not functioning after powering on from sleep mode. So I uninstalled and reinstalled the touchpad drivers and it works again after a reboot. But the next time I power it on from sleep mode it stops functioning again! At that point, my laptop decides it's time for an update, and forces an update when I shut down the laptop so I don't touch it for a couple of days. Next time I try to turn it on, my laptop won't even boot up properly ! And by that I mean that I'll press the power button, the power (solid green led, no blinking) and hdd led will turn on, the fan revs up, but while the screen is still black, it shuts down. Right after it shuts down, it will try to power on again with no intervention from me and then shuts down once more. Now every time I try to power on, that's the only process that I get. That's about all I can describe for the symptoms.
    Here's what I've tried:
    -Get to bios screen and try a recover, the laptop won't even allow me to get to a bios screen (tried using the battery kill method and then assist button, no luck)
    -Remove the battery to reset bios and try to power on again, but the same process as I mentioned repeats itself
    -Remove and reinsert the cmos battery but again when I try to power on, the same thing happens
    -Try to take the battery out of the picture and only use AC power, but still the power issue
    -Tried removing ram disks in all combinations and try to start each time but still the same issue. 
    -Tried reseating hdd and ram and most everything but still same issue
    *All have been attempts by regular power button and the assist button*
    Essentially nothing will get past this ****** powering laptop on, and then it shuts off and tries to power on again by itself and shuts off again, all with a black screen that can't be bypassed
    Sony VAIO Flip 15A
    Please any help would be appreciated! I don't have the money to afford a repair at the moment so I'm out a very expensive laptop if this doesn't get fixed!

    Hi ttran106,
    Welcome to Sony Community!
    We regret to know that your laptop is having a power issue. When did it start? May I know what is the current operating system of this laptop?
    If the laptop won't stay on and it always restart by itself then we can't perform any troubleshooting. I'm confused on the things that you said you've tried. First thing this SVF15N17CXB is a compact laptop wherein the battery is not removable, RAM is not removable nor the CMOS battery unless you open up the laptop by yourself. (We have an authorized technician to help you fix the laptop)
    Click on this link and please make sure that you will follow the instructions provided to isolate the issue.
    Please keep me posted.
    If my post answers your question, please mark it as "Accept as Solution"

  • Can't enable Tap-To-Click with ALPS touchpad

    Hello, I installed Archlinux on my vaio and I am trying to get the ALPS touchpad to work.
    I've tried the xorg.conf solution but tap-to-click doesn't work. So I tried using the HAL policy. This almost works, but I have to open gsynaptics tool and enable Tapping. I changed the values of MaxTapMove, MaxTapTime, even deleted them, nothing! The strangest thing is that tapping works at gdm, but it doesn't work after I login. I removed the input device from xorg.conf, nothing changes. If any log is needed please tell me.

    Sorry, everything is solved! I haven't enabled tapping from gnome-mouse-properties... My bad..!
    Last edited by seth__ (2009-10-23 22:22:23)

  • M30-70 Touchpad lässt sich nicht installieren

    Ich habe mit ein Lenovo M30-70 gekauft und Win7 Professional SP1 installiert. Dann habe ich den Chipsatztreiber installiert. Als nächstes habe ich die LAN und WLAN Treiber installiert um die weiteren Treiber direkt runter laden zu können. So weit hat auch alles funktioniert.
    Als ich die Touchpad Treiber installieren wollte kam die Meldung: "no appropriate driver to be installed". Das Touchpad funktioniert zwar in den Grundfunktionen (bewegen und klicken) aber scrolen und zoomen geht nicht. Ohne diese Funktionen macht das Gerät leider nur mäßig Spaß... Ich habe auch versucht die Treiber für Win8 zu instalieren, mit dem gleichen Ergebnis. Im Gerätemanager wird nur "PS/2 kompatible Maus" angezeigt.
    Hat jemand eine Idee, wie ich das Touchpad noch ans laufen bekommen kann?
    Gehe zu Lösung.

    Hallo Phil191299,
    hattest du versucht, diesen Treiber zu installieren?
    Falls ja, poste uns hier doch bitte einmal die Hardware-IDs von der aufgeführten "PS/2 kompatiblen Maus" (Gerätemanager -> Rechtsklick auf das Gerät -> Eigenschaften -> Details -> Hardware-IDs).
    Eventuell ist ein ELAN-Touchpad verbaut und die Installationsdateien sind defekt. Hier konnte sich ein User bei einem ähnlichen Problem selbst helfen. Wäre interessant, ob diese Lösung bei dir ebenso zum Ziel führt. Wir werden das Problem dann natürlich direkt melden.
    Danke und Gruß - Sebastian
    → Wenn Du eine Lösung auf Deine Frage erhalten hast, markiere diese bitte als gelöst - Hilfreiche Beiträge verdienen Kudos. Zögere nicht Kudos zu vergeben.   

  • T440s Touchpad & Lenovo Service Probleme

    Hallo zusammen,
    hatte jemand daselbe nachfolgende Problem wie ich und kann mir helfen? Ich wende mich übrigens an euch, da der Lenovo Support in meinen Augen gänzlich versagt hat (bis auf den Disponent waren alle unfähig mir zu helfen). Am 24.06 hatte ich das erste Mal Kontakt mit dem Support. Sie wollten einen Techniker schicken, der mich dann auch zwecks Terminabsprache kontaktierte. Tags drauf meldete er sich wieder, dass das Ersatzteil nicht vorrätig sei. Seit dem ist nichts mehr passiert. Ich habe dann am 07.07 eine Beschwerde dies bezüglich eröffnet. Keine Reaktion bis heute. Gestern habe ich nochmal angerufen und bis auf die Beschwerdebearbeitungsnummer bin ich auch kein Stück weiter gekommen. Für 1300€ und einem angeblich guten Service war es in meinem Fall ein absoluter Fail seitens Lenovo.
    Zum Problem, das ich anscheinend selber lösen muss.
    Das Touchpad erkennt anscheinend Tastenanschläge, wenn ich meinen Handballen links neben dem Touchpad ablege. Dies äußert sich zB dadurch, dass der Cusor mitten im Dokument an eine andere Stelle springt und Dinge überschreibt, weil ich es zu spät bemerke. Oder wenn ich am Zocken bin und mit der externen Maus (linke Maustaste) Dauerfeuer mache unterbricht er dieses plötzlich, weil er wieder von einem Touchpad Klick ausgeht (das ist zumindest meine Vermutung). Da ich mit der aktuellen Software das Touchpad auch nicht gänzlich deaktivieren kann und es keine FN Taste hierzu gibt, habe ich das Touchpad im Bios deaktiviert. Dies hat allerdings nicht geholfen. Inzwischen tritt das Problem auch auf selbst wenn ich den Handballen nicht abgelegt habe. Eine andere Möglichkeit wäre, dass alle 3 USB Slots Wackelkontakte haben. Mit einer Bluetooth Maus habe ich das Dauerfeuerproblem nämlich nicht mehr, allerdings sehr wohl das plötzliche Springen der Maus an andere Stellen.
    Mich kotzt es echt an. Da kaufe ich mir das angebliche non-plus Ultra was es hinsichtlich Verarbeitungsqualität gibt und dann so ein offensichtlicher Gehäuse Fail. Und dann ein Support, der in 3 Wochen nichts auf die Kette bekommt ...
    Wäre über Hilfe echt froh. Liest Lenovo selber hier auch mit? Wenn ja ein dickes Minus für Euch!
    Viele Grüße

    Hi Lyubomir,
    Welcome to Lenovo Community!
    As per your query on touchpad, I checked with the attached image. The symbol on the touchpad is called as NFC logo (Near Field Communication).
    Please Click here to get the complete information on that, for the complete details on NFC please refer to page no 35.
    Hope this helps! 
    Best regards,
    Hemanth Kumar
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  • Sony Vaio Z and Windows 10

    Seems like Sony Vaio Z - sony's premier line of laptops will not get Windows 10 driver updates which is absolutely ridiculous.  Sony should be taking care of customers who buy their top of the line products.  My laptop is not even 3 years old yet. Especially the video drivers for the docking station should be updated.

    Hi I just would like to share my experience updating my machine to Windows 10 Pro from Win 7. Model name is SVZ1311CHXXI. Before updating online, I used Sony's driver site and applied the latest drivers on Win 8 or Win 8.1. That should have a high chance of compatibility. The online upgrade was seamless and quick. After completed the whole process, I checked and found the following points. 1) Fn Key: Volume, brightness, and zoom ---- works2) White button: Assist, web, vaio --- work 3) Dock --- Disk USB and video work. Used bit locker for a USB stick which works seamlessly. 4) Memory card slots --- work5) Fingerprint sensor --- Initially did not work but after setup on Win 10 it works when logging in.6) Touchpad --- No problem7) Graphics driver --- This is a tricky part. As this model uses two graphics drivers simultaneously, Intel's HD 4000 has a driver of as of July 10, 2015. AMD HD 6700M has a driver of 15.200.1046.2 as of July 15, 2015. So it looks they have the best driver but presumably because of the Sony's customized setting, the graphic experience is not perfect. (But it works. Otherwise, I cannot write this.) The issue can be observed from old software programs on x86. Video rendering and resolution scaling is not optimized so that you can see blurred menu bars on the top or fuzzy fonts on it. But you can operate it. Not all programs are experiencing this issue. I suspect relatively dated x86 ones are more likely to get this. It did not happen my other Win 10 PC that uses the same program. There is something that needs to be done by Sony to solve this video driver issue as they chose to provide this hybrid architecture that was the premium paid by users. 8) Sound --- No problem. Noise canceling headphones work as well. 9) Hard disk configurations --- The same and no issues.So that is about it. I would say compared to my previous experience upgrading old VAIO Z with Nvidia hybrid from Vista to Win 7 64, this is much seamless although a new Win 10 video driver needs to be delivered by Sony. Wish my experience helps and more strongly wish Sony guys could use my experience to respond to it and offer the updated drivers the users would like to have ASAP.     

  • Downgrade to Win 7 on Vaio Pro 11 SVP112A1CL?

    I just got my wife a new Vaio Pro 11 to replace her old Vaio.  It runs Windows 8 and after trying to cope with it for over a week we HATE Windows 8 and I'd like to downgrade the system to Windows 7 if possible.  Does anyone know if this is possible?  The model number is SVP112A1CL -- I know we'd need to have the proper drivers for it, and before trying I'd like to have all that stuff in hand or at least know that installing Windows 7 will work with it. Please advise.  This has been very frustrating and I just want her to be able to use the thing.  It won't even launch the Sony Reader software properly, for pete's sake. Thanks.

    Hello, For all those how discoved problems that their CD drive (With WIN7 CD in it) cannot be found by the VAIO Pro here is the soluition.(problem: the new Vaio Pro notebooks only have USB-3, but WIN7 installationdata only comes with USB-2 drivers) I am German so the tutorial I wrote is in German language. Google translater will surely help you to translate :-) Hallo!
    Da Windows 8 nicht jedem gefällt (und für viele Firmen unbrauchbar ist) hier eine Anleitung wie man Windows 7 auf einen VAIO Pro Laptop nur mit USB-3 Anschlüssen installiert.Kurzes Vorwort:Warum ist die Installation von WIN7 auf dem VAIO Pro Laptop so schwierig.a.Der VAIO Pro ist ein auf Windows8 zugeschnittenes Gerät und Windows möchte es den Nutzern möglichst schwer machen die gute alte WIN7 Version weiter zu benutzenb.Der VAIO Pro hat eine auf GPT formatierte Festplatte, auf welche man WIN7 nicht installieren kann.c.Der VAIO Pro hat kein CD Laufwerk und keinen USB-2 Anschluss. USB-3 wird aber nur von Windows8 bei der Installation erkannt. Die WIN7 Software hat keine USB-3 Treiber an Bord.d.USB-3 Treiber können nicht einfach auf die WIN7 CD kopiert werden. Die Treiber müssen in die boot-Datei eingeschrieben werden (Das ist eigentlich der komplizierteste Teil)Diese Anleitung ist natürlich auch für alle anderen Laptops ohne CD und ohne USB-2 Anschluss gültig.
    Man muss nur die passenden Treiber für sein Gerät runterladen. Vorbereitungen:Auf einem anderen Windows PC einen bootfähigen USB Stick erstellenUSB Stick (min. 4GB) mit Maus rechts klickenAuf Formatieren drückenNTFS Format anklickenDer Stick wird formatiertJetzt in der Eingabeaufforderung (Startbutten drücken und in Textfeld „Programme/Dateien durchsuchen“) das Wort „diskpart“ eingebenRechtsklick auf das oben erscheinende „Diskpart“ und „Als Administrator öffnen“ klickenIn der sich nun öffnenden DOS-Eingabeaufforderung den Befehl „list disk“ eintippenEine Liste mit Datenträgern wird angezeigt. Auf Grund der GB Größe kann man den Stick erkennen.(meist ist dieser Datenträger 1)Befehl „sel disk 1“ eintippen (wenn USB Stick Datenträger 3 ist natürlich „sel disk 3“ eintippen)Befehl „create partition primary“ eintippenBefehl „active“ eintippenDer Stick ist nun bootfähig Nun WIN7 von Festplatte oder CD auf den USB Stick kopierenDann den Vaio USB-3 Treiber als zip (nicht als .exe) aus dem web runter laden z.B. http://www.sony.de/support/de/content/cnt-dwnl/prd-comp/win7downgrade_svp_8929Das Zip-Archive in einen neuen Ordner auf der Festplatte entpacken (Ordnername z.B. USB Treiber)DISM GUI downloaden unter  http://dismgui.codeplex.com/releases/view/101865 Programm starten und Anweisungen unten  befolgen:Vom Windows 7 Image benötigt man die Datei sources/boot.wim. Diese am besten in einen neuen Ordner kopieren (neuen Ordner auf Festplatte anlegen z.B. „Boot Datei“) .DISM GUI öffnen, unter "Choose WIM" wird nun die kopierte boot.wim ausgewähltAnschließend auf "Display WIM Info" klicken. In der Ausgabe erscheint nun eine Ausgabe. Wichtig ist der Index der jeweiligen Version. Sollte hier x86 stehen braucht man den 32-bit Treiber, natürlich umgekehrt x64 einen 64-bit Treiber.Bei "Mount Location" noch einen Ordner auswählen (neuen Ordner auf Festplatte anlegen z.B. „Mount Ordner“) .Den richtigen Index auswählen und auf "Mount WIM" klicken. Die WIM wird nun in den Ordner gemountet.Tab "Driver Management" und bei "Choose Driver Folder" den Ordner mit den Treibern auswählen."Add Drivers" anklicken, die Optionen können unverändert übernommen werden.Zurück zum "Mount Control" auf "Dismount WIM" klicken, und bei "Commit?" auf "Yes" klicken.Dieselbe Prozedur macht man nun für Index 2.Anschließend die boot.wim zurück auf den USB-Stick kopieren, die Installation sollte nun funktionieren Jetzt geht es an den neuen Laptop:Zuerst ins WIN8 BIOS:Sony Vaio mit Win8 hochfahrenÜber Touchscreen an der rechten Seite das Menu öffnenAusschaltenmodus drückenDann mit gedrückter „Shift (Umschalt)“ -Taste auf Neustart drückenAuf ProblembehandlungAuf Erweiterte OptionenAuf UEFI-FirmwareeinstellungenAuf NeustartenJetzt kommt man in eine neue OberflächeDort auf BIOS-Setup starten Booteinstellungen im BIOS ändern Mit Pfeiltasten auf Reiter „Security“Dort „Secure Boot“ disabled klickenMit Pfeiltasten auf Reiter „Boot“„Boot mode“ auf „Legacy“ umstellen„External device boot“ auf enabled stellen“1st boot priority” auf External device stellenF4 drücken für Exit and Save Direkt nach dem drücken den vorbereiteten USB Stick einsteckenDen Win7 Setup folgen bis „Installationsart“. Hier Benutzerdefiniert drückenAuf Button „Laufwerkoptionen (erweitert)“ drückenAlle Datenträgerpartitionen löschen bis nur noch „nicht zugewiesener Speicherplatz“ da ist(an dieser Stelle keine Angst bekommen, mit diesem Tutorial klappt das schon J)Jetzt Tastenkombination „Shift“+“F10“ drücken und folgende Befehle eingeben:„diskpart“ eintippen„list disk“ eintippen„sel disk 0“ eintippen (natürlich nur wenn „Datenträger 0“ nun die Hauptfestplatte ist)„convert mbr“ eintippenJetzt die Intallation von Windows abbrechen und den Laptop neu starten lassen (booten wird er wieder über den USB Stick)Den standardmäßigen Windows-Setupbefehlen wie oben beschrieben folgen. Nun kann Windows 7 ohne Probleme auf dem „Nicht zugewiesenen Speicher“ installiert werden.Nachdem die Installation erfolgt ist, müssen noch alle Treiber für WIN7 installiert werden.Die Treiber können nacheinander unter folgendem Link geladen werden: http://www.sony.com.au/support/product/svp13213cg?cid=dgm:30206In dieser Reihenfolgt bitte die Treiber installieren und Laptop neu starten.Jetzt ist es geschafft!Viel Spaß!

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